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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 1000x600, pc98_x68k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3460682 No.3460682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like western computers such as PC and Amiga when Japanese computers were vastly superior?

>> No.3460690 [DELETED] 

Why do you computer fags have to be here? I came here to talk about muthafuckin NES, bitch. This is for games, not your gay ass fuckin word documents and shit. Bitch, go to /g/ if y'all wanna talk about bitch ass computers.

>> No.3460703

Guess we should ban the NES from /vr/ then, since it's a Family Computer.

>> No.3460709

Because western people didn't grow up with superiour japanese computers.

>> No.3460712

well, I would assume that it has to do with availability. Most of the users on this forum are not Japanese, and most of the notable Japanese computers were only marketed and sold in Japan. Thus, it is much more involved a process to come across Japanese computer users among our ranks, and by rule even less likely to find devoted fans of them.

I for one will say that the x68k had some cool games on it.

>> No.3460725

Famicom even had its own OS and disk drive.

>> No.3460980

PC98 wasn't always superior but they made more out of it. You can see how the quality slipped when they went to Windows 9x.

Japanese computers are an elusive taste because you have to read Japanese to fully appreciate them.

>> No.3461275

The X68k was nowhere near as powerful then the Amiga, even the later models VS later Amiga models, the only thing X68k had going for itself was it's arcade grade graphics subsystem, what allowed easy arcade cabinet ports to the system, as a computer it was sucky sucky meh.

Not even gonna talk about other workstation grade computers of the west of the time.

>> No.3461476
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I just love the case of the X68k.
didn't the nes in japan allow internetesce services via satellite like banking?

>> No.3462619

because all that's on Japanese computers is pedophile dojinshi visual novels and touhou.

>> No.3462625

That's why they are so vastly superior.

>> No.3462635

So what's your favorite JPC game? Weeb dating sim or Wizardry?

>> No.3462640

touhou alone makes them surperior

>> No.3463002
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Star Cruiser on the X68000

>> No.3463012

Name a single Amiga shmup that came close to any x68k shmup!

The Amiga is a seriously overrated system. The only thing it had going for was the price, which is why it was so successful in such a poor region as Europe.

>> No.3463014

>the only thing X68k had going for itself was it's arcade grade graphics subsystem
Are you fucking blind? As a actual 68k computer it was a weak platform, passed by Amiga and Macintosh.
I even pointed it out that it was a great gaming box.

>> No.3463018
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>such a poor region as Europe.

>> No.3463041
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Name a single x68K game that sounds as good as an Amiga game.

>> No.3463043

>The Amiga is a seriously overrated system.
OP asked about the Amiga, didn't he?
Stale bait.

>> No.3463053


>> No.3463068

How many people here care about productivity software?

>> No.3463163

>Why do people like western computers such as PC and Amiga when Japanese computers were vastly superior?
Just a valid answer for a valid question, fuck off if your weeaboo mind can't take it.

>> No.3463175

If you couldn't see the implied "vastly superior (when it comes to the concept of this board, i.e. Retro gaymen)", then you're retarded dude.

>> No.3463183

Are IBMs better than the PC98 series when it comes to office work and the like?

>> No.3463249

So you're telling me the x68k was a good platform because it had good graphics going for itself?
Wait, where have I heard that before?

Weeaboos are worse than feminists with their delusions, they warp reality to their liking.

>> No.3463257

Because Japan was still a isolated nation at the time and by the time globalism really started for Japan in the 90s, Microsoft made the world home computer market it's bitch.

>> No.3463261

>You must be 18+ to post here.

>> No.3463265

>what is MSX
seriously, this, 100 times this >>3463261

>> No.3463337

I'm in my 30s and probably older than you.

Talk about splitting hairs, Christ.

Okay I meant by the time that Japan was opening culturally to North America and Europe in a major way to popular audiences in the 1990's Microsoft's Windows 9x OS on IBM compliant home computers became the world's gold standard in computing meaning that the majority of the world ignored all non-PC computers until the recent retro gaming interest in obscure (to the west) Japanese gaming.

>> No.3463359

The x68k was good because it had the best cpu, sound, graphics at the time.

It's not considered an overall best because it was Japan-exclusive and costed as much as 10 Amigas.

>> No.3463361

>x68k Castlevania

>Amiga Castlevania


>> No.3463367

The first x68k's used the same CPU, only had better graphics and still below Amiga sound.
Latter versions of the x68k where one generation behind with the 68k VS Amigas and Macintoshes of the same release date.

Go check it out.

>> No.3463368

>let me find the worst port of a game for a system and show it to a good port of another system

That's like those old Atari, Sega VS Nintendo commercials, you have learned well.

>> No.3463372

>best cpu
you know what the 68k part means in its name? does not look like you do

>> No.3463375
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What do we use for comparison then?

>> No.3463378
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>Amiga Castlevania

>> No.3463383

How about the technical properties of each platform's original games and not half assed ports?
Oh wait, the x68k only had arcade ports.

>> No.3463392

>Oh wait, the x68k only had arcade ports.
x68k Castlevania arcade port?

>> No.3463393

Doujin games too.

They're kinda like those legendary Amiga demos, 'cept you can actually do stuff in there.

>> No.3463394

English speaking people prefer to play English language games.

>> No.3463395

What are we talking about, gaming?
PC wasn't a real gaming platform when the Amiga and x68k where a thing...
As an actual computer the Japanese counterparts where not very good compared to western counterparts.
But they did get a lot of arcade ports of popular Japanese arcade ports, might have been a thing in the US also because arcade ports of games where quite popular there too, but nobody would have bought a expensive piece of computer hardware just for gaming, especially if it was a poor as a computer.

>> No.3463403

That's a console game port, even less remarkable than the arcade ports, at least the arcade ports utilised the good graphics hardware in the x68k

>> No.3463409
File: 130 KB, 300x390, Vampire_Killer_MSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a remake of an MSX game but ok

>> No.3463415

The original Castlevania was developed simultaneously with the NES, but the NES version was released first, making it the orgin platform.
Common, weebs should know this shit.

>> No.3463417

for the*

>> No.3463423

None of the old touhou games are good though

>> No.3463430

Hmm your opinion, i personally loved Lotus Land Story and Mystic Square

>> No.3463462

>were vastly superior?
Hmm your opinion, i personally loved PC and Amiga games


>> No.3463467

If /vr/ is so good, why are there so many retarded platform war threads?

>> No.3463478

>/vr/ is so good
Never heard that before, other boards strictly mention that /vr/ is full of retards and fanbois.

>> No.3463489

>copypaste arpegios

>> No.3463495
File: 201 KB, 250x344, madstalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wait, the x68k only had arcade ports.

Sure thing, Amigafag.

>> No.3463503

Oh sorry dear weeb, 99% arcade ports*

>> No.3463520
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>> No.3463523
File: 15 KB, 320x256, Walker_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even fucking Walker looks better and the x68k is supposed to be graphically more advanced platform.

>> No.3463530
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>calling others weebs on a weeaboo website

It's time for you to go back to Lemon Amiga.

>> No.3463537

>looks better

>> No.3463540
File: 174 KB, 702x662, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeaboo website
This site is for people who like Japanese animation and culture, not for people who suck Japan cock and have mental delusions about their race and nationality.

>> No.3463543
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>Implying the Amiga is even on the same level as the glorious X68000

It's okay at best, but ultimately it pales in comparison to the latter.

Same deal with the C64 versus the MSX1 alone.

>> No.3463545

>looks better
Hmm your opinion, i personally loved it

>> No.3463547
File: 20 KB, 560x416, Lionheart_(Amiga)_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good is the only thing euro devs are good at.

>> No.3463550
File: 38 KB, 512x512, chorensha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acknowledging the fact that Japanese computer games are better than Eurotrash computer games doesn't make you delusional, though. It makes you correct.

>> No.3463552
File: 24 KB, 181x186, hrld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, MSX is a collaboration of western and Japanese.
Microsoft played a bigger part in it then any Japanese company releasing them, fastly popular also in Europe.

>> No.3463562

I fucking hated Mad Stalker until I discovered the cheat for the extra mechs.

>> No.3463572
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1471349058936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it a fact and how can someone be correct acknowledging it? When it's a matter of taste, like >>3463430.
If you want to bring up hardware specifications, the only thing that can count as a fact in such a matter, then no, they where not superior to western computers.

>> No.3463573
File: 27 KB, 312x421, metalgear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares what company backed the hardware, what's important is the games.

>> No.3463583
File: 197 KB, 766x1080, Guardic_-_1986_-_Compile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry buddy, MSX is a collaboration of western and Japanese.
Oh, I know, I'm talking about the games here. Most western MSX1 games are just quickie ZX-Spectrum ports that barely, if at all take advantage of the hardware, and most speccy action-arcadey games simply pale in comparison to nip MSX equivalents.
>Looking good is the only thing euro devs are good at.
That and music for the most part. So many detailed, pretty looking Amiga games that unfortunately play like shit.

>> No.3463584
File: 23 KB, 251x342, granada-68k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anyone with half a brain can realize that practically all Yurop games have shit gameplay and horrid game design compared to Jap games.

>> No.3463592

Dude even Japanese people didn't like Japanese computers.

>> No.3463759
File: 13 KB, 640x480, tmenu21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The x68k was good because it had the best cpu, sound, graphics at the time.
That's the FM Towns. It also featured a revolutionary CD-ROM drive over the x68k's outdated 5.25" floppies. And a graphical OS instead of Sharp's DOS clone.

>> No.3463763

shame it was all about porn games though

>> No.3463780

That's definitely the PC-98 and PC-88. x68000 and Towns only got their breadcrumbs.

>> No.3464021

American computer games were both inspired and innovative, due to American ingenuity.

Japanese computer games were an extension of their arcade game design philosophy.

European computer games... were just fucking abominations, with OK music.

>> No.3464027

>European computer games... were just fucking abominations, with OK music

>he thinks Giana Sisters, Turrican, Superfrog, and Football Manager were rubbish
Get a load of this guy Cam.

>> No.3464032

In what specific way were JPCs better?

>> No.3464036

actual professionals developed games for them, unlike european hobbyists

>> No.3464038

Both machnes were beasts honestly, but I agree that the redbook music on the FM towns was based as fuck


>> No.3464040

So same applies to US computers. Big deal.

>> No.3464043

I think it depends a good deal on the game. Yes, there was a lot of rubbish shit out by Mastertronic but some devs like Thalamus and System 9 who actually did care about quality had excellent stuff.

>> No.3464059
File: 2.86 MB, 579x385, 68 kay dawg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The X68000 received at least two GUIs, Hudson's own SX-Window and a later, faster one called Ko-Window. Hudson also made a few visual shells for the system's built-in BASIC. Granted, Fujitsu did a better job of including and updating their OS with all FM Towns products, but Sharp users were in the know and used their OS of choice. I think the X68k got a FreeBSD port at some point, too.

You're right on CD drives, but next you'll have to debate which CPU architecture was better for games development, the FM Towns's x86 variant or the 68k.


Xak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ta_WcVKag
Knight Arms (long opening): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRyQoOnaFlQ
Nostalgia 1907: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ke2Dqg01-M
Lam-Mal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7VT4fFyPs4
War-Torn Versnag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL4Fb2q5rrw
Twilight (arranged by Umemoto): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWedEQ3nDuo
Star Cruiser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLpd8GJlxhE
Granada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BBpJzLeiWI&t=676
Valusa's Revenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDixAHSlktc
Pitapat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYA4Vew-CAI
Laplace no Ma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOf0UWXPYOk
Spindizzy II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlC9SwfBdmc

Paula's more technically advanced and newer than the old YM2151 FM-synth chip used in the X68k, but European/Japanese game musicians maximized their hardware.

Let's not imply the PC-98's all eroge or 2hu. There's just too many sci-fi, historical, and Western fantasy wargames on that platform which don't include porn. And the PC-88 had a really broad diversity of genres that didn't rely on porn to sell themselves (Ys-likes, arcade shooters, detective adventures, rulebook-influenced wargames/xRPGs, &c). The market narrowed around 1989 when eroge hit the big time right as the PC-98 became more affordable and useful to players and hobbyists.

>> No.3464063

Japan were better at action games, while America were better at RPG's, simulation, strategy, adventure, and other genres people typically think of when you say computer gaming.

>> No.3464064

>Europe were better at action games, while America were better at RPG's, simulation, strategy, adventure, and other genres people typically think of when you say computer gaming.


>> No.3464071

Europe tried to copy Japan, but were really bad at it. Look at the myriad of horrible shooting games compared to Gradius or R-Type. Or all those awful sidescrollers copying Mario.

>> No.3464076

Decent but they just don't compare to top tier developers on the FM Towns or X68000, japanese developers were more consistently good and had much higher highs too

>> No.3464079

European action games fucking suck compared to japs, I agree westies are good in some of the other genres though

>> No.3464270

>European computer games... were just fucking abominations, with OK music.
Yeah Psygnosis were just the worst game devs ever. And Magnetic Fields, and Audiogenic, and Bullfrog, and DMA and DI(CE). All fucking shocking companies that produced garbage. None of them went anywhere.

>> No.3464278

And was it not a British dev that did X-COM?

>> No.3464287

Once Apogee and Epic Megagames hit it big in the early 90s the American action games started blowing the Euro action games out of the water.

>> No.3464290
File: 269 KB, 515x530, 1470464255792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japan gets the screamer
>it's a boring as fuck dungeon crawler fighting game hybrid that's only worth playing for it's interesting setting
>america gets wasteland not too much later
>it's actually a fun rpg worth playing that people cared enough about that it actually influenced the industry besides fueling some obscure internet memes
gee anon, if the japanese pcs were so great how come they always got the shittier games that you could play on a console instead of the more complex albeit unpolished games that PC got IE Red Lightning, Laser Squad, Twilight 2000, any CRPG worth a fucking damn, etc.

protip: a gaming machine is only as good as the games it has. this is why pc-88/98 are inferior to IBM-PC.

t. avid 80's/early 90's pc hobbyist of any and all regions. this is not meant to rag on the 88/98 but on weeaboos in general who know absolutely fucking nothing about what the hell they are talking about.

>> No.3464294

Because those computers are extremely expensive and outside the MSX their games are not friendly to those who aren't well-versed in Japanese.

I also find it strange that X6800 and PC-98 games seemed to cost more than those for a Sega or Nintendo.

>> No.3464303

I can't read moonrunes. I think the hardware was better though. Amiga was built badly.

>> No.3464307

Apogee? You mean the guys who produced budget shareware titles for children and poorfags with outdated computers?

>> No.3464326

PC-88/PC-98 are aight, Sharp X68k and FM Towns shit on anything you said.

>> No.3464351

80% of the library of both of those computers is shovelware shit/buggy ports from DOS anyways.

The remaining 20% is impressive but it doesn't hold a candle to the vast libraries of classics that DOS holds in it's crypt.

No Japanese PC from that era ever had a TBS to match Red Lightning.

Having one of the worst Golden Age RPGs (Ultima) in ports doesn't make up for anything.

>> No.3464361
File: 47 KB, 350x228, amiga darius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wait, the x68k only had arcade ports
Arcade-perfect ports is all you need, no need to play shitty euroshmups trying to be Gradius when you can play the real thing, don't even get me started with the shit-tier ports

>> No.3464372

so if you dont like shmups the platform is useless?

>> No.3464378

>80% of the library of both of those computers is shovelware shit/buggy ports from DOS anyways.
>This is what PCucks actually believe

>No Japanese PC from that era ever had a TBS to match Red Lightning.
Who cares about shitty genres only dumb murricans play lol, if your shitty PCs don't have a single good action game you can fuck off

>> No.3464384

Not only shmups, basically anything that wasn't a slowass "muh iimmersion" crap was pretty bad on early PCs

>> No.3464398

>basically anything that wasn't a slowass "muh iimmersion" crap was pretty bad on early PCs


>> No.3464456

for genres that only dumb murricans play, japan certainly spent quite a lot of time over the next 3 decades copying them to death...

probably because they got bored of making shmup games that are always the same shit with a different skin for the drooling slant eyed autists who bought that shit up like candy.

>> No.3464475

>all shmups are the same

t. casual shitter

>> No.3464517
File: 6 KB, 640x400, Giana_Sisters_Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for genres that only dumb murricans play, japan certainly spent quite a lot of time over the next 3 decades copying them to death...
There were some inspirations but enough innovations to be different, like dropping the shitty snail pace and making them more entertaining to play, pretty different to crappy western clones like pic related.

>shmup games that are always the same shit
yup, americans are this retarded

>> No.3464521

>shmups are anything run deeper than the surface
t. dunning-kreuger afflicted casual shitter

>> No.3464573

i respect your preference for children's games

>> No.3464582

>No Japanese PC from that era ever had a TBS to match Red Lightning.
Gendai Daisenryaku

>Having one of the worst Golden Age RPGs (Ultima) in ports doesn't make up for anything.
They had ports of a lot of things.

>> No.3464639

I don't respect your preference for bad games.

>> No.3464692

I found Wasteland pretty frustrating and its innovations were largely ignored for the next decade.

PC-88 obviously had limitations but a game like Xanadu simply didn't work on the consoles of that time.

>> No.3464712

Good thing The Screamer's one of the earlier, lesser games for PC-88 that people bring up way too often because it's been lucky enough to get an English translation patch. It's not bad, but I can think of better games on that platform from 1985, namely Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu, Murder of a Clown, Thexder, Will: The Death Trap II, Tritorn, Sangokushi, The Castle (Excellent), Earth Fighter Rayieza, Dezeni World, Mugen no Shinzou II (one of two early CRPGs by a co-creator of Lunar), King Flappy, maybe Time Empire and Xylos.

>80% of the library of both of those computers is shovelware shit/buggy ports from DOS anyways
Maybe 10% = Japanese localizations of Western software between the NEC lines, bit more for Sharp and a lot more for Fujitsu but not a huge amount. Add in doujin games, too, for some perspective.

>> No.3464938

Nice graphics, but the palette is indeed Euro style.

>> No.3464945

saving this for a later usage

>> No.3464949

>You mean the guys who produced budget shareware titles for children and poorfags with outdated computers?
That's a way to make PC more popular, you know.

>> No.3464951

I thought he meant PC98 with DOS, which may as well account to 80% of the games on both competitors.

>> No.3465173


An actual weeaboo would hate American games more than European ones.

>> No.3465175

They all suck, nothing beats even an American game, not to mention a Japanese one!

>> No.3465178
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>I think the hardware was better though
>Amiga was built badly.

What? Source?

>> No.3465180


>> No.3465191

>Arcade-perfect ports is all you need
That's why you would get a SNES and not a computer

>> No.3465192

So after you play all the shmups, the platform is useless?

>> No.3465201

What kind of arcade perfect ports does the SNES have? A Neo Geo or CPS would be a better choice.

>> No.3465203

Does Japan itself have a retro computing scene?

>> No.3465208

Yes, but small.

>> No.3465213

They don't. Nor a console scene. Japanese seem to have very little interest in preserving the past at all; the large majority of efforts preserving old games have come from Westerners, even a lot of Japan-only cartridges have been dumped by Americans with the mother country being almost completely useless in that regard. Almost the entire Satellaview history has been lost to time.

Japan is about as far removed from Western modes of thinking as you can possibly get, so much that you'd think at first they deliberately set their society up to function that way.

>> No.3465216

that's buddhist as fuck

>> No.3465220

because they aren't in english

>> No.3465223
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Not sure if serious but just in case, have a fedora.

>> No.3465243

You're funny.

>> No.3465249

>he thinks NeoGoe's or CPS's are computers.

>> No.3465250


But japanese have a better sense of preservation. Westerners didn't care about old systems and games until they noticed it generated profit with nerds.
Japanese have had dedicated retro game shops for decades, much earlier than "retro gaming" was a big thing like it's now in the west and where the only place to find (really cheap) old games was at garage sales. In Japan they were also cheap, but had dedicated shops in districts like Akiba.

One of the reasons people buy from japanese sellers blindly is because youknow 99% of the times japanese used goods will be in pristine conditions.

>> No.3465252

This, I agree. But most people will argue about it because they just lack knowledge.

>> No.3465261

By population, Japanese care much less about old hardware then westerners. There ain't so many retrofags.

Also >>3465213 is right, they don't care about preserving those things.

Also of course the normie japanese won't care about old systems same like a western, most even don't care if they can profit of it.

>> No.3465263

>But japanese have a better sense of preservation
Quite the opposite actually. Nips don't give a shit about preserving hardware and software, they just throw everything in the garbage bin once they don't need it anymore. A lot of jap games had their source code lost forever because of that practice.

>> No.3465267

This. Western retro gamers should stop dreaming, because >>3465250 is not true.

>> No.3465271

Retro gaming is a western thing, even those old computers don't have followings in Japan, they might ship you one for profit, but they laugh at the fact that you're interested in it.

>> No.3465273

>japanese used goods will be in pristine conditions
this counts for everything, they just generally treat their objects better, nothing to do with retro scene

>> No.3465281

Not really but even then the amiga is useless regardless of the game

>> No.3465284

> why like pc and amiga
> Why like pc
> posts picture of pc98

>> No.3465298

They're all personal computers.

>> No.3465304



>> No.3465353

How would an official PC-98 or DOS/V port by Capcom have looked liked?

>> No.3465450
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>fanboi on a retro gaming board

>> No.3465514

He said PC-88/PC-98 in the middle of the post. Either way, NEC releases make up at least 50% of the whole old J-PC catalog, if not less. It's just that you have to got out of your way to learn what came out for machines like Toshiba's Pasopia. The MSX1 platform got a huge amount of exposure to talented young programmers, leading to lots of smaller games coming out.

I think Japanese PC people are better about dumping game files and even rebuilding games from scratch if they were distributed through type-in listings in magazines. They don't want to circulate dumps because of stupidly strict Japanese online piracy/copyright law that lands you in jail, waiting for a fucked up legal system to, if not imprison you, then at least ruin your career. Westerners coming to the guys and picking up dumps probably works out fine. I'm just annoyed at how many MSX magazine games have been brought back to life but can't escape the country. At best you can use Perfect Dark to get floppy/virtual hard drive images, but it's a measure and obligation few are willing to take. Enough of the old Japanese PC people care about preservation but have their hands tied, and the Game Preservation Society also can't distribute what they've handled.

>> No.3465659

But hes right desu

>> No.3465663

american games are shit though

>> No.3465675

Still better than yuropoor ones

>> No.3465680

which yuropoor ones? french? british? german?

yurop is not a country you know

>> No.3465684

Kek, all of them silly

>> No.3465782

IBM PC != PC-98

Back in the day, they were called microcomputers, or just computers. "PC" is a modern thing.

>> No.3465785

Why's that? Without the US, Japan wouldn't have become as awesome as they did after they lost WW2.

>> No.3465792

>A lot of jap games had their source code lost forever because of that practice.

I thought they did that to make sure nobody would steal the source code.

>> No.3465834

More than anything you can thank Atari for that when they buried E.T. cartridges in the desert like bloody lunatics.

>> No.3465847
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, amano738dfb66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retro gaming is a western thing

but as I said, Japan has had retro shops for decades, Famicom and PC-98 have massive cult following, as well as PC engine and Sega Saturn.
Game Center CX started in 2003. They already have a retro tv show before Youtube was a thing

>> No.3465878

Europoors pls leave. Nobody cares about your countless irrelevant home computer systems, or "me too" games. Literally nothing good came out of your continent except the holocaust.

>> No.3465883
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>> No.3466850
File: 19 KB, 680x510, 56245624626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard posting more NEC/Sharp games will drive Yurop away.

>> No.3466972

Amiga had this....


X68k had this.....


>> No.3466981


Poor Europeans.

>> No.3467263

DOS had more colors, but didnt looked better and played worse.

Go look it up i cant post yt urls on my phone.

>> No.3467287

The Amiga is an american system you moron.

>> No.3467335

>implying Yurop is fanbois who shill for one platform only

>> No.3467340

the X68K is literally the development hardware for CPS1/2. The games are largely identical for the most part, and the most accurate experience you can get outside of the actual arcade board.

>> No.3467806

Then why the sound isnt the same?

>> No.3467809

>arcade game released in 1991 versus a 1985-vintage Amiga

Bull. Shit.

>> No.3467812

Now if you did SF II on a AGA Amiga, then we'd have something to discuss.

>> No.3467820

Indeed, if they did an official port on AGA it would be indistinguishable.

>> No.3467825

Cool, but the FM-Towns version is superior.

Everything on the FM-Towns is superior.

>> No.3467828

They never adequately supported AGA. Right to the end, most Amiga games were still designed for an A500 with no hard disk.

>> No.3467831

The X68000 had good arcade ports compared with the Amiga, although that's kind of irrelevant now since you can just play them on MAME.

>> No.3467832

That's not really true, there's around 400 AGA games, most of them with HD installs.

>> No.3467838

True, but some of them are just OCS/ECS games with advanced graphics and some AGA games also have OCS/ECS backports with reduced graphics, but that's just a small fraction of all the AGA games, most are AGA only

>> No.3467839

I think most of those are from continental Europe which is the only place where anyone had AGA Amigas.

>> No.3467843

Actually it's the other way around, most of the FPS AGA games for example are American.
Also the 1200 and 4000 was really popular in US, specially for productivity reasons, OCS/ECS was more of a EU thing.

Where did you get that idea?

>> No.3467849

This, the only place you can still find a 4000 for sale is in america, also most 1200s of ebay are from here

>> No.3467856

>OCS/ECS was more of a EU thing.

Whut. I have never heard of an American AGA game or anything but OCS ones.

>> No.3467863

I agree, most good AGA games like Slam Tilt or Gloom had a UK developer/publisher.

>> No.3467865

/vr/ used to have a reputation for being good, but now it's too full of /v/ shitters.

>> No.3467897

/vr/ is even worse than /v/ in some aspect. At least on /v/ they assume that many threads are trash, and you can still have a good not-so-/v/ related discussions, hell, the "Megadrive sucked" threads that appear can turn into megadrive music enjoyment threads. On the other hand, /vr/ have obvious bait threads such as this one where raging fanboys answer seriously and keep bumping on the front page, while the shitposters stir more and more shit with falacious posts, that's truly a sorry sight.

>> No.3467925

That's /vr/ nowadays, sad but true.

>> No.3467942

That amiga soundtrack it's my new favorite fartwave music.


>> No.3467957

X68000 looks like THAT?
Christ it's awesome, it's exactly what a business PC should look like, that thing screams OFFICE JOB like nothing else.

>> No.3467980

Yet it was only good for gaymin, don't let the looks fool you.

>> No.3468047

the FM towns port looks like shit m8, x68k is the superior original version

>> No.3468052

the original x68k was released in 1987 retard

>> No.3468093

But could you actually play them on the first models?

>> No.3468474

The sound on the X68k version is close but not accurate, plus the Drums samples cut early, they dont dont sustain like in the arcade, plus the effects for punches and kicks sound lame and weaker compared to the arcade ones.

On the plus side tough, the voice samples are the original recordings and sound in the proper pitch, too bad there's no way to actually isolate the music to rip them off.

Other than that its a solid port, it may needed a better emulator tough.

It also comes with MIDI audio as optional, not sure if you can use those Modulators to get better audio.


>> No.3468494

what are some cool FM Towns exclusives?

the x68k has so many cool exclusives in part thanks to it's doujin scene but I can't think of any on the FM Towns outside of maybe the first Rayxanber

>> No.3470106

Give me a top ten gaijin-friendly x68k games list: /vr/ edition.