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3542406 No.3542406 [Reply] [Original]

Oldschool SNK had such great designs, why did they have to moefy everything?

>> No.3542409
File: 59 KB, 113x134, le-fighting-frenchman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remy is my fave SNK character ever

>> No.3542413

Is this some buzzword to describe everything you dislike?

>> No.3542417
File: 94 KB, 288x174, 1366228483907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capcom copies SNK with SFIII
>SNK makes Garou with is better than SFIII

>> No.3542539
File: 31 KB, 110x222, Yurikofxiii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, well sorry to break it down for you dude, but SNK has always kinda followed what was trendy in Japan and in anime at the time. And today it seems that anime has gone crazy with moe.

Also, I don't know—is new Iori considered "moe"?… I don't think so. In any case, the designs in XIV look almost exactly as I imagined, very organic translation I'd say.

I had bigger problem with XIII. Fuck Nona

>> No.3542556
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Playmore bought SNK and Koreans are ga-ga for Falcoon. I wish it were more complex than that, but it's not.

>> No.3542571

Remy was introduced in 3S. The rest of the cast was copied from Hulk Hogan (Alex), Andre the Giant (Hugo), Duo and Trowa from Gundam Wing (Yun & Yang), Chris Eubank (Dudley), and elsewhere.

Also, gameplay-wise, Garou is and was pretty backwards. No EX moves, target combos, super selection, special move cancelling into supers, not even stuff from KoF like hopping and CD attacks. Very few people anywhere play it seriously, it also has some serious balance issues and potential infinites. KoF'98 and SFIII3S are simply more advanced and more refined, Garou was closer to SFA than anything else.

>> No.3542572

Why do Koreans always ruin anything. The country hasn't produced one worthwhile game in its whole history.

>> No.3542579
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It's a mystery for the ages. I actually kind of like his art, and didn't mind when they used the style for portraits. But making the whole game like that came out looking like shit and not KoF at all.

At least 14 has gone to a less cartoony style, maybe by 15 they'll have it so the 3D doesn't look like ass and we'll sort of be back to older style.

>> No.3542587
File: 278 KB, 850x1207, fatalfuryspecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyo and Iori were fujoshit bait already.

Fatal Fury is where it's at.

>> No.3542591


>> No.3542595
File: 143 KB, 640x651, kof97-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want KoF to look like moving Shinkiro art.

>> No.3542645
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XIV looks great to me in some videos, but in others for some reason it has all effects turned off—no reflections, limited shadowing, etc—and it looks like X360 budget game tier.

KoF has always had realistic 3D mixed with some anime influences. In '94–XI, characters had more realistic proportions, maybe just a little bit anime-ish. XII–XIII had grotesque cartoon proportions of Nona's art, with kinda ugly faces (picrelated). XIV went back to realistic body proportions, and updating the look of faces to be like in most of current anime. So I'd say XIV is very close to the originals.

Complaining about anime in KoF is a bit pointless, I think… Everyone knows KoF never made it very big outside of Asia; and where it DID make it big, it was due to pirated cartridges. SNK's more recent games, like their DS catalogue and dating sims (ugh), displays more anime influence than ever before. If it DOES go full realism, it risks looking very much like Tekken or VF or other 3D games, and losing Asian fans which are probably the main source of their profits. Like it or not, KoF has always had some "idol" aspect about it, and I think it's not going anywhere.

>> No.3542668

I played the 14 demo. It looked kind of shoddy, but about what I expected. They don't have the kind of resources Capcom does. I doubt I'll get it, but it at least gives me hope.

>> No.3542670

Alright fags enough with shitty threads, what's the best version of Arashi no Saxophone and why is KoF98?

>> No.3542686

>Enough with the shit
>Now tell me why the thing I like the best

>> No.3542707

Easy: because the best version is Sadistic Eyes from '99

>> No.3542725
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hell yeah fatal fury

>> No.3542731

>They don't have the kind of resources Capcom does.
True. But at the same time, you know, I think the quality of the models is not that far apart. I feel what SNK really needed was add extra layers of gloss and effects over the characters. They're not bad like they are, they just have terribly basic lighting/shadows reminding of PS2.

What makes SFV look more modern is really Unreal Engine 4. But I actually don't like the game's look, because it's too dark and desaturated when SF is supposed to be the opposite of that. Moreover, look at the models: they aren't really very complex at all, only a marginal improvement from cartoonish SFIV ones really. So, Capcom took an engine made for ebin AAA press F shooters and applied it to their cartoony style game without changing much. I feel it looks just wrong, conflicted in itself.

>> No.3542740

KoF had a lot of female fans for this reason. It also has a lot of male fans who play female characters.

>> No.3542747

Yeah I agree with all of that. I loved the heck out of Injustice and it looks markedly worse. The character designs aren't as classic as I like them, but they're a step in the right direction and at least with 3D extra costumes are easy to make.

>> No.3542750

Except I actually do like the way SF IV and V look. I think the cartoony style suits Street Fighter in a way it doesn't with KoF, but then I always cared a lot more about KoF to start with.

>> No.3542771

>Except I actually do like the way SF IV and V look
Oh well to each his own

As for SFV, the problem is in this contrast I mentioned. It tries to be a cartoon, and you can see the bright colors on models; but it's often put into that dim, poorly-lit grey environment aching to modern shooters. IMO it works poorly, albeit somewhat better on open-air stages.

>> No.3542779

Like I say it could be that I've never cared a ton about SF and other than III I think the whole series has been kind of ugly. What was your issue with IV though?

>> No.3542845
File: 468 KB, 1280x720, qu7sxssns5ll60cxdgcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What was your issue with IV though?
Picrelated. Ugly faces, new characters like Hakan and Rufus who were almost unanimously hated and made me question if Capcom designers had slowly gone demented over time.

V is more realistic, which I like. I'm more than fine with how 80% of the cast look in it, and they even addressed my old complaints like Chun-Li not looking Asian and such. Design-wise I have very little complaints about V. Well, except for that bastard son of Hsien-Ko and Choi Bounge.

> Like I say it could be that I've never cared a ton about SF and other than III I think the whole series has been kind of ugly.
I agree to an extent. Akiman's art was really nice, it was cartoon-like but looked great to me. So SFA and MvC art looked really fine to me. But the animations in the actual games were choppy and the overall detail/sprite quality was nowhere near even SFII, let alone KoF. Plus, that cartoon style had finite appeal IMO.

SFIII included Akiman's characters not even made for SF. So suddenly it had a bunch of genetic mutants and other weirdos. But them aside, I liked III too.

SFII looks old now but enjoyable in that Fatal Fury way. It has aged exceptionally well in my opinion. It lacks detailed shading, motion blur and effects, but makes up for it tenfold with sheer quality and sprite size.

>> No.3542853
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I can dig that. To me SF was always ugly, so ugly faces fit what I think of for the series. There's something about SF2 in particular I always really disliked the look of, but that's just me being picky.

And I agree on III. Love the animation quality and the backgrounds, but character designs are way hit and miss. Elana rocks my world though.

>> No.3542854

That's what I always liked about KoF - both husbando and waifu material for everyone

>> No.3542857

>that stiff head on that way too well animated body
nah dude

>> No.3542858

>that static head

Weird as fuck.

>> No.3542859

I have never liked Iori as a character (Vice is superior) but even I have to concede that laugh of his is legendary

>> No.3542863


>why did they have to moefy everything?

You should ask that of Japanese artists and studios in general.

>> No.3542865
File: 17 KB, 216x161, elenaqjn3ro1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a minor gripe in my opinion. It's usually not as apparent as it is in that animation. Overall animation of her character is awesome. In game I'm never looking that closely at the heads anyways.

>> No.3542868

The "static head" meme again. If you're so picky, what did you forget on a Chinese 2D porn board?

For real though, fitting eyes into 120x139 full body sprite is already an achievement. So I guess that's why the head was drawn separately

>> No.3542872
File: 57 KB, 225x163, Elena-taunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong gif of course

>> No.3542887

Okay you're right, it looks WAY better in action, it was just that first animation where it was very obvious. And damnnnn, that hair movement

>> No.3542904 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1280x1280, moonman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking niggers
kys my man

>> No.3542908
File: 254 KB, 1200x877, shitty sfii toys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SF has always welcomed some really clownish and freakish characters for sure. They didn't look that out of place in the shitty toy lines they got (picrelated). Eventually, the whole series got turned into a freak fest, next to which Marvel villains didn't actually look so awkward in comparison. And the current SF producer Yoshinori Ono's favorite character is Blanka, for fuck's sake.

The thing with SNK is that they made much more likable and relatable characters who looked fashionable or at least wore normal outfits. They could actually make some badass and stylish ones too.

That's the thing—SF never got to make their Kyo or Iori. The closest they got was Sean, and he sucked. Alex and Remy were alright, but they were so obviously flat and stolen on the other hand. Capcom got forever stuck with their old men, martial arts movie stereotypes, nationality stereotypes and total freaks they looked up from Garbage Pail Kids.

> that ass rounding
> eyes are focused on the head

>> No.3542919


Light-skinned is ok.

>> No.3542925

I agree with most of that, like KoF characters way better than SF. But I also think they went down a similar, but not as bad rout with '99 going forward. K' always felt try hard to me and Ash is even worse.

You can stick to only liking one kind of girl, fine by me. Also I was born and spent my first few years in Kenya so even though I'm white, people from that region have always been very attractive to me.

>> No.3542935

Now that Shinkie is with Capcom, this may NEVER happen.

>> No.3542949

damn caught me there anon

>> No.3542972
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>Being a /pol/tard with shit taste
>arguing about what one wants to fuck

>> No.3542979

>Hand wringing over whom is fucking whom is like 90% of /pol's shtick.

>> No.3543008
File: 35 KB, 376x497, AnotherKvsCool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that K began as a rehash of Cool from Psikyo's game Daraku Tenshi, I did find his outfit really stylish, but I agree—beside the leather, the glove and the white hair he's a total try-hard arrogant teen. He's also pretty flat of a character, with a lot of showing off but empty on the inside, with amnesia story and vague relations with Whip and Kula, which, by KoF's rather questionable tradition, never went anywhere once NESTS saga ended. I also never got why he was tan despite his goth look.

I liked Whip's design somewhat, but she was just too bleak, yet smug like 10 Blue Marys. Maxima has always been my low-key favorite though. Anyway, I didn't expect SNK to not lose their talent after their financial problems, so to me it was no surprise the quality of their designs went somewhat down.

2003 though… No thank you. Glad to Ash has been eradicated from the universe, hope he never returns. The rest of the cast was dispensable.

>> No.3543015

Maxima <3

i have a thing for big softies hnnngh

>> No.3543169


Shinkydink was always strictly freelance

>> No.3543182

early '90s–2000: only doing art for SNK and not for Capcom
2000 onwards: only doing art for Capcom and not for SNK

Yeah right

>> No.3543350


thought it was mixed up a bit more.

>> No.3543381

I think the general dislike for the Ash Saga character designs is overblown. I never found Ash especially objectionable since his character seemed designed to be a colossal jackass who existed to irritate people who took things too seriously and was never played off as "cool" or "sleek" like K'.
Shen Woo looked ridiculous the first time I saw him, but his look fits in with his character and the result is pretty fun.
Oswald is one of those characters who I'm really disappointed not to see back in any later games.

>> No.3543402


The Ash Saga was at least leagues above the maximum impact garbage

>> No.3543420

Ugly faces and cartoony characters are SF staples

>> No.3543460

I disliked Ash because he was SNK's poster boy for KoF and obviously was doomed to appear at all promotional material, getting all the spotlight and canonical endings. His importance and power were constantly emphasized by plot, and the way he fucked over Iori and Kagura obviously pitted him against the old cast as a superior new "idol".

> his character seemed designed to be a colossal jackass who existed to irritate people who took things too seriously.
I don't really think so, he's not a "take it easy" guy like Terry, nor does he have any comic relief. Really, all he did was scoff at everyone while looking at his nails. To me he appeared more as an exceptionally selfish, flamboyant character who was busy accomplishing his goals, running some shady scheme with his palette swap, what's-his-name.

But the main issue me and most people have with him is of course different. Maybe his androgynous narcissistic character did find some fans in Japan, but in US he was one of the least played characters (far, far below Terry, K' and Mai). And OK, I'd be more or less fine with it—it does have some kind of appeal, but IMO he crossed the line with the nails and the headband. His planet-sized ego and insufferable personality with no redeeming qualities certainly didn't help.

However, his two partners were more or less alright. Shen Woo was cool, Duo Lon was too complicated to play but still alright (and the closest we ever got to playing someone like Ron). Gameplay-wise though, there was an issue: the three obviously resembled Remy, Makoto and Twelve. And I sure liked the originals more.

Elizabeth had the fugliest face in XIII. I never got what was supposed to be her shtick gameplay-wise too. And I guess her design was fueled with Japan's obsession with European clothing of the 1800s (somewhat resemblant of New Romantic movement), which I never liked. She was another surprisingly bland character like Whip, with a very vague character.

>> No.3543470

Since when? This has been somehow retconned to have been present in SF "all along" and everyone agrees with it.

SFII had normal faces. SFA was anime, so not ugly by definition. SFIII might have been the closest to having really ugly characters, but then again—you know the story, Akiman just drew those for a completely different project.

It had some moderately ugly characters like Akuma, or Gen, or Sagat. But those were supposed to be powerhouses, formidable fighters who weren't the ones to mess with.

>> No.3543531

>and the way he fucked over Iori and Kagura obviously pitted him against the old cast as a superior new "idol".

Iori, Kagura and even Kyo have been desperately clinging to relevance since 97. They get pushed just as hard as Ash was and for less reason beyond they where the poster boys in the first game.

>> No.3543614

Since SNK wanted to leave them out altogether, it's obvious. But Iori and Kyo remain 2 of their most popular characters, that'd be a suicidal move. It's a shame really, they always hanged there without affecting much. Kyo's story in NESTS arch is "I'm also helping".

Its a huge blunder for SNK IMO, Orochi saga was great but was over way too fast. As a result, we never see Kagura or New Faces Team now. At least Vice/Mature returned somehow. SNK just tries to make newer, trendier stuff every several years, shifting away the focus from their most popular characters and putting their plotlines in the attic.

>> No.3543620

Don't bully Maximum Impact.

>> No.3543627


Go to hell, Falcoon.

>> No.3543691
File: 689 KB, 2067x2923, Terry-ffsougeki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize that Satoshi Hashimoto not only voiced Terry, but also Kim Kaphwan ever since they were first introduced on their respective games

Aku wa yurusan!
Hienzan, Hienzan, Hienzan!
Nerichagi, Nerichagi!

Godammit, I love those fuckers so hard.

>> No.3543741
File: 50 KB, 550x1000, tmp_6389-9ed7bf0da66ad9073fbf702cbe22a903243043708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is my wife.

>> No.3543748

If you look at the list of characters Monster Maezuka has voiced, you will have heart attack.

>> No.3543770

this, horny teenage me had a pocket color and KoF R2 and got a lot of fun out of having cute and hot girls be my fighting team.