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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 72 KB, 250x359, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_1_Genesis_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3479715 No.3479715 [Reply] [Original]

I remember playing the OG sonic and sonic 2 back in the day and I thought they were trash.
The levels were boring, the gameplay was repetitive and the sound garbage.
But I chalked it up to being young.

Recently though I tried playing Sonic CD (which everyone says is the best ever) and also thought it was shit. So I tried the OG trilogy again.
And they are all garbage.

It almost feels like religion at this point. Everyone and their brother thinks one thing and I feel like I'm the crazy one for not thinking the same thing.
Like I'm the only one who can see the super obvious flaws in these games.

And I'm not even talking about compared to Mario, I mean just on their own.
I'm not saying they are TERRIBLE games. Obviously they're not. But they're not good games and they sure don't deserve the praise heaped upon them.

>> No.3479727

Platformers have always been bad. All of them. 100%.

>> No.3479730
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>> No.3479738

Never liked them much either. The level designs are cluttered and the springs that block your path are stupid. Adventures and Sonic Generations are pretty much the only Sonic games I've enjoyed.

>> No.3479745

> Adventures and Sonic Generations

Spotted the casual.

>> No.3479751

yeah doom is so much more epic anywayz

>> No.3479773

Sonic the hedgehog is amazing.
Love how this series is over analysed every week while others aren't.

>> No.3479818

You must come from the other dimension where Sonic is bad.
For real though, maybe try using a proper set-up and not emulation.
CRTV with model 1 sega genesis, using stereo out from headphones for audio.

Sonic has great music, sound fx, looks good, good lvl layout and responsive controls. What more do you want?

>> No.3480008

oh boy it's this this thread again

prepare for 200 replies, shitposing and bickering

they're actually well acclaimed games so most people would say they are good but you're allowed to have you own opinion OP

>> No.3480023
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wat up IGN?

>> No.3480027

Those are literally the worst Sonic games next to '06. I sincerely hope you're baiting.

>> No.3480032

Shhhh dont tell them that Sega and the guys on DKC were outpacing Mario by a country mile in the early 90s

>> No.3480043

Sega was doing this:

When Nintendo was doing this:

Your move Nintendo.

>> No.3480049


Sonic 2 is from 1992 and SMW is from 1990.
Even Sonic 1 came out after SMW.

>> No.3480061


Sonic 1 is still loaded with tracks that destroy the baby sounds of SMW. What a step back from both Sonic and SMB 1-3

>> No.3480064


I like both soundtracks for different reasons. SMW is a timeless classic, only tryhard edgelords can hate such a game and OST.

Masato Nakamura is my hero, a shame he only worked on 1 and 2.

>> No.3480072

We got Michael Jackson for S3&K *allegedly*

>> No.3480075


Hydrocity is one of my favorite tracks, but overall I prefer Nakamura's works.

>> No.3480126

A roller coaster platformer with pinball mechanics makes Sonic unique. Part of what made Sega "Sega" was flashy arcade games which you didn't want to take your eyes off of. I consider myself somewhat of a platformer aficionado, and this series deserves its place among the classics.

>> No.3480134

>Sonic CD (which everyone says is the best ever)

Wrong. That's the worst of all of them, not counting KC.

>> No.3480150

The first Sonic was pretty fun. Didnt play the second one much.

>> No.3480157

Not baiting at all. What was so bad about Generations. SA has its problems I'll admit but I still find it charming.

>> No.3480180

Did you play Sonic 3 at all?

>> No.3480196

I grew up on NES, then Genesis, so I had Sonic 1 through S&K

Finally got around to playing Sonic CD through Steam, not super impressed myself. Maybe it would have been better if I had the nostalgia factor for it.

>> No.3480213

>and the springs that block your path are stupid

Get good noob

>> No.3480292

They're enjoyable, but I agree that they can be really repetitive. Not repetitive as games alone, but as a franchise. Every single Sonic platforming game feels exactly the same. It's no wonder the novelty eventually wore off. But it's not like Sega didn't try to innovate. Their several consecutive attempts of translating their franchise to other genres all failed miserably. It simply didn't work out of its own territory because there simply isn't much to it. If Sonic wasn't Sega's mascot everyone would be talking about him as much as they do with Alex Kidd.

>> No.3480319



It got 80-90% scores across the board dingus, you're probably thinking of Sonic Boom.

>> No.3480320

I enjoyed the exploration in the Sonic games. Although it emphasizes on speed, there's tons of spots to check out and different ways to go about the level.

>> No.3480329


It's not alleged anymore, it's 100% confirmed it's all his music in Sonic 3. Sonic and Knuckles he had nothing to do with though, he pulled out before SEGA got to that half of the game.

>> No.3480338


>the springs that block your path are stupid

They don't "block your path" unless "your path" is running in a straight fucking line the whole level, which isn't what a platformer is.

>> No.3480351

It's good that everybody is entitled to their own opinions.

I personally find Yoshi's Island one of the most boring games ever made.

>> No.3480356

they're good games, but even by their time they were 7/10, maybe 8/10 at best (minus sonic 3&k)

sonic 1 was a decent start for the series, but it's too simplistic (even by 1991). sonic 2 is overrated as fuck, less primitive and repetitive than the first, but it has quite a few boring stages and it's special stages are unplayable with sonic+tails

sonic cd has some seriously convoluted level design, wacky workbench is a mess. sonic cd is definitely worse than the first two.

sonic 3&k (as a single game) is actually excellent, one of the best platformers of the 16-bit era

>> No.3480605
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x720, sawnic the hedge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, you must forgive me for this. I come from a world were people have sensible arguments. All I seem to be getting out of this is

>The game is repetitive and my manchild ears can't handle the sounds

Do they reuse concepts and assets. Yes. So does literally every other platformer. The games do indeed have flaws. Very glaring ones. In fact a lot of people never actually talk about the REAL flaws to these games. But they are very solid and very well made games. Rough around the edges and a bit archaic, but when you know what they're about and understand what to do, they become some of the most thrilling experiences every conceived.

Learning how to use Sonic's abilities and the momentum to blaze through levels. Finding all of the secret and fast routes to carve out optimal paths. Being rewarded for using the game's mechanics to your advantage. It's all of these combined with exceptional graphics, music, and expertly crafted design that makes it unmatched by anything else. It's not the best game ever, and it probably never will be, but they are undoubtedly fantastic games...well..maybe not Sonic 1. That one is pretty meh.

>> No.3480615

So because some hack journalist said they were alright that means it's true. If anything it's a decently made game, which is all you can really hope for with modern Sonic.

>> No.3480640

>The pipes in Mario that block your path are stupid
>The walls in Mega Man that block your path are stupid
>The doors in Zelda that block your path are stupid
>The rivals in pokemon that block your path are stupid

I could go on for hours

>> No.3480750

Sonic 1 was innovative, influential and absolutely mind blowing back in the day. Sonic 2 was a little lame. Anyway by claiming that sonic 1 was trash you out yourself as hipster noob who recently has gotten into "retro gaming" or a die hard nintendo fanboy.

>> No.3480752

Was /vr/ ever good?

>> No.3480775

No, ruuuuuuuuun....

>> No.3480776
File: 384 KB, 1061x750, 1472116172607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I initially hated Sonic CD when I first played it back on the old original PC release.

I have, in the past month, played it a total of 8 times across the two(old and taxman) versions on different platforms. The only glaring problems I can find now is Wacky Workbench is an outright mess to play and the bosses all lack a certain likability that the genesis trilogy bosses have(4 hits for the final boss? Seriously?). As for the good things I think the exploration centered gameplay for going for the past routes and destroying the enemy generators make for a great showcase of the physics you're dealing with when playing classic Sonic. When you actually explore the levels you come out of it appreciating it a lot more. I think I initially hated it because I went in assuming it to be another Sonic 2 or 3&K full of a ton of fast sliding spectacle and played it just as I did the others just trying to rush to the ending of each stage and would come out frustrated when levels like Collision Chaos didn't sate that excitement. One thing that I don't think is an outright problem, but is a nitpick on my end is if you go for the time stones you don't really have a need to explore anymore after Quartz Quadrant Act 1 so I think the game would be better off without them honestly.
I have replayed Sonic 1 and 2 as well over the past month and while I won't get too in depth here I think Sonic 1 is VERY bare bones and doesn't have a lot of things worth revisiting it for. Green Hill is a great starting level, but Emerald Hill in 2 does everything it does better. Better layout, better music, better aesthetics. Even going for the chaos emeralds makes for another great study in exploration like CD, but unfortunately that falls short later in the game since some of the stages are built with no way to back track and put a heavy emphasis on the speed angle. Granted both the good ending in CD and the Emeralds in 2 are completely optional so it all depends on what you value.

>> No.3480781

I'd love to hear why you think 2 is lame in comparison though. In fact OP didn't even give any reasons for disliking the originals outside of boring(subjective), repetitive(it's a platformer), and "the sound garbage"(? Sonic has some of the best music out of most long running franchises)

>> No.3480832

To each their own. I'm not a fan of the pinball stuff in Sonic. Never thought it was fun.

>> No.3480852
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, gotta catch em all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3480923

Literally one stage in every game is a pinball level, and each generally does something completely different with the setup. if you mean the physics, then that's understandable, they aren't for everyone, but they definitely aren't bad. They were exceptionally implemented and programmed. They're probably the best thing about those games, as they're what allows the level design to be so massive and sloping.

>> No.3481331

Not a Sanicfag, but I never got the "repetitive" argument. Literally all core games within any given popular franchise are the same thing, bar some tweaks here and there. Every Mario game is the same as the one that came before it, every Crash game, every Sanic game, every Pokeymans game, every RE game and so on and so forth. But they're fun, and that's what matters. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That said, I still replay the first three Sanics every now and then. They're shitty platformers, but I like them.

>> No.3481341
File: 63 KB, 400x366, Ow_the_edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console wars

>> No.3481342


Welcome to /vr/, the board for middle-aged men who are very frustrated because their parents didn't buy them both consoles when they were kids and are now sad lonely fucks.

>> No.3481371



>> No.3481380
File: 511 KB, 1200x1200, 1393111767693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a 32 year old fag lucky enough to have been there during the Golden Age, this doesn't make any sense to me either. I was a Nintendrone and my best bud was a Segafag, and we both enjoyed the other one's vidya. Schoolday afternoons was the best thing ever.

>captcha was bicycles
Take me back. ;_____;

>> No.3481384

this thread again?

>> No.3482132

Yep. Funny how faggots call the Sonic Series repetitive then come to /vr/ to shitpost about it again and again and again. Almost like if something is fun then you can ignore the repetitive nature...