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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 282x218, Fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3541695 No.3541695 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite CRPG, /vr/? I'm tempted to say mine is Fallout 1, but I'd have to think on that for a while.

>> No.3541741

More like Fallout No-Fun am I right fellas?

>> No.3541754

FO2 has a worse story and setting but it's better as an RPG because it has more roleplaying options.

>> No.3541779

Fallout is a top tier game. I knew I had to play from the second I saw preview screenshots. Even as a dumb kid I could tell that was going to be next level shit. And it was.

But Baldur's Gate is my favorite, because of the variety and replayability. There are just so many ways to play the game; there's really nothing like it. I still play it and have yet to get bored after hundreds of hours.

>> No.3541829
File: 158 KB, 600x337, MM6TitleArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might and Magic 6

>> No.3542683

I like Fallout 2 more because it's more "open world" and there are a lot more quests. Fallout 1 kinda plays like Vault 13 -> Shady Sands -> Vault 15 -> Shady Sands -> Junktown -> The Hub and then it gets a little more open to where you go next (BoS, Necropolis, Boneyard) but at the same time you're stuck with timed objectives so if you waste any time you can kinda fuck yourself. Fallout 2 goes like Arroyo -> Klamath -> The Den, and from there you can learn about Redding, Modoc, Broken Hills, Vault City, going to Redding can lead you to New Reno and even further like NCR or San Fran.

Both games were very unfinished on release though in the quests department. Fallout 2 was basically unplayable because your car could just arbitrarily decide to eat all of your important quest items that you stored in the trunk (happened to me.. haha). Fallout 1 was significantly less buggy but it feels a lot emptier.

>> No.3542734

Fallout 1 was still a very buggy game though. I'm not sure Tim Cain has ever released something polished in his lifetime.

>> No.3542749

Yeah, no denying that. Fallout 2 was still like 10x buggier though which says something.

Thank god for fan patches.

>> No.3542940

Fallout 2, on the other hand, has way, way more fetch quests. Most of the quests around NCR/VC/Broken Hills are literally just shit like Zaius needs a part from Renesco, Westin wants to talk to Lynette, Stark wants NCR and Gecko scouted. I've completed it 100% - all quests that don't cross each other out - two times and I'm kinda done. Fallout 1 is better paced; though Fallout 2 has way more build options.

Also, really:
>most of Redding's quests are locked until you are level 10 [by design, and the quest for the Wannamingo Mine will be tough for low levelers, they're only really not highly resistant to fire] which only happens after VC
>Modoc is on the way to VC; might as well just visit. You can just skip Shady Sands and Junktown, going by the same token.
>San Fran is pretty high level too
>Fo2 actually has really tough random encounters so travelling around Redding/New Reno/NCR can be volatile

Side locations like BH and New Reno are cool though. It's just that they mostly have fetch quests until you can start Fistful of Dollaring the whole place [I only ever stay a Wright loyalist because of goody-two-shoesness and because nobody wants them dead; every other boss family is just kinda laughable for all their tough guy posture; I either set things Wright, knock up Bishop's lady, or burn the town down]

>> No.3543592

honestly fallout 2, on fap hours vs fallout 2, fallout 2 won!

>> No.3545683

Personally, i prefer the balancing and overall design of Fallout 1. by balancing, i mean the plasma weapons are unquestionably the best weapons and you would have to be using Big Guns if you want to use unconventional weapons and be able to compete against the Super Mutants.

>> No.3545694

Fallout 2 is filled with damage sponges. In a game without particularly tactical or interesting combat. Its tedious.

Fallout 1 is definitely balanced better.

>> No.3545709
File: 765 KB, 1600x1200, fallout 1 art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want to sound contrarian but I think fallout 1 is a good example of how somewhat overhyped Obsidian/Black Isle is. Don't get me wrong, i really like Fallout 2 and obsidian games in general but the inhouse development studios at Interplay, at the time, had a better idea of how to handle the design of fallout. 2 also makes it how obvious of a formula Obsidian has been following for a long time.

I think i'm stretching a bit with this next point but Fallout 1 is the only game that actually gave the feeling that is evoked by this image, which was the installer image used for the old game CD, way back in the day. The only thing that comes close in future fallout games is Lonesome Road in new Vegas, which is why that one is my favorite of the NV DLCs.

Fallout 4 ALMOST had this with the glow but bethesda doesnt know how to capitalize on what is actually good in their games....

>> No.3545838

Fallout 1 is definitely overhyped, especially the whole aspect about "choice and consequences" which boils down to different ending slides after you beat the game. It's also quite barebones.

>> No.3545850

Obsidian is not Black Isle. Their games fucking suck; New Vegas is the only decent one of the bunch. Troika clearly got all the talent in designers; though clearly not programmers.

Bethesda just doesn't get what Fallout is. Also they make amateurish games with ridiculous animations.

>> No.3546036

I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion here, but I actually liked Fallout:Tactics. I'm not saying it was the best, but I liked it.
The gameplay is the best of the series IMO. The many ways you can build each character in a squad and the great maps make the game very strategic.
The storyline is good, the soundtrack is awesome, the art assets are of high quality.
The only problems with the game is that it's linear and not an RPG, which is a huge problem, and the story and art direction isn't canon.

>> No.3546038

Is that an unpopular opinion? I usally hear positive things about tactics for the same reasons you said
Brotherhood of Steel is supposed to be the bad fallout game (not counting the bethesda spinoffs)

>> No.3546049

Morrowind obviously.

>> No.3546051

>Brotherhood of Steel

That's the console game right? Never played it but I was always under the impression that it was a port of Tactics, because Tactics is also called Brotherhood of Steel.

>> No.3546057

yeah I meant the console version

>> No.3546061

Why people say "gameplay" when they mean "combat"? Skill checks and dialogue are gameplay too.
But yeah, Tactics has better combat than Fallout 1/2 by far.

>> No.3546078

>Skill checks and dialogue are gameplay too.

Tactics doesn't have any skill checks ( outside of combat ) and dialogue options that reflect in the story.

>> No.3546117

Yes, that's why i wouldn't say that Tactics had better gameplay than Fallout 1/2 just because Tactics had better combat.

>> No.3547537


I've played many, and never got into them, except maybe for Fallout 2. Games like Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, etc just kick my ass, and I never managed to git gud at them. To my eyes, CRPGs are great on paper, but the execution (mainly combat and attributes) turns me off almost instantly.

I prefer hybrids, like Deus Ex or System Shock 2. Too bad there are very few of them.

>> No.3547596

The pen and paper version shines in some areas, like creating a story as you go, with the DM able to react on the fly. You can come up with ingenious solutions to problems and solve them.

But the sort of tactical depth you see in the BG games is something only a computer shines at. The real time aspect adds complexity and tactical options that are either impossible or tedious to the point of not being worth considering on the tabletop.

>> No.3549370

Fallout 1 had a very interesting feel to it.
It was very empty, it almost made me feel lonely.
No other game has done that for me.

Fallout 2 is more fun, though, because of how much larger the map is and how much there is to do, like you said.

>> No.3549375

Didn't the Gauss rifle replace the modified plasma rifle in that regard?

>> No.3549818

>Fallout 1 had a very interesting feel to it.
>It was very empty, it almost made me feel lonely.
>No other game has done that for me.

I know that feel. Going through The Glow gave me goosebumps. Every floor I expected to find some kind of big mutant or robot to annihilate me, but nothing. Just a really eery atmosphere and a bunch of exposition from the holodisks and the computer.

>> No.3549827
File: 27 KB, 320x240, Ultima7-bg-exult[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played many of them, but i'm divided between BG and U7. Baldur's Gate is an impressive game, with a lot of details, options, places to visit. On the other hand, U7 does less things, but they makes sense a lot: freedom in exploration and interaction, schedules, less npcs but each one of them charismatic.

>> No.3549832

I thought that too.

What were the traps that kept exploding though?

Irked me a little bit that the rope wasn't needed anywhere else. I had to look up a guide to find out how to drop down.

>> No.3549847

Had you not been down Vault 15? You need 2 ropes to get down there. You get some experience points for finding the rubble on top of the command room, which is pretty nice near the beginning of the game. But the first time I played I had trouble figuring out the rope thing at Vault 15.

>> No.3549894


Damn, I forgot I needed them there as well.
It's been a while.

>> No.3551708
File: 126 KB, 960x600, 1476057693740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course Betrayal at Krondor.
Many fagets don't get that, i know.

>> No.3551713

Tell us why we should play that game.

>> No.3551907


>> No.3551934

Why it's favourite, why we should play it.

>> No.3552087
File: 41 KB, 1428x1080, ggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old games have an excellent quality of storytelling and a well-defined atmosphere. This is most definitely one of those games. Betrayal at Krondor tells many stories at once, and most importantly it does so with subtlety. Modern games display too much of the fear that a big part of the audience will fail to "get it", causing sales to suffer, and consequently approach their stories and content too crudely, with too stark a spotlight, causing even the best storytelling to still feel forced, engineered, artificial and out-of-place.
This hidden gem originates in a time still free of that dependancy. This is a world in which its multi-faceted story unfolds. It is a linear story, and ultimately things happen the way they happen - no playing god for you. But your freedom lies in being able to choose what kind of story you want it to be. The characterisation is not in-your-face; if you want to find out what sort of people the main characters are, you'll need to interact with the world, watch events unfold and uncover tidbits here and there. There are many things happening around the world, but as part of that world, you may or may not bump into them and get a more complete picture.
Perhaps the core of this game's appeal is the balance, the lack of pushing out any particular part into attention - it's all there, but it's your own call how much of it you wish to see. As for emotional impact... well, I'll just say this - I first encountered this game when I was little. Afterwards, I could vividly remember a scene towards the end animated in the game's usual way. Years later, when I played it myself, I was startled to realise that that had only been my imagination and the scene was shown in the form of prose as so many others. That's how vivid and real it seemed to me. False memories, heh.
This is the game worth spending your time on. it's everything an RPG should be.

>> No.3552090

a random review, of course.

>> No.3552190

New Vegas > 4 > Fallout > Fallout 3 > Fallout 2 > Tactics

>> No.3553363

Someone red pill me on fo2 I loved new Vegas so I decided to try out fo2 and I couldn't get passed the tutorial the game is so clunky and slow

>> No.3553385

Fallout 2 and New Vegas are the same kind of game. There's even a city called New Reno that is basically New Vegas.
You should play it because there aren't too many games like those. Combat is not bad if you compared with stuff like Arcanum, it's not even an obstacle to enjoy the game.

>> No.3553424

arcanum is my favorite
i could play it for hours and hours on end, which i'm currently doing
it feels like every other crpg (not many if im honest ;_;) had the good parts taken out from the bad parts, and then all of them got stitched together.

>> No.3553425

*every other crpg that i've played

>> No.3553427
File: 9 KB, 300x168, lejupielāde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STALKER series are just perfect, i totally love it.

>> No.3553453

>same kind of game
Please don't compare peasant FPS game to isometric masterpiece.

>> No.3553470

But that fucking combat, man.

>> No.3553472

You must be confused, we are talking about New Vegas, not Fallout 3.

>> No.3553504

Sorry but no, every RPG in FP view sucks.

>> No.3553534
File: 156 KB, 800x600, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, the whole genre spend decades with 90% of games being first person, hating first person means hating the bases of the RPG genre. Also you really should play New Vegas, it's basically Fallout 2/Van Buren with steroids.

>> No.3553668


Turned based combat is one of those things that some people either love or hate. When I was younger I hated tbc the first time I saw it, but once I gave it a shot it grew on me.
What people don't understand, especially the younger generation, is that speed and strategy infringe on one another. The more options a game presents during combat, the more depth and strategic it becomes, the faster the game becomes the less time you'll have to ponder the options presented and make a strategic choice. It doesn't matter if the game is a shooter, rts or rpg, if you start to pack the game with combat options the player needs time to ponder said options. A good example is SC. Since the game is so fast, the most important thing are APMs, all SC champions agree on this. Personally I like both fast and tbc games. Most gamers like fast games because they provide more adrenaline, and dislike tbc for the same reason they dislike chess, they don't like spending time thinking before every move. You just have to approach each game differently.

>> No.3553681

What should I play next lads? God the following on my backlog

Wizardry 6
Neo Scavenger
Legend of Grimrock
Temple of the Elemental Evil

>> No.3554017

Fallout 2's first hour is pretty awful, you just have to stick to it. I kept going because I'd already played 1 and figured Fallout 2's gotta be good, and it turns out it is, they just put a completely unnecessary and boring tutorial at the start.

If you haven't played the first game, I highly recommend doing that first. Then when you play Fallout 2, download and install the restoration project. There's a lot of cut content from the dame, and the RP puts them back in.

>> No.3554042

Wizardry 6 if you can handle spending 2 hours creating a party

>> No.3554081

been meaning to play Ultima 7 as my first "ancient" rpg

>> No.3554101

Eh I don't know about that. Maybe I'll play Neo Scavenger, it's been a while since I played a modern RPG.

>> No.3554219

Thanks, yeah I love turn based combat. I just couldn't handle how slow and and clunky the tutorial was, and as >>3554017
says, it all of a sudden gets un-slow and clunky?

>> No.3554228

Don't. You miss out of half the fun.
Start with Ultima 4 so that you can truly become the Avatar instead of being a stand in.

>> No.3554253

More like start with Ultima I. Allow yourself to read a walkthrough synopsis for I and II, you can easily finish both within a day without having to grind/wander around aimlessly and you'll get a better appreciation for the series. Ultima III will take some time but it's a solid title.

>> No.3554265

Sure, I just consider 4 the bare minimum starting point.
1 shouldn't need a walkthrough that badly, there isn't so much to do that you can't figure out most stuff yourself.
2 might as well be skipped completely. Or play with a walkthrough for an hour or so to see what new stuff it tried and why it didn't work.

>> No.3554270 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is this SHIT

>> No.3554275


>> No.3554289

8 is the only Ultima that's unironically fun today (mostly because it barely counts as an Ultima). 4 is historically important, but that doesn't mean you have to actually play it. Just read a Let's Play.

>> No.3554293

I've only beaten Fallout and Planescape. Tried to do Arcanum but got fucked by a glitch and didn't feel like going on.

What CRPG should I finish next?

>> No.3554294

Fallout 2 hands down, with every playtrough i discover something new thats how good it is, currently playing as unarmed character for shit and gigles, next year ill probably try a retarded one.

>> No.3554295

BG1, then BG2

>> No.3554325

What is your (and by that I mean >>3554289 and nobody else) problem with Ultima 9?

>> No.3554353

The tutorial has you spend far too long beating up dumb insects with a spear, missing half of the time. Once you get a gun you're able to think a bit more about movement during combat (since you're no longer forced to stay within 1 tile of whatever enemy you're fighting), you can aim for specific parts of the body which have certain effects (e.g. eyes have the highest crit chance but the lowest overall hit chance, groin shots are likely to knock dudes over, etc), and once you're a couple levels and have put some points in small guns, you won't miss every turn.

>> No.3554365


Tbc will always be slow. Fallout 2 has a clunky begging since there isn't that much to do. Personally I like the beginning in F2 from a storyline perspective.
You should play them in their order F1, F2 and, if you want to see tbc combat done great, Fallout:Tactics.

>> No.3554834

tbqh i like the combat ;_;

>> No.3554858

>Tbc will always be slow
Literally false. Play a blobber sometime.

>> No.3555459


Blobbers aren't the same type of tbc like Fallout games. In blobbers it's only the party members that can not attack at the same time and must succeed one another, movement in the level is in real time, enemies don't have to wait for your turn and move and attack in real time. Finally, your party members exist as an abstract entity, in the level there's only one unit moving and it moves in real time throughout the level. Putting blobbers in the tbc category is really quite a stretch.

>> No.3555469

You sure? I tried BG1 for a bit and was pretty bored... does it pick up?

>> No.3555476

When I play RPGs I try to have the same mindset as if I'm reading a book. I don't think I've ever read a novel that didn't start off boring, but if I stopped early on because of that I'd miss out on a lot of good books.

>> No.3555867

BG is low level AD&D. You have to get past the "stiff breeze blows over your characters" phase.

>> No.3557783

Betrayal at Krondor is the best RPG ever made in terms of narrative. It is exactly like a book.

>> No.3557835

You did indeed sell me this game now