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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 78 KB, 640x400, screenshot763-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3526831 No.3526831 [Reply] [Original]

Ohhhh shit! Is this the motherfucking oldschool strategy games thread? You bet your ass it is. Orcs or Humans?

>> No.3526839
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>> No.3526845
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>> No.3526851
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>> No.3526872
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>> No.3527167
File: 115 KB, 640x480, Warzone_2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just barely retro

>> No.3527182 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 5208x4524, Warzone2100 v110 b77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remake is neat, have you checked it out?

wz2100 net/

>> No.3527184

Yes, I've played remastered version plenty. I still do.

I just posted a screenshot of the original because I wasn't sure if the Resurrection Project would be considered retro.

>> No.3527192 [DELETED] 

Its not, probably.

>> No.3527212

It's still the same game, just with some updated graphics and content. I don't see why not.

>> No.3527213 [DELETED] 

someone will disagree with you. sadly.

>> No.3527215

Does someone have an RTS chart they can post?

>> No.3527217
File: 403 KB, 640x480, boom boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was I the only one who played Fallen Haven?

>> No.3527498
File: 75 KB, 421x412, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest RTS of all time coming through

>> No.3527506
File: 179 KB, 800x1041, KKnD2_CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hickbot reporting in

>> No.3527510

I loved the big bertha/intimidator mostly useless but seeing the projectile travel half the map and striking deep into a enemy base made me hard.

>> No.3527519

>Shit at strategies at the time
>Solo the campaign with the Commander's D-Gun

>> No.3527523
File: 256 KB, 800x989, 111635-conquest-of-the-new-world-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to eradicate some indigenous peoples?

>> No.3527537
File: 722 KB, 665x498, ageofempires_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play this when I'm 7 or 8
>one of the first PC games I play
>don't know how to move troops (yes, really)
>build barracks and stables around the base, so the units coming out of them will defend the base
>loose every time
I don't know why, but just hunting animals, gathering wood and building prehistoric shacks and knowing that behind that black veil of fog of war lurks your inevitable demise felt so breathtaking.

>> No.3527551

unplayable as balls, even for a re visit for old times

but the game itself is great, it saddens me that no one has made yet a proper remake of both Wc1 campaigns with all dialogue

>> No.3527610

>one of your favorite streamers has this guy as a profile image

>> No.3527620
File: 32 KB, 600x552, 4878406+_3bcd3904c12735795093dc2c1faa63aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unplayable as balls, even for a re visit for old times

>> No.3527701

nope, remove the rose cum-stained nostalgia goggles, it is, it dint got the gold treatment as Dune 2 or C&C

no one has managed yet to create yet due to "ah someday someone will re-create it on Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2"

which no one has managed it yet

>> No.3529415
File: 167 KB, 800x600, Spellcross-Screenshot03-Cauldron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played demo and want it to crop up at gog.

That, or the (spiritual?) successor: liberation day or something like that

Also, since turn based seem to be allowed...

>> No.3530672
File: 145 KB, 800x600, Tzar_burden_ot_the_crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a true gem, Warcraft III done in 2D Warcraft II style.

>> No.3530681


I think you need to clarify what YOU personallyd efine as "unplayable", fuckstick. Let's start with that, shall we?

Have you tried gitting gud?

>> No.3530786

Not the guy who first complained about Warcraft being unplayable, but I agree with this.

Last year I replayed Dune II, WC and WC II. The one that I found the less enjoyable was indeed WC : shit pathfinding with melee units doesn't mesh well, then being able to rely on OP summons breaks what little challenge the game has to offer.

Dune II is not really that much more primitive and plays pretty smooth. Heck, I even finished it with a keyboard when I didn't own a mouse back in the day.

Then Warcraft II really polished the roughness and became the game that made the franchise popular.

Nope. Played it a bit at my neighbor's back then and was thinking about trying it again recently.

>> No.3531330

Damn, i want to play all of those games

>> No.3531453

Yeah, there's a WC3 custom campaign that comes close, but some parts are kind of shit. The WC2 ones are pretty damn spot on though.

>> No.3532082

You're wrong. It's completely playable. Maybe it isn't as good as 2 or 3, but it's still playable. Learn what fucking words mean before you post, shitposter.

>> No.3533054

Do you guys know about Spring?

It's a 3D RTS engine originally made to create a remake of Total Annihilation and has a multiplayer lobby and all that shit you need to play TA on modern computers.


To play the original TA you just have to get the XTA mod from the games tab and use it with Spring. The other mods are pretty nice too.

>> No.3533263

I love this game so much.

>> No.3533289

Nostalgia boy is very, very angry.

>> No.3533296

Spellcross was so long and so fucking slow, I had to turn animations off just to speed up relocation of your troops. It started really promising and interesting, but in the end I was just glad I finished it. Nice overall style though.
Never seen anyone discuss it here.

>> No.3533317
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>> No.3533319
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here you go

>> No.3533321
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where my mechanized niggas

>> No.3533323
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>> No.3533325
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>> No.3533326
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>> No.3533328
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never managed to get it running again

>> No.3533329
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, popul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shit myself in one mission with two different cams around and never beat it

>> No.3533787 [DELETED] 

>It's a 3D RTS engine originally made to create a remake of Total Annihilation
>Total Annihilation


>System requirements
> 1.6 GHz single core CPU with SSE
> 1 GB of RAM
> 128 MB graphics card (integrated GPUs/APUs are not supported)

> 3 GHz dual core CPU or better
> 2 GB of RAM or more
> 512 MB graphics card or better

WHAT A JOKE, i guess nice those guys made a free engine, but they kinda just wasted their time making in javascript or whatever the fuck that it cant even have options to disable piss shader 3000 or cum lighting dx15 to run smother, i cant help but imagine that even on recommended PC you can fully enjoy a massive 4x4 match

>> No.3533793

>It's a 3D RTS engine originally made to create a remake of Total Annihilation
>Total Annihilation


>System requirements
> 1.6 GHz single core CPU with SSE
> 1 GB of RAM
> 128 MB graphics card (integrated GPUs/APUs are not supported)

> 3 GHz dual core CPU or better
> 2 GB of RAM or more
> 512 MB graphics card or better

WHAT A JOKE, i guess nice those guys made a free engine, but they kinda just wasted their time making it in javascript or whatever the fuck that it cant even have options to disable piss shader 3000 or cum lighting dx15 to run smoother, i cant help but imagine that even on recommended PC you cannot fully enjoy a massive 4x4 match

>> No.3533913
File: 35 KB, 400x483, 1450137267076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the vastly superior sequel isn't "considered" retro

>> No.3533932

It was released in late 1999.

>> No.3533954
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>> No.3534248

I'd put MAX in the turn-based category; even though there was this weird semi real time mode.

Great game anyway, and we played many games with a friend in hot-seat.

>> No.3534258

well OP said oldschool strategy games, not stricly RTS

>> No.3534321

Indeed. It's just that with all those RTSs, it turned into real-time only.

Anyway, it's great to mention MAX and its sequel as it's a really unique game that is rarely mentioned.

>> No.3534361

Age of Empires 1 and Star Wars battlegrounds(?) were my favorite RTS's. Dayum

>> No.3534389
File: 62 KB, 640x480, barudies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 50 replies
> ctrl+f Baldies
> no results

Guise come on

>> No.3534482

Looks comfy, anon.

>> No.3535245
File: 9 KB, 200x230, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3536876

fuck i got stuck with a 32MB RAM 300mhz computer for some years and lost te prime time of C&C tib sun

seems like theres still ppl playing it sometimes

hay anon, wanna add me on some instant message service to play tibsun every once in a decade or something? what you use? icq on miranda-im?

>> No.3538525


where's the anon who used to post photos of his in progress a spreadsheep with nearly all RTS / RTT categorizes by conceptual elements

but that never actually got to post the fucking file itself?

>> No.3539212

when you thinkk you have played most good RTS from the 90s you discover something that you never heard of

Outpost 2
by sierra 1997


feels like C&C 1

compelte with portable download ready to play and multiplay, runs windowed no hassle, only 40MB

fuck, how about we create some form of keeping in touch to play each of these forgoten RTS on weekends????

>> No.3539301

I played that. Always remember how disappointed when it wasn't like the first.

>> No.3539326

So was the Dreamcast.

>> No.3539605
File: 140 KB, 599x450, e10df6b2566d840a36d0b3ea02643eaf3113ee2408afa0b18eb6b0bc6c8e4643_product_card_screenshot_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warlords Battlecry

Haven't seen many people give the original a go, it has by far the best maps. (A land divided)

>> No.3539627
File: 87 KB, 640x400, Blood and Magic _8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, don't none of you tell me you never played any Blood & Magic. This game was awesome.

>> No.3539651

I have not. Is it like Might and Magic the Art of Magic?

>> No.3539658

That OWl Downtempo song....

>> No.3539674
File: 42 KB, 640x400, bam_townfight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I never played M&M the Art of Magic, but have played all M&M dungeon crawlers, and Heroes of M&M 1-3 extensively. It's not really like any of those.

You start with a few basic units (Basal Golems) who suck, but generate mana when they become stationary. Mana is gained slowly naturally, but you can charge up your basal golems to get mana to then spend on 1 of 5 structures (Crypt, Temple, Arbor Lodge, Barracks, Runestone) which you can build 5 units out of each one. To build these units though, you don't build them directly from the building, you convert a basal golem into them.

It's a really unique/cool resource mechanic that I've never really seen elsewhere. There's a bit of interesting micro/map management you can do to take advantage of geography, as well as watching your economy (Mana generation via stationary basal golems).

There's also minor RPG elements like random item drops, neutral monsters, etc, but it's an RTS through and through.

One interesting thing is that you gain experience/research points from building units, killing units, etc., that you spend to unlock new units for whatever preferred building you build.

I dunno, its badass. The AI isn't amazing, but there are some pretty challenging scenarios in the campaign.

Its set in the DND or ADND world, I forget, and it was a TSR Forgotten Realms licensed game.

>> No.3539686

Cheers, is it pure w98, DOS or what?

>> No.3539710

It's easily playable on DOSBox if I recall correct, though I believe it was also Windows 95.

>> No.3539734

> Bullfrog

It still hurts senpai.

>> No.3539764
File: 29 KB, 320x200, Dominus_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3539983

Humans, because I am not a degenerate.

Despite the kill count that they are making the human side take right up the ass with every WoW expansion these days.

>> No.3540028


Thanks for bringing this one to my attention, anon. It looks neat and somehow managed to slip under my radar for 20 years.

>> No.3540113

>unironically having a favorite streamer


>> No.3540171

>You start with a few basic units (Basal Golems) who suck, but generate mana when they become stationary.
Holy fucking shit I forgot the title of that game and was just about to ask for it, this and the graphics were the only things I remembered. It's Blood Magic or Blood and Magic, right?

>> No.3540173

>Blood & Magic explicitly mentioned in previous posts
I'm apparently functionally blind.

>> No.3540175

Well are you gonna post some strategy games for Dreamcast, or did you just want to shitpost on irrelevant topics?

>> No.3540176

(seriously, I wanna know if there were any actual strategy titles for DC)

>> No.3540235

Played it recently and I remember it more fondly than it deserved to.

The AI is retardedly bad.
Pathfinding gave me flashbacks to Warcraft1
The pace of the game is even slower than W1
The economy sucks. What you do is snowball into max capacity basal golems and then build whatever army you want.

The setting and RPG elements are nice but the don't make the game.

>> No.3540279

WC II is a step back even. Easier to figure out the CPU and the unit limit is reached often.

>> No.3540301

Hey guys, i'm looking for a Cossacks-like but in the Antiquity.
I remember they made a Alexander The Great, following the film by Oliver Stone, but impossible for me to find any info on it on the web. Also, I have the CDs, but its not working at all. Probably stoped working after vista if i remember.
Would there be a fix or a game to replace it?

>> No.3540306
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>> No.3540321

still play this every now and again

>> No.3540471

thats a real gem

>> No.3540497
File: 827 KB, 942x530, qqE6NPL[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to get people to play Spellcross, so I turned to the DOOM community and created a WAD to play Spellcross in.

>> No.3540502
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 2qhzzvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since my other favourite game was already mentioned

ORIGINAL WAR folks, where we at!?

Shoutout to Warlords III also though

>> No.3540508
File: 84 KB, 640x480, bam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree, the pathfinding isn't great, and the AI isn't great, once you learn how to manage the units it becomes much easier. Moving units as a clump is really risky because they wander pretty significantly from the best path based on collision.

I like to think of the game as less an RTS but more of a real-time table top simulator.

The pace isn't meant to be rapid-speed fast paced stuff like WC2 or Starcraft where you have lightning fast decisions. You're definitely right it is a bit slower, and I actually like that.

If you want to play conservatively, yeah, you'll always want to snowball into max capacity, but many of the scenarios don't make that easy. Building defensive choke points and scumming the AI is sort of part of the game, but you'll definitely encounter times where that doesn't work, and you have to play much more dynamically.

As this previous poster mentioned, the game has its downsides, but I love it, and think it's a really worthy addition to the retro RTS repertoire. YMMV.

One thing I did recently was speed up the game a bit with DOSBox via increasing CPU cycles and Frameskip. It made the game feel less sluggish and more modern.

Hopefully someone enjoys the writing, art, and gameplay as much as me!

>> No.3540517

I feel like I've seen that fog of war mechanism somewhere else, is that engine used for any other RTS of the time? Maybe like Total Annihilation or something?

>> No.3540540

>don't know how to move troops (yes, really)

Eh, I remember exactly the same thing in HoMM2, I didn't knew how to transfer units from my city to my heroes, so I would amass gold by passing a shitload of turns, trade it at an absurd price for other stuff and build my garrison, and lose whenever the enemy hero would arrive

>> No.3540657
File: 142 KB, 599x450, 6db3f27d4cf6f33630cf221b011345f6f493279fddf6286925fecb9e0d60cb08_product_card_screenshot_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here remembers Dark Reign? Three Moves Ahead did an episode on it recently and fuck was I happy

>> No.3541163

>watching streamers
does it matter?
RTS on console only barely worked mid 90s on the simplest titles.

a dreamcast RTS would have been simpler than AoE1 or just an RTT or Wargame instead
>they made a Alexander The Great, following the film by Oliver Stone, but impossible for me to find

"alexander the great rts game"

google is awful for anything but the most popular thing with a word.

try other searches or dicretories for the things you want, i always try searching for games in theisozone as well

RPG Alexander: The Heroes Hour (a.k.a. Alexander: Heroes of the Conquest)
RTS Alexander (ISO)
Rome Total War: Alexander

>WAD to play Spellcross in.
but is it turn based? hehe

>I've seen that fog of war mechanism somewhere
perhaps youre thinking "hexagonal tiling" type of maps, with what also appears to be height maps (contrasts with ilusion of height via sprites)

>> No.3541248

I remember getting total annihilation with my first PC in 1998,I still think it's one of the best games ever made and still play it.

>> No.3541414


Of course I remember Dark Reign. I was first introduced to it in 1999 when a friend of my brothers invited us into the city to watch Star Wars Episode 1. Before we went we made our way from school to where his dad worked, they let us into a room full of computers and the 3 of us loaded up Dark Reign and had a free for all.

I remember the first strategies I ever did in RTS games was to spam towers, I loved all the plasma taking out his units but I lost not expanding for resources.

From that day I had this determination to never loose an RTS match against my brother again which was funny because I think Starcraft came out after that.

>> No.3541520


>> No.3541579

what RTS you folks still play multiplayer?
which fan sites / hamachi /ganeranger/ irc channels / are still beeing used for matchmaking in the games you play?

i like some rare C&C1 and red alert, but mostly a match of tiberium sun every month on cncnet.org

and some AoE2 at voobly.com

are there people still playing old Homeworlds 1/2 ?
i dont feel like paying gearbox for its shameful "remaster" of galactic background images and defaced HW1 just to get in their lobbies

>> No.3541672
File: 431 KB, 1366x768, Homeworld 2 Complex Mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what RTS you folks still play multiplayer?
which fan sites / hamachi /ganeranger/ irc channels / are still beeing used for matchmaking in the games you play?

i like some rare C&C1 and red alert, but mostly a match of tiberium sun every month on cncnet.org

and some AoE2 at voobly.com

are there people still playing old Homeworlds 1/2 ?
i dont feel like paying gearbox for its shameful "remaster" of galactic background images and defaced HW1 just to get in their lobbies

>> No.3541797
File: 81 KB, 640x400, mom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3542430

How the fuck did we get nearly a hundred posts in to this thread without mentioning master of magic. What an amazing game.

>> No.3542584
File: 86 KB, 800x600, thandor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was I the only person on the planet that played Thandor? I could've sworn that I saw a game being hosted in the multiplayer once.

>> No.3542828

Probably because the OP along with the replies are mostly RTS, so they think this thread is about it. That or "less known games", seeing some of them posts.

>> No.3542965
File: 173 KB, 800x600, Rival Realms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both and some elves thrown in for good measure.
(They're all available factions in pic related. Also individual units with experience and inventory.)

>> No.3543721

I swear I've played a solid 30-40 RTS games and have never played this.....I should really download it aye...

Shit isn't that the one with Humans, Robots and Bugs or something?

>> No.3543730

The only RTS I've ever played in my life is Age of Empires 1 way back in the day (which I loved). Can anyone recommend some other good ones for someone who isn't super familiar with the genre?

>> No.3543783

>Shit isn't that the one with Humans, Robots and Bugs or something?
It's the one with humans from underground shelters (blue), mutants (red) and robots (yellow) fighting over oil.

>> No.3543785

Hoooooly shit son.

Age of Empires 2 & Age of Mythology obviously if you liked the original. Warcraft 3 is a must as a high point of the genre.

From there you can dabble in a lot of different styles of RTS but it depends on what setting you want? I could sit here all day and just list great RTS after great RTS but it would be weird if you're into Medieval/Fantasy and people are recommending Star Craft or Command & Conquer etc.

I think one key point is how the game deals with resources, base building and battles. Age of empires seems to focus on a constant flow of the right resources for the right units to counter your enemy. Whereas something like Warcraft 3 the resources are a lot more on the back end and the focus shifts more towards how you use the units and heroes in battle.

>> No.3543804

>played every RTS made before 2001
>except for AoE
>gave it a shoot in 2011
>got bored with it after an hour
I think it must've aged horribly or sth

>> No.3543881
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x770, EXTERMINACJA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fun one, although a little tricky and buggy. Haven't played it for years, so my memory might be a little fuzzy:
>4 different resource types, plus power and population
>game divided into 3 star systems, each with about 8-10 planets
>to advance to the next mission you moved your mother ship to the next planet
>you could move your troops and resources between planets
>planets you've already taken could be surprise ambushed
>maps had a doughnut topology (have I mentioned they were planets already?), so there wasn't just one side from which you could get attacked or attack
First time I played it I got smashed in seconds in second mission because I spent too much time on the first planet. I remember it was quite difficult and the reason was, beside the fact that if you were low on one resource you could get stuck, you had to control the population and assign them to different tasks (production, power, military, research, mining etc.). So it could get frustrating if you moved your folks to some task and forgot about it and was wondering why your production got stalled.
Very different from other RTSes of that time. I don't know if it was released in English though.

>> No.3543887
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>> No.3543892
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>> No.3543905
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 535_1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and it's title was "Eksterminacja". Sorry, can't find anything about an English release.

>> No.3544894

Are there any good RTS games for a console that can be played with a controller and are fun?

I know there was a StarCraft port but I never played it so I'm not sure how fun it is.

>> No.3544917

This game was too easy:
level up one unit to a really high level and use it on each mission

>> No.3544923
File: 160 KB, 800x600, sub6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submarine Titans

>> No.3544938

Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.3544941
File: 259 KB, 1024x768, gfs_43187_2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn love this game, hard as balls and the unit pathing is a bit wacky but its one of my favorites RTS games

>> No.3544969

I am still (not) working on some letsplay videos, but I got stuck with making english subtitles for the czech intro, which is longer but imo also more interesting and explains the setting and atmosphere better

>> No.3544972

I remember playing demo on some pc gaming magasine cd, it was interesting. almost got some levels of comfy that was in sub culture.

>> No.3544974

c&c for the nintendo 64 was decent.

if you act out the cutscenes from the original.

>> No.3545003

>message window says "you can't sell your mother"
Reminds me of multiplayer Command & Conquer, e.g. if you try to kick yourself from the game it says don't do it or you'll have self-esteem problems :P

>> No.3545789

or you know, because theres always that faggot who posts a blank message with an unnamed picture like this faggot here >>3541797

you could have very well browsed the entire thread thinking no one cited your fav game

>> No.3546043

watched some vids, it looks like it feels like command conquer with a ton of buildings like Die Settlers

fuck how did it get under my RTS radar for so long?

i see im gonna have to try each item on these lists

>> No.3546068

>>except for AoE

you mean all AoE ?

well, C&C1+ra, AoE1, Warcraft 1+2
all feel like crap once you have spoiled yourself with better things

im a constant player of AoE2 and last time i played aoe1 was in 2000, tried it again some time ago, Blergh!

try aoe2, its much better

this looks cool, can you give more info?
what language is that? polish?
strangely "Eksterminacja" or "Exsterminacja" doesnt give much results, and it doesnt help that i cant read any of it hehe.

what game is that?
what game is that?

>c&c for the nintendo 64 was decent.
but anon, N64 C&C is a piece of turd
im not talking gameplay, it juts wasnt the same game

>> No.3546130

>what game is that?
>what game is that?
Tzar: Burden of the Crown

>> No.3546136

>this looks cool, can you give more info?
>what language is that? polish?
>strangely "Eksterminacja" or "Exsterminacja" doesnt give much results, and it doesnt help that i cant read any of it hehe.

It was released in english as 'Mission: Humanity'

>> No.3546143
File: 161 KB, 640x480, 18467-conquest-earth-first-encounter-windows-screenshot-the-jovian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of these are great, and I've had a load of fun with it. Softest spots however:
I loved this game, I had no idea what I was doing but I've spent hundreds of hours mixing animals and planting stuff. Always used the salmonaxe cheat.
So very, very comfy. I love that game, best C&C ever.


I have the N64 version and never played beyond the 2nd level or so. No skirmish, shitty sound and those horrid controls. Fact that it looks really good doesn't stack up against those.

>> No.3546269

And on the side of the screen you can spot "mother is working"
>Reminds me of multiplayer Command & Conquer
Gameplay was different though. I remember it was more macro oriented, so if you had your colony under control you just spammed units. Or it was just my way of playing it, I'm not so sure anymore. I remember I sucked at it horribly the first time I played it, so many years later when my friend, who generally sucks at every RTS game, said to me he finished it when he was a kid, I was puzzled and just knew I had to try it again. And so I did and it clicked this time.
I don't remember if I finished it though. I know there was some very frustrating bug at the last planet, some sort of event didn't activate (I think it was a large scale invasion when you had to defend a few, or even every planet at the same time? Or am I just confabulating?), but I also remember patching it... I just can't recall how it ended.

>what language is that? polish?
>strangely "Eksterminacja" or "Exsterminacja" doesnt give much results, and it doesnt help that i cant read any of it hehe.
It's mostly a forgotten game. I have it somewhere on a CD.

>It was released in english as 'Mission: Humanity'
Cool, I didn't know that!
I found some gameplay:

>> No.3546310
File: 125 KB, 640x480, 787-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember this one?
Star command: revolution

It was pretty unique in its mechanics.

>> No.3546316
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, myth-ii-soulblighter_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massively underrated game.
Especially the multiplayer is amazing.

>> No.3546318

>doing no casualties run
>stuck at The Wall mission at the moment
I really like the story, it's so dark and hopeless, shame bungie sold the IP to some shitters
really unique game

>> No.3546320
File: 95 KB, 378x384, 145003976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier waifu, top tier gameplay, top tier multiplayer, top tier music.


>> No.3546327

That shit creeped me out.
Wh was even the target audience?

>> No.3546334
File: 162 KB, 640x480, 7war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers this one?

>> No.3546336

Wasn't dark reign massively overhyped and flopped really hard?

>> No.3546338

long haired hippies with a bald envy?

>> No.3546339

I think what killed rts was too many scifi rts and too many esoteric concepts.
Command and conquer struck the perfect formula of mixing existing military tech with mild scifi.

Not this shitty alien planet build goop dispensers what the fuck am I even doing shit.

>> No.3546342

You gotta try the multiplayer some day.
You can do some really nasty taliban tactics with exploding suicide dwarves decimating enemy armies at chokepoints.

>> No.3546675

Was it really? There were plenty of themes ranging from realistic to sf/fantasy.
Assuming RTS are really dead, I'd say it's more because PC stopped being a dominant platform for games.

>> No.3546780

Warcraft 1 is fantastic given you use keyboard and mouse together. Always found it to be a gem but with the keyboard shortcuts the game really shines. Sucks that I didn't know that back in '95.

>> No.3547087

Total annihilation is god tier,trust me m8

>> No.3548331
File: 1.24 MB, 700x1001, Space Clash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites, Space Clash.

It's a fucking shame that his low popularity, make that never can be on GOG

>> No.3548360
File: 105 KB, 700x437, polanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of polish games, how about this Warcraft-like where the currency is milk.

>> No.3548373

Nice to see someone else played it.
Maybe a bit too ambitious as a game but certainly interesting.

>> No.3548418

badass Mirko

>> No.3548796
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, Metal Fatigue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We definitely need more mecha RTS games.

>> No.3548967

I loved it. The pathfinding was sheer horror though, I remember that if you moved a group across the bridge and they blocked the whole width even for a second, everyone behind them started going for the other bridge at the other end of the map.

>> No.3549008

Name? This doesn't look like Populous.

>> No.3549042

Populous: The Beginning, the third Populous game, and a decent RTS.

That's just a Japanese cover.

>> No.3549945

That shit even happens in modern RTS games like Starcraft.

>> No.3549953

I played an RTS once where vehicles couldn't turn in place and had to move forward and backup in order to turn
There was a specific voice sample for every unit announcing that they were indeed stuck after failing a 12 point turn

>> No.3552292

what rts was it?

>> No.3552460

I only remember playing the first on the Genesis. Fun game without the manual.

>> No.3552925


>> No.3553410

I can't remember sadly, all I know is that it was made by Westwood in the late 90s, I played a demo that came on a PC gamer disc

>> No.3553432


Now here's a game I adore. The fantasy vs modern army thing is something I seriously dig. Also I found it a nice touch that the orcs reverse engineer shit like guns while you're figuring out magic.

Shame it's such an obscure title. It did really start to drag on at the end though, no doubt about that.

>> No.3553450
File: 18 KB, 640x480, famicomwars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing a translated version of Famicom Wars right now

wish someone would translate Super Famicom Wars

>> No.3554339

>wish someone would translate Super Famicom Wars

You and I both.

The mechanics and options aren't too terribly different from any Wars game so you can kinda figure it out.

>> No.3556810

Jurassic War needs to be on this list, mainly for its RPG aspects from how every unit that was built could get stronger after each fight.

>> No.3556860

>you will never play a legit english version of Famicom or Super Famicom Wars because Nintendo thought western gamers were too stupid to enjoy strategy games

>> No.3558117
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Anybody remember Netstorm?

>> No.3558142
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>> No.3558145

Without a doubt the best Mech game I've ever played. The customization options were unbelievable.

When I revisited it, I used to get the game to work on Windows 7. Any idea if it'll work on Windows 10?

>> No.3558160

Anything that worked on 7 will work on 10. Compatibility has only increased.

>> No.3558178
File: 205 KB, 1024x768, Brelmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the cutoff date? Battle realms was late 2001 and had a gameplay idea that should have been far more common.

Game let you create basic units from certain buildings. By sending a unit from one building to train at another, you got a unit that was a mix of the two. Somewhat tedious and sort of slowed combat, but the gameplay never suffered much from it.

Example (mix of sc1 and sc2 and hypothetical examples to explain Battle Realms) Imagine if in Starcraft you had to send a Marine to a Medic Academy to become a Medic. imagine then sending the Medic into the Starport and it becomes a SC2 medivac. But if you sent the Marine to the starport first, it would become a Dropship, then you toss that Dropship into the Medic Academy and it turns to a Medivac.

Obviously that means a few more buildings since SC had a lot of units. But the example is more for those that have played a far more popular RTS.

>> No.3558182

Played "sequel" of this thing, kinda surprised me with ability to either play RTS game or very simplistic Diablo clone.

>> No.3558184

Still waiting for their Steam release which supposedly will eventually happen, polishing the game up and fixing out the bugs which 10 fans of this game actually found out over the decade would be a god send.

>> No.3558191

fuck that base, god I hated it was hard mission

>> No.3558206
File: 296 KB, 1024x768, the-settlers-ii-veni-vidi-vici_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Settlers 2 allowed in this thread ?

Game was confy, the theme song is beautiful

>> No.3558216

I had heard forever ago they have run into two problems for every one they fix. I can definitely wait a year or two more as long as when it does release it is as good as I remember.

I received it on GoG for free years ago and decided to wait to play. When I heard of greenlight I decided to hold off for that.

>> No.3558224

People had those recommended hardware in 2007-2008 on midtier computers. What is the issue?

It looks like a decade old game also.

>> No.3558232

You are going to be completely disappointed with Total Annihilation.

The game is unbalanced in the way that you can beat the AI the same way every time. Against other people you only do the same 2 or 3 strats, or else lack power/versatility needed to beat those few overused strats.

It also has the same issue RTS games of the 90's had with controls. To the point of becoming tedious.

At no point playing TA in the past 5 years have I ever not regretted my time spent with it, that could have been spent playing another game.

If you liked Supreme Commander, you might be able to get some fun of TA. Otherwise save your money and try SupCom first. This is coming from a person that played TA a fuckton during release.

>> No.3558336

The theme to Settlers 1 started playing in my head as soon as I heard the word.


>> No.3558389
File: 145 KB, 780x585, Cultures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's trade earworms!

>> No.3558412

While naming everything after myself? Why, I do, my good Anon.

>> No.3558413

>unplayable as balls

Nah, it ain't that bad. Mostly just the shit path finding and not being able to select more than four units.

>> No.3558415

It's a good game, but it doesn't at all look like Warcraft 2, Anon.

>> No.3558416

Oh HELL yeah I loved that game.

Has anyone modded in multiplayer yet?

...has it ever been modded at all?

>> No.3558417

>Fucking Conquest Earth

I've been looking for that for YEARS

I was very taken aback at the time, that someone would let you play as an alien race and have NOTHING make sense. The symbols, the language. All HURARG and SPLSH.

Pretty fucking bold.

>> No.3558421

I've spent so many hours on Settlers II.

Started making levels as well.

It's real time, so I'd say it goes nicely in this thread, even if it probably eats at the 4X table every other day.

>> No.3558739

decided to buy Total Annihilation on a bit of a whim (only £4 on Steam so low risk if it turns out to be unplayable)

Have had a little bit of a go but could do with some mods, particularly to fix the graphics/resolution if possible - anyone got any recommendations?

Loved it back in the day and looking forward to it again but theres something about it which is hurting my eyes a little bit on some of the maps...

>> No.3559136

Oh shit thanks I was trying to remember the name of this game, I Played a demo way back when and it was fun

>> No.3559767

I used to win Mplayer tournaments for this back in the day. I still have the giant ass mousepad, and the games they mailed me like Mech Commander.

>> No.3560434
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Microsoft Ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft had its own RTS.

>> No.3560472

Can we count age of empires 1 as theirs too?

>> No.3560484

Age of Empires was developed by Ensemble. This game was done in-house for Microsoft Zone.

>> No.3560821
File: 727 KB, 1206x305, Dracula: Reign of Terror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get something vaguely Halloween-related up in this bitch

>> No.3562189
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.3562518



>> No.3563832


>> No.3563848

Shama'Li are superior. Shamans 2 stronk

>> No.3563850

I've played some newer part, probably part 4 or something, plot was about locking some powerful being in a fort or something, it started with discovering elven tower and corpses on an island.
I was little back then and shit at RTS, Ive played as the demons race and summoner class, recently when I was reading about this game Ive found out demons were the most overpowered race and summoner the most overpowered class.

>> No.3564739

I'm literally coming from playing Zero K right now. Check it out, it can always use more players.

>> No.3564756


nice one, cheers

>> No.3564761
File: 572 KB, 1024x768, Hidden Stroke III.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that SUF? I recently installed Hidden Stroke III. I was a great fan of Sudden Strike Forever but somewhere on the way ruined the pirated exes.

>> No.3564805

Played the shit out of FH, loved it. Feel the same way you do though, never see it mentioned.

>> No.3564818
File: 7 KB, 94x104, MainJonus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonus did nothing wrong

>> No.3564819

Help me find a game I remember?

I barely remember it, but it was an RTS. Played it once ever against a friend 1v1, got stomped, didn't play it again.

The key thing I remember is our initial bases (and units?) were invisible to each other starting (I mean literally, not just map fog), and we started with a commander/commando kind of unit I think? 99% certain it was Science Fiction. Very foggy memory.

>> No.3565187
File: 111 KB, 800x600, kingdom_under_fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda like wc3, you got your heroes who lvl up and rather small amount of units. There are some interesting missions where you play only as the hero through dungeons which is cool

>> No.3566649
File: 17 KB, 480x360, Global Conquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the classic TBS 'Empire: Wargame of the Century'?

How about Dan Bunten's RTS take on the concept?

>> No.3567030

DR was my favorite RTS.

>> No.3567340

absolutly correct

>> No.3567752


what obscure RTS remembered in this thread are pleople still playing?

>> No.3567780
File: 137 KB, 639x478, 51399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have yoy guys ever heard of Leviathan: the tone rebellion? Very strange and obscure RTS game

>> No.3568110

Blood & Magic.

Mother fuckers!


>> No.3568197

Hell yeah. It was weird, but also comfy and sentimental with all those artifacts you completed to unlock the runes.

>> No.3568451

>Leviathan: the tone rebellion
is this the one?

so one more strategy sub genre to consider
making it 6 lists

thats a lot of games

the challenge goes on,

>> No.3570209

This is the only game on this thread I've never seen or heard of.

>> No.3570245
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, 473851b1dd25dc8d13abb47a08a62c68d8ca7bb9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used to be one of the comfiest games for me

>> No.3570385


Are populous 1 and 2 good?

>> No.3571290

its gotta a The Settlers feel, but what game?

>> No.3571742

>only thing I could remember about that game was the sexy as fuck vampire princess in the viking campaign and the bitchy redheaded princess in some man vs woman campaign
Was the game actually good?

>> No.3571853
File: 89 KB, 640x480, 605931-saga-rage-of-the-vikings-windows-screenshot-small-village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played Saga: Rage of Vikings?

I remember it blowing my mind as a kid because of how surprisingly realistic game was designed compared to most RTS games.
Like, resources were an actual physical things that got stored in warehouses and had to be carried around (which allowed you to raid other players by walking up to their warehouses and just stealing their stuff - how Viking of you!), units were created by marriage of male and female units (and they'd be born with random gender and proffession, making cultural differences between races matter a lot), you could buy slaves - even from other races, allowing you to create multicultural villages by crossbreeding if you wanted, it had a system of seasons that affected nature (both farming and animals) and shallow water turned into ice in winter - man, for young me it was fucking mindblowing.

>> No.3572089

i-is that mythical dragons?

>> No.3572118

nah. nothing beats the triple tits.

>> No.3572169

Having a soft spot for everything viking-related, I was anticipating this game, but when it was released I was heavily disappointed. You already mentioned the positive sides, so I will focus on the negative. First and foremost, there is no story mode, just a tutorial and a collection of unrelated single player maps. Defeating your enemies is laughably easy: you don't need to destroy all of their base, just capture one "capital" building, and all the other buildings and units instantly become yours. Yes, it's usually guarded, but it's not guarded good enough, just some 5-7 warriors protecting the entrance. The AI is phlegmatic and doesn't care about protecting his "capital". The economy is unbalanced and exploitable. Why bother with collecting resources, when you can just sell one or two of your women at the marketplace for a high price? Then buy all the resources you need, breed more women and sell them for more money. The prices never drop, no matter how many girls you sell.

I actually managed to somewhat enjoy playing, once I forced my artificial set of restraints, i.e. don't capture enemy capitals, don't trade in women at marketplace etc. It helps in making the game at least a bit challenging, but also takes away some fun. The overall impression of the game is that it is an unfinished unbalanced mess, which was ambitious at the planning stage, but in the end had been just thrown half-baked unto the shelves at release date.

>> No.3572210

>Star Wars battlegrounds
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds how have I not heard of this until now. Looks like AoE star wars mod.

>> No.3572315
File: 118 KB, 595x315, UO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3572436
File: 53 KB, 581x438, railroad-tycoon-ii-gold-edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knights & Merchants

Are economic sims with little to no combat welcome ITT?

>> No.3572646

i know yout just baiting me but UO is highly pvp focused these days, escpecially freeshards.

>> No.3573667

but UO isnt even strategy, its just RPG

>Looks like AoE star wars mod.
yes, its a aoe2 total conversion

resources and the means of production and gathering are the same, just different names and sprites

>> No.3573682 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 800x600, subtitans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter? Too [spoilers]deep[/spoilers] for you?

>> No.3573685
File: 193 KB, 800x600, subtitans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter? Too deep for you?

>> No.3573950

Oh, absolutely superb. a Bungie franchise, too. loved the atmosphere, the feel. the dialogue at the beginning and end of missions.

did you guys play Wargames, Seven Kingdoms, or Lego Rock Raiders?

>> No.3575103

>haven't played this game in over a decade
>could hardly figure it out back then because I was a child
>can't find any good videos of it anywhere
Such a shame, I liked the concept of the game

>> No.3576720

So I remember this game with several different factions, one of them being classic horror monster related (i.e. Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula, etc). It's been a while so I don't remember a lot.

>> No.3577682

Anybody play Superpower? Not Superpower 2. Just the first one. It was better than the sequel imo but I cant find a download for it anywhere.

>> No.3578092
File: 257 KB, 940x529, s2 savage 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, no
Savage: The Battle For Newerth

the RTS where your soldiers can be controled in FPS perspective by humam players.

i just found out that some independent team bought the rights and updated the game into
Savage XR


>> No.3579117


>> No.3579671
File: 4 KB, 300x252, RA_Heavy_Tank_Ingame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3579819

Yeah I remember that. Though I find it flawed game. The beginning is comfy but eventually it gets boring and your economy malfunctions.
Also, somehow the enemy would stop progressing. I wanted to fight heavy armor to heavy armor, but the AI always seems to stick with leather armor somehow.

>> No.3579823

There was this one game I played that I can't seem to find. It had a really cool atmosphere.
I thought it might have been Starcraft, because one faction looked like Zerg, but it doesn't seem to be it.
I remember that you could teleport to another level someway.

>> No.3579851

The best voices in Red Alert 1 were the Shock Troopers voices from Aftermath.


>> No.3580312

Nice, I didn't think anyone else actually played it much. Always wanted to try online.

>> No.3580337

I talk about b&m a bit farther up in the thread, it's a great game