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3460735 No.3460735 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of the based Nakazato Contra trilogy?

Also, Contra Thread.

>> No.3460808

contra 3 is fun

hard corps is 2hard

ps2 shit is not retro, but I can appreciate you shooping out the "2" after playstation

super c is my waifu

>> No.3460813

>super c is my waifu

based. Super c is my fav contra too. Good stuff.

>> No.3460847

>hard corps is 2hard

Maybe my memory is fuzzy, isn't Hard Corps the easiest one?

Either way, all 3 of those are great.

>> No.3460870

contra 3 has an easy mode and 7 lives. it's definitely easier.

>> No.3460887

>hard corps is 2hard

play the Japanese version

>contra 3 has an easy mode

you don't even play the full game unless you play on hard.

that said, even on hard difficulty, 3 is probably easier than US version of HC

>> No.3460897

>isn't Hard Corps the easiest one?

>> No.3460920

How is japanese easier? Aside from the cheat code

>> No.3460926


gives you a three hit life bar and unlimited continues

>> No.3460937
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What were they thinking?

>> No.3460952

i was watching something about how square made FF mystic quest as a babby's first JRPG for americans so they wouldn't be too bothered by later FF games square was gonna release.

square then went ahead and released a slew of JRPGs including CT, super mario RPG, FF3, and americans ate it up.

so, since they made the japanese version of contra hard corps easier, does that mean americans were better at action games, or did japan simply not understand americans?

>> No.3460953

still better than contra nes's awful base levels.

>> No.3460964

It's definitely an odd choice. The FF thing makes more sense, as does SMB2-J.

Someone in the ecco thread earlier mentioned "anti-rental" difficulty by design to prevent kids from beating a game in one weekend.

>> No.3460990
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mfw yuros played Probotector(a.k.a. the censored Contra)

>> No.3460991

i responded to that! he never got back to us. i'm still curious about it. i've never heard of "anti-rental" gameplay.

i mean, i wasn't a clever kid, and i usually found some way to cheat by whipping out issues of gameplayers magazine.

>> No.3461028

Rpgs wasn't considered a big market in Usa until Ff7.

They made it easier and more action based to please Americans.

3d graphics and reducing dungeon and dragons influences pleased normies.

>> No.3461034

The top down levels were cool in Operation C.

>> No.3461039

Try Heavy Barrel. It's a full game like that.

>> No.3461085

I feel as though Super C had better non-sidescrolling levels but worse level design overall than its predecessor.

>> No.3461431

>mfw murricans got super c because contra was a bad word at the time

eh, the only bummer about probotector is 50hz

>> No.3461495


>yuropoors attempting banter
>they literally replaced sprites with robots and game runs in 50hz

>> No.3461501

>implying robots aren't way cooler than some roidfaggots

>> No.3461519

Maybe if you have an Asian boipussi

>> No.3461854


>wow, the SNES has Mode7 scaling and rotation, lets make levels that take use of this!

That's what they were thinking.

>> No.3461897

Thank God the Megadrive didn't harp on that shitty gimmick.

>> No.3461908

Hard Corps and Shattered Shitter are the only Contra games I've beaten. Partially because they're the only ones I've really enjoyed, and partially because the other ones I've played were too hard for me to want to see them through to the end given that I wasn't enjoying them that much.

>> No.3461945

are the PSX contras worth playing through? or should they be avoided like amigavania?

>> No.3461948

Not worth it. They're the "we forget these games exist" of the series.

>> No.3461950

>implying F-Zero wasn't great
inb4 contrarian edgelord comment

>> No.3461953

alien wars is really neat but goddamn what's with the metal slug-tier tokentaker difficulty?

>> No.3461985

it was alright, but Power Drift in arcade came out earlier and was much better

>> No.3462076


How is Power Drift similar to F-Zero? Might as well mention OutRun, Pole Position and F-1 on Game Boy.

>> No.3462085

How's it not? Both are sprite-based racing games. Don't tell me it can't be compared because F-Zero is sci-fi.

>> No.3462101

i expected some memeshit like this, Power drift is your typical sega racer just with karts, plays nothing like F-zero

>> No.3462103

>plays nothing like F-zero

your right, it plays much better then f-zero ;)

>> No.3462104

no they aren't those base levels are pretty decent and easy those are just tedious and annoying

>> No.3462116

it's pretty barebones and standard compared to F-zero, not as many interesting mechanics like the enviromental hazards, mines, wind, turbo, lean, shield etc. but whatever makes you feel better anal segafag

>> No.3462135 [DELETED] 

stay upset, nintendildo :))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.3462151

None of those mechanics matter when the pink ship is OP and you'll win every race as long as you do the speed boost trick at the start of every race.

>> No.3462180

>he needs the baby ship and bugs to win
lol as expected from segacucks

>> No.3462183

You sure that's a bug? Lots of racers have the perfect-timing boost

>> No.3462368

Is it just me or does Contra 3 get extremely tough toward the end?

>> No.3462371

Contra Alien wars for the Gameboy is surprisingly good.

>> No.3462375

Christ that's a pretty drastic change.

>> No.3462392

>hard corps is 2hard

play the japanese version

>> No.3462430

Can't believe they want $70 for contra 3 at my local retro game store. One of the few carts I still need.

>> No.3462774

Contra 3 and Metal Slug are both super fair. If they were easier they'd be nowhere near as cool.

That's why the base levels suck. They're piss-easy and have zero depth. Contra 3's top-down levels aren't the greatest but you can still speed through them pretty fast and it's satisfying to take them on with double crush.

I think Contra 3 on hard (the only difficulty that really matters in that game) is harder than Hard Corps, honestly. There's a lot more randomness to deal with in both enemy movements / spawns and boss patterns.

>> No.3463280

Play One and Apocalypse, maybe Rapid Reload, if you want something like Contra on the PSX.

>> No.3463610

I really wish Rapid Reload had co-op, I mean, Gunstar has it.

>> No.3465509

Shattered Soldier is the greatest Contrs game ever made. it also has the best story and music out of all the games.

>> No.3465765

My nigga.

>> No.3466175

Completely agree. Neo Contra unfortunately ruined franchise, especially the story.

>> No.3466176

Contra 4 any good? Watched a short vid of it and the way the two screens work seems like it'd get annoying to play.

>> No.3466202


I haven't played it but does Contra's story REALLY matter? Isn't it just "blow up aliens" or "blow up Colonel Bahamut"?

>> No.3466204

whoa dude, thanks for the spoilers

>> No.3466250


it's pretty great, the two screens isn't an issue

>> No.3466282
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I agree with this from a strictly gameplay standpoint, but Hard Corps' visuals, music, and general zaniness make me prefer it to Shattered Soldier.

Also Super Power Robot Yokozuna Jr. is way less cool than his dad.

>> No.3468203


this gives you up to 10 lives and the hit bar, but without unlimited continues. I guess if you're really bad you could always use the 70 lives code and game over after 210 hits, lol. It's best of both worlds for me because I can't read moon and there are dialog options in the game

>> No.3468384
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>penis train

>> No.3471158
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Arcade Super Contra > All other Contras

>> No.3471902

Hard Corps is the best Contra fampai.

>> No.3472069


That looks nothing like a penis. Maybe some weird animal penis, but nothing like any penis I'm familiar with.

>> No.3472114


idk, looks pretty penis like to me

>> No.3472127

can I play these on wii mame or something?

I'm a huge faggot and I unironically dislike pc emulators now and I don't have a 240p video card

>> No.3472156
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>> No.3472181


based Fang

>> No.3472194

I just go with ray because he has no shit weapons

>> No.3472247

Brownie if I want to take it easy, Fang otherwise.

>but Fang is easy too!

Yeah but Ray and Sheena are relatively boring as shit so I don't care.

>> No.3472274

Too hard for III and hard corps (top down levels in III are shit too) or shit for SS

contra 1 and contra 4 are the only good contras

>> No.3472342

The cute girl.

>> No.3472343



that's some damn bad taste, son

>> No.3472374

how can you like 1 but not super?

>> No.3472732

Contra is overrated. If I want a good run 'n gun I play Gunstar Heroes or Metal Slug.

>> No.3472774

Metal Slug is even more overrated than Contra, it's also only lauded for its 2D graphics but has shit gameplay.

>> No.3472786

>Contra is overrated.
>Metal Slug is even more overrated

ITT: unpopular opinions general

>> No.3472791

Fang when I'm not rusty, Sheena otherwise

>> No.3472805

Agreed. Gunforce 2 had good gameplay, why did they downgrade for Slug??

>> No.3472867

>tfw you dont know if the VO in hard corps is shit or you just have a shit MD. even altered beast sounds better

>> No.3472881

Gunforce 2 is fun as hell but the slowdowns were kinda bad at times, but overall it felt more "frantic" than the MS games.

>> No.3475673
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what the fuck am I fighting

>> No.3475848

Tetris Attack.

>> No.3477808

once again I find a neat romhack I can't find the right md5 source rom for. japanese it is

>> No.3477828


>> No.3478272

fuck you I liked it

>> No.3478335

Play the GBA version, it cuts the shitty top-down levels.

>> No.3478681


the GBA version is infinitely worse. what horrible advice.

>> No.3480973

I actually kinda liked those levels.

>> No.3482405

They're all good fun.

>> No.3482450

it's even better on hard mode

>> No.3483502
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Sure. Keep in mind that the AC Contras were made to be played on vertical monitors, so the aspect ratio might be a bit off.

>> No.3483526

Contra: Hard Corps>Contra III> SS

>> No.3485750

drop 3 below SS, the mode 7 levels and slowdown ruin that game

>> No.3485752


Make your own tier list instead of trying to change other people's tastes by spouting console war memes, kid.

>> No.3488063

I never understood why people had issues with the Mode 7 levels from Contra III. They were the best parts of the game.

>> No.3488081

>telling facts is spouting memes

Stay in denial, bitch nigger.

>> No.3488102
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>fanboy meme opinions

get a load of this autist.