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File: 135 KB, 930x523, finalfantasyiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3520065 No.3520065 [Reply] [Original]

I am curious whether the original North American version of FFIV is still worth playing in 2016. I have never played FFIV, and I have the Virtual Console so I am curious whether this game (particularly this version) is still worth playing?

>> No.3520073

Play the original japanese version instead. They removed a bunch of abilities and lowered the difficulty in the western release.

>> No.3520132

I don't care about a lowered difficulty considering that the early FF games were hard as hell. Is the game still good is what I want to know.

>> No.3520150

FF4 is pretty boring. It's dumbed down a lot and the difficulty is reduced.

It's fine and playable, but honestly, I don't think any version of 4 is really worth a damn these days.

>Best FF's
>1, 2, 3, 5, 7,8, 12

>> No.3520185

Then why has it been remade a dozen times by Square over the latter two SNES/SFC Final Fantasy titles?

>> No.3520193

It's fine. It isn't the "easy type", it just has some moves removed. Among them are Cecil's dark wave, which if not making the early game harder, makes it a bit more tedious.

I replayed this version earlier this year. Short and sweet at 14 hours. Differences between versions are massively exaggerated. This is quite an easy, simplistic game and people like it for the oldschool graphics, the fun animu plotline, and the nice music.

>> No.3520196

>1, 2, 8, 12
wowzer bowser

>> No.3520236

2 is the only bad one. 1 is very dated as well, the same goes for 3. 8 is definitely amongst the weakest 3D installments that wasn't a MMORPG.

6 also definitely belongs amongst the best games in the series.

>> No.3520267
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>Is the game still good is what I want to know.
I owned the original back in the 90s, and enjoyed it.

Today, as for the last 15 years, I'd just play it via emulation with a fan translated J-rom.

Worth playing: yes. You should at least know why Rydia is such a meme. She's an awesome character. You know how Chrono Trigger is awesome? Rydia is a CT level character, she's just glorious.

If ALL the characters were Rydia quality in FF-4 it would be a stupid amazing game in terms of it's story and character development & content.

But hey, it's not a bad game. Raging thru it it will take you < 15 hours to finish it.

And difficult. Mm, I'd say it's pretty easy. Don't just hammer the action button, aim to exploit the enemy's weaknesses in every random encounter.

F.ex, don't use Sleep once and get mad that it didn't work. Try it on different enemies-- some can be put to sleep very easily, others hard, others not at all. Same with all the status magic. Elemental magic has the same property.

The J vs US version,
- Active battle mode actually works in the US version
- In the US version there's a single 'cure' item that handles stone/tripple nigger etc status effects, the J-version has an item per status effect.
- The US version makes the hookers a bit less obvious
- There's no Dev room in the US version
- The US version lacks the Gold and Silver apples, the berserk inducing item, and-- uh?
eh... off the top of my autistic head.

I mean, it's not that different.

But, not being able to give Rydia apples is wrongness.

>> No.3520290

Each of FFIV's versions brings something to the table IMO

>FFII U.S. - Good babby's first JRPG (though not as much as SMRPG or Chrono Trigger)
>Chronicles - Closest you're going to get to the SFC original outside of fan translations
>GBA - Redone graphics and a bunch of bonus content
>PSP - Redone graphics and comes with After Years so you can experience firsthand just how bad they fucked that up
>DS - Hard as balls and a good way to revisit the game, also has an actually brand new translation that isn't just a heavily revised rewrite of II U.S.'s script

>> No.3520328
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I tried played the SNES version of III about a year ago
>get my ass kicked by the sockpuppet vampire dude because the removed abilities castrate my ability to adequately respond to threads without copious amounts of grinding

I've still yet to finish IV; I should probably try one of the other versions at some point.

>> No.3520357

1 is worth playing for nostalgia factor, and it's what I would consider "culturally significant" if you're even remotely interested in JRPG's and that makes it worth playing.

1 is the progenitor of the series and worth playing for that alone

2 introduces a lot of new concepts and is a unique experience compared to many of the FF's

8's story is take it or leave it. I like it, but I can see why others wouldn't. It has that "Sixth Sense" factor where it benefits heavily from a replay once you know all the stuff that's been foreshadowed. The junction system is fantastic and the way it's structured allows you to progress through the game very quickly. Enc-Half and Enc-None is a godsend for being enjoyable. FF8's fun factor comes entirely out of junction.

FF12 is good, but I think Vaan and Penelo have no place in there. I like the story for the most part, and I like the changes to combat that make it feel different. I also have a background in programming and the scripting is kind of neat in that regard.

I can only assume:
>my favorite is 9, the shittiest, slowest and most boring FF of them all.

Popularity != good, friend.

Only about a third of the star wars movies are actually decent. Same thing with the James Bonds. Yet they keep making them and they're insanely popular.

>> No.3520385

No it's fucking trash. Not only is the difficulty castrated but the translation is seriously terrible. It was done by japs who only had a 1950s thesaurus as an English resource and it shows (read up on where "Spoony bard" came into being). Only people recommending it are hipster faggots who played it when they were six.

Play the European GBA rom or the PSP version. After that dive into The After Years or the DS remake if you want more FF4. There's also the PS1 version but it's got some issues relating to the sound. The senpai translated SNES rom was recently revealed to have a bunch inaccuracies itself so steer clear.

>> No.3520387

Don't listen to these fags. The US version is trash. Don't play shit that's unreadable and messes with the game's design.

>> No.3520391

What the fuck?
FAN translated rom

>> No.3520498

Yes, the original version is still worth playing. It is not any more dated than any other SNES RPG, and it is one of the best RPGs on the SNES.

In my opinion, it is the best of the "classical" Final Fantasies (i.e., when storylines still revolved around crystals, and such). The soundtrack is among the best even until today, and the characters are interesting and unique.

If you want the best version of the game, I think the DS version would probably be it, but you're asking specifically about the virtual console, so I'd say yes, absolutely, it's one of the single best games on the virtual console. You will not be disappointed if you like SNES-era JRPGs.

>> No.3520515

if you want the best version that is closest to the snes original than the PSP version is probably the best, if you want a game that is much harder than the DS version

>> No.3520540


All they removed was a stripper, thats it.

>> No.3520634

sure, but the translated jap version is better
ignore the gba they're all bugged
PSP is great and the DS is a different experience but also good if you can get past the artstyle

>> No.3520652
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>considering that the early FF games were hard as hell.
I can understand FFII because you have to understand a fairly unusual system first, but really?

>> No.3520656

FF1-4 are "hard" in that they're clunky.

If you have a 4 warrior party, you basically need 99 healing potions every dungeon and you have to buy them 1 at a time which is a grind.

No FF game is "hard" since you can just spend some time and grind. Most of them actually have an atrocious exp and money curve which encourages grinding.

And this is Final Fantasy, commonly considered some of the most casual JRPG's.

>> No.3520665

II isnt hard either, just stupid and poorly designed.

I is easy because Fighter/Warrior exists, you literally don't need anything else aside someone who can cast the anti-instant death spell.

II is easy because Minwu can just make your guys into gods early, along with stupid shit like shields being godlike. There's a bunch of places that do say "fuck you" if you try exploring though.

III...has moments that are hard actually. Namely the final dungeon and Garuda can fuck your game if you didn't prepare correctly. Other than that it's pretty basic. Can't speak about the DS version, never played it.

IV is easy since half the cast can hit stupidly hard, and because how easy it is to level 1 person to bulldoze the game, even in the origional japan version Shit the US version they barely do much if any damage. DS version isn't even that hard either since Draw Attacks breaks the game, and Phoenix trivializes the final areas. Only hard parts of the DS are the dungeon's with mobs that can instantly wipe your group via all attacks, and the're usually a direct counter to that in the 1st floor of said dungeon's anyway.

>> No.3520672

III also has the retarded "drop your vitality to zero if you try to run" mechanic

>> No.3520683

3 was harder on the DS version, they compensated for less enemies on screen by making the ones that do show up on screen twice as hard

>> No.3520696

>No FF game is "hard" since you can just spend some time and grind.

I never needed to grind in any FF, though I stopped playing at FFX so I don't know how the others are, even in FFVIII you don't need to grind for cards as long as you realize you don't need better weapons than your starting ones, just enough spells to junction your basic stats properly, and it can be done fairly easy and quick. I can understand being lost in a fresh playthrough because nobody has precognition and you need to understand a game's system, but none of the FF games are even remotely hard or grindy as long as you understand how to play them, they are grindy only if you actively go out of your way and choose the least useful options to play them, and any game can be grindy or hard if choose to do so.
I don't think I've ever played a RPG that needed grinding, except NISA games which are garbage games designed around tedious grinding for the sake of it.
II has a great system that is marred by a few bugs and design oversights(like any FF), it's by far the most fluid and replayable FF once you learn how to play it, it even gives you the choice of cheesing the toughest bosses with the Blood Swords or fighting them without dirty tricks, it's pretty damn good.
Then again, I like SaGa games so it's only natural that I like the prototype, as shallow and flawed as it is compared to its successors.

>> No.3520718

II is unbalanced
If you know what you're doing (equip shields, avoid heavy armor) the game is a cakewalk for the most part
if you don't know what you're doing (equip heavy armor, DUAL WIELD LOL) you could very easily make the game impossible for yourself
there's no inbetween
also defense is pointless because the only way to rsise it is through stronger armor while agility and evasion are god stats

still not a bad game and nowhere near as bad as most people try to make it seem
hating it has become a meme at this point, so it's pointless to argue with people

>> No.3520731

>No FF game is "hard" since you can just spend some time and grind.
Grinding is what you do if you're bad at the game. Go look up some low-level or speed runs and learn that grinding is for toddlers.

>> No.3520803

>the same goes for 3
3 is not dated and is still worth playing today

>> No.3520872
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my african american

>> No.3520876

>I can only assume: my favorite is 9, the shittiest, slowest and most boring FF of them all.
i like ff3 5 and 6 the best

>> No.3521038

It seems people are really divided on whether the original version of FFIV is still worth playing.

>> No.3521918


they're all sound

>> No.3521936

>you don't get to name your characters

>> No.3521971

>9, the shittiest, slowest and most boring FF of them all.

The dankest meme

>> No.3521990

>Skipping VIII
nice meme

>> No.3522008

viii sucks cock nerd

>> No.3522010

>no III
ur dum

>> No.3522024 [DELETED] 

You seem like a retard, so don't bother with it.

>> No.3523180

Is the remake of III for the DS worse than NES/Famicom III? Because I was not feeling it with it.

>> No.3523201

3 is unpolished as hell and made obsolete by the existence of 5.

That being said, I still love it to death. Especially the 3D remake with low-poly models. It's just has a charm that I can't explain.

>> No.3523218

> <15 hours to finish

I played this a while ago and don't remember how long it took me. If this is actually true, I might just dedicate an entire Saturday to beating it in one sitting. That'd be pretty neat.

>> No.3523221

I love III (DS version as well) but never enjoyed V as much. Whatever...

>> No.3523357

IMO it is. I prefer blank slate characters in JRPGs though so maybe that's it. Plus the music and graphics in the NES version are MUCH better, especially the music. No run button though, I used fast forward on my emulator a lot.

>> No.3523359

>8 is definitely amongst the weakest 3D installments
While I absolutely agree with you here the comparison seems a bit unfair. Almost all of the 3D mainline games can be considered masterpieces - well, not 13 - so even a good game would have very hard time comparing against those.

>> No.3523684

They didn't remove anything. There are 2 versions of FFIV on snes. Normal and Easy Type. USA got the Easy Type version.

>> No.3524897

>rydia looks really hot as a sprite
>look at fanart and cosplays
>it's shit

fucking imagination

>> No.3525141

How's the PSP remake of IV?

>> No.3525349

Better than SNES, worse than DS.

>> No.3525817
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>Rydia fanart

you are wrong to be honest family