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File: 182 KB, 856x800, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3461484 No.3461484 [Reply] [Original]

Say 1 positive thing about Final Fantasy 8 without lying.

>> No.3461487
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>> No.3461489

The garden things at the beginning are comfy as fuck

>> No.3461491

I like this song.


>> No.3461497

It isn't bad. Only retards who don't know how to play the game hate it.

>> No.3461498

squall is qter than cloud and zidane

>> No.3461505

It has some good music.
Renzokuken was cool.

>> No.3461506

You can disable random battles quite early in and still complete the game.

>> No.3461507

I can name two.

The first disc is probably one of the best paced and engaging sections in a Final Fantasy game.

It's a creative game and I really wish the mechanics in it worked better since it either goes between too hard when you don't understand or piss easy when you do.

No real good middle ground.

>> No.3461512
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It wasn't really that bad. Just the story was shit. I liked the characters and the garden stuff.

First discs in FF are always good. Second disk is when everything gets retarded tbqh.

>> No.3461515

There's never any need to grind and the metagame outside of battle was fun

The card game was fun

Quistis is a qt

>> No.3461523

>he doesn't know that squall died and disc 2-4 are a feverish fantasy expressing his lingering doubts and insecurities and regrets as he bleeds to death on the cold pavement

>> No.3461531

FF8 shat the bed harder than any other game in the franchise did in that regard. Disc 2 in FF8 is where everything gets so fucking stupid and out there that people try to justify it with shitty fan theories like this guy did: >>3461523

>> No.3461543

it ain't a theory m8, they made squall a chuunibyou on purpose

he's a kid who dies before he ever manages to grow up

Going to space? Monsters come from the moon? that Jabba the Hut fucker underneath the garden? Talking Lions? it's all just shit coming out of his subconscious as he struggles to accept his own death

even Rinoa is after Seifer's dick through the entire first disc and just tries to use Squall to get Seifer's attention, she completely changes from disc 2 onward because it's not her anymore, it's just Squall using her as an actor in his dying dream having never really found love before

>> No.3461572

To this day, not matter how else I feel about the game, I will always have enjoyed the SeeD exam mission where you storm the beach and go into the town. If only *half* the rest of the game had had awesome shit like that, I'd have been satisfied.

>> No.3461581

It further reinforces my theory of "there's no such thing as a bad train level in video games." Indeed the train heist section is one of the most riveting in the game, with one of my favorite tunes in the soundtrack to go with it.


>> No.3461606

>"there's no such thing as a bad train level in video games."
>what is back to the future III
>what is Outlaws

>> No.3461617


Despite how much sense that theory makes I've played enough Final Fantasy games to know that the people behind them are not clever enough to intentionally make that kind of story.

The plot is genuinely that dumb.

>> No.3461620

shit m8 I bet you believe the holocaust really happened too

>> No.3461627

Well, exceptions to when the whole game is bad.

>> No.3461637

game is fun until it devolves into "you was destined to fight the sorceress" and some bullshit time travel shenanigans

>> No.3461650

I honestly love the game, plot and all. Only downside was level rounding and the fact that if you miss drawing that one GF, you can't freakin' get past the T-Rexaur.

This is a pretty neat way of looking at it, but I can't accept it as cold-hard truth.

>> No.3461662

>This is a pretty neat way of looking at it, but I can't accept it as cold-hard truth.
>the game is literally called "Final Fantasy"

>> No.3461673

The scene where the gardens are going to war and you're running through the battleground with everything going on in the back was pretty epic.

>> No.3461696

Outlaws is great
The train level is just boring
Same with Blood

>> No.3461753

it's a neat game

>> No.3461757


Woahohoh, yeah, dude, but check this out, did you know that Ash is actually in a coma and none of Pokemon is actually happening and that's why he never grows up? Makes you think...

>> No.3461771

but ash does grow up

>> No.3461839

The retrofuture military school atmosphere is amazing. The atmosphere is great in general, with this group of young students going around on an adventure, exploring the various towns.

The part where you fight the sorceress in the middle of that parade is awesome.

Triple triad is one of the best minigames ever.

The soundtrack is great.

>> No.3462094

I haven't played it

>> No.3462229

>The music is arguably the best in the entire franchise.
>Triple Triad is fun
>Quistis is qt3.14

...yeah that's all I got.

>> No.3462236

>even Rinoa is after Seifer's dick through the entire first disc and just tries to use Squall to get Seifer's attention, she completely changes from disc 2 onward because it's not her anymore, it's just Squall using her as an actor in his dying dream having never really found love before

rinoa shit never made sense to me

>> No.3462361
File: 481 KB, 751x563, FFVIII_Zell_Recording.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's got a crapload of stuff to do.
didn't even know you could get zell a girlfriend until recently

>> No.3462369

G-Forces are cool as fuck.

Head canon != canon

>> No.3462373

Final Fantasy 8 features the most psychologically fleshed-out RPG protagonist of all time: Squall Leonhart. Search your heart, you know it to be true.

>> No.3462380

it's true.
the translation makes it hard to understand anything without multiple readings though.

>> No.3462381

Triple Triad is fun enough I am willing to actually buy a real deck of playing cards to if only someone actually made them.

>> No.3462383

I was in high school, isolated as one like me usually is. I played FF8 and really loved having a girl actively hit on you, techno-magic theme, gameplay* and yes I really enjoyed the story. I thought it was cute.

* Junction system is not bad at all. People usually spend hours drawing magic from monsters all over the world and claim that the game is broken. In reality they play and I'm guessing like the game enough to travel around the world to find monsters to draw magic from. If you actually go through the main story without worrying about creating the most awesomest character ever it gets really hard. Also, if I'm going to spend hours trying to create the bestest character, I actually would like to be able to break the game, and this game allows it unlike many others.

>> No.3462391

Wait, what?

>> No.3462393

>FF8 shat the bed harder than any other game in the franchise did in that regard.
I think most of the latter half of FF9 could probably equate to 8 when it came to plots going full retard. It took at least one or two more disc(s) than FF8 to get there (which makes it kind of better I guess) but the near end of 3 was already showing quite some signs

>> No.3462398

Bloody amazing soundtrack

>> No.3462403

you can hook him up with the girl in the library

>> No.3462404

I liked the fact that I had something to do while watching the same summon play out. Having to use said summon to deal reasonable amounts of damage notwithstanding.

>> No.3462405

It's not the translation, it's the fact that FF8's story relies heavily on foreshadowing and implications, and a lot of shit is up in the air.

It has a story, but it's just told poorly.

>> No.3462415

GF designs are some of the best in the series, absolute truth

>> No.3462417

I liked the card game, though I don't think I worked out what half the map rules were when I played it

>> No.3462424 [DELETED] 

>got a cold one day and stayed home from school
>principal insisted I stay home until my cold went away which we agreed would be a week
>mom took me to Toys R' Us to get a game for me to keep me in bed
>she asked one of the people working there for a low energy game
>they suggest Final Fantasy VIII
>mom pops in game while I cozy up in the recliner, dims the lamp and goes to work
>op scene is playing
>too sick to pay much attention
>felt like I went to sleep for hours but woke up right when the op scene ends and you name your character
>self insert
>finally walk around and this song starts

>> No.3462428

balamb garden


>> No.3462440

It is a game where we first saw Uematsu's diversity in his musical score. He mastered the feel of melancholic nostalgia

>> No.3462446

the FMV are good looking

>> No.3462448


>> No.3462451

It has the best summon designs in the series.

>> No.3462457
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No. The Train level in 6 was awful as well.
>pic related and creepy

>> No.3462470
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Great music


Guardian Force look cool


Sorceress' are all hot except Adel, but Adel's still cool buff

Fun card game

Enemies level up as you do so there's no need to sit there farming the same monsters like a no-life sap

>> No.3462483

> Story is kind of good if you don't go really into the time travel shit
> Squall, Seifer, Quistis are cool
> Zell best bro
> Best FF OST
> Mercenary university, shit is fucking cool
> First part of the game is comfy as fuck.

Ow man, I have to replay that game and do everything I haven't done.
Anyone knows if epsxe emulator is good on Android ?

>> No.3462498

As far as FF games go, at least retro ones (I stopped at IX), it is the one which gives the most freedom to the player both in terms of gameplay and story.

FFVIII is a game that has faith in players. It takes players for intelligent people. It goes by the principle that RPG players will be able to figure things out on their own with the clues given to them. That they'll talk to NPCs, look for hidden stuff, gather pieces of informations, and then put 2 and 2 together to fully understand the story.

As for video games are concerned, I also think this is how stories should be. Games are games, they're not books or movies. A good game's story also tells its story through gameplay, through the player's actions.
I'm not saying FF8 is perfect or an example in that regard, I'm saying it was a step in the right direction.

The problem? Players, and FF players in general, are used to hand holding. They want their story to be mouthfed. They don't want to have to think.

This is the reason why FF8 is controversial, and why Square gave up on such a great system and went back to mouthfeeding and much simpler system. People who don't like the way storytelling and how learning the gameplay system go in FF8 are the reason why we got games like 9, 10, or even 13, which are much more linear, corridor like, with much simpler system, where the story tells itself. Be ashamed.

>> No.3462529
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>It takes players for intelligent people. It goes by the principle that RPG players will be able to figure things out on their own with the clues given to them.
Yeah, I'm sure they hid all that stuff off-screen or on the world map and gave no clues to the player because they expected them to be clever. It was definitely not done to sell strategy guides.

>> No.3462565

summoning system (the depleting gauge with GF HP acting as your shield)
limit break system (kinda like VI's decisive attacks except not lame)
card game
beautiful prerendered backgrounds
junction system

>> No.3462578

was good in every way, except it wasn't fun

>> No.3462583

Triple Triad.
Good music.
I like how easy it is to break the game via in-game exploits, if you want to.
Selphie and Fujin are cute.

>> No.3462597

Music is great
Realistic characters are way better than VII's chibis
3D models rendered over video blew people's minds back then

>> No.3462727

Zell's girlfriend has a cameo in the end cinema, but Xu gets nothing? It reallyy sucks being the most competent SeeD.

>> No.3462845
File: 332 KB, 631x612, blitzcomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You didn't like the ghost train? That's a problem on your end, sir, because that's one of the most memorable parts of the game.

>> No.3462897
File: 137 KB, 768x1024, Man+sitting+ahead+of+me+i+would+delete+the+shit_57d8f8_5872522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Music....and it's better than XIII.

>> No.3462921

I never played it

I still have to hear about it

>> No.3462934

The garden invasion scene has tons of thos videos, they're badass. Also lol when theres CGI fighting and your squall is just there dancing around in low poly land

>> No.3462959

Quistis is hot

But she liked Squall. That's dumb.

>> No.3462970

>But she liked Squall. That's dumb.


>> No.3463389


>> No.3463445

>"That better be Man With The Machine Gun"
I'll let you off with a warning. It's a nice theme.

>> No.3463449

I've never played it

>> No.3463460

Because it's really not very good.

>> No.3463513

Songs have lyrics. What you posted is a piece of music.

>> No.3463668

The musc.

>> No.3463672

Is there a bad Uematsu soundtrack?

>> No.3463806

Blue Dragon

>> No.3463937

Uematsu probably had too much respect for Ian to tell him his performance sucked

>> No.3463950

Triple Triad was fun.

>> No.3463971

lol of all the songs you pick this one

>> No.3463982

I love that song tho

>> No.3464019

Not that I'm saying Man with the Machine Gun is bad, but I really don't understand how it's the favorite of so many people.

>> No.3464023

It's an entertaining game if you know how to play it, but don't use a guide to cheat your way to godhood.

Retards all literally either don't understand the game, and suck ass, or they read a guide an think the game's broken, because you can get ultra powerful really fast if you know all he tricks to it. (trick that honest players don't find until late game, usually)

You can make whatever arguments you want, but it's simply not a bad game. All that can really be said against it, is that it's not a standard JRPG. Which is a genre that a lot of people hate these days anyway.

Also, a first time player could stumble upon several shit-easy ways to give every character 100 waters early on and get some decent stats. The problem is this: FFVIII is harder than the standard FF to begin with.

Like how almost all random encounters in FFVII feature enemies you can one or two hit kill. But FFVIII's start of the game random encounters can take several minutes, because enemies take up to 10 hits each to kill. So OK, you can power Squall up to the point where these battles can be ended in 1-3 hits. Fine. But all you've done is make the game as easy as FFVII. So how it that exactly making the game "broken"? That would make FFVII broken right out of the box.
And other stats don't have that much impact on combat anyway, other than HP. But really, that's no different than giving your fighter in FFI new armor, making him take only 1 HP damage every hit in random encounters. FFVIII is NEVER that unbalanced in the player's favor, unless you revisit Balamb with endgame stats.

IDK. I may just be crazy or something, but if your opinion is different than mine, then fuck you. (yeah, I said it)

>> No.3464184

If you liked resetting the entire game so the character would not pick a city rule that would take your ultra-rare card even if you win.

>> No.3464190

FF8 is hated because people are too fucking retarded to figure out junction, which is not only the most powerful customization tool in -any- final fantasy, but also the dead simplest one to use.

People's complaints on FF8 are totally unjustified. It's not even my favorite, I'd probably rate it like 6th over all, but it's not the shitshow people make it out to be.

>this doesn't make sense
Nope. You we're just a faggot and weren't paying attention. FF8 is like the Sixth Sense and it benefits heavily from a replay, where you can see all the little nods to things throughout.

If you can't understand Junction I don't know how you passed high school.

>> No.3464207

because laguna is rad as fuck
and its better than the normal battle theme

>> No.3464293

Hell there's even an auto-junction option for those too lazy to figure it out yourselves. There's literally no excuse unless you were purposefully trying to ruin the game for yourself.

>> No.3464310

Wow, fuck you guys too.

It's not the best song on the soundtrack but I like it a lot.

>> No.3464343

No it isnt

>> No.3464348

Or how about the junction system is bad?

>> No.3464356

I love Quistis.
There are some pretty cool environments.
low-level run makes the game playable and imo fun enough to continue.

and I wouldn't say this personally but everyone I know loves the card game.

>> No.3464368

One? I can list five:

1. Incredible and comfy as fuck soundtrack, be it Balamb Garden, to FH, to The Man with the Machine Gun.
2. Triple Triad is one of the greatest in-game mini-games of all time.
3. Squall's SeeD uniform was dope.
4. The GF system was actually very intuitive and detailed for what it was, allowing for thorough, yet simple customization of any character.
5. It would've been one of the best FF if it wasn't for Rinoa and WE WERE ALL FROM THE SAME ORPHANAGE BUT CONVENIENTLY FORGOT THIS.

>> No.3464542

The aesthetics are nice.

>> No.3464589

I don't know why everyone is flipping out about the system in FFVIII being complicated, or people are too stupid to understand it?

FFVIII was among my second least favorite among 1 through 9 (FF2 being the least) because I didn't like the characters, I didn't like the story, and I didn't like the setting. It's that simple.

There was nothing wrong with junction, and the game wasn't hard. Squall "go talk to a wall" Leonhart was a piece of shit, Seifer was worse, 99.9% of the game is dirt, steel, or various shades of brown, navy blue, and gray, and the whole growing up together daycare time compression thing just didn't do it for me. I thought even Exdeath was less ridiculous villain.

That's why I didn't really like FFVIII. But Triple Triad was great, and there are some really memorable tracks on its OST.

>> No.3464605

>I love Quistis.
This is the only objectively right answer.

>> No.3464651

Justify your opinion in literally any way at all.

>> No.3465320

I hated the junction system for replacing regular equipment.

>> No.3465374

It's good if you keep your autsim in check and don't draw 100 of every spell.

>> No.3465385

I used magic in FFVIII more than any other aside from II.

>> No.3465426

Playing it wont give you AIDS nor cancer

>> No.3465427

If you think this soundtrack can compete with VI or IX then you need a reality check mate.

>> No.3465465

>Playing it wont give you AIDS nor cancer

Sounds a little far-fetched to me. Anons, proceed with caution and use protection.

>> No.3465471

Breaking the game CDs are extremely satisfying.

>> No.3465498


Squall saves rinoa at the end of disc 1 the strange part is squall having feelings for her

>> No.3465890

The other songs in the game are pretty good thoough.

>> No.3466147

It has great mini-games and the custom menu system isn't so bad.

>> No.3466163

I like the way your group follows you around with absolute copy/paste precision.

>> No.3466214

It had a good ending that I was okay with.

>> No.3466407

This alone is enough for hours of fun. Additionally, whoever the genius was who decided that the left analog stick should make Squall spin was absolutely the savior of my teen years.

>> No.3466569

I liked how your party members follow you out of combat instead of running inside you, like VII, or screen flashes black and the party is no longer on screen, like IX

>> No.3466873

For its time, it had one of the best opening sequences for a videogame ever.

>> No.3466875

It's the little things man

>> No.3466884

There's a Faye Wong song.

>> No.3466912

It has amazing FMV sequences that still look good , amazing music, and has tons of game and replayability.

>> No.3466956

my 6th grade bully invited me into his house to play the demo for this game. it was the beginning of us being a duo instead of me getting harassed constantly and slapped around, so I went with it.

>> No.3467062

that's amazing though.

>> No.3467074

it is, I've replayed VIII, IX, and Chrono Cross using it and a controller.

>> No.3467094

>This is how shota yaoi doujins start

>> No.3467130
File: 85 KB, 600x450, Timber_TV_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's got a lot of neat little things.
>adel gets sent into space
>stuck in orbit
>causes enough radio interference to make wireless tech useless for 17 years
>head to timber in game
>it has a wireless antenna
>catching interference that shows up on screens
>it's actually adel's thoughts

>> No.3467449

>bully invites brother over
>for whatever reason i go too
>theyre in grade 2, im in grade 1
>he has street fighter 2
>i pick e honda and spam punches and he says i cant play anymore

i wonder if this is why he continued to give me shit up to grade 5

>> No.3467469

the ultimecia=rinoa theory actually makes the story interesting again

too bad it's false. but that's my positive thing

>> No.3467486

It Ends.

>> No.3467534

1 its not ff9
2 its not ffx
3 its not ffx-2
4 its not an mmo
6 no lightning
7 no dlc
8 it was helarious to watch friends replay it with no magic to try and get different memory loss dialog and have nothing change.

that was easy

>> No.3467590

It is good.

>> No.3467612


>> No.3467617

>Only retards who don't know how to play the game hate it.
The retard way to play: draw farming, GF spam - slow and boring
The pro way to play: card refine, underleveling, limit spam - fast and boring

There is no fun way to play.

>> No.3467719
File: 2.28 MB, 672x504, 1452706947633.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renzokukens are the coolest shit

>> No.3467721

>1 its not ff9
But that's a bad thing.

>> No.3467728

It has a good, well constructed story.

And I'm not talking about fan theories or the mercenary stuff.

>> No.3468036

Can't be sure from your screenshot but it looks like Adel is doing Simple Minds at karaoke


>> No.3468042

while the thought of adel humming that in space is hilarious, you can make out stuff like "bring me back" "i'm still here" and "i'll never let you forget me"

>> No.3468046

The characters and their arcs are fucking fantastic

Genuinely great

>> No.3468049


How the fuck is Squall Chunni?

Do I have to toss that on the pile of words that don't mean anything anymore?

>> No.3468069
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Music is fantastic.

>> No.3468073
File: 94 KB, 900x675, waitmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean "kenzokuken"

>> No.3468152

It's better than ff9.

>> No.3468230

I like the card game.

>> No.3468285

FF8 came at the right time. The school setting really helping bring you into the story.

>> No.3468289

God tier world

God tier atmosphere

GFs were awesome

>> No.3468761

Is there a good one?

>anything with Ian Gillan in it
fuck off that's the only good uematsu song ever composed

>> No.3468765

Ian Gillan>>>>>>>>>>> Overrated Jap Elevator Tune Composer

>> No.3468819
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the last half decent album he made was purpendicular, and you probably weren't even alive when it came out
now go back on youtube and write some "born in the wrong generation" comments

>> No.3469429

God, I wish this was true.

>> No.3469567

is there a way to speed up battles? they quickly become repetitive af

>> No.3469572

Using Summons instead of regular attacks/magic speeds up the battles considerably. They'll be over in seconds.

>> No.3469575

you mean the gfs? can I skip the animations somehow?

>> No.3469769

>makes the story interesting again
You have never tried to interpret VIII's story in the first place.

>> No.3469782
File: 21 KB, 350x273, Quistis_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say one picture is worth a thousand words, but in Quistis' case, it was worth a thousand faps.

>> No.3469786


>> No.3469917

This would have been perfect for a Sonic game.

>> No.3469987

The artwork style and FMVs are amazing. Those retrofuturistic trains were badass

>> No.3469995

Why would you want to skiput animation's when you can boost?

>> No.3470014

they are long and repetitive

>> No.3470037

Besides the briefest of all hints in Trabia garden and the card. How the fuck would you figure out the location of Tonberry King and how to get it?

>> No.3470050

MC death

>> No.3470080

I found him by accident while farming tonberries

>> No.3470501


>farming tonberries?

to achieve what?

>> No.3470521

Or you can just draw as you see fit, fight whenever you want and just don't give a fuck about the bootsy leveling system of this game. I enjoyed it and still do, but only because I stopped giving a shit about the character progression.

>> No.3470574

>tfw bartz would probably fuck the living shit out of terra at an ff meetup

im pretty sure he got the most pussy thrown at him out of any ff mc

>> No.3470597
File: 220 KB, 900x1260, tomb_raider_by_boobookittypurr-d3dvsxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimecia's Castle is brilliant from both a gameplay and aesthetic perspective.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3470647

I forgot about the train part. that might very well be the only good part of the entire game.

I remember liking the initial invasion in the beginning, but it's kind of bad looking back. and they sould have extended the space survival arc. that would have been cool if it wasn't so short.

>> No.3470654

what is there to interpret? it is dawson's creek: the fantasy

pic related. she is just phoebe from friends

>> No.3470842

You can mug Chef Knives from them to refine into AP Ammo and Death spells

>> No.3470851
File: 161 KB, 1080x1348, 1467764259414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You would never need to farm more than like 10, even for the most autistic player.

Not a single human bean has found Tonberry King without outside help. It's impossible.

>> No.3470853

Squall's dad is hot.

>> No.3470916

how do you feel about being a braindead pleb

>> No.3470919

It has the best music, FMVs and minigame of the series by a country mile.

>> No.3470935

When I was 12 I thought the gun-sword was the best idea ever. And the cinematics looked good at the time. Other than that it was terrible.

>> No.3470945

gunswords were probably the first indication this game is autistic and horrible

>> No.3470954

It makes as much sense as the buster sword, gunhand, Red attacking with combs, or any of the weapons in 7.

Truly FF7 is when whoever comes up with this shit stopped caring about sense and went full Rule-of-Cool

>> No.3470956


It's called a gunblade you down syndrome children.

>> No.3470958

You are awful upset about gun-swords sir

>> No.3470960


Excuse me. Excuse me.

I have got the most spectacular plan. It's a great plan. A beautiful plan. That plan is that you stop posting in this thread.

We either have a thread or we don't, folks.

>> No.3471087
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1472852797031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's anon is too pleb to understand the best game in the series

>> No.3471103

naw it goes back further than that. how do you attack with a harp? or dice?

the gunsword is still stupid. it's not quite as, but paving the road for, black rock shooter and monster hunter type absurd weapons.

>> No.3471125

I thought disc 1 was interesting.

>> No.3471405

Worldbuilding was compelling and locations were pretty
Characters were relatable and fun to interact with
Garden was pleasant and the spaceship was pretty cool
>tfw junctioned a GF

>> No.3471417

The part where Selphie admits she has a crush on Squall, who has to turn her down, was surprisingly emotional to watch.

It's not lying if I don't know what's in the game.

>> No.3471445

You forget that FF is a world of high magic and various *punk styles of science-fiction. Jobs are actual in-universe concepts for god's sake. Harps and dice having supernatural properties is well within the established limits of the world.

>> No.3471452

Get Encounter None as soon as possible. Leave it on the whole game.

GFs have shit DPS. Don't waste your real life time, use limit breaks instead. You can activate limit breaks whenever you like by mashing character change. Zell's limit can do >1000000 damage with good execution.

>> No.3471660

Fuck, now I want to replay this.

Do I replay the PS1 version for the 7th or so time or is the Steam version worth a purchase? I've heard mixed things.

>> No.3471676

PC version has better load times. That's really it.

>> No.3471681

What's this MIDI soundtrack on the PC I keep reading about?

>> No.3471685

On the PC version you get
>shorter load times
>chocobo minigame that plays itself in the background and nets you amazing items (got a shaman stone and dark matter right after getting Ifrit)
>scaled Omega Weapon
>cheat button for casuals

>> No.3471736

best FF soundtrack
best FF summons
best FF world map
best FF bestiary with almost no monster recycling
best FF mini-game/side quest (triple triad)
some of the best FF towns
Edea's fucking hot

>> No.3471742

If you lower the settings to accomodate a shit computer then you get a weak midi soundtrack during the gameplay but not the cutscenes.

>> No.3471746

>bring me back there
>i am alive

>> No.3471861

The music was pretty great.

>> No.3471867
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>> No.3471889

Whenever I go jog and am about to stop, I remember the dude running in circles at the garden.



>> No.3473945

FF8 is one of my favorite games ever and I've never won a game of Triple Triad. What's the big deal about it anyway?

>> No.3474474

it's fun

Plus card-modding to get supplies/magic early on

>> No.3474874

This, I love the game until the garden starts moving then it goes to shit for me.

Needs to be an FF game that takes place in a magic school like that, would be fucking sweet.

The junction system was a cool idea and to be honest it's my favourite of any FF game but it needs some balancing, the chars needed some balancing and farming for the good junctions was a bit grindy if you werent into Triple Triad.

If Squall was nerfed, some of the other guys' limit breaks buffed slightly and some general tweaks across the board and it'd be a really fun system.

I always wished FF8 had a pvp 3v3 party-vs-party mode where you and a mate could go in with your party builds and fight each other.

>> No.3475989
File: 26 KB, 491x365, seifer-final-fantasy-viii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite PS1 FF,
>excellent graphics for the time, great enviornments and atmosphere, does contemporary setting very well and makes emphasis of this in cool ways(like collecting magazines)
>arguably the best soundtrack of any FF
>people shit on junction for making the game too easy but its still a fun system to use and understand, giving you a variety of customization many of the other FFs lack even today
>game has some cool concepts, in terms of the lore and how the past events set up the present day of the game, the shit about the lunar cry is cool and how adel was a godlike insane person and they literally trapped her in space
>a sorely misunderstood storyline because of this, lots of players dont follow all the events laguna influenced from both the flashbacks and present day time, lots of cool easter eggs and world building moments are lost in translation, the overall theme of the story is also maligned because critics target things like "all the same orphanage" and "random love story," not seeing how these points actually enhance the overall meaning and themes. squall is already fighting all these feelings, they didnt come from nowhere and so he grows emotionally from all the people he meets and his experiences
>some very cool optional bosses/side quests
>best card game
>one of the few FF protagonists that isnt a metrosexual fuccboy
>based seifer

>> No.3476000

I get that the game had some interesting ideas. The problem is that the amnesia trope is the laziest plot device of all time. Usually it just affects one character.

When you extend the trope to the entire cast, people understandably feel disappointed.

>> No.3476048


sure insecure around here granddad. Sorry some Japanese composer that writes simple melodies with more complexity, adoration, and with worldwide acclaim scares you

>> No.3476237

>If Squall was nerfed, some of the other guys' limit breaks buffed slightly and some general tweaks across the board and it'd be a really fun system.

Are you joking? Selphie's "the end" limit is the most powerful limit in the game that takes down everything including bosses in a single hit. And Irvine's limit with pulse ammo is arguably equally as strong as Squall's final limit.

>> No.3476272

Good music.

Triple Triad is great and it's online version TTX was highlight of my highschool years. Our group played it daily.

Card and item modification into other items and spells was a nice system even though it could break the game.

Laguna is a nice character and he and his gang was a good counter part for Squall and co.

The game's world had a cool atmosphere.

>> No.3476275

Gun swords...no matter how impractical, for some reason I like them!

>> No.3476282
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they're cool

>> No.3476352
File: 78 KB, 487x1273, Squall_Leonhart_character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the few FF protagonists that isnt a metrosexual fuccboy

You're joking right? You couldn't have picked a worse example for "not a metrosexual fuccboi"

>> No.3476409

nope, squall is manly as fuck

>> No.3476439

Nobody who wears six belts can be considered cool or manly.

>> No.3476448

its to keep his pants on tight when he fights

>> No.3476460

It 3D

>> No.3477592


he was made to appeal to high school chicks at the time, FF8 was very experimental

>> No.3477625

He should get better pants then.

Yes I know. Now FF in general is made to appeal to high school chicks.

>> No.3477646

>Ridiculous villain
>muh triple triad
>FFII the worst of the "nine 7rU3 FF"


>> No.3478019

1 positive thing?

Out of all FF games FF8 is the only one I still find out some new things about either gameplay- or storywise on each playthrough.

>> No.3478024
File: 99 KB, 270x403, Dissidia_Squall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's definitely not as metrosexual there as he is now.
i dare say he's actually pretty manly

>> No.3478032
File: 161 KB, 661x721, Squall-ThirdEXMode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still quite manly in-game

>> No.3478105

He isn't any less metrosexual than any other protag barring Vaan, whom nobody likes anyway.

>> No.3480325

The music was good.

>> No.3480389

Fucking gay.