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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 50 KB, 475x657, Superman 0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
344495 No.344495 [Reply] [Original]

Let's try another one of these today shall we?

Still looking for a better thread picture by the way.

>What is Videogame Deal Hunting?
It is the process in which an avid collector goes through to build up their collection without spending much money.
>I.E. Going to Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Second Hand shops, Retro Game Stores, Estate Sales, Auctions, Garage sales, and Craiglist.
Note: If you bought it from an Auction site like eBay then make sure it was a good deal. Buying online is pussy shit otherwise!

What belongs in this thread?

>Past stories of great finds. (This can be yours, or someone else’s. Even folklore.)
>Places that you go in order to find these deals.
>Discussion of hot and cold locations. (Who has good deals, who doesn’t.)
>Pictures of items you have found personally, or items that have been posted before. (Try and make sure it is a legitimate find.)
>Questioning whether you got a good deal on certain items.
>General Discussion of the hobby that is collecting videogames. (Why do you do it? Prized piece? Etc.)
>Feel free to post your collections as well….collecting is directly related to hunting.

What doesn’t belong in this thread?

>Posting items you intend to sell on here, or another site.
>People who are not collectors, but re-sellers. (If you are both that is fine, but re-sellers tend to piss off collectors.)
>Anything that isn’t directly related to videogames, or great deals on them.
>Making up stories about insane deals.
>Anything bought from GAEMSTOP or EB GAEMS. (This is NOT deal hunting.)

REMEMBER: You don’t have to have found a 100 dollar game for 5 dollars to contribute. A find like that is uncommon. Feel free to post the Gameboy color that you found for 8 bucks,
or a NM Game Cart that really ties your collection together. Videogame Deal Hunting isn’t based on the value as much as it is based on the thrill of finding the item.

>> No.344663

Just got about 20 SNES games all complete in box from a yardsale in fantastic condition. They were $1 each.

Nothing too fancy, best games were DKC 1-3 but still what a find.

>> No.344701

my friend's uncle gave him a bunch of stuff he had in the garage and I was looking throguh it and found the aladdin deck enhancer and two games and my friend didn't know what it was and i bought it for like $10


>> No.344785
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I'm dying for summer to roll around so I can hit up some yard sales

>> No.344798
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Found a Hudson Joycard for $12 at a flea market. I NEVER see Famicom stuff anywhere that isn't online, so I was quite excited. It's bigger and more comfortable than the stock Player 1 controller, plus TURBO.

>> No.344829

Got a Sega Saturn complete with box, original packaging, everything, including near mint condition Croc and Sonic Jam for 15 pounds that I still owe to the previous owner. Her being my girlfriends best friend, it's forgotten about since I had bought us a few take away chinese meals since then for all of us. Just looking around to find cheap saturn games, not easy, even more so since I'm especially interested in the Panzer Dragoon series.

>> No.344836

No joke man. I have mapped out My Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays already. What are you planning to hit? Just yard sales?

>> No.344976

There's 3 flea markets within 30 minutes of my house. I hit up at least one every other week year round . But summer is by far the best time because you have yard sales + outdoor vendors at said flea markets.

>> No.345026

I got my first game system from a yard sale. It was an NES, and it came with Mario/Duck Hunt, a Dragon Warrior game and [ugh]Circus Caper[/ugh]. Plus a working Zapper.

I'm really looking forward to this summer.

>> No.345039

I've never seen a DKC title for less then €30 in my country, so I'd say that's a good deal. And they're good games too. I jelly.

>> No.345058

i found an SNES mini, shenmue and a toploader controller today.
flea market season starts soon, brothers!
what treasures are YOU hoping to find?

>> No.345064

I've never owned an SNES. I'd be really interested in finding one this summer. How good of a chance would I have of finding Super Metroid? Or is it like one of those Earthbound-type games that are extremely rare for some reason?

>> No.345076

nah, SM is pretty common, at least when i've seen it. should be about 20 or so, if the people know what its worth.

>> No.345096

is it somewhat rare in the UK?
its usually like 20-25 in US.

>> No.345097

Uncommon..but do-able

Hoping for gameboy games for my pocket collection and a couple of gba sps

>> No.345212

UK uses pounds £, I'm in Belgium, most snes stuff is ridiculously overpriced (I've seen DKC, Mario and Zelda titles for €60-70...).
I'm not really a collector, but my friend is a big Nintendo fan, so I'm always looking out for their stuff.
But I grew up with SNES, sadly most of the stuff belongs to my little brother, so I bought a few little things for myself, for instance a working console with all cables, 2 original controllers, one with the original box, and 2 games (some football game and turtles in time) for €50, I thought it was a decent deal.
And Snes Zelda for €20 off a friend.

>> No.345440

I bought my SNES with controller and cables for $25 last Saturday at a flea market. The retro game stores around me charge $50-$60 for one. I was a Genesisfag when I was younger.

>> No.345452

Bought my first*

>> No.345471


Too bad every single yard sale I go to has absolutely nothing vidya related other than current gen bullshit and even that is mostly just sports games.

>> No.345530

I wish I had some money to blow at yard sales/fleamarkets/etc.

>> No.345573
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Sports games are like a plague. You will see them EVERYWHERE.

>> No.345606

Consider yourself lucky if you find a retro sports game.

>> No.345630


That's the only way to do it. You have to have a plan.

>> No.345740
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Have you guys ever watched Pat the NES Punk's "Flea Market Madness" videos? He has some pretty decent finds.

>> No.345923

Deal hunter is crazy hard where I am in the UK. Living in the city means barely any car boot sales (flea markets) near by, and the UK just sucks in general for older games.

However, the other day on a facebook buy and sell page I got:
>Nintendo 64 console
>4 games (F Zero X, Pokemon Stadium, GoldenEye & Mario Kart 64)
>Official controller
>4 Mega drive games (Micro Machines V3, Paperboy 2, Sonic 2 & Mortal Kombat)
>2 Official Megadrive controllers
all in great condition for £50 ($75).

also it's not technically retro, but from a furniture and electrical charity shop I got:

>1 Gamecube console
>2 official controllers
>2 memory cards
>7 games (Zelda:TP, F Zero GX, Mario Kart DD, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Sonic Heroes & Super Monkey Ball)
all in great condition, for £30 ($45).

but yeah finding old games at good prices is mission fucking impossible in bloody old England

>> No.345954
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>> No.345969



I can't be the only guy who wants to punch this man in the face, can I?

>> No.346013

If you know how to punch people through the internet, he's right here:

>> No.346048

One day I'll find the technology to anon.

Also, I'm headed for a Flea Market about 4 miles off from where I live on Monday. Supposedly, they sell some Commodore 64 stuff. I'm thinking I should have about $50 on me, what do you guys think?

>> No.346060

Salvation army didnt have shit at their electronics section

a yard sale of mine was closing and they said they had some games inside but not selling but I saw their kids DS so its probably just DS games.

A pawnshop had an old guy selling an oddly shapped cartridge that looks kinda like this
It was he man or something. said from the 83 so I turned it down, prob not good

>> No.346073
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I'm really starting to hate this VGA Grade bullshit.

>> No.346161
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It gets worse anon, they're selling this for double the price of Stadium events.

>> No.346195

>+$31.25 shipping

>> No.346203

What the fuck does it even mean?

>> No.346205
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>for Kid Icarus

Unless it's signed by evey memeber of the devlopment team, was the very first copy made, is coated in gold and gives you super powers, how?!

>> No.346209

Are swap meets okay too? Aren't they the same thing?

>> No.346223

Nah, swap meets typically mean you trade "this" or "that".

>> No.346238

So what is exactly is this VGA thing? I see it mentioned every time someone talks about ebay. I've also noticed everyone there tries to fucking rip you off by having the idea that everything before the Gamecube/Xbox/PS2 are FUCKING INVALUABLE TREASURES WORTH 30+ EACH FOR A USED CART

>> No.346239

Nothing. It's a bullshit system that allows these fuckers to jack up prices.

>> No.346267

Indeed. I cannot wait for the warm weather to find what Boston has to give.

>> No.346282


Pretty much this. I don't even know how they can claim "uncirculated". I mean, if you own it, it means it was produced for sale, and then sold to a distributor or other kind of store, who then sold it to a customer. Or even directly from the company to the customer. In any case, it's circulated. I mean, the only uncirculated things that exist are extremely rare one-of-a-kind finds like Simon Wai's Sonic 2 beta. That is uncirculated. A copy of Kid Icarus still new in the plastic is very cool, but it is not uncirculated and it is not worth $50k.

>> No.346297


It's a steal compared to the highest grade copy for the DS game Zelda: Spirit Tracks. They charge $15k for that game and it's only a few years old!

>> No.346298

Lol, ironic.

>> No.346307

Why would anyone charge 15k for a new game, is there something special about it?

>> No.346310
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His dad must have worked for Nintendo, that's why it's uncirculated.

You know someone on the internet will believe that and pay 50k.

>> No.346326
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What? You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.346328

>is there something special about it?

>> No.346381

Oh, so just because some sperm sucking faggot said it was a 100 in VIDEO GAME AUTHORITY score, it now costs 15k?

What a bunch of bullshit, it's the exact same gay piece of shit anyways, it's not even a prototype or testing version and it probably has the same exact game.

>> No.346458


Who's joking?


This one was uncirculated because it was Miyamoto's personal copy that he rubbed his balls all over, but it somehow fell out of his pocket and onto the street, where a guy from Ottawa, Canada happened upon it by chance and took it back to his great land, having it 100% authenticated by the VGA fact-checker himself.

>> No.346490
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Well, that's it. I give up.

>> No.346501

Prepare to puke

>> No.346525
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Games are menat to be played, not sealed away and sold for insane prices! And who the fuck decides these valuse anyway? Based on what?

These people are everything wrong with the retro gaming scene.

>> No.346529

>That Ranma 1/2 box art

>> No.346536

A nerd in his basement. Based on the fact that other gullible nerds will buy into it.

>> No.346541

>Go to local goodwills daily
>Never anything gaming at all

>> No.346549

When they die, I hope their children, if they were lucky enough to spawn such, rip the games out of the cases and pop those fuckers in to play them

>> No.346552
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Probably my most valuable find ever was a Vectrex with a few boxed games for 25$ at a thrift store. It didn't come with the Vectrex controller though.

My most memorable find though, was getting Shantae at a local video game store for 5$. But then it just disappeared from my room and I have no idea where it is now.

>> No.346556

This is the only way I collect. It's a way for me to keep a severe limiter on my ability to complete my collections, which ensures that I will be able to pursue the hobby for decades to come. I also feel a sense of personal triumph whenever I stumble across a game myself, rather than buying it from a used game specialty store or eBay.

I don't really see the point of doing it any other way. It's like a lifelong treasure hunt. You can also set your own goals rather than just looking for the rarest games ever.

That being said, I haven't had the money to go collecting for a little while now. The last great thing I found was a ziploc bag with every piece of paper from the Dragon Warrior box (manual, guide, map) inside it, for 25 cents. I've had a copy of Dragon Warrior in the box for probably 12 years now, and that purchase gave me a CIB copy. Felt good. Even though it isn't really worth anything, it's the pride of my collection.

>> No.346569

This is the mentality I have with collecting too (collecting things in general, not just vidya.) I find the journey finding them and the story about finding them more valuable than actually owning the item.

>> No.346573


>No Megaman X3 sealed

Of course. The only sealed copies ever sold was on release day.

You know, if you want all sealed shit, that's absolutely fine. It really is. But you don't need some phony VG Grader to tell you that it's never been opened. This VG Grader guy is very smart to cash in on fools like this. He does jack shit and he earns a ton of money. Oh wait, he puts his holographic sticker on and puts it in a case. Wow.

>> No.346584

Put up an ad on Kijiji asking people to let me know if there are any video games/console they don't want and how much they want for them.

Someone asked me if I'm interested in buying a GBA and GBC along with 5 shitty games and 4 decent games (Rayman 3, Pokemon Gold, SMW Advance, SMB Deluxe) for $100.

Not sure if I should do it. Feels like they're asking for too much, and I don't care for handheld games. Though, the Gold does intrigue me if the battery isn't fucked.

>> No.346595

Don't resent him; learn from his naked opportunism and make a nice career out of applying your personal opinion to other people's things for a fee.

>> No.346597

No. Tell them $40 or nothing.

>> No.346601


Does getting a free copy of Steel Battalion from a friend count as deal hunting or am I just lucky as shit

>> No.346607


This dude must be insanely rich

>> No.346614
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I found an atari 2600 yesterday at a pawn shop. It came with one joystick and baseball for 25 usd. I didn't know if that was an ok price and I was a little wary because the guy there jacks up snes prices to over ebay prices(24 dollars for dkc2). I checked around and it's either the vader 4 switch or the sears model, I can't remember exactly.

Should I get it? I don't really have an interest in atari but it would be cool to have.

>> No.346615

Thanks anon.

To be honest, I could give half a shit about another GBA since I have 2 SP's already.

>> No.346617


You're right. I'm never giving away free opinions on 4chan ever again. For real.

However I can only see his grading system blowing up in his face one day when he accidentally grades something as new/unopened when it was really previously opened and just shrinkwrapped again, or something like that. I'm just waiting.

>> No.346634

What do I owe you for them words, mister?

>> No.346646

No, don't do it. You could get way more atari shit for that

Also, wtf is going on with her ass crack?

>> No.346691

I would count that. I got a bunch of stuff when I worked at GameStop back in 2004, including free consoles (a Dreamcast with controllers and a TurboGrafx16 with a game in it but no cables) from people who came to trade them and then just dumped them when told we couldn't take older systems, a stack of 8 NES games from a coworker for $5, and some cherry PS1 titles from a longtime coworker and friend who was going through a divorce and trying to get back to basics. He came in to sell the games back for cash, so I quoted him the total the store would pay and then offered him $10 on top of that to buy them myself. Got Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, Symphony of the Night (black label), Alundra, Kartia, Persona 2, and a few others of similar caliber for $65. Sadly, I promised my GF at the time I would recoup the cost by selling some of them, but I kept the rest. It was still a great haul.

>> No.346745


$50 should cover it.

>> No.346752

Really? Everything I see on ebay or amazon is about twice as expensive. I'll go back and check it out again and ask to test it or try to haggle down to 15.

Its a vintage butt. Vintage retro arcade butts aren't really the same as the butts we see now.

>> No.346774

>dat GBP


>> No.346842
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Here area few of my better deals.

>Model 1 Sega Genesis
>Model 1 Sega CD
>32X with cable for model 1 Sega CD
>All power cables
>Copy of Sol Feace in the Sega CD

I also picked up a F-z1 for $15. A lamp had fallen onto it and burnt a crater into it. Cut out the damaged area and made a disc window. Custom 3DO $15. Not bad.

One time about 10 - 12 years ago I picked up Ninja Gaiden Trilogy for the SNES for $3 loose. Last time I looked on amazon a loose copy was like $90.

>> No.346851


As an American interested in British computer games, your best deals are probably computer games, i.e. speccy, c64, bbc. I've seen some great speccy lots on ebay for local pickup up north, like 200 games for 120 pounds

>> No.346940

I'm guessing you mean new? I sold both the DS Zelda games on ebay (single listing for ST and PH) for about $50.

>> No.346974

(I initially got them for 5 and 15$. Didn't like ST at all and I never planned on replaying PH so I decided to make a quick buck)

>> No.346992

>Like New

>> No.347012

Does anyone here collect vidya related books/magazines/strategy guides? Any stories/collection pics you got?

>> No.347051

That reminds me. A month or two ago, some /v/ Gamestop employee posted about how someone turned in the Prime Trilogy recently. Seems like the common case of someone not knowing what they're selling. Might've even been with the hardcase. Either way, he bought it the moment he got off work. I guess being a FUCKING GAMESTOP employee can have it's merits.

>> No.347093

I like collecting art books, but I'm not sure that really counts. I do like guides though, even though GameFaqs is free, some games really need you to have a visula map handy.

>> No.347119

Yeah, plus guides have beautiful promo art and are a lot more convenient than walls of plaintext and wiki sites. I just hate it when the publishers deliberately leave out details though. Also for stuff like LBP where every level is shitfull of collectables, they really come in handy.

>> No.347135

Also Animal Crossing ones are godsends.

>> No.347139

Yeah, although I never sniped turn-ins from random people. This guy and I were close buddies so I felt like it was okay. Still almost got in trouble for it, though. (The management doesn't like it because they see it as lost profit they could have made.) If my friend hadn't also been the assistant manager, I probably would have been written up.

>> No.347158

>I just hate it when the publishers deliberately leave out details though.

I have the Digimon World guide. This drove me nuts. The FF IX guide is the worst for it, though. Fuck PlayOnLine.

>> No.347161

>mfw I own Trilogy CE with the original slipcover and hard case, in immaculate condition, and had NO IDEA what it was worth until I looked it up just now


>> No.347215

>lost profit they could have made
>friend is assistant manager
Yeah, I was kind of wondering how an employee would get away with that. They wouldn't care if you "sniped" though, right? The only time I've ever traded to Gamestop was sometime last year when they had this pretty good deal, where Brawl and NSMB DS (There was a bigger list of games) were worth like 25 and 30$ dollars. The employee seemed surprised when she rung them up and saw the trade-in value.

Either way, walked out with Megaman Zero Collection, Shrek 2(GC), and that Mario Baseball game for GC in exchange for those two games.
Kind of surprised they even had decent GC titles though, since this was one of the last months that they were going to stop buying/selling used GC games. I guess because of the Wii U release.

>> No.347231

Yup. There was a different brand for this LBP guide I got that didn't even have an item/bubble list. That and my Pokemon DPP guide (my mammy got it for $2 at some garage sale when I was about 15) only has entries for Sinnoh Pokemon.

>> No.347242
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Yeah, people always seem kind of surprised when I tell them how much Conker, Xenoblade, and the Trilogy are worth online.

>> No.347296

>Past stories of great finds. (This can be yours, or someone else’s. Even folklore.)
>Making up stories about insane deals.
So you can't make up your own stories, but can post other people's made-up stories? Or just make up a story and say someone else did it? Or am I misunderstanding you?

>> No.347309

That's retarded. They're not worth nearly that much.
I think it's hilarious how the word "Rare" is used there, though.

>> No.347320

I think folklore as in you heard x person/x shop was selling some item for a low price.

>> No.347331

Yup. Apparently people on ebay think fifth gen games and below are worth fucking fortunes.

>> No.347347
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Fortunately, Max here has devised a solution.

>> No.347358

It's funny, because you can get almost any used Rareware N64 game cartridge from most any hole-in-the-wall used game store for less than 10 bucks.
CIB is a different story, but not many standalone carts are worth more than $20, with some exceptions.

>> No.347368

Yeah, I've noticed that you can get the actual boxes/manuals cheap online, but for some reason if they're bundled with the game it increases the price a bunch.

>> No.347439


Are the manuals and other shit printed with serial numbers to match the cart, or am I retarded? I never thought about that before, buts that's the only reason I can see for the price jump.

>> No.347447
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Dude said the ps2 wouldn't read dvd's or ps1 discs, so he sold me it and all the games he had to me for like 40 bucks. Fixed the laser and it even reads blue/purple now. I feel like I should probably give it back to him but he wont return my calls, so whatever.

Once I talked to a guy about Final Fantasy IX for a long while at some flea market when the seller saw me eying it. Apparently he actually liked games a lot too. We talked for at least 20 minutes about it, and at the end he said I could just have it, no charge. No lie, he died of cancer like a year later.

>> No.347852

May he rest in peace. He did a nice thing.

>> No.347868

Is hard to fix the laser in a PS2?

>> No.347936

I got my Model 1 Genesis, a six-button and a three-button controller, power and coaxial for $20 at a Goodwill, plus a couple games for an extra $5. Not too bad.
Unfortunately, that Goodwill, which stocked a shittonne of games, has since closed/moved.
At the new location, I got a half-working brick Game Boy for, like, $5.

>> No.347945

Probably just have to take it out and put in a new one. Don't even know if there's any unscrewing needed

>> No.347963

That's just sad.
A similar thing happened to me, twice. Looking for even the cheapest lcd game, I started rummaging through a box on some old man's stand at my local flea market. After a while the only vidya related stuff I found where an N64 Jumper Pak and a Wii Nunchuk. The old man started talking to me midway, and when I finished I realized I had only a couple coins left, so I couldnt buy the Nunchuck. The old man just told me to take it for free, but I refused, as I felt I was ripping him off, so when he insisted I offered the coins for the Jumper Pak instead. It came into use later as I got a 64 without one.
The second time it was the same thing, but with a different old man, a wireless mouse and 2 bucks. Apparently these people like to give stuff away to those who lend an ear.

>> No.347971

A few years ago I picked up a Super Gameboy for $30 at a pawn shop I frequent. It was the happiest day of my life.
This place is really hit or miss too. And not only with stock, but with prices. But, I keep coming back so I guess it's not so bad. Cash Converters if it's in your area. check it out if you see one.

>> No.348020

Dude that's fucking expensive. I got one about 4 years ago at a Game Crazy for $4.

>> No.348031

This is why you always respect your elders

>> No.348043
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Hahaha me and my friend bought this game for 60 buck. Just awful.

>> No.348045

Lets see... Recently I went to a couple of local Goodwills and a thiftshop. Goodwill #1 had 4 different sports games for GB/C, but I managed to net myself SMB Deluxe for 3.99. #2 didn't have much of interest, just an alt controller for my Genesis with turbo and such (4.99). The thrift store had Sonic 3 & Knuckles for $4, which was nice. It was an alright time, I'm gonna head over again this weekend to see what they have.

>> No.348070

CIB Hitchhikers for Atari computers, $24
Is this a good deal?
It was 40 a few moths back

>> No.348093

.... oh

>> No.348102

>$30 for a Super Gameboy


>> No.348121
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>> No.348146


They seem to love polite young people, and I can understand why seeing as simple politeness is a dying craft. Even if I don't agree with their views and morals some of the time I still like to hear what they have to say and gain some of their wisdom if possible. Though, not all old people are wise.

But anyway yeah, I think they just like some conversation and getting to know people. Like my neighbor, deceased now, was a 90 year old man all alone who could barely get up off his couch. He would pay me pretty well to mow his grass and shovel the walk in the winter, I knew really he just wanted to see someone and have someone to talk to every now and then. So you'll see many older people who care much more so for company or to see the joy in young people rather than money. Greedy old people who care for no one exist, but they seem to be fewer in number.

Sage because my post is not /vr/ at all.

>> No.348149

I also once found E.T. and Blackjack bundled together for $2 at a Goodwill. I bought it just for the novelty; it currently sits on my shelf. I also found a blue GB Pocket there for $4. The contrast switch is a little finicky but for 4 bucks I'm not complaining.

>> No.348195

I've got some bad news. Super Gameboys are worth about $5. I imported a Super Gameboy 2 from Japan for $15 shipped. Unless you mean Gameboy Player then $30 is about right.

>> No.348216


I bet we would be pretty good friends in person.

>> No.348293


So that's why it's so rare. Copies of Shantae are straight up disappearing. It all makes sense.



Are sealed copies STILL going for $150.00+

It hasn't even been out that long. What's going on? I know it had a short print but damn.


Pretty pricy for a super gameboy, but if you're enjoying it that much then it really was a great deal. How are deals where you live? Is stuff like that very hard to come by?

>> No.348342
File: 1.45 MB, 800x1000, 20130331_231857[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those aren't even with box OR manual!
i mean, my copy is from a rental store, but...

>> No.348382
File: 2.49 MB, 2592x1936, score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a moderately decent score today, some highlights, paid $10 for a very clean PS1, I also paid $3 for shrinkwrapped new in box Intellivision games.

>> No.348528
File: 70 KB, 1000x830, BruceLeeDissaproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That 4.99 sticker on HM64

If a god exists why do such atrocities plague us? Were we created only to suffer?

>> No.348552
File: 180 KB, 491x369, rrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother fucker. I'm filling up with rage.

>> No.348596

>that sweet looking lady walks out with that huge haul of games.

I can't watch, I just can't. It's like when someone posts a "shock" gif and the first shot is of a cute animal. I just can't.

>> No.348634
File: 23 KB, 500x375, juego-diskete-para-atari-xl-the-hitchikers-guide-to-galaxy_MLC-O-34365105_9089[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz respond

>> No.348652

My heart hurts. Ouch. Fuck. I can't breathe.

>> No.348717
File: 235 KB, 900x681, 768976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That shit should be flagged. I mean there is getting a good deal and then there is totally ripping someone off. I wonder how that guy can even sleep at night.

>> No.348725

a dollar each and this asshole doesn't even give her at LEAST another 20 for all that.
I think i'm gonna become the anti big game hunter and show up wherever this asshole is and just tell people what their stuff is really worth...

AND this douche just SELLS it on ebay or something. those games are meant to be played faggot, not jewed out.

>> No.348794

my chest...

>> No.348823

Has anyone ever actually did the opposite of what these threads are about, and tell the seller about what they're selling?

>> No.348912

i'd only do it if the person is a re-seller asshole.
classic games like these should be found cheap, yes, but at least by people who will enjoy them and cherish them. not people buying them stupid cheap and selling them at ebay prices, laughing at their sealed, mint, near opened VGA graded collection.

>> No.348973

When it first came out. I didn't buy it at a retro hunt or anything. We where very young and dumb.

>> No.349340

My goal for these threads has always been to keep the validity of each post at a maximum. Folklore can be considered "making up insane stories" I suppose, but what I was getting at is something like >>347320 had in mind. Anything that contributes to the thread is great imo. My major gripe would be if someone posted a story they knew for a fact wasn't true, which folklore doesn't really fall under.

These are the stories I love hearing my man. Who cares if your prized possession has low monetary value....it doesn't have low sentimental value. That CIB took you 12 years, which is an incredible feat, but the feeling must have been astoundingly great, much like finding a haul like >>345969 Anyways, kep fighting the good fight my man!

I support you 100% by the way. People can call you a filthy reseller all they want, but the truth is that you are also a collector, and I see nothing wrong with finding homes for games where the people will enjoy them while getting paid to continue your collecting....though the Tron Bonne video made me cringe because I know you sold it....but it is all good, not to mention there were a few games your videos highlighted that I knew nothing about.

>> No.349374

Just got a copy of F-Zero for the SNES CIB for $10. I know a shit ton of 'em were found, but was it a good deal?

>> No.349404

Not terrible, I have seen them go for less though. I think the going rate online is around 15 or 25 or something.

>> No.349417

five dollar suikoden at an EB games.
it was only the disc but whatever.

>> No.349484
File: 2.45 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this for $10. No manuals or cases, but stil a good purchase in my opinion.

>> No.349494

I had to replace the internal battery for Wario Land, but that's it. The rest save fine.

>> No.349495
File: 92 KB, 831x1069, Bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right thread, but any advice for a newcomer to retro collecting?

I've been hoping to increase my rather small collection but almost every game I want is ridiculously overpriced.

Pic related and it's just one of my many favorite franchises.

>> No.349504

Stay away from ebay. Don't give up because all you could find on your first day were shitty sports games from 2010.

>> No.349515

Damn man, good find.

>> No.349526

just keep at it, might take you a while, but you'll find what you are looking for eventually.

pro tip: at any garage sales, ask the sellers if they maybe have any older games that their children might not be using that they may have not put out. i've found TONS of good stuff this way as some older people forget what they have.

>> No.349527

Hey folks. I am going to my local(large) flea market on Saturday and going to try and fine DK64/Conker's Bad Fur Day for decent prices. Do you think I will have luck looking for copies or should I just skip going and monitor Craig's List?


>> No.349532

Yeah, they were going for the whole $2 per game thing. They also had Glover (N64) but I already have it.

>> No.349536

I don't think all of ebay is bad. For some of the games that aren't all that rare I can find some decent deals. Maybe that's because there's a store in my town that charges even more than what one would find on ebay.

You cannot fathom how jelly I am.

>> No.349541

There's no reason to not look. You might get lucky.

>> No.349547

>Conker's Bad Fur Day
What's the deal with this game? I have a copy from way back in the day, but is it super valuable now? I've seen it come up several times in the last few days.

>> No.349553

It's more of a novelty thing since it's so vulgar for a cartoony N64 game.

>> No.349572

Ugh, it isn't valuable at all. Just shit heads on ebay trying to rip people off. Scroll up, you'll see what I mean.
The game is fun as fuck.

>> No.349583

Too bad. I was hoping I could retire on it. But no, it is fun. In fact I may have to pull it out of storage soon. Feels, man.

>> No.349596

Several reasons if I had to guess:

It's Slightly Rare
It's Pretty unique
People like JonTron praise it so much
It's a good game

>> No.349609

>It's Slightly Rare

>> No.349673

I pulled one out of a box a guy was going to throw away at a flea market when I was 9 and gave it to my cousins because they had a SNES.

>> No.349695
File: 2.84 MB, 2592x1944, my saturn games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like showing this picture, all these game where $1.99. Albert Odyssey is empty, game wasn't in the case so free case with all the stuff in it. Dragon Force was $1 at a yard sale, got the Saturn there for $20 that started me collection Saturn games.

>> No.349698

I hate everyone in this thread

>> No.349717

Sounds good to me if it came with all that stuff.
I'd kill for the button.

>> No.349740

Ever found a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day at a thrift store for $4?
I have.

>> No.349774
File: 69 KB, 347x139, Gooey3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. I went to so many mom and pop shops that used to rent out video games that closed down. I was there like every week at this one and I never even thought about hitting them up for their games once they shut down. I mean, I rented pretty much all of the games they had to offer but I remember some pretty rare ones (not at the time of course) like Terranigma and stuff. If only I had a time machine.

>> No.349804


Very nice, my friend.

>> No.349805

I got mine at a pawn shop for $.99. Got 13 other games but that made my day, just the cart but still made my day, never got to play it when it first came out now I can.

>> No.349829
File: 2.36 MB, 2000x1333, IMG_2168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought all of this this week for $60

>> No.349856
File: 65 KB, 959x539, atari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for a pawn shop.

This came in... Gave 10 bucks for it. the bag to the left is full of games.

>> No.349865

err i meant right.

>> No.349910

These threads always make me so fucking jealous.
I went to every thrift shop in town yesterday. The only pre-ps2 game ANY of them had was a copy of Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat for Playstation.
I really hate RTS games, but I bought it anyway so the day wouldn't be wasted.
Five bucks, disc, case, manual, everything perfect.
Still feel like it wasn't worth it.

>> No.349931

How is pricing of retro games in pawn shops on average would you say? More or less than market value?

>> No.349962
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>sports games everywhere

>> No.349967


If you want money, don't sell your games to a pawn shop. If you just want to get rid of them fast like some kind of garbage dump that will pay you for them, then go ahead.

If you mean buying retro games from pawn shops? it wildly varies.

>> No.349969
File: 365 KB, 1632x976, 887063_10200280978940960_1899419340_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got all this plus model 2 Sega genesis for 80 bucks

>> No.349978

just depends on if they know what they have.

pawn shops will more then likely be expensive. go for flea markets.

I found a nintendo rob at a flea market. didnt have all the parts but i got it for a dollar and it worked.

>> No.349989

Two local games stores here have hundreds of them on the bargain shelves.

You can get like 20 of them for $5 or less.

>> No.349998
File: 90 KB, 800x500, picopico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubled my Sega Pico library today. $4 for the pair at Salvation Army.
Almost didn't go today, and almost didn't find them. I walked through a section of the store clockwise, then walked back counter-clockwise on the way out and saw the blue one flat up against the left side of a shelf. Further looking around revealed the yellow one underneath some some random things. Now I'm wondering if there's a Pico console that might show up (or already missed.) I woudn't mind a spare.

>> No.350006

Why do people even bother? Who the fuck would actually buy all those outdated generic sports titles?

>> No.350021

Old games like Baseball Simulator 1.000 are fun as fuck.

>> No.350058

You never know. One shop here had a NeoGeo with two sticks and game for $200.

Several weeks later I went back and it was marked down to $50. fuck, yes, I bought it.

They also once had a TG16 + CD + travel case + games for $50. But that day my car was broken into in the parking lot. I discovered the Turbo because I went in asking if someone tried pawning my stuff. So I wasn't in the mood to be buying stuff at the time.

>> No.350063
File: 487 KB, 500x370, 1363164167418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite find?

>Live in Los Angeles
>Frequent Little Tokyo often because I love Japanese food (and I guess a bit of a weeaboo)
>See Buddhist temple festival
>Go for fresh made takoyaki
>See they have a yard sale
>Already love yard sales for vintage clothes, furniture and especially vidya
>I was not disappointed: found a Super Famicom for $5

This one is shorter:
>Someone is selling a Saturn and some games online
>Ask what they are. Includes Dragon Force and Guardian Heroes and all she's asking for is a $100
>When I arrive, I ask her why she's selling it. Apparently it was her ex's and she didn't know what to do with it
>His misery, my victory
On a side note, she was an assistant dean at UCLA.

>> No.350070

Anyone have any experience game hunting in Phoenix? How stiff is the competition?

I'll be garage saleing in Chandler/Tempe/Gilbert most likely

>> No.350090

Isn't that a pretty average price?

>> No.350110

For those two games together (complete) and Virtua Cop, Virtua Fighter 2, memory card, two controllers and the console itself? Those two games I mentioned originally go for $100 each. I think I got a pretty good deal.

>> No.350123

I want to open and play all of those games

>> No.350137

Just picked up Ducktales 2 for the NES 2 days ago.

>> No.350184

It is somewhat rare. It didn't sell all that well compared to many other N64 games, especially the other games made by Rare.

$80 worth of rare? Fuck no. Maybe $30 at most because it is a legitimately good game.

>> No.350250

>People like JonTron praise it so much

i praise it too, but i guess my opinion doesn't count because i'm not youtube famous.
i've told people since it came out, friends, people on the net, etc etc and the one thing they told me was "anon, it looks too cartoony, why would i play this baby shit?".

>> No.350261

meh, you could have done much better, i wouldn't have paid more than 40 for that. but, it depends where you got it from, i guess.

>> No.350285

>techno cop and EWJ boxes are almost the same

also, at a local shop, i found a bunch of older manuals. some of them were good like ToS and Sonic 2 battle, which i needed because mine are ripped to hell. the guy said they ranged from like 5-10 a piece! said some guy from another state was gonna pay that much for them and more... i never thought instruction books would go for so much.

>> No.350301

>4 CiB good Genesis games
>2 other relatively good games

>> No.350310

I honestly don't get why people care for manuals at all. Totally understand wanting the official cases/boxses, but not manuals

>> No.350321

>$3 for Goldeneye at the thrift store
>$30 for the system
>$7 for the rest of the games

>> No.350327

Thats what I paid for everything in specific

>> No.350328

CIB Genesis games aren't anywhere near as rare as CIB any other cartridge game.

>> No.350354

while this is true, they are still CIB, and in great conditions... Except for JP

>> No.350369
File: 70 KB, 195x226, luigi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw in the future hunting for game it will all be stacks of sports games and call of duty games

>> No.350374

sure man, hell, i got earthworm jim special edition, flashback segaCD and a SEGA NOMAD for 50 DOLLARS!
and today, i got an SNES mini, a 360 controller, HDD and a toploader controller (along with something else, can't remember off the top) for another 50.

>> No.350383

Take a few hundred just in case you never know

>> No.350390

cod games sure, but like cod 3 and stuff.
AND it'll be for like 25 bucks because its cod.

>> No.350398

i'd say only certain games really, like gunstar heroes, TMNT HH or Sunset Riders, with its sexy lavender case.
i will say though, sega was smart making those hard cases, nintendo stuff is threatened by any amount of water.

>> No.350408

It's already like that where I live, except replace Call of Duty with more sports games.

>> No.350424

I'm not sure I would call this a deal, but it was one of the first times I managed to get a few things I was looking for at what I considered a pretty good price.
Managed to find Crono Cross, GTA1 and 2, Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, and 3 and the first two Tomb Raider game. Guy wanted 50 mostly cause of CC and I managed to talk him down to 17 with some internet searching and that fact that Cross didn't have instructions, found the instructions the next day on the Bay for 2 bucks shipped.
not bad I thought. Unfortunately I live in the ass end of the country and there really is no such thing as Game Chasing in Florida.
speaking of which The Game Chasers both inspires me and PISSES me off at the same time lol

>> No.350453

I'm talking about in 20 years time it will be stacks upon stacks of old call of duty games

>> No.350578

for any thinking of visiting M&M in Upland, CA
>walk in, no one at counters
>walk around for 4 minutes, someone comes to counters
>ask what the value of my Gameboy Light is
>"bring it in, let's see"
>first guy doesn't know, gets his superior
>2nd guy's eyes widen when seeing GBL
>"oh its a Gameboy Color Light"
>"yeah, these aren't that great. I can offer you $30 at most, why buy a B/W system with a front light when for $30 more i could get an SP with charger"
>stammering: "maybe a collector will pay about on-um $50 for it, but i doubt it."
>notice a GB Pocket, ask for price
>"$25, it's in good condition..add the worm light and it's basically what you have"
>scratches on screen (albeit, protector), discoloring + worn buttons, scratches on shell
>check pricing for games since i was looking for a couple
>$30 for Pokemon Gold/Silver
>$25 for Pokemon Yellow/Blue/Red
>$30 for Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
>$25 for any Donkey Kong game
>$25 for Kirby's Dreamland

they are on fucking crack. no way in hell i'm going to pay double the price on a single game, let alone a system (Genesis $40 with only one remote?). selection's not that great, a couple uncommon games here and there, but not worth the pricetag; i understand its business, but holy fuck..how much of an idiot do you make people out to be? AVOID AT ALL COSTS.CLOSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH WHEN YOU EAT, THE LAST THING I WANT TO SEE IS FOOD SPEWING FROM YOUR MOUTH

still searching for another spot to buy games that won't fucking triple the pricetag that isn't craigslist. anyone?

>> No.350596
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pic related, no fucking way a Toys R' Us Special edition Gameboy Light is worth $30

>> No.350637

it is to them. they'll probably resell it $75-$100

>> No.350665

do any of you get that dread feeling at some places, not like retro shops, but like flea markets and the like, when you find something that is ebay expensive and your about to give them money and they say something like:
"oh, i was told that one was worth 50 dollars by my kid" or
"hold on, let me check ebay quick"

>> No.350674

people were praising bad fur day before shit tron and before youtube so please dont bring up his name like his opinion matters at all

>> No.350682

at that moment i would just walk away. you know theyre going to jack up the price on a game thats been sitting inside a plastic storage container for eight years.

>> No.350683

no i have never had this happen and i have been going regularly to flea markets for about 2 years even if they did i would leave if they said a retarded price

>> No.350696
File: 853 KB, 1788x930, famicomgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit bro, that's a nice find. I want one of those. I'd prefer a Sansui SSS for the longer cable, though; I have a couple US NES versions but I need one for my Famicom.

Also hell yeah, mah Famicom+Everdrive nigga. I just got a light gun for mine and this thing is SO much fucking cooler than the NES Zapper. Wild Gunman is fifty times cooler when you can cock the hammer back.

>> No.350761

I have a couple stores around me that sell /vr/ games, which usually prevents me from going to places like goodwill and thrift stores. In addition, most of the time I go to these stores, I don't find any good deals or any games at all. Plus I really like going in and just looking at the wall of games and shit. My go-to store is The Exchange, and I just bought a Master System from there for $50.

>> No.350792
File: 978 KB, 1600x1195, my famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many Famibros!

I recently found a bootleg famicom cart at a local goodwill, I was surprised to find anything Famicom related where I live.

(I'll post the cart next.)

>> No.350797
File: 1.40 MB, 1296x968, power joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.350842

What is on the cart ?

>> No.350854

(video shows its best game)

>> No.350905

That's a lot of fuckin games. I wonder how old the cart is.

That graphics hack is actually pretty sick. I love the wood pipes. It's kinda cute when you find a pirate game from the 80's/90's where you can tell they put some effort into their work. I've read a very interesting interview from a developer who made pirate games for Famicom and they did a surprising amount of reverse-engineering work almost unheard of by even today's romhacking crowd. Fun stuff.

>> No.352124

>Be Turkish
>Have no Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Second Hand Shops, Estate Sales, Charity stores
>There use to be a Retro Game Stores but It had a kike selling an Atari 7800 for $350 and and PES for PS1 for 65$
>Turkish Ebay and Craigslist is full of kikes
>Shipping from UK is hell
>I fucked up and dıdn't buy the 30$ 3DO and now It's 200$

>> No.352135
File: 32 KB, 449x449, 1337428820790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$300 for 7800

How the fuck is this guy in business?

>> No.352136

Whoops, meant $350

>> No.352168

He isn't, now he is trying to peddle this shit online

>> No.352279

I tell them that they're not on ebay, they're at a podunk fleamarket filled with rednecks and Mexicans, and I offer them $5 again.

>> No.352303

Good Morning,


>> No.352336

>Go to several shops
>find nothing

Such is life in UK

>> No.352350

currently in talks with a well known youtube user about getting a famicom with a disk system and 4 games for about $115.

When I saw the price I was like "ughhhh too much" then I remembered, on ebay alone its $50 for the console and $60 for shipping. and that's just a famicom.

>> No.352417

Not really retro, but I found a copy of Steambot Chronicles at a farmer's market for 5 bucks, with the disc in near perfect condition, case, and manual. Yoink.

>> No.353087

Decided to hit a couple of Thrift Shops today....

Found nothing except a copy of Assassin's Creed for 1.99
Not too terrible.....;_;

>> No.353147

Yes, pat the nes punk is great for this stuff. His collection is bafflingly good for so little.

>> No.353149

Picked up a Hip Gear PS1 memory card and Mario/Duck Hunt for $4.50 yesterday. I live in a small, shitty town so I don't expect to find much.

>mfw the only NES on my town's craigslist is $100 with no games

Best thing I ever found in the wild was a black label FF7 and THPS2 for $3 each.

>> No.353313

Man nigga, I thought, for some strange reason, the Sansui was an NES exclusive. Yeah the everdrive is dope. I'm playing through so many translations, I'm stoked. Also, dude, HK Famicom? Mice.

>> No.353529
File: 231 KB, 640x480, joycard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's a Famicom version of the Sansui. It's pretty rare, though. Interestingly, it draws the sound for its headphone port directly from the Fami's expansion port, unlike the NES version. (Not my pic, sadly.)

And yeah, a/v-modded HK. It's in pretty good shape, too. Sadly the a/v mod quality is pretty shit. I got it from gamedoctorhk, though I don't know if they're the ones who did the mod. I found a Yahoo Auctions seller selling very high-quality and non-intrusive (no holes to be cut in the shell; a/v routes into a single 3.5mm jack that replaces the RF jack in the same hole) a/v-modded Famis and bought a full internal board off of him for cheap (since I don't need a new shell or controllers). Hopefully that'll fix everything.

>> No.353920

Old manuals were actually over 5 pages and had some interesting things in them.

>> No.353993


My local retro game stores gives away free copies of SNES and Genesis sports games with every purchase. You can take as many as you like. Most people don't take any.

>> No.354120
File: 548 KB, 1630x1222, S__C617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Goodwill
>Find pic related stack of generation 6 games and still sealed flight simulator 95 for $2/each

Not exactly retro, but it was a good day in general.

>> No.354227

pretty good but my goodwill would have all those games locked up in a glasscase for $20 each except SSX because no one gives a shit about sports games.

>> No.354281
File: 472 KB, 1630x1222, S__9B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty fortunate to live in an upper-middle class white neighborhood so most of the stuff I get from Goodwill is for pretty fucking cheap, I often walk out there with vidya every week or so.

Found a boxed Gameboy and Kirby's Dream Land there for $30 together.

It's a shame most of the other stuff I lose out on is bought by resellers, was so close to getting a copy of Mega Man 5 there for $3

>> No.354307

Holy SHIT. I know they probably aren't THAT rare but I'd piss myself if I saw a boxed Game Boy in that condition.

>> No.354331


I was VERY, very giddy when I saw it in the glass case, I haven't really started collecting until a couple months back but I've been having great luck with Goodwill so far.

I can't wait 'til the weather warms up for some garage sales.

>> No.354441
File: 379 KB, 2000x1500, cibgameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this 3-ish weeks ago.

A guy had picked it up when it came out the back of the Goodwill I was looking at, right as I rounded the corner he had it in his hands. After cursing to my self I look around the store hoping he would drop it.
I found a Collector Edition Spyro Riptos Rage and Abe's Odyssey while looking around though.
I then went to check-out and he was behind me, after buying the two games for $1.50 each I asked him if he would sell the Gameboy to me. Oddly enough he wanted to be a "blessing" and let me pay the price he payed for it, he wouldn't even take anymore than $5.50.

>> No.356169


No words.

Fuck though, I get super jealous of people who post amazing Goodwill finds. There's one Goodwill near me and they have fuck all in terms of games. Every time I've gone, they've had nadda except shitty old casual PC games.

There's also only one guy at the closest flea market who sells games and he charges absurd prices for everything. The guy who runs the local hobby shop was telling me the other day how he tried to buy Yoshi on NES from the flea market guy, unboxed and used condition...and the guy wouldn't accept any less than $60. $60!!! For Yoshi!!!

>> No.356187

haha that includes batteries!

>> No.357438
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>> No.357490


>$35 shipping

Makes sense. The VGA Gold certification must come with an actual chunk of gold.

>> No.357485


I really wish people would stop this shit. Seeing your completely unrelated game show up when I'm searching for an entirely different console doesn't make me want to buy it.

>> No.357523
File: 139 KB, 500x281, too cool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it's probably an opened copy too

>> No.357648

I've sold them sealed for $25, so its not bad complete.

>> No.359049

Bump, thread's been dead for a bit, let's revamp it.

>> No.359707
File: 21 KB, 409x383, 1357089755854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went to a garage sale earlier and got a CIB Earthbound with guide and all for 10 bucks. Also got ff2, ff3, chrono trigger, secrets of mana, and lufia 2 for 2 bucks each loose carts. Pretty fucking happy right about now.

>> No.359715


>> No.359820

As absurd as it sounds, its surprisingly common to find one rare rpg with a bunch of others.

People who play certain types of games tend to play a good bit of them. I got an entire megaman lot of 1-8, rockman and forte, X1-3 snes/psx/saturn x3, and soccer for $30

>> No.359835

post pics

>> No.359929

Timestamped pics or gtfo

>> No.360026

he's a douchebag but those videos are cool.

>> No.360063

Oh I remember that guy from AVGN
That NES World Champion episode is probably one of the best AVGN videos ever. Right up there with the Castlevania series and Battletoads.

>> No.360079

Yeah but that story was probably bullshit anyway

>> No.360081

reseller here
stay made /vr/edditors

>> No.360087

>find Mega Man Legends 2 for $25 at swap meet
>very poor
>sell games so I can eat food
>figure I'll rebuy it later
>months later MML3 is canceled
>Mega Man legends 2 skyrockets in price

I want to die.

of course, I did sell my Final Fantasy 7 that same day and ended up finding a black label copy for $5 in November.

>> No.360092

I hope your children contact cancer of the pancreas you fucking nigger.

>> No.360097 [DELETED] 

lol mad cuz i sell games so i can buy games that I can actually play on modern tecnhology with cash to spare for Moutain Dew™ and Doritos™ Nacho Cheese flavor

>> No.360150

>Gave brother-in-law N64, games, controllers, and SNES games back before I started to build a collection, played them to death and just thought they were pointless relics sitting in my closet
>Realize how fucking stupid that was a year later
Well, at least it's not like I gave him anything too rare. Just stuff like Donkey Kong Country, Smash 64 (I really don't care for this game to be honest. Now that it's on Wii VC I don't give a shit about owning it), PStadium, Mario World...
Still sucked later on when I decided to start building up a collection and having to fucking rebuy an N64. Still haven't gotten another SNES.

Also I had afucking box full of manuals that I threw out when I moved into my current house.
It was full of Gameboy, Gameboy Color, SNES, GBA, and N64 manuals too. Totally regret it. And I think my copy of Sonic Advance might've been in there because I can't fucking find that game anywhere now.

>> No.360209

you're a really shitty ruseman.

>> No.360230 [DELETED] 


>> No.362132
File: 721 KB, 2592x1552, megadrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything pictured for 35€ (~45$). Not a steal but a fair price I'd say.