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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 142 KB, 370x269, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3474321 No.3474321 [Reply] [Original]

Someone says to you "my favorite game of all time is Ocarina of Time."

How do you respond?

>> No.3474326
File: 660 KB, 1275x1732, OOTconcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the person, but if it's someone I get along with I probably talk about Zelda and video games in general with them, OOT is a great game.

>> No.3474331


"It's good but Majora's Mask is better."

>> No.3474335


>> No.3474337

Ditto on the Majora thing.

>> No.3474338

Tell them they're pronouncing Ocarina wrong, even if they aren't, giving some legit-sounding, bullshit etymology.

>> No.3474339

This fucking thread AGAIN?

>> No.3474340

"Okay nice."

>> No.3474358

I say "Cool."

>> No.3474383

You ever play the BS Legend of Zeldas? It's like a sequel to El Tee Tee Pee but you play as this rad little kid with a backwards hat that's too cool for school, instead of a faggot like Link.

>> No.3474385

Ocarina of Time is the one true "BS" Zelda

>> No.3474390

The 3DS version is better, because of the frame rate.

>> No.3474391

But it wasn't a broadcast on the Satellaview.

>> No.3474393

I think he must have meant BullShit Zelda.

>> No.3474410
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congratulate them on their patrician taste

>> No.3474457


>> No.3474524


>> No.3474540

"Whatever. I prefer 2D Zelda games."

>> No.3474563

I usually just tell them I hate videogames and don't want to EVER talk about them. Because you fucking know that an OoT fag has a huge ass boner over OoT, the fact that they play it, the fact that it exists, the "fact" that's it's "literally the bestest thing EVER!!!!!" and lots of other shit. And any and all vidya conversations will always come back around to OoT. No matter if you're trying to talk about fighting games, racing games, golf games, and ESPECIALLY if you mention Sony, That'll set them off, and the retarded, OCD addled OoT rant will go on for fucking days...

And that's not saying that I haveanything against the game. I just find that it's fans are worse than Sonicfags and retards who play Pokemon Go combined.

>> No.3474568

tell em i never liked it and prefer the gameboy ones

>> No.3474578

And the boots fix

>> No.3474584

Welcome back to Did U No gaming with your host nasally voice twink. Did you know the sinking of the Lusitania was an inside job? U-Boat fuel can't melt steel beams.

>> No.3474628


Jimmy, just because someone says that their fav game of all time is OOT, doesn't mean they're automatically console warrior false-flaggers from /v/. Calm down and don't come back to this board until you turn 18 (mentally).

>> No.3474661

That's great, what about OOT makes it your favorite? I have many great memories of the game.

>> No.3474691


would be the most common answer if this board is any guide

>> No.3474703
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Tfw /v/ mods banned me for making a LOL thread before the annual Ocarina of Time jumbo thread so I could only sit and watch.


>> No.3474731

I don't like Ocarina Of Time.
I prefer 2D Zelda. And Metroid.

>> No.3474774

I think it's really bland, I've always preferred Majora's Mask.

>> No.3474901

>tfw was an edgy fuck like you faggots at one point
>friend literally says this
>i say its shit because its easy
>immediately turn around and recommend he play spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom
>then went home and played it again and loved it

>> No.3474906

>he unironically uses the adjective "bland" IRL

>> No.3474921
File: 30 KB, 831x639, cat mongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you hate on Ocarina of Time?

Are you trying to be contrarian for the hell of it?

>> No.3474937

"Are you gay?"
"Like, Gay for Elves and fairies?"
"is it cause you liked it as a kid, but too blinded by nostalgia to realize its not a good game and not even the best zelda game?"

>> No.3474939

>not a good game

dont cut yourself with that edge

>> No.3474947

that or they didn't have it as kids so they're still butthurt (/vr/ is very poor and n64 was a rich kid's console)

>> No.3474998

I'd politely ask them to play Oracle of Seasons next.

>> No.3475010

>"Are you gay?"
>"Like, Gay for Elves and fairies?"
>"Of course, why do you think I play Zelda games :◄)"

>> No.3475215


I would say:

I never had an N64, but I played it.
(I had a Playstation and was kind of jealous, because i also wanted to play those nintendo games.)
Well, Metal Gear Solid was pretty awesome.

I'm totally ok with liking Ocarina of Time. It's a beautifully crafted game.

>> No.3475294

I'd throw a fit.

>> No.3475298

Twilight Princess was a straight upgrade.
Fuck the cube version, I mean the Wii.

>> No.3475302

You're kidding, right?

>> No.3475307

"I can understand that. It's pretty good."

>> No.3475309

Congratulate them on having great taste.

>> No.3475315


"That is an acceptable but boring choice"

>> No.3475325
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More or less this.

There's so many video games, man. It'd be a little disappointing to hear ocarina of time of all things.

>> No.3475339

Great taste, don't mind the salty ps1 fags.

>> No.3475340

There are no upgrades, when every game tells a different story. Yes they may have similarities, especially with Zelda. But you talk about it, like if it's a hardware upgrade.

>> No.3475349

When I think about it. Can you actually choose a favorite game?
You can not choose to like something. If it's your favorite game it's your favorite game.
If you would "choose" anything else, but your favorite game, then you would be lying.

>> No.3475352

I honestly feel like I'm the only person that didn't feel like this game was some life changing experience or anything.
I beat it in like a month, watched the credits, thought about it for 5 minutes, then never played or thought about it again.

I know I'll just be disregarded as a contrarian idiot but my 10 year old self wasn't that impressed.

>> No.3475357

>I honestly feel like I'm the only person that didn't feel like this game was some life changing experience or anything.
That's okay. It's how I feel for a lot of games honestly. Is there anything else that you think truly fits the bill though.

>> No.3475396
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Mine is Links Awakening

>> No.3475771
File: 59 KB, 800x600, 39915-Legend_of_Zelda,_The_-_Ocarina_of_Time_(USA)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ocaria is like a Journey radio hit.

It just.. sets out to be so epic.. .and succeeds... so generically

>> No.3475853

Great game for its time. Did you have a gold cartridge?

>> No.3475890

This, its still a hit and fun to play every once in a while, but not a game I would want to play a lot. it has always confused me why the speedrunning community is obsessed with it. must just be the rampant autism among speedrunners

>> No.3476026

Never played it

"Whaaaat woah are you serious?!!"

Yea I know

"Oh you must be one of those people that doesn't like what everyone else likes"

Nah I've just really never had the chance to play it.

>> No.3476029

That's great. I like it too!

>> No.3476060

"Is that a video game? I don't play video games."

Video games are like porn. You do not discuss it in public.

>> No.3476086

"That's cool. I like Zelda games a lot and it was a totally revolutionary game. My favorite in the series is LTTP."

Because I'm not on the spectrum unlike most of the people here.

>> No.3476109

Kill them and then myself.

>> No.3476197
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>> No.3476337
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>> No.3476347

Majora's Mask is some serious lazy shit.

>> No.3476373

> I don't like slideshows

>> No.3476534
File: 70 KB, 157x199, croc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ocarina of Time is one of the most unenjoyable games I've ever played. Not even overrated-wise, it's just so bad. Ugly vomit graphics, forgettable "atmospheric" music, dipshit puzzles, and auto-target combat. Just horrible.

>> No.3476593

"Oh, you're one of those people"

>> No.3476621
File: 2.54 MB, 200x150, hu24pVm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like Ocarina of Time

>> No.3476627

>auto-target combat

How is that supposed to be a bad thing, especially considering the fact that OoT was the first 3D Zelda and Nintendo wanted a system that wasn't too complicated but was still do-able on a N64?

>> No.3476632


Not to mention you aren't required to use the Z-target to fight, and also that modern games like Souls games still use the same system even 2 decades later.

>> No.3476642

>You only like it because of nostalgia. "This" other game (insert my favorite game here, that is slightly younger and is from an entirely different genre) is literally 10000 times better than that piece of overrated hipster thrash made for casual babies.

>> No.3476702


I say: "My favorite 3D Zelda game of all times is Wind Waker."

>> No.3476725
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone says to you "my favorite game of all time is Ocarina of Time."
>How do you respond?

Take a wild guess.

>> No.3478095

Pretty good taste.

>> No.3479297


>> No.3479436 [DELETED] 

Probably tell them that is a boring choice, as well as an extremely overrated game. Tell them that Majora's Mask is the best 3D Zelda and that not even that is the best game of all time.

And in my head I'm thinking about how much of a casual/pleb they are.

>> No.3481229

I'd likely say, "I really like Link's Awakening, myself, although my all-time favorite is Minish Cap. I think it's very cool to remember that every Zelda game was likely someone's first Zelda game (as it was with my personal favorite), but from that point, they can easily play and appreciate other games in the franchise because most play similarly.

...Oh, and my favorite game of all time is Paper Mario, the Thousand Year Door."

>> No.3481246

thats what you get for starting that thread without anything new to contribute.

>> No.3481262

My favorite game is dwarf fortress

>> No.3481263


Wasn't that a meme game /v/ pretended to like 10 years ago?
Pretty sure either way it's not /vr/

>> No.3481301

Seriously, people who praise Zelda always sound like it's their first game. Like before it, they only played movie tie-ins, Uniracers and Mortal Kombat. So then they claim they had fucking dreams about Zelda. Makes you think, doesn't it.

> The lore
Are you kidding me? It's The Sword in the Stone + average RPG setting with an unmistakable Zelda hint of Saturday-morning cartoons. Flat, quirky and childish characters, is that what you call great lore? It's just disgustingly bland, with all its ugly cartoon characters, pointless dialogue, silly NPC interaction like "hue hue hue, I'll give you a feather if you give me five rocks", etc, etc, etc. The silent main character has no personality or even decent story too.

Creatures from Zelda are unchangeably bland, they never even distantly approach Dragon Quest or even Mario. Zelda seriously has very half-assed story and lore, which usually goes like "there were 3 goddesses, they created 6 artifacts, gave them to 9 races, hidden in 27 pieces in 54 temples over 108 secret locations, and only with them we can SAVE HYRULE".

The lore was never a strong point of Zelda, and stop pretending it was. People like it because it was in Zelda, and Zelda sold millions of copies in America. So no critic wants to rustle people's jimmies and tell them like it is: that Zelda lore is complete recycled trash that only a marketing giant like Nintendo could get away with; or otherwise they'd get flooded with angry letters from overweight sperg menchildren.

> the feels
> the immersion
See: the lore. Zelda doesn't make me feel at all. With all those flat, cliche characters, I'd feel nothing regardless if Hyrule would drown in blood or be saved from great danger. Oh but damsel in distress, how original! Doesn't this alone immerse you right in?

> The music
I'd never in a thousand years listen to Zelda soundtrack. The tunes are catchy, but c'mon—it's not anywhere close to Super Mario RPG, Megaman, Sonic, Streets of Rage, Metroid even.

>> No.3481304


I hope that's pasta, otherwise good job on wasting time being a fedora.

>> No.3481314

>Zelda sux because the story sux
Retard detected.

>> No.3481319

Your complaints about the lore are something that pretty much applies to most if not all video game franchises in general. Video games were never known for good storytelling; always reliant on plot points or cliches "borrowed" from the latest popular cartoon/animu/novel all the while with their own legion of bland characters who later on spout out such important messages as "Teh Powa uf Fweindshippe™".
Zelda isn't any better in this department yes, but at least it's more of something in the lines of a traditional western-inspired hero's journey fantasy story (as you've said) and therefore doesn't hammer you much with all the BS I've described above (at least for the old games and even a few of the new ones).

>> No.3481391

faggots being faggots unironically, how cute

>> No.3481413

I sort of agree, but while a Journey hit may be popular for it's vocals and melody, can one not consider it a masterpiece for it's drumming and guitar riffs? OoT really set the tone for modern Zelda games. It seems to really succeed at style and branding. This feel that, around every corner, under every rock, there exists the possibility for something magical, is what I will always remember about OoT. This was also a time where LoZ first started flirting with the adult, tragedy themes we would later find in Majora's Mask. For example, Malon at Lon Lon Ranch who grows up with without a mother (she likely died long before OoT, but Malon sings the song she composed), her father has essentially "checked out" of life and sleeps all day. Returning to her as adult Link, you find that she is working for a new owner of the ranch (after her father lost possession of it) out of fear that this new owner will mistreat the animals. This is a very mature storyline, and it seems to be at a specific spot where modern LoZ games aim to be: on the precipice of great joy and possibility and magic, but a single step from despair and tragedy.

I don't play LoZ for the dungeons, but for these storylines.

>> No.3481437

>Oh, and my favorite game of all time is Paper Mario, the Thousand Year Door
Oh shit, I don't remember posting in this thread.

>> No.3481438

I take a deep breath and begin to charge my Ki. This will take all my energy to prove this ignorant fool wrong. When my lungs have reached full capacity, I begin still exhale in a low tone in order to start increasing my power level. My mom rolls her eyes, knowing the world of hurt I'm about to unleash on this poor kid. My low moan begins to ascend as I bring the power of the five elements together in to my body. At this point the little kid is quacking in his boots, but though shigeru miyamoto may forgive him, I will not. As my voice reaches it's height, my power is maximum. I begin swinging my arms in mighty circles to maximize the centrifugal force of my punches. As I wail on the ignorant fool, tears well up in my eyes. Not of pain, but of pity for the lesson this poor youth must learn at my hands. When it is done, I compose myself and look at the wreck of the thing that used to be human lying on the ground. I turn to walk away, only to take a glance back and quip, "nothing personal, kid, but with an opinion like that, you got off easy."

>> No.3481457

While I wouldn't say Zelda has fantastic storylines or characters, there is something satisfying about its presentation of these elements. Like with Malon, you are able to read into the characters a bit more because of their detatched relationship with Link, and more interconnected relationships with each other.

Majora's Mask certainly has the most interesting interwoven elements, but many of the other games do a great job of pulling this concept off. The characters in Twilight Princess are all rather interesting, as are those in the Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.

Zelda doesn't have many remarkable elements (except in the rare instances when it does, like the Sand Sea), but its the series solid consistency and execution that make it an easy choice for someone's "favorite".

>> No.3481549

Is English your second language, or are you retarded?

Working around the clock for a year to the point where you're having nightmares about Dekus, to make arguably the most creative and well designed Zelda game is not "lazy."

>> No.3481552

>Working around the clock for a year to the point where you're having nightmares about Dekus, to make arguably the most creative and well designed Zelda game is not "lazy."

No, it means it was a waste of time.

>> No.3481561
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>> No.3481681

>a waste of time.
We've must've came from parallel universes then because the MM I've played was far from that. Not better than OoT in most of its aspects yes, but still something worthwhile to play on its own and time well spent for the dev team.

>> No.3481705


>> No.3481706

Lol majoras mask is a hipster pos for fags lacking friends

>> No.3481707
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>I don't play LoZ for the dungeons, but for these storylines.
> LoZ
> for storylines

Dude, just watch movies or read books. Or manga/anime at least. Vidya's depiction of human emotions is hilariously shallow. You get 30+ hours game with maybe 2–3 barely developed characters that deserve any attention, and you play it for story? You seriously expect to learn something new from a big budget AAA game?

>> No.3481750
File: 444 KB, 504x740, 1472159230879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working around the clock for a year to the point where you're having nightmares about Dekus
I didn't know you could reach so deep down your ass. As expected from menchildren who seriously think Zelda is a great game.

I agree almost completely, but I referred to the post which praised "The feels. The lore. The gameplay. The music. The immersion. The pain of finishing it....". Seriously, it's like the dude made a family in the game. To see this in Zelda game, one has to be naive and autistic to the point of mental disorder, with 4 imaginary friends and a small tea house for them. It's scary even; I seriously wonder if the guy ever read a book or was exposed to any media before at all. It's like the sheer wonder of a fictional story, a life that exists in his imagination, just blows his mind completely.

I am all for people enjoying this game. If they enjoy it, I have no problem with that; I just don't care. Just stop enforcing it on others.

I actually agree that gameplay-wise, OoT is ok. The dungeons are great and were converted to 3D pretty well. The combat is actually fucking amazing, especially compared to LttP. I'd like it much more though if it was one big dungeon, with no shit in between. So, a mix between Zelda and Metroid. Zeldoid, basically.

But the fucking towns. The fucking retarded kokiri and the rest. The pretense of plot/character relationships… It's shoved on you from all sides. The most disgusting aspect of Zelda is exactly that: how it pushes its "world" on you from all directions.

That's the problem: I think to an extent, it's one of the first movie games, the cancer that has made the current vidya what they are. OoT is part dungeons, part CGI cartoon with painfully bland gameplay that is there to fill a checkbox. There are good movie games, like Resident Evil. And there disgusting ones, like Zelda: OoT.

>> No.3481760

With OoT and Majora's Mask, it's more like when you get asked: "Biggie or 2Pac", but you honestly think both of them were hacks and were more hype than music.

>> No.3481781

This term is so fucking retarded. Who came up with it because I'm pretty damn sure it didn't exist until recently.

>> No.3481802


>> No.3481810

That might literally be the most disgusting human being I've ever seen.

>> No.3481813


I agree, fedoras who pretend not to like OOT are sub-human scum.

>> No.3481815

"I wouldn't know. Never played past the first woods where you get lost in."

>> No.3481829

Make negative projections about that person to validate myself as a TRUE retro gamer and further cement myself as a piece of shit who no one likes.

>> No.3481834


Too real.

>> No.3481835

Too edgy.

>> No.3482664

>it has always confused me why the speedrunning community is obsessed with it

it has a lot of things about it that make it fun as a game to speed run.

for one, it can be beaten extremely fast using glitches.

it has so many glitches that it can be beaten in almost an arbitrarily determined order, so you can invent 9001 different categories and limitations in order to set goals.

and finally, even in no WW/RBA categories, it has extremely technical movement that still provides a challenge.

basically, it's simply well documented and provides diverse challenges for different types of runners.

its a game that is to speed running what fruit flies are to genetics research -- a model game.

>> No.3482667

Me too, my favorite is The Minish Cap

>> No.3482673

But anon link's awakening was the Pinnacle Of 2d zelda games

>> No.3482726

The greatest adventure game.
I mean my favorite is the greatest RPG, Chrono Trigger.
Not everyone needs a special snowflake favorite game like Braid or some shit.