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File: 2 KB, 258x252, red a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3443825 No.3443825 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do I kill this little shitbitch?

>> No.3443834

Hit him until he's dead.

>> No.3443851


>> No.3443869

exploit the ai fám

>> No.3443916

Play the Garygoyle's Quest games, to get into his head.

>> No.3444039

Watch the GCCX episode

>> No.3444069

ghit ghoud

>> No.3444076

Git gud.

Bait him into swooping and jump away from him while shooting when he swoops toward you.

>> No.3444169

Be a middle aged Japanese comedian Let's Player.

>> No.3444181

In the arcade game (JP Rev G, at least), some of them you can kill pretty easily while still on the ground. Kinda walk toward it, then keep inching forward as you mash the attack button. It is hard to describe, but if you do it right, sometimes you can kill it before it can take flight. At least that is the method that I sort of remember doing back when I was really into the game. Might not be the best way, but yeah, whatever easy method you can figure out to kill him right after he starts walking is the best.

Works best with the dagger, of course.

>> No.3444184

That's the arcade sprite not nes. Also playing like Arino would probably make the game take longer to beat

>> No.3444191

This. GCCX is comfy as fuck, but Arino is way too bad at games for imitating his techniques to be a good idea unless someone else told him what to do.

>> No.3444231


You don't even have to inch forward, just run at him and when he starts backing up start wailing on him and you can take him out super easy.

>> No.3444282

He's gotten better. I think it only took him a couple tries to kill him at his Budokan rematch.

>> No.3444294

Red Arremers in general have a pattern, they will flap their wings a set number of times before divebombing, begin your jump shortly before the time they are about to attack. If successful, they should miss as they will strike at the spot you were at instead, they will then try again from behind you. AKA they will only hit where you were at the apogee of your jump instead of directly hitting you, outright missing you.

To defeat them however, you are better off using either the knife or the Torch, the torch is effective due to it being an arced shot and will hit him as he descends to strike you. The knife has a high rate of fire which can allow you to kill it quicker.

>> No.3444746

The very first one you see has a mony bag in front of him

That's the correct distance

Jump onto it and start shooting and he dies

Now the one in Super GnG, that guy's a dick

>> No.3447409
File: 489 KB, 1024x736, arthur-gng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't shoot until you get very close to him, then spam your spear with the tap glitch. He'll die in less than a second, and won't fly up either. I don't think this strat works all the time in later loops though, certain Firebrands will react more randomly.

>> No.3447565

>he thinks Firebrand is tough

Try Satan on US difficulty.