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File: 5 KB, 192x192, zero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3468261 No.3468261 [Reply] [Original]

Leave /vr/ to me, X.

>> No.3468319

>Mega Man pronounces Bass as [BAHSS] in the Mega Man 8 FMVs

>> No.3468329
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>> No.3468343
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for your intense approval needs

>> No.3468347



>> No.3468348
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bigger if your approval is that much more intense

>> No.3468352

no, he says Bass with an "ass".

it's pronounced [BÆ•SS]

>> No.3468361

Does that mean Bass is Rock's bae?

>> No.3468382

It's weird because if we take things literal, Rock music produces lots of bass and treble, why are they rivals?

>> No.3468493 [SPOILER] 
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What's the best MMX game, and why is it pic related?

>> No.3468504

+Best graphics in the whole serie.
+Anime cutescene instead of wall of text. (Dub is shit but does the job).
+Only one chase level and it is shit like MMX5 chase level.
+Fucking zero is so fucking strong but balanced.
+You really need to play the game with X and Zero.
+ No shit/random system like MMX5 and MMX6.
+ Soundtrack is good. For example have Fros Walrus.
+ Weapons selection is second best (I prefer X1).


Want to play ONE megaman X. Play X4.

>> No.3468547

>sees a door

If he just admitted he couldn't open doors it would be less awkward

>> No.3468563

He can open doors to leave mid-boss rooms.

>> No.3468595

Zero sucked in X3. Why did they just made him playable everywhere.
The Zero Project did and it was good. They nerfed him a but and he is ready to be awesome.

That comment about door was legit funny.

>> No.3468618


I still thing X is better, but X4 is pretty sweet.

>> No.3468619
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>there will never be a game that ties together the Classic and X canons

>> No.3468635

>there will never be a co-op game of X and Zero
why are we all still here?

>> No.3468636

>There will never be a game where Zero murder violently Megaman, Roll, Bass, kill Wily and sealed into a basement by a dying Protoman, leaving a grieving Doctor Light to build X.

Or a game where Rock see an aged Doctor Light die and he is turned to scrap metal by the gouvernement.

Sorry I don't want to see this.

>> No.3468660

Anyone else teared up when Zero died?

>> No.3468662

There's no way that Capcom can tie the two series together without extremely upsetting someone and going on a rampage.
It's probably for the best that we leave everything a mystery.

>> No.3468668

Not after the millionth time.

>> No.3468705

That theory was debunked by Inafune.

>> No.3468713

when exactly did he die?

>> No.3468732

Zero has had many brushes with death, but time and time again he's managed to narrowly escape the reaper thanks to some very good friends.

Alas, Megaman Zero 4 is the one where he dies permanently.

>> No.3468739

Inafune provided no alternative, or answer.
If there is a new guy in charge of the their he might roll with that.

If Zero ending don't apply, then it mean Classic Megaman outlive Doctor Light or is scraped by gouvernment. It is ways worse. At least it would die fighting.
I don't want to see a child lose his brother to a faulty heart, his dad, his siters and finally by deactivated and turn to scrap metal.

>> No.3468756

ok, thx.

I didnt care for that gay fake anime Zero, I hated the whole franchise somehow and I love X

>> No.3468758

>Wily lives on as Sigma Virus
>Dr. Light lives on as holograms
>Zero is the result of Wily kidnapping Protoman and Roll and merging their parts with Bass to create Zero
>X is an upgraded Rock by Dr. Light

It's really not that hard to figure out, guys.

>> No.3468760

He's too much of a moralfag though. Especially in 7

>> No.3468774

>>Zero is the result of Wily kidnapping Protoman and Roll and merging their parts with Bass to create Zero

That's completely wrong, did you not play The Power Fighters? Zero was being built while Rock, Blues, Bass, and Roll were all still alive.

>> No.3469087


Zero is a completely separate robot. He's an extremely powerful prototype, like X.

>> No.3469104

But can he break Bassnium, the hardest substance on earth?

>> No.3470036
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Zero, I...

>> No.3470420

But where IS Dr. Wily?

>> No.3470451 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1472855548971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Zero, I have a message for you.

>> No.3470452

Yup, definitely. Playing as Zero is fucking sweet. I have the PS1 version, how much better is the Saturn one?

>> No.3470461


My personal favorite is X2.

I like it better than X solely because of the air dash.

>> No.3470471

Making Megaman 10 be Megaman X would have been the sweetest thing ever. And of course Capcom had to fuck it up.

>> No.3470479


No, Mega Man X has to be the 10th Game Boy game.

>> No.3470484

If there's a 20th Megaman X game it could be called Megaman XXX

>> No.3470532
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We'll finally get to see what's under those headlights.

>> No.3470539

there's a fully playable zero x3 romhack that i like pretty well.

the armor cheat is black zero, and it's bad ass.

>> No.3470543

citation needed.

>> No.3470549
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whos /VR/s favort Mega Man. Mines Trout and Line

>> No.3470550

I thought that already happened, in a cut scene that revealed that Zero had been created by Dr. Wily. You even get to see a big "W" printed inside of Zero's helmet jewel. It's not explicitly stated but is heavily implied. You even get to see Dr. Wily's silhouette.

>> No.3470556

Yeah, Wily creating Zero is confirmed. What we don't know is the fates of Wily, Megaman, Protoman, Bass and Roll.

>> No.3470563

Beck and Call :3

>> No.3470569

it's better not to know.

>> No.3470581
File: 1.05 MB, 983x1263, AltCopyX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman X was supposed to be the main villain in Megaman Zero but because of MMX6 they had to make a separate clone character

>> No.3470582

would've been better. copy x is one of my favorite cc-c-c-chars.

>> No.3470615

They didn't think things through and were just "Oh, this is a music thing. Let's use it." most likely.

>> No.3470617

Inafune said some weird shit like "Wily uploaded himself to the Maverick Virus before dying" and its his dying legacy, or something or another. Some weird Japanese "SOUL IS NOW DATA, BANZAI" shit. Dr. Light is something similar, but I think it was confirmed that he died of old age.

And provided that the series runs on a stable time loop, Mega Man is captured by Wily in the future, is programmed in to Quint, taken back in time, and is destroyed by himself during the events of the second Game Boy game.

Auto is seen for a split-second in the PS1 version of X3.

Everyone else is totally up in the air. It's a shame Inafune debunked the "Zero killed everyone" theory, because I could totally see at LEAST Bass challenging Zero and getting absolutely slagged.

>> No.3470624

I think Classic and X are too different for a game that seriously ties them together. I mean in Classic you have shit like "Evil Energy" and it's able to work given the tone but it wouldn't fit in X.

>> No.3470625


>> No.3470629

Not to mention, if you show classic Megaman being destroyed by Zero, doesn't that effectively kill off any potential for a new game plotwise? Because you know he's just gonna die anyway.

It really hurts the X series, seeing the Zero series and knowing things'll turn out that way no matter what.

>> No.3470634

the Evil Energy could have been the basis for the Maverick Virus, which works more like some weird contagion than an actual computer virus.

>> No.3470638

How about this for an ending for Rock then. Duo comes back for whatever, Rock goes into space with him to help, never comes back. Presumed to still be fighting the good fight in space.

>> No.3470649
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>And provided that the series runs on a stable time loop, Mega Man is captured by Wily in the future, is programmed in to Quint, taken back in time, and is destroyed by himself during the events of the second Game Boy game.

>> No.3470656

>caring for stories in Capcom games

>> No.3470657

>And provided that the series runs on a stable time loop, Mega Man is captured by Wily in the future, is programmed in to Quint, taken back in time, and is destroyed by himself during the events of the second Game Boy game.

Problem is there's another Mega Man that comes from another alt future to fuck shit up. So it's not working on time loops but alternate timelines like Future Trunks in DBZ.

>> No.3470674


>> No.3470676


>> No.3470684

worst taste of any poster on /vr/ ever

>> No.3470696


Congratulations on having or pretending to have the opposite of the correct opinion.

>> No.3470704

I agree with that being the case.

>> No.3470708

Elder God Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.3470727


There are elements in that game I like the idea of. But they're not really executed or put together with the other elements in the game well.

The ride armor is a good example of this. Sure, having a lot of ride armors to collect and use sounds like a good idea. But there's rarely any points where you have to use them and if you do it's usually just to get yet another power up you might not even use. This is not even taking into the fact that, if I'm remembering correctly, most of the ride armors are gimped by being so specialized in one thing they reach the point of gimicky. How often are you going to use that water ride armor other than to get that one or two power ups in the water level? And even then, I think it's not a requirement for getting the things, it just makes it a bit easier.

Mega Man X3 is a good game for sure, but for a Mega Man game the elements in it aren't made that well and are put together somewhat poorly. So the game ends up being less than the sum of its parts.

>> No.3470804


Swap X5 and X8. X8 has awesome shit like being able to bring both X and Zero into a stage and a final boss that isn't Sigma who has some of the rockingest music in the entire Mega Man series. What it doesn't have is any of X5's bad gimmicks.

>> No.3470817
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Mine's EssentialLad

>> No.3471047

>Inafune said some weird shit like "Wily uploaded himself to the Maverick Virus before dying" and its his dying legacy
Citation needed.

This is why you don't want to have the game where Zero kills Mega Man. It would be too edgy. Also, it would be hard to like Zero knowing he murdered one of my favorite characters.

That's kind of a cool send-off.
>Rock flying off into the sunset.
But then you have to explain why Duo doesn't exist.


Everything else is hot garbage. And non canon.

>> No.3471056

What makes X4 good but X5 and X6 bad?

>> No.3471076


>> No.3471084

"ADD MORE SPIKEZ" level design that was experimented with near the end of X3 and went full retard in X5 and X6.

>> No.3471091


In at least one prototype version of X3, X's official ultimate armor is actually black. And his one part special armors each have a unique color combi. No idea why they changed that.

>> No.3471096

>Duo respects Mega Man/Rock because he has a strong sense of justice.
>Rock, Roll, and Proto Man breathe, drink E tanks. Dr. Light, at the end of the day, probably controls him, unlike X who has free will, AKA the ability to make ethical decisions.
>Presumably, Dr. Wily's evil robots probably drink E tanks, but that's never shown, and whether they breathe, or do other human things, is up in the air, and probably depends on the robot master in question.
>The world is in the far future. Rock's world is futuristic enough that intelligent robots can be made easily.

Last we heard, Duo came from space to help destroy evil energy. Dr. Wily may have used it to make better robots. We know at some point he created Zero, so let's assume Zero and the maverick virus started with information pulled from evil energy. Then, Dr. Light got wind of this, and started working on X. Maybe Dr. Light learned a thing or two from Duo's design. Why not? It would be interesting to figure out where exactly Duo came from.

Really, you can go anywhere you want as far as plotting. Here's how I'd do it...

>Wily captures Roll, makes her give up Dr. Light's secrets.
>Defeat all 8 robot masters.
>Defeat Bass, make him give up Dr. Wily's secrets.
>Wily goes to jail.
>Rock's presumed last moments with Dr. Light. "Good night, doctor." Leaves house, walks into sunset with Rush and Roll. Throw Proto Man being anime up against a tree, or something.
>Roll credits.
>Old man in a park.
>It's Dr. Wily. Feeding birds. Says something about him being finished. The impression you get is yeah, he's the bad guy, but we all kinda grew up with him, so let's give the devil his due.

>> No.3471097

X5 - Terrible story, iffy stage design.
X6 - Confusing as shit collectibles, shit story, shit stage design.

>> No.3471101

That sounds bad ass. Is that why the ultimate armor in X4 looks the way it does?

>> No.3471107


That's very possible. Maybe they originally thought Gold Armor was more striking.

>> No.3471130

I honesty never liked X2 that much and I can't tell why. It does have nice improvements like starting with dash and some unique boss fights. But the levels feel a bit bloated and there's like 2 subweapons that aren't trash. It just doesn't stand out, even if it is more polished than 3.

>> No.3471135

Funny, I think X2 is the best one. The levels are well-designed; the bosses are fun, if a little easy; and I really like the X-Hunter stuff.

>> No.3471146
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Shit on X2 all you want, but it has one of the best upgrades in the series.

>> No.3471157

Yeah, a lot of people like it the most. I think its a great game, but I prefer X3 despite having lower lows. The higher highs(better end stages, harder difficulty) make up for it. I guess when I want a "balanced" X game, X2 is my choice.

yeah that thing is awesome. If i start speedrunning i wanna learn the cool X2 chain movements.

>> No.3471382

>But then you have to explain why Duo doesn't exist.

What are you talking about? Duo more or less gets the same fate as Rock. Last seen going off into space to fight the good fight.

>> No.3471492

*as Rock in this scenario

>> No.3471539

It's weird since Blues being the proto-Rock makes a lot of sense.

>> No.3471781

I think you mean "pronounces Bass like the fish"

>> No.3471801

I finally agree with someone here. I like x1 most though

>> No.3471813

whats the problem with X3?

>> No.3471814

I feel like these people dont understand how comparison signs work.

>> No.3471821

switch x1 an x4

put x3 in high tier

>> No.3471824

what was your favorite dr. light theme in the first 3 x games?

favorite stage themes?

favorite zero theme?

x1 dr. light

either spark mandrill or gravity beetle

3x zero theme

>> No.3471828

alot of people think its lazy and the music is boring

>> No.3471832

Armored Armadillo's stage music is the best track in the series.

>> No.3471835

>kill one of those snake things in launch octopus
>make it land on me and walk through the explosion

>> No.3471839

should have added favorite sigma stage music

>X1 sigma 2

>> No.3472089

Your understanding of meme arrows<my understanding of meme arrows.

>> No.3472137

oh yeah I forgot that Bass, while spelled the same as the low frequency, was also a type of fish.

>> No.3472212
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Rank all of Sigma's incarnations, from best to worst.

>> No.3472351

X3 > X1 > X4 > X6 > X2 > X5

hated the floaty head in X2. X4 was cool but for quite easy once you got the hang of it.

X6 was shit design, but the battle was quite exciting iirc

I might be wrong on some, played it years ago.

>> No.3472369

Thoughts on the Gameboy X games?

>> No.3472372

X5 had the sleekest design hands-down

>> No.3472397

I dunno. Kind of weird.

>> No.3473026
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>> No.3473057


Xtreme 2 is enjoyable for having the strongest iteration of X.

>fully automatic fully charged shots

>> No.3473182
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>> No.3473214

Only with X1, when i was a kid his death was hard for me and the song on the mountain was so sad.

>> No.3474670
File: 105 KB, 803x377, 1472497884790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no joke, i agree with the bottom line.
on the whole i enjoyed 6 much more than i ever enjoyed 4

>> No.3474741

Happy ending for Classic Megaman and his sisters is all I wanted.

>> No.3475148


>> No.3475678
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>> No.3475834
File: 383 KB, 800x1072, 7.1.16 Roll V2 [Request].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still remember anon I still hear roll's cry's

but really a megman MMO how would that even work!?

>> No.3475992

refer to Mega Man X Command Mission.

in other news

>recently got off a MM1-8 marathon with my brother
>hopped on Mega Man X collection to get started on X
>right away I noticed MMX was way more responsive and faster than MM7

I'm aware that the MM1-6 games were ported from the PS1 ports and added to Anniversary Collection while 7 is a straight unadulterated port from the SNES release just like the MMX found on X Collection. This past marathon was my first time beating 7 all the way through completion and was surprised at how much better X was made being on the same platform and all. Who was 7 made for?

>> No.3476684

>Who was 7 made for?
well, i remember it being cool when it came out... i liked the graphics. 8 looks much better, though. for its time there were a lot of interesting things going on, but it's far from perfect.

7 is highly unresponsive, and it pisses me off. i feel like mega man weighs 800 lbs.

>> No.3477632

Doing Maverick Hunter X with my brother.


>> No.3477673


I liked Zero better when I thought he was a girl.

>> No.3478178

If you're talking about Rockman Shadow, I'm pretty sure Wonderswan RF is considered non-canon.
Then again, Capcom themselves completely ignore MMIIGB because of how poorly it turned out.

>> No.3478181


>> No.3478186

I want to fuck Zero's green tits.

>> No.3478195

I feel like this was always implied, with all the virus on the planet seeming to be part of some massive hive-minded entity that seems to be able to acquire and store different personalities with sufficient destructive potential (Apparently, it grew off of Wily's crazy brain to begin with, was made into the basis of Zero's original program, and ended up taking on Sigma's image after infecting him, yet all three are somehow present in scattered bits and pieces throughout the games)

idk maybe by the time MMZ rolls around the entire planet is already soaked with nanomachines

>> No.3478220

From the thumbnail it looks like she lowered her collar to reveal her robo-nips. I am disappoint.

>> No.3478315


>> No.3478320

This is good.

>> No.3478506

Why is the Mega Man X6 Stage Select music so based?


>> No.3479294

x6 had some good music




>> No.3479325

I prefer Japanese dub.

>> No.3479857

but that's not blaze heatnix

>> No.3479956

they used a bit of Blaze Heatnix in the Blast Furnace stage for Street Fighter x Tekken. I thought that was cool.

>> No.3480603


EYE RISS U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>> No.3480645

Why the fuck wouldnt murica change bass to base but colour to color?

>> No.3480660

Bass, the Mega Man character is named after low frequency sounds while his dog Treble is named after high frequency sounds. Pretty sure all types of musical terms are shared including spelling. What I don't understand is why they had to name a fish bass and use the same spelling as the low frequency sound.

>> No.3481050

Better question: Why does Britain stubbornly cling to an outdated, archaic, and completely unnecessary extra 'u' in their modern spellings?

>> No.3481096

nice meme kid

>> No.3481271

In regards to the link between Megaman and X here is my thoughts pulled from the ole imagination box:

>Full disclosure - I didnt play nearly enough of the original MM series to be current on storyline nor have I touched any of the X series on handhelds. So my thoughts come strictly from the main MMX line story from what I can remember. Feel free to flesh the details/correct anything not canon accurate.
>inb4 pleb (I was/am hardcore X fan but never took the time/energy/resources to play much of the original series/handhelds so bite me.

Ok -
Dr Light anticipates he won't live forever. Imagines world where megaman won't have to fight robots for a living.
Builds MMX (either as replacement for or upgraded system for original MM)
Gives him free will because make own decisions about war vs peace and because Light won't live forever (to be his guide/conscience )
Builds and hides battle upgrades for X in case he chooses War.
Wiley finds out.
Creates an "Anti-X" Reploid.
Creates "Maverick Virus" as back up plan in case Light's creation is, once again, better than his. What better way to go out than to turn Light's robot into the one thing they hate? (A bad robot/maverick/whatever)
Installs virus into his robot - Patient Zero.
Light Seals X away for a life in a better more peaceful future.
Wiley seals Zero away to fuck that shit up.
Dr. Cain finds X. Builds reploids by reverse engineering. Doesnt get it quite right.
Mavericks, Mavericks everywhere.
Creates Sigma and the Maverick Hunters.
Sigma and team accidentally uncover Zero's "tomb"
Zero does what he does best as a Wiley reploid. Gets BTFO by Sigma. Zero's backup protocol kicks in. Sigma (not Megaman) gets exposed to virus. Spreads virus to the rest of Maverick Hunter Base. (YFW all the Mavericks X battles are past Maverick Hunter Members)
Maverick Virus starts doing work.
Dr. Cain restores Zero. Boots up X and recruits him to fix the "Oh Shit" moment.

X's decision was essentialy forced upon him.

>> No.3482504

was I the only one who thought Yammark was a girl

>> No.3482538

If I recall, X was locked up for 100 years for two reasons.

>extensive morality testing to ensure that he wouldn't fuck up everything
>the world wasn't ready for him

When Dr. Cain discovered him and started making reploids, those reploids did not undergo the morality testing X did, making them susceptible to going maverick, even without the Zero/Sigma virus. I'm pretty sure all the X1 mavericks, at least, weren't infected by the Sigma virus (which wasn't even established until X3, I believe). They just rolled with the rebellion.

Also, Dr. Light lived on as an AI (presumably). The capsules aren't all prerecorded messages; he responds to current events and even holds a conversation with Zero in X5. Coincidentally, Wily is still alive in some form too, also shown in X5. Maybe his consciousness is in the Sigma virus, or maybe there's a Wily AI somewhere. It's not elaborated on, or even outright stated, but it's so heavily implied that it has to be the case.

Mega Man has the deepest lore.

>> No.3482739

i played the japanese version of this game first the voice acting is way better and makes the game more enjoyable

>> No.3482742

are you me?

>> No.3483874
File: 20 KB, 220x339, Mhx_zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there is that whole thing about serges and isoc being wily.
they also did a neat little retcon about zero in x1 being a prototype form and serges rebuilding him into the what wily originally had in mind.