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File: 45 KB, 417x365, Mega_Man_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
344296 No.344296 [Reply] [Original]

>beat megaman 1 in one take when 7 years old.
>dig the game up after 15 years
>try to play it, seems impossible
>reach that ladder where you have to have the block gun, and just stare at it and wonder how hell you're supposed to reach it
>attach a debugger on it and change the height coordinate in order to reach the ladder
megaman I man, what a game
anyone remember that block sequence on the ice level?

>> No.344343

Despite being pretty shit at video games, I could probably beat everything up to Ice Man on ~3 lives with little trouble.

But FUCK the shooting platforms. I never actually made it past those. I was surprised when I saw the GCCX video of Mega Man, that they didn't show Arino having trouble with that bit. Surely the disappearing block sequence wasn't THAT hard. It's basically simple pattern recognition.

How easy was Ice Man as a boss?

>> No.344364
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>> No.344389

About the same as Fireman. Shoot until he dies.

>> No.344426

Also, before anybody mentions anything, yes I am aware of the Magnet Beam trick, but at this point I no longer feel like playing Mega Man anymore. Plus I'd probably just end up dying a lot to Yellow Devil.

>> No.344507

Outside of Gutsman's stage, Megaman 1 is really god damned easy compared to later entries. I'd say only 4 is easier than it.

I hear that I have an unpopular view on that though.

>> No.344759

Yeah, most people consider 1 and 4 the hardest.

>> No.344808

Gutsman is only hard because of the moving platforms. The Dr. Wiley levels are definitely tougher. That part where you ride the platforms through the area with the spiked floor and ceilings is pretty tense.

>> No.344826

I have an unpopular view about Guts Man's stage being one of the easiest. I mean, it's pretty much just the moving platforms and then some easy stretches of just enemies. And those platforms aren't THAT tricky to navigate.

Now, the unending streams of fire in Fire Man's stage, those were a bitch.

>> No.344828

>shortest stage

lel do you even mega man?

>> No.344832

Funny because I've always heard people say 1 is the hardest of the original NES games but I can beat it in an hour and 30 minutes with enough practice.

I guess the main nuisance with 1 is that it has no save feature like the later MMs so you have to beat it in one sitting.

>> No.344860

>Now, the unending streams of fire in Fire Man's stage, those were a bitch

I never thought there was anything hard in there. Elec Man is pretty irritating because of the fucking guys that knock you off the ladder and send you falling three screens with their electroshocks and the disappearing blocks.

>> No.344867

The moving platforms section is by far the most difficult section in the game, everything else in 1 is a cakewalk.

>> No.344874

Ice Man is also rather annoying until you discover that you don't have to fall to your death on the floating platforms since you have a little friend called the Magnet Beam

>> No.344889

Cuts Man bugs me because you have only three blocks to hit him with and if you miss, it's down to your arm cannon.

>> No.344916
File: 23 KB, 507x404, Yellowdevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything else in 1 is a cakewalk
Well, unless you used the Select trick...

>> No.344908

Also Yellow Devil.

I dunno, I always preferred Mega Man 1 over the later entries, including 2 and 3. Something about it just seems so much more clear-cut and simple. Once you get to Mega Man 2, a lot of the Robot Masters start getting kind of esoteric. Like Bubble Man: why on Earth did they name their water-based guy after the least threatening water-related thing ever, short of Rubber Ducky Man? Or Quick Man, what is he supposed to be, some kind of Flash rip off? More so than Flash Man anyway, who is also kind of abstract in theme. Nah, but in the first game, it all comes down to simple video game stuff. Fire, Ice, Elec(tricity), Bombs. Guts.

>> No.344925

But he still has such an easy pattern to read that you don't ever really need anything but the buster. I always play Cut Man first anyway, just because of how piss-easy his stage is.

>> No.344937

>beat megaman 1 in one take when 7 years old.
>dig the game up after 15 years
>try to play it, seems impossible
Why does this shit happen?
I beat Ghosts n' Goblins, all the first 6 megaman games, the first Castlevania, Zelda 2, and Ninja Gaiden 2 before I was 10. I'm nowhere near the level I was then. I think that modern games have shit on my ability.

>> No.344941

of course. the Select trick is an absolute necessity to beating that guy and Dr. Wiley (works nicely on Elec Man too)

>> No.344949

Yellow Devil didn't really ever bother me that much. He's all patterns and you have more chances if you fuck up once, unlike on the moving platforms.

>> No.344950

you got out of practice

>> No.344961

Now see Ice Man's stage is full of bullshit like disappearing blocks and the floating platforms, but when you actually get to him, one or two shots with the Electric Beam and you're done.

>> No.344964

I never stopped playing games, I just stopped playing retro games until recently.
That's depressing. A 10-year-old on Nintendo is more skilled than a 25-year-old on modern games.

>> No.344970

He's weak to Elec Man's weapon, not Fire Man's? That's kind of ghhhheeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy.

>> No.344986

It's one pattern. He's a cakewalk once you recognize it, and it should only take you 2 or 3 tries to get it down.

>> No.344998

Exactly my point. You didn't play NES games for years and got out of practice.
It is pretty stupid. Ice Man is almost criminally easy.

>> No.347546

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.351194

The hardest thing to do in Classic Mega Man is to do a mega buster only run of MM3. Anybody that has done it can verify that.

>> No.351242

I beat Megaman 2 yesterday for the first time, I managed to get through the game fairly well but when I came to this I was just completely oblivious as to what I had to do.
I tried doing all sorts of things, wasting energy and having to go back and replenish it and trying again. I just didn't quite realise I could use three of those platforms.

>> No.351245
File: 16 KB, 382x347, jump you can make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.351443

only because doc robots
and those are really terrible stages that aren't a fun type of challenge at all

every time I play MM3, I just do the eight stages and don't even bother with the rest

wily's castle is a joke anyway

>> No.351497

i can still breeze through mm3 pretty quick, and i enjoy all of it, but honestly because of the other nes games i had when i was a kid (adventures of tom sawyer, castlequest, back to the future, jaws, etc) i think i clocked in so much time on mm3 that the entire thing's become muscle memory

i know i beat it at least 40 times back then. i used to keep track

>> No.351510

I always took it to be that the mm1 bosses were industrial robots that light built and the mm2 bosses were weaponized versions of them built by wily. Like quickman is an evolution of cutman

>> No.351514

I just played the game a couple weeks ago. The hell is wrong with you people? The block puzzles in ice man's stage are nothing, since you aren't punished for failure. It's not like Heat Man's stage where if you slip up you're dead.

I agree with >>344507, the game was fairly easy except for yellow devil. Wily was almost trivially easy, if you can get past the boss rush with a life left you have it for free.

>> No.351525

Wily Stage 1's boss is a nigger. Probably the hardest boss in the classic Megamans and i still cant beat him :3

>> No.351556

I had to beat the Yellow Devil legit for Game Gauntlet

I say the whole game is pretty easy, and the Yellow Devil took me about 30 tries. When you have infinite continues it's kinda trivial. And the Devil is pretty much just practice. I can probably take him in my sleep now that I did it so much.

Only one easier than it is 2, in my opinion.

>> No.351607

>People keep saying the megaman games are hard as shit games
I just don't understand

>> No.351661
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x790, mm4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People saying that 1 and 2 are the hardest MegaMans.
Ain't got shit on Mega Man 4.

>> No.351686

Bullshit. I didn't even need master weapons to take those guys out. I tried doing that shit against Elec Man and he wiped the floor with me.

>> No.351703

only now do i realize how terrifying it would be if there was a weaponized robot that could shoot snakes at you

>> No.351712

Difficulty doesn't come from the Robot Masters but the stage design.

>> No.351735

The stages in MM4 that ever posed a hazard for me were Toad Man's and Bright Man's

I would say that Elec Man's level is more annoying than any of those (mostly because of slow ladder climb speed), and Ice Man's last portion without Magnet Beam is certainly harder than those two stages

I don't know, nothing really posed that much of a threat in 4 - 6 in my view, mainly because of buster charging and how much it broke the game (in 5 especially)

I wish they never added it to classic and kept that kind of stuff for X
I always fantasize about how different the second half of the NES games would have been without it

>> No.351743 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 349x425, Chargeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're walking alone in a dark alley
>Suddenly you hear a hissing sound
>hish, chugga chugga chugga
>You start to get nervous and begin to steady your pace
>hish, chugga chugga
>You start to run
>chugga chUGGA CHUGGA
>But it only gets closer and closer

>> No.351751


>> No.351752

Elec Man kills you in 3 hits, but yeah, his stage doesn't mean your first time will be rageless.

>> No.351757

So, what? The grasshoppers in Bright Man's stage? The puffy platforms in Pharoah Man's stage? Not very difficult. I think you can even cheese those sections with Rush Jet or Balloon but I wouldn't know because I never needed to.

Ice Man's stage, on the other hand, had those floating platforms with the random movement and clipping issues. I broke out the Magnet Beam and never looked back.

>> No.352236

To be honest, I think 2 and 4 are the two easiest ones.

1 is mostly hard because it is more restricted. Later Megaman-games had much more freedom and variety and strategies with weapons etc

>> No.353949
File: 87 KB, 637x527, what is the M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a good thread for this. Recently I played through Mega Man for the first time, beat the 6 bosses, then came to this screen in Wily's first stage. I didn't know what to do so I watched this video, and for some reason this guy has this M weapon which I don't have after beating those 6 bosses. It gives you platforms to jump on I guess.

So how do I get that?

>> No.354037

You're screwed. Restart the game. The sole reason why MM1 is the worst one in the series, it's broken due to having to get that weapon.

>> No.354061
File: 77 KB, 211x146, Is dis nigga serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.354092

It's the Magnet Beam. It lies in plain sight in Elec Man's stage, but you need the Super Arm(Guts Man's weapon) to get it.

Not true. You can go back to MM1's stages even after finishing the boss, unlike later titles.

>> No.354162
File: 5 KB, 250x242, 1338866319376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I don't mind replaying it, the 6 bosses weren't as difficult as people make them out to be, it only took a week or so.

Then again, I can't just go to stage select and play elec man's stage again?

>> No.354170

duh jsut re-read your post


>> No.354772

For some reason I only ever play MM1&2, just got 3 off the 3DS eshop and I'm finding it impossibly hard. Except for Topman, easiest fucking boss ever, I barely even had to try.

>> No.357829

Whoa I may consider buying that!

How much did it cost anon?

Try & get a little one into "The Man"

>> No.357879

>remember hearing a rumor years and years ago that if you beat MM1 without Magnet Beam, there's fireworks in the ending
>Play the game for real later
>See Wily 1