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File: 1.40 MB, 1280x1024, Redneck_Rampage_1280x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3519150 No.3519150 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /vr/! Would you please share your Redneck Rampage thoughts and memories with me? Thanks! :-)

>> No.3519164
File: 108 KB, 800x600, ridesagain7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the first RR is fun but very flawed.

The Route 66 is great because it does a good job at hiding those flaws and focusing on the good aspects of RR

As for the sequel, Rides Again in Arkansas, it is absolutely amazing. It fixed most of those flaws I mentionned, and has some of the sicket level design of any pro Build game (factory level...); add to this super fun driveable vehicules, fun new enemies... It only came out a bit late, but it's a shame most people stopped at the first game and never played the sequel. Most people even think it's an add-on, which shows how overlooked it is.

As for the hunting spin-off, it is fun for what it is, but it's obviously not for everybody, although it's best technical quality is probably its functionning rifle scope.

>> No.3519189

>those flaws I mentioned

You didn't mention any.

>> No.3519207

I really like the Old West levels in Redneck Rampage Rides Again. Makes me wish somebody had used this engine to make a Wild West-themed FPS. But I guess this is the closest we'll ever get.

>> No.3519212

There's Outlaws, made with Dark Forces' engine, pretty close.

>> No.3519252

I played Outlaws back in the day. I found the level design and enemies to be really repetitive. And that's saying something coming from a fan of Redneck Rampage. Also, on a purely aesthetic level, I think Redneck Rampage Rides Again beats Outlaws hands down.

>> No.3519259
File: 153 KB, 800x600, ridesagain4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad phrasing, but here they are:
- keys and locked doors. Keys are small, not colourful and hard to see. Also, lthe difference between the several keys goes something like this "locked door" "another locked door" "yet another locked door", so there is no way to tell which key goes with which door. There is also the fact that you're not told when you do use a key, meaning that if you didn't find the locked door first, you don't even know you went through a door that was locked.
- some stupidly hidden switches
- some bad enemy behaviour, including a glitchy dog which animations are off and which delayed bites look like it hits you from miles away. There is the titty alien bitches which can take down your entire health in a SECOND.
- some levels drop the cake in terms of balance, like E2L1

I thought the "old west town" map was the worst one to be honest. It's just a flat "go check every building" map, which was done already in the original game E2L1 and also in about a thousand DN3D usermap.

>> No.3519650

My only memory is seeing it in the store and thinking it looks fucking stupid.

>> No.3519785

anyone have the lyrics for Cybersex and Disgraceland?

>> No.3519798

Oh you're just a whiner

>> No.3519805

It has a fucking maze sewer level, fuck that shit. WHY.

Great game otherwise.

>> No.3520449

>It has a fucking maze sewer level

>> No.3520478


>networked game with bro
>co-op is best thing since Duke
>health low
>eat chips
>trying to sneak past bad guys
>enemies everywhere
>too busy laughing to fight back
>players are kill

>> No.3520608

He makes some good points though, especially on the keys. And you can't deny that the vixens are overpowered.

>> No.3520692

What is the target demographic for this game? Southern US?

>> No.3520748
File: 2.81 MB, 800x450, america.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine: Coon Rampage.

>> No.3520797
File: 158 KB, 800x600, RRRAROR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among the new stuff Rides Again brings on the table, it has True Room Over Room.

Funny how it has it, but it's barely used and not advertised on, even though this is the thing that was all over advertising for games like Shadow Warrior and Blood (on the back of the box etc).
It was probably added late in development.

>> No.3520981

>Coon Rampage
>you can kill people and when the cops show up they get mobbed by a bunch of numale white liberal cucks

>> No.3521314

Had this game when I was 4 or 5. Kinda thought I was the only person to ever play it lol

>> No.3521696

Get off ma land

>> No.3521913

Lmao xD

>> No.3522439

This game could be extra creepy without the music.

>> No.3522659

>be 10
>borrow game from friend
>install it
>play for ten minutes
>this is shit
>never play it again

>> No.3522663


I don't think I found out until somewhat recently that the game was supposed to have music. As a kid I don't recall having music on. I was aware of music on the CD but I guess I didn't realize that it was meant to play during the game.

>> No.3522692


>> No.3524168

like dark forces?