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3509237 No.3509237 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get more pronounced scanlines out of my KV-20FS120? Pic related, Genesis model 1 with composite output. Pic related

>> No.3509241

Shit. Meant to post this in /crt/

>> No.3509319

Use a sharpie.

>> No.3509478


That's just how the tv is. If you want stronger black lines, get a PVM.

>> No.3509482

Brightness down, contrast up

>> No.3509498


why would you do that?

>> No.3509502

Americans are fucking retarded when it comes to video output.

>> No.3509509

well, it's not totally their fault. americans need to do some actual reading (they aren't taught how to do this) to figure out how to set things up properly, rather than having an rgb plug built in on their televisions.

>> No.3509518 [DELETED] 

Your problem is you're connecting it via composite and not superior RF.

>> No.3509540
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>Your problem is you're connecting it via composite and not superior RF.

>> No.3509679

OP doesn't want to do an Svideo mod and doesn't have an RGB to Component transcoder or an RGB display. It's not the composite that's keeping him from getting scanlines.

>> No.3509693

Composite is objectively the best way to display Megadrive games, since no other system relies so much on dithering effects.

>> No.3509709

>Composite is objectively the best way to display Megadrive games
Mega Drive's composite output is absolute shit-tier and it's not worth the trade-off for a few dithering effects

>> No.3509712

Stop. Composite isn't the best for anything.

>> No.3509715

Except for NES because it's the only way to play the NES with an accurate color palette

>> No.3509729
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>> No.3509737

>it's not worth the trade-off for a few dithering effects
Considering most Megadrive games use dithering intensively then yes it is. It absolutely is. Composite/RF looks blurry yeah, so what? No one played with rgb displays back then so you shold be used to it by now, unless you bought your system recently.

>> No.3509739
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>No one played with rgb displays back then
Are you retarded, kid?

>> No.3509749

>trust me guys I wasn't a RF peasant just like everyone else, I actually bought a RGB cable
Suuure. Being avaible ≠ people using it.

>> No.3509753

Nobody used RF or composite. We all used RGB. Just because Americans were scared of SCART cables doesn't mean we all were.

>> No.3509761

I'm Italian.
>No one used RF here.
Please tell me the name of that magical wonderland.

>> No.3509765

I've had a Genesis since '94 and finally bought composite cables for it last year. RF looks OK with it. RF on the NES is almost identical to composite.

>> No.3509768

Okay. We weren't all poor like you.
Everyone used RGB here in Britain.

>> No.3509775

When are you upgrading to RGB?

>> No.3509786


Never. Composite looks fine, I'm not a cuck.

>> No.3509795

Composite is dog shit. Only retards with no technical knowledge use it.

>> No.3509801
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>Composite is objectively the best way to display Megadrive games, since no other system relies so much on dithering effects.
The PC-88 did, and it only had RGB output (until the very late models). The "dithering is required to be blurred out to work" is a meme that needs to die.
My megadrive came with the official RGB SCART cable that was also sold along with the Master System back then. Not everyone used RGB like >>3509753 pretend, but Sega did design the console with RGB. Some American devs did say that they designed their games with composite in mind, but that doesn't mean the dithering effects won't work in RGB when other platforms relied heavily on this technique and only had RGB output.

>> No.3509837

unfortunately with genesis many devs programmed games assuming players were on composite, so transparencies and even additional colors are not present on rgb.
a slightly blurry picture sucks, but its something you have to deal with if you want to see what the devs intended.

>> No.3509841

Upgrade to a 27 or 32 inch Trini. Eventually you're gonna wanna pick up an RGB scart cord and an RGB to component transcoder. That's basically ideal setup for model 1 Genny on consumer hardware

>> No.3509858

>so transparencies and even additional colors are not present on rgb.
They are. Just because you see the pattern doesn't mean your brain don't interpret it as another gradient. The very same effects were used on RGB-only platforms. The "transparencies and additional colors are not present on RGB" is a meme.

>> No.3509982

>The "transparencies and additional colors are not present on RGB" is a meme.
They are "present" but look like shit. It's a pick your poison situation.

>> No.3510005

You miss out on way too much detail to justify waterfall rainbows.

>> No.3510008

>but look like shit.
They don't, that's just your opinion.

>> No.3510036

And composite/RF looking like shit is yours. I like the blurry look because it reminds me of my childhood.
>waterfall rainbows
Not an issue on pal system.

>> No.3510039

50Hz babbies

>> No.3510042

I didn't say composite looked like shit, I still use composite with my nintendo 64 because it looks acceptable. What i said is that the "dithering is meant to work in composite only" meme is false.

>> No.3510047

You don't. Keep the autism in check and stop worring about scanlines.

>> No.3510052


My Megadrive is the only console that a scart -> s-video converter fails to work with. The output is gray and scewed and a mess.

You guys have any idea? Is it a Megadrive thing in general? Or is mine fucked? Could it be the RGB cable? (It display it perfectly in a SCART socket on the tv)

>> No.3510057
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I dunno man - look at the transparency difference here.

>> No.3510060

>That same pic again
Reposting the same pics over and over won't change the fact that you can still see the background behind the watefall. Yes, the composite version is more transparent because of the extrapolated watefall colors, yes, you can see the waterfall patterns in RGB. But does RGB ruin the wanted effect? Absolutely not, you still have a transparency you wanted.

>> No.3510063


simmer down Autismo. Comes down to personal choice in the end. I, personally, would prefer the neat transparent waterfall over the blurry sonic face at the bottom.

And actually, I don't know what to add: yes it does ruin the effect. The effect on the left looks crap.

>> No.3510068

Is your preference for an effect really more important to you that the overall appearance and colours of the games?

>> No.3510070 [DELETED] 

>say the guy who think the only way to enjoy the game is his

>> No.3510074

>say the guy who think the only way to enjoy the dithering effects is with composite
All I said is that these effects still work on RGB and that they were heavily used on platforms that only output RGB video. You're the one getting all worked up on it. You don't like dithering in RGB? Ok, but don't go parroting that "IT IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED ON COMPOSITE" meme because it's wrong.

>> No.3510082


That's quite a difference.
Any other pics of nice Genesis dithering with composite?

>> No.3510108


>> No.3510186

>since no other system relies so much on dithering effects.

Saturn did.

Hell even the Playstation did.

>> No.3510204

>all this butthurt directed at Americans
You need to go find whoever you're living with and slap the piss out of them because I think they're shitting in your cereal

>> No.3510274

>no other system relies so much on dithering effects.

Playstation has built-in hardware dithering to fake 24bit colour depth on a 15-bit framebuffer.

Saturn has dithered transparencies.

CGA games rely on composite dithering to create new colours.

C64 art relied on dithering to get more/better colours.

>> No.3510310

ITT: The dumbest lurkers from /crt/ try to sound smart by parroting shit that ain't exactly right

The Genesis has one of the strongest composite output of any console. Just look at the image OP posted and you can see that

You're living in the past where cannibalized Playchoice 10 PPUs were the only way to get RGB out of an NES.

RF looked terrible with those switch boxes that have the cable line attached feeding all kinds of noise. These days that people use Phono-to-F adapters and fat phono cables to hook up their RF even it looks quite different than it did "back in the day"

There's no real reason not to use the clearest signal possible then adjust your display (or even your eyes) to blend to your taste on a case-by-case basis

The Genesis doesn't output a Y/c signal without a mod. You're not doing anything wrong it's the console. You can look up how to add an Svideo out but I don't know if there are enough pins on the multi-out to get it into your scart cable.

>> No.3510317

Why in the everliving fuck would you want to produce scanlines?

I dont understand the people on this board. Unless you were the poorest fuck that somehow acquired a crt from the early '80s theres a 2% chance you had scanlines.

No one had scanlines. And developers never tested on or intended their games to look blotchy or scanlined. They made sprite art with pixels, intending for it to be conveyed that way.

Eat my dick /vr/. You guys are whack.

>> No.3510324

>Why in the everliving fuck would you want to produce scanlines?

Because different people have different tastes. Why do you care what someone who isn't you wants to make their games look a particular way?

>> No.3510341
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Because its unrealistic and almost never happened. It majes your video output look like and your limiting your viewing pleasure. You people disgust me.

>> No.3510365
File: 262 KB, 636x500, 149886-Puyo_Puyo_CD_(NTSC-J)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And developers never tested on or intended their games to look blotchy or scanlined
Explain sprites with scanlines in manuals/covers.

>> No.3510368

>Because its unrealistic and almost never happened.

Why does that matter in any way? I just want the game to look the best in my opinion.

>> No.3510376 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 540x405, 1474382945859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Marketing strategy to make the consumer feel relatable to developers, if their poor-fags.

Also it was part of the culture, along with how some commercials and shows at the time had obviously lower budget and had to deal with lower quality recording equipment for video and audio.

>> No.3510380
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1472751417548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you just sound ridiculous. Stop while you're ahead

>> No.3510387

>crt from the early '80s theres a 2% chance you had scanlines
Scanlines are more visible with higher nimber TVL displays though??

>> No.3511415

Run it via RGB.
>It's not the composite that's keeping him from getting scanlines.
Yes it is.
>what the devs intended.

>> No.3511451
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1920, Billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's not. I can hook my NES up via composite to my PVM, kill the bloom and have fat scanlines. It's bloom.

240p has scanlines unless the TV is total shit which only maybe 70% of early 80s TVs are. Even that one macro pic of Zelda 2 Link next to a "pixel perfect" pic of an emulator has visible scanlines. Shadow Mask does make them less distinct though.

>> No.3511462

Never happened? CRTs were going strong up until the early 2000s. Everything had scanlines.