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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3541347 No.3541347 [Reply] [Original]

Just picked this up for 65$. Did I do good? What games should I get?

>> No.3541350

EarthBound, E.V.O, Hagane are all good games

>> No.3541357

Not bad. Not a "steal" by any means but not bad.

>> No.3541360

Ignore this faggot. He's just posting high cost carts. They are good games but aim for some of the better ones like Mega Man X, Yoshi's Island,Donkey Kong Country, F-Zero, Super Metroid, and Gradius III. There are plenty of others, but those are all fantastic games that won't set you back by much.

>> No.3541412

Git da Chrono trigger. Hunnid Dolla, pay up now little nigga.

>> No.3541437

Just make sure you clip those tabs so you can play SFC games.

>> No.3541438

get a flashcart

>> No.3541448


Maybe you should just google a fucking top 10 list you fucking queer.

Jesus Christ how hard is it. Wikipedia has the entire game list available and most of them have pretty substantial pages.

>> No.3541470

Maybe you should fuck off back to /v/ before I lick your ass into another dimension you butthurt underaged faggot.

>> No.3541507


One controller, scratched unit, one good game and two OK games.

I'd a paid 50 bucks. Off by 15 anon, not bad. Now go get Earthbound.

>> No.3541556

You just now for the first time in your life own an snes console? Don't bother hipster scum.

>> No.3541567

Yeah, cus why would we want anyone to discover the things we love, right? Fuck you anon. You're a part of why this board is trash now. People can try things we love, there is no issue with that, just like you can try *new* games if you want. Just quit with the stubborn fuckery and let people enjoy themselves you cunt.

>> No.3541590

That version of Super GnG is horrible. Should get the Capcom Generations version for Playstation and Saturn. Super GnG is already a poor game, when compared to Ghosts N Goblins and Ghouls N Ghosts, but the SNES version makes it even worse. It's plagued with slowdown so badly that it makes an already sluggish game near impossible to enjoy, especially if you've already played the first two.

>> No.3541612
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>gets called out for being lazy and begging to be spoonfed
>gets all defensive
>thinks other anon is the one who should go back to /v/

>> No.3541617
File: 316 KB, 432x413, 1458091099165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think a newfag like you can just sit there and meme text at me? Think again kiddo I'm making one HELL of a thread about you on /vip/.

>> No.3541627
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>> No.3541642
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that wasn't me, but how is starting a thread to talk about snes games on /vr/ lazy? even if it was lazy you clearly have an assload of free time with nothing better to do. lol

>> No.3541752

You just discovered youtube stars, that's all. You are part of why the retro community is trash now.

hipster cunt.

>> No.3541775

>"shit they figured out my argument is trash... better say they're hipsters who didn't grow up with this shit!"
Come on. Literal 0/10 argument dude.

>> No.3541793

lol yeah I'm sure you really elevate the community with your great insights.

>> No.3541826

Well it would help if you would tell us what kind of games you like...

But heres some good ones.

Super Adventure Island 2
Mario All Stars
Super Castlevania 4
Castlevania Dracula X
Yoshis Island
Breath of Fire 1 and 2
Final Fantasy 2 and 3
Super Metroid
Mega Man X
Mario World

Theres tons of fun games. If youre looking to buy multiple really expensive games like Mega Man X2 and X3, Hagane, Chrono Trigger and stuff like that just buy a SD2SNES.

>> No.3543050

Honestly pretty good price. These things are getting so fucking expensive.

Get a flashcart.

>> No.3543263

Nice. Get Super Metroid.

Super Mario World and A Link to the Past are good too.

>> No.3543278

Nice OP, i like what you got for the price.

Myself? I got bashed by anona because i bough chrono trigger for $100

>> No.3543578

you did good jimmy u did good

chronno trigger
mega man x
killer insctinct
super mario all stars
a kirby game
zelda a link to the past
samurai showdown
mario kart

>> No.3543604

What's the difference between this thread and a thread about favorite SNES games?

>> No.3543634

Megaman X 1-3
Final Fantasy IV/VI
Lufia 1 & 2
Final Fight
Captain Command
Secreet of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fire 1 & 2
Donkey Kong 1, 2 & 3
About any Super Mario (honorable mention to RPG and Yoshi Island)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Any Castlevania
Super Metroid
I'd say the Strike trilogy (Desert, Jungle & Urban), but these are better on Mega Drive/Genesis, if you ask me.
I'd used to enjoy a lot of Goof Troop as a kid, but never replayed as an adult.
Disney's Aladdin
Zombies ate my neighbors

If you can into moonrunes and actually find these:
Final Fantasy V
Seiken Densetsu 3

>> No.3543637

That's a little high, but it's not yellowed out, and you can't go wrong with ghouls and ghosts

>> No.3545269

OP, do yourself a favor. Snip the plastic tabs in the cartridge slot so you can play super famicom games. There's a ton of great ones that never came out stateside and you don't need to know Japanese to play.

>> No.3545284
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>that's too expensive, you can find it for cheaper
>can't find it for cheaper

>> No.3545292

In today's world you did fine. The store near me is selling SGnG for $35 and snes for $60. So basically you got almost 3 games for free and SGnG is a classic so good job on that. SNES has a massive library so you would have to tell us your favorite genres. Also... just look through IGN's top 100 list.

>> No.3548198

Another successful bait thread. You faggots bite every single time, lol.

>> No.3548327

>Did I do good?

Why do feget game collectirs always ask this?

>> No.3549379
File: 27 KB, 635x394, 1471224056052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You cocksuckers are the fucking worst.
If you don't want to talk about a subject, then why the fuck are you here?

>> No.3550342

>taking the time to bitch
>too lazy to just hide the thread

Nothing valuable to say, but you just have to reply regardless. That's pathetic.

>> No.3550387

Come on dude, some people just never had the chance to play some particular consoles and they want to try them now. For example, I only played SEGA consoles and PC growing up and I had never had a NES/SNES/N64 until this year.

Even if they're just getting into old games now, it can still be ok with the right intentions (so not hoarding expensive carts for hipster cred or playing games to boast about it).

>> No.3550531

Plenty of people want in-depth discussion. Entry-level shit of this caliber has been talked to death and is just one google search away. OP doesn't even tell us what genres he's into, or ask about hidden gems or whatever.

>> No.3550827
File: 14 KB, 488x636, OrcEltonJohn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, the retro community is trash because of people buying consoles to play them, not because of entitled gatekeeper faggots like you.

>> No.3550891

You only get to play if you kept all your consoles and games from the time they were new until now :p
>retrogames community
I count it as a good thing when i meet people still playing the retrogames
Common interest
And with everdrives and emulators its more poppin than ever

>> No.3551025

what if I sold them to jewstop when I was a naive child and want to buy them back now?

>> No.3551958


>> No.3551997

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