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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 340x306, 68725-Donkey_Kong_(World)-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3453154 No.3453154 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite game to play on a long road trip?

Mine? Pic related

>> No.3453164

(Must be portable or emulatable on a portable device)

>> No.3453189

For gods sake anon, keep your hands on the wheel.

>> No.3453224

I've only had a few, officer

>> No.3453229

beat GBDK on the way to see family on new year's eve 1994

I had been playing it since august.

>> No.3453429

>Perfect game already posted
Imho turn based rpgs/ tactical rpgs are my bread and butter for ;long trips

>> No.3453441
File: 123 KB, 804x643, 006_gameboyfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP took mine, the fuckhead.

I have nothing to contribute to the thread but a gameboy sketch I did.

>> No.3453443

ooh, which do you recommend?

also, anyone know of any good metroidvania type games that are not metroid or castlevania? I'm open any console the vita can emulate

>> No.3453484

It's entertaining, but not too engaging.
Easy to switch between playing, looking out the window or talking.
No action for a shaky screen to mess up.

Most rpgs would do, actually.

>> No.3453487

Usually Rayman or Abe's Odyssey

>> No.3453570

All you fuckers are lucky, I always had awful motion sickness trying to play my Gameboy in moving vehicles.

>> No.3453590

Nice drawing, anon.

>> No.3453598

None, because I live in Weirs Beach and get to play all the games that I want year round.

>> No.3453679

Wonder Boy III is kind of like Metroid, but you probably already know that one. It's one of the most critically praised games of all time.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is great, but not retro.

>> No.3453725
File: 468 KB, 732x1510, qlancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3453796

Bless you.

>> No.3453920
File: 49 KB, 256x255, 4075a020-191b-4852-989f-fad61626ccda..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you're the FFT guy, I thought I recognized your artwork from somewhere. How you been holding up?I think kept your tumblr bookmarked but I haven't visited it in a while.

To keep up with the OP, DK 94 and picture related was always my go to on long car rides. Still is sometimes.

>> No.3454054

Reminder that if you played on handhelds (as opposed to console or PC) during your formative years your posture, eyesight, and social awareness are irreparably compromised.

>> No.3454069


In terms of social awareness it probably goes:

Arcade being the most social, handheld and console being tied, both are social, with a handheld you can play outside on the go, but it was mostly all single player until Pokemon popularized the link cable, console gaming has couch co-op.
PC is the one that compromises your posture, eyesight and social awareness the most.

>> No.3454084

Ludacris had a ps2 in his car, I'm sure you could hook up any number of systems

>disc gets scratched every bump
>nes freezes every lane change

I wish I could play games when I go on road trips, I'm always the driver cause I can keep focus for 8 hours at a time.

>> No.3454203

Kirby's Dreamland 2 is a good choice. Pokemon and DK are too.

>> No.3454920

Ah yeah. That tumblr doesn't get many updates.
I made an art-only twitter lately though.

Speaking of FF Legend, I'm surprised there's no trace of this on youtube.

>> No.3455019
File: 105 KB, 600x800, a0b0b0cc-4098-4dfa-b410-ca6774ff77dc..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably taken down by Jews. I remember this stand up, "And god is a little Amish man" cracks me up every time.

Saw you've been drawing mostly anime stuff lately? I don't recognize it so I wouldn't know. Any plan on drawing some more FF related stuff? Your Rydia drawing is adorable.

>> No.3455020

looks like female thor

>> No.3455037
File: 25 KB, 250x251, 250px-MarioAndLuigiSuperstarSagaGBACoverArtUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my all time favs. Like >>3453484
said, this one is also very fun but doesn't require 100% focus so you can still talk with roadies and whatnot

>> No.3455084
File: 93 KB, 640x480, puyo-puyo-2-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is great, the 3DS port is finally in america as well.

>> No.3455212

Well if there was anything that wasn't fucked up about She-Thor, it was how she looked.

>> No.3457575

I am not letting a GB Donkey Kong thread die that quickly.

>> No.3457591


Donkey Kong GB is perfect. It's so perfect that there's basically nothing to talk about.

>> No.3457595

We could talk about why its sequels aren't as perfect as it is to be honest.

I'm surprised there isn't a DK94 romhack with more levels, I'd play the shit out of that.

>> No.3457796


>> No.3457798

Such a great game desu, I have fond memories of it. Are the sequels any good? Like the Mario and Donkey Kong serie or something

>> No.3457836


the first one has some jumping, but it's not great

the second and third?? one are just a shittier version of lemmings

>> No.3457858

I hardly ever play vidya on a road trip. You're very limited in what you can play by the bouncing and starting and stopping. I don't take a lot of long road trips anyway.
I play a lot when I fly though. I usually have a decent gaming laptop, a portable Wii and some GC and USB controllers. Not a lot of retro get played but it's fun all the same. I've had some pretty epic 2-4 player games with an enthusiastic and relatively large audience.
Crew didn't seem to mind. Never even had a complaint from passengers even though some kids can get a little noisy. I guess they'd rather have the kids cheering for a game as opposed to have them whining because they're bored.
Would really like to do a LAN party on a plane. I've seen goofs who don't know how think/talk about it. I can do it but need a bunch of people with gaming laptops sitting in the same set of rows.

>> No.3457885

Before I ever played this game, I had Mario and Donkey Kong on the GBA.

This game is a much better version of it.

>> No.3457890

I swap between Gunhed and 1943

>> No.3457909

Nothing, because I'm the one driving.

>> No.3457923

Great example of why I hate it when companies dilute a franchise name. Never played this because I thought it was just a port, but I started playing it a months ago and it's fucking awesome.

they should have called it something else.

>> No.3458631

This never used to happen to me but it does now, fucking sucks man

>> No.3460427

Totally agree.

It made it hard to recommend the game to other people because I had to figure out how to describe it to convince them they hadn't already played it.

>> No.3461850

This is fact. I played it for the first time about a year and a half ago and it is now a favorite.

Someone make Donkey Kong 94 Maker.

>> No.3461871

I actually prefer to read a book on long trips but, if I had to choose, probably any rpg would do it.

>> No.3461875
File: 168 KB, 640x400, broken-sword-shadow-of-the-templars-the-directors-cut-20090305065616270_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For long drives/flights I always play through the Broken Sword or King's Quest series.

>> No.3461887

i think that's kind of the point? the game itself fakes you out for the first few levels

>> No.3464376

Yeah but you probably had a look at the box before you popped the cartridge in, right?

>> No.3464643

i bought all my cartridges used