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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 500x300, doom2title[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
345605 No.345605 [Reply] [Original]

Doom thread (prev. >>338260)

Discuss stories and WADS, ask for recommendations, suggest ideas, etc; don't be shy, we're here to help!

We have many projects going, and if you want to share your maps or join in whatever thing you may want feel free to do it

>> No.345659

mapbro here, any ideas for maps?

Sorry I've been unreliable as of late, shit's been crazy at my job and I never get time for doom anymore.

>> No.345665
File: 47 KB, 187x154, 20084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty good idea, but before I try that I'll let you use it ingame and see if its current incarnation is annoying.

Haha, I'll see what I can do.

No problem dude. The actual solution turned out to be real easy- only about 10 lines total.

Here you go: www.mediafire.com/?4tfowh3id082ukw
Use GZDoom. Zdoom will probably work too but I haven't tried it.

(sorry about taking so long to reply, I was busy exerting my photoshop skillz)

>> No.345697

Do a thing for

>> No.345708
File: 102 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_155637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostan from previous thread, since people seemed interested.

It's very playable right now, actually! We've got everything major done--weapons, enemies, movement mechanics, etc. The only real big issue left is trying to get a good map for it.

As you can imagine, this mod requires fuckan hyooge maps, and one of us is on Linux and thus can't use DB2 without it crashing every ten minutes, and I've never really mapped before now so I dunno how to shot sectors.
Still, progress is going slowly but surely.

>> No.345757
File: 656 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_181600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any obstacle course WADs? Something that experiments with the physics and technologies of the Doom engine?

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.345776

Apparently the guy above you is working on one.

>> No.345786

Amazing work right there dude, but
>no Zandronum
Come on, this was made for retro deathmatch fights. Step it up!

...You know, I've been thinking, nowadays IDtech1 has become a really extensive engine. All what It'd need is a new renderer tat supports shaders and a map type that would allow more details, and I'm sure it would hold up against today's fpses.

>> No.345792
File: 584 KB, 1600x1200, Screenshot_Doom_20130224_024125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im making a mario 64 overworld deathmatch map

>> No.345801

Those are always fun.

>> No.345831

that's really good! though might i suggest instead of a circular spread for the supershotgun replacement, it's a + shape?

>> No.345835

>not a doom kart map

Should we still be calling it doom kart? There's an older defunct mod called doomkart that was never finished. Anyway. Just a thought.

>> No.345836

Yo, someone join a /vr/ server.
Any of them.

>> No.345838

I have the Doom I/II Collection cd and it has 366 folders of wads and 85 editors. All old as dirt and a fair number of the wads are garbage though.

>> No.345847

I just played with Doomtra a little bit. It froze when I blocked a revenant fireball with my face.

>> No.345860

Lookin' sweet man. You're gonna do other levels too?

>> No.345887

Someone make a 1001 nights of doom /vr/ server.

>> No.345936

I suppose i should give thoughts on it, too:
The gun sprites make it impossible to tell what weapon you're holding unless you fire, which is a big problem if you're low on ammo. At the very least, put a letter on each gun sprite to separate it from the others.

The spinning fire shot works okay from the standpoint of "does it hit shit reliably when you pull the trigger", but it feels weird to fire. I dunno about others, but I would personally like it better if the projectile did a corkscrew motion instead of an end end-over-end somersault.

I also couldn't change weapons with my mousewheel or the number keys when I picked up a chainsaw. I had to use the dedicated previous weapon key to get off the chainsaw and back to the peashooter.

The SSG is REALLY annoying to use. It doesn't feel natural at all to have to aim off-center in order to hit a target if you're not plugging their ear with your gun barrel.

Other than those points, I fucking love it. It would kick so much ass to see this finished.

>> No.345957

you can tell, look at the little screen on the gun

>> No.346002

Grip and Tire?

>> No.346016

doomrace master race

>> No.346023

Grip and Tire is neat...

I was thinking Ultimate Vroom. Vroom 2: Hell on Wheels.

That sort of nonsense. :-p

>> No.346026

Grip and Tire is fucking good.

>> No.346034

Does anyone know where I can get a fuckton of textures? The Doom 2 ones get very restrictive.

>> No.346041

realm667's texture stock?

>> No.346043
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1024, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need small ideas for a lava-themed joke WAD.

>> No.346059
File: 236 KB, 1406x944, 1358162585147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a point, though making it zandronum compatible shouldn't be too hard I think, though I have never actually tried making a Zandronum mod before.

In fact, here's a quick and dirty (probably) Zandronum compatible* version.

You can tell which gun you have equipped by the screen on the gun. It might be a little hard to see if you have your HUD on, though.
Yeah, I'm not really happy with the spinning fire shot, honestly. It feels imbalanced in terms of the damage it does and isn't that fun to use. I might just replace it with the exploding flame from Super C.

>> No.346064

"That's a good cup of lava."

"Of great magma-tude"

>> No.346068

>Joke wad
I suggest not making a joke wad.

>> No.346079

Why not?

>> No.346084

;-; I can't use it because I can't into GZdoom.

>> No.346089

>joke wad
you are cancer pls go die.

>> No.346096

Am I missing something? What's wrong with joke WADs?

>> No.346097

There's just too many of them. If you're going to make a joke wad, why not just put some real effort in and make it a themed wad?
I forgot to mention. This version has a slightly altered super spread gun, that fires in a tight diamond.

>> No.346109

Try this version then:
It has some toned down effects (no scaling- i'll have to add the pre scaled sprites in later) but is otherwise the same as the original.

>> No.346115

>no fun allowed

>> No.346126

A few things.

1) Never funny
2) Map makers assume shit level design is acceptable because it's a joke wad
3) It's really never funny and nothing you can do will make it funny
4) The sheer number of shit joke wads is in the ten thousands now

>> No.346134

jokewads are usually really poorly executed. It's not a case of all jokewads are bad, just most. People usually don't spend time making any decent maps for them and just fill them with print(s:"LOLOLOLOL FAG XDDDD");

>> No.346167

Ok I got it working.

Now for the laser, can you do one solid line? I notice when strafing and shooting it, it breaks into three shots.

>> No.346187

this is a pretty exciting project idea. hopefully you guys get a map made soon.

>> No.346206

>need ideas
>joke wad
here's an idea, put your effort into something more serious

>> No.346210


Fucking this. We've got 7 servers up and no one's on. What the balls guys¡

>> No.346216
File: 572 KB, 1200x2377, Image4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think so, it's way too much work. i'm actually making the level accurate by looking at coordinates off the original wireframe using Toads Tool 64 (http://qubedstudios.rustedlogic.net/ToadsTool64.htm).). i even extracted all of the textures. terrain is a bitch in doom.

plus the whole room over room thing kind of limits which levels i can do. im already having trouble putting in the front door to the castle which has an overhang.

>> No.346225

You're right. We need more servers.

>> No.346243

Well, it looks really good so far, so best of luck to you mate!

>> No.346246

Keep up the good work anon!

>> No.346247
File: 364 KB, 588x639, スクリーンショット 2013-03-15 0.30.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was an actually funny joke wad. I guess Chex Quest comes pretty close to the closest to making me laugh wad. Atleast none of them have been overtly unfunny enough to make you mad though.

>> No.346249

If I wanted to make something serious I wouldn't be making a joke wad.

>> No.346256


peeps in the /vr/tual bois put their D in demons server

pass is vidya

>> No.346262

count me in

>> No.346274

Using zandronum through the IDE, how do I change my name from 'Player'? I've set up what I think is a login on the ZD scoreboard but I keep showing up as player..

>> No.346283

Not any of them, but at least put some effort into it. Make it fun, then funny. And put some real humor into it, not just referential sound bytes and stupid shit.

>> No.346289

I got a lot of map designs in my head, but I can only draw them out.

>> No.346290

Put some "Hidden" flags on those linedefs so they don't show on the automap.

>> No.346303

That's what I intended to do.

>> No.346305

Besides Doomkart is there any megawad concepts being worked on?

>> No.346308

There's the /vr/ community project, and I've been thinking of starting a big weapon mod myself.

>> No.346317

That's how it felt with me and WolfET

I tried going online a while back, found a server that had my old clan (it was cool to be in one at one time, honest) tag as it's title with three people playing. Joined, they said something to each other in Portuguese, and all three left. Leaving me alone with the anti-tank cannons.

>> No.346331

I just played it a little more and froze again, this time when I got hit by a mancubus. I noticed both times I froze, I was firing my gun just as I was getting damaged.

Also the exploding flame shot wouldn't be a bad idea. Personally though, I would put the exploding flame shot down as the BFG replacement.

>> No.346340

Alright, which gun were you firing?

>> No.346341

I kinda wanted to do this, but I'm too fucking stupid to figure out how to tune/alter gun parameters.

In fairness, I tried like... 6 years ago, so I might fare better now. and there's a better library of existing stuff to draw from (rip off) and tune from there.

>> No.346351

I forgot to take note of that. It was either the SSG, the flame shot, or the laser.

>> No.346354

so, turns out as I read down the old thread, I've been talking to myself for quite some time.

@DOOM4 I'm totally fine with this. Sgt Mark's taste for insanity, Doom 1/2's pacing (although, if I may humbly suggest, less obtuse puzzle mechanics), John Carmack's nerd wizardry/grafix, and a level editor and resource maker on release.

I would buy the fucking shit out of that.

inb4 MMORPG mechanics/posting to facebook every time you kill a fucking enemy

Although, that being said, I do think Doom could actually benefit from a paired down crafting system or something. Think like, the Quake 1 expansions where they had amped up versions of weapons, for example.

It won't happen. id's dead, and I should just deal with it. But I don't want to.

and, in reference to C&C Renegade being brought up:

Think /vr/ would mind if I made a thread about it and tried to get some servers started up? It's a 2001/2002 game, so it's technically a little too new, but it's excellent, and dead, and roughly the correct age...

Think they'd mind?

>> No.346357

Probably the SSG, though

>> No.346364

Is the /vr/ project just the /v/ project continued?

>> No.346372

Nah, go ahead dude, it's fine. We love the vidya.

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.346393

It does seem that way - /vr/ is a lot of bro-tier vidya players from what I've seen. It's like /v/ without the shit, and people actually enjoying games, new and old.

Hope it stays that way

>> No.346414
File: 26 KB, 220x317, 220px-Army_of_Darkness_poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey y'all. I'm a big Evil Dead fanboy, and a few days ago I found out there's an Army of Darkness wad. It's pretty short (Only 8 levels) but it's really good! Definitely worth a try, so check it out.

It's a little old and uses decorate scripts, so I went ahead and took care of converting all that into a single nice little wad. Here you go guys:


>> No.346415

I can't seem to reproduce it, which port are you using and have you been able to?

>> No.346479

I'm using GZDoom. I can't reproduce it on command.

>> No.346483
File: 1.28 MB, 320x180, 1359249564714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this sucks

>> No.346485
File: 215 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_145745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.346518

Reposting from the previous thread:

"Okay, well. You know how fast Doomguy moves, right?
Take that speed and double it. Hell, double his jump height, too. So you're running and jumping through levels at 120+ MPH, and you have a huge variety of parkour moves to leap across walls, off walls, over ledges, and etc. But hey, even if you don't want Parkour, you have the ability to go 'fuck you, physics', and launch yourself even higher in the air or dash even faster with the press of a button.
And if that's not enough, there's a Turbo button that doubles your already-impressive movement capabilities.

All the while, you're racing around maps that are about 3x the size of ZDoom Wars maps, trying to get to the finish while dodging through turret drones and aerial drones firing lasers at you.
Oh, and the other players are shooting at you as well."

>> No.346520

that fucking engrish

>> No.346539
File: 1.03 MB, 1542x2514, thereallist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.346545


>> No.346559

What about the TurboCharged Arcade series?

>> No.346560

Go away Weaboriance.

>> No.346565

Fucking this.

Aside from the dialogue, those levels were pretty clever.

>> No.346570

Speaking of requests:

I have all of Dr. Sleep's Inferno WADs. Can someone here take them and put all the maps into one WAD? I tried it earlier by just renumbering the maps and saving them all to one WAD like that and the textures got all fucked, and the first map somehow kept turning into Doom E1M1.

>> No.346571

I'll check it out, I like Evil Dead too.

>> No.346578

Would be fun if we could get a /vr/ group to play Renegade with.

>> No.346581

DLing now.

>> No.346594

Any ideas for the Pipe and canon yet?

>> No.346613


Renegade has an active community of a few hundred players and the community client has a built-in map downloader now. There are a few servers that are always full and lively.

>> No.346629

Oh? That's good to hear, are there any specific sites and all to download the necessary files?

>> No.346636

Thanks /vr/, I hadn't played doom DM in a long fucking time.

>> No.346661

Guys, quick question, so i have like thousands and thousands of wads but most of them are pretty musch useless because i can't sort em.
Any general tips on how to organize and keep track of your pwads?

>> No.346670
File: 666 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2013-03-09-15h24m17s93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says Doom1 at the end should I use Doom1 as the iwad? or is Doom2 fine?

>> No.346685

>@DOOM4 I'm totally fine with this. Sgt Mark's taste for insanity, Doom 1/2's pacing (although, if I may humbly suggest, less obtuse puzzle mechanics), John Carmack's nerd wizardry/grafix, and a level editor and resource maker on release.

It would be great but I don't think Sgt Mark's work would mesh well with a 3D space. All of it is so visceral specifically because it's 2D sprites. Models crawling around on the ground would just look cheap.

>> No.346697



>> No.346698

If you don't use Doom 1 some extremely weird shit happens. Use Doom 1.

>> No.346706

Looks like shit.

Plus I never found EGA any good.

>> No.346709


>> No.346715

Shit people still play Renegade?

I wonder if any of my old friends still play

>> No.346736

I keep getting shot by invisible things and die all the time and then it says I got killed by a zombie. Happens both in doom2.wad and doom.wad. Is it incompatible with Zandro?

>> No.346749

Make sure you're playing episode 3
Also this shit is hard as fuck goddamn!

>> No.346756


>> No.346758


These people manage the software now:


>> No.346802

>Having to manually add each folder in doomseeker

I just add the .txt files next to them. If you need to find a wad just grep the text files.

>> No.346831

And when you don't have a .txt file because you got them through wadget or something like that?

>> No.346836


>> No.346874

Make your own??? Open it up in Slade, see what it does, then add a txt file for it. Like "Coop wad, adds a few maps. Playable in sp too but it's dumb."

>> No.346885

...It's not that hard.
Seriously, just make a folder for Music mods, Multiplayer mods, Singleplayer mods, Weapon mods, Heretic mods, HeXen mods, Doom 1 mods, etc, etc, etc...

>> No.346891

Thank you.

>> No.346901

Thanks pal

>> No.346998
File: 20 KB, 685x589, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's play Doom roulette.

Go here:

Download and play through the WAD you get. If it's just a weapon mod just play your favorite level and report back with a review.

>> No.347026

So uh, for the whole "Doom Rougelike" thing.

Why don't we just use OMG Weapons?

>> No.347105

man, I get the bullshittiest of shit .wads when I do that.

Did it 3 times yesterday and all of them were awful. Maybe after I get done here.

>> No.347153

A fairly well done single map wad

>> No.347181


0/10 it was ok.

>> No.347270

I spawned in lava and couldn't win

>> No.347274
File: 347 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_220239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.347342

I haven't mapped in a while but made this today, run it in zdoom, thoughts?

>> No.347349

Brutal Doom's AR with its ADS option seems to take all the challenge out of the game.

The AI can't seem to cope with being able to shoot like that.

>> No.347376

This is just a single sector with a single wall texture used everywhere. It's simple enough to ensure fast paced DM games, but I found it hard to navigate, as everything looks the same everywhere. It's also very dark (though the author threw in a shitload of light amplification visors to remedy that problem). Simple design is often good for DM, but when it's *this* simple it, sadly, becomes monotonous and boring to play.

No thanks.

>> No.347383


>> No.347389


>> No.347494
File: 321 KB, 1600x900, E2M4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks this is the corniest texture ever made?

>> No.347496

Im the best motherfucking tour guide.

>> No.347529

>all that required wallhumping
>fighting shit in pitch blackness
pretty good wad otherwise, at least better than the flack it gets in the reviews
it was kinda cool seeing all the key doors in front of you from the start, like you're in a pseudo-hub like in crash bandicoot

>> No.347530
File: 87 KB, 588x437, 1358882956459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burzum's Survival Wad

The shittiness of this wad really speaks for itself.

I mean, there are missing textures galore, poor enemy and item placement, lazy architecture...

You start with a fucking cyberdemon right in front of you.

>> No.347547

Are you /vr/ enough to play doom like this?

>> No.347579


But Doom never had to look and sound like that...

>> No.347583
File: 258 KB, 1200x805, 21000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>menu pic is Necronom IV

11/10 best new WAD where do I download this shit?

>> No.347610

Wait nevermind that's not even Necronom IV 0/10 would not fuck.

>> No.347645

Anyone wanna come play some Who Dun It? There's a /vr/-dedicated server running it labelled "/vr/tual bois solve a murder mystery". Pass is "vidya".

>> No.347678

I don't know why, but those textures gave me creeps as a kid.

>> No.347705

>EGA Doom
Hell yes. PC Speaker for max nostalgia.
I'll roll a wad here in a sec.

>> No.347728

maybe i could make the canon bounce the player to the roof, dunno about the pipe maybe a teleport to somewhere

>> No.347738


Oh god...

>> No.347748

>[AD] Clan
Attention Deficit Clan

>> No.347785

I don't get what AD was about. Someone explain?

>> No.347805


>> No.347806

It was a Skulltag clan formed by retards, that nobody on the Skulltag community liked, some of the member like "lord_of_D:" are still around Zandronum being total dumbasses.

>> No.347820


I got this, tried playing it and the map was not there. I guess that's what you get with a 15 year old wad.

>> No.347867

It might've been under a different map number. Check it in Slade?

>> No.347890

It is there, is MAP12.

>> No.347937

>tfw playing nuts2.wad for the first time

This is actually kind of fun.

>> No.347946

very fun until you realize you have to find the exit

>> No.348092

this one disappointed me, it gave the feeling of building up to something and then it's over

>> No.348132

Come on guys

>> No.348137
File: 99 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_231212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than expected.

>> No.348171
File: 5 KB, 128x128, profbeast[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silly professor that's now how biogenetics works!

>> No.348184
File: 815 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_161951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The TXT file threw me off and made me think it replaced map 01. It's actually map12 (duh).

Based on the historic Alabama Theatre (don't live anywhere near Alabama so dunno how true to form it is) Lots of ammo, health and supplies. A bit easy on the traps and a little unimpressive on the graphics and texture alignments, and nobody should use that no-sliding effect on elevators ever. The theatre area was decently built, though the texturing made it look rather plain.

Overall not bad, I'd give it 8 out of 12 TaBs.

>> No.348208
File: 182 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_213105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.348234
File: 6 KB, 128x128, vishnak[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please kill me it hurts to live.jpg

>> No.348269
File: 662 KB, 740x858, All i know is suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could be worse

>> No.348278

Giger mod when

>> No.348294

Okay /vr/tualbros, I've got a couple of questions for ya...

1. Wolfenstein
Is there a doom/wolfenstein mod?
Basically Wolfenstein in Doom's engine?
I'm basically looking for a game with Wolfenstein's
Sound effects
Enemy Behaviors
etc. but in the Doom engine.
So improvements would be in the way the character moves.

Or on the other hand, a mod that's just Map31 type levels (the nazi level in doom II), but with all the wolfenstein enemies, not just the blue SS officers.

Are there any sourceports and/or wads that solve the whole "You can't be directly above anything" problem?
Like for some reason if I'm at the top of a cliff and a pinky is at the bottom, it can bite me from there, and I can't run over it.
Also related, I've noticed there are no platforms directly underneath other platforms in doom.
Like, if a wad has 2 floors, the second floor won't be directly above the first one.
This puts limitations on level design, obviously. You couldn't have a tunnel under a field where people are supposed to walk, for instance.

Thanks, nerds.

>> No.348307

There are lots of nazis in the Indiana Jones like Nazis! mod

>> No.348324

1. Go look up STWolf

2. GZDoom and its derivatives can do that

>> No.348326

would be a fun mod if it wasn't for the fucked-up textures, the cyberdemon outta nowhere and the fact that the exit is within 5 seconds of spawn point

>> No.348327

Does anyone know of a working download for this?
I'd like to give it a whirl, but it's been inactive for years and the author seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth.

>Captcha : tembake this

>> No.348340
File: 2 KB, 128x128, ocelot[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revolver Ocelot, anyone?

>Is there a doom/wolfenstein mod?

Yes (I THINK it's called WolfDoom, Personally I haven't tried any Wolf TC, but I guess the rest of the guys can help you). And even better, there's a good bunch of Wolfenstein-themed wads, and they don't suck at all.

>> No.348343
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_233823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod called Levitic, forgot to save the url
It immediately gave me a chaingun but seems alright

Also, how can you change the screenshot directory?

>> No.348351
File: 268 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_161312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A big ol' 32 map megawad. Supposedly of good to mediocre quality; there was noticably small amounts of health and ammo available in a relatively large map01. Died on map02. Likely one of the harder map packs unless you are used to really challenging wads. I'll throw this up in a coop server and continue for a bit.

>> No.348378

why did I sayy mod, I meant wad

>> No.348385

So into zandronum.ini (It may append your windows username to the end, ie: 'Zandronum-Newbie.ini') and Control-F for
'screenshot_dir=' and type in wherever you want it to save screenshots, for example 'C:\Doomshots'.

>> No.348391

I suppose this is the one you're talking about.
As for the second question, use GZDoom or Zandronum for that feature.

>> No.348406
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, Come at me bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.348415

Server's up, Zone of Fear for servername, no pass. Mostly just testing server stability.

>> No.348432


Yes, it's called wolfendoom and it's awesome.
The guy even made like 10 extra campaigns on the arctic, ruins, nazi submarines, everywhere


Those dl links kind of suck, i might upload my rar file with every wolfendoom wad.

>> No.348435

You've just made me think of a Darkseed FPS

>> No.348439

>Not Zone of Fear /vr/ for servername
Nigga what are you doing?

>> No.348468

(BRUTAL) Sewers.WAD:
It's a replacement for e1m1 of doom 1. It's a near endless maze of brown, repetative textures with a nukage floor. It took me a while to finish, and was absolute shit.
The verdict:
2/10 apply yourself!

>> No.348479



Atleast put /vr/ in int so we can filter n' shit.

>> No.348512


Zone of /vr/

>> No.348514
File: 425 KB, 800x800, 0eb2de9a26aa2b43aa00e570afe0872eafd98f4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monsters are all different biomechanoids
>rockets are replaced with penises
>the Icon of Sin has tits


>> No.348527

>rockets replaced with penises
>chainsaw replaced with the dildozer

>> No.348530

relaunched the server. Turns out the map difficulty isn't so bad, though ammo and health are still a bit scarce.

>> No.348542

well this is a pretty boring map, nothing to do except hunt for the blue skuaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.348559
File: 431 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_220503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you give a man a shotgun, he'll want some shells to go with it..."
Seriously, this whole map is just shotty spam. You only get one other weapon, and that's in a secret, but more on that later.
The level design is literally "Take down the hitscanners in the room, kill everyone else, hit the switch, move onto the next room, repeat."
Architecture looks good for the most part, but some areas are painful to the eyes, and some even blend in, like a set of grey stairs perched on a grey wall with a grey floor.
The areas that do look good provide nice attention to detail, which is uncanny for a speedmap.
It's veeeeeery short. Only 4 rooms (Loose definition) and one weapon means very boring gameplay.
The ending is a little disappointing. You reach a pair of bruisers with the exit switch in the middle. You can either kill them with your shotty, or just end it there.
Lastly, there is a secret right at the start that sticks out like a sore thumb, and leads you right to the exit fight with a chaingun, but no way to exit the room, meaning a more close quarters fight, but still nothing that can't be handled with the fucking rape-o-saurus rex they just gave you.
4/10 Wouldn't bang.

>> No.348567

What am I supposed to do with this?

>> No.348654

very short and requires wallhumping to beat it, but great start for apparently being the second proper wad ever made

>> No.348676

>Take down the hitscanners in the room, kill everyone else, hit the switch, move onto the next room, repeat

... isn't that the point of Doom in general?

>> No.348694
File: 297 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_231827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.348740

Well it's moreso here, because being given nothing but a shotty just makes the hitscanners pop out like a sore thumb, so much so that the imps and demons peppered throughout the level mean pretty much nothing. When compared to say, MAP11 ('O' of Destruction) in Doom 2, where I had just as much priority kill the projectile shooters as I did with the hitscanners.
Maybe it's because he limited himself to Doom 1, but there had to be a reason for that, right?

>> No.348867

>OBLIGE myself an episode of tiny levels
>boring arrangement of 4 buildings
>this can't be too hard
>mancubutts everywhere
>teleporter trapped into rooms full of shotgunners twice
Fuggin level generators man.
On an unrelated note, I met a transgendered lady with the last name "Hadcock" today.
It took much effort to restrain the giggling.

>> No.348878

Why are you faggots not in the Whodunit server?
We need more people

>> No.348882
File: 64 KB, 460x460, Het.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't particularly like Whodunit.

>> No.348889
File: 104 KB, 634x543, 92384237456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Server: "/vr/tual boys solve a murder mystery"
Password: "vidya"

Get in here, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.349070
File: 64 KB, 420x500, 1361839260909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one fuckhuge pentagram.

>> No.349135
File: 278 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_001305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.349202

>excited to play
>look at server
>no one in there


>> No.349217

The introduction of "jump" and "duck" controls in source ports such as ZDoom and Skulltag , although not canon, seem to quash the widespread rumours of the 1990s that the Doom marine was a paraplegic transporting himself by a rocket powered wheelchair.

Doom Wikia is weird.

>> No.349276

How do i get in on multiplayer with you guys, what version of doom should I use?

(could we put that info in OP for each thread...?)

>> No.349284

Zandronum with Doom II iwad.

>> No.349349
File: 627 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_002950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>room containing roughly 200 pissed-off cyberdemons
>7 hp
>no more health pickups
>only a pistol, shotgun, chaingun, and BFG

Help me guys. :(

What do?

>> No.349363

rip and tear is always the answer

>> No.349367

Technically speaking you have 14 health because of the armor.
Also rip and tear.

>> No.349368

You might need to do a little ripping and tearing

>> No.349370

A "Wild West" level, overall was alright, a bit small though it was made in '94. Too many weapons spread around though and the switch to open the exit door is too far away that or I was too slow in getting to the door in time.

Suppose though, if one were to touch up the map a bit it could make for a decent DM level or something.
Also something a bit funny with this, you need to load the WADs in a specific order else the game crashes (even tested with Chocolate Doom)

You just re-roll till you get a WAD, it's what I do at least.

>> No.349380
File: 251 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_003508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I do have a chainsaw too...

I'm going for it. Wish me luck.

>> No.349384

to maximize the power of the BFG, get maximum close to the Cyberdemon, shoot, and don't move, keep the BFG pointed at it. If you do it right you'll kill it in one hit, and damage the others behind it. Rinse repat, I guess.

>> No.349385
File: 11 KB, 400x299, hng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you guys.

>> No.349390
File: 463 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_003546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.349397
File: 423 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_003700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.349402
File: 2.02 MB, 320x200, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm a faggot and like embedding sounds

>download http://dnsev.github.com/4cs/
>click "sounds" next to picture
>get sound
>listen to typical match with /vr/

>me messing up the first time

>> No.349403
File: 223 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_003743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.349410

Exactly what was expected.
Still giggling like a little girl.

>> No.349414

It doesn't matter where you're looking after the initial projectile leaves the gun but instead where you're standing. And killing in one hit is improbable if not impossible. Done properly I'm almost certain it will take at least 2 shots.

>> No.349423


do you even NUTS.WAD?

>> No.349426

>a cyberdemon

More like vaporized by 200.

>> No.349428

But I did it before, twice. If you are actually the closest you can get to the cyberdemon you will kill it in 1 shot. Not sure about the position, but what I tried yesterday made me get best results by standing still and looking towards target area.

>> No.349434

It's like Beavis and Butthead

>> No.349440

Cyberdemon on the left appears to be wearing a rocket codpiece. That' or he's happy to see you.

>> No.349446

I loved being a part of that. It's too much fun.

>> No.349450

>If you are actually the closest you can get to the cyberdemon you will kill it in 1 shot

It's pretty fucking hard to get that close to a cyberdemon. Even with invulnerability his rockets are still going to punch you thirty feet in the air.

>> No.349459

lrn2dodge, he only shoots 3 at a time and then stops. It's hard but can still be done.

>> No.349520

No you didn't, don't give me that "that kid" bullshit. The damage ratio for the BFG at the closest possible range is between 2900-3000 hp. Since the cyberdemon has 4000 hp it's utterly impossible for that to occur without a mod or him being damaged through infighting,

>> No.349524

so is nuts.wad liked ironically or do you actually have the worst taste in history?

>> No.349545

nuts.wad is not liked as anything other than a shot to the foot to anyone who wants to make a slaughter map.

>> No.349560

nuts.wad is more of a joke wad, but nuts2.wad is actually playable and quite fun.

>> No.349575

>not able to beat nuts.wad

>> No.349590

It's the fucking lag that makes it near impossible to beat, not the monsters themselves.

>> No.349594

Play it using chocolate-doom. No lag at all.

>> No.349602

Another guy with a crash. I was playing on Icon of Sin and it froze when one of the monsters spawned inside of me.

On a happier note, this Doomtra thing is fantastic.

>> No.349607

Would anybody be interested in me hosting an Icon of Party server?

>> No.349625
File: 575 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130403_181716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better than expected, Zone of Fear has quite a few more open levels that can be easily lost in, with the switches that open up new areas allowing groups of players to be doing different things while advancing. There were a couple random puzzle and themed levels, which were interesting if gimmicky. Worked pretty well when run as a coop wad, though I ticked on double ammo to compensate for the low ammo spawns. Got pretty intense on some of the levels too. 9 out of 10. Still running the server as Zone of Fear /vr/, no pass.

>> No.349639


>> No.349640

Cry more retard, a BFG does more than 4000 damage, but there's another reason why it can't kill the Cyberdemon in one hit.

>> No.349670

A remake of Doom 1s E2M2 though it replaces MAP12 of Doom 2. I found the original E2M2 to be dull but I found this to be excellent and is quite challenging.
8.8/10 l

>> No.349704

I would join

>> No.349718
File: 13 KB, 250x300, 1319998480669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostname: "/vr/ - Icon of Party"
Password: "vidya"

>> No.349731

Actually the absolute upper cap on the amount of damage the BFG can do to one target per shot is 5600 (800 projectile damage + 40 tracers of 8*15)

>> No.349737

not him but stop being this retarded

>> No.349762

It'll never even reach 4000 because of how the RNG works, though.

>> No.349768

I don't see it.

>> No.349780

It could in theory. But it's so unlikely it's not even worth factoring due to the huge amount of randomness on each shot giving it an averaged amount of damage of 2600-3000.

>> No.349784

I can't see it
Might be my net being retarded, though

>> No.349808

Try now.

>> No.349813

Don't start.

He might've not broadcasted, or he didn't port forward properly.

>> No.349857

Is it on Best Ever or are you hosting it on your own computer?

>> No.349869

It works now, refresh your list.

>> No.349873

That doesn't answer my question.

If I refresh, my internet literally goes out and most of the servers say no response

>> No.349906

He's hosting on his own PC.

>> No.349958

>no Doom Kart discussion








>> No.349964

Isn't the guy doing the spriting asleep anyway?

Also, are we doing it like running into blocks and get powerups?

>> No.349970

maybe people won't talk about doom kart because you won't stop fucking being obnoxious about it?

>> No.349973

How do the karts interact with stairs? Do they treat them like normal, i.e. like a ramp?

I'm almost done with my first map, and I'd whip a track up for DoomKart.

>> No.349980

Codeguy hasn't said how the powerup system is going to happen. I don't think he's gotten that far. Meanwhile, has anyone collected spriteguy's creations into a single image or anything for showing off?

>> No.349991

That poster isn't CuddlyZebesian.
...and believe me, nobody in the IRC has love for him, either.

>> No.350004

That's my fault, since I kinda ran into there raging.

>> No.350032

I think he's still spriting the rest, but I recall one or two being finished.

>> No.350053

I know I saw a Lost Soul, Doomguy, and a Cyberdemon. And they're all glorious.

>> No.350057

What happened to the server?

>> No.350061

He closed it.

>> No.350138
File: 208 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_031318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shit even possible?

>> No.350195

Fine then, I'll host it myself
Server: /vr/ throws a party
IP: best-ever.org:15061
password: videojuegos

>> No.350224


You're not supposed to fight him, though. He's a puzzle boss.

>> No.350359
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 1312673714515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a little game of Cyberdemon and Marine?

server: /vr/tual cat and mouse
password: vidya

Cat and Mouse wad

Skulltag files if you lack them

>> No.350465
File: 2 KB, 128x128, majikmonkee[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no FF6 TC

>> No.350474

Spriteguy here. I did a stream of me making the impmobile earlier if you're interested in it.
Video here.

I'm not rendering it out completely until I get some word from codeguy, but he's in college from what I gather and had to give up his laptop and use college computers for everything. So we wait and see now. I'll be working on a cacomobile tomorrow probably... And most likely throw up a stream for that. sometime around noon pacific standard time (US)

>> No.350490

I have a question:

I wanna play it both in Windows 7; can i?, and how?.

>> No.350521

Deep into the code sounds kickass over Soundblaster.

>> No.350529

Doom thread archives since foolz' is down, missing the last thread, however.
Funny enough, I archived these yesterday for no good reason.

>> No.350531

Anyone else love the PSX version of DOOM?

if i can remember right, someone at Id wanted DOOM to be more of a horror game, but of course Romero being a metalhead, would have none of that

>> No.350560

And that's why Doom 3 is a horror game.

>> No.350569


Tom wanted it to be a seamless, open world with missions and NPCs but Carmack didn't want to/didn't know how to program the engine to suit it so they stuck with it being level based and linear.

>> No.350574

Bring back romero, and bring sgt mark onto the Doom 4 team.

Boom, killer app team is born.

I don't care if he's a prick, an idiot, he makes good games. That goes for both of them.

Maybe it's just my code monkey ignorance peeking through, but I think Carmack knew and knows how to push engines to their limit. It was a hardware constraint, not a design one.

>I don't actually know that, but I feel pretty certain about it.

>> No.350598

If you're talking about Doom, then download Zandronum (google it) and copy the doom.wad and doom2.wad files over to the zandronum directory. Doom2 is used more often so if you have to pick one use that. After that browsing servers with Doomseeker or IDE generally gets add-ons downloaded to you automatically.

>> No.350603

>good mods
He stopped making good mods a long time ago.

>> No.350613

>bring sgt mark onto the Doom 4 team

brb need to vomit

>> No.350615

do this for multiplayer, for singleplayer use GZDoom and browse doomworld's idgames archive for mods if you want

>> No.350648

PSX version just has such a better atmosphere, the horror is great

Especially the Cyberdemon fight

>> No.350659

I wish there weren't such a hatred for brutal doom in these threads. It's a fun mod, with or without the gore additions. And it makes deathmatch worth playing. (seriously, one of your server hosters try it out, it's a lot of fun with brutal doom. reminds me of quake DM).

Anyway. Yeah. Brutal doom is fun.

>> No.350662

>Carmack not knowing how to do something
It's more likely that the technology at the time wasn't capable of handling a huge, seamless world like they wanted to do originally.

>> No.350664

We tried brutal deathmatch before. It sucked tons of dicks.

>> No.350672

It probably wouldn't fit with the engine. Doom back in the day couldn't handle large open areas, or even large closed maps. There was a soft limit on the size and sector amount.

>> No.350681

You tried it in tiny maps. That's another problem. In the DM maps usually used a character running at nearly 60 miles per hour feel cramped. Try using larger maps and it turns into a lot of fun. I've done it before, I know what it's like.

>> No.350685


Sounds good, yet, i'm looking for something off-line.

But thanks anon, that helps.

>> No.350689

GZdoom as another anon said. Same features, but a bit more stable (from what I hear, never had problems with zandronum) and it's pretty much the standard now.

>> No.350690

>it's really fun guys i swear
>but only if you play it on specific maps
I want brutal shit to leave.

>> No.350706

Because as we all know Id did such a good job by themselves on Doom 3 right?

>> No.350715

They did though? It was a good game.

>> No.350716
File: 11 KB, 114x75, SkullKartDownRight1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Tiny maps suck shit on normal Doom DM as well for the same reason. That wasn't even BD specific.

Seriously fuck off. God damn you faggots are hard to talk to.

>> No.350721

Tiny maps were fine on Doom DM, the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.350732

It depends on how small you're talking. Duel maps? Obviously those will suck for deathmatch. Highly regarded packs like UDMX or Dynamite? Not so much. Brutal sucks for deathmatch because everything oneshots, with the exception of the default weapon, which only needs a couple more shots. Why would anyone use the super shotgun in brutal deathmatch if the shotgun is just as effective while being faster, more accurate, and more ammo efficient?

>> No.350765

>implying i hate brutal doom

No, I just think an overrated modder working on something like DOOM 4 would be digusting.


And having some guy who made a decent mod of DOOM will make DOOM4 much better?

pls stop sucking marks dick.

>> No.350770
File: 2.34 MB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20120208_235255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing the interior of this bitch now. Got a really nice subtle fog/reflective marble floor combo going in there right now.

>Question 1:
What rooms and features would you expect and enjoy to find inside such a castle? A library and a great hall are given already. Any ideas are welcome.

>Question 2:
Would you be interested in a completely exploration/problem solving based map, or should there be some combat? It would be all melee if so.

>> No.350778
File: 54 KB, 620x478, 1340836276144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, sorry i didn't notice that.

I just prove it... it's beautiful; thank you my dearly anons.

>> No.350783


Some huge kitchen, rooms for court memebrs, torture chamber (it should be quite gruesome and I'm not sure if that's how your WAD is going to be) and armory.

I'd love to have it as an exploration-only WAD with stunning visuals. We need more of that.

>> No.350784


Get on my level nigga, I've been saving the threads on my PC since we did the first one in /vg/

But to be fair, what's the deal with saving them? Brb, deleting them

>> No.350789

/vr/ throws a party server.
What's the pass? vidya doesen't seem to work

>> No.350808

I want ZZ Top music in my wads.

>> No.350840

I tried fooling with the wad for a bit, then switched to deathmatch mode with some bots (all with Zandronum), and after trying to fire at a mancubus with the super shotty it crashed.

>> No.350847

Yeah, not enough ram i guess

>> No.350872

For when foolz is down, and I only saved the /vr/ ones because they're actually quality and have a lot of info I'd like to sift through.

>> No.350882

I made a proper deathmatch server without monsters this time, and the moment I shot one of the bots it hung.

Was using custom skins on all players/bots, Dead Simple deathmatch, I used the rocket launcher wave-gun thing, on Zandronum

>> No.350904

I think letting Zenimax turn Doom 4 into a Call of Duty knockoff would be disgusting. Sgt. Mark seems to have a better grasp on what makes Doom Doom that Id does these days.

>> No.350908

Where can I find good IWADs?
Apparently I downloaded PWADs.
>They were all from the Cacowards page..

>> No.350913

See, you can hate his work all you like, but I think the crazy/stupid he added is the crazy and stupid doom 3 needed.

Romero would be the better choice, but I get the feeling he's long moved on, and may not 1. care, 2. be willing to put in the right amount of effort.

Doom 3 had no "punch", everything felt so... Sterile and slow. And again, hate on him all you want, I consider BD to be "up there" on the scale. Sure, weapons are a little unbalanced, but all of them feel good, look good, and are buzzword. Just kidding, fun! and... Well fuck man, I dunno.

D4 NEEDS to be a fucking smash hit, and it can't be just because of name. They got a pass on D3, but that's all you get in this industry.

Now, that being said, the guy probably has no fucking idea how to work on new games with new hardware, so it was more a joke than not, but your reaction, I think, is way off.

>> No.350917


Just look in the thread for it.

>> No.350935

>Cawadooty sells gaemz though!
>implying DOOM hasn't sold gazillions

I think I own at least 6 copies of doom 1 retail. I have it on floppy disc(s), Ultimate Doom CD, digital (steam), and it was replaced at least once during floppy era, and I bought it on XBL Arcade to deathmatch and fuck around.

Doom 2, similar, although it wasn't rereleased a million times, so once on disc, once digital, once XBL.

I can't imagine 3 made nearly the splash 1/2 did, and for god damn good reason. It's not Doom anymore. 4 HAS to do it, or they might as well bury the series right now.

I dunno, fuck it. I'll just keep playing my ancient games with source ports and bitch like an oldfart about how much better it was in my day. Fuck.

>> No.350937

>you can hate his work all you like

When did I say I hate it? Get that selective reading checked out.

>> No.350939

Anyone know the title of the song that plays in the hub level in the Unloved WAD?

>> No.350949


>> No.350951

Fuck that wad and fuck clowns.

>> No.350953

I knew it was a Silent Hill song, but not from which installment or OST. Thank you.

>> No.350954

>playing sunder.wad with russian overkill on 1-hit or drunk simulator mode
This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.350957

I meant hate on, actually. It's late and the nyquil is slowly shutting my brain off.

>> No.350961

Because everything doesn't one shot? The plasma rifle's secondary does, and it's the only OP weapon I can think of. The super shotgun does but it does in doom anyway. The regular shotgun doesn't, so I don't really know where you're getting that. It makes more sense to have the weapons more balanced than in vanilla doom, otherwise it ends up being whoever gets to the big gun first wins.

>> No.350969

Large arched hallways/dining rooms and tons of corridors. Try to make them at least recognizeable (holes in walls, cobwebs etc) they don't need to be completely unique. for something so huge I undertand copy pasting

>> No.350978

I really hope you're not suggesting that vanilla Doom deathmatch is less balanced than Brutal Doom.

>> No.350991

I don't think Brutal Doom should be what new Doom should be. OK all the blood and gore and guts is funny and all, but I wouldn't have liked Doom like I do if it was originally like that. So yeah, the Mark circlejerk should stop. I mean, what do you guys reasonably think he can add to the game besides violence?

>> No.350995

I'm not suggesting it, I'm flat out saying it. Vanilla doom DM is less balanced than Brutal Doom DM.

Here's a list of weapons are are next to useless in vanilla DM: Pistol (duh), Chaingun, shotgun, plasma rifle, and the rocket launcher is only useful with source ports that allow freelook.

At least with brutal doom I have a chance to fight back when I spawn, instead of just getting sprinted past immediately by the guy with the super shotgun for him to blow me away in a single shot.

Brutal dooms weapons are more balanced in the damage they do, aside from the super shotgun, which is still a one hit, but at least has a wider spread. However the plasma rifle is overpowered for DM, which is close to just as shitty.

Again, the size of the maps plays a large part in the problem with 12+ players, but that's not really vanilla or BD's fault,

>> No.350997
File: 270 KB, 1456x939, ro-sunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a damned genius.

>> No.350998

Just ran some quick tests. The shotgun oneshots. The supershotgun oneshots, but you have to get a bit closer. The rifle kills in 6 shots. The plasma rifle primary kills in 3. Minigun needed around 15, which isn't much at that rate of fire. Everything else also oneshots.

>> No.351002

Agreed. It would feel like a doom parody instead of a real doom game.

I'm fine with blood and guts spewing about, but kicking enemies in the balls, and shooting them in half while the top half crawls around for a good 2 minutes is a bit much. Maybe just 5 seconds or so would seem reasonable.

>> No.351003

Pistol is supposed to be useless, chaingun is NOT useless, shotgun can be the most useful weapon if you use it right, how in the actual fuck is the plasma rifle uesless, and the rocketlauncher has autoaim dummy.
Did the poor pubby get wrecked on his first try into vanilla DM?
Also, mapsize doesn't matter unless you're playing BD DM.

>> No.351013

I have to agree. The plasma rifle is overpowered, especially if you are playing on map 32 (DM2)
>Map 32
>Playing with some friends at school
>Kill everything on the screen
>Never lose

>> No.351018

I'll give you Doom 2, because id didn't even think about the SSG's deathmatch power. But Doom 1 is extremely balanced. The shotgun and chaingun are both useful, and each can overpower the other in the right situation. The rocket launcher is risky and has ammo limitations, but otherwise it's the closest to an "overpowered" weapon in Doom 1. Plasma rifle is powerful but difficult to use effectively, as people can outrun the plasma while peppering you with chaingun or shotgun fire. BFG is probably the hardest weapon to use effectively. Sure, you can just hit people with the ball, but it's big, bright, and fairly slow. Spamming won't get you nearly as many frags as properly using the weapon will.

Of course, then Doom 2 came out and ruined everything with the overpowered as fuck SSG.

>> No.351019

I dunno, I don't remember the shotgun one shotting, maybe I wasn't close enough. I'd rather play in a game where the weapons are more cloesly balanced than a game where most weapons are useless.

Think UT99. The sniper rifle one shotted if it was a headshot, flak cannon if you were close enough, rocket launcher if you charged it, biogun if you charged it, but moved slower and could be used for traps, shock cannon if you timed your shots. Different, all could one shot, but acted differently. Made for my personal favorite DM experience. Which is all it is. A preference.

>poor pubby
You're not worth talking to.

>> No.351020

Can we at least agree that vanilla doom and brutal doom are pretty much two different games and leave it at that

>> No.351021

I can get behind doom 1 being a much more balanced DM experience (though I think the single player is more fun). I still say the map should be larger for larger amounts of people, as doom was intended for a 4 person cap. (again not a vanilla vs BD specific problem, just a problem in my opinion).

>> No.351025

this nigga

>> No.351039
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_100816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going for a sinister feel, more ancient and majestic. Grime and torture is a bit overdone imho.

>Pic: still doing layout work, will add a fuckton of detail and decoration later

>> No.351041

brütal doom being highly superior of course


>> No.351043

mark pls go

>> No.351049

stop fucking posting this video, it's shitty

>> No.351053

Probably a stupid question, but when using mouselook and looking up and down in old Doom games, how come the view gets so... weird and warped? Some limitation of the engine?

>> No.351056

The pacing and balance of the gameplay was what I was talking about. The gore doesn't really have anything to do with it.

>> No.351059

The renderer was never made for looking up or down.

>> No.351060

You're not actually looking up or down, everything is actually a 2d plane. However, in OpenGL mode, this problem does not exist.

>> No.351081

Making corridors recognizable is a really good point, landmarks are paramount.

Has bird npc:s that fly around "realistically" ever been implemented in a wad? I'd really want some doves to live in certain rooms.

>> No.351082

You could make it classy gothic. Like the visuals of the first Legacy of Kain game, Blood Omen, or Castlevania games. I always liked sinister but majestic castle interiors.

>> No.351086
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>> No.351087

goddamit your post made me mix it up, I meant dark. You know, illumination by candles, sun (or moon) light hitting the stained glasses, sculptures, strange paintings, etc.

>> No.351106
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>> No.351118

Did you lacerate and eviscerate?

>> No.351129
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>> No.351160

Yeah, that's what I'm going for. There'll be some clockpunk elements too, because I can't resist that shit. Scrolling a texture over wheel-shaped 3D-floors should connected to each other should make for some visually stunning clockwork if done correctly.

>> No.351164

It's not very hard to kill everything forever with such an overpowered weapon mod.

Still fun though.

>> No.351178
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>> No.351205
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>> No.351207
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okay I'll stop now

>> No.351208

That one probably has my favorite explosions.
Along with that big blue cannon.

>FPS games nowadays don't have huge fucking guns with badass starting up sounds
>They haven't even done this since Turok
Shit sucks.

>> No.351216

Team Fortress 2

>> No.351220
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>> No.351224

>Pull out Heavy's Minigun
>Doesn't have any sound besides Heavy pulling out his gun

It's just not the same anon.
Compare it to Turok's Fusion Cannon.

>> No.351229

How are they called thoses wad who are sort of platformer version of doom ?

>> No.351234

Jump maze?

>> No.351238

erm, hm, any link for Sunder ? The one I found here seem dead:

>> No.351239


>> No.351243


>> No.351247
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>> No.351248


>> No.351251

>That feel when the first time of your life, you killed a Cyberdemon.

>> No.351257


I've played Russian Overkill a few times but... what's Drunk Mode?

>> No.351258

Crazy amounts of HP, nothing but super weaponry.

>> No.351262

>An achievement in Doom 1
>Doom 2 turns them into a miniboss
>Plutonia trivializes them with more Cyberdemons
>They are now just sturdy mooks

How the mighty have fallen.

>> No.351269
File: 594 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20130404_064809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk simulator is a difficulty.
It's fucking insane, download the new RO version.

>> No.351279


>> No.351283
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It's official, Doom 4 will be more modern, scripted, linear and cinematic.

>> No.351284

So exactly like Doom 3 then, gotcha.

>> No.351290

Why does everyone say that Doom 3 was so horrible? It was fine.

>> No.351295

It was shit as a Doom game.

>> No.351298

It lost what made Doom 1 and 2 good in an attempt to be scary and cinematic.

It would not have been a big deal if it managed to either keep the spirit of Doom 1 and 2, or if it did it's horror stuff better.
This is not even factoring in the awful weapon sounds(Especially that plasma gun, what were they thinking?), slow pace, PDA collecting, the fact that no enemy is really dangerous and having to switch to the flashlight constantly.

It did not really do anything right besides lighting.
It was a pretty below average game.

>> No.351307

Also shit final boss. All that 2demonalienhorro4u shit and then we get a Cyberdemon that gets killed with a cube.

>> No.351310

>plasma gun


>> No.351314

Doom 64 made a better Doom 3 than the actual Doom 3.

>> No.351316

It was closer to what they originally intended doom to be, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It wasn't meant to be scary, and it wasn't meant to be actiony.
Also, I quite liked the weapon sounds, but that's me. The slow pace was due to small corridors, and what's wrong with PDA collecting? The enemies are weaker due to cramped areas.

>> No.351317

This nigga knows what's up

>> No.351323

>It was closer to what they originally intended doom to be, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Too bad the 2 games that established Doom were nothing like it. Are you retarded or are you doing this on purpose?

>> No.351328
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>It wasn't meant to be scary, and it wasn't meant to be actiony.

So what in the name of Romero's severed head was it supposed to be?

>> No.351329


>> No.351330

It was meant to be scary.
That is why it's atmospheric like crazy and the pacing is slow.

As for the weapon sounds.. I really can't think of any weapon that felt satisfying.
Even running around with Berserk had no punch to it because it made a little pfff sound when you hit something.

Now to be fair Doom 1 and 2 didn't have any special punch sound to it either, but the weapons certainly sounded better.

Explaining the slow pace does not excuse the slow pace.
Doom 1 & 2 are fast games focused on movement for dodging.
Doom 3 is an incredibly slow game even when you make Doom3guy sprint.

It just didn't feel good in the spots that matter the most.
It certainly didn't feel like what Doom had established beforehand.

>> No.351342

It was supposed to be inbetween
Yeah, like I said, it's just my opinion, I liked the sounds.

I agree, it didn't feel as good as doom, and it isn't exactly doom, but it's still not that bad a game as people say it is.

>> No.351343

for short it was a different game with the same theme.

>> No.351346

I actually loved the plasma rifle sound. Sue me.

>> No.351351

Is this hard to understand? Besides Doom3 had nothing near the complexity they wanted to originally do for the first game. For a Doom game it had shit gameplay, disappointing fights, and relied on jumpscares way too much. The monster redesigns were also mostly shit.
Deal the fuck with it. Doom64 is a better Doom 3 like >>351314 suggested.

>> No.351353

If you like it that's fine.

I can't really see how though.
Felt like a toy compared to the classic Doom version.
And those sprites were based off a toy.

I also didn't like Quake 2's Hyper Blaster sounds.

>> No.351354


I don't think many people say Doom 3 was bad. it just was not like the original 2 games that worked.

It's like they decided 'hmm our first 2 games worked perfectly, lets fuck around with what people like'

>> No.351357


The thing is I and I'm sure many other people would have been a hell of a lot more forgiving to doom 3 if it wasn't fucking called Doom 3, seeing as it took everything that made Doom good and threw it out the damn window.

I mean you could argue they were trying to break off from being a big dumb shooter but Doom is THE big dumb shooter.

>> No.351364

I think it would have been more fun if they didn't include that fucking cube..

>> No.351365

Is there any way to make GZDoom not run like shit when playing oblige maps?

>> No.351369

vid_renderer 0
Disabling OpenGL can help performance on shitty machines. Keep GZDoom though, because it has some stuff that zdoom doesn't.

>> No.351372

So guys

We've seen Mortal Kombat in Doom.
We've seen Blood in Doom.
We've seen Duke, Serious Sam, Sonic and Mario in Doom.
Painkiller, Bulletstorm and Dark Forces as well.
And Mario Kart I'm assuming what with Doomkart.
And that anon that made Contra Doom.

What game would you personally like to see put into Doom?

>> No.351374
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le baron face

>> No.351378

Doom 1 and 2 into Doom 4

>> No.351380


Ghosts and Goblins.

I want a full set of GnG weapons.

>> No.351381
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x4320, cod in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: all the wads and Source port we are playing evolved more than COD.

>> No.351383

the doomkart anon is also making witchhaven in doom

>> No.351384

>his is not even factoring in the awful weapon sounds(Especially that plasma gun, what were they thinking?),
>not instantatly thinking about shotgun.

>> No.351391

Shotgun sound kinda really sucked too, but Plasma Gun was the biggest disappointment to me.
I love the design on that thing.

Firing it once disappointed me to no end.

>> No.351392

i know you guys aren't really fan of it, but does anyone know of a way to improve the AI of your allies in brutal doom (for GZdoom) ?

>> No.351395


>> No.351396


The Doom 3 shotgun makes me ill thinking about because it's not a fucking classic pump action and instead that weird fucking... sci fi thing

>> No.351402

But imo, it was more Quake 0.5

>> No.351403

you don't

>> No.351405
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Bad toys 3D.

>> No.351406

This. What the fuck were they even thinking.

>> No.351408
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>> No.351413

Fucking shit. I hated the shotgun from that game in every way. The only two weapons that I really enjoyed using were the chaingun, BFG, and I even liked the plasma rifle.

Everything else just sounded off. The pistol was very sluggish and sounded cheap. The SMG sounded like a pellet gun. Also, the rocket launcher was sort of puny.

>> No.351423

I kind of liked that Zelda in Doom.

>> No.351428



>> No.351439

there is zelda in doom


>> No.351445

I want that dude to finish SS13 WAD he showed off a couple of days ago

>> No.351450


Oh. the dead .wad

Fuck. Why aren't there more wads out there that put old NES weapons in doom? That shit is neat

>> No.351478

Some anon here put Contra weapons in Doom recently.
It's not that bad.

>> No.351481


Yeah, it's not finished yet though, still needs balancing and better weapon sprites.

Plus if you die while playing it the fucking game crashes

>> No.351487

anon pls

So I'm guessing to play this again I have to get a W98 virtual machine and get it from somewhere, right. Any reason why it wouldn't just work on W7?

>> No.351492
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But would it be possible? Are there any WADs with platforms that the player can move and create?

>> No.351493
File: 165 KB, 1280x1024, Windows 98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but there isn't any source port.
So yeah, so far, W98 virtual machine is the only way I found.

>> No.351495
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>impossible isn't Idtech 1.

>> No.351502

It felt like some plastic toy too

>> No.351515

Metroid Doom.

I don't know how but do it.

>> No.351516

So would Doomguy be able to invade Stalingrad in the winter?

>> No.351521
File: 326 KB, 646x825, Rouge consider the following 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Stalingrad in the winter isn't hell.

>> No.351523


It'd take more than a cold breeze to slow him down.

>> No.351537

Theoretically it wouldn't be too hard for the average weapon modder.
There's a Samus cannon sprite out there that people have used before.

The hard part for spriting would be to open that up for missile mode.

Unless you were talking about something handling like the Prime games, then that's another story.

>> No.351539


Actually, I've seen a mod of it once, but it was rather shitty. Just a weapon mod and that was it.

With a few levels, some new monsters, and a good weapon pack, this could be nice.

>> No.351562

>Doom 1 & 2 are fast games focused on movement for dodging.
>Doom 3 is an incredibly slow game even when you make Doom3guy sprint.
It's more realistic. Doomguy in Doom 1 and Doom 2 runs like a vehicle.

>> No.351563

>Had the idea of trying RO with Chillax
>Has beend one already


>> No.351568

>It's more realistic

Realism is the notion that kills videogames.

>> No.351569

So with talk of all of these dream-Dooms, I might want to start something. No promises though...

How is map making? I've done some CS1.6 mapping but I'd guess it's entirely different, even if the engines are distantly related...

>> No.351571

Seriously, I want to see more old vidya weapon packs

Zelda 1 pack that includes all of the weapons, including a few extra weapons you pick up and use as items, like the boomerang, it wouldn't do damage but it'd stun enemies

Ghosts n Goblins with lances, daggers and all of that shit

Fuck, how about getting a little more obscure and make a Xexyz weapon pack?

>> No.351572

>It's more realistic.
>a video game
>about marines on Mars
>who get invaded by the forces of Hell

You are in the wrong place brother

>> No.351578
File: 1.20 MB, 1366x768, pls respond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i'm getting fucking raped in su- i mean playing sunder
i've moved all the skelingtons out of the exit area and pressed the 2 switches, but exit is still blocked

where go from here?

>> No.351597

Well shit now I wish I could make maps.

I just had the idea to recreate Middle-Earth in Doom. There's maps and everything. And for more detailed places I could use the film sets as an example.

Would have made it so it's possible to go all the way from the Shire over Moria to Mordor.

>> No.351604

Oh and then of course we could have said

>Doomguy simply walks into Mordor

>> No.351608

Could someone hook me up with all the neceserry doom/final/2/hexen ect. wads?
My computer went insane lost all of them..

>> No.351612

That fucking map in Left 4 dead:

>> No.351621
File: 163 KB, 640x480, Yellowsubmarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I attempted The Beatle's Yellow Submarine (animated film) as a DOOM wad, I guess I was more interested in creating a Blue Meanie monster set than the maps

Also Warhammer 40'000. I love to see if anyone can do that right

>> No.351629

It's easy, like drawing out a map and it appearing in 3d. Try doombuilder 2.

>> No.351635

inb4 "hurrdurr direct link to an image" i had that in annother tab

>> No.351638

>using doomsday
Absolutely disgusting.
That's also probably why, lel.

>> No.351643

You can replace Doom 3's sounds with Doom's ones.

>> No.351646

I'm gonna fire up SLADE to make something real quick, any mod requests while I have it open? Can range from small to large, I don't really mind.

>> No.351651

I've seen the mods. I still wish id was smarter back then.

>> No.351652

Got it, Thanks.

>> No.351668

just went and sped through level 2 on gzdoom with god and fastweapons to see if that's the problem.

yeah, that's the problem.

>> No.352183


It's for Heretic, not Doom, but I think that makes it better. Heretic's really underappreciated as far as idtech1 games go. Unfortuantely, a project like this doesn't work great on standard Heretic maps, but the author seems to have a mapset in the works.

>> No.352223


>> No.352263
File: 97 KB, 1417x1417, heretic_cdobal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one LOVE Heretic. Even though it may very well be a reskinned Doom with fantasy elements, it still has loads more personality than Hexxen

>> No.352270

>a reskinned Doom with fantasy elements


Good gameplay + Fantasy setting

Do you know how fucking rare fantasy FPS are these days?

>> No.352278
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 2751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dissing mah Hexen

>> No.352291


Expert doomers say: "It is possible to love Hexen AND Heretic!"

>> No.352292

I've got the GZdoom versions of Doom 1 & 2, but I was thinking of changing to Zdoom.

Thinking of picking of Heretic and Hexen as well.

>> No.352302

>I've got the GZdoom versions of Doom 1 & 2, but I was thinking of changing to Zdoom.
There's no reason to do that. GZDoom stays up to date with ZDoom's codebase, and you can switch to the ZDoom renderer without switching ports.

>> No.352410

GZDoom has no software renderer.
That's why it's [G]ZDoom

>> No.352418

It does.
vid_renderer 0

>> No.352436

Actually, the GZ stands for Graf Zahl, the username of the port's lead developer. That's why it's GZDoom, not GLZDoom.

>> No.352440

And because there was already a GLZDoom.

>> No.352462

That was ZDoomGL. It also sucked tons of dicks.

>> No.352475
File: 828 KB, 220x202, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How long have I gone without noticing this command?!

>> No.352483

A while.
Took me a long time to find it too, but I just did a few searches and found it since I didn't like switching to ZDoom.

>> No.352839

Oh yeah, I remember that .wad!
It was kind of crude, but the levels were mostly pretty fun.

Also, fun fact: Doom was heavily inspired by Aliens and Evil Dead II

>> No.352881

I was surprised to see there wasn't any official Evil Dead fps.
However, there are a few Evil Dead video games. I downloaded the latest one, "Evil Dead regeneration", which is a Beat-em-all, and it is freaking amazing! It has nice visuals, solid gameplay, and amazing humor! Seriously, if you like Evil Dead, or just good video games in general, check it out.

Funny thing, Duke Nukem stole a lot from Ash: the attitude, the one-lines... Yet his latest game was hundred of time shittier that Ash's one!

>> No.352920

I have a theory why Satan the whiny fallen seraph faggot is not in the DooM universe

>Satan gets permabanned from Heaven
>Satan hates humans by automatic default and starts making demons that also automatically hate humans
>Satan is NOT demonic, just a whiny bitch angel
>Cyberdemon and Spidermastermind are created to act as generals
>Satan is murdered like a whiny little bitch by the Cyberdemon and the Spider Mastermind and launched a coup
>That was quick
>Started making baby factories for demons and biomechanical demons
>Slow spawning demons are slow spawning demons so they make the Icon of Sin and mass produce them to spawn adult demons
>Matriarchs and Patriarchs of demons are created to hold "Some" form of balance in Hell so they won't die to extinction from infighting
>Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind take sides
>Cyberdemon leads the armies Spider Mastermind does the "Planning" and "Tactics"
>Well, shit. How the FUCK are we going to invade humans?!
>Shit for brains can't make teleportation technology to planets or moons, just realms
>Union Aerospace Corporation is founded
>Doomguy family is born

>> No.352943
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I shall accept it as headcannon

>> No.352954

Go play Blood.

>> No.352961


Satan's in Doom 3 by reference alone. It's one of the things that scientist dude you're ordered to find at the beginning of the game tells you.

>"The devil is real. I know. I built his cage."

Or something to that effect.

>> No.352976

Blood is nothing like Evil Dead though.

>> No.352982
File: 21 KB, 337x294, tumblr_m3yzz3Lr3i1rtcfaqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit could I get a download for this? That looks hilarious.

>> No.352989

We really should get a team to work on a Space Hulk co-op MP mod.

>> No.353014
File: 1.88 MB, 230x250, 1361842592915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. I think I'm going to replay Doom with this in mind.

>> No.353018

If Spider Mastermind is so great then why does he die with one BFG shot? checkmate satanist.

>> No.353019

I love Blood, but damn, it's seriously 2hard4me. On my first playthrough I'd always run out of ammo.

>No modern port
Fuckin' Atari...

>> No.353042

He does? Always took me around 3

>> No.353069

If you just shoot at him from afar then yes, it takes like 3 shots. If the BFG finishes firing with you touching the Mastermind it normally dies in that instant, because of the "aftershock" effect of the BFG (conical damage spread from the player's location after the projectile lands) multiplying the damage dealt.

>> No.353081

Demons can fuck with peoples brains with psychological torture and extreme illusions. Doomguy from DooM 3 experienced them but gave no fucks whatsoever, until he saw the Cyberdemon you could clearly see him say "Oh my god" and even after he kileld him off and closed the hellgate, he was more pissed off when the marines disturbed his powernap.

Betruger on the other hand was given power by High Hierarchy demons that most probably created and commanded the demon forces in DooM 3 and most likely are the ones invading planet Earth in DooM 4 IF it will ever be completed.

>> No.353140

Isn't the Icon of Sin supposed to be Baphomet?

Also, what the FUCK were they thinking with the Doom3 final boss? Shit cherry on the shit sundae.

>> No.353152

Does anyone else think that Resurrection of Evil made up for the base game?

>> No.353164

Never played it. What does it fix? Also, Doom is pretty fuckin arcadey. I dunno that there's a way to fix doom 3 with that in mind.

>> No.353175

I would play the shit out of a Turok wad. Or at least a singleplayer megawad for Jurassic Rift, complete with dinosaurs.

>> No.353184

It did have an eerie face.

As a kid, I was almost afraid they'd spring their eyes open and stare at me, because I knew there was a variant with open eyes.

>> No.353193

>>Doomguy family is born
What if Doomguy is actually a UAC experiment? Think about it.
>all the other marines got their asses handed to them, and they took the big guns with them
>Doomguy tears through the demons with ease
>his superhuman speed and strength
>absurd damage resistance that makes rifle rounds hardly capable of harm

I get the feeling that the Hideous Destructor mod plays more like what it would be like to be one of the marines that went ahead of Doomguy. You're significantly slower and can hardly take a hit from the most basic enemies. Even zombiemen can cut you down in less than a second.

>> No.353198

I just thought the expansion was more fun overall. The Artifact was a hell of a lot more fun than the Soul Cube, the bosses were interesting and fun, grabbing imp and hellknight fireballs out of the air and shooting them back with the gravity gun was hilarious and useful, and it brings back the SSG.

>> No.353202

I think things like PDA files and a bit of story didn't really hurt Doom 3, it was other stuff that did it. It tried a bit too hard to be Aliens: Demuns Edition IMO. A Doom game with optional things like PDA files that you can encounter and read purely for flavor text and to get a bit of background info wouldn't be bad I think.

>> No.353204


Sorry to spoil your enthusiasm but, knowing how TC for Doom work, it would just be reskins for already existing monsters.

>> No.353214
File: 51 KB, 640x463, Tre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a Trespasser wad? Shit was so cash.

>> No.353226

>knowing how TC for Doom work

You have no clue how TCs for Doom work.

>> No.353249

ot niw eht emag ouy tsum llik em, nhoj oremor

>> No.353264

realm 667 has quite a lot of decent enemies. I am inclined to believe it is entirely possible to make good dinosaurs

>> No.353310

...your head has a cannon on it?

>> No.353316

That will happen the day someone implements a physics engine into a Doom source port, so, it will never happen.

>> No.353324

It's a shame that they fucked up with Trent Reznor, the sounds he did were pretty damn good. There's a pack that puts the stuff he did (from the leaked alpha) into the game, which replaces the worst offenders.

>> No.353337

Because he's the brains, not the muscle.

>> No.353338
File: 11 KB, 999x1012, suburbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time thinking of this as an actual suburb even before the hell terraforming.

I guess it's easier just looking at the automap, but in game it's another story.

>> No.353359

That's the thing about Doom mapping - it's very abstract. You can get a general idea of what kind of location you're in ("Oh, this is supposed to be a city; this is some sort of tech base; this is something hellish"), but you rarely have something designed with such finesse to really recreate a setting realistically. It's kind of the fun of the engine, where you can focus wholly on level design from a gameplay perspective instead of focusing on that balance between gameplay and believability.

>> No.353364

>Especially that plasma gun, what were they thinking?
>implying it wasn't fucking awesome

>below average
I'll level with you here, it was not nearly at all as good as the first games, but I still found it to be pretty fun shooter.

Flashlight mod helps.

Which is perfectly in line with the Lovecraftian themes that helped inspire Doom.

>> No.353385

Guys, don't forget


>> No.353394

Well said.

>> No.353414

I found this was more of a problem for me. I guess more textures could have solved that problem.

>Doom2 visual texture WAD
>city now feels more like an actual city

Obviously, with levels like Industrial Zone you can only guess what the buildings used to be.

Or E1M1 (Hangar) actually having a spaceship there like Chex Quest.

That's actually what I liked about Chex Quest. Every level felt like it was what the name said.

That said, why does the hell terraforming turn so many structure into wood? I guess they REALLY like wood.

>> No.353421

SMT Doom
I guess it would be like Strife

>> No.353432

That was Quake 1.
I would not mind a Quake 5 focusing on horror and disgusting horrible creatures.

>> No.353468

im currentpy making maps based on the original pokemon gyms and elite four im at work now but i should have pics later

>> No.353543

Nah, there were implications of Lovecraft in the first game, it was just more subtle.

You can thank Sandy for that (he's a big fan of Lovecraft, he's published RPG supplements of it), it's the reason why a lot of his maps are so abstract and nonsensical.
Impossible, alien geometry, it's not supposed to make sense. Now, a lot of his levels were beyond ugly, but they were atmospheric, and it truly felt abstract and alien, like something that shouldn't exist, and they were all fun as fuck to play.

Strange guy, much older than the rest of the Id guys, a mormon, seemed very chill.

>> No.353575
File: 79 KB, 303x450, chiseled jaw cartoon ahnuld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just re-downloaded Ultimate DOOM and DOOM II
>finally decide to give Heretic and Hexen a go as well
>throwing in the first Quake for good measure

My weekend is set.

>> No.353592
File: 11 KB, 250x187, 1365074480832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to see Doom tactics with the BFG on youtube
>only have video about Doom 3 BFG Edition

>> No.353596

We need new thread.

>> No.353598


I envy you, friend.

>> No.353627

Has anybody ever finished the last level of the Equinox wad? I think I can just about make a fair go at the penultimate level, but the final one just seems impossible to me.

>> No.353628

It is bullshit and ruins what is otherwise a fantastic wad.

>> No.353629
File: 65 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20120915_185352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not playable. All that you don't see is a few weapon attempts (a trumpet that shoots music notes, a blue meanie gun that fires blue arrows) and a uncompleted design of the Yellow Submarine Monument (the giant grey temple that you see when leaving/entering Pepperland)

I think the upcoming computer game of it might have potential.
Doom's limits of hundreds-thousands of monsters is a great system for thousand of xenos/guardsmen without slowing good computers down by much, but like my Yellow Submarine problem, it's really difficult making each pixel frame of animation look really nice. Why do you think the original DOOM monsters had model sources to work from?

>> No.353656

>not stullone

>> No.353667
File: 30 KB, 452x339, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.353671
File: 233 KB, 620x634, 1364483008660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW deciding to actually seriously play TNT: Evilution and Plutonia after all these years of just playing stock Doom and Doom II or random wads.

Holy shit I didn't know Doom could be so gloriously hard, even more fun and even more addictive than it already was. You get your arse kicked but you just keep going back for more.

Why did I not try these sooner?

>> No.353681


Quake's fun as shit. Hope you have a good time.

>> No.353868

>trying to connect with 98d
Also, Freezer server up with AV and crackdoom.

>> No.353879

>still using Skulltag

>> No.353904
File: 5 KB, 287x38, 20130404184221973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.353978

Fuckin' password your servers!

>> No.353989

>generate tiny maps
>get fuckhuge city with loads of teleporters
>can't find a single key

>> No.353991

>join server
>every sound is replaced with a YTP meme


>> No.353998

And I woke up just in time

Hold on mah niggas

>> No.354008



>> No.354025

I honestly love TNT and Plutonia for their less usual atmosphere.

There's nothing quite like them, unless you count stuff like Plutonia 2.

TNT also has god-tier music.

>> No.354048
File: 309 KB, 373x504, why_hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube Poop

>> No.354067



>> No.354074

What faggotry has infested 4chan.

>> No.354080


>> No.354086

what if satan made doomguy so he could revenge satan.

think about it.

>> No.354431

Going by the product page (this thing is still being sold?) it can work in Windows 7...only the 32-bit version. Guessing it's a 16-bit executable

>> No.355038

Post that damn game already!

>> No.355186

What port do you guys recommend for playing Hexen/Heretic as it was originally intended? Chocolate Doom or something?

inb4 just use zdoom

>> No.355207

I reccomend the Chocolate-v2 branch's hexen/heretic ports. They feel real nice.

>> No.355987
File: 36 KB, 800x480, DOOM0002-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is funny as hell
Apparently some guy decided to merge together Doom & Super Mario 64. And it actually looks pretty fun


Pic not related

>> No.356296

>those weapons