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3437947 No.3437947 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite version to play on

>> No.3438043
File: 1.32 MB, 1644x1437, jim2snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3438049

Genesis for the amazing music

>> No.3438051

why is this shit so blurry?

>> No.3438116
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>> No.3438151

The one without Puppy Love
Oh sorry I forgot THERE IS NO ONE

>> No.3438178

Mega Drive of course.

>> No.3438303

SNES. I really like the music and graphics in that version.

The Saturn and PS1 ports are pretty cool too, tho.

>> No.3438471

Super Nintendo.
Soundtrack fits better on it and the graphics are more detailed compared to the Genesis version. I hate the PSX and Saturn backgrounds, but they have the best sound indeed.

>> No.3438484

>Jim 1
Sega CD

>Jim 2

>> No.3438503


The game itself is meh. Too many gimmick levels, too much Puppy Love

I have beat the game, but it's not something I replay often

>> No.3438510

Yea, EWJ2 is shit compared to the first game.

>> No.3438717

>first game

Too many gimmick levels, too much Andy Asteroids

>> No.3438723

turn off bilinear filtering please. its triggering me.

>> No.3438738


That said, think the first one is slightly better.

>> No.3438745

>Too many gimmick levels
That's EWJ2 though. Only one I'd call gimmicky from EWJ is Snot a Problem.

>Andy Asteroids
Still more fun to play than the Peter Puppy bonus levels from 2.

>> No.3438957

Why does this game feel so experimental. Better question why did they decide to go experimental

>> No.3438961

For me Earthworm Jim 2 will always have the bigger impact on me. Soundtrack is awesome, levels are so zany. Humour is welcomed. I love EWJ2 but I know it's not as good as one.

I love this rendition on Genesis, I never expected a video game to take direct inspiration, this was the first time I heard a song in real life taken into a game. It impressed me.

>> No.3438974
File: 57 KB, 352x240, Ewj2-saturn-peterpuppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES in terms of controls

Saturn in terms of graphics (although some might still find the SNES version more aesthetically pleasing)

>> No.3438982

I never understood Earthworm Jim's appeal. Always felt like an also-ran in the incredibly bloated animal mascot platformer market, and I never thought the games were any good.

>> No.3438991

It's like a Saturday Morning Cartoon on acid. There's charm in the levels and characters, you constantly think they could make a show out of it. Animations and character/art direction are great, music is fantastic. Gameplay itself is good. I think the character itself is supposed to be a parody of Superheroes and it's creative. I mean, a worm in a space suit. That's hilarious. The game is so random it's funny.

>> No.3439775

I dunno. I always felt like the level design was so obtuse. You could spend 30 minutes in a level and not end up going anywhere. Cool Spot's levels could be similar, but I always felt like that game did a much better job of helping you get where you needed to go, even if you had to explore a bit to get there.

>> No.3440035

They did make a tv show

>> No.3440049

Style over substance.

>> No.3440501

It's not that difficult to maneuver around in 2, a lot of the level design is linear with only some areas that branch off to give you items or bonuses to help you.

>> No.3440507

Am I the only one who hates EWJ2's idle animation for Jim? It makes him appear too skinny and it seems odd to have him do a prissy in-place jog.

>> No.3440643
File: 15 KB, 256x224, ewj2-quiz4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst, guys, help me out! What's the right answer?

>> No.3440671

It's fun though.

>> No.3440682

Yes. I like it too, but Earthworm Jim without the great art and awesome music would be just a crappy game.

>> No.3440690

PC/MS-DOS version
why do people hate puppy love though?

>> No.3440708

>This game without graphics and music would be bad
The same could be said about almost every single game

>> No.3440795
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>> No.3440887

Saturn because of the music, even if all the backgrounds are fucked up.

SNES version has better backgrounds but the music is awfully muffled, the last stage looks completely different (read: horribly boring), and Villi People has no screen shaking.

It's interesting that EWJ2 has no definite edition. Every version does something worse than the others.

>> No.3440897

>It makes him appear too skinny

It is correct though. The idle animation for the first game was stretched out on the SNES since it runs on 256px wide mode, which is what made him look more bulky.

That quiz was incredible.

>> No.3440901

That is not what he said and you know it.

>> No.3440974
File: 15 KB, 256x224, ewj2-quiz6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That quiz was incredible.
You mean GrOoVy?!


Imagine you bought this game back when it came out. You await some great run n' gun adventure, you saw the great first level and though: "wow, if the whole game is exactly like this, this might be the best game EVER".

Well, fuck you.

On level 3, you get Puppy Love, which is not "run", and not even "gun". It's a kind of a "bonus" stage, but it lasts longer than some normal levels in the game. There's nothing you can do to speed it up; it doesn't have any variety, and it's always exactly the same.

It's akin to some old Game and Watch title. Except you don't move in fixed positions, you do so gradually, you have a tiny trampoline in your hands, and fuck if I know where exactly it begins and where it ends. Oh yeah, Jim can also jump forward—a feature you HAVE to use later. Needless to say, it's even harder to aim than the trampoline.

Bounce the puppies. Go back. Bounce the puppies. Go back. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. Oh, did I mention you get Puppy Love every 3 levels? In a game where you barely even get normal run n' gun levels until around Level Ate. Yeah.

Just makes you wonder why the devs were SO desperate to make all those gimmicky levels, when they had everything going for a good run n' gun—from the arsenal to new abilities.

>> No.3441097

>why do people hate puppy love though?

You need 3 bombs to beat a stage, you have 3 stages per level, and the level repeats 3 times during the game.

If there was only 3 bombs per level, and it gave you way more bonus items, then it could be bearable.

>> No.3441321

Doesn't really compliment the gameplay

>> No.3441703

It's a shame the only good thing to come out of the game is the 1st and 3rd level.

>> No.3441742

I never really was a fan of EWJ2, and it seems other people in this thread share my opinions. It comes off as too gimmicky with too many of the levels being lame minigames instead of a solid level of platforming action, and that's even ignoring Puppy Love. It's true that the first game had gimmick levels in it, but they broke up the gameplay to stop it feeling samey instead of being the majority of it.

I never liked that the game was trying to be "random" by shoving as many stock "random" things into the game which really just cuts into the atmosphere of the game for me, the first one felt like a wacky adventure around weird places but the second was just trying too hard.

Take the first level of each game, in EWJ 1 you can tell you are on some junkyard planet, but in EWJ 2 I don't even know what to describe the first level as, it's a muddy area with dead trees in it and also pigs and also a house with old people in it and octopusses and Bob is there for some reason. I guess because it's so epic and random, right? I really wish the design was reined in some more because the level looks great and there are some great ideas in there that should have been focussed into 1 vision. I do think there are some really great levels in the game like ISO-9000 or Level Ate, but a lot of the rest really just need tightening up.

>> No.3443690


Not at all.

>> No.3443705

Give five examples.

>> No.3443729

Not him but

Super Mario Bros
Pac Man

>> No.3443750
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This so much. I played the shit out of EWJ1 on the Genesis and just recently got 2 for the SNES and I just can't stand the Puppy Love levels. It would be fine if there were no penalty for doing poorly at a gimmick bonus level but that's just it: there is. The level goes on for way too many rounds and it kills all of the fun from the rest of the game.

>> No.3443810

>but in EWJ 2 I don't even know what to describe the first level as

Anything but tangerines.

>> No.3444770

But does anyone really know why the creators decided to fill the game with gimmick levels? Were there any interviews which shed light on this? I mean, what the fuck—they had everything going for them.

EJ1 had 3 weapons, right? EJ2 had tons of them, I can't even name all of them in one sitting, and new special abilities too like shield. It's not like they were running short on game assets like stage backgrounds/enemies either. Just look at Peter Pain, which uses a completely different sprite set from normal stages, and it's used ONCE through the whole game. Or the "engine" of Lorenzen's Soil, which is also never repeated afterwards. Same with the salamander suit and plenty other characters/enemies/whatever.

I mean, it doesn't take a huge genies to make some good old run n' gun with all of this, right? It's ok to have some diversity, but not that everyone begged them for a whole game of gimmicks.

>> No.3444797

>I mean, it doesn't take a huge genies to make some good old run n' gun with all of this, right?

Actually it does, EWJ isn't the tightest run n' gun game there is, far from it.
EWJ1 also had "gimmick" sections, not as often or as experimental as EWJ2, but it did have the submarine level or the bonus 3D sections.

Games with gameplay variety were a thing back then, look at Toy Story for example.
I'm not complaining, often these games didn't really shine in any department other than graphics and music, I don't know if I would have paid attention to EWJ if it wasn't because of the character designs, graphics and music, if I wanted to play a good run n' gun I'd probably play Contra.

>> No.3444851

What I mean is: with all these assets I mentioned, they could simply make more of EJ1 with slightly better graphics, actually let the player shoot all those guns. In my mind, the perfect EJ would have only 1 Puppy Love level, or 3 of them shortened and with more bonuses (heck, I could do perfectly well without it altogether). Just Level Ate-style fun for the whole game, with some variety added like Inflated Head, Villi People and ISO 9000.

I agree both EJ1 and 2 don't have nearly as good controls/actual gameplay as Contra though. If not for any other reason than the old "can't shoot while running" rule these 2 games imposed. Also, the hit detection and even the jumping felt kinda off sometimes, especially with the game not sticking to the old square grid, Mario style, and instead aiming for less constrained, curvy and irregular surfaces and lines everywhere.

>> No.3444858


That's dave perry games for you. The guy has pretty good idea about sprite animation and overall presentation, but his game design is a bit iffy.

Nothing wrong with irregular or curvy structures, look at Metal Slug.

>> No.3444885
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Metal Slug you don't usually get several planes of animation, with one layer often obstructing your view. You don't even have the angled view of the terrain (like in beat 'em ups or ) to better see where you're moving.

Sorry for bad quality of picrelated, but you get the point.