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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 794x424, teaparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3521170 No.3521170 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3521178

>that gamma settings

>> No.3521186


>> No.3521194


>> No.3521224

That image came from it-he.org

You can't fool me

>> No.3521231


>> No.3521238

Even the BARON

>> No.3521247

Why are the first T2 missions so fucking comfy? I swear no other mission comes even close on comfyness.

>> No.3521250

first two*

>> No.3521262

They have no relation to the story whatsoever, just thieving for the sake of it. Try Thieves Guild, must be comfy as fuck as well.

>> No.3521263
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I don't know but I want to live there, although I'd argue Precious Cargo is the comfiest.

>> No.3521268

I wonder if there are actual Hammerite communities outside the City where their old laws are strictly enforced. Sinners would get no second chances, they'd be dispatched forthwith to explain their misdeeds to their Builder.

>> No.3521304

That's Running Interference, and yeah that mansion is pretty nice.

>> No.3521416

I love Truart mansion.

>> No.3521450


>> No.3521458


Thief 1 missions are bizarre, I dont feel safe anywhere even in baffords mansion, except some rooms.

I find Undercover the most comfy, maybe because its a great change of pace.

>> No.3521469
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I know, but I didn't have any Precious Cargo screenshots at hand.

>there are people who unironically play without fogging on

>> No.3521472

It makes sense in that mission.

In other it feels out of place.

>> No.3521530
File: 2.33 MB, 3840x2160, Thief3 2016-09-25 22-09-46-879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faction stuff is really absurd. I kill a couple of bugs and suddenly they're fine with me being around, even though not long ago I stole a holy artifact from them. I think this one Hammerite said 'greetings brother' once when he passed me.

>> No.3521537

Yep, for some reason both Invisible War and Deadly Shadows felt the need to ruin the player ambiguity of the previous games with faction fluff.

>> No.3521539
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, Life of the Party Fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used it in all of the missions except for Life of the Party, it disturbed me how it covered even some of the smaller rooms.

>> No.3521540
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>> No.3521549
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You're about to enter the residence of a well fed nobleman. This place has been on your list for quite some time, but lately you could really use the money. The landlord raised your rent, again. All in your benefit of course. This time he promised to build a portcullis. As you fire the rope arrow you just hope that this job will go smoothly. If all goes well, you could try to put some pressure on your landowner. Safe houses that are safe are hard too find, especially for a freelancer.

What's the last thing you want to see?

>> No.3521574 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3521581
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posting these

>> No.3521583
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>> No.3521584

>setting the gamma to max

Scum. You don't even deserve a (you).

>> No.3521623
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>> No.3521646

The way people nitpick about Thief 3 will never cease to amaze me.

You don't just "kill a couple of bugs". That'll get you to neutral mostly, same with the cornerstones. What boosts your faction points are the 2 side quests, and regularly performing tasks like killing undead and feeding the coccoon arrows.

You can either burn the pagan sapling in a furnace or plant it, you can either choose to steal the necromancy wand from the pagan or activate the moss cornerstone in Fort Ironwood.

On top of that, the Keepers surely had some sway over the deal as well.

I liked having a choice between siding with the factions or not. Both factions aligned with the Masterthief at crucial points, and I could see why they would want to bury the hatchet if he showed some good will, even if they had to trade in two sentient artifacts for the deal.

Let's not forget that Garrett basically killed the Trickster, and that he avenged Viktoria. Yet nobody thought it silly that Viktoria wouldn't avenge Constantine in T2, and that Garrett aligned with the woman who ripped out his eye. Hell, you can even find tacky ViktoriaxGarrett romance fanfictions, which I always found retarded.

>> No.3521668
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I got to allied before even burning the tree. Either I did something I wasn't aware of, or the bugs were enough. It wasn't criticism of the game at large, just a part of it I thought stood out.

But from a story standpoint, why on earth would the Hammerites ever side with Garrett let alone support him for such menial tasks when they jail and torture people to death for less. As we see in Break From Cragscleft Prison.

As for the shared partnership with Viktoria I assume it was because they were faced with a mutual enemy, and that she didn't have any real ties to Constantine/Trickster. This last paragraph is just bullshit speculation with little knowledge.

>> No.3521669

She really wanted to kill Garrett, but their alliance was beneficial to both, her sacrifice just made Garrett realize about the big picture here. Karras was going to destroy the whole fucking world.

The 2 of them working together is no big deal, fuck the Hammerites also sided with Garrett and helped him kill the Trickster in Thief 1, I remember finding that pretty cool.

So yeah working for both factions in 3 was no big deal, that does not mean they become buddy buddy after a couple of things, I bet either the pagans or Hammers would just betray Garrett in a heartbeat if they wanted.
A post apocalyptic ash wasteland with Karras creations looks cool however.

>> No.3521674
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Forgot to add, yeah the faction system is not a big deal, maybe the way it was executed was a bit wonky. TDS is a good Thief game but something about it seems off, even with the npc dialogues.

>> No.3521680


>> No.3521713

They just don't make cockrings like they used to

>> No.3521718
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>> No.3521731

How does T2X compare to Gold and TMA?

>> No.3521746

Its okay. Great levels, meh MC.

Your blackjack is a hammer. Cute heresy.

>> No.3521849

>nobody thought it silly that Viktoria wouldn't avenge Constantine in T2, and that Garrett aligned with the woman who ripped out his eye
There have been plenty of criticisms of this on the TTLG forums over the years. Even among people that prefer the second game, the general opinion is that the plotting is weak.

>> No.3521854


One would think the attempt on Garrett life would be enough for him to take down Karras, Viktoria working on the side and maybe foiling Garrett would have been a better story.

>> No.3521861

Still feels like a mod at times, VA and writing range from acceptable to rough, but in terms of giving you motivation and conversations and lore within the levels and tying it all together into a campaign, it's right up there with the original games. Mission-wise, it's in the middle. The best T1/T2 levels are still above it, but T2X doesn't have any bad levels I can think of. If you hate undead missions, it does have those, but they're well-designed regardless.

>> No.3521937 [DELETED] 


>> No.3521951


>> No.3522467
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>> No.3522975

Bump for the Builder's justice!

>> No.3522987
File: 18 KB, 384x684, DromEd_Object_Model_haunt01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're at the bear pits with your girl when this guy slaps your girls ass.
What do you do?

>> No.3523002

I join him obviously.

>> No.3523043

I join him NOW

>> No.3523089

Just finished Thief: Gold for the first time, just some thoughts.
Garrett is a pretty "cool" protagonist. Cocky cynical thief, literally perfect
The horror/"exploration" levels were pretty terrible and felt like, during development, the devs were afraid of going full on stealth. They feel not very well designed for the game's mechanics. Return to the Cathedral is the exception, that level was great.
In general, outside of skeleton boys and rat men, the non-humans feel like they act differently to normal humans and are harder to stealth around.
The final level was very interesting in design but also really easy.
The difficulty settings adding different objectives was easily one of my favorite "small" features, barring the loot x gold objectives which were nice little challenges in most levels, and annoying nuances in others (looking at you, haunted cathedral)
The stealth mechanics were very intuitive, and do not feel dated at all. A comfortable control scheme was very easy to set up. Thief easily has better mechanics than most modern stealth games, and it's sad that they would butcher such a legacy with "totally not dishonored 1.5"
Levels in Thief, for the most part, feel designed with being a real location first, then passed over and changed slightly to be stealthable.
Overall, I rate thief a solid 8.5/10
Now to complete the metal age.

>> No.3523092

Oh, and with the world design - I loved it. The mechanical and magical and medieval setting is fantastic. Same goes with the lore and the story. The lore is fairly deep ind intriguing, while the story is interesting on its own.

>> No.3523424
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>> No.3523445

>The horror/"exploration" levels were pretty terrible and felt like, during development, the devs were afraid of going full on stealth.

>> No.3523451

That's what I used to think, until I looked back on it and replayed thief 1 again. Now I think their brilliant.

>> No.3523480

It's neat how the zombies seem to have different parameters for stealth. Like the moment they lose sight of you in a shadow or corner, they'll stand confused and then proceed to wander around again.

>> No.3523486

Running around ruins looking for hidden loot for 45 minutes isn't fun.

I forgot to include lost city as an exception, that wasn't terrible. Still prefer more grounded settings.
Down in the bedfellows was super short so I don't really have an opinion on it.
Into the Maw of Chaos was neat but a little anti-climactic.

It's more specific to say I disliked down in the bonehoard and outright hated The Haunted Cathedral pt 1.

>> No.3523496

Sorry there was no quest compass directing you towards loot.

>> No.3523497
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I think its a nice change of pace, but I agree Thief shines with regular mansion missions.

Regular D&D rogue missions are fun for some people. Especially if exploration is great like the lost city.

>> No.3523513

>there's quest compasses in other levels

It's not a stealth level. Zombies don't pose any threat when they see you. Spiders don't chase hard enough, and burricks are rare enough that you can completely avoid them.
Haunts are the only really threatening horror enemy. Those made Return to the Cathedral much more interesting, and made it feel like an actual stealth level since you'd want to avoid getting detected by them at all costs, like you would with normal guards.
It's literally just running around ruins until you collect enough garbage to reach an arbitrary loot requirement.

>> No.3523523
File: 57 KB, 320x200, pots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some taffer mentioned a trick with a bowman and disappearing items. Found it.

>> No.3523630

Really I always thought its the same as regular humans.

>> No.3523641

Nothing posts any threat in Thief 1 or 2 really. You can run circles around everything if you really want to.

>> No.3523642


>> No.3523648

Unless you are new to fps. Hammer haunts are hard.

Wish somebody made the guards ultra deadly.

>> No.3523649

For what it's worth, I basically agree with all of your points (well, except Lost City being good), I finished it recently too and TMA right after that, and I thought the sequel was so much better it's unbelievable.
Really ingenious, organic and satisfying level design (but not without its downs, mostly in some end game missions). I think you'll love it.

>> No.3523663

Nah. Humans do that annoying thing where they're 'searching' for you but really just slowly walk straight towards you, no matter how hidden you are.

>> No.3523664

outside of abusing guard AI the guards do feel like a threat. they're as fast as you, and when alerted they will alert other guards as well, and when wounded they will flee from you faster than you can chase without abusing quirks with the movement system (thief 1)
I suck at the combat system so getting caught means booking it and then having to be extra careful the rest of the mission or just resetting
Hammer skeletons are scary as hell, they're way faster than you and swing much more quickly

I just started TMA, finished levels 1 and 2 so far. It's so good so far, I absolutely loved shipping and receiving.
Although I never entered the mansion-part-of-the-mansion on level 1 since I completed all objectives in the basement and then united the couple before going upstairs

>> No.3523674

Next mission is absolutely one of my favorite on the series.

What difficulty did you choose? I thought it was impossible to complete the mission on expert without picking up the gems on the first floor, I might be wrong though.

>> No.3523681

You should explore upstairs, really great creepy atmosphere.

>> No.3523686

Hard. After those two levels, I've decided to play on expert now. I'll probably go back and replay them on expert, I was mildly bothered that I didn't have to enter building B on shipping and receiving.

Side note, was there any text or otherwise any way to know about the switch puzzle on thief gold's hammerite temple? Full disclosure, after running around for 20 minutes after finding the cage I gave up and checked a walkthrough.

>> No.3523707

There's a note somewhere telling where they are and how much time you have. Can't remember where tho

>> No.3523710

Oh, guess I'm just retarded then. I must've missed it.

>> No.3523712

I had to medicate with gratuitous orc murder in Shadow of Mordor for 12 hours after editing my first "Why Thi4f sucks" -video. I'm beginning to think that it's actually harmful for any fan of the trilogy to subject themselves to that for extended periods of time. It's like radiation poisoning without the diarrhea.

>> No.3523720

>Without the diarrhea
Not so sure about that, anon

>> No.3523737
File: 18 KB, 300x225, Mechworkerbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleeeeease beee waaarned, a misguided soooul, aaaaaaall should heeear the wooords of Karras, the wooords of Karras.

>> No.3523742

Shadow of Mordor is also modern triple A shit.

>> No.3523745

True, but its brutality is a decent stress relief. Another good one is Condemned: Criminal Origins. Made by the same studio, actually.

>> No.3523753

pls link when uploaded
i almost enjoy my rage regarding thi4f

god all they had to do was just take the existing game, give it some good graphics while keeping the same core concept, and release that

like fuck me, why did they have to make garrett fucking edgy stealth donte
why did they remove the light gem and replace it with the fucking shadows around the edges garbage
why did they add the stupid fucking focus system, the same thing that made absolution absolute garbage
why is it when developers reboot games they completely bastardize them with mechanics that piss off everyone
and why did they make everything fucking linear
the best part of thief games is how free form they are. obviously you still have objectives and some levels are more linear than others but they arent literally straight paths

>> No.3523987

What made/makes thief 3 a bad thief game? I havent played it yet, but the general consensus is that it's mediocre

>> No.3524019

>not mentioning Blood, Shogo, NOLF, or F.E.A.R

>> No.3524020

>that annoying thing where they're 'searching' for you but really just slowly walk straight towards you
I keep seeing people complain about this and it does not match my experience. I'm pretty sure people that say this are just baddies that don't realize they made noise on the way to their hiding spot and the AI is homing in on the last known noise location. I've had guards lose me in a dark dead-end room and circle around just missing me plenty of times.

>> No.3524026
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And on that note, I have to ask, WHY IS THE THIEF AI SO POORLY DOCUMENTED. All these years, all this community work and mods and mapping, and even with the source code and New Dark, and you still can't even find a page that describes how the AI functions beyond "unaware, searching, alerted." For example, has anyone ever seen a technical explanation of how guard sensitivity changes once they go back to patrolling after giving up searching?

The best I found was a page showing how their view cones work, but even that is missing a lot of information.

>> No.3524037

This, guards have multiple normal and alert states, there is one when they are not sure they heard something and just wander around, and there is one when they clearly heard something and go to the source of the sound.

I think remember some designer say they had some 5 or 6 states. I may be wrong.

>> No.3524112

Just finished Framed. That mission is fantastic, sleuthing around the place was really entertaining, and noisemaker arrows feel a lot less random than they did in T1

I loved all the letters and books that detail the paranoia surrounding the missing evidence from the locker

>> No.3524118


I've always enjoyed putting a rat on Truart's desk in addition to the other objectives, myself.

>> No.3524220

what in the everloving fuck is this site

>> No.3524367

I specifically meant games with satisfying "bashing people in the face" -mechanics. No one lives forever is the only game in your list I haven't played. Yes I am ashamed.

>> No.3524475
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>> No.3524487

Just bought 1 and 2 on Steam. Anything I should know before I start playing?

>> No.3524503

Play on expert difficulty. It gives you more stuff to complete and a no-kill restriction on humans, rather than just making enemies stronger.

>> No.3524570

Nice boy, you're in for a treat.
Forced ghosting makes the mission so much better too. Actually making advantage of the shortcuts in that level feels so great.

>> No.3524573

>Carpet and grass are quietest, tile and gravel are loudest
>Being close to walls, having no weapons drawn and staying still makes you less visible
>Expert difficulty gives you extra objectives and sometimes opens entire new areas
>However Expert also imposes strict non-lethality rules

>Aim your fire arrows at the waist of zombies, and conserve holy water arrows by shooting at tight groups of undead
>Spirit apparitions and Hammer Haunts can be killed with conventional weapons
>Some enemies make a lot of noise when you knock them out, and you can't move their bodies

>Check bookcases and fireplaces for secrets
>Check grass and moldy corners for earth crystals
>Check pools and ponds for water crystals
>Check vents and high places for air crystals
>Check hot places for fire crystals

>Worker robots are blind until disturbed
>Don't trust the dark clicking trees
>The bow upgrade is not in the Alarus Extension

>> No.3524736

Does anyone know where to find royalty-free music that doesn't trigger Youtube's content ID? I need some really horrible fake dubstep parody garbage for my Thi4f mocking videos but Google is giving me literally nothing.

>> No.3524847

TFix for 1, tafferpatcher for 2

>> No.3524935

Doesn't Youtube offer a free-use music library?

>> No.3525059

Why wouldn't the Hammerites ally themselves with the guy who basically killed their Satan-figure?

Those guys in Cragscleft are just petty criminals with no merit to them. Surely that doesn't warrant the treatment they receive, but they also have nothing else to put forward that would be of worth to the Hammerites.

Viktoria definitely had ties to Constantine. They were at least friends, because that's literally what she calls him in T2. Also, the part about Garrett and Viktoria teaming up seems little more than handwaving to get the plot moving.

The Hammerites fear the Chalice. One of them even says it should be destroyed, and is not chastised for that statement. I believe that the Hammerites and Pagans are suing for peace on that matter, but require acts of good faith from Garrett to accept the deal.

Garrett has stolen from both factions for 3 games now. He has evaded both factions thus far, and it seems unlikely that they will ever cash in on the vengeance. It seems like a pretty logical step to apply the rule "if you can't beat them, join them." It's definitely not as weird as it is made out to be. The ally system is definitely a product of its time, but it doesn't detract anything from the game.

>> No.3525549


>> No.3525615

Youtube uses the same search algorithm that Google does so it isn't really all that helpful.

>> No.3525665

What's your guys' favorite thief level?

Shipping and Receiving is pretty cozy and fun, especially if you try to ghost it.

>> No.3526196

Shipping and Receiving yeah.

I don't know what's so great about it. Getting an idea of what all the local business are? Back and forth with the Door Switches?

It's a really fun level.

>> No.3526209
File: 29 KB, 640x480, discworld-noir_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a good level because its very noir, and gives you a good feeling that there is a greater world of conspiracies and businesses in the city.

I dont have favourites in missions, but I I had to choose some, The Sword because although I had already met zombies and supernatural that mission really put me in an uneasy state after playing it.

Return to the cathedral for the first time I played in expert was an incredible an tense adventure for me, especially since I was young.

And I love Blackmail, its really well designed.

Trail of Blood is also good, fuck It I love them all.

>> No.3526319

I think it's because it's long but not taxing and not boring. There's a lot of world building involved, too. Lots of secrets/puzzles. It's also very diverse

>> No.3526472
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And I'm telling you that the only stench heartier than your rotting burrick of a master, is the liquor on his fetid breath. If he comes near Lady van Vernon again, we'll boil his knackers.

>> No.3526480
File: 17 KB, 531x359, bell2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use TFix and Tafferpatcher
install OpenAL, they acutally programed every room to sound different, caves or cathedrals will sound really echoy and a carpeted closet will sound dead silent, you can only have this feature with OpenAl installed and enabled

Here are some things the tutorial doesn't teach you:
use your lean forward key
you can lean against doors to hear what's behind it
Water, Moss, Broadhead, Noismaker and rope arrows fly in an arch
Fire and Gas Arrows fly straigt forward, the more you pull the bow the faster it will fly.
Money will be gone between missions, so buy all that you can
You can mantle by holding the jump button, you NEED this, a lot of people get stuck on the beginning of the second mission because you have to do it, but the tutorial only mentions by voice over.
You can shoot rope arrows on everything that is wood.
Having your Sword or Bow out will make you more visible, switch to your Blackjack

And yeah if you want the full experience, play on expert

>> No.3526536


>> No.3526609

Taff. Where the hell do those MLG parody people find all that intentionally shitty fake dubstep for their videos?

>> No.3526629

...aww yiss found some on Youtube's free music library. Now I can brighten up the mood of my Thi4f vids. The horrific thing is that the game makes even dubstep sound good in comparison.

>> No.3526637

I wish I could run Discworld Noir on my PC. One of the best Discworld experiences and point & click games in the history of gaming. Sad really that it's relatively unknown.

Difficult question.

For Thief 1 I'd say Down in the Bonehoard, because it's a unique kind of spooky. Feels like soloing the tomb of horrors. I always admired that Thief delivers you a proper giant-tomb environment instead of just using it as a backdrop. That level feels and is huge.

For Thief 2 it's definitely Shipping and Receiving. Comfy enough because the plot has not yet settled in, but the major plot elements already being hinted at.

Thief 3 it's definitely Gamall's Lair although I know it's not a mission but an area.. Shalebridge Cradle is the scariest level of all three games and definitely one of my favourites, but not in a replayable kinda way.

>> No.3526672

Thou gamma setting suck miscredent

>> No.3526702

I would like too see thee do better brother

>> No.3526717

Yo guys, is there a way to lower yourself off a ledge without making noise?

>> No.3526721

crouching often does the trick
otherwise just use a moss arrow

if you're really good you can kind of bounce of a ledge, it's kinda hard to explain
take a look at what this guy does
at 08:45

>> No.3526725

Crouch before walking off a ledge.
Moss arrows help too, and they also soften the fall off high legdes.

>> No.3526759

Here's how. Basically the slower you switch from standing on the platform and being airborne, the more reliable the ninja landing is. It also means that you will accelerate less, and you can drop down from higher platforms without taking damage.

>at 08:45

Hey, thanks for endorsing my video!

>> No.3526760
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forgot pic

>> No.3526860

how do you guys feel about the stealth in system shock 2?
How similarly can you play it like thief?

>> No.3526883
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Oh, ho! Mighty fine words coming from a knock-kneed, inbred pageboy such as yourself. Our good master Willy wouldn't be caught near that frumpy little trollop unless he were holding her back at the end of a halberd.

>> No.3526919
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>> No.3526971 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3527130
File: 29 KB, 464x332, deadlive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gasp* How dare you defile the name of one so good and virtuous as the Lady Van Vernon? Our Lady is a saint among mortal women; an angel so pure the heavens couldn't hold her!

>> No.3527149 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3527154

"Hey guys how its going Kripparrian here"

>> No.3527173

The stealth is the same, but the shadows are almost absent.

>> No.3527179
File: 31 KB, 450x338, Bramguard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha! Your Lady? An angel?! You're lucky the dockside whorekeeps aren't bashing down her door for stealing their clientele. Why just last night, I saw her out back warming up the stable-boy.

>> No.3527208
File: 29 KB, 379x268, Thief_bowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such slander will not be tolerated while we're on watch! You'd best run and rescue your helpless limp lord, before he flounders in his own vomit, or wakes up naked in a hen coop! SCURRY OFF...or you'll acquire some unnecessary ventilation!

>> No.3527238

How do you disable the new dark models that come with TFix?

Can I just delete them out of my game files or do I have to do a fresh install?

>> No.3527264
File: 12 KB, 216x386, T2_Red_Guard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a threat, you shriveled old maid? You gonna prick us with your sewing needles? On this side of the street we shoot like soldiers, so don't make promises your arrows can't keep.

>> No.3527308
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>> No.3527518

Who of you makes FM's?

>> No.3527593
File: 26 KB, 231x412, Opera_bowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RAAAAAAH!!!! Have at thee!

>> No.3527731

Are you on windows 7?

I made it work perfectly on it.

>> No.3527735

This shit always made sense to me I love it, even the creeping on tiles.

Makes sense you would crouch before jumping from a big ledge to soften the fall, and creeping I always imagined Garret slowly inching his way forward.

>> No.3527773
File: 53 KB, 260x283, T2_robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3527875

I wish the mage towers level was better. It was pretty good but I feel like the ascension of the towers themselves were lacking

>> No.3528062
File: 86 KB, 428x510, 1366115702547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love the delivery of this line, it's perfect. The high pitch shrieking especially.

>> No.3528227

"Van Vernon guard reporting."

It really was. Up until that point, most games had the stale, rehearsed quality for their voice-acting. Oh sure, when anger was called for, there'd be anger, and so on, but throwing in something like a voice crack? And keeping it? Sheer brilliance.
And of course, Benny needs no introduction either...God, that guy could keep you in stitches for hours.

>> No.3528301

I detest the tongue and abhor the lips, for lips and tongue can twist truth into lies. I am a child of Karras, and no lips or tongue have I.

>> No.3528302

What are the best settings/mods for Thief 3? I see that you seem to have changed the glow color at least. I'm having a hard time getting into it after replaying 1 and 2. You probably haven't messed with AI or movement too much, or have you?

>> No.3528343

I imagine it as Garrett grabbing the ledge with his hands and lowering himself down.

I have the Sneaky Upgrade. It has lots of customization options. I think the only AI changes are to the keeper enforcers.

>> No.3528506
File: 60 KB, 1451x815, thief_poster_concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Thief Gold and Thief 2 TMA themed SFM poster using TF2 assets. However, I underestimated how hard and how much time it's going to take to make this one.
As you can see the idea of this poster is to represent different aspects of the game - exploration, stealing, stealth and combat.
Finding appropriate assets and making up missing ones is a one problem I'm dealing with, but I'm not sure how to arrange those images on the poster itself so I've a made concept here. If you guys have any suggestions - that would be really helpful.
Don't mind Garrett behind the logo, it's just a placeholder.

>> No.3528512
File: 1015 KB, 1450x815, thief_poster_combat_wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the almost finished combat segment. I've posted this in some threads on /v/, so you probably might have seen it already.

>> No.3528794

Rats...alwayyyys rats

>> No.3528820
File: 418 KB, 1222x1630, 1468884551359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw throwing unconscious guards into bodies of water

>> No.3529015
File: 27 KB, 372x52, 1364163019790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw doing it on a no-kill mission the first time I was playing

>> No.3529064
File: 74 KB, 800x600, ConRitual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garrett! My thiefsie fool... lives you still?

>> No.3529071


>> No.3529519

If you had to to live in The City, and had to join a faction, which would it be? Hardmode: No Criminal

For Thief 1 I'd definitely join the Hammerites. They're great fighters, can kill the undead, and at least show some divine power in the form of magic.

In Thief 2 it'd be comfy to work at the Docks, or be an owner of one of the storage halls.

Thief 3 it would have to be the City Watch. Those guys are bro tier. I'm totally down to be a lawful goody two-shoes, patrolling the streets, chatting with fellow guards about everyday problems, protecting and serving and all that.

>> No.3529538
File: 86 KB, 1280x1024, WaysideGarrettsAppartement2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a business like Farkus, a comfy apartment upstairs.

Going to noble parties on weekends.

>> No.3529575

Finished eavesdropping and the bank mission. I actually was hoping there'd be some sort of bank level (more so than framed) and to have that promise fulfilled so well is amazing. So far, completely in love with T2 more than T1.

>> No.3529813


Same here. Thief 2 is a lot more interesting and technically better than 1

>> No.3530062

So what are the most current, up-to-date versions of TFix and Tafferpatcher? I feel like doing some thieving again.

>> No.3530085
File: 789 KB, 1024x589, Garrett Thief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's all you need to know. Probably.


>> No.3530089
File: 12 KB, 329x329, 12312312312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thief 2 is a lot more interesting

>> No.3530097

Much obliged, brutha.

>> No.3530104
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 213020123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying it isn't.

>> No.3530501

I prefer Thief TDP. I like tomb raiding.

>> No.3530692

I like both games but you've got to admit that Thief 2's content s more reflective of the title "Thief" than Thief TDP. Thief 2 has grand medieval heists in an urban setting, Thief TDP focuses way too much on the supernatural. Both are good and both have different subject matter but Thief 2 definitely made improvements over Thief TDP and feels more "thiefy".

>> No.3530694

I'm happy you're liking it man!

Curious to know what you will think about Casing the Joint/Masks.

>> No.3530750
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, thumb_ep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've released my first dank Thi4f video. A race between interactive and scripted scenes. https://youtu.be/GrO0LOSs9Qo

>> No.3530863

This argument is so pants on head stupid that it amazes me. It is forwarded every time people argue that Thief 2 is better. "Because it's more like being a thief".

In Thief 1 you steal from Lords, the Undead, civilisations whiped out by a cataclysmic event, and a pagan God.
Is it larger than life? Yes.
Is it more fantastical, supernatural? Yes.
Is it less realistic than a thief going around just stealing shit from people? Yes.
Is it better than a thief going around just robbing people? Yes.

Why? Precisely because it is fantastical, and let's you do things you wouldn't see in Thief (c) The Realistic Burglary and Robbery Simulator. I find the need to make everything painstakingly realistic to be the worst flaw of modern fiction. Everything has to be so realistic, so drab, so dry, so boring that you can't make a game where you just rob an enormous tomb that no one would actually ever build. Just so that you can break into some yuppie's apartment and steal his credit card? You know what, fuck that.

And Thief 2 essentially makes you steal from the City Watch, a few nobles, and technofreaks. That's about it. That doesn't make the game bad, it's an awesome game. But after stealing the Eye, the Horn of Quintus and the like, stealing blueprints from the local party tower is a little step down in scale.

>> No.3530865

Not /vr/ but how are you guys feeling about Dishonored 2 (meme magic spells and power fantasy gameplay aside), they got Stephen Russell to voice act Corvo (when Thief 4 didn't LOL) and the clockwork mansion shit looks to be full of direct references to Thief 2.

>> No.3530867
File: 32 KB, 400x326, PL1c5Zb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530962

Why is the barmaid in the Thief's Guild mission freaking the fuck out when hearing or seeing just about everything?

>> No.3531045

Some critique: I agree with the complaint addressed in this video but for a while I was confused about what the footage was actually trying to show. The description cleared things up but I think the part about it being a race between actual gameplay and cutscenes should've been included at the beginning of the video. On that note, I also think "scripted" was the wrong label for the footage on the left, calling it "non-interactive animations/cutscenes" or something like that would have made more sense.
Finally, the ironic dubstep montage thing is overdone and not funny anymore imo. The intro as a whole was too long (1m 40s). The video should start with the explanation of the race and then quickly move along to the footage.

The actual point of the video, that the player is in control for less than half of the level, is interesting (depressing) and I'd be interested to see how an actual level after the intro/tutorial stacks up.

>> No.3531049

>The intro as a whole was too long (1m 40s). The video should start with the explanation of the race and then quickly move along to the footage.

I noticed this when editing, and following videos will have a short intro. I just felt like I had to include a part of the trailer with Stephen Russell, and contrast it with the wubwub final trailer.

>> No.3531357
File: 21 KB, 305x400, 41-2wc1h8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks cool, the last gameplay video uploadwe reminded me a lot of thief 2 (crazy gay building crazy robots for the city)

>> No.3531478
File: 275 KB, 800x600, dump004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Better Tomorrow and it looks pretty gorgeous, also, is thiefmissions.com down or something?. I can't download anything.

>Bow upgrade

>> No.3531698

My argument wasn't about realism (seriously, the shit has giant spiders and magic in it, no one's going to argue about "realism" in Thief), nor was it about Thief 2 being better (notice how I never said Thief 2 was better). It's not stupid either (because it's true, whether you'd like to admit it or not).

It's the fact that the game is called "Thief". Not "Graverobber", not "Tomb Raider", but "Thief". When I play a game called "Thief" I'd like to experience being a thief, not someone who's surrounded by graves, tombs and supernatural beings for 2/3rds of the game.

This is often the point where people decide which Thief game is their favorite. For people who like urban grand medieval heists their favorite will be Thief 2, for those who like the supernatural settings and whatnot, Thief TDP will be their favorite. Both are great games but both have different appeal to them.

>> No.3531853

Blame Yatzhe or wtv that fucker is called.

Still him and rageholic and lots of others have been great promoting the masterpiece that Thief is.

Thief 2 has some supernatural elements as well, and everybody freaks out with Karras machines.

I think tomb raiding is fun because it a nice change of pace from regular mansion heists, and I love exploration into the unknown. Nevertheless Thief 2 is a great game but the only mission that spices up things a bit is trail of blood.

>> No.3531871

Razorfist doesn't like TDP because of the supernatural element. He prefers the grounded thiefing in Thief 2 and the balance between those elements in Deadly Shadows. I used to have arguments about the subject with him on TTLG.

>> No.3531876

His Thief stuff is the only stuff I like
It feels genuine, whereas his other stuff is him being an edgy tryhard

>> No.3531891
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1474945205706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you can tell he really loves the series.

His other vids he has to play his made iam always right persona, you can only generate discussion these days by being hyperbolic as fuck.
People bring up legitimate faults on the latest Deus Ex and i knew he was going to love the game in order to be contrarian.

I understand his reasons, imersive sims need some love and the mainstream filthy journos reviews dont do the game justice.

>> No.3531973


>When I play a game called "Thief" I'd like to experience being a thief, not someone who's surrounded by graves, tombs and supernatural beings for 2/3rds of the game.

your a dumbass

>> No.3531985

>He didn't find the bow upgrade
O I am laffin

>> No.3532021

>if you don't have the exact same taste in video games as me you're a dumbass xd
Kill yourself.

>> No.3532049

He isn't talking about your taste in games, he's saying you don't know what you're talking about.

A thief in a supernatural setting is still a thief.

And for what it's worth, there's plenty of medieval heists in T1, and plenty of weird supernatural elements in T2, they both have roughly the same appeal.

Though I just prefer that T1 has a greater variety in environments.

>> No.3532110

Grave robbing and tomb raiding is thieving.

>> No.3532142

Technically you aren't stealing from anyone if someone just abandoned some stuff underground after someone died. And if the hoard is old enough, it's archaeology.

>> No.3532165
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just want to focus on exploration and searching for secrets. Its like playing a D&D rogue exploring a tomb, you have all the excitement and mystery of Indiana Jones with with the dickishness of just being a tomb robber.

I love looting the lost city, feels like you are raiding a pharoh or mesopotamian tomb.

Thief TDP gave a lot of feels exactly like Tomb Raider, big lonely levels whre you just get lost. And I love being lost, you dont even have to put enemies, just cleaver secrets and platforming.

>> No.3532786

But, for the most part, pure platforming doesn't play to the game's strengths.

>> No.3533048

Finished the truart mansion mission, fucking RIP

>> No.3533051

I love the weird tense atmosphere of that mission.

>> No.3533057

Yeah, i genuinely didn't expect him to die. I didn't expect good story when i started the thief games, but god damn do they deliver. I'm really looking forward to seeing how/why truart was killed

>> No.3533332

>mfw someone spilled mead all over the game room rug
>mfw these taffers have no respect for such beatiful things
>mfw work better when drunk, makes me fearless

>> No.3533335

>mfw I have no face

>> No.3533658

Both games have great stories, especially the first.

The cutscenes still look good to this day.

>> No.3533693
File: 1.56 MB, 400x267, helb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I install tafferpatcher Thief 2 just crashes on startup.

Are there any known problems on win10 or with the steam version?

>> No.3533696

I'm on Win 10 with T2 on steam with tafferpatch, and everything's fine. Verify that you aren't installing the texture pack? That might be crashing it for some reason

>> No.3533697

did you edit the install folder? remember to take out the files of new dark and contrib into the main folder

>> No.3533708
File: 7 KB, 300x196, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well basically I'm just taking the tafferpatcher download from here

(TafferPatcher v. 2.0.17)

And then I install it into

(full installation)

And whenever I start it it just crashes. Even on the tafferpatcher test start.
Got no idea why.

>> No.3533716

Interestingly the thief2_no_ddfix.exe doesn't crash. But then the game doesn't provide widescreen resolution. Higher resolution than the standard game tho for some reason.

>> No.3533718

meant install file*
basically watch a video that should clear things

>> No.3533756

>today on /vr/

>> No.3533864
File: 472 KB, 465x465, 1460353626103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trace the courier
>quicksaved right before mission failure out of the blue (i was close but around a corner, i dont think i was detected)
>no hard saves

>> No.3533885


Shift Ctrl Alt End.

>> No.3533972

> it's true, whether you'd like to admit it or not

No, it isn't. The bulk of the game is about stealing, not pure grave robbing. It does just enough of supernatural thievery to warrant exactly that title, and the gameplay mechanics support my argument.

A robber uses the force of violence or the throat of the same to gain profit of some kind. Garrett using violence is purely a last resort, and wholly unnecessary in some situations. The Horn is acquired not through robbing a grave, but by stealing it covertly from the halls of family Quintus.

The break at Bafford's is stealing from a Lord.
The escapade at Cragscleft is about busting Cutty out, and stealing valuables and information that the Hammerites took off of him and other prisoners.
You steal the Horn of Quintus from the undead. It will be argued that this is purely semantics, but I disagree. More on that later.
You steal the purse off of Ramirez belt to show him who's boss.
You steal the sword from an eccentric noble to prove your worthiness for a bigger heist.

And that heist is STEALING the Eye from the Haunted Cathedral in the sealed-off section of town. Yes, underline steal.

The Keepers explicitly tell you that Constantine hired you to do what he could not. To steal the Eye; force was only a minimum element in that plan. Robbing the undead must have been borderline impossible for even the Trickster. Therefore he hires a Masterthief to do the job covertly, a way he can not.

In order to get there of course, we have to steal from the Hammerites and from a lost civilisation. And you do this using a thief's skillset, climbing, tumbling, spotting traps, looting, sneak attacks, navigation and the like.

You escape from the mansion using a Thief's skillset as well. Especially on higher difficulties, staying in the shadows is essential. Taking loot on the way out in order to put your own plan in motion is a given.

And lastly, you STEAL the Eye and replace it with a fake to kill Constantine.

>> No.3533985


So yeah, you could argue semantics and say "but robbing is so alike to stealing that it's only a small difference." I disagree wholeheartedly. In Tomb Raider you run into the levels gun blazing, shooting down any resistance you meet. You kill the undead, the animalistic, the supernatural, and then take your prize running out dodging spike traps and boulders. This is a stark contrast to anything you will find in Thief. Doing that would get you killed.

This is why I criticised it as an unnecessary attempt to make it realistic. Because that is the implied solution to T1's "problems". Set it in a more urban, human environment so that no one could argue that, no matter how misguided that argument is. And that is what I call it. I have never questioned that Thief 1 is about a Thief stealing things - it simply took place in a bigger, more varied enviroment.

>> No.3533995


I can't stand watching Razorfists review. And yes I would blame Yahtzee19 as well. He gives a pretty good analysis on what makes the game great, but it also feels like he only gave the first one a cursory glance.

>> No.3534010
File: 16 KB, 440x459, SadTaffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit, you finaly get the itch to actually play some new FM's, and then the site is down for what feels like a week. Anyone know what's up with the site? Saw someone further up also mention the fact it seems to be dead, so not just me apparently.

>> No.3534035

You mean http://thiefmissions.com ?
Works for me.

>> No.3534037

Perhaps I should've specified. The site 'works' for me too, but whenever I try to download map, ANY map, be it T1, Gold or T2, it just ends on an error (425 or something, I think). Have you tried downloading anything recently?

>> No.3534058

Finished Trace the Courier and Trail of Blood. I can't say I liked trace the courier that much, it was a bit slow, plodding, and linear. Trail of Blood was interesting, but the plot development matters more than the level itself.

>> No.3534059
File: 126 KB, 595x527, 1473682282958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the same error. I have downloaded some missions recently. I could upload the few FM's I have, but those were the FM's in the image in the beginning of the thread.

Or you could make your own missions

>> No.3534097
File: 147 KB, 600x404, 1474938188819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digging a bit further into it, I'm pretty sure it has to be a port issue with the site rather than my
end. I'll give it a day or two, then try to restore my computer to before Thursday when the issue first started. On the upside,
downloads seem to work (for the most part) if you
just go to the missions original thread and try the downloads there.

As for making my own missions, I'd fucking love to anon, but even though I have plenty of time for it, I don't
have the skill or creativity. That and I'm just taffin lazy.

>> No.3534235

Which FM?

>> No.3534281

Calendra's Legacy

>> No.3534298

Sheet, haven't played that in at least ten years.

>> No.3534506

thiefmissions hasn't been updated in years. Get your FMs from darkfate or South Quarter senpai.

>> No.3534509

>Last updated: 2016.05.22

>> No.3534571

Eyy, cheers boss. South Quarter works like a damned charm and the downloads pop up instantly.
Guess I'll be seeing you down at the bear pits tonight

>> No.3534707


There's a lot of missions missing from the past 3 years

>> No.3534712

I like Trail of Blood, creeps me out a bit.

>> No.3534851
File: 809 KB, 1600x900, dump001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

210th for longdaddy a cute

>> No.3535589

Longdaddy a cute 2nded

>> No.3536072

Just saw a gameplay vid of Dishonored 2 and its still exactly the same shit as the first one. OP powers and trying to hard to be dieselpunk.

What a waste.

>> No.3536196

You're seriously expecting any new game to be good?

>> No.3536279

Well, no. Especially triple A.

Even if sometimes even triple A some are fun like the new Doom.

I am cautiously hyped for Deathwing just because its Streumon.
And Mount & Blade 2.

>> No.3536412
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, shoalsgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the whole reversed bell thing going on with the music in that mission.

>> No.3537346


>> No.3537413

This poster is pretty cool and so far seems quite in keeping with the tone of Thief. Keep us updated!

>> No.3538431

>I am cautiously hyped for Deathwing just because its Streumon.

Cyanide is also helping with the production. They made Styx: Master of Shadows.

>> No.3538435 [DELETED] 

Does someone have a copy of the original petition? I'm noticing that links among the thief community don't work anymore.

>> No.3538514
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x900, dump004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the Anglewatch mission.
That was impressively expansive, I wonder how it ran on your average PC then.
Exploring the city and stealing shit was pretty god damn fun, and then sneaking through Anglewatch itself was interesting and kinda creepy with the servants begging for death.
Also what's the deal with the short metal man? It just screamed at me, ran into the kitchen, and then sat there the rest of the mission.

>> No.3538676

>what's the deal with the short metal man?

...We don't talk about that thing here.

>> No.3538680

I remember it ran just fine on my pentium 2 300. I had something like 96mb ram and a voodoo2.

The first level loading of course was like 1 minute or so, but quick loads were very fast. Dark engine is great.

>> No.3539032

Just finished my replay of the Thief trilogy.

I have to say, I enjoy T:DS just as much as I did playing it the first time. Comfy hubs, great missions, scariest Cradle, and most of all, top notch story. I remember why booting this up on a Friday night when I was a teenager was the beginning of a good night.

>> No.3539079

How good is Deadly Shadows compared to Gold and Metal Age?
I'm thinking of buying it once I finish T2

>> No.3539134

I've only played TDS once after I had played TDP/Gold and TMA like 3 or 4 times each, but TDS was fucking frustrating and clunky as hell with huge loading zones everywhere.

The game has this weird sense of "body awareness" or whatever the fucking term is, where when you turn your viewpoint around it moves Garrett with it physically to try and simulate some sort of realism, you're not just a floating camera like in T1/T2, this leads to the game being retarded to the point where I once got my foot caught inbetween some wooden beams on one of the Pagan levels when I was just about to finish it and lost like an hour or so of progress because of it and had to do the level all over again.

IIRC it doesn't have quicksaving or something? It's been a while since I played it but that awful memory of that game has made me not want to play through it again.

>> No.3539296


It was consolized garbage before that was even a thing. I played it once when it came out but never managed to finish a second playthrough. The game is just not that fun to play when compared to the originals or even TDM and made me wish I was playing those instead.

>> No.3539785
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, flats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone ought to host ThieveryUT sometime.

>> No.3539794
File: 982 KB, 3264x2448, 1461624614893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the FAQ
>It is unknown whether Thief III will have multiplayer facilties. Thief 3 is also not slated to be released until at least late 2002, perhaps 2003, so we have lots of time to fill

>> No.3539914

If Thievery had a Ghost difficulty for thieves:

>0:00 Match starts
>0:01 Ghost Difficulty objective failed: The enemy knows you're there
>0:01 Guards win!

>> No.3540084
File: 113 KB, 640x768, taff_my_life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This truly isn't worth the effort. But the rage keeps me going.

>> No.3540102

What are you doing?

>> No.3540124

Making a video series of literally everything that's wrong with Thiaf. Those are the videos of all the chapters I've recorded so far, and then there are segments categorized based on the type of flaw included.

>> No.3540432

Is it really worth the effort anon.

>> No.3541334

Don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.3541486

Playing Splinter Cell for the first time now and yeah this is the only "Stealth" game so far that tries to be like Thief, pretty well done actually.

I enjoy it.

>> No.3542252


I edit angry. I hope that sharing the anger will be like a burden lifted off my shoulders. It might not be, but I won't let my dreams be memes.

>> No.3542971

Rats, aaaaalwayyyys rats

>> No.3543004

Ran perfectly on my POS Daewoo I had in 1998.

>> No.3543708

Wow, that's awesome. I wonder what specific optimizations the dark engine uses to improve performance

>> No.3543715

Its built from the ground up to be a simulation first and game later, apparently devs were inspired by submarine warfare before the dark camelot project came.

I think the best games always try to do this, have a robust, if possible almost Sim engine and create the game from there.

>> No.3544276

It's kinda weird, for a game that's as old and graphically outdated as Thief, it's not much of an eyesore, and in my opinion, looks great. I actually am avoiding texture packs, since the original assets look fine.
The artstyle holds up impressively well

>> No.3544317
File: 598 KB, 781x761, 1475736636994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your soul cannot be saved

>> No.3544371

wuts this

>> No.3544382

Agreed. Reminds me of how great the netcoding in some online games like Guild Wars are/were, while other games had terrible netcoding. You could run Guild Wars on a toaster too, by the way. So you have a game that has great performance in the game itself, and you could be hooked up to a potato and would have a decent internet connection, while Halo: CE you'd almost always have at least 100 ping, average 200 and if you had a bad day 500.

It looked bad even when it came out, but somehow you just adapt to it. The artstyle has an identity, and the lighting gives it a great atmosphere. Not many games manage to do that.

>> No.3544584

Yes, because Garrett is certainly going to bring that Horn to a museum.

>> No.3544632

Archaeology =/= museology

>> No.3544650

Archeologists are known to sell acquired artifacts for filthy lucre? to buy lockpicks for example?

>> No.3544658

Some of them do. I doubt they buy lockpicks, but there are people who go get stuff from ancient ruins and sell them for profit. There's also a lot of counterfeiting in that area. I know someone who counterfeits on contracts for museums so they can keep the fakes on display and the real ones in a safe and regulated environment.

>> No.3544671
File: 189 KB, 500x566, 1472396528609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who go get stuff from ancient ruins and sell them for profit.
you do know there's a difference between legit archaeology and playing Syrian Lara Croft?

>> No.3544717

Yes. One is legal, the other isn't. Kinda like weed in Washington and weed in Texas.

Still, grave robbery really is an oxymoron because the "owners" of any artifacts within have been dead even before those objects were given to them.

>> No.3544739

I believe the non human enemies do actually behave like guards, just with very subtle sound cues. At least I think burricks do. Then again I've heard some weird stuff on other forums that undead can "sense life" or that spiders have their cones of vision backwards so who knows.

>> No.3544750

On the contrary, I love when the guards are searching towards me and I'm very slowly inching away from my last location trying to do it completely silently. There's something almost slapstick about imagining Garrett gingerly creeping away from some dude five inches from his face

>> No.3544757

I really like the weirdo Peter Lorre-like voice of these guys. I'm not done with T2 yet, is that supposed to be a recording Karras? I don't recall if he sounded the same when you're eavesdropping on him and Truart

>> No.3544764

Yes, the big mech dudes have the same voice, just kinda mechanized, for lack of a better word.

>> No.3544767

legality is not the point to be argued.

this 19th century view of archaeology=digging up shiny things should've died with Harrison Ford. What you're thinking of is prospecting and being a poor piece of shit who destroys invaluable information forever by digging in the dirt to feed his family.

>> No.3544771

I agree. Even signs of Thief's aging such as the blurry texture filtering serve to enforce the game's murky art style.

>> No.3544956

There's so much character in Thief's grimy muddy graphics on an old crt monitor with the lights down low

>> No.3544998

Anyone else think T:DS looks like absolute horse ass? How the fuck did they manage to make it look worse than previous games?

>> No.3545030

Yes the textures are bad and characters look like plastic, but that dynamic lightning is noice

>> No.3545037

Those aren't called archeologists though, they're called tomb raiders and grave robbers.

One is a person who has studied ancient history, the art of digging up remnants of bygone civilisations and preserving them to better understand history, and one is a person who thwarts those endeavours by selling it for filthy lucre.

>> No.3545129


I hate that there's no pitch black darkness anymore. Everything is too bright and glows blue even in what should be total darkness

>> No.3545159

Only software render mode TDP has pitch black darkness.

>> No.3545162

Um no, you can achieve pitch darkness by simply putting the ambient light at 0.

>> No.3545283

anyone knows if there is a mod to change the resolution in thief 2

>> No.3545290


>> No.3545291


>> No.3545295

No. I think it looks great for a "modern" rendering of the series. The grimy, classic art direction is gone, but so is the technology surrounding it. The dynamic lighting is great, amazing even, with shadows playing on the wall, reaction to objects being moved and the player model.

The art is more Gothic than grimy; lightning effects in the widow's house, sparkly lights streaming in through windows and suchlike.

Graphics wise it looks way better than the original games, there's no way around that. Just going by graphics, they were no beauties even when they came out.

>> No.3545424
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The thing is I bet that if Looking Glass made the game today with modern engines it would look like noir, german expressionism and eraserhead married together.

It would be great.

>> No.3545519
File: 127 KB, 808x728, graphics_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it looks ugly. The fact that it's technically more advanced doesn't automatically mean there is "no way" it looks worse. The lighting is more advanced but looks harsh and unnatural. Contrast is worse, everything is slightly washed out and dark patches are not truly dark. There are more polygons in everything but the environments still managed to look worse, with poor choices of textures that don't blend well together. Despite the higher polycount, the world looks like it has way more "seams" than the originals did. And on top of all that, a lot of the architecture has a very copy-pasted feel with arches and pillars and such.

This pic is a good example of all of the above.

>> No.3545529

At least Brosius saved shit in sound design.

The ambient music and sounds are still amazing.

One thing that fucking bothers me in Thief 1 and 2 is the fact guards always carry their swords unsheated, its a small thing but really shows the age of the game for me.

>> No.3545530

I find The Dark Mod a lot more enjoyable when I remember that it's real competition was Thief 3, not 1 and 2.

>> No.3545535

Its pretty good. It really needed a flashy campaign and better sword mechanics to really hit off.

>> No.3545614

Fuck I'd love a noir stealth game set in a 40s American city.

>> No.3545987

The project that LGS was trying to get started after Thief 2, right before they went under, was supposed to be a spy game set during the cold war. I think it was supposed to have the stealth system from Thief combined with disguises and social stealth.

>> No.3545993

I think it's part of the optimization of the engine. Swords and bows are fused into the characters' meshes, and they literally cannot be unattached from their hands. Having to calculate the position of a separate object in the end of a forward kinematics bone structure hierarchy takes more processing power than simply having the object as part of the bone structure.

The guy who brings Ramirez his food and drink carries a tray with wine and bread on it. It looks like he's taking something and carrying it with him, but actually when he reaches for the tray, his entire mesh changes to a version with the tray in his hand. He has entirely different animations than a normal servant, and he's actually shorter.

>> No.3546030

Thought has much, I guess that was the best they could do.

>> No.3546154

And I think you're being overly critical over something just because it doesn't look like the original.

> dark patches are not truly dark
Just like they were in the original. They were a shade more black, sure, but you could still see things in there. I think the fact that people didn't use CRT monitors as much by the time T3 rolled around plays a big factor as well.
You could see people moving into the dark patches fine in the original games, and you can do that in T3 too. Not to mention that it makes your model and body a shade more visible so you can direct your movements better.

> lighting is harsh

How does the lighting look harsh when in the same post you say that everything looks washed out and dark patches are not truly dark? If anything the harshness of light/dark was way more emphasised in the original games. Like I said, T3 has a different style of using light and shadow, a great examples are windows through which glistening moonlight is streaming.

> environments looked worse, copy paste textures/architecture
T1 and T2 had different architecture styles, just to start with that. Thief 1 looked more medieval, where T2 looked more eclectic/industrial revolution style. T3 reduced it's architectural style back to medieval buildings, which is totally fine. Every quarter and mission had its own architectural identity on top of that, which made it more diverse. Just because you don't cram mechanist architecture with Victorian and medieval styles doesn't mean everything is copy pasted. Auldale looks different from South Quarter, which looks different from Widow Moira's house, which looks distinct from Fort Ironwood.

If anything you can say that YOU don't like the art direction, and that YOU don't like the graphical execution, but your argument that it looks objectively ugly is unconvincing.

On top of that, the screenshot you're referring to isn't even from the official game.

>> No.3546167

don't remember using that word m8

"cold" is another word to describe the lighting difference, don't have time to explain it if you don't see it yourself but it's true in Doom 3, FEAR, and other games using similar lighting tech as well. it's like everything is lit with shop lights even though it's supposed to be a torch, and I don't mean just the shadows, just look at how it lights up that hammer's face. if you took a selfie with that kind of lighting everyone would call it "harsh"

>> No.3546171

No it's ugly =/= No, it looks ugly to me

One is a statement of objectivity, one is a statement of subjectivity.

You do know you are referring to a picture in which electrical lighting is used? Those are not torch lights at the end of that hall in Fort Ironwood. The torchlights in the game have a natural, fiery ambience to them. They have more lighting dynamic to them than the original torches too.

Now it just sounds like you're faulting a game for accurately portraying heavy electrical lighting.

>> No.3546180

>On top of that, the screenshot you're referring to isn't even from the official game.

Not the guy you're talking with, I was the one who took the screenshot and I can confirm that I'm using modded textures and HUD elements. Basically every mod is enabled in SneakyUpgrade with some tweaks.

Regarding the art style though I prefer the first two, there's just so little color in Deadly Shadows, which it would be in the dark and it's designed that way I realize, but it's pretty gloomy even in the light. Everything is stone and wood with a few exceptions. I miss some of the elaborate decorations, marble floors and banners that were in the first two games. They had a nice balance between comfy and creepy, while Deadly Shadows is full on gloomy.

At least we got Benny dialogues.

>> No.3546315

I don't know which one to prefer. I just like both iterations in their own way, though I'm do not begrudge people for preferring the original style.

We got way more Benny dialogues round T:DS too.

>> No.3546485
File: 2.15 MB, 3840x2160, Thief3 2016-10-07 18-46-14-070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say I really enjoy this museum map, it reminds me of Thief 1 & 2. One of the few I feel that isn't all just wood and stone, and it has colors too.

>> No.3546669

You don't need to follow every statement with "IMO" for them to be opinions, dude. I can't remember the last time I saw someone act otherwise on the internet.

I can find another pic of torch lighting is you want. It's about how the lighting in the game works period, not the exact type of light. It's like when a bunch of games from that era all had that plastic look, because of the popular shaders. It may be technically superior but looks bad, and TDS lighting is similar. It's just too stark for the setting, unlike games like Riddick and Fear where it fits perfectly.

>> No.3547170
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I know what people mean however, even with inferior textures Thief 1 and 2 looks more stylized than DS.

I remember expecting to see the City in 3 more like I envisioned in the cutscenes and not like it actually was.

>> No.3548197

Styx 2 is looking pretty great

>> No.3548419


>stealth game
>third person

into the trash it goes

>> No.3548604

>your pleb opinion

into the trash it goes

>> No.3548620

First Styx was pretty mediocre desu
Also not /vr/

>> No.3548846


From gameplay vids it just seems like a Splinter Cell with a little more verticality, sounds didnt seem important.

There is also another stealth game aragami that looks shitty as hell.

Nobody focuses on good light and sound dynamics, its all line of sight bullshit.

>> No.3549115

Splinter Cell says hi.

>> No.3549116

you can see enemies without having your character interact with them. i heard chronicles of riddick has good fps stealth.

>> No.3549374


having third person in a stealth game sounds about as fun as having an aimbot in an fps

>> No.3549413

but thats wrong
3rd person replaces leaning with a different camera position, it's not inherently cheating unlike aimbotting

>> No.3549418


>> No.3549527

Elene Radigue sounds like anything that could come out of Thief's Soundtrack.

>> No.3549537


>> No.3549580

Finished precious cargo and kidnap.
Precious cargo was neat, although guards seemed weirdly on edge. How noisy is swimming in and under water?
Kidnap was interesting, but it was kinda weird that Cavador was just chilling in his quarters the entire time instead of roaming around like everything else (notes on walls, a scroll I picked up detailing his route) seems to tell you he will be doing. All the lights were off as well, so it's not like I was just too slow.

Casing the joint seems like it's going to be interesting, but I've got a good feeling that the following mission isn't going to play out as expected. I guess I'll see!

>> No.3549959

>How noisy is swimming in and under water?
I don't think swimming while submerged makes noise, but I'm pretty sure surfacing and diving makes quite a bit.

>> No.3549969

Jumping into water is very loud, wading in shallow water is loud, swimming on the surface is pretty quiet and swimming underwater makes no sound.

>> No.3550418

Wading and diving would seem to be common sense, though I've not tested that myself. I think the trick to 'silent swimming' is the same as any movement...you can't run(speed swim). I've noticed for sure that guards can hear you very well if you speed swim on the surface. I THINK they might still be able to hear you underwater even, but I can't be certain, and I don't have the means/time to check right now.

>> No.3551289

Cavador should start moving when you read that scroll. Perhaps you picked up the scroll, read it, then loaded an earlier savegame and didn't read it again?

>> No.3551701

My Steam review of Thi4f is finally complete. Fuck the 8000 character limit. This is but a fraction of the game's flaws.


>> No.3551704

Thought you were making a vid.

>> No.3551709


I'm dividing the flaws I've managed to record to videos, each one of which is focusing on a specific category of flaws.

>> No.3551795
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With all that time you spend hating on Thiaf, you could have made a FM.

>> No.3551812

I'm a 3d artist. Art alone does not a FM make.

>> No.3552695

Isnt it possible to make the sword invisible, something the engine can do to make some sort of transition to a model with sword or without .... without changing models.

>> No.3552706

Even invisible, the engine still has to do calculations for the sword's position

>> No.3552707


Its a shame to me especially its the only thing that feels dated about the game.

>> No.3552848

So I downloaded Thief 2 and installed NewDark, but when I go to change the resolution to 1080p, the game shits out and crashes, saying my hardware doesn't support it. I'm on a 1070. What's wrong here?

>> No.3553058

install tafferpatcher instead

>> No.3554427

Nobody better be taffin about here

>> No.3555291

TDP or Gold?

>> No.3555305

Gold has more levels and is considered the definitive version

You could just play both

>> No.3555501
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Am I playing this game right?

>> No.3555546


>> No.3555669


>> No.3556215

TDP hands down. Fuck the Gold levels and ruining the original levels.

Gold is a hackjob.

>> No.3556228

>more levels
Of which only 1 is decent

>> No.3556338

As long as theyre not dead, yes.

>> No.3556378


>Of which only 1 is decent

That's a bit harsh. Song of the caverns is objectively great, mage's towers is kind of hit or miss but most would consider it at least decent, and thieves' guild has a lot of problems but I still think it gets a lot more hate than it deserves.
I mostly disliked the changes gold introduced to the original missions (lost city in particular), and I can see how the pacing of the story suffered a bit with the inclusion of the extra levels (still nowhere near as bad as casing and masks in thief 2) but I still would consider it the go to entry for thief (if anything because making vanilla thief 1 run on modern hardware is a pain in the ass)

>> No.3556430

>because making vanilla thief 1 run on modern hardware is a pain in the ass

>> No.3556594


>> No.3557416

i've really only played Gold and i loved it, i prefer it even more than thief 2, didn't knew about the mission changes, what changes in them from TDP to Gold?

>> No.3557996

> Song of the Caverns is objectively great

Nice jape. The Keepers hiding a monumentally important key sealing a doomsday artifact from the Tricksters grasp 5 feet away from the City Sewers? And a trap so easily avoidable that THE LOCAL GUARD OF AN OPERA HOUSE COULD BEST IT? HAVE THEY GONE MAD?

Quite a step down from the Hammerites high-security vault with multiple convoluted steps needed to overcome its defences, or hiding the talismans in the ruins of a civilisation completely unknown to the public of the City.

Song of the Caverns is the most fun Gold mission, and I like booting it up. But it's a big step down from the quality of the regular missions.

>> No.3558090

but it's not like she knew what value the key had, she was a rich lady who liked shiny things.

>> No.3558718

It sucks to have imagination and to have anticipated a sequel that ended up being shit. Do you remember any details of what you hoped it would be like and never was? One that I remember was:

>in a pub somewhere in The City
>live band playing drinking songs
>if you listen closely you can recognize the song as one of the tunes that the drunken guards were singing off-key in Thief 1

>> No.3559431

When will the black parade be released? It looks bretty gud

>> No.3560306

Maybe the sewer was built after the talisman was already hidden.

>> No.3560576

I know anon.

Still Thief memory lives on. I bet one day we will get a modern remake made with soul.

>> No.3560630

never ever, right now we're stuck in the lazy zone :')

>> No.3560635


>> No.3560649

Thief Gold OST is so damn atmospheric

>yfw when this comes on in you-know-where

>> No.3560651

Even if that were true, it's still only a few metres from civilisation. It's pretty poor hiding place, and it obviously didnt pan out at all.

Thing is that the Keepers didn't behave as stupid in TDP.

>> No.3561207

Bump for interest.

Also, a question of my own: I recently replayed the Cragscleft prison-mission, and while there, I checked trough the prisoner logs and read trough the list of punishments for the inmates. Now, pardon me for my lack of understanding for the English language, but what kind of punishment exactly is "sour mash"?

>> No.3561241

Bourbon whiskey is made with sour mash, which is a slurry of grain, malt, and water (re)used in a similar way to a sourdough starter. I'm guessing they mean something more like "spent mash", which is the leftover grain strained out of beer. It was a common filler for animal feed. It might just be partly fermented grain instead though. Think sauerkraut, but with oats and barley instead. And that's all you have to eat.

>> No.3561268

So basically I guessed it right that the prisoner is forced to eat something nasty. Thanks for telling.

>> No.3563115

You mean creepy as shit.

>> No.3563137
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How many people know about this Indiana Jones trickery? Is it obvious to most people?

>> No.3563138

I knew it right away.

>> No.3563568

Does TFix have any game breaking bugs? I'm playing the Thieves Guild-mission on a TFix-patched Thief Gold. I could swear that there are some critical puzzle items that failed to spawn into the game world, thus I cannot progress. Also, one door in the sewers wouldn't open, I had to manipulate one of the CPU actors into opening it for me.

>> No.3563636

Marble floors with no carpeting whatsoever.

>> No.3563674

All I can say is that I played with TFix and didn't have any issues. But that was a couple years ago so it was probably a slightly different version.

>> No.3563692

I've never had any problems with it.

>> No.3563706

It's like a medieval middle-aged sammyclassicsonicfan.

>> No.3563865

The re-rendered 32bit lightmaps are a bit too bright in some locations and it makes old strategies impossible. You can no longer ghost Ramirez' counting room and get all the loot for example. Or at least it's much more difficult.

>> No.3564224

>see this thread
>decide to reinstall Thief 2
>start playing Shipping... and Receiving
>comfy level off the charts

Opening each bay door is like a Christmas Present. Thank you based Looking Glass studios.

>> No.3564229

Unfortunately the comfiness all but disappears as the missions go on. After Ambush it's all but gone.

>> No.3564669

>Trail of Blood
>Life of the Party
>Casing the Joint

There are plenty of comfy missions.

>> No.3564780

I had a weird dream where I got lost on a weird version of casing the joint, so I ctrl shift ended the level, and the next level I was given a fucking 9mm handgun and tasked with shooting my way out of a completely different level

>> No.3565163
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trail of Blood
>Life of the Party
>Precious Cargo
>anything but comfy

>> No.3565473

You got the bow upgrade?

>> No.3565951


>> No.3566061

My only Thief dream had me facing off with an army of hundreds of Iron Beasts. They were colored red and copper instead of blue and black, and they had two grenade launchers, one on each side.

Still not as scary as sawblade spider bots or the golden cherub

>> No.3567017
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>> No.3567020
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Does this look like the work of a spider?

>> No.3567732

>everyone else is so ugly that I have to stick their heads into things