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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3510924 No.3510924 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people value this kind of games that much?
I mean, they call them the best RPGs, but the only decent thing about them is conversation trees, while every game related parts are at best mediocre or plain bad.
There are almost no bosses, dungeon crawling is basically absent or trivialized by save where you want feature, same goes for any risk and reward mechanics, combat is just atrocious, etc.
What left is some non-gamey world simulation full of dad jokes and pretty good amount of dialog options. Why not playing VNs and date sims then? At least those are focused on it and you don't need to wait for every bum in the city to make his move.

>> No.3510932
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>full of dad jokes

>> No.3510993

Dating sims are a deep and complex genre. They need way more planning and intuition than other RPGs because you can't just grind your way through.

>> No.3511023
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>Dating sims are a deep and complex genre.

>> No.3511025

the conversation trees and NPC dialogues were the only things I liked about the old ones
those kind of went to shit when every fucking line needed to be voice acted
the point of the new ones is to explore a beautiful looking, but mostly boring world

>> No.3511030

Only RPG like this that I beat was Fallout 1. Fallout 2 felt inferior story wise so I kind of just stopped playing it.

So I can't talk about the genre as a whole but Fallout 1 was pretty good. Just not WOW GOAT GAME I EVER PLAYED good. If I ever made a top 100 games list it would probably be in the lower half of the top 100. Maybe somewhere in the 90's or 80's.

The combat can get way too tedious at times making the game a chore to play. So thankfully it does atmosphere and story well. 2 felt very inferior in this aspect which is why I dropped it.

>> No.3511043

The problem is that stupid Americans never experienced real dating sims and apply the term to every shitty galge with no simulation aspects whatsoever.

>> No.3511048

The bait is strong with this one.

>> No.3511065

I don't really like these text heavy WRPGs because they aren't very well written. It's a lot of dumb worldbuilding for a world that isn't all that interesting, and being fed irrelevant information in mediocre flowery prose. Especially games where characters use a ton of dumb in-game vocab to make themselves seem deeper than they really are. JRPGs are able to tell fun (if shallow) stories without bogging you down with all that text. You learn about the world as you explore it. Not everything is explained and not everyone has to tell you about their life. That's why even if they are simplistic, the worlds are less ridiculous and artificial, because in WRPGs everything has to be there for one reason or another and the characters will tell you all about it. It's about time Japan retaliates for WWII and bombs America out of its misery.

>> No.3511204
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I know the kind of games you're talking about and I also don't like them, but WRPGs vary quite greatly. To begin with, what started JRPGs initially was huge popularity of Wizardry and Ultima in Japan—Yuji Horii was a big fan. Wizardry collections/remakes are STILL coming out in Japan, just to give the idea.

So, there are games like Fallout which concentrate mostly on world building and "role playing" itself, but there are plenty games which concentrate on gameplay, take Diablo or Might and Magic games. There's story in them, but you don't have to walk and talk from town to town. They don't really force-feed you with all the details you didn't ask for, they just present you the thought-out mechanics and colorful lore/art style. The monsters are memorable and characters can be surprisingly cool too.

Otherwise, I have to agree with you… I think older WRPGs centered on storytelling didn't have all that great stories, which kind of destroyed their purpose. But their decisiveness to force-feed you with it, entangle you in it is what annoys me far more. I've always avoided Fallout because I felt it constantly forced me into its pretty unattractive and unappealing world, as if asking: "Hey kids, you want to hear a story about nuclear apocalypse? OF COURSE YOU DO!".

>> No.3511232


Combat is awesome.

It is literally based off turn based pen and paper games.

People value it is good. COD fags wont understand,

>> No.3511241

It's all a matter of taste.

You have none.

>> No.3511271

>stories without bogging you down with all that text
>You learn about the world as you explore it. >Not everything is explained and not everyone has to tell you about their life

wtf am I reading. The only part I can make sense of is that JRPGs tend to be more linear so yeah, they have fewer side characters with significant dialogue, but the games are still like 50% scrolling through text boxes while the "dramatic" story plays out and all the characters talk about their feelings aboard the airship or whatever

>> No.3511303

Maybe he's pretending that they stopped making JRPGs in 1994?

>> No.3511393

What planet do you live on where JRPG's don't bog you down with text and shit cutscenes? I don't think you've actually played the original Fallout because there are a lot of mysterious elements and it's practically an adventure game where you go around hunting for clues about a water chip with the big reveal being the Master at the end.

>> No.3511482

>confirmed for weebfaggot
They were never deep or complex, but they were better slightly.

>> No.3511502

you think you can just insult japan like that and get away with it you stupid american peace of shit? go stuff your fat bitch face with burgers thats all you understand. you could never understand the artistry that goes into all japanese products fucking bitch

>> No.3511692

>implying dad humor isn't the best form of humor around

>> No.3511860

Two atomic bombs not enough
Hiroshima best day of my life
Weeaboo faggot

>> No.3511883
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>> No.3512207

>never experienced real dating sims
ok, I'll bite - name few

>> No.3512243


thanks doc

>> No.3512275

You should at least have heard of Tokimeki Memorial or the Doukyuusei series. Those were the big breakthrough.
Things like Cancan Bunny also did ground work.

>> No.3512351

So "fallout was bad/crpgs were bad" is the new meme around?

>> No.3512358
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>old thread gets deleted
>post again saying the same tired "stop liking what I don't"

>> No.3512362


>Tokimeki Memorial

>Deep and complex.

English can't be your first language.

>> No.3512723
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>> No.3512729
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>> No.3512734

Had the same issue with 2. 1's combat was a pain in the ass on the early levels, but once you are at least good enough to actually hit shit, things get much more fun.

Fighting through the mariposa base was probably the most fun part combat-wise. I will never forget the time when a almost dead super mutant tried to escape through an elevator, but was vaporized by a red forcefield.

>> No.3512749


Why do I like it?

>> No.3512821

Stfu grandad, your first video game was probably one of those peepshow where you have to crank the handle to see naked girls with one hand and beat off with the other. I'm from the Internet and I can plug in a vr helmet with one hand and plug in my automatic dick stroker with other.

>> No.3512832

you are an automatic dick stroker you faggot

>> No.3512878

Who cares?

>> No.3513030

I was inspired by yo daddy hoe, he the king of dick strokin, that's how they made you

>> No.3513267
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There's a lot of grinding towards the end, though.

>> No.3514975

> new
It literally dates from the release of Fallout 1

>> No.3514980

>English can't be your first language.

The Tokimemo games aren't in English so you clearly did not think this insult through.

>> No.3514989

>all the characters talk about their feelings aboard the airship or whatever

This same insult every damn time. As if people having feelings is a bad thing. No wonder all WRPGs are about some big angry muscular "badass" with a gravelly voice who goes around killing and raping everything.

>> No.3514998

>old games are old
What are you doing on this board?

Fallout is popular with casuals now so hipsters obviously have to hate on it.
There's also a crpg revival due to kickstarter, so I guess that's the new thing hipsters can sneer at because it's popular.

Fallout was a surprise hit, critically acclaimed and considered a classic and all-time favourite.
Better luck next time.

>> No.3515027

the only dating sims i've played are the porn ones on newgrounds when i was like 12 or some shit
i enjoyed them

>> No.3515265

>old games are old
What part of my post does criticize your favorite piece of garbage for being old?
Ah I see, you're just so grandiosely asshurt that it makes you imagining things.

>> No.3515268

Yes, unlike Jap games which are about some lithe effeminate metrosexual with 80s hair who goes around non-metaphorically raping everything. Those are so much better, so much more refined. Such art.

>> No.3515274

The Japanese Role Playing Game genre was and will always be shit. We went from shoddy imitations of Ultima, Wizardry, and Might & Magic to cheap hack&slash games.

>> No.3515279

Nigga you didn't even sage this gay shit, what the fuck

>> No.3515290

Ultima, Wizardry and M&M were trash series' that just helped devs in the 90's avoid the stupid shit they did.

>> No.3515301

>What part of my post does criticize your favorite piece of garbage for being old?
>hurr dad jokes
Why don't you just fuck off back to /v/?
We don't need nor want you here.

>> No.3515302

If they were trash JRPGs are somewhere around rancid dogshit.

>> No.3515305

The non-Japanese Role Playing Game genre was and will always be shit. We went from shoddy point-n-click visual novels to kurwas imitation of HBO.

>> No.3515308

/v/ loves fallout though
Chances are you'll have a better thread about CRPGs on /v/ than /vr/ where the majority of people here only play console games

>> No.3515313

The majority of /vr/ seems to be shitposting kids who actually hate old games.
Since /v/ also has better moderation it may actually be the better place to discuss videogames of any kind.

>> No.3515314

people here pretend drawing maps, teleporting into walls or needing food to walk on the world map were good mechanics
it's hilarious

>> No.3515318

How's it related to game's age? Are you retarded or something? New games can be full of dad jokes as well, like that euphoric begstarter shit you mentioned.

>> No.3515324

/vr/ doesn't hate old games per se. They just like arcade platformers and shooters. Basically they have very short attention spans and hate plots and worldbuilding.

Except for some weeaboos who like anything that comes from Japan and gives them their dose of anime waifus. They have massive attention spans, but only for Japanese waifu sims. Also they're kinda dumb.

>> No.3515325

First, I didn't mention it and second, why are you still here? I told you to fuck off.

>> No.3515329
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>dad jokes

>> No.3515330

Do you own this place? Are you a Japanese person?

>> No.3515337

I loved Fallout when I was 12 too.

>> No.3515356

Yes, now that you're 14 you can clearly see the obvious perfection of JRPGs.

>> No.3515617

Freedom of choice in solving problems. You're misidentifying the source of the praise - it wasn't the dialogue trees, but it's rather that you *could* fast-talk your way through an encounter, or pull out your gun and blow through it, or sneak past the guy (although honestly the Sneak skill in those games needed better feedback that they had).

Also, the tree choices in older Black Isle RPGs like Fallout were not clear about which option was the "fast-talk" one unless you actually read it. You had to pay attention to the actual dialogue. Savescumming or replaying the conversation will definitely allow you to brute-force the convo and figure out the "right" options, but it's not like it's immediately clear in the same sense as a lot of modern RPGs, which clearly label "this is the peaceful option", "this is the fight option", "this is the snarky option". In addition, there were often multiple correct options, or some options that resulted in different courses of action.