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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3513537 No.3513537 [Reply] [Original]

So, a few days ago, we discussed some possibilities of allowing 6th gen into the board.

However, many people didn't want it, and those who accepted it to any degree would only accept the GBA. So we came up with a compromise idea: /v2k/, a board to discuss games made during the 6th generation that are too new for /vr/, but too old for /v/ teens to be interested in. I think this is a pretty good idea.

What year range should /v2k/ cover if it's created?

>> No.3513556

The people that 'don't want it' are idiots is my response.

/vr/ is already slow as fuck and barely able to warrant its existence.

Just add in the sixth gen already. There's a ton of hidden gems and games worth discussing. The PS2 alone is probably older than most of the posters on /v/.

>> No.3513562


>The PS2 alone is probably older than most of the posters on /v/

I'd wager it's also older than the brats who want to discuss it on /vr/.

>> No.3513569 [DELETED] 

It's older than you. That's for sure.

>> No.3513571

>>3513556d dreamcast is already allowed and it had online pvp games, nothing happened.

No need to split an already slow board, this is as good of an idea as releasing the cd and 32x for the same console then releasing games that required both.

>> No.3513574

gen 6 is almost 16 years old.

that would be like saying the 80s werent retro in the year 2000.

I honestley feel like this board is obssesed with the notion that "retro" means games with shit graphics and pixels. Smash brothers melee looks like shit now compared to smash 4. its time to grow up /vr/ and accept that gen 6 is retro

>> No.3513576

If you arent willing to accept gen 6 then you might aswell re name this board Games up to 1999.

Face it vr, if this website still exists 30 years from now halo 5 will be allowed here

>> No.3513581

But muh pre-2000s! Millennial underageb& consoles! muh 6th Gen DreamCast but no GCN or GBA!

>> No.3513583

Add 6th gen to this dying board.

>> No.3513592

But I feel like the reason why this board's existence makes any sense is that retro means games from the gameplay focused era instead of "anything older than x years". Even if retro in general just means things that are old enough I feel like with video games it refers to a particular era.

I mean what is even the point of having a retro board if it's just about everything but the newest stuff. That would mean eventually things like Last of Us are retro games and holy fuck that notion turns my stomach.

>> No.3513595


Only retarded autists with "back in my day" syndrome will disagree.

>> No.3513596


Only retarded autists with "it's as old as I am" syndrome will agree.

>> No.3513601
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Never change /vr/.

>> No.3513603

This. Halo and God of War just simply don't belong on the same board as Super Mario Bros 3 or Vectorman.

>> No.3513604

Yeah man. The Magnavox Odyssey, Fairchild Channel F, Atari 2600, and Intellivision are retro. Anything beyond that is not.

Get the fuck outta here with this NES, Master System, SNES and Genesis shit.

>> No.3513605

If fifth gen and the fucking Dreamcast are allowed, I don't see why the rest of sixth gen shouldn't be. The games are not significantly different in terms of design, so that argument is out the window.

>> No.3513606 [DELETED] 

lol you got btfo kid

>> No.3513607

Why bother? In 5 years or so they'll be considered retro anyway

>> No.3513609 [DELETED] 

Spotted the retarded autist

>> No.3513610

back in 94 the thought of mario 64 being retro was just as laughable. you guys hate change and thats what is gunna kill this board

>> No.3513613

>pixel graphics are shit
People who seriously believe this shit are a problem. I'd be fine with gen 6 finally being allowed as long as the barely literate children that started posting here about it kept their retarded shitposts about "muh graphics" out of older gen threads, but they won't. Keep that shit in /v/.

>> No.3513614

I agree with this. If we keep adding console generations to /vr/, then the board will lose its identity. The earliest gens will completely lose their place on 4chan, then you really will be looking at a necessary split of /vr/ in a few years. It would be better to make the /v2k/ board soon for a couple of the more recent gens. It would help the condition of both /vr/ and /v/ in the long run.

>> No.3513616


You can scream and kick your feet and spout /v/-level insults all you want, you've got no point and you never will.

>> No.3513617

But those consoles were all about gameplay rather than watching movies. What's your argument against them?

>> No.3513618

Adding the GBA and GBA only wouldnt be a bad idea considering its on par with the SNES, its the fact that its connectivity to the Gamecube via Zelda 4 swords, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles that I think it shouldnt be allowed. Itll tempt too many people to talk about non retro systems/games.

>> No.3513619

There's already too many retards coming from /v/ polluting the board with shitty threads, don't give them more reasons to come.

>> No.3513621

They're too modern. Anything past the 70s isn't retro.

>> No.3513624

Just like FF7 is about gameplay and not watching movies. Yeah, I totally see your point.

>> No.3513625

this is the retarded mindset that will kill this board.
That logic implies that pokemon ruby or any pixel game from the gba should be allowed here over a game released in the same era, like halo CE just because theyre older in aesthetic and gameplay

>> No.3513627 [DELETED] 

Like you. Now go back to /v/

>> No.3513628

Why the fuck did you make this thread on /v/ as well?

>> No.3513629

/v2k/ is a dumb needless idea to cater to this board's shrinking cabal of autists who can't deal with change. Add GBA now and the rest of sixth gen accordingly once more years pass. This is also a must for PC games too

This is a retro games board, not a nostalgiafag board for an specific period you personally like. Games become retro with time and that's just how it is.

People who want /vr/ to never have any new content and pretend time is not passing in the real world are idiots and I was surprised to see a group of them claiming all of /vr/ were the same as them. They seemed to be the majority on the /qa/ thread about this. I'm glad to see the discussion on /vr/ is more sound.

>> No.3513630

Super Mario 64 doesn't belong on the same board as Super Mario Bros. 3, either. Nor does Pong.

>> No.3513632 [DELETED] 

>Everyone who disagrees with me is retarded
Does your mother know you're browsing 4chan? Hurry off to bed, you have grade school in the morning.

>> No.3513634

But why? My argument for "what is retro?" was made based on the content of the games. You are just arguing a random time period which makes no sense.

>> No.3513635

>trying to negotiate with bald fat man children in their late 30's who cant accept change

let this board die so they'll fuck off to some retro shit forum

>> No.3513637

The early nineties had tons of FMV games on PC and in some consoles too, are they not retro because you personally don't like them?

>> No.3513638 [DELETED] 

Yeah, go to bed. You have school tomorrow morning.

>> No.3513639

in 2020 there will be zero excuses for gen 6 not to be allowed here anymore

>> No.3513640

If we keep adding gens what is the difference between /vr/ and /v/?

>> No.3513641

Why do people want to talk about /v/-related content on /vr/? Why can't you just talk about them on /v/? Everybody there is in the same age group as you, they grew up with gen 6 too. Why do you need to talk about it here? Do you think the level of discussion is better here?

>> No.3513642

If the only thing we could talk about was games from the 70s this board wouldnt exist. 70s to 99 gives us at least more than 3 topics to discuss. Going beyond that isnt needed.

>> No.3513643

There already is a board for that. >>>/v/

>> No.3513646
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>> No.3513648

The gameplay, visuals and sound are far too modern for anything past Gen 2.

In fact, boards should be split up by Gen.

>> No.3513649

But /vr/ is a good board and letting it die would be bad. Though their argument is that sixth gen will kill "the spirit of the board", ironically not realizing that making /vr/ the only board to never allow any new content outside of romhacks is an actual irrevocable death sentence. /vr/ is comatose enough now, I don't want to see it die.

>> No.3513650

Your argument was based on nothing concrete, because there is no concrete difference in game design between fifth and sixth gen. The PSX had plenty of "movie games" and the PS2 had plenty of highly gameplay-focused titles.

>> No.3513651

>pixel graphics are shit
No one actually said that. And by the way you type, you clearly have some weird superiority complex and false ego because you're older than the average 18-25 year old who browses this site.

I think you need to grow

>> No.3513652

/v/ is mostly about last gen, current gen, next-gen, upcoming games, releases and news.

>> No.3513653

I agree that it's probably too soon for sixth gen, but the autists who claim sixth gen will "never be retro" are completely retarded.

>> No.3513654

Why can't we just nix the dream cast and make everything 6th gen and up directed to /v/. It makes no sense to have all this shit split up. We only need a board for new and retro.

>> No.3513656

That /vr/ is for retro games and /v/ for modern games.

GBA is already universally retro and in a couple years PS2 and GC will undoubtedly be seen as such too. It's stupid to pretend this isn't the reality and childish to open a new nonsensical board just so you won't see topics you don't like.

>> No.3513657

Have you been to /v/ lately? Those kids definitely did not grow up with gen 6.

>> No.3513658

>Look at me make a complete ass of myself by acting retarded and claiming to have opinions that are not really my opinions, that will show those people who have an actual argument that has nothing to do with my nonsense they are wrong!

Literally what you are doing. You are taking your shit to such alien lengths nobody even knows what the fuck you are trying to prove anymore.

>> No.3513660

Xbox, ps2, and gcn are fucking retro

>> No.3513661

/v/ already has enough topics on gen 6.

They have Smash Bros Melee contests and twitch shit on Mario Sunshine speedruns. Why do we need that here when /v/ is still active with gen 6 games?

>> No.3513664
File: 936 KB, 644x644, Where do you think we are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to "Back in My Day" Syndrome: The Imageboard.

>> No.3513665

The fact you have that image saved on your hard drive proves how childish and pathetic you are.

>> No.3513668

/vr/ a board for old games that are mostly unavailable now

/v/ a board about general video game discussion, with mostly newer games and sometimes older game discussion

>> No.3513669

I think rather than having all these different boards about different time periods we should just have one board for secondary discussion and one game for actual video games.

Basically one board for "let's discuss this game" and one for evey other thread that has something to do with video games.

>> No.3513670

Because /vr/ games are never speedrun or streamed on Twitch...

>> No.3513672

I don't get it. Why can't you discuss God of War and Halo on /v/? What exactly is the problem here?

>> No.3513673 [DELETED] 
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I think you need to go fuck yourself.

>> No.3513675

Speedrunners still play "retro" games
game grumps playes "retro" games

melee is still played because of its unique controls, not its aesthetic. if a game came out that played like melee but had better graphics you can sure as hell guarantee melee would be dropped, aside from the few autists who hate change

>> No.3513678

And each of those systems are backwards compatible to Gen 7. Gamestop still has bins you can buy gen 6 games. When they become private sales only to find them they can be retro.

>> No.3513679

That's because they haven't grown up at all.

>childish to open a new nonsensical board just so you won't see topics you don't like.
Hey, it worked for /mlp/.

>> No.3513681
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Yes, truly only children save images.

>> No.3513682 [DELETED] 

looks like I hit a nerve. grow up

>> No.3513684


These retards' understanding of the situation is "/v/ hates video games so I want to talk about them with /vr/ because they have higher quality discussion!"

The problem with this is that a. our quality of discussion isn't even particularly good and b. if they talk about it here, retards will migrate over hand over fist and drop our discussion level even further.

>> No.3513685

>Hi, I'm an autist who can't accept change and firmly believes /v2k/ is a great idea, not considering the inconsistency and low traffic that wouldn't warrant it's existence, plus the fact that as time goes on, newer gens can be considered retro.
Was the NES considered retro in the 90s? No. I'm mocking the retarded autists on these board.

>> No.3513690 [DELETED] 
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Too bad you didn't hit puberty, kid.

>> No.3513692

This is stupid. Fucking Shovel Knight is "retro" by these standards.

>> No.3513691

That would require a lot more active moderation that we currently have. Do you really think the denizens of /v/ would keep things on the appropriate board. I'd give it a day before it becomes /v/ and /other v/.

>> No.3513693

Speedrunners playing Castlevania 1 arent posting about it on /v/ or here. We dont want to appeal to the autists on /v/ and have them shit up the board.

>> No.3513694

Nowhere did I say /v2k/ is a great idea, it's a terrible idea.

I'm saying /vr/ is fine as it is and if you want to discuss a PS2 game go to /v/. PS2/Gamecube games are discussed there from time to time.

>> No.3513695

>Gamestop still has bins you can buy gen 6 games.
The fuck? What Gamestops do you go to?

>> No.3513697
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>/v/ encroaches on us again because they can't fix their own shithole

No. Fuck off already. You're not gonna ruin /vr/ like you did with /v/.

>> No.3513703

One that still sells Gamecube and PS2 games out of a bin apparently. They also still have a case with GBA games in them

>> No.3513704

/mlp/ should be deleted and any MLP posting on 4chan should warrant a permanent IP range ban.

>> No.3513706

/mlp/ is a containment board for a fandom that wouldn't shut up no matter what board they went to. It's not like /co/ went autistic and demanded a split.

At any rate we already have /vp/ as a specific video game fandom board, though pokefags are mostly cool.

>> No.3513710

>Was the NES considered retro in the 90s? No. I'm mocking the retarded autists on these board
Hey didn't you know that despite /vr/ being called retro games and naming retro games as its topic on the rules and such it's ACTUALLY about this ethereal spirit of the "golden age of video games" as defined by what I like because I have autism?

No really, the guys that argued for /v2k/ actually said that over and over. That this isn't a retro games board, it's for the golden age and we should change our name and rules too.

>> No.3513712 [DELETED] 

>When being older than someone is the only thing you have


>> No.3513713

Pokemon threads are pretty prominent even on regular /v/ though. It didn't work that well as a containment but at least it probably reduced the amount a good deal.

>> No.3513714

Thats called /vg/ and its terrible.

>> No.3513715

Wow, I had no idea you could hide threads and I've been here 6 years. Thanks bro.

>> No.3513718

>Too bad you didn't hit puberty, kid.
you were literally just called out for being an old loser who cant accept change, yet that slow mind of yours still tries to use your age like its some type of superiority.

>> No.3513719

Man, I haven't seen PS2/GC games in any of my local Gamestops in years. Occasionally I'll see a GBA game or two now that you mention it, but it's mostly just DS/3DS now.

>> No.3513720 [DELETED] 
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>When that's your best response
Super job, anon.

>> No.3513726

No, /vg/ is a video game fandom board for hugboxing and circlejerking. A board for any and all video games (but not related material) would be different from "only games that have such a dedicated fanbase here that there is a constant thread up."

But it would be pretty hard to manage boards with differences like that because most people would be too retarded to understand nuanced rules. Rules need to be clear cut so anyone can understand what a board is for.

>> No.3513727
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Either change the name of the board and just admit it's about keeping /v/ out, or accept that gen 6 is retro by every definition

>> No.3513728

Am i wrong though? judging by all those pictures you've probably been called out for this shit before.

Start acting your age, anon

>> No.3513729

True but if all of gen 6 is allowed on here I'm sure there will be plenty of assblasted people who will immediately flood the board with ironic Halo, God of War, and Fifa 14' generals in an effort to punish the board for letting in the stuff they don't like. If this thread is any indication there will be more than enough bitter nerds to make us want a containment board.

>> No.3513731

>/vr/ is already slow as fuck

No it's not. Most posts on /vr/ are like a half hour to an hour apart which isn't that long unless you exclusively browse a huge board like /v/ or just use this site as a surrogate chatroom which is fucking retarded to begin with.

>> No.3513730

Kiss already.

>> No.3513732

And that's why if you ask most normalfags they think of sixth gen as retro. Hell even most channers outside of /vr/ would probably think the same.

That being said I think we should wait a bit more to include the entire gen. GBA should be included first, I think it's a good way to "test" the (deserved) future inclusion of the rest of the gen and to show the autist /v2k/ crowd that gradual retro inclusion is not the apocalypse.

>> No.3513734

Just wait a few more years. Once the PS2 is 20 years old it's pretty unambiguous that sixth gen is retro.

>> No.3513735

>Being this mad
It is, though.

>> No.3513736

Since fucking when are PS2 and Gamecube games discussed on /v/ beyond the occasional Melee thread?

Do you know when the last time there was a God Hand thread? Or a thread about any game on the original XBox?

The PS2 alone has a library worth discussing on /vr/. Yet I don't understand why people are so scared of, god forbid, more discussions happening on /vr/.

There's also a large library of PC games that have faded into semi-obscurity at the turn of the century.

>> No.3513739

It's 15 years old. GBA is retro enough for Nintendo. Why split the userbase with another board?

>> No.3513740

I prefer a slow board without the /v/ audience.
If you think widening the scope of this board is worth it because it's slow, you should go back to /v/ and make your threads there.
I assume the Dreamcast is allowed here more because it's relatively obscure (as in, not very popular outside of Japan) than because it's old.

If I could make the rules, I wouldn't allow 32-bit consoles either. Allowing GBA will just open the floodgates.

>> No.3513741
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Too samey? I'll switch it up.


>> No.3513742

This. /vr/ is a relatively quick board compared to the legitimately slow ones.

People actually say this?

>> No.3513746

I think the only argument against increasing the scope of the board is the modernity of the latest PS2 releases (due to its overwhelming popularity).

I think that the sensible thing would be to go by years instead of consoles or gen because the current gen based system fucks PC discussion. I don't think anyone would argue that 2001 PC games aren't retro but still they're excluded because of the gen based rules. It's asinine.

>> No.3513747
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Not that anon but if you're so fucking new that you don't have 1gb+ of reaction images saved you're way too new to be crying about the rules.

>> No.3513748

I literally just checked the board for a second to see if you were right and there's a 6th gen game being discussed on the front page.


>> No.3513752

I dont think anyone here is mad. im baffled that people like you exist. Bring up the topic of adding a generation of games that have well earned the title of retro and some old loser waddles his way in to spew bullshit and autism.

people like you are killing this board

>> No.3513753


Yeah, the whole "/v/ doesn't talk about video games!" shit is just a complete meme fabricated by the kids who are screaming for their childhoods to magically become retro.

>> No.3513757


>> No.3513758

Dear /vr/:

Actually listen to someone that's been gaming since the 70s and was a fucking adult during the 90s.

Mid-90s was the birth of style over substance gaming targeted to people who were not gamers before. It was the beginning of targeted stylish pseudo-games to people who would have never even considered gaming before. It was, in essence, the beginning of modern gaming, and will never, ever be considered retro.

/vr/ should be pre-1995 gaming, and if you're going to make a new board, make it /nuv/ or some shit that is 1995-whatever that covers the birth of nugaming targeted to a more casual non-gamer crowd that thinks garbage like Metal Gear Solid is actually a fucking good game.

>> No.3513761


I think the people that are actually killing the board are the people who are ones who come in screaming "YOU SHOULD TALK ABOUT WHAT I WANT, NOT WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT! CHANGE YOUR DISCOURSE TO REFLECT MY TASTES! BAWWWW!"

>> No.3513764

The floodgates to what? /v/ seldom if ever has discussions about gba besides the occasional mmbn or golden sun thread. There's no legion of shitposters waiting to ruin "your" board. Which is a retro games board and the GBA is old enough to be retro for most people.

But then again you're an anti 32bit era guy, there's probably no talking to you. At any rate your post should be regarded as a textbook example of the autistic paranoia we're dealing with.

>> No.3513765

Why are people obsessed with turning /vr/ into /v/? Have you ever thought that maybe this board isn't made for you if you don't want to talk about actual retro games? There should be some kind of checklist in the sticky to quiz people before they want to post on this board.

If the first thing you do when thinking about playing an 8-bit game is looking for a remake, go back to /v/.
If "retro" means anything older than a certain amount of time, go back to /v/.
If "retro" is what you played when you were young, go back to /v/.

Maybe turn the captcha into World 8 in Mario 1 and have people beat that with 3 lives max before posting.

>> No.3513767

I live in Hawaii which might explain why i still see it in local shops and you dont.

>> No.3513770
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>fagging up the board
>blaming it on others

>> No.3513772

>Search through archive for PS2 threads
>Every one has 0-10 replies

Okay, maybe it's worse than I thought. Oddly enough Gamecube threads seemed a bit more popular even though it's the more obscure system.

I can't remember having an original Xbox thread almost ever, like not just today but even in the past. Unless you count XBOX HUEG memes as an Xbox thread.

>> No.3513774

You realize that video games were a billion dollar industry in the 70s right? It was always casual.

>> No.3513776

If we were going to do a rolling cutoff year I'd rather start at 2000 since the cutoff is 1999 right now. Plus, that way we'd have a year before the arrival of the Halofags and their inevitable war with the Doomfags.

>> No.3513778

>I assume the Dreamcast is allowed here more because it's relatively obscure (as in, not very popular outside of Japan) than because it's old.

No it's because Sega fanboys wouldn't stop spamming this board until they got what they wanted and after GBA fanboys saw that it worked they're attempting the same thing.

>> No.3513779

While I agree with you you could give the same argument to any gen before 5th

>> No.3513780


holy shit no one said this you retarded fuck. adding in gen 6 doesn't mean no one will talk about pre gen 6 shit. Gen 6 is 16 years old. that is old enough to be retro. I cant believe the mental gymnastic you're going through to justify not wanting change

>> No.3513781

>If "retro" means anything older than a certain amount of time

But that is literally what retro means. Call the board Pre-2000's Gaming if that's what it actually is. Calling it retro is disingenuous.

>> No.3513782

>and will never, ever be considered retro.
Retro means "old" or "old fashioned", the 90's happened 20 years ago, and while you can subjectively mark them as the end of the gaming YOU enjoyed there's obviously very little in common with games then and games now in many respects.

I've seen usernet posts naming NES the end of good gaming or whatever. Unless you can explain why in a way that doesn't go "muh feels" your opinion is yours to keep but ultimately meaningless. Even if it was grounded in reality it'd still be meaningless because this is a retro board and 20 year old tech is retro by all accounts.

>> No.3513784

No, it wasn't casual. It was for people who enjoyed games instead of style over substance bullshit like the mid-90s created.

In the old days, when we had shitty games that weren't any good, they got trashed. Now, you fucking circlejerk around them and hold them up as shining examples of great 10/10 games for no reason.

>> No.3513786

Reaction images are cancer gtfo

>> No.3513787

I blame nintendo for that kind of games becoming extremely popular.

>> No.3513789


No, that's absolutely what's going on here. You crossboarding pieces of cancer want us to take up a new subject purely to suit your needs, rather than just talking about said subject on a board that is designated for them. It's not about "not wanting change" it's about people who don't even post here wanting to change the rules.

>> No.3513792

How many people ITT actually clicked on the strawpoll instead of just arguing for the sake of arguing?

>> No.3513793


>style over substance

>> No.3513795

Arcades were literally the same as casual phone games.

>> No.3513796

>adding in gen 6 doesn't mean no one will talk about pre gen 6 shit.
No, but it does mean that the people who grew up with gen 6 will come here, and it's generally believed that "people who grew up with gen 6" is the current userbase of /v/.

>> No.3513798

vr is scared to add new gnerations because theyll start to realize how old they are and how little theyve accomplished.

Its like seeing guys in their late 40s or early 50s still dressing like theyre in the 80s and listening to metal. its a sad sad thing

>> No.3513806

These are the faggots ruining /vr/. These kind of dipshits wax poetic about how retro they are. They want to be able to compare their retro, wart-ridden dicks with eachother so that they can still live as a perma-child rather than actually discuss things as an adult.

I'm a software developer interested in retro-computing and development. I'm not going to whine and bitch about how NES kiddies are responsible for ruining games or whatever scapegoat pops up next. Systems like the PS2 are definitely within the realm of retro if not at least the first half of the library and getting more discussion going around lesser-known games is a good thing.

>> No.3513807
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>> No.3513809

No, because each generation before that had mostly games that were known for their gameplay and any game that wasn't was rightfully given poor scores. The mid-90s was the first time you saw poorly made games like Mario 64 and MGS celebrated for being style-over-substance shit.

"Retro" as applied to a concept rather than a date means that it has certain qualities to it. Retro games are games that hearken back to older, simpler games that were more about gameplay than appealing to a mass audience with fancy graphics or story or other bullshit that didn't matter in the game.

And guess how quickly those games became unpopular, exactly because they were gimmicky and not really a game. It was very, very fast. In fact, the entire concept became a much hated subgenre of games in the 90s called "FMV".

It's not just about the concept of style-over-substance, it's how the gaming industry reacts to it in the long run. Sure, DL was a shining darling of gaming for a short amount of time, but it very quickly soured, and rightfully so. Meanwhile, MGS is still considered by gaming to be exceptional when it is anything but.

I can't believe I have to actually explain such simple concepts to gamers. Please, everyone, go play only pre-1995 games for a couple of years. Maybe you'll understand.

>> No.3513810

Voting in one is a waste of time because if the person who made it doesn't get the result they wanted they'll just a new over and over until they do. There's also the fact some autist with too much time on their hands rigs these things too.

>> No.3513814

>memes, buzzwords, nostalgia

I post here regularly and want gen 6 to be allowed here.

You are honestly just a typical nostalgiafag. Change is good. You need to accept this.

Rename the board Pre 2000 gaming if you dont want a certain type of game here

>> No.3513815

You're just a little kid mad that you can't discuss crappy PS2 games on /vr/ outside of the shithole that is /v/.

Improve /v/, don't fuck over /vr/.

>> No.3513816

Stupidest unironic post I've read today. Typical of "developers" though, all community college technicians who don't know anything but think they do.

>> No.3513818

If you put a thumb over his beard he looks like a pretty decent looking girl. I wonder if that's why he has it.

>> No.3513825

Reread the OP. The OP is suggesting a /v2k/ board for games and consoles post 1999, and what year group it should contain... nothing about stuff being posted here on /vr/ because most of us dont want it here.

>> No.3513826

>he hasn't seen threads about Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Kirby's Air Ride, Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, Devil May Cry, or Jet Set Radio Future on /v/

>> No.3513827

Making another board for three topics AT BEST is the dumbest shit I could ever witness on this site.

Honestly, in my opinion there should be a rolling allowance. Twelve years to fourteen years. Anything that is at least twelve years old at the current point in time should be fair game. Consoles are kind of a grandfather rule, of course.

>> No.3513828
File: 27 KB, 625x626, it's not even bait at this point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorly made games like Mario 64 and MGS celebrated for being style-over-substance shit.
That's cool, but you're wrong.

>> No.3513829

>"Retro" as applied to a concept rather than a date means
Yeah, I know what it means but in /vr/, a retro games board that defines retro by a yearly limit, it's quite clearly applied to dates. Otherwise we would be able to talk about stuff like Shovel Knight and Super Meat Boy here. So your argument doesn't apply at all, and neither do your subjective assessments of what's good retro or not for that matter.

>> No.3513830

>it wasn't popular!

It was successful that it had three sequels and two spin-offs for the next 15 years, AND they made Space Ace too.

>> No.3513835

Reread the second part of my post.

>There's also the fact some autist with too much time on their hands rigs these things too.

Someone and I guarantee there will be is gonna just reset their router to get the result they prefer the most. Strawpolls are useless here when it comes to deciding anything because they're too easy for someone to manipulate.

>> No.3513838

I just want to say that i think we should go with generations instead of years.

The last Nintendo 64 game (the Nintendo 64 was the last console of the last generation we consider retro here) was released in 2003, that's old enough to shut up everyone on this thread.

The last game of the PS2 console was released in what, 2014?

We should be able to talk about PS2 and 6th gen in general in 2030, that's fine by me, no need for some silly extra board. Can we go back to our Nintendo/Sony/Sega circlejerk?

>> No.3513847

>bad things having sequels mean they're good
How many shitty movies have had multiple shitty sequels?

It's still shit and still considered shit. Compared to actual garbage games that are put on a fucking pedestal even now for no real reason.

Seriously, just go play pre-1995 games only for a couple of years. I really can't stress this enough, you WILL begin to learn how crappy new games are when you do this.

>> No.3513849

Crappy in what way? Please elaborate.

>> No.3513851

This thread in full is a good example of why /vr/ is inherently flawed. Nobody can fucking agree where and how to draw the line.

>> No.3513852

>How many shitty movies have had multiple shitty sequels?

The ones that made money. They don't keep making products that don't have an audience. They keep making Transformer movies cause they keep making millions. All you're proving is that people in the 80's ate up a shit game enough to give it numerous sequels.

But let's here more about that superior 70's/80's taste.

>> No.3513853

Even if some autist did do that, it has no effect here. Just another slow board. Gen 6 and 7 arent allowed here, and /v/ is too busy shitposting about Dues Ex, No Mans Sky and Legion right now to even notice a topic of Gen 6 or 7. Just give those systems their own board.

>> No.3513856

But we did. The line is very clearly drawn in the sticky. What we can't decide on is how to move the line out or if we even want to.

>> No.3513857


Our current discussion base is fine. Whining about it only crops up every few months.

>> No.3513858

Guys, I just want to point out that this discussion is up on /qa/


The /qa/ thread seems to have "create a new board" as a consensus and I guess that's why this thread's OP has a poll that seems to assume we all want /v2k/ and /vr/ to never include anything else.

Thankfully it seems in this thread most of us are against a useless board and an even more static /vr/, but I'd suggest you post over on /qa/ too because that may be the thread the mods watch more closely and we all may get the shift thanks to the vocal autistic minority.

>> No.3513863

15 to 20 years according to the date-based definition of retro.

I'm fairly confident everyone would agree with that with the exception of a very specific breed of paranoid posters.

>> No.3513864

By "here" I meant 4chan as a whole not just /vr/. As far as the subject for a new board goes I'd rather Hiro or the mods have an open discourse with the users here about it and then let them decide what they think would work.

>> No.3513865

>A niche board for an already niche board

Give the man who though of this a nobel prize holy shit what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.3513870

>It's still shit and still considered shit. Compared to actual garbage games that are put on a fucking pedestal even now for no real reason.
Muh feels: the post.

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, that it doesn't belong here, or that we shouldn't talk about it. For a self professed oldfag you sure need to grow thicker skin and removing the rose tinted glasses may help, too.

>> No.3513873

Theres obviously interest in the topic of gen 6 and 7, just no where to discuss it. Their board couldnt possibly be any slower than >>>/po/

>> No.3513874

The huge amount of shitfligning from all sides of the argument here makes me think that we really do need a /v2k/ board.

>> No.3513878

This. The new board would be like the same speed as /vr/ which is great for detailed discussion.

>> No.3513879

Videogames are literally the only hobby that has an entire board dedicated to everything made before 1999 related to it.

Why don't you people try playing more games so you can have new things to talk about?

You people treat the word "retro" worse than music fags treat the word "indie".

>> No.3513880

>allow GBA
>allow rest of sixth gen
>PS2 is now retro
>Persona 4 is now retro

no thanks

>> No.3513884

Then just allow the Gamecube, Xbox, and GBA. Both had their last release in 2007.

>> No.3513887

Make /vr2/ for gens 5, 6, and 7 and I'm on board.

>> No.3513889

Yeah it's not like we currently allowa sixth gen console or anything.

>> No.3513890

I personally feel that the entire 6th gen itself and early 7th gen is enough for it's own board back when they felt like more upgraded PS2 and XBox games. I don't go by years I go by how different things became rather than how far back the release was. Sure 3D was first shown in the 5th gen but they still felt like part of the retro era before it. 6th gen was when things started to change. The whole market and the way games were seen as completely revolutionized itself at that point into something else. The gaming scene is evolving quicker and quicker. It's gone through another change almost just as big when the 7th gen finally started to feel like it's own generation.

I'd say that if we were to make this board just leave it as 6th gen to really early 7th gen titles and then in a couple of years we should add in games released a little later.

>> No.3513892

I play old video games and new video games. I like both, but I can recognize that old games from the 20th century are not discussed the same way as relatively new games from the early 21st century. If a new board is made, I'd be active on /vr/ and /v2k/. I think it's a good idea.

>> No.3513893

>they still felt like part of the retro era before it

>> No.3513894

Could mods tell Hiro to do a retro and a post-2000's boards but for anime?

The medium it's as old as videogames we should allow those boards so /a/ can keep circlejerking about waifus and seasonal shit while real anime fans talk about patrician anime like boku no pico.

>> No.3513895



I don't think so!

>> No.3513897


Both of these are good ideas. It gives /v2k/ 3 generations of topics and PC games to discuss. Thats enough to keep them, and ourselves active boards.

>> No.3513898

/m/ already talks about a ton of old anime /a/ doesn't even if it isn't mecha like the Devilman OVA.

>> No.3513903

It will be in 3-5 years. What then?

>> No.3513904

2006 is probably the best cutoff year here, 2007 and up belongs to the boring, brown shooter era.

>> No.3513906

/v/ will be current gen
/v2k/ will be gen 5 or year 2000+ until just before the newest gen
/vr/ stays the same.

>> No.3513907

It was a period of technological development and creative problem solving that we will likely never see again. Video games are more sensitive to these factors than other mediums.

Besides, we have a history board. And on that board, they don't talk about anything unless it's 25 years old or more, 1991 at the moment.

This is a historical video game board. The digital equivalent of a penny arcade, with compressed air shooting galleries, analog pinball, fortune teller machines and mutoscopes.

>> No.3513909

Sure it was an experimental period but it's clearly obvious that game devs were still in the retro mindset back then.

>> No.3513910

Nothing magically changed about the games in 6th gen you autists. They're the same shit as in 5th gen games but with more polygons. I could see the argument for dropping 5th gen from /vr/, but allowing 5th gen and disallowing 6th gen on any basis besides time elapsed makes no sense.

>> No.3513916
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>this entire thread
Now I see why people don't like discussion of post-99 vidya. The shitposting has spread at a rate in which we may not be able to contain it.

>> No.3513919

>I could see the argument for dropping 5th gen from /vr/.
I think this is becoming more and more necessary in order to truly define the board, to erase any doubt, to scrub ambiguous labels like "retro."

>> No.3513920

/vr/ doesn't stay the same though because having a retro games board where you can't discuss the fucking Sims 1 is bullshit. /vr/ would need to be renames to /things you find worthy of being retro just because/ or something.

And then after a few years it'll die as it'd be the only board that doesn't allow new content.

>> No.3513921

if 32bit shit can leave then I'm all for /v2k/ to make /vr/ better.

>> No.3513932

Users want the quality of the board to remain with the content we have. It doesnt interrupt us at all having a discussion of gen 6 or 7 on a new board.

Get /v/ to hit even 200 posts on PS2. The mods wont even let it hit 50 here before purging and banning you. Something has to give. Give that era their own board without disrupting the preferred era of discussion here its simple.

>> No.3513935

here's the /qa/ thread
I think it's reaching bump limit but I'm not sure what that is on /qa/ so maybe not

>> No.3513943

you're retarded, gen 6 gets consistent active threads and you have to be a serious retard or bait hard to get "purged and banned"
then again you're probably lying to stir shit here

>> No.3513950

K post a Gamecube thread here. Ive done it to just see what would happen. I got a 1 day ban for it and the thread was purged but go ahead.

>> No.3513952

How would it disrupt anything? Our board is very slow as it is. Going by that logic we should create a board for each gen because fifth and fourth gen "interrupts" the quality of discussion of first and second gen. It's stupid and your paranoia shouldn't dictate the creation of new boards, whereas the subject matter of this board should definitely abide to what everyone deems as retro. And that this point that's definitely the GBA.

>> No.3513961


He meant on /vr/, if you make a gen6 thread you it gets purged and you get banned.

/v/ definitely discusses it enough to not warrant shoving it into /vr/ though.


>faster = better

Quit calling it "our" board, you're obviously not a regular.

>> No.3513965

Might as well have a board for every console if you're going to be such babies about your childhood gens.

>> No.3513967

>no true scotsman
I've got nothing to prove to you. I'm a regular.

And stop your fear mongering. This board would achieve a reasonable speed and more varied retro content. It's not like we'll become /v/. They don't care about gba, old PC games, or GC. Not even about PS2 nearly as much as they care about the latest two gens.

>> No.3513969
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>still no /v2k/

>> No.3513971

Why should Galaga, Sinistar and Joust be talked about on the same board as Devil May Cry, Mario Sunshine, and Halo 2?

>> No.3513972


What is the "retro mindset"? Focusing on gameplay? Does that mean we should ban story-focused retro games and allow modern games that focus on gameplay?

>> No.3513974

Why should Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog be discussed on the same board as Baldur's Gate and Doom?

Dumb faggot.

>> No.3513976

You are clearly missing the point, we already defined and drew the line as to what we want to be deemed retro enough to be posted here. Are you new?

>> No.3513978
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They just don't understand, and at this point I'm not sure we can make them understand.

>> No.3513980

Here's an idea
>6th gen consoles are allowed BUT
>no Melee threads
>no Halo threads
>no threads for games made after the release of the Xbox 360
>no PSP or DS

>> No.3513982

>as to what we want
And there it is. It's not what you want. It's what retro means. What does shenmue and pong have in common? Very little outside being video games and being retro. Your subjective judgment is not a qualifier.

>> No.3513984

And the line isn't 'These are what games are acceptably retro or not', it's 'When were these systems and games released?'

As one anon said it's utterly retarded that you can't discuss the original sims despite that being considered by ANYONE's respect as being 'retro.' It's about time to move that post up a little bit more. 15 years is more than enough time.

>> No.3513990

>no PSP or DS
those aren't even 6th gen you nigger
>implying the ds and psp are somehow inferior to everything else when in fact they are the best of the 7th generation

>> No.3513991

32-bit games are an objective qualifier.

>> No.3513994

I know they're not 6th gen but they came out in 2004 and 2005 so you know someone is going to try and push for them on /vr/, you have to stomp that thing out before it can even begin. I said nothing about inferiority either, I love both systems.

>> No.3514001

They certainly are, but not for what being "retro" means, not by any measure. Unless you want to rebrand /vr/ as /v16/ and have a /v32/.

>> No.3514006

The general consensus says otherwise.

>A collective community cant have its own definition

No one cares what webster defines as retro, its what we define it as.

>> No.3514008

>no Halo threads
That's like if you weren't allowed to talk about DOOM here.

>> No.3514010

>Unless you want to rebrand /vr/ as /v16/
Some anons have expressed the willingness to make that sacrifice.

>> No.3514017


The whole silly "okay fine we'll allow 6th gen BUT only up to a certain point" would never work out. We already fudge the rules enough here.

>> No.3514028

>comparing Halo to Doom
You're exactly why Halo threads should never be allowed

>> No.3514037

Halo was one of the leading game series on consoles up until ODST/Reach, if anything the games define the 6th gen.

I never said Halo and Doom were the same thing

>> No.3514040

if anything the Halo and Halo 2 define the 6th gen.

>> No.3514041

Ive asked it before Ill ask it again. Why do GBA fags want to be let in so badly when it's clear everyone hates them

>> No.3514042
File: 22 KB, 456x285, DENNO454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first there were ~140 unique ips in the first thread begging for non-retro in a retro board
>then there were ~90 in the second
>~70 in the third
>39 in this one

I'm glad /vr/'s not retarded.

>> No.3514056

What general consensus? Everyone outside of here agrees GBA is retro. Previous polls on /vr/ show most people agree, too. And most posters in this thread want to have a retro board that actually honors the term. You are not the community, and if there was a consensus we wouldn't have this thread be such a rejection to /v2k/.

Good luck with that because I am sure you're not a majority at all. At any rate, if that's what you want frame the conversation on those terms instead of arguing about "retro" when it isn't what you want at all.

>> No.3514064

>picking 1 out of the many consoles you were talking about.

Sure people would want GBA, im for it. Not many are for GC PS2 or Xbox.

>> No.3514068



Not relevant, too easily manipulated.

>he thinks MUH GBA fags are relevant just because there are a lot of pro-GBA responses in a thread with only 41 unique IPs

Just stop!

>> No.3514087

Allowing Halo would kill the board.


>> No.3514093
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The 6th gen represents the death of gaming.


>> No.3514101

No it doesn't you old turd, 5th gen had the same type of games. 6th gen just looks prettier.
Try Katamari Damacy, it's a great 6th gen game that's just silly fun without any dumb story bullshit.

>> No.3514103

im going to do a porn dump to kill this pos thread and get faggot OP banned.

any suggestions?

>> No.3514105

Xbox is never ever going to be considered nothing but a shitstain on gaming history. Allowing it here is a disgusting premise that I and many others will not tolerate.

GC? Maybe. GBA? Sure, its fine. PS2? Ehhhh ...

Xbox? Never ever. Xbox killed video games. Xbox harbored Halo. A fucking trash piece of shit hallway shooter that has no right to ever be considered in the same light as something like Mega Man, or Castlevania. Not in a million years.

Allowing that trash here would degrade the board and be a sign that Xbox is okay, and deserves some kind of respect.

I'll only be okay with the inclusion of 6th gen if Xbox is excluded.

>> No.3514106

Clearly if there's this much of an argument over it, it's not as one sided as "everyone."

>> No.3514108
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So how about it, boys? Do we drop the retro label and rebrand as /v16/? Everything up to the Sega CD, MVS, DOS, Win 3.1, etc. If it'll drive them away for good. If it'll put a nail in this coffin.

>> No.3514110

Huge fake 90s silicone titties.

>> No.3514114

You will be the one who is banned.
just post blacked like everyone else

>> No.3514118

RIP hero. May your journey through the darkland be a success.

>> No.3514129

Did you just compare halo to fucking DOOM? Do humanity a favor and never breed. You litterally disgust me with your stupidity.

No hyperbole here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You are disgusting.

>> No.3514131

Even though all that shit can be defined as retro it would be cool to just have a golden age board or something.

>> No.3514132

I have played Katamari. Its shit

>> No.3514135
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You guys are hopeless

>> No.3514139

>Not having fun playing motherfucking Katamari Damacy
This is some next level contrarianism right here

>> No.3514149

I didn't like Katamari either.

>> No.3514157

It was interesting and i liked the ideas presented. However, the gameplay didnt impress me. Im sorry.

>> No.3514165

Look at what Microsoft did to our hobby.

>Destroyed Rare
>Casualized gaming
>invented paid DLC
>enouraged companies like EA and Activision to completely and utterly rape everything that made the hobby great
>paved the way for p2w mobile games

Their consoles cannot be allowed to poison our board.

>> No.3514168

i respect your opinion

>> No.3514169

V is a shitposting mess because it keeps on getting separated. You have a board for pokemon. a board for generals. a board for "retro" games. A new board for "old games after 2000" is absoloutley retarded.

Gen 6 has every right to be here. its 16 years old. Shitposters from v wont move here just because gen 6 is here. if anything it will liven up this board and encourage lovers of gen6 and older to join.

The oldfags who are against this for the sole reason of "muh underage, Muh nostalgia, Muh i hate change" should be ignored. fuck them

>> No.3514179


"V" as you call it (lol) isn't a shitposting mess because it keeps getting separated, it's a shitposting mess because the userbase is absolute shit. This board already has enough /pol/shit on it that doesn't get purged at all without you faggots' help, thank you very much.

>> No.3514180
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 03 - NoF0BVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck them
fuck you

>> No.3514185

rare was never good friend,list they have made tons of awful games in the past.

>> No.3514187

This is retarded. /mu/ doesnt have a 80's music board or a 70's music one. Why does video games need one? and why are the people here so afraid of a little change? 15+ years is enough to call something retro.

If you arent going to allow something that fits the criteria just because its not "retro" enough for you, or because you dont like it, then maybe you are the problem.

>> No.3514189

Say what you want, Taboo was a passable tarot program. Its only fault was that it only featured one spread.

>> No.3514193

>a board solely for 6th gen
That is legit the stupidest thing I have ever heard

>> No.3514194

V is shit because the mods dont do jack shit. maybe if the mods actually did their jobs that they signed up for, pol would stay on pol

>fuck you

>> No.3514195

AND 7th gen. Read the thread faggot.

>> No.3514197


Sorry, but "we" aren't the problem because "we" aren't the ones barging in and declaring that "we" must be catered to, unlike "you" fags.

>> No.3514203

suck my dick you smug faggot. Ive been here for years and i want gen 6 here. there is no reason for it not to be here.

give me an argument that doesnt use buzzwords, nostalgia, or strawmen. ill wait

>> No.3514205
File: 344 KB, 478x658, cod4ps2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6th gen having a right to be here

Totally. I completely agree. However, as other posters have brought up, that would open the flood gates to God of War and Halo discussion. That either needs to be banned outright IF 6th gen is allowed, or we could continue not allowing 6th gen.

It's like the refugee crisis. While allowing people in seems like a great idea, it's also very dangerous. There's the risk of allowing a bad person in that could fuck shit up. Would you risk it knowing something terrible could happen? I sure as fuck wouldn't and neither should the rest of /vr/.

That's why we either shut the fucking door to them entirely, or vet them and disallow the bad.

The bad being discussion of the following franchises

>Call of Duty
>God of War
>Xbox Console
>Xbox Live stories
>Splinter Cell
>Kingdom Hearts

Call of Duty 4 was on PS2. you want to allow that in here? Do you? Just so that we can talk about Mario Sunshine and fucking Ico? Is that worth it to you? Is it?

>> No.3514207

Video games are unique and different than other media. Especially when you're talking about console generations, there are no other things in popular culture with such frequent and relatively clearly defined leaps in technology and content. Video games change faster than any other media.

>> No.3514210

6th and 7th (and a little 5th) gen. We've been talking about this for a week now and some anons even hammered out a sticky.

>> No.3514212

>fucking autists let us post about this gen
>change your rules you man children
>you don't understand what retro is faggot

Yeah, y'all really know how to present an argument and ostracize yourselves as new comers. You weren't here when the board was created, you didn't care about this board at all. You're literally an influx of individuals from mid 2014 and on who believe their agenda is most important. It's silly, and then you get miffed at us because we don't agree, unsurprisingly.

>> No.3514215
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>Xbox Live stories
This will never be acceptable.

>> No.3514216

Ok but at what point are you going to "allow" discussion of those games? in a few years some of those games will be just as old as mario 64 was in 2014. Again you might aswell just call this board Games before 2000

>> No.3514220



>> No.3514221

Nigger, I've been here since 2013, when the board was created.

>> No.3514223

You're really, really hung up on the word retro. So let's get rid of it.

>> No.3514225

It really doesn't mean anything. People who were here for that long can be just as retarded as newfags.

>> No.3514237

drop cutoff year to 1995, problem solved

>> No.3514238

Then you'd understand that the DC was added shortly after (few months or so) the board was created and it wasn't because of some rolling clock date on the "Big Retro Clock". Also, you'd understand that at that point sixth gen was fairly old already, and it wasn't included in the rules nor was it implied that some rolling date would occur where they would be added. The purpose of the board was to discuss 5th generation and under games, and to do so in a thoughtful manner. The board isn't supposed to be fucking fast. You're supposed to actually like the older gens and have some variance in taste and post in multiple threads that last for awhile. Threads last for weeks in here, and it's nice. People will play and post updates on a thread that pops up about specific games, or it'll catch people's eye and they'll play it for the first time. The threads fine, people putting in useless banter to add in more games when they haven't even scratched the at the game library of the games currently allowed is not fine.

>> No.3514241

and replace it with what? Old ? then gen 6 really has no reason not to be here.

If what you want is a board just for nes/doom type shit, then that ship has long since set sailed. you've allowed n64 games to be here. gen 6 is coming whether or not you like it

dont you find it hypocritical that you can discuss paper mario that got released in 2000 here but not melee from 2001? halo c.e was also in 2001

>> No.3514243

Not him, but it should've been named 20th century gaming. Because somehow names stick better in all yalls heads, while rules do not.

>> No.3514246

>gen 6 is coming whether or not you like it
Awfully optimistic, aren't you anon.

>> No.3514248

>Clearly if there's this much of an argument over it,

It's the same few people posting over and over again. The thread tracks how many unique posters there are

>> No.3514250

>gen 6 is coming whether or not you like it

>> No.3514253

why dont you prepare a proper argument or do you not have one?

>> No.3514254

>at what point are you going to allow discussion of those games.

Never. They do not belong.

>> No.3514259

yes they do. retro games are allowed on the retro board.

>> No.3514261


You don't get to decide that. the rules are clear. You're definition is irrelevant

>> No.3514265

>why dont you prepare a proper argument
I already said the board should be renamed or rebranded. Several anons have posted reasonable suggestions. Whether it's 16-bit only, or 20th century gaming only. Either is fine. In regard to 6th gen, I believe the word "never" has been used frequently. So I'll reiterate: never.

>> No.3514269


still no argument and just plugging your ears going no no no. i thought you guys were """"adults"""""

>> No.3514273

Just get the fuck out of here. You're not qualified to tell me what's retro if you honestly believe that God of War, Halo, and Fable deserve to be discussed here.

>> No.3514276

What part of "never" do you not understand? this isn't up for debate.

Again: Never.

>> No.3514278

You clearly dont know the definition of retro. the first halo game came out in 2001. Its coming, anon.

>> No.3514279
File: 134 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was dead.

>> No.3514280

You dont make the rules, you just follow them. you have no authority here. gen 6 is currently up for discussion, and may even make it here. as it has every right to be here

>> No.3514282

And you clearly dont understand we have the right to define whats retro here. Go back to /v/

>> No.3514283
File: 349 KB, 1118x1136, 1473781559983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its coming, anon.

>> No.3514291

>we're allowed to change the definition of a word to fit our agenda!

Jesus christ

>> No.3514297

Every system from gen 6 has backwards compatibility with gen 7. Youre opening doors for gen 7 to be discussed here too. Its time to stop posting.

>> No.3514298


I know, right? It's infuriating that people think they can just redefine what retro means every few years, all in a bid to talk about off-topic subjects on this board. Just awful.

>> No.3514304

>Every system from gen 6 has backwards compatibility with gen 7. You're opening doors for gen 7 to be discussed here too. Its time to stop posting.
What does this even mean?

Im currently playing the original metroid on my wii u. I also used to play pokemon red on my game boy advanced. So many retro games are available on 7th and 8th gen systems.

you cant pick and choose what does and doesn't count. thats childish

>> No.3514312

Here's the bottom line.

This board is for games that are historically significant.

Do you honestly believe that Halo is historically significant?

If your answer is yes, get the fuck out. You're not the target audience of this board.

>> No.3514313

Thats emulation, putting a physical disc into a system is different.

>> No.3514315

Isn't there an r/retro that you fags can go post on?

>> No.3514316

>Do you honestly believe that Halo is historically significant?

listen i play Nintendo shit almost religiously but if you seriously dont think halo was significant then you might just be retarded. Halo set the standard for modern console fps games.

even if you hate it it doesn't mean its not significant. but by all means disregard everything and tell me to leave

>> No.3514319
File: 48 KB, 500x371, 1366174347775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats emulation, putting a physical disc into a system is different.


and again you can play original gba games on a gameboy advanced sp so your argument falls pretty flat

>> No.3514323

Is it feasable, with government intervention to erase the Xbox/ Xbox 360 from history?

Let me ask you all something. Would you be willing to part with your Xbox consoles and games if the goverment promised they would give you a massive amount of money for them?

We would offer people large sums of money for their Xbox paraphanelia indefinitely. All items that are turned in would be incinerated.

Within 50 years, the Xbox legacy will be nonexistent, and mankind will never have to deal with it's existence again.

>> No.3514326

All Halo did was take from Quake, Doom, Tribes, Unreal, Battlefield and Normalize it. It didnt offer anything different what did it do for history except gain normies into the genre?

>> No.3514331

you may have Asperger's

>> No.3514332

>Halo set the standard for modern console fps games.

you just proved my point. it killed gaming and doesn't have the right to be here.

>> No.3514336

But it is. No amount of denial will change that fact.

It set the standard for console FPS controls and had games copy its style all the way to gears of war, with lingering effects still to this day.

>> No.3514339

Have you actually read the sticky? Like actually read it?

If you'll notice, the word retro is in quotations. As in not literally retro. And then it goes on to say "retro means," defining the word as it relates to this board, because it specifically isn't the dictionary definition.

>Retro gaming means...
>video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
Your assumption that the inclusion of the Dreamcast means the board will at some point change is merely you reading into things, and not based on any facts whatsoever.

>> No.3514340

You must be new here if you really just cant grasp that no one wants gen 6+ here. Go post on Gamefaqs they have active boards for you.

>> No.3514342

show some dignity you fucking goon. how is anyone supposed to take you seriously if you use "normies" as an actual argument?

and if by normies you mean millions of new fps fans and gamers, then yes. halo brought in tons of those.

>> No.3514346

Just allow only the GBA

>> No.3514347

halo was for casuals tho

>> No.3514349

>fuck, ive got nothing. yy-youre just new! leave!

>> No.3514352

By your logic so was Half Life

>> No.3514356

>Halo set the standard for modern console fps games.
He may have been a little rude to you, but you just proved his point.

>> No.3514357

The argument is that is absoloutley retarded to keep making boards for different era's of video games just because you guys cant accept that an era of games you dont like is now old, and can fit under the dictionary definition of "retro".

If you allow this you're opening the flood gates for more smug fags who will want a board for shit specific to 2000 - 2010, further spearating the video game communtiy.

>> No.3514361

and mario 64 set the standard for modern platformers but because it came out in the 90's its allowed here

>> No.3514362
File: 45 KB, 579x347, tingle-tuner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, then you faggots will want Gamecube because of the GBA link cable. And then PS2. And then Xbox.

>> No.3514363

you're just saying words at this point that dont mean anything

>> No.3514365

>Bb-but its 2016!!!! You should accept this!

Into the trash it goes shill

>> No.3514368

This board has nothing to do with the dictionary definition of retro, as I just explained. Your argument is that it's retarded to keep making boards, but you're the one who wants a new board -- not us. You're the one worried about separating the so-called community, when we're being pretty clear that we don't want you here. You are the smug fag.

>> No.3514370

nobody said that, but im glad you dont have anything to say

>> No.3514371

So then should the new board be 1993 to 2003? 5th and 6th gen?

>> No.3514378

You absolutley said that.

>You guys cant accept an era of games you dont like is now old

Fuck off with your its 2016 shit. We dont want it, or you.

>> No.3514379

I dont want a new board. i want to be able to talk about old games here which now include gen6. Dont you think its dumb that say 10 years from now youll only be allowed to talk about gen6 on v because the users of vr dont think its retro enough?

and at the time of this boards creation, gen 6 wasnt old enough to be considered retro. now it is. dremcast was thrown in, soon gen6 will be.

Its 100% retarded that paper mario is allowed here but melee isnt

>> No.3514381

you schizophrenic bro? cause i think youre hearing things

>> No.3514383

there shouldnt be a new board. people here just need to accept that as time moves forward things get old

>> No.3514385

This board could stay exactly as it is for the next hundred years and I would be perfectly fine with that.

You don't go to the medieval studies department and scream, "TIME MARCHED ON!" and insist every single day that they include renaissance authors in their curriculum.

>> No.3514391

Most schools and universities dont have a history era specific department - they just have a history department, and they cover recent to not recent.

Places that do focus on a specific are usually museums.

4chan is not big enough to start making boards for every single era of video games. might as well do a board for every genre of music or type of anime or type of food culture

>> No.3514393

>want to be able to talk about old games here which now include gen6.

how does it feel to want? The shit is not allowed, and never will be.

>> No.3514396

the rules are open to change, as we saw with the dream cast.

>> No.3514404 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this thread

>> No.3514405

Never said that they should focus on gameplay you're just putting words in mh mouth when I never said them. I'm just saying retrogames of any kind had a particular image about them compaded to newer games today. Even 5th gen had thay retro look cause it was something developers weren't fully used to. You cannot deny this.

>> No.3514406
File: 35 KB, 304x263, Captcha speaks for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is not big enough to start making boards for every single era of video games
4chan gets a million posts per day and 25million unique views per month.

>> No.3514407

Rules have always been pre-y2k hardware. Nothing changed.

>> No.3514408


>goatse in 2016


>> No.3514409

This is the retro board you motherfucker

>> No.3514410

What gave this post such a retro feel?

>> No.3514412

Website launched in '99. Can't argue.

>> No.3514413

ah so that explains why this board is on life support

>> No.3514416

hey man that image isnt retro enough for this board. 1999 images or below

>> No.3514419

it's a retro image.

>> No.3514421

Not him, but this isn't even close to the slowest board. The ludicrous speed of /v/ is the anomaly.

>> No.3514425


the fact that your only basis for a board's speed is /v/ vs. /vr/ is proof that you're an outsider coming in here to scream about your shit that nobody here wants to hear about. fuck off

>> No.3514428
File: 217 KB, 112x104, 47055t4vjrz296r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me want to play some ZAMN.

>> No.3514429

alright, lets start making boards for every different variation of the original. sounds like a good video

nostalgia is a dangerous drug

>> No.3514430

3.5 million posts in three years, an average of roughly 2800 posts per day.

>> No.3514434
File: 489 KB, 3123x4000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im posting here from an iphone. how does that make you feel

>> No.3514436


It doesn't bother me at all. The "dumb phoneposter" maymay was stupid from the start.

>> No.3514437

fuck someone tell hiroshima, we should get boards for EVERYTHING

the delusion in this thread is hilarious

>> No.3514441

All else aside, /vr/'s slow speed makes me feel there's room to add something.

>> No.3514442

You're saying 4chan is small, I'm saying it gets fucktons of posts per day. You're saying /vr/ is on life support, I'm saying it gets almost 3000 posts per day.

You're the delusional one.

>> No.3514443

A thunderdome.

>> No.3514445


/vr/'s slow speed is part of what makes it so good, though.

>> No.3514451

Gen 6. /vr/ is one of the only boards that doesn't have a healthy stream of fresh content to discuss, and that is a sure fire way to kill a board.

>> No.3514452

/vr/ really isn't even all that slow.
But I agree that the speed is almost perfect and shouldn't be messed with.

>> No.3514456

Know what the best thread on this board is? The Doom general. People discuss new shit, OC, and so on and the thread is genuinely helpful to anyone having issues.

The rest of /vr/, once my favorite board, is rotten. 4chan is simply far too big.

>> No.3514460

>4chan gets a million posts per day and 25million unique views per month

>vr gets almost 3000 posts a day

thanks for proving my point. this board is dying.
and if 4chan was as big as you say, this site would have had boards for everything along time ago.

stay delusional though

>> No.3514464

Just because you like fresh content and fast boards doesn't mean the rest of us do.

>> No.3514467
File: 39 KB, 400x267, selmaschoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and once something rots we replace it (or in this case add) something new

pic very very very related

>> No.3514468

How is this board dead if we can allow true dead boards like >>>/po/

>> No.3514470
File: 34 KB, 480x360, 663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People don't like fresh content

>> No.3514472

how blinded by nostalgia are you? you need to let go

you're speaking for a made up majority that only exists in your mind

>> No.3514473

3000 posts a day is not "dead" by any stretch of the imagination. You might as well say at a millionaire's club "This guy only has $200,000 in the bank, what a poorfag!"

>> No.3514482

3000 posts a day from a website that according to you has a million+ posts a day is pretty dead.

and this thread alone is 8.5% of the daily posts here

>> No.3514486
File: 196 KB, 407x405, 1445776020240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we just going to ignore that the problem is shitposters and not games?

Are we really ignoring how it's a lack of respect towards each other's opinions and not some arbitrary number that makes our threads shit the bed?

The maturity of the content isn't the problem, it's the maturity of the posters. Assuming that limiting what's discussed will moderate how people post is a pipe dream.

>> No.3514501

fucking this. even if you mention adding in something new you get responses full of sarcastic rude "oldfags" who immediately tell you to leave because somehow new people or content coming here is ironically killing the board...

i really think its just a case of man children who cant let go. and im not even using manchild as an insult. a lot of the people here have the mentality of a child

>> No.3514506
File: 70 KB, 700x387, 1474243841967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's an eroge pachinko machine. That's what's become of video games.

/vr/ needs to close the blast doors and ride out the apocalypse.

>> No.3514508

Yeah, and my car which cost me £52,000 is really cheap because a Ferrari costs over a million dollars.

And my house which is costing me £420,000 is an absolute steal because some homes are worth hundreds of millions.

And my 4 mile walk to work is "short" because some people drive 40 miles.

And the PSX is a worthless system that is incapable of running anything because it has a 34mhz processor while the PS4 has a 1.6Ghz multi-core processor.

I'm done arguing with you because you are a troll. I get the last word and win by default of "You're a fucking moron".

>> No.3514510

Same mentality that got Germany and Sweden cucked.

>Accept these refugees!
>Dont be racist!
>Islam has nothing to do with this!

Things are fine the way they are dont cuck this board up with shit we dont want.

>> No.3514512

I don't know much Japanese but I'm pretty sure that says "Demon Castle Dracula".

>> No.3514514

Yes, it's a Castlevania themed eroge pachinko machine.

>> No.3514518

Konami has been going down the toilet for years.

>> No.3514529

You set a standard by saying 4chan gets a million+ posts a day. 3000 in comparison to the average post count per board is very very low.

Every example you used was food analogy tier, as in they dont correlate at all to the original argument as you didn't set an established standard. It really only proves that you have absolutely no idea at what you're talking about. you're grasping at straws because you're starting to realize how dumb your stance is, or you're deluded and actually believe what you're saying.

apples and oranges

>I'm done arguing with you because you are a troll. I get the last word and win by default of "You're a fucking moron".
oh, so you're buttblasted and want the last word. way to go, anon

>> No.3514531

/vr/ doesnt want v posters here because therye afraid of pol shit yet here you are.

the irony

>> No.3514537

If the average miles it takes for someone to get to work is 40 miles then 4 miles in comparison is short. you are very very stupid.


>> No.3514541

Just because you're disillusioned with the game industry doesn't give you any right to dictate what people want to talk about.

You've basically implied that everyone that doesn't think like you believes this content to be good, which is just your delusions of newer posters being cancerous clouding your reasoning.

Do you really think that anyone on here would find that agreeable? And even if they did, so what? Let them enjoy their garbage while you have the satisfaction of knowing you have good taste.

>cuck meme

Implying that something is inherently bad for the community is in itself bad for the community. You're just splitting hairs as to what is and isn't "objectively good content", and cordoning people into groups they might not agree with.

In essence, you're doing nothing but stating "i dun like dis, u suc 4 likin dis". Good for you, now add to the conversation productively instead of virtue signalling. You do nothing but incite shitflinging.

>> No.3514567


So what do you think? That adding more people will cause less shitposting?

>> No.3514575

maybe if there was less of a tolerance for r9k or pol shitposting in other boards the quality of posts would go up. this is a moderation problem. if pol folks started getting banned for shtting up other boards they would eventually stop. also blame the people giving them attention

>> No.3514580

Did I fucking SAY that? How about this part you conveniently ignored:

>The maturity of the content isn't the problem, it's the maturity of the posters.

The fact you were willing to poke holes in something you didn't fully comprehend is EXACTLY what's wrong with this board. You're not here for a discussion, you're here for a FIGHT.

>> No.3514587

you're trying to talk reason into people who sya shit like
>I'm done arguing with you because you are a troll. I get the last word and win by default of "You're a fucking moron".

what do you expect?

>> No.3514591

>still no argument

How is it not an argument? You're the one who doesn't want to observe the rules of the board just because you're not getting your way

>> No.3514602


No, I am absolutely here for discussion. But I'm here to discuss on-topic subjects, and then you have a handful of people screaming "why don't you want to talk about this completely unrelated thing that I like!" You can talk about gen 6 anywhere on the internet, but the current topic is very niche.

>> No.3514605

>Why split the userbase with another board?
Why would you want to keep people that are fully pissed off with each other about a situation locked together? I keep seeing this splitting argument, but it only seems like a win-win.

>> No.3514614

Rules can and have been changed as seen with the dreamcast. 16 years has passed since gen6 started, and there is enough discussion to warrant the topic of adding in gen6, with this thread and the threads on /qa/ and /v/ as evidence.

you and the others are just plugging your ears and going lalalalal because you hate change

>> No.3514619
File: 112 KB, 647x486, 1434685051996-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely unrelated

...So, you're ignoring that old games are on-topic, and you're just casting shade over what "is" and "isn't" old?

>Are we really ignoring how it's a lack of respect towards each other's opinions and not some arbitrary number that makes our threads shit the bed?

>The maturity of the content isn't the problem, it's the maturity of the posters.

Pic related, what actually kills the board

>> No.3514626

after posts like these how do the idiots here still not show any sort of self awareness? its still just "nope! i dont care what you say! get out of my safe space, newfags! reee!"

>> No.3514628

Just take a look at the catalog theres a grip of gen 6 threads now. NOT FUCKING RETRO. This thread spawned all this cancer.

>> No.3514629


The reason why /v/ keeps getting split up is because it's a fucking piece of shit board that cares more about feminism drama, fantasizing about anime girls farts, and e-celebs who make funny faces rather than, y'know, VIDEO GAMES.

If /vr/ were merged back into /v/, the good discussions we have on this board would get drowned out by faggotry

>> No.3514632

>i dont care what you say!
Exactly, now you're getting it. Feel free to leave anytime.

>> No.3514634

Ive always been here though

>> No.3514637

>Feel free to leave anytime

>actually believes they will leave

Shitposting begets more shitposting, you are patient zero

>> No.3514638


No there's GBA fags throwing a tantrum and everyone telling them to piss the fuck off.

>you and the others are just plugging your ears and going lalalalal because you hate change

And you're plugging your ears and crying you're not wanted in the clubhouse

>> No.3514641

Pretty much. The whole issue is a bunch of girls wanting in when there's a no girls allowed sign.

>> No.3514643

>everyone (read: everyone that agrees with me, which isn't actually everyone)

>Assuming that limiting what's discussed will moderate how people post is a pipe dream.

It's like you're trying to ignore reason

>> No.3514646

ive always been in the clubhouse. im asking for a little change because our club house hasn't changed for years and is starting to smell like ass.

you have no more authority than i do even though you believe you do

>girls reee get out
leave this board and never return. r9k might be more your style

>> No.3514647

well what if i like my clubhouse to smell like shit? ha, take that, newfag

>> No.3514649

>im asking for a little change
And I don't want change.

That's basically the crux of the problem. No amount of reason or argument will change that on either side.

>> No.3514651

>girls reee get out
way to miss the point fucknut

>it couldn't be a simple analogy!
>its got to be somebody from another board I don't like

>> No.3514653

Okay, well now we're getting somewhere, albeit slowly.

Why don't you want change? You realise that this /v/ bogeymen I keep hearing about is a product of shitposting and not how "new/old" a game is, right?

You've basically implied that anyone younger than you is incapable of intellectual discourse. You aren't actually that biased, are you?

>> No.3514656

then you need to accept that this is and will always be a topic of discussion. and my side has more merit as eventually in the long run this board will die out. what would you rather, everything you have now but with a couple new games and more people or a dead board?

come on now

>> No.3514659

>and my side has more merit

the fuck it does. We've gotten by just fine for a while now with what we have. We don't need you and your ilk to come swoop in and save us.

you want merit? here's some merit? Go start your own board because the rules are on our side.

>> No.3514660

For the people that want gen 6 in this board you are setting course to the destruction of this board.

While I would love to have conversations about ps2 games and early 2000 PC games I have to restrain from it to keep this board pure. I used to browse the original masterch which was a board for PC gaming. It was a slow board with replies only coming through on the weekends. 0 shit posting and good discussion. Then people thought it would be a good idea to advertise the board on v and it all went to hell and now the domain is taken by someone else.

Think about the consequences when v learns about vr having ps2 discussions. It will kill this board.

>> No.3514662

I wasn't even the guy you were talking to, but it's more so that I like the range of topics for the consoles it currently includes. My worry is the influx of new will outweigh the old and the majority of what I enjoy discussing on this board is the generations currently allowed. I'm with the camp that thinks splitting or even doing boards based off of different gens is the best solution since it will keep this board stable while also allowing for older consoles to be discussed in threads that would get drowned out in v and shitposted in vr.

>> No.3514664

You are delusional. this board will die and you will be its harbinger

>> No.3514667


If anything's going to ruin this board it's opening the flood gates for /v/tards like you to get in.

So stop crying because you don't get to talk about one system on a board that doesn't want it. You're being a brat.

>> No.3514668

you both talk as if this board is shitpost free yet ctrl f "cuck" brings up results from /vr/ natives

nothing will change with the addition of gen6. and if it does then either remove it and make its own board or you know, ban the retard shitposters

>> No.3514669

I'd rather it be this
/vr1/ = up to 1991 hardware
/vr2/ = 1992-2003 hardware

Gen 7 doesnt need its own board yet, IMO.

>> No.3514670


banning shitposters is honestly the only thing this board really needs. actual moderation would go miles in fostering good discussion.

>> No.3514672

The shitposting is mostly ignored in this board. Ps2 discussions will get out of hand with the absolute cancer of /v/ coming in to discuss persona

>> No.3514673

For as much shit as people give /v/, I've had a few comfy threads there about retro games and retro experiences (I.e. Blockbuster rentals). Sometimes, /v/ can put aside the e-celebs and hentai and actually put forth a decent discussion

Which is more than I can say for fucking /tv/. You absolutely can't have a fucking discussion about TV or movies there without aspies repeating the same tired out shitposting over and over again (kino, funny, mentioning Reddit every two goddamn seconds, what did he mean by this, Bane, hol up).

It's not like other boards which are a mix of shitposting and good discussion; this one is all shitposting, all the time.

>> No.3514675

ive been here since /vr/'s addition. ive already made this clear.

we get it, you're old

> Ps2 discussions will get out of hand with the absolute cancer of /v/ coming in to discuss persona
there is no ps2 boogey man anon

>> No.3514679

>you both talk as if this board is shitpost free
No I don't.

>nothing will change
Except for the content I enjoy talking about potentially getting drowned out by the new, which is my big problem in the first place, and is also a problem with discussing gen 6 on v. Splitting the board is a solution that would make everyone mostly happy

>> No.3514681

>/vr/ is stagnating, if we dont bring in sixth gen it will die off completely
>europe is stagnating, if we dont bring in muslims it will die off completely
>soon it will be FUTURE YEAR and there will be LITTERALLY no excuse to exclude them, I cant even right now.
this thread summed up.

go make your own board and leave us old timers alone. you can talk about 6th and 7th gen since its about to die soon, which means a lack of threads about it on /v/ too.

>> No.3514683

Guess what, kid: old people who like old games is why /vr/ exists.

Stay in /v/, please. And move /vr/ back to pre-1995. End of fucking discussion. Anyone that actually wants 1995 and forward's poorly designed crap meant for idiots is too young to be in /vr/.

>> No.3514686

see this is a perfect example of shitposting cancer

how old are? genuinely curious

>> No.3514690

>We've gotten by just fine for a while now

Hahahah. You don't actually believe that, do you? The best threads we have now are our generals. Everything else is plagued with shitposters that want to feel included in the conversation, regardless of whatever substance they add. They'll always be here, and it's BECAUSE they're "not allowed".

That's literally the mindset of a shitposter. "they don't like it, so I'll do it more! That'll show them!". We need moderators, not rules. Rules aren't policed whatsoever, beyond tons of posters reporting rule-breaking content.

And even then, it's a toss-up if it gets removed because the janitors might be watching for fun

That's a moderation problem, not a content problem. You said it yourself, it went to shit because /v/ got a hold of it. /v/ is inundated with /b/tards that couldn't care less about discourse, just spewing their opinion to trigger gamers (which is incredibly easy).

Trolling culture is what killed 4chan, not whatever bogeyman you can think of

And that's all it is, a "worry". You're free to feel that way, but feeling that way only invites this kind of behaviour because shitposters would have a target.

Splitting boards will only make invite shitposters from both boards to attack each other, purely because they're too immature to move beyond someone disagreeing with them.

>you are delusional because reasons
>no you are delusional because reasons
>old man

Great discussion, really broke new ground there. Maybe you should take a break for a few days and realise how trivial your conversation is.

>> No.3514695


I don't know what you're talking about with shitposters, it seems to me that the average thread on this board is pretty good. My only real complaints are console war fags and /pol/ crossboarders.

>> No.3514698

>Great discussion, really broke new ground there. Maybe you should take a break for a few days and realise how trivial your conversation is.

you already know that any form of constructive criticism is met with "reee get out leave" so what do you honestly expect?

>> No.3514703


considering that any argument anybody makes against gen 6 is met with "autism! manchildren! afraid of change!" why should anybody bother? you faggots act like you're so detached from the conversation and objective about your points when really you're the opposite side of the same autismal coin.

>> No.3514704
File: 68 KB, 500x486, 1474450995711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead board.
If everything is retro nothing is.

>> No.3514705

>And that's all it is, a "worry".
If we're going by that logic then, why allow 6th gen at all, on its own board or otherwise? It should be perfectly discussable on v. Why even have vr or split anything since we should be able to maintain many discussions across one board on its own? My main issue is that as time goes on, the consoles currently being discussed will be outweighed. It's already an issue on v where you're lucky to have one retro or sixth gen thread. Why should I assume a similar scenario wouldnt happen here? On top of that, if we keep piling on retro consoles, the boards' focus will be lost making it pointless anyway. In the long run, we should just while out vr entirely and just be done with it.

>> No.3514710

>historically significant

I fucking dare you to look at the entirety of the NES catalog of games and say that more than 30% of them are """significant""".

>> No.3514713

Somebody explain to me this argument is anything but "m-muh slippery slope"

>> No.3514720

I can't wait for halo to be aloud here.

>> No.3514728

Reminder that n64 is aloud here and has games from the year 2000. Any credibility this board had has been lost. And you can buy retro shit on new consoles aswell. This is pretty much muh sekrit club syndrome

>> No.3514757
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From what I've seen, literally every single thread that isn't a general will have a shitposter in it, and it's because they want to be included. And they'll be told to leave, further compounding the issue. They'll just go to another thread to spew their opinion at the expense of proper discourse.

What did I JUST say?

I don't CARE if it's met with "get out", DO IT ANYWAY. The only way we can move past this nonsensical bickering is by changing the conversation.

Break the cycle, for crying out loud. You're both fully capable of having an honest conversation, and here you are bickering about how the other party is being "unreasonable". Are you two SO egotistical that you can't swallow your pride and MOVE ON? Did you ever consider that you're BOTH the problem?

I don't see how you got to that conclusion, but whatever:

The real reason /vr/ exists is to get away from the shitposting on /v/ that gave it the speed it's now known for. That shitposting is what made it impossible to talk about those games.

Just because /v/ talks about 6th gen doesn't inherently mean people will come here purely to shitpost about 6th gen. Yeah, there'll be an increase in 6th gen threads, but that's only natural considering it wasn't allowed previously. It'll die down as topics tire out, and people can still freely talk about what they want.

I'll put it this way: People are clearly unwilling to see the generation that this website initially talked about be allowed, because they saw what happened to /v/. The trick is to not be so gullible that we're replying to bait and become the new target for trolls and assholes that want to get a rise out of a community that can't get over themselves.

I said it once, I'll say it again. The problem isn't the content, it's the posters.

>It's already an issue on v where you're lucky to have one retro or sixth gen thread.

That seems like the exact reason this board was made.

>> No.3514760 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 413x367, gentle as a lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all moderation for /vr/ should end and it should be renamed /r/ gaming /v2/

>> No.3514761 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 413x367, gentle as a lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all moderation for /vr/ should end and it should be renamed r/ gaming /v2/

>> No.3514762
File: 23 KB, 413x367, gentle as a lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all moderation for /vr/ should end and it should be renamed r/ gaming /v2/

>> No.3514763

Honestly I don't see a problem with adding GBA, PS2, GCN and Xbox.

The board is slow as fuck. It's also repetitive as fuck. You get the same discussion, and same threads over and over.

Most of it isn't even related to discussing games. A lot of it is "meta" stuff like collecting, reproduction carts, emulators, flash carts, etc.

Then someone posts something "not retro" and people bump the thread like it's going out of style.

If /vr/ just got renamed to /v-alt/ I wouldn't evne be mad. I love all kinds of games.

>> No.3514776

>That seems like the exact reason this board was made.
Exactly, but three or four years down the line, do we add the PS3 and 360? Do we add the PS4 if, somehow, this board lasts ten more years? At what point do we stop adding to /vr/ before it becomes entirely redundant with the content discussed and a new split needs to occur? Is /vr/ going to just be /v/, but you can't discuss the current generation or is the focus going to be on older consoles? How wide of gap should there be in the consoles? Should we just say all old ones, 1-4 gens and then 5 and beyond?

That's more or less where my questions are coming from. I don't care about shitposting. That's not my concern. A large chunk of why I like this board is directly tied to what is being discussed. I'm not really interested in talking about PS2 or GCN at all, and I'm not interested in seeing lesser threads about the content currently allowed to make room for sixth gen. Yes, /vr/ was made for older consoles, but eventually it will get so diluted the focus will be lost making it utterly pointless.

>> No.3514807

Assuming that /v/ would then be talking about the newer generations, yes. But by that point someone would want the distinction made between pre-internet and post-internet generations, as that's where the real distinction lies in my opinion. That's where all the shitposting started.

You should care about shitposting, it's what corrupts a board's dialog and pisses people off, making them more hesitant to talk about what they want. If you don't care for a thread, you can always hide it.

Frankly, this board's purpose wasn't solely for talking about older generations. Sure, that's it's purpose, but the reason WHY it existed is the real purpose, to get away from the shitposting that disallowed these conversations to happen on /v/ in the first place.

/v/ is neo /b/ with video games, and /vr/ is /v/ with no new consoles (as it invites shitposting). That's my take on it.

>I'm not interested in seeing lesser threads about the content currently allowed to make room for sixth gen

Makes sense. I could imagine however, this lesser content can find another, better chan to host it. It'll be slow enough that it can still have good discourse, and faster threads won't 404 it. Plus it'll be less inundated with cancerous posters that couldn't care less about the topic.

>> No.3514839

I had this idea recently:
Retro is what any computer bought nowadays can emulate with very little problems.

An Atom CPU can emulate PS1, but not PS2. It most certainly can emulate GBA.

>> No.3514847

So Dreamcast is out, then. So is SNES if you use Higan.

>> No.3514848

"Any computer", you say?

>> No.3514851

Nothing can emulate Saturn or N64 with "very little problems".

>> No.3514868

I think it should be added just to give the board more to talk about. Right now everything is slow as fuck and most of the threads are generals.

>> No.3514881

In the mid 2000s, things from the 80s were starting to be considered retro. The only ones who disagree are 80s nostalgia fags

>> No.3514882

so dreamcast and n64 arent retro then

>> No.3514884

/v2k/ would be dumb

>/v/ - the vidya
literally keep it the same
>/vr/ - retro vidya
Range: dawn of time - 5th gen and consoles from companies that no longer make consoles.
>/vp/ - pokemon
This autism container needs to stay and more /v/ threads about it should be moved here
>/vg/ - multipurpose autism container
If not there already, there should be generals for each major console competitor.
>/av/ - adult vidya
dedicated board for the discussion of H-games and vidya-related r34

>> No.3514892

oh so /v2k/ is dumb but you want a board for hentai games

>> No.3514908
File: 14 KB, 425x320, 1356576426173730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, you're right.
Does this make us gay?

>> No.3514981

I think that not only should 6th Gen still be banned from /vr/, but wes hould also ban the DreamCast and the entirety of the 5th Gen. Only 4th Gen and under allowed.

>> No.3515004

>tfw Deus Ex is just after 1999

>> No.3515034


Any reason why you refuse to say what this "image" or "retro feel" is?

>> No.3515039

That's not arbitrary at all

>> No.3515041

He means they have shit graphics, and the "retro feel" comes from them being part of his childhood.

>> No.3515053

And this wasn't a shitpost either? What is the inability of you to see irony? You calling people man children when they don't agree or calling people autists really makes others want to shift their viewpoint eh?

>> No.3515061

Get over yourself, this entire thread is shitpost

Getting butthurt at ad hominem is just as childish as the ad hominem itself

>> No.3515069

Ah, sound argument. Well done.

>> No.3515083

Can mods please delete this thread and the ones OP posted on the other boards fo no good reason? They're going literally nowhere since both sides just plug their ears and shake their heads. Just let hiroshimoot decide for everyone.

>> No.3515089

That's not going to solve anything, if anything it'd make it worse

>> No.3515183

So both of these opinions are yours?

See >>1392415
>on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
If a console is from 1999 or earlier, then even games released for it after 1999 are allowed. That's exactly what the sticky says.

>> No.3515190

>The board is slow as fuck.
We've pointed out repeatedly that /vr/ moves at a good pace and isn't even close to being one of the slowest boards. /v/ is the second fastest board. /vr/ only seems slow if you compare it to one of the very fast boards.

>> No.3515194

That's nice.

It's like you're ignoring the purpose of this thread

>> No.3515195

>Right now everything is slow as fuck and most of the threads are generals.
Neither of these things are true. The board really isn't all that slow. There might be more generals than you'd like, but it's still only a handful of the threads.

>> No.3515202

>not Valve


>> No.3515205

Allow sixth gen. Ban current franchises.

As franchises that keep producing games, because these franchises are meant to the most current generation and not considered retro.

>> No.3515209

Microsoft, Sony and Valve don't really belong here.

>> No.3515210

>Ban current franchises.

Like Mario, Zelda, Sonic?

>> No.3515221

If the games came out before 2000 they are retro by default.

I don't know man. It's more a matter of common sense than actual rulings.

Besides, you don't tend to talk about The windwaker or Mario Party DS.

>> No.3515248

>people don't want 6th gen here

Clearly, we're not retro enough. Lets REMOVE gens instead. I only want up to 3rd. Fucking children and their super nintendos.

>> No.3515251

Nigga look at a calendar. People who grew up with it are in their twenties.

>> No.3515262

What does having grown up with something matter? Having grown up with the Playstation 2 somehow makes the Playstation 2 relevant to a historical, developmental and pre-mainstream period in gaming? That makes no sense.

>> No.3515286

Have you SEEN the traffic in a major city? Sometimes it's faster to walk

>> No.3515287
File: 72 KB, 612x612, 1459309189533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need the rules to change officially. I just want /vr/ to be less autistic and stop letting the rules hinder actual discussion.

Why can we not talk about GBA flashcarts on a board with daily everdrive threads? No one else cares about hardware anymore, only emulation on their phone. >paying for piracy

Why can we not talk about GBA hacks and homebrew games in the general? The methods and audience are similar. There isn't a GBA folder in the recommended downloads page.

Why can we not talk about non-/vr/etro hardware repair? /v/ and /g/ are useless and /diy/ really isn't for games.

Why can we not talk about ongoing retro franchises? If you're such a huge fan of Mario 64, you should have at least tried Sunshine and/or the Galaxy games by now. There's more to talk about how the sequels improve or worsen the gameplay instead of whether or not it is retro.

Why can we not talk about remakes/ports? We've been pretty good about this recently, but there's always that one reeeeetard whenever one comes up.

Why does everyone have to sheepishly add but I know it's not retro everywhere? If their post is legitimately relevant to the discussion then it's worth saying without an apology tacked on. All you're doing is appeasing autists, which shouldn't be normal.

One e-celeb general and one pixelshit general is better than having multiple threads filled with shitposts.

>> No.3515298

Why does "retro" have to mean a specific unchanging era?

Who said that 6th gen wasn't historical or developmental?


This is the real point you care about anyway, you're afraid the /v/ bogeyman is gonna flood your favourite board with awful threads.

If you've seen other chans, you know that isn't the case

Can I get a single reason as to how our current rules prevent shitposting? Because it's been doing an awful job at it

>> No.3515310

I still find it odd that the rules are questioned at all. You'd think a sticky that says what is and isn't allowed would be enough.
And then we have people who know they can't discuss a certain topic here. They get banned and then they go as far to keep remaking the thread as some sort of autistic revenge.

>> No.3515312

The only shitposting on this board that even remotely bothers me is "GBA/6th gen when." Thankfully the mods delete anything that doesn't adhere to the rules, with the exception of these meta-discussions, but it's clear the sticky needs to be less ambiguous.

>> No.3515335
File: 123 KB, 430x403, 1405160891399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact most people here don't want gen 6 console but at the same time they make silly exceptions for GBA and Dreamcast shows how dumb is the definition of "retro" of this whole board.
No more, no less. What has to change here is the sticky on top and its definition of "retro", which right now is arbitrary and subjective.

>> No.3515357

>Call of Duty
>God of War
>Xbox Console
>Xbox Live stories
>Splinter Cell
>Kingdom Hearts

that does sound terrifying

>> No.3515375

>muh halo bogeyman

>> No.3515379

I can already see the Master Chief vs Samus threads...

>> No.3515381

>Devil May Cry
>Grand Theft Auto
>SMT Nocturne
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Splinter Cell
>Ratchet & Clank

That does sound awesome.

>> No.3515384

None of that is worth all the baggage that comes with it.

>> No.3515401

I didn't ask what kind of shitposting bothered you, I was asking how our rules prevent shitposting. Your example is the most common, sure, but it seems that people will shitpost regardless, especially if it's a group of people enjoying something they don't. I believe I mentioned how some people would go to the other board just to shitpost because they disagree with the material. Again, it's the [shit]posters that are the issue, not the content

I think it's funny how everyone's so ready to jump on cawadoody without realising it only got casualized it its second iteration. The first one had a health bar, non regen. It was actually pretty good for what it was

You can hide the thread too, ya' know. You lot are acting like you're being forced to participate in the conversations you don't care for merely by seeing the thread.

>> No.3515403

What if we add Timesplitters, MDK2, Serious Sam, The Suffering, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Zone of the Enders, Yakuza, Onimusha, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, the LOTR games, DBZ Tenkaichi, Project Zero, Hitman, Sly Cooper, Xenosaga, Gran Turismo, Burnout, and Dark Cloud to my short list?

At what point do you stop jumping at shadows and checking under your bed for Persona fans?

>> No.3515405

>mods are actually considering this and leaving meta bullshit threads undeleted


>> No.3515406

Woah I forgot that that was a thing.
Crappy flash animations flood my memory.

>> No.3515410

>None of that is worth all the baggage that comes with it.
Yet you can tolerate the daily Sonic autism threads?

If 6th gen is allowed, the overwhelming majority of Halo posts will be made by people who make it purely to run them into the ground, screencap it, run crying to Hiro saying "YOOOUUUU KILLLLLEDDDD VVVRRRRRRR!!"

>> No.3515415
File: 4 KB, 254x224, Final_Fantasy_IV_(SNES)_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what point do you stop jumping at shadows and checking under your bed for Persona fans?
Scorched earth.

>> No.3515481

Are 16 year old games really "retro"? When does something become retro?

>> No.3515604

The second it gets made, retro is a style that is imitative of something from recent past. Undertale is retro, this board is not and 99% of people here use the word wrong.

>> No.3515620

Games from the 2000's?
On MY /vr/?

It's more likely than you think!

>> No.3515625


It doesn't matter what is and isn't what matters is the boards definition. We where created to discuss games from a very specific time frame

>> No.3515641

No, it was made to get away from /v/ shitposting that would 404 retro threads almost instantly. Those threads just so happened to be about classic games. So the thread was named "retro" with no regard to how it would be interpreted years later

>> No.3515642

Honestly, what's more important?
Having a board for oldfags to pretend it's still 1999?
Or a board for threads that can't stay alive on /v/?

>> No.3515662

The board's definition was made a couple years ago and it was already changed to include something else as retro, worded in such a way that hints that as new generations pass more things will be considered retro ("with the release of the eight generation..."). So even for the board definition it matters what is or isn't retro as defined by common sense (things of the recent past, usually 15-20 year old things). Otherwise the rules wouldn't have changed and wouldn't be worded the way they're worded.

Time has passed, things are turning 16-15 years old, and it's normal that people see those things as retro and want to discuss them on a retro board.

I don't understand why all you autists can't get that. /vr/ = retro games = retro definition includes more things with time = so have our rules already = people want to talk about what's retro now.

If you want /vr/ to be "games until this exact arbitrary cut off date" then don't call it retro games, call it autistic nostalgiafag discussion or something.

Also this. There's no reason to have a RETRO GAMES board if you can't talk about RETRO GAMES. Change the name of the board then, but don't frame this discussion on the delusion that time doesn't move forward or that everyone doesn't consider gba retro.

>> No.3515664



Way to go.

>manchildren: The thread.

>> No.3515665

the latter, but autists will kick and scream

>> No.3515672

>Having a board for oldfags to pretend it's still 1999?

>> No.3515678

>time doesn't move forward
Time does move forward. The topics I want to discuss don't.

>> No.3515679

>actually thinking this is an argument
Then hide the thread you massive autist

>> No.3515683


Then go to a different board you massive autist

>> No.3515684

You'll still be able to discuss them here and ignore what you don't want to discuss. Everyone does this. Do it too. Expecting a board about retro games not to discuss retro games just because you don't like a certain batch of them is stupid, and demanding a board split just so you don't have to see threads you don't care for is entitled. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3515687
File: 221 KB, 624x318, 1424325854369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you stop being a manchild and accept that things aren't always going to go the way you want it to?

>> No.3515690

This is the retro games board, it's where we're supposed to talk about retro games. Do you really think having a retro games board 2 just for the retro games you personally don't like is sane or reasonable in any way?

>> No.3515691


No expecting a board to change it's focus so you can feel like a cool kid is entitled. The rules are set if you don't like it go somewhere else instead of throwing a tantrum someone told you "no"

>> No.3515693

>actually thinking this is an argument
What's there to argue?
I don't care what points are made, I'm not interested in newer generations. If you want newer gens or /v/ 2.0 for the games you can't talk about here, make a new board.

>> No.3515696


When you do the same.


This is for pre2k games. So what's next you gonna go cry to someone studying the bronze age to start studying the renaissance because it's both history?

>> No.3515697

Yeah, wow, can't wait to hide half of the board.

>You'll still be able to discuss them here and ignore what you don't want to discuss.
Except there will be less of what I want to discuss and more bullshit I don't care about. Part of what I like about this board is specifically what it focuses on. Why would I want less of that to make room for somebody else's bullshit.

>Grow the fuck up.
How about you get the fuck out?

>> No.3515706

Again, please pay attention to this.

This is a retro games board.

Retro is a category that includes more things as time passes. NES wasn't retro in 1986. SNES wasn't retro in 1992. They are now because time passed.

The rules were written three years ago. They already changed once to include a new thing as retro because according to the rules itself a new event happened that made that new thing be deemed as retro.

Sixth gen in its entirety will be universally considered retro with time. Things like gba are already universally considered retro in gaming discussions all around the planet.

This is a RETRO GAMES BOARD. As time goes forward more things will be RETRO. That's the focus of the board. It's not an oldfag nostalgia simulator board. You're asking it never changes just because you don't like certain things that fall under the definition of retro. And that's your problem.

Is this such a difficult thing to understand?

>> No.3515713

>Except there will be less of what I want to discuss and more bullshit I don't care about.
God, why are oldfags entitled fat shits?

>> No.3515714

>They already changed once to include a new thing as retro because according to the rules itself a new event happened that made that new thing be deemed as retro.
Yeah, everyone bitched and complained until they got their way, same shit that's happening now.

Then change the title and make another board specific to newer gens. The idea of keeping everyone pissed off with the situation locked together won't help.

>> No.3515715

>Except there will be less of what I want to discuss and more bullshit I don't care about
Yes, and this is /vr/ - Retro Games, not /vyl/ - Video Game Stuff You Like. The bullshit you don't care about is considered retro by most people and will be universally regarded as retro within a couple years because that's how "retro" works as a category.

Campaign for a board name change if you can't deal with that simple fact.

>> No.3515719

>Then change the title and make another board specific to newer gens
Arcade and PC games don't have gens, so tour idea wouldn't exactly work. But campaign for a name change of the board then and see how much support you get.

Your requests are entitled and a waste of time, and they only stem from the fact that you don't want to see certain things that by all accounts either should or shortly will be discussed here. Do you really think that opening and renaming boards just to cater to your own specific taste is reasonable?

>> No.3515720


Again pay attention to this


>why won't everyone give up their shit for me! WAAAAAAAAAAAH I deserve the board! WAAAAAAAAH

yeah not entitled at all

>> No.3515721
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 1446526918747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on 4chan. Get over yourself.

>Wahhh! I hate change!

You're the reason this place is full of shitposting. Not the content, your shitty attitude.

Right? I already do it. And I don't complain about it.

Because I'm not entitled.

>> No.3515724

How is it any less entitled that what you want? The whole argument basically revolves around what we want discussed on the board. Complaining you want more things on the board while lessening the current focus seems just as entitled.

If we're going to basically make it /v/ but without current gen edition, why even have the board at all? The focus will get so diluted over time that the reason for having the board at all will be completely moot and we'd be better off just keeping everything on /v/ at that point.

Part of what is enjoyable about this board is the specific timeframe of what is retro being discussed. Once you add in PS2, you start to add in more modern gameplay influenced discussions.

>> No.3515729

>You're on 4chan. Get over yourself.

Right back at you

>You're the reason this place is full of shitposting. Not the content, your shitty attitude.

>Waaaaaah gimme gimme

If this place is a shit hole why do you want in so badly?

at the end of the day you people are the ones throwing a tantrum because you're not getting your way

>> No.3515731

Real solid argument. Even your insults have to resort to "muh feels?

>> No.3515736

t. fat man refusing to accept 2006 was ten years ago and millenials now have jobs.

>> No.3515739

I hope you realise that when you say "nobody", it actually means "everyone that I agree with". Which is meaningless.

>Right back at you

You have no self awareness, do you?

I'm already "in". I just don't want to be shit on by assholes like yourself with unwarranted self importance.

>we're not the ones throwing the tantrum, you are!

see >>3514619 and seriously consider what you're doing with your life

>> No.3515740
File: 51 KB, 400x279, Onimusha+Warlords+PC-04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder that we had a thread several months/nearly a year ago where we had a strawpoll up asking if we should allow 6th gen discussion on /vr/. The thread was active for a number of days before being deleted. It's fair to assume that, by this stage, pretty much anyone who uses this board with any frequency and who gave a fuck about about the debate had voted on the poll. It had hundreds of votes by the end and, predictably enough, a significant majority of /vr/ had decided that they wanted 6th gen discussion to be allowed on the board. I think it was about 60-65% percent of the voters who chose to allow it, although it was ages ago so I can't remember the exact percentage.

There really is no discussion here. The people who are against 6th gen discussion don't actually have coherent arguments. It's all about their fee fees and their personal sense of nostalgia. They seem to think that the moment we allow 6th gen discussion, that nobody will want to talk about the previous gens anymore, which is just absurd. These people will have to learn how to get over it, and ignore threads that don't interest them. I ignore near omnipresent CRT threads because they don't interest me, it's not that hard. And honestly, at this stage, having a thread where we discuss GBA games has a lot more in common with the board's namesake than a thread filled with guys posting pictures of their TVs.

The pro 6th gen argument is pretty simple: /v/ is basically filled with teenagers who have little interest in 6th gen games and it'd be hard to get a good discussion going there about, say, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga or Onimusha or whatever. Introducing these threads to the board isn't going to be some cataclysmic event that ruins the board forever. If you don't wanna talk about GBA games or PS2 games, then go post in threads about games that you are interested in instead.

>> No.3515745

>Arcade and PC games don't have gens, so tour idea wouldn't exactly work.
They're already the main problem, in which case we do like we've currently been and keep the cutoff year the specific date for platforms without generations.

>Do you really think that opening and renaming boards just to cater to your own specific taste is reasonable?
More reasonable than keeping everyone locked in a shitbox together.

>> No.3515746


whose crying about feels?


10 years ago was still before 2000.

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>> No.3515750

It's less entitled because we're simply asking for the rules to reflect the meaning of the board's name and concept. Retro.

The point of this board was to talk about retro games, since discussion on them wouldn't survive at all on /v/. That's it. Do you think that once gen 9 rolls over /v/ will have discussions on gen 6? There's barely any as it stands. That's because modern gamers will think it's retro. And therefore it should fall within the scope of this board.

Your objections have subjective value and to an extent I even share that there's little of interest to me when it comes to stuff like xbox. But at the same time it's unfair to expect our subjective judgement to shape this board. Those things will be retro, many already are, and your objections have as much value as oldfags that feel that fifth gen was shit and the beginning of the end. That is, none.

This is a retro board and by its definition it's impossible for its scope to remain static. Time won't stop and more and more things will inevitably become retro.

>> No.3515751

>They seem to think that the moment we allow 6th gen discussion, that nobody will want to talk about the previous gens anymore, which is just absurd.
It's a problem on /v/, why wouldn't it be an issue here?

>> No.3515752

>I just don't want to be shit on by assholes like yourself with unwarranted self importance.

And what makes you think that's gonna ever change?

Go make your own board

>> No.3515758

Are you crying? Like for real?

The fact that retro isn't an objective term. Get over it, crybaby.

>> No.3515760

Because /v/ is for discussion on modern games, and modern games fans far outweigh retro fans. /v/ will continue to focus on modern gaming and /vr/ on retro gaming with this approach. What's wrong with that besides you not being able to ignore threads you're not interested in?

>> No.3515762


What the fuck are you even on about?

>The fact that retro isn't an objective term.

1999 is though.

>> No.3515765

Or hey we could just go ahead and add the rest of the consoles too while we're at it and turn it into a second /v/. That's what's gonna happen eventually if we keep adding on generations every couple of years. /vr/ is and should always be about the first few generations of video game consoles. Not every board needs to be fast with 100 replies every minute. There's new threads about classic video games here all the time and if you add more generations they are going to end up being the minority and hardly ever talked about while Persona waifu threads become the norm.

>> No.3515767

Then go tell Hiro to change the board to /v1999/.

>> No.3515769

My main issue is that as time goes on, there will be less discussions about older generations, which in turn will create more issues since we'll end up with a situation where /vr/ will basically become the problem with /v/, in that older gens are not discussed. With the PS3 eventually being retro, will there be any discussions about the older generations, or will it be mainly PS1 and newer? At that point, should a new board be made for vintage or retro retro games? If so, why not split the board now? If not, why bother keeping one board to discuss such a wide gap of generations when that's already a problem on /v/ being about general video games?

>> No.3515771

Retro means of the recent past.

Games made in 2000-2002 are retro by all measures and we can talk about many of them already. It's only certain platforms that get the shaft with the current rules. Rules that were already updated once, and updated in such a way that acknowledges that retro is a gradually inclusive term.

Pretending that nothing after 1999 will ever be retro is akin to pretending time doesn't pass in the real world.

Get help.

>> No.3515773


Probably because we're not /v/. This is the board for retro games. By definition we're not gonna be like /v/, gossiping and shit talking about upcoming releases. We're populated largely by an older crowd, and entirely by people who like older games.

It's just an absurd argument. When Dreamcast came to be considered 'retro', did the board suddenly and permanently become filled to the brim with Dreamcast threads? If people here only want to talk about the newer retro titles, then how come the board isn't dominated entirely by threads about 5th gen games?

Sure, they'll be a lot of 6th gen threads at first, then we'll get used to it, and it'll just become another part of the board. There's really no argument here.

>> No.3515774
File: 84 KB, 1232x288, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How salty you are over this, obviously

>I'm ignoring that I've defined retro as an unchanging number

pic related, go suck on a tailpipe

>> No.3515775

/v/ is mostly about current events in gaming. And shitposting.

6th gen (hell, 7th gen) isn't getting any form of news. So it will be nowhere near as fast.
And we already have shitposting.

>> No.3515776

>Pretending that nothing after 1999 will ever be retro is akin to pretending time doesn't pass in the real world.

No one's doing that shit for brains. But the board was created to talk about a specific generation.

>> No.3515779
File: 84 KB, 245x315, sonic_getout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.3515781

Can you prove that? Wait, let me guess,

>retro means 1999 and under

>> No.3515791

why is it so hard to follow the rules?
you can discuss 6th gen on /v/ just fine

>> No.3515797

Why is it so hard to follow the conversation? You can discuss retro games on facebook groups just fine.

>> No.3515798


No but this board is made for 1999 and under

You can define retro however you want but the purpose of this board is clear. Like I said you're yelling for people studying the bronze age because you want to bitch about the industrial age.

It doesn't matter what is and isn't retro because it's not the purpose of this board and you throwing tantrums isn't going to change that.

>> No.3515804

Who even talks about first or second gens here? Very few people. That's just because there's no interest in them. That's the nature of time and the nature of this board. You're advocating for a board that only has a certain fixed number of things to talk about. And save the rare retro news/discovery, we're already at the point where every single thread about any given mildly popular game is the exact same. The only things that keep /vr/ alive are doom threads and crt threads (which aren't even about retro GAMES, just retro techs at most). The paranoia about older gens not getting a chance is going to doom this board to inactivity and give it the dubious honor of being the only board that will run out of things to talk about. All while excluding things that by definition should be included here in due time.

Boards that don't have insane /v/ speed still have fairly deep discussions if older/retro things: classic movies, older cartoons, older music, etc. Only /a/ faces something similar about few retro discussion because of its speed. People don't just suddenly ignore older things if they were good and memorable. In the case of GBA it's asinine to be afraid of this as the lifeblood of GBA are SNES ports and remakes.

I think a board that's alive and that allows for endless discussion is better than the dying board we already have in many respects, and this fear of boogeymen halo fans or whatever shouldn't make us change our name and split boards. It's stupid.

>> No.3515806

>When Dreamcast came to be considered 'retro', did the board suddenly and permanently become filled to the brim with Dreamcast threads?
To be fair, the Dreamcast was a pretty niche console even when it was released, and was far from the most popular thing out there in the west.

>and it'll just become another part of the board
Right, which in turn will lessen the number of threads for older generations because then there will be six gens being actively discussed instead of five.

>> No.3515809

So give it its own board that doesn't pollute this one.

>> No.3515810

>It doesn't matter what is and isn't retro because it's not the purpose of this board
You mean retro games isn't the purpose of a board called "/vr/ - Retro Games"?

>and you throwing tantrums isn't going to change that.
It's like you weren't here during the DCfag era, lol.

>> No.3515813

>You're advocating for a board that only has a certain fixed number of things to talk about.
Yes, because that is what I would rather have. I'm not interested in the general focus changing over semantics arguments of what is and isn't retro.

>> No.3515824

No, the board is made for threads that die too fast on /v/. That is literally the only reason this board exists, and you should be thanking the stars that you don't have to share a board with MODERN games like you're complaining so much about.

I DARE you to try and start an tactical RPG GBA thread on /v/. That kind of conversation is just too niche there, and that's why this board exists.

>it doesn't matter that it's a retro game, it doesn't belong on the retro games board!

Your logic exemplified

Too bad that other people would "rather have" something else. Woe truly is you.

>> No.3515826

It's not about what you'd rather have, it's about what this board is. And that's "retro games". If you want a static board about the same things over and over go to warosu and look at the current /vr/ archives. And if you don't like the fact that retro is a loose, ever expanding category by its very nature then advocate for a board name change, but don't act as of you can dismiss the definition of "retro" as an argument regarding a RETRO games board.

>> No.3515827

>5 year old games are retro

Somebody needs to seek professional help.

>> No.3515828

Who said that?

>> No.3515829

>Too bad that other people would "rather have" something else.
wew, same to you, buddy.

The argument is literally "I want X" anyway on both sides.

>It's not about what you'd rather have, it's about what this board is.
And currently it's pretty good. Why change a good thing?

>> No.3515835

Yeah, too bad that logic only applies to one side.

Why change a good thing? To make it better. You lot are the only ones that think this would invite shitposting, and it's because you're delusional enough to think that content dictates posting quality.

>> No.3515838

Pier Solar was 3 years old when this board started and it's always been considered retro.

Guess we'll see you at group therapy then.

>> No.3515842

>Why change a good thing?
Because it's a retro games board, not a board for games you specifically deem to be pretty good.

>> No.3515843

>Yeah, too bad that logic only applies to one side.
No, it applies to both sides.
pretty much the argument in a nutshell

>Why change a good thing? To make it better.
You familiar with the phrase: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"

>> No.3515848

So, basically, what you're saying is that it's okay for a board to go completely to shit as long as it fits within what the board is technically about, right?

>> No.3515852

>If it ain't broke, don't fix it
A retro games board where a vast amount of retro games can't be discussed just because autistic nostalgiafag paranoia isn't "broken" to you?

>> No.3515858

>A retro games board where a vast amount of retro games can't be discussed just because autistic nostalgiafag paranoia isn't "broken" to you?
No, not if it keeps a designated focus. I think adding more and more to the focus will only invite problems in the long run.

>> No.3515859

Not what it's technically about, what it IS about. And since I a) don't think my own subjective opinions should shape things so they accommodate to me and b) can't see the future, I won't engage in this "going completely to shit" paranoia because it's stupid.

>> No.3515860

I should have worded that batter. Logic applies to one side, the side that says this is a board for retro games, not specific retro games.

Boiling it down to such simple terms is the exact reason you're so stubborn about it. You're not willing to listen to the other side because you're a bigot.

Yes, I am. This board is fucking broken, and this thread is evidence of that. Are you fucking BLIND, or just IGNORANT?

>muh slippery slope

Can you prove that would actually happen?

>> No.3515865

>No, not if it keeps a designated focus. I think adding more and more to the focus will only invite problems in the long run.
You're asking this board to not be /vr/ then. You don't get to pick and choose what's retro to suit your specific sensibilities. Neither did this board since, again, it already changed its rules once to include more retro stuff, and worded the rules in such a way that clearly shows that retro is a progressively inclusive concept.

I'll say this again: campaign for a board name change or stop trying to dismiss the concept of "retro" on a board called RETRO GAMES.

>> No.3515868


You're still ignoring my point that the board shows no strong preference for newer games. We're not just talking about Playstation games all the time, gens 3 and 4 are just as popular here. So don't go pretending that's it's just gonna be all Gamecube and GBA threads if we allow 6th gen discussion.

>Right, which in turn will lessen the number of threads for older generations because then there will be six gens being actively discussed instead of five.

This would probably matter a little bit if /vr/ was even half as fast as /v/. But it's not. There's plenty of room for 6th gen here. Allowing it to be discussed isn't going to magically make less people talk about SNES games. And of course, you're free to post in whatever threads you want, so there's literally no problem at all.

And of course, there's also literally no decent argument. I just really don't know how long this can keep going on, guys. We have a majority of people on the board who are more than happy to talk about 6th gen. The very fact that we keep having these threads every few weeks is proof that people want to talk about 6th gen here. It's just this rabid minority of posters who are against it and have failed consistently to provide logical reasons for why we shouldn't talk about 6th gen here. You realise that, even the rules stay the same for now, they're going to change eventually, right? And pretty damn soon too. More and more people are gonna get sick of their discussions being policed by perpetually butthurt autists who can barely put together a sentence, nevermind a coherent argument.

>> No.3515873

>campaign for a board name change
Or we could just have a separate board. Which would literally keep everyone happy.

>> No.3515876

Only, shitposters would shitpost on both for kicks.

You know, that thing that happened to /v/.

>> No.3515878

I agree and I can only hope that's true. Autistic reeeee shitposting is killing this board way more than, well, being able retro games will. I really hope mods update the rules soon and I would be surprised if they actually choose to doom /vr/ to stagnation just to cater to people who have no argument besides "but muh feels".

>> No.3515880

>Only, shitposters would shitpost on both for kicks.
Just like they do with all the other /v/-related boards? If the worry is more shitposting due to fragmentation, why fragment any video games boards at all?

>> No.3515882

If it's a going to be a new board where you can talk about the Sims 1, no one lives forever and the longest journey, then you bet we'll need a name change because we seriously can't be "retro games" while excluding all of those with a straight face.

Not no mention that in 20 years all of your /v2k/ will be considered retro by everyone and we'll need some sort of sticky explaining the autistic reasoning behind a retro games board where you can't talk about retro games and then a 2000s games board for no good reason at all.

>> No.3515883

How do we have an argument on 4chan without shit-flinging, would that even be possible?


>> No.3515885

I'm not against a name change, or having separate video games boards with separate focuses. Hell, I'd be fine with boards separated entirely by generation, but I know that's not going to happen.

>> No.3515889

That's my POINT you thick buffoon. Making more boards will only create animosity between them, like a rivalry, and the shitposting would only get worse as each party found new ways to trigger people into shitflinging and thread derailing.

/vr/ exists to get away from the shitposting. That's the ONLY reason it exists. If we want less shitposting, we're going to have to compromise.

>> No.3515901

>Making more boards will only create animosity between them, like a rivalry
I think keeping a lot of people pissed off about a situation together would only create more animosity.

Only retards actually worry about some kind of us vs. them mentality.

>> No.3515907

Nevermind that by that logic, we should be seeing loads of shitposting on /vr/ and the other boards by the logic that having more of them increases shitposting. In that case, if we wanted less shitposting, wouldn't the best solution be to just have one vidya board?

>> No.3515914

This is insane. the only argument people have agaisnt adding gen 6 is "I DONT WANT IT / YOU HERE"

What type of argument is that? Ive been here since day 1 and i want gen 6 here. Are you seriously going to try and say i dont belong here because i like more than a certain group of video games?

Gen 6 is 16 years old. That is fucking retro. They dont sell gen6 shit at game retailers anymore, you have to go to pawnshops / salvation armys now.

Its rediulous that the people who brag about how old they are throw tantums over something so long overdue. like the other anon said, this isnt a fucking oldfag nostalgia simulator board.

This is a board for discussing OLD GAMES. OLD GAMES that are barely talked about on v anymore.

fucking christ

>> No.3515917

if anything the people who hate gen 6 would be the ones false flagging and shitting up the board to get their way.

The solution? Perma Bans.

>> No.3515928

Right, which is why I think a better solution would be to separate boards. People keep mentioning a /v2k/ or something, but another anon pointed out that will only create the same problems we're having now.

I think a better solution would be to think backwards, in that we create boards specific to certain generations. Have a board for gens 1-3, 4-6, etc, as time goes on, or even keep them separated by 10 year increments or something i.e. 80's and below, 90-2k, 2k-2010 (as needed with time, not necessarily all at once). This will keep certain boards for certain focuses while having /vr/ for a general retro focus, potentially for the more recent retro.

The only ones who would have problems with that are shitposters who are going to try and get things riled up in the first place and people who are too attached to /vr/ to want to post outside of it. The idea is "we don't want this on our board," but instead of having a new board for what they don't want, why not a focused new board for what they do want?

>> No.3515942

I'm sorry, did you miss the part where I said "compromise?"

The only people that would be "pissed off" would be the people that are too lazy to hide threads they don't like. And even then, they can deal with it as people already have to deal with hiding shitty threads anyway. They can join the club.

Yes, having one board would be ideal. Because /v/ moves too fast for niche stuff typically discussed here, we have this board. This is the only board we need, and I haven't been given a single reason why allowing 6th gen discussion is a bad idea beyond

>content somehow dictates posting quality
>I just dun liek id

This "us vs. them" mentality is already latent on this board, we already have people saying "your opinion is wrong" and "you're not allowed to like things I don't like". The only difference would be what topic they'd be fervently disagreeing about.

/vr/ was only ever this "bastion of comfyposting" when everyone wasn't so hot and bothered over what was or wasn't retro. That's literally the only reason people want it to stay the same, because they've deluded themselves into thinking it'll go back to the way it was once a new board is made

As I said, people will shitpost for fun, because we can't get over ourselves. That's what killed /v/. Someone will find the new nogaems and it'll all become much shittier for everyone, all because we weren't willing to compromise for each other

This, virtue signalling is the best indicator that the poster cares more about expressing their opinion over discussing it, which isn't conducive to conversation beyond "your opinion is wrong and you should kill yourself".

That kind of nonconstructive conversation is exactly what needs to go out of style around here

Right, the problem is shitposters, not the content. Spreading out the content just makes more targets for shitposters.

>> No.3515947

The problem is if you start doing boards for every two generations you'll be dividing up the community even further and causing an even bigger community rivalry, as silly as that sounds. look at the reactions here just by mentioning the addition of gen 6. Imagine that on every vidya board with the added addition of shit posters purposely traveling through boards false flagging. it would be terrible

And i really think two boards, one for general video games (which is mostly the most recent shit) and one for old games (i.e games 15 - 20 years old) is the best solution. we just need /vr/ to refine its self a little more. it is still a semi new board.

shitposters from v wont move here just because you can talk about halo C.E now, honestly most of them dont even know this board exists

>> No.3515954

Your whole post just makes it sound like we shouldn't have any separate boards at all. If anything /vr/ is entirely invalid and we should all just deal with posting on /v/.

>> No.3515958

>This, virtue signalling is the best indicator that the poster cares more about expressing their opinion over discussing it, which isn't conducive to conversation beyond "your opinion is wrong and you should kill yourself".
>That kind of nonconstructive conversation is exactly what needs to go out of style around here

alot of these people genuinely think they're in the right though and dont understand that what theyre doing is just degrading the board more and more. its terribly ironic.

And we also have to remember that its easy to get off topic with ad hominem after you make a solid argument then you just got told to fuck off. this is not an excuse for that behavior but it really doesn't help

>> No.3515959

Well obviously you didn't read it then.

>/v/ moves too fast for niche stuff typically discussed here, [so] we have this board. This is the only board we need...

I guess we need some kind of reality check meme. A mirror maybe?

>> No.3515965

thats not at all what he said, you really need to stop trying to pick out parts and make it fit your argument.

>> No.3515968

Right. You're justifying this boards existence while saying that new boards couldn't solve the problem. The main issue people have is the focus of the discussion. If we look at things generally as, "well, you should just deal with it or hide threads because we don't need more boards", then why have any other boards? Moving too fast isn't an argument since a lot of people are saying that /vr/ should be moving faster. /v/ covers video games, meaning retro should be allowed there, so why not discuss retro there.

You're basically saying deal with it, but not when I don't want to.

>> No.3515981

Because /v/ is rifled with shitposting. almost every thread is

>what did he mean by this
>I want to _____ _____!
>Now that the dust has settled

and nothing ever happens, these people continue to make threads like that, other newer people see it, think its /v/ culture then start shitposting un-ironically. there's a reddit screen cap that sums this up pretty well, i dont have it unfortunately though

Ive once started a thread there with a well though out paragrpah, it 404'd. I made the same thread with
>what did she mean by this
and it got post cap

thats why gen 6 should be allowed here

>> No.3515984

>moving too fast isn't an argument

It is, though. That's literally why this board exists dude. Are you dim?

Retro harbours niche topics. /v/ can't hold niche topics, as there isn't enough people interested in them to keep them alive. This isn't a hard concept to understand.

Retro IS allowed there. It just doesn't say alive long enough to have any real discussion. Which is why /vr/ exists.

>Moving too fast isn't an argument since a lot of people are saying that /vr/ should be moving faster.

Can you explain how this reasoning makes any sense whatsoever? Do you actually think people don't want 6th gen because it'll make the board too fast? Are you daft?

>> No.3515990

>/v/ moves too fast!
>/vr/ should be faster!
you don't seriously see the irony of this.

nevermind that 'retro gaming' is such a broad term that overtime this board will eventually become v 2.0. not in terms of shitposting but in terms of having such a wide spread general topic making it not really a niche anymore. you'll have a niche in a niche. the best solution would be to segregate more, but the only counterargument to that is that there will be more shitposting, which neither of us knows for sure, and if the issue is shitposting then we would just have to crack down

>> No.3516014

I do, that's why I'm not the one saying it. I'm pretty sure I said something to the tune of

>/v/ moves too fast, so /vr/ was made [to allow for slower discussion which allows niche topics]

We can cross that bridge when we get to it.

>> No.3516035

>We can cross that bridge when we get to it.
well, the way things are going, that's how it's going to be either way. i'd prefer a better solution now, but i guess we'll have to see.

>> No.3516048

I mentioned it earlier, but I think the best distinction would be pre-internet and post-internet. That would seem to make everyone happy.

Then it'd be a matter of banning shitposters that post for kicks instead of discussion

>> No.3516068

That's not too bad of an idea either. It'd be a good solution for when more internet consoles are retro.

>> No.3516085

Yeah that was my point, really. It'd only be necessary sometime around then, right now we should just deal with the supposed vagueness of what "retro" is. It's not enough of a distinction to necessitate a whole other board. Not yet, at least.

>> No.3516106
File: 11 KB, 512x448, banishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This "us vs. them" mentality is already latent on this board

>> No.3516124
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1465175087476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516128

I would love to talk about all of these games on a /v2k/ board.
They would really be an awkward fit on /vr/.

>> No.3516321


It's basically this. They really have no argument at all. Look at this thread. We're nearing 600 posts now and not a single one of them has given a persuasive reason for why we should continue to consider 6th gen to be 'not retro'.

The arguments are literally just this:

>But look, it says nothing after 1999 at the top of the board! It's written in stone, it can never be changed!
>Just go and talk about gen 6 on /v/ where everyone will ignore your thread!
>It will ruin the board because...uh...REASONS and um...SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY
>I have severe autism and I can't tolerate even the slightest change to the status quo. Please leave me and my retro nostalgia safe space in peace.
>[incoherent gibberish and wild conflations of 6th gen discussion on /vr/ with the migrant situation in Europe]

Come on, guys. Do you really not have a single logical thing to say about this? Is every single person who's against gen 6 discussion really this fucking retarded?

>> No.3516345


The idea of making an entire board just to talk about gen 6 games is absolutely idiotic. Think of how slow it is here on /vr/ where we can discuss 5 generations of old games. Now imagine how utterly pointless it'd be to create a board dedicated to just one generation of old games. It'd be dead on arrival. There's no way Japmoot would even let it happen in the first place, it's such an absurd idea.

This /v2k/ rubbish should not be a part of the argument here. Don't try to compromise with the anti sixth gen autists like this. The only compromise that needs to be made is by them. All they have to do is accept sixth gen discussion on the board without violently shitposting all over the place in retaliation, and calmly ignore or hide any gen 6 threads they see. It would be a lot easier for them to act like the big grown up adults they keep telling everyone that they are than for us to go to the trouble of creating a pointless, half dead board just so we have a place to talk about PS2 games. Keep in mind they're the minority here too. It's on them.

>> No.3516443

-----------_----------------------------------- ---------- ---------_---------------------------- ---------_--------------- ---------_---------------------------- - ---------_---------------------------- - ---------_---------------------------- ------_---------------------------- ------_---------------------------- ------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop the nonsense shit and lets do this:

People who would like to discuss 6 gen with their retro peers raise your hand... Lets call you Group A

Now people who wouldnt, just shut up, and if they want to discuss any 6gen let them go to /v/ and good luck with the teens replying to you while they are streaming on twitch.. Lets call them group B

Now people in group A, (i include myself) what if everyone here just go to a dedicated Chan (yes, not 4 chan) with a dedicated board to Retro Video Game, and just talk about it there. The traffic would be slower (,no shitpost) if its another retro board, i bet janitors are not as tuff as here so they will permit a couple of 6 gen threads that dont hurt anybody.

no offense but talking about 6 gen in /v/ its like talking to a wall..

So why if we cant talk about them Here because of "rules" why we just dont go anywhere else, another fucking chan.

And idk, make it an official second /vr/ out of this four chan messy vr shit

Because I dont know about you but i really love firsts gens, i grew up with them, but as I was entering middle school and high school, 6 gen was something only rich kids would have, but that doesnt mean i didnt wanted to play them as bad as my shitty dreamcast and ps1.. Now that I can, i wish there was a dedicated space to all those gems of 6 gen, and fuck no i aint going to /v/

So any suggestions for this another Image Board we can rent? Until fucking 6 gen is acceptable here?

>> No.3516462

>The idea of making an entire board just to talk about gen 6 games is absolutely idiotic.
The proposal for /v2k/ is for late 5th gen through 7th gen. We've been talking about it for more than a week now. The OP of this thread fucked up by only mentioning 6th gen.

>> No.3516591

If you guys don't want 6th gen to be discussed on here and it's not discussed on /v/ then whats the problem with it having a board

>> No.3516725

It's been answered. Stop being stupid

>> No.3516748

I think a lot of the bickering on both sides in this thread could have been avoided if the OP hadn't misrepresented what the point of /v2k/ was going to be in the first place.

>> No.3517040

It already exists, it's just extremely slow >>3515774

I would love to go there, I only take issue with how slow it is. I'm not saying I want /v/ speed, but I'd like to be able to have a conversation with more than one person at a time

Honestly I could just leave the site altogether, considering the amount of shitheads harboured here and the fact that this is the only board I ever visit anyway

Silly and unnecessary. This ignores the real problem, the posters

We need actual moderators that aren't just janitors picking and choosing what to moderate

>> No.3517183

>extremely slow
Extremely slow is an understatement. In its two whole years, that entire board has received under 5000 posts. A thread can go months without a post and only drop down a couple pages. It feels abandoned. Our /vr/ gets 5000 posts every day or two.

>> No.3517221

>It feels abandoned.
Haven't they had some major security problems? I don't think I would want to post there.

>> No.3517435

I was born in 1998. I grew up with the SNES but I never owned any N64 or Playstation or Saturn for that matter. But yeah shit graphics has part to do with it. It wasn't until the 6th gen when devs actually knew what they were doing.

The reason why I don't explain is because I'm shit at doing that.

>> No.3517576

And if someone shitposts on the wrong board over there and the board owner is paranoid or shady, they have your IP address and who knows what else.

>> No.3517690 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 748x192, modsareoldfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread full of people calling each other autistic retards or to fuck off and i get a warning for pic related


glad to know posts like this>>3514180
are considered quality

>> No.3518049

Why don't we just have a /v2k/ general on /vr/? That way we make sure the discussion doesn't get buried, we piss off the /vr/ elitists, stop arguing about it, and keep it hidden away from any people we think are shitposters.

Move past the "should we have /v2k/" general we've been seeing and just make it already.

>> No.3518064

good idea but this thread is on page 10 make another thread so people can see it

>> No.3518143

How would you keep it "hidden away" on /vr/? It would just get argued and shitposted to death no matter what you try to do, and beginning with the intention to "piss off" one or both sides as a primary motivation would be dooming the thread.

We should debate the pros and cons of creating of a new board or changes to the existing /vr/ rules on /qa/.