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3467638 No.3467638 [Reply] [Original]

Sega CD or PS1?

>> No.3467640
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Sega, but you can play the PS1 version afterwards to see the changes they made.

>> No.3467658

The real question is Sega Saturn or PS1?

>> No.3467668

Why do you retards have to call the Mega CD that?

>> No.3467674

Why are europoors so confrontational? Why are weebs so cringeworthy? These are questions for the ages.

>> No.3467678

Americans always say we're confrontational, maybe you are just too soft.

>> No.3467681


People who call it Sega CD are Sadists.
People who call it Mega CD are Masochists.

>> No.3467687

If we were afraid of confrontation we wouldn't call you out on instigating it, Fritz. Now go get cucked by a sand nigger.

>> No.3467691

Where did I say you were afraid of confrontation? You clearly are, by the way, because you're so defensive of it. I didn't even say anything like that and you're all upset.
You call us confrontational while normal people wouldn't even register it as such. You're so coddled.

>> No.3467693

Sounds good, kind of what I was planning to do anyway

What does the Saturn version bring to the table?


>> No.3467695

>Mega CD in Japan
>Mega CD in Brazil
>Mega CD in Europe
>Mega CD in Asia
>Mega CD Latin America
>Sega CD in US
Muh "sega cd" guys, muh "JAYNESIS".

>> No.3467701
File: 221 KB, 1389x1075, segacd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Sega CD in BR

>> No.3467710

>Genesis sales: 20 million
>Megadrive sales: 16 million
Get fucked, Faggot. That console belongs to us.

>Thinks most people wouldn't consider being called a retard to be confrontational
Starting something and letting Americans finish it for you. Just like 100 and 75 years ago.

>> No.3467760

I liked the PSP version best.

>> No.3467768
File: 58 KB, 461x637, 173742_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surgical strike was an exclusive 32X/mega CD game for Brazil.

As you can see, it says mega CD.

>> No.3467770

Why do americans think they're the center of the world?

>> No.3467771


No, it says Mega 32X CD.

The 32X was called Mega 32X in Brazil.

But the CD was always Sega CD over there.

>> No.3467780

Because we are the center of the world. Our military could single-handedly level everyone else simultaneously. We're an impenetrable fortress empire. We absorb everything good you cretinous barbarians create and burgerize it for our consumption.

It's called the Sega CD. And you're gonna fucking like it.

>> No.3467782
File: 28 KB, 620x465, putin_wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because we are the center of the world
Not for long.

>> No.3467784

>can't pronounce words in English properly
consider suicide now

>> No.3467786

>Because we are the center of the world.

No, your britfag overlords command you, and the jews overlords command both of your anglo asses.

>> No.3467808

I know it's not pronounced "jaynesis", you dickshit.

>> No.3467810

>yuropoors preferring anything to god emperor trump

>> No.3467816

>falseflagging this hard
Don't you have better things to do, like trying to fix the cracks in the EU before it disintegrates faster?

>> No.3467827

saturn version is essentially the PS1 version but with better audio

to answer OPs question instead of shitpost, both versions are worth playing for their differences, though the remake is probably higher quality objectively speaking, its mostly based around all the improvements that lunar 2 brought to the table, whereas the sega CD version is super primitive, but still great for its time.

>> No.3467961

love those openings


>> No.3467968


Sega CD opening is amazing, very 90s anime style.

>> No.3467989
File: 2.85 MB, 500x281, SegaCDvsMegaCD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit what the consoles were called, talk about the fucking games.

Besides, Japan built it, and they called it the Mega Drive so fuck off, word of god ends this. I bet you still call him Robotnik.

>> No.3468287 [DELETED] 

koniichiwa ^-^ no offense but its actually called the MEGARRU SHEEDEE get ir giht u fucking gaijin goomba >:( <3

>> No.3468791


>not liking the original
>not loving that 10/10 intro

>> No.3468987
File: 58 KB, 202x200, 1460487285821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not OP
>I legitimately want to know which version is better too
>the thread devolves into stupid Console title syntax flaming
>mfw I just want to know which version of Lunar to play

>> No.3469006

play them both

>> No.3469007


>> No.3469030


>> No.3469083

Sega cd has best music. Play ps1 since emulation easy. Then years later play sega cd version for replay itch

>> No.3469380

PSX version IMO. The only way you like the Sega CD version is if you got nostalgia for that version of the game. I played both when they launched for the record

>> No.3469391
File: 152 KB, 600x848, 3f32dfa9ffa973c38371cbe01ebcadfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are on a primarily American based board with primarily American userbase,

Genesis was far more relevant in America than Mega Drive was in Europe or Japan.

Do the math. You guys have metric, shouldn't be hard!

>> No.3469398

>screws up the story by keeping luna in the group for no reason but LOLGIRLCHARACTER
PS1 version is crap.

>> No.3469405
File: 14 KB, 93x31, sage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic genre for basement-dwelling losers that should drink bleach.

>> No.3469410

It also says "opcao de jogo para Sega CD" right there on your cover.

>> No.3469419

The PS1 version fixes a few bugs but also makes a lot of changes that seem rather pointless. Honestly at this point both are going to feel archaic as fuck, and the game doesn't have high replay value (a few missable bromides if you have OCD), no endgame to speak of, no extra bosses, no postgame. Playing the two versions might be worth it just to check out the differences and see the localizations jokes they crammed in each time (and trust me, there's a lot).
That said, the PSP version is good too I hear, but yet again, they changed a ton of stuff again. Still, most people who didn't dislike it are mostly those who have fond memories and don't want to mess them up by playing a different version, so eh. The main problem for a new player is that there is a SMega CD and a PS1 version of the second game, but there isn't a PSP version of it, so if you wanted to play the sequel you'd have to go back to one of these.

And I'll be completely honest, for all its faults, I like the second game much more than the first one.
It should be noted that there are considerable changes in the PS1 version of the second game as well.

>> No.3469425

You are on a Japanophile board run by a Japanese guy, where the large majority of people are weeaboos.

I imported a Mega Drive and a Mega CD from Japan when I was 12 to play a Ranma 1/2 visual novel with RPS battles in Japanese.

I've done my math, your calculations are incorrect.

>> No.3469432

I gotta go with what the other poster said, it's weeb trash and I'd be embarassed to share it with anyone

I still like it. but it's weeb trash to the core.

>> No.3469435

They almost completely different games.

>> No.3469439

Just play them in release order. SSS and SSSC are different enough to enjoy. The SSSC remakes are kind of cute (rather, the GBA one is), but you won't miss anything by not playing them.

>> No.3469440

>It should be noted that there are considerable changes in the PS1 version of the second game as well.

Really? I thought the only major difference was magic and saves or something (the latter which was apparently WD bullshit?)

>> No.3469441

twelve year old shit complaining about nothing

Back in the day games cost 70 fucking dollars,
your average 8-12 year old got a 10 dollar allowance.
Are you going to waste money on a platformer that will only satisfy you for a weekend or an rpg that will have you playing for a month given the fact that you are only allowed to play on weekends.

>> No.3469446

This is bullshit. The best way to spend allowence was rentals.

>> No.3469450

In my days the average 8-12 year old delivered newspaper in the morning before school to get money for vidya and played video games every afternoon.

>> No.3469453

The short action game will give a more engaging experience, so that.

Quality > quantity

>> No.3469458

avoid psp remake

the console dims screen during the combat because there like 30+ seconds animation every turn

>> No.3469467

yeah, as a kid it was better to get a game with a longer story. but lunar is still weeb trash

actually I'm kind of glad that I'm not a kid these days. imagine endless streams of domapine addicting FPS games with in depth stories and online multi.

at least with weeb trash I'd get bored in a sitting, and when it was done it was done.

games these days are too good. there's no limit. thats why pewdiepie exists

>> No.3469469

Fuck off, nip, you didn't give a fuck about Sega or the Mega CD. Sega is European now.

>> No.3469473

Graphics changes, story changes too really, and of course the script was pretty different. I'm sure some site has the differences listed up. Mind you, it's still mostly the same game, but there ARE differences.
For example Hiro dies at some point in the MCD version.

>> No.3469481

Fun fact: I actually scored points with a girl in HS by introducing her to the series because she just loved how romantic it was. Of course she was the kind of nerdy girl who played who watched anime and played Leisure Suit Larry on her PC, but still.

But in a sense, this game is the alpha weeb game. In the sense that compared to other games, the others might have been "unintentionally" anime, but for this one, it's like they saw the Mega CD, realized the era for very anime games had come, made a fantasy anime plot, made cutscenes for it, attached a soundtrack to make it memorable, and finally tied everything together with a rather poorly designed RPG where you can have dumped a key item you need for the ending to another character's inventory, and saved afterwards.

And it worked! But that doesn't mean it has aged well, since the market is a bit oversaturated on these by now.

>> No.3469485

When I was a kid I replayed most of my SNES rpgs (Lufia, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire 1-2, Paladin's Quest) several times each just because I could. Some of these don't even have remarkable replay value (although each progressive run was smoother and more complete than the previous one).

At some point, to entertain myself, I started running no-death A Link To The Past single session on sundays. Started around 7AM, finished the game 100% with all upgrades without dying ever around 10PM.

Nowadays I can't find myself to restart A Link Between Worlds (which I love as much as I did ALTTP).

>> No.3469548

yeah, games that take the lunar formula and ramp it up are like, 50% of the japanese market these days. those don't appeal to me at all, but it's probably because I'm not a kid anymore. in any given respect they're a lot more sophisticated and in depth, and have more waifus.

you're an adult now. that's how it goes.

I could never play games that much though. a couple hours a day (which is already a lot) and I was just bored.

I'm kind of glad I played rpgs. I don't imagine I would have resisted a lot of modern games as strongly.

>> No.3469597
File: 59 KB, 1000x1192, ignorant_babby_award.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>games these days are too good. there's no limit. thats why pewdiepie exists

>> No.3469603

I didn't mean good in teh sense of quality. but in terms of variety, cheapness, replay, addiction, story length, being primed for dopamine response, etc, it's essentially all free and endless.

come on, if you're gonna troll you can do better than that

>> No.3469608

>not knowing why penguinposter posts
Are you new here?

>> No.3469828
File: 9 KB, 236x236, and what&#039;s the deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>games these days are too good. there's no limit. thats why pewdiepie exists

pewdiepie exists to pander to 10 year olds and annoy everyone else

>> No.3469876


has most of the same team from the sega cd version for both development and localization...and the Japanese dev team felt the ps1 had the tech to really capture their initial intention when creating the game.

the sega cd version is awesome but the ps1 is better. besides some minor plotpoints that have very little to do with the overall arc it's the same.

the psp version is awful though.

there are some redeeming qualities for the sega cd version...for me mostly nostalgia since I played it in the mid 90s and it was the first rpg I beat without any help from friends.

but if for whatever reason you choose sega cd...you're still playing a great game.

I'm currently replaying the ps1 version for my 4th time. i play it every 3-4 years it seems.

be sure to check out lunar 2 eternal blue...in which case the ps1 version is better in every way.

>> No.3469996

Because it's a CD peripheral made by Sega. It's a much more universal name imho.

>> No.3470118

How come they never remade 2 for the PSP or something? I think we can all agree that the sequel improved on virtually all aspects
>more party members/characters
>party members all have a role, Hiro never becomes straight up the best at everything like Alex does later in the first game
>you can customize your characters somewhat with different accessories having different stat effects
>boss strategies aren't all the same
>bonus content after finishing the game

>> No.3470325

Because the first game is mysteriously the darling of the series.

>> No.3470685

Yeahnah. Russia, China and India are going to fuck you tenderly.

>> No.3470735

Shit economy.

Shit military.


>> No.3470742

>Shit streets.


>> No.3470753

Poo in loo.

>> No.3471071

Wait, I can't let that pass. It's admittedly been quite a while since I played both versions of Eternal Blue, but just from what I remember the PS1 version had a lot of removed content and was a lot easier. It didn't ruin the game or anything, but after the Silver Star remake it was a big letdown, since that one changed so much that it was almost like playing a different game rather than a remake.

This was probably a good thing looking back on it, since the game quality of the remakes and spin-offs went steadily down after the PS1 games. I trust them about as much now as I do Capcom with Breath of Fire.

>> No.3471305

>>party members all have a role, Hiro never becomes straight up the best at everything like Alex does later in the first game
Maybe not, but holy shit does the triple strike skill he gets make endgame and postgame trivial. And in general, Leo feels a bit underwhelming.
Not having two almost identical mages does help the game, however. I wish Ruby was as useful as Nall was.

>> No.3471307

I don't really understand why people scorn the PSP version so much. It's pretty good really.

>> No.3471345

I played the fucking GBA version of all things where they apparently gave her an even larger role.

I can't imagine the game without her. Feels like most of the emotional impact of the later half of the story would be lost without her being in your party for a good chunk of the game.

>> No.3471850

I think eternal blue seemed easier. but they didn't change in the in game graphics nor did they touch the story iirc. the sound and fmv sequences were greatly improved. that was the only major different that I'm aware of. but I could be wrong.

psp had very few people from the localization team from the sega cd and ps1 ports.

the game starts off TERRIBLY. the 4 heroes are legendary in the sega cd and ps1 games. it's like Hitchcock or hp lovecraft that there is a mythic quality in not actually seeing that battle and the heroes in their prime. so when you're shown that in the psp version it ruins the magic and it was so cheesy. the casting for the voices were lame if you grew up with the sega cd and ps1 versions (same actors). I prefer the ps1 version since the actors were a bit older.

I didn't like the in game graphics for psp. they are serviceable for sure though. not bad. but they lack the old school visual charm. I think the sega cd wins for in game graphics although the ps1 retained that aspect...although it looked different.

>Feels like most of the emotional impact of the later half of the story would be lost without her being in your party for a good chunk of the game.


>> No.3471927

I personally enjoyed the PS1 version more.

>> No.3472159

Do you guys still have your Lunar swag? I can honestly say that my Lunar 2 EBC pendant is my absolute favorite videogame swag ever.