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File: 81 KB, 270x252, MGS1OcelotPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3499097 No.3499097 [Reply] [Original]

So why didn't Ocelot succumb to Foxdie? He was in the same room with Snake for as long as Octopus.

>> No.3499101

Because Metal Gear Solid is an overrated steaming pile of shit that only faggots play.

>> No.3499105

Oh look an idiot

>> No.3499112

Because he's pretty good.

>> No.3499110

Wasn't it explained later?
Because he's a Patriot right? And was secretly working against Liquid AND Solid?

I mean hell they even went out of the way to explain how Big Boss survives Metal Gear 1's killing of him by saying it was Venom Snake it killed.

>> No.3499118

It's not acceptable to say "they fixed it 20 years later". When the game came out it wasn't decided yet he was a Patriot so that's not a legit explanation.

>> No.3499121
File: 126 KB, 375x375, solid-snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketya waitin, huh?

>> No.3499130

The game ends with Ocelot speaking with the President (Solidus). So even if the Patriot story wasn't established yet it was implied that Ocelot was an insider with a bigger role in the Shadow Moses incident.

>> No.3499185

Don't you have an /org/ to go make?

>> No.3499187

Because he was in the arm of a patriot spy

>> No.3499194

The butthurt mod deletes them now because he's a Kojima fanboy.

>> No.3499308

Wasnt foxdie calculated to kill only the gene soldiers on top of a handful of other people and seeing as how ocelot doesnt have any freaky powers he'd be completely ok?

>> No.3499315

Ocelot was a patriot?

>> No.3499323

It only killed three people in the end. It didn't even affect any of the gene soldiers patrolling the place. Why wasn't Meryl affected? Why wasn't Otacon affected while Baker was? Either it's because it's still experimental or it really is just meant to target specific people's DNA.
Also, I'm not sure about this, but wasn't Decoy Octopus actually imitating the DARPA Chief on a genetic level? So it's possible they they wanted to take him out as well, but Ocelot deliberately disposed of him on his own. I'm not sure because Houseman implied that the Pentagon probably didn't want to take out the DARPA Chief.

>> No.3499332

I thought the patriots died 100 years prior to the Big She'll incident?

>> No.3499334

basically what I'm saying is that it was programmed to take out people who have sensitive information on the project, not to simply purge everyone on the base, and Ocelot was in inside job so there's no reason to eliminate him (not yet, at least)

>> No.3499338

in fact they probably wanted to get rid of the Les Enfant Terribles children as well; Snake and Liquid, but Naomi intervened and had Solid Snake spared (maybe)

>> No.3499354

He wasn't, be he was in league with Zero and the CIA for a while. TPP revealed that Zero was a good guy all along, but his system just ended up not really doing much good.
The Patriots are an AI system that Zero proposed. There are no living human members.

>> No.3499454

>Also, I'm not sure about this, but wasn't Decoy Octopus actually imitating the DARPA Chief on a genetic level?
I hope you're trolling, otherwise you really need to pay attention, anon.

Nanomachines target Octopus because he's part of FOXHOUND. They would never kill SIGINT because he was a Patriot, and the only actual person they wanted to come alive out of the whole thing.

As for Ocelot, he's a Patriot spy, why would they want him dead in the first place?

On the note of Snake, this isn't said anywhere, but in my headcanon Naomi programmed FOXDIE to kill him too, she just used Liquid's genetic data as basis for who to target since both Solid and Liquid were supposed to have identical genetic codes somehow, which turned out to be false.

>> No.3499463

>you really need to pay attention, anon.
I'm poor; I can't pay attention.

>> No.3499469

you card you

>> No.3499475

I didn't play anything other than the main ones but I'm pretty sure 4 said the Patriots were all the MGS3 people on Snake's team

>> No.3499489

*created by

>> No.3499523

That's what I always thought too. Not really a plot hole, OP.

>> No.3499603

Jesus fuck you are an idiot. Did you even played MGS1 or you came from /v/ to shitpost?

Even without all that Patriots nonsense it's very clear that
>foxdie was made by the government
>ocelot was working for the president of the united states
Oh gee I wonder why the foxdie wasn't programmed to kill an insider.

>> No.3499617

The idea of the Patriots was so stupid. Metal Gear went downhill after they were introduced. It should have just focused on Snake being a soldier and doing his missions and the issues he faced and struggled with, like being betrayed by his commander and having to fight his friend Gray Fox. Instead it became about global conspiracies and shadow governments. Sometimes simple is simply better.

>> No.3499871

The bigger problem is why did everyone else die of foxdie within a couple of minutes and with Liquid it took literally hours for it to work until it was convenient for the plot.

>> No.3499938

because FoxDIE as a concept was designed by programmers, so the thing functions basically as:

if Host = one of these people


wait LookUpTime(Host)
Kill Host


Do nothing

It was designed that way so that Snake wasn't making everyone drop dead by breathing on them, and also so that Snake wouldn't die until AFTER he should have accomplished the mission, although Naomi set his timer to Random(), which would explain why it didn't eventually kill him through either genetic generation of a random number not working very well or the potential range of kill times being HUGE.

Factor in incubation times, unforeseen immune system complications, and the fact that they were really bad at genetic programming, the whole concept is kind of dumb as a matter of perfectly timed assassination.

But then, this is the same universe where someone makes a convoluted kill switch that involves shape memory alloy at Cold, Normal, and Hot temperatures that also functions as an activation key depending on whether the nuke is armed or not.

>> No.3499954


>> No.3500036 [DELETED] 

>I have good taste
You could've just said that.

>> No.3500038
File: 494 B, 208x256, Lucky Strike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something simpler like good ol Metal Gear 2.

>> No.3500071

Fox Die was meant to target members of Fox Hound. Ocelot however was a double agent, so he was not targeted. US government didn't think Snake would succeed in his mission so they used that as a backup plan.

This is all explained in the game itself.

>> No.3500074

Maybe all his villainous monloguing gave him some level of resistance.

>> No.3500076

Well maybe it was too convoluted to explain itself right.

>> No.3500149

>Liquid needs Snake to succeed with the keys so he can trick him to activating the nuke
>allows Ocelot to torture him but tells him not to kill him
>10 minutes later Liquid boards a copter to blow up Snake

Literally his entire plan is hinging on Snake being alive and then he goes and does stupid things like that, let alone allow the rest of his staff to try to kill Snake the entire game.

>> No.3500239

It was all an elaborate ruse!

>> No.3500365

The shadier, conspiratorial elements were present in the series since MG2, though, what with NATO's response to Outer Heaven (complete cover up and destruction). MGS1 continues this by revealing that the protagonist and antagonist are in fact the result of secret government research and the entire situation in the game has been manipulated by Ocelot and the President--who's also, as it turns, a clone of Big Boss too.

The Patriots were a lot more exaggerated, but those elements were pretty much always present. The Patriots were just more of the kind of manipulation that's been present in the series since Big Boss being a cunt in MG1.

>> No.3500541

Because Snake didn't bring his ruler.

>> No.3500547

Because furries don't succumb to each other. They have orgies instead.

>> No.3500952

Wasn't FOXDIE a virus programmed to kill targets by their DNA? I know it was said that Snake's mission was complete the moment he stepped foot into Shadow Moses being a carrier of it. It would make sense if Ocelot was a double agent, it wouldn't target him.

>> No.3502006

It's always nanomachines.

>> No.3502546

>but wasn't Decoy Octopus actually imitating the DARPA Chief on a genetic level?
In the game, the secretary of Defence says Anderson was his friend, so he probably wouldn't have targeted him with FOXDIE, but he could have been lying.
They wouldn't have mentioned Octopus' dedication to deception being so thorough as take his victim's blood if at some point during writing/development it wasn't their intention for Octopus to be killed by that contrivance, but ultimately they decided against it.

>she just used Liquid's genetic data as basis for who to target since both Solid and Liquid were supposed to have identical genetic codes somehow, which turned out to be false.
In my headcannon she had access to Big Boss' DNA from her work with the Genome Army. Solid Snake's material is out of her hands, but Liquid is under the impression Solid got all the good dominant genes while he got left with the recessive ones, so she can use that info along with BB's DNA to program FOXDIE against Solid. Because the reverse turns out to be true, Liquid snuffs it instead.

>> No.3502550

It still killed President Baker, who wasn't a member of Foxhound, but didn't kill Otacon, who worked for Baker's company.

>> No.3502558

No, he was killed by a heart attack induced by Psycho Mantis.

>> No.3502565

Where did it say that? I don't know man, he managed to get a lot a words out about the Pentagon before he died.

>> No.3502571

i got the most out of the games backdrop when it was always a cautionary tale on nuclear warfare, and the implication how balance of power could change globe.

MG1- non ICBM nuclear strike capabilities

MGS1- non-rocket propelled missle mounted nuclear strike

as soon as it started delving into information warfare crossing over, it just got .... irritating..

>> No.3502629

That's just what I remember them saying about him and DARPA chief. Then again, I've only played Twin Snakes version.

>> No.3502789

I love these threads, it's so easy to spot the retarded babies from the actual adults.

I wish I could ban all the retarded babies from /vr/. It'd be so easy. The average post here would jump dramatically in quality.

>> No.3502859

Maybe you're too autistic to pay attention to exposition when it's given to you for free. You're like one of those drones who go to the movies, can't put their phone down for longer than 2 minutes and come out of the theater whining about how they didn't understand the plot.

>> No.3502868

Liquid is the emotional type. There were several points in the game where he let his pent-up anger get to him, that's why he acted so irrationally and stupidly at times. Let's not forget how he goes on and on about hating his very own existence, having an inferiority complex and, Snake having killed Big Boss, he has no choice but to feel like his only choice is to kill Snake, even though he needs him for everything to work out.

Yes, Liquid was stupid, but there's valid reasoning behind that stupidity.

>> No.3502891

he had the vaccine

>> No.3503131

>he had the vaccine
way to go tim

>> No.3503160

You are aware that people write out entire story lines or at least visualize them before releasing one part of them right?

>> No.3503231

Liquid probably preferred to kill Snake but he just went along with Mantis's plan a backup in case they couldn't kill him and it would lead to a good outcome.

Basically, we kill Snake but if that doesn't work he'll activate the nukes anyway and we'll just run off with them/rebuild Outer Heaven.

It was fortunate for Liquid that his band of merry mercenaries all had death wishes and were okay with being killed by Snake or in the case of Raven having a "glorious" battle.

>> No.3503540

Pretty sure he didn't. He knew too much about Rex and they sent a contagious Snake in to take him out too. As he's dying he realizes what's going on and how he was infected and how the government turned on him.

>> No.3503657

Not always. I don't think Kojima did, that's for sure. After every game he kept saying he wanted to quit, and after saying it with MGS3 he got enough death threats he came back to do 4, which was supposedly the final one to wrap the series up but then came back again to do V and had to whip up some more convoluted BS since there was really nothing else left to tell.