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3424773 No.3424773 [Reply] [Original]

Dragon Quest Thread - best girl edition
Previous thread: >>3395847

>> No.3424776
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>> No.3424779

I'm running through as many DQ games as possible in order, about to start 3.

NES, SNES, or GBC version?

>> No.3424839

SNES is you like the graphics
GBC if you want the extra dungeon + Pachisi board

>> No.3424842

SNES version. GBC version only if you want more bonus content with overall graphics and music quality sacrificed.

>> No.3424851

But thou must!

>> No.3424852
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>Here kids, try some of this!

>> No.3424859

NES version is most difficult right? I prefer harder to easier.

>> No.3424862

Yep. Each remake makes the game a little easier over the previous version.

>> No.3424878

What's up with the font and UI for the mobile releases?

Such a small thing that bugs me to no end.

>> No.3424887
File: 333 KB, 960x640, chrono trigger mobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly text and poor UI isn't just a problem with the Dragon Quest releases. Just don't buy shitty mobile ports made by developers who don't care, moral of the story.

>> No.3424893
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Also here's final fantasy too because Square Enix don't give a fuck.

>> No.3424903


>> No.3424905
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, And...I quit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey lets make shitty mobile games and than put those on PC!"

>> No.3424912

Reminder that 20 people on a development team all sit down and think this is a good idea.

>> No.3424914
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How can anyone see this and go "yeah looks good to me!"?

>> No.3424923

all these screenshots look completely terrible. how out of touch do you have to be to think a shitty cut&paste job is good enough?

figaro castle looks completely retarded in that other screenshot.

I guess staying true to the originals is way too much to ask.

>> No.3424925

These games have been ported to hell and back a million times and sqenis knows that their drooling base will eat it up anyway so they hand it off to an amateur team with a super tight deadline

>> No.3424927

no! stop! I can't take it anymore!

>> No.3424930

that makes sense.

square was good, enix was good, but square-enix, not so much.

I understand how industries work, how they just churn things out and rehash them like memes, but still. you'd think someone at these companies would have artistic integrity and respect for these games. instead, they fuck em up every single time.

>> No.3424940

I hate DQ1's battle theme.

Give me something to replace it with.

>> No.3424948
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DQ1 looks better but the ratio is FUCKED. So everything looks squished. DQ2 I think suffers the same problem. Guess we can be happy DQ3 is fixed of that issue but as been said before the lack of the gameboard that is in the SNES is awful.

>> No.3424952

At least give it a listen

>> No.3424954

The reason 1 and 2 are like that is because they're just lazily stretched to a higher resolution. They were originally flip-phone games or something and ported to smart phones later.
3 was also on flip-phones but it wasn't another remake like 1 and 2 but rather a port, so I guess it didn't have that issue? I don't even know.

>> No.3424964

All good, found a replacement.

>> No.3424974
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I'm being baited, right?

>> No.3424983

Oh I know why they are fucked. Just annoying how they don't care to try to fix it. Still wondering why DQ1-4 NES and the FF games aren't on Nintendo's VC.

>> No.3425005

Has anyone here successfully played DQ7 on a PSP GO?

I've been battling it for about 2 hours, can't really seem to get past the blue screen issue. Seems to be a pretty common issue, judging by forum postings.

>> No.3425087

/vr/. I think Alena is starting to grow on me.

>> No.3425095

You didn't like Alena before? She's great, especially in battle. Her crits are amazing, and you don't need to buy her any weapons after chapter 2.

>> No.3425098

I did, I'm just liking her even more.

>> No.3425102
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She's perfect.

>> No.3425107
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Play the NES version, it's much better and doesn't ruin the game with a stupid personality system or overpowered items. The female merchant is literally Bulma in the NES version, while the remakes make her hair pink. She's really cute.

>> No.3425108

>every sprite is the same guy wearing a different wig

>> No.3425109


The problem is that people buy it, literally. If fans of FF wouldn't buy literally every FF remake then this wouldn't be a problem, but FF fans are shitters that want everything remade instead of new games, DQ fans are like this too but not nearly as bad, just buying everything DQ.


I would play the NES version but I just don't know if I could take the graphics, I'm enjoying the beauty of the SNES version too much, but at the same time, it feels way, way too easy.

>> No.3425112
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She always makes my party. Its not even a question.

Delicious tomboy princess whats not to like?

>> No.3425120

Bulma is shit. She is literal garbage. Fucking trash. The phrase "your waifu a shit" has never been more true. She is a fucking worthless character that Toriyama drew just so he could use her as a cumrag and then immediately forget about her just like Launch. To cement just how worthless she is, she dates Yamcha and then fucks and marries Vegeta right after he becomes irrelevant to the story. Not by any stretch of the imagination was Bulma ever endearing, complex, tolerable, or worth posting in every single one of these threads. I gave up my female merchant in order to build the pioneer town just so she could rot in jail. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.3425123

Have you played it, though? It's really easy and most dungeons become forgettable as a result, but maybe you like that sort of difficulty. If you are sure you don't like that, play the NES version.

I don't see what's the problem with the graphics. I played the remake first (didn't really like it) and then played the original. I still like it a lot more. Once you get used to the graphics, they grow on you and you end up liking them. Their simplicity is really charming.

>> No.3425127

>I gave up my female merchant in order to build the pioneer town just so she could rot in jail. Fuck that bitch.
You know that she becomes a MAN if you do that in the NES version, right? She's not a bitch anymore, she's a fat hairy dude.

I would never give her up, though. I made another merchant, named him Mario and let him rot in jail. Bulma is basically a mediocre soldier with worse equips, but she still has a lot of HP and is really cute and slutty. There is literally no reason to choose the female warrior over her.

>> No.3425128

wasn't Bulma useful on Namek? I remember her piloting a sub to fetch a dragonball from a lake. Besides, her pussy was good enough to keep the prince of Saiyajins around, AND she popped out Trunks. I think you're being way too critical.

>> No.3425130


ughhhhhhhhhh fine, I'll restart for the second time, first I started with GBC, too easy looked terrible, then SFC, now NES.

>> No.3425132

I hated how Vegeta took her virginity (I doubt she ever let Yamcha fuck her). That edgy asshole didn't deserve to fuck Bulma.

On the other hand, she is just like a real life girl. She totally cucked Yamcha. That's kind of hot.

>> No.3425136

I recommend choosing a female fighter. Cutest girl in the game and also the strongest character.

>> No.3425139

>You know that she becomes a MAN if you do that in the NES version, right? She's not a bitch anymore, she's a fat hairy dude.
Of course I do. That's why it's an even better fate.

>> No.3425148

>you can never save Mario
>he will die in jail
Why live?

>> No.3425149

that's the thing. she's cute, and if you can get past her temperamental brattiness she's nice to have around, and she cucked the nice guy (Yamcha) in favor of the bro (Vegeta). she's a very believable female character.

>> No.3425153

Mario could easily escape prison through the pipes.

>> No.3425158

more like in favor of the asshole

>> No.3425159

>every toriyama girl with blue hair is bulma


>> No.3425161

Vegeta might be an asshole, but he's a cool asshole.

>> No.3425162

>not a bro

>> No.3425163
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Alena is alright, but she's going nothing on my delicious brown waifu twin princesses :3

>> No.3425164

I'm not saying he wasn't, he's a bro in the positive sense. you know what I mean.

>> No.3425167
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They're pretty good too. I roll with an all girl party, it just feels right.

>> No.3425170
File: 12 KB, 388x226, mario jail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. I bet you haven't even been spending the required 16 hours a day researching Mario lore. What a fag!

>> No.3425172

>he never read the early chapters of Dragon Ball
The merchant in DQ3 looks exactly the same as Bulma and wears exactly the same clothes. Her hairstyle is the same too. The only difference is that her hair is pink in the artwork, but it was blue in the actual game.

She is literally Bulma. Have you even seen her artwork? Marle's clothes were slightly different, but the merchant's clothes are the same as Bulma's.

>> No.3425173

>two girls that look the same are the same person

Chalk it up to a coincidence.

>> No.3425174

I'm familiar with Mario lore, but I lack in-depth expertise desu.

>> No.3425175
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The only correct choice.

>> No.3425176

You were implying that they were just "Toriyama girls with blue hair". You must be blind. The merchant is a Bulma clone.

>> No.3425184

>that one doujin by Shuten Douji where she is mind controlled and forced to degrade herself for an audience
>that part where they call her "smegma princess" and ridicule her dirty places
>that ending where she is a mindbroken shell of her former self, has hairy armpits and Cristo sees her like that
>Cristo's face
Best girl.

>> No.3425187

You can in the SNES and GBC versions.

>> No.3425193

I consider it an easter egg.

>> No.3425194

I know this is 4chan, but wtf?

>> No.3425195

I don't really like how the remakes always give you a way to "fix" things. You can revive Rosa, prevent Saro from turning into a mindless monster, revive Ortega, save Mario from his prison sentence... I heard you can get Kiefer back in DQ7, too. I think that stuff cheapens the plot.

>> No.3425197

Well, except for Mario, that stuff is usually delegated to the post-game, which is usually seen as not canon. I don't have too much of a problem with it in those cases.

>> No.3425202

I bet if it was the other way around you'd dislike the remakes for taking away the solutions to these problems.

>> No.3425204

>someone else using FE4 names


and they're even supposed to be siblings too.

Coulda named yourself Vylon for the full combo.

>> No.3425205

But it's not the other way around. The games did something good and then the remakes made it worse.

>> No.3425206
File: 493 KB, 700x657, DQIIIMerchantClass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Where can I find that interview where Horii complains about Jami the rapehorse?

>> No.3425208

go back

SNES has a fun board game minigame, an extra class, and amazing music.

NES isn't even that much harder because of there being bugs that help the player, like the Parrying bug.

Its up to you in the end though

>> No.3425209

My point is that I perceive your distaste for the changes as less because of the impact of the original was superior and more because they changed something.

Nowhere because it doesn't exist

>> No.3425210

Is Dragon Quest 7 really that long? I've heard people say it's like 150 hours. Also is it good because I've heard mixed opinions but it still looks cool

>> No.3425213

A fun board game that gives you broken items, an extra class that is boring to use and looks like crap and super slow versions of every song. You can't say Zoma's theme is better in the remake with a straight face.

I knew about the bug and never took advantage of it. It's not that hard to ignore. I only used it if I was completely fucked and needed to get to a safe place before losing my money. Using it in every turn of every battle isn't realistic because you'll eventually get tired of doing it.

>> No.3425217

I'm going to keep saying this to everybody, but if this is going to be one of your first Dragon Quest games, stay away. Yes, it really is as long as everyone says, and it is a good game but you should play other entries in the series before VII.

>> No.3425220

It's not my first, I've played through Dragon Quest III and I've gotten pretty far in VIII.

>> No.3425226

I think you know what you're in for then. Just be aware that VII is even longer than VIII, and you should be fine.

>> No.3425236
File: 81 KB, 614x615, 3135_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are the type of player that likes to talk to everyone every time something happens to see if their dialogue changed... yeah, it's long as fuck. I'm 120 hours in and I'm not even done with disc 1. It's really fucking good, though. Every single hour is pure gameplay. It's a DQ game that never seems to end, so play it with a lot of free time, after taking a long break from the series.

If you don't talk to people or explore much, you can beat it in like 80 hours. Most of the dialogue is optional. But playing like that makes the game a lot less enjoyable because you don't become emotionally involved with the stories and the NPCs of each island.

Some people complain about missing shards to advance the plot, but I don't see how the hell anyone could possibly miss a shard. They are really easy to find if you explore the most obvious places in every new town. If you like to throughly explore everything, there is no way you could miss any of the shards.

There is also the rumor that Maribel can run off with a shard and prevent you from advancing the plot, but it's complete bullshit. She gives you every non-equipped item when she temporarily leaves the party.

Why do people who supposedly played the game keep repeating this rumor even though it's clearly false?

>> No.3425305
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I can't wait to play it....in the remake in about a month.

I really only play mobile games. Know I could play it now on the PSP but I've heard bad things about the PS1 version...

>> No.3425326

I don't think the remake will be nearly as good as the original. They have removed a lot of stuff from the beginning of the game because impatient people thought it was too long. The translation is clearly going to be shit, but I guess some people like the new style.

Removing the first dungeon is a terrible thing, though. It's an incomprehensible decision. It had a great atmosphere and made the beginning of the game feel truly epic. You are really missing out if you play it for the first time as a watered down remake. You can play the original in the future, but you will already know everything that happens and you won't be able to take the important NPCs seriously because you'll remember the goofy accents they had in the remake.

I wonder how Plus Alpha is going to ruin Pepe. Will he become a Russian, maybe?

>> No.3425434
File: 78 KB, 500x306, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is DB was such a hit that they only paid him to draw the same way forever. Look at stuff like Dr. Slumps and his other earlier work and he got a nice bit of range. Especially with machines. But DB pretty much typecast him with the same art. Well not now since it all goes to a stunt artist to mimic him.

>> No.3425525

No she's a negative female stereotype byan author with issues with women.

And how dare you compare Yamcha to nice guy scum. Honestly you're probably one yourself

>> No.3425528

This is a Dragon Quest thread, not a Dragon Ball thread.

>> No.3425612


yeah don't worry I went back, I tried, I really did, but the game always feels like it's chugging along, like it's a pain in the ass to even move my character, I can't stand the visuals, I actually like the artwork of DQ and don't want a theatre of the mind for it, it's not a roguelike, the music is actually damn good in its original form, but the slowness of it, in every way, lack of battle animations, and lack of a fucking Itadaki Street minigame, I just can't dude.

Here's hoping Dragon Quest XI offers options for players who want a more difficult experience

>> No.3425628

I was just making a point, I wasn't trying to imply that Yamcha is beta at all, just that Bulma choosing Vegeta over him fits the stereotype.

>> No.3425783

>Here's hoping Dragon Quest XI offers options for players who want a more difficult experience
Sorry, but Dragon Quest isn't a difficult game franchise. Some games have difficult segments, but only II is considered hard, and for all the wrong reasons. If you want difficulty in a Dragon Quest game, that's what the final boss and post-game are for.

Also, how the fuck did you even find your way to /vr/ in the first place if you can't handle the visuals in an NES game? I went from the DS Dragon Quest IV to the NES Dragon Quest IV just fine. You should keep playing the SNES version of Dragon Quest III though, just because of all the quality of life improvements it makes.

>> No.3425792

>but only II is considered hard
1 is considered hard

>> No.3425796

I's just grindy.

>> No.3425809

I is the epitome of "grind until you win". It's not a hard game. If you're playing the NES version, you just have to have a lot of patience.

Speaking of which, playing through I on the SNES right now. Man, this game is slow. Those music pauses before every single battle are completely unnecessary. Makes me feel like I'm playing a CDi game just waiting for the battle music to load in. Even the original had a transition from the overworld music to the battle music!

>> No.3425821

How much grinding should I typically expect to be doing in DQ games?

I'm playing DQ1 NES, just got to Rimuldar. I was going to enter the graveyard dungeon in Garinham, but a guide (and I do feel bad about using a guide, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't completely fucked) recommended I be level 12 while I'm currently only level 7.

I could probably get up a few levels quickly by grinding enemies near Rimuldar, but is that normal? I've not really played older RPGs before so this is all new to me.

>> No.3425830

Modern Dragon Quest games? None. I swear you will never have to grind unless it's for the final boss or post-game.
Most NES Dragon Quest games? Strap in and hope you're got a lot of free time. Grab some podcasts to make it easier.

Rimuldar is a good place to grind at your level if you can survive the enemies there. Good luck.

>> No.3425846

Alright, thanks! I'm not too opposed to grinding in this surprisingly. For a 1986 game the battles are really streamlined, if a little boring.

>> No.3425857

Considering that it's basically the first JRPG ever made, it's very impressive. Don't worry, battles become much more complex in II with multiple monsters and party members. Clearly you'll definitely enjoy it more!


>> No.3425868

Enemies running away from you when you're too strong is something that should be in way more games. I can only thing of Earthbound and a few Megaten games that still do it.

>> No.3425896

The dragon quest series has some of the best doujins I ever busted a nut to.

>> No.3425934
File: 77 KB, 600x338, Dragon_Quest_XI_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can take the visuals of an NES game, but I've been given a choice, with most games I don't care, but honestly I started with DQVIII years ago and now I'm a bit spoiled, the remake has an atmosphere much closer to what I'm used to for the series.

Also, I know it's not difficult, but it doesn't have to be piss easy either.

Speaking of which, I'm expecting DQXI to be closer to DQVIII from what we've seen, what do you guys think?

>> No.3425996

Considering that it's going to be developed by Level 5 and that the series is heading in the general direction of VIII, I'd say so. That's not a bad thing since VIII is my favorite. I've been wanting a game like VIII since Dragon Quest IX was announced.

>> No.3426003

I really want to hear more about this game, will it be at the TGS?

>> No.3426030

he is being autistic. bulma is the only reason goku decided explored the world. she also helped the team constantly with her inventions.


i checked out dr slumo a while age after reading a lot of db and it blew my mind how much better the artwork and writing was. it's almost as if toriyama never took db seriously which makes it even funnier since it ended up becoming his most recognized work.


>I is the epitome of "grind until you win"

you could say that about any DQ. what makes I so good is the one on one battle system. it gives the enemies enough turns to show off their full potential whilst also make the players turns more important since you only get one. the following games make random encounters boring and irrelevant since each party member is designed to do one only one thing removing any sense of strategy and since monsters come in group they become mere punching bags.


i usually grind until i can afford the latest armor and weapons. never got stuck that way.


xi is shaping up to be the best one in the series. i didn't started with viii but i agree that the atmosphere accomplished changed the way i look at the series. i enjoyed the older games fer being practical and to the point but we already have 7 games like that. i hope xi has voice acting.

>> No.3426098

NPC tells you literally where to find everything. Where to find the flute, armor, sword, ect. If you mean hard as in the map it's not really that difficult to learn the layout. DQ2 is hard because everything is hidden from you and NPC gives the most vague info like "the crest is in the fire tower!" and it's up to you to just hit Search in every tile. DQ2 and Castlevania 2 are in the same category "We will be like Zelda in let the player figure everything out!" Where you had to do shit like burn every bush to see if there's anything underneath.

>> No.3426305

I'm ready to fight the Dragonlord. But what about the princess? If I know exactly where Loto's seal is, should I:

>1: Rescue the princess and bring her to the castle as usual
>2: Forget about her and fight the Dragonlord without ever rescuing her.
>3: Carry her with me all the way until the Dragonlord

>> No.3426350

>xi is shaping up to be the best one in the series.
>we know literally nothing about it

>> No.3426687

It exists, but I can't find it anywhere. I swear I read it once.

>> No.3427071

3. Be a maximum coolguy

>> No.3427313

whats the best dragon quest for someone has never played a JRPG?

>> No.3427321

Dragon Quest 1
It was literally the first JRPG
If Japanese kids in the 80s could beat it so can you
Dragon Quest 3 or 8 if ur a wimp

>> No.3427323

IV or V or VIII

>> No.3427328


Non /dq/ guy here -

1 is dogshit, at least on NES. You literally have to open the menu any time you want to open a door or go down stairs.

There's a GBC version of DQ1 that might be better.

Dragon Warrior Monsters (GBC) is awesome, but it's more of a pokemon-like game than a JRPG.

>> No.3427347


>5 years has passed since the first Dragon Quest
What the fuck is this guy talking about? I thought japs were huge DQ fans.

>> No.3427350

It's obvious that you have never played the game if you think the menu takes away from the experience. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.3427352


>opening the menu every 10 seconds

it's all part of the glorious superior nippon gaming experience, I wouldn't expect filthy uncultured swine like you to understand

>> No.3427359

we know that the ps4 version is the best looking DQ to date. we know the 3ds version allows you play in both 3d models or 2d sprites the latter switches back to random encounters. add to this the class system, alchemy, skill trees, maybe even monster recruiting.

japanese years go by different. kind of like the chinese calendar.

just like the developers intended :^) same goes for DQ II

>> No.3427367
File: 59 KB, 256x421, Goddess-ffvi-ios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ios ports mostly look bad, but man did they really nail it with the monsters in FF

>> No.3427374
File: 163 KB, 309x315, ExdeathTree-ffv-ios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427381

that's another good point, she invented the dragon ball radar device. he was either autistic or had a massive chip on his shoulder.

>> No.3427428
File: 277 KB, 397x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which class did you guys play in DQIX? Back when the game was just out and popular, I was the Paladin and did all the tanking nobody else wanted to do. All the other dudes played Gladiator or Sage, partially because both of those classes were broken.

If that game gets a remake with full online that fixes the grinding issues (along with the obvious engine limitations the DS had) I'd be super happy. While its easy to not care about IX now considering how the servers are died for quests and nobody plays it at all anymore, I had a shitton of fun exploring and exhanging maps with people.

Of course, Square Enix would have no reason to remake that game when they can get all those subscription bucks from DQX. Its a shame people won't even get to experience the frustration of splitting up to explore a grotto, having a guy get ambushed, and then getting into a batte yourself while attempting to save them.

>> No.3427442

For every console Enix has remade DQ games, they've been released in triplets. SNES/GBC had 1, 2, and 3. DS had 4, 5, and 6. 3DS has 7, 8 and, if they follow the pattern, hopefully 9.

>> No.3427445

is that game ok to play single player?

>> No.3427449

Oh shit, you're right.

I think the 3DS is kinda on its way out though, and the focus is on DQXI 3DS. That, and I, II, and III were a trilogy, just like IV, V, and VI. Still would like to see IX remade eventually.

>> No.3427454

Its not bad, but a lot of the fun for me was in the multiplayer. It was a fantastic game, but I can't say that it'd be nearly as fun to play now with the dead servers and lack of players.

Might as well just wait if there's a remake.

>> No.3427927

What about IV on Playstation? It didn't have two other remakes to go with it.
V on PS2 also did not have two other remakes to go with it.
1 and 2 were remade again for mobile phones, but 3 was just ported from SFC. That's not a triplet release either.

>> No.3427936

Shhh, you're crushing his dreams

>> No.3428075

They said XI will have a class system?

>> No.3428079

Remaking old games has always been easy money for Enix, no reason to believe they'll ever stop.

>> No.3428096

Dragon Quest IX is still only 7 years old though. If they did a remake now, it would probably just be a lazy upscaling. Give it some time. They're probably going to remake Caravan Heart next anyway.

Speaking of which, anyone here play Caravan Heart before?

>> No.3428114

Dragon Quest was only seven years old when it was remade for SNES. Dragon Quest II was only six. I&II was also seven when it was remade for GBC.
III was eight when it was remade for SNES, and that was four when it was remade for GBC.

>> No.3428124

Dragon Quest IX doesn't need the QOL improvements that those games needed. Dragon Quest IV was 11 when it was first remade and Dragon Quest V was 12. I'm just saying they have other things that they can remake before they get to Dragon Quest IX, since that game is pretty big.

>> No.3428394

I actually don't want them to remake IX, the game was mediocre and forgettable and I don't want to play it again.
I'd prefer if they went back to IV or III, if the first two are too obsolete and short for the modern market.

>> No.3428441

>i don't like the game so it shouldn't be remade

But if its remade, they can fix the problems and make it so that you enjoy the game. That's the point of remakes.

>> No.3428445

>every ten seconds
Not really, they knew the menus were a hassle so they didn't have doors and stairs super often in the dungeons. Yuji Horii is a game design genius, like literal obsessively plays his own games before release and complains about door animations taking too long levels of dedication.

>> No.3428458

Unless they completely change the story and progression to make it less formulaic and boring, make the main game much longer and harder to give the jobs system and skills a purpose, redesign the sidequests to not make them "kill X monster with Y move" shit, completely change the post game to not be repetitive, grindy beyond common sense and infested by horrible RNG, I have no interest in replaying it.

>> No.3428590

i tried to re-play it but its not fun alone and most of the good stuff is post game content.

it would be strange if they dropped it but who knows

re-making ix makes no sense since x is basically the same game. speaking of x when does it launch in china?

>> No.3428595

>re-making ix makes no sense since x is basically the same game.
They're going to do it anyway, it's just a matter of when.

>> No.3428602

I'm actually shocked they just didn't make a 3DS port because of Streetpass. Hell Streetpass was most likely made because of how popular the idea of passing people with DQ9 was.

>> No.3428640

That actually is the reason. Nintendo talked about it in an interview and cited how much they liked the idea.

>> No.3428653

If the game is be more character driven and with a small party like VIII, it could only have skill trees.
We'll see when they actually show something.

>> No.3428698

How would you rank the regular battle music of Dragon Quest I through IX? Not including boss themes.

If IX's battle music isn't near the bottom of your list, you're wrong

>> No.3429593

What happened with those questions made to the developers on Miiverse?
Did they answer?

>> No.3429605

Gamescom isn't until the 19th.

>> No.3429672

i'd say they all fit the particular tone of each game so it wouldn't make sense to rank them.

>> No.3429795
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, DQIX party lv 41 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it this year and planned to be a paladin from the start. I liked being the literal white knight for the girls.
It was way too late for online play, of course.

I think it was fun. Grindier than other DQ games, though.

I'm going to play Caravan Heart after Monsters 2.

>> No.3429887

>anyone here play Caravan Heart before?
I just finished a playthrough of it a few weeks back.

>> No.3429931

Didn't know other people used Fire Emblem names!
In my DQIII playthrough I named my party Anna (Merchant), Lissa (Cleric), and Lyn (Fighter)
Named the hero after myself.

>> No.3429942

>Named the hero after myself
Autism Speaks ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.3429945

Who doesn't name the hero in RPGs after themselves?

>> No.3429949

default name always, unless there is no default.

>> No.3429951

People above the age of 12?

>> No.3429952

>Fire Emblem names
meme magic

>> No.3429953

they're called role-playing games.
you're supposed to immerse yourself in the world and feel like you're there.

>> No.3429954

Dragon Quest heroes never have a default, numbskull, especially in III and IX.

>> No.3429962

I guess the default in III could be Loto/Roto/Erdrick
But I don't see what's wrong with naming the hero after yourself.

>> No.3429969

>muh immersion
I don't need to name the character after myself to immerse myself in the game. If anything, naming my character after myself actually takes me out of the game because it reminds me I'm still playing a game.

>> No.3429979

Loto/Roto/Erdrick is a title, not a name.

>> No.3429989

oh yeah

>> No.3430090

Nice team

I did the same for DQIII a few threads back.

didn't even notice

>> No.3430121

Nigga, you mad as hell.

And also correct.

>> No.3430134

>immerse yourself in the world and feel like you're there
Just like the Wii motion controls, right? That stuff is the opposite of immersive. Having to move your body reminds you of the fact that you are playing a game.

>> No.3430281
File: 171 KB, 746x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent protagonist I always name them after myself.

>> No.3430403

I'm pretty sure that forcing your daughter to rape her brother is a crime.

>> No.3430421

Not in Japan.

>> No.3430446

Those kisses are from Deborah, notice the lipstick.

>> No.3430547

Never played a DQ game. Is the Android remakes any good?

>> No.3430570

They're extremely solid/well made remakes, with a nice art style. The massive downside with them is that they decided to stretch the graphics to fill the screen, rather than expanding your view distance. This wrecks an otherwise nice art style by making it look janky af.

They also only work in vertical mode, but it's pretty decent to play one-handed. Despite the gross graphical issue I think they're a hundred times better than the mobile Final Fantasy remakes.

As for if you should play a phone one first idk, because I'm pretty new to the series. If you have an Android phone you might be better off emulating a well regarded game in the series such as IV.

>> No.3430662
File: 63 KB, 418x403, dqiiibox_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the camp where I don't mind the accents, to be honest.
Important people can be from a place thats not local and sound different but still BE serious, even if they sound a little funny.

Then again growing up I legit had a Russian friend and a French friend with English as their second language, so I'm biased.

>> No.3430737

>Hero doesn't have a default/canon/manga name

>> No.3430792


>Sizzling bikini bottoms

its always the quiet ones

i always name myself master. it makes it all the more fun when an npc or boss tries to talk shit.

>> No.3430805
File: 504 KB, 658x710, 1445854116638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally completed a "Debra" run in DQV, thus securing a file for all the wives
>replayed through 6 and unlocked all the extra characters and upgraded everyone's jobs to MAX
>replayed 4
>got a rough half way into DQ7 before I had to start working

Fuck, I love this series.
I need the 3DS port of DQ7 to come out soon.

>> No.3430810

>They have removed a lot of stuff from the beginning of the game because impatient people thought it was too long.

The opening crawl of that game has no real right to be that long, you can attempt to speed through it, but it'll still take the better part of a hour to try and rush it, even with a guide.

>> No.3431217
File: 324 KB, 500x654, m6i22awqfG1qd8dzuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best girl

Of fucking course!

I love how her apparently verbal abuses, are twisted jokes. But you can only discover that, if you talk with her a lot of times.

She's strong, really loves, and I'm pretty sure that she's a real slut in bed.

>> No.3431274

does six have the most unforgiving starting area? i had to run from most battles and always carry a bunch medicinal herbs just to reach castle. and buying the boomerang is a must since every random encounter has at least 5 monsters that need 2 hits each and take 4 health every attack. a bit of an overkill imo.

>> No.3431597

Why so impatient? That part of the game is just as enjoyable as the rest. Why not enjoy it while it lasts instead of rushing through it to get to the "good" part?

>> No.3431603

What version are you playing?

>> No.3431872

Started playing GBC version of DW1 today, finished it a few minutes ago. That was short. Fun game. I wonder how the series will evolve as I progress through the games.

>> No.3431889

Dragon Quest basically becomes a whole new series once you get to IV. It also gets much much longer.

>> No.3432009

>Why so impatient?

Every single game in the entire franchise, prior and since, have always started quick. Always a quick piece of set up and off you go. Dragon Quest 7 has a fetch quest and a puzzle dungeon before you get to your first battle.

I get what it is and how much it sets up that game in general, but to deny it's a slog and a shock compared to the rest is naive.

>> No.3432121

>before you get to your first battle
And it takes 45 hours to unlock Dharma. What's your point? I see the battles as just another thing to be enjoyed, not the most important part of the game.

The dialogue and exploration are there from the beginning. I don't consider the first battle "the true start of the game" or "the end of the prologue" or anything like that. The game is fine without battles and is also fine without access to the class system.

I really don't miss the battles when I play through the beginning of the game. It usually takes me around 4-5 hours to fight the first slime and I enjoy every minute of it.

>> No.3432180

I swear that the SNES version of Dragon Quest II is nearly as difficult as the NES version. I'm at the Cave of Rhone and the enemies give around 200-400 exp when I need 8k to level up. Did they even try to balance this game?

>> No.3432378

original version. once you get the boomerang its normal but by then you already traveled to the festival town and visited the parallel world. all of that with just a club. if you buy anything besides the boomerang with the money you get from selling the village goods grinding becomes 10 times slower.

>> No.3432384


reminder that you should drop ii right after getting the boat since the developers admitted in an interview nobody had bothered finishing the game at the time of release so that becomes the unofficial ending.

>> No.3432386

Yeah, the beginning of the game can be pretty harsh. But the difficulty becomes very rewarding later in the game, so you did well in choosing the original version.

>> No.3432389

>a game can't be good unless the final product is what the developers intended
Nope. They didn't want the game to be so hard, but that's actually one of its most enjoyable aspects.

>> No.3432438

>"Due to a lack of cartridge space, many ideas were abandoned during development, such as an alternate ending that the Lorasia Prince is killed by the Prince of Cannock's sister if he dies in the final battle."

that's hilarious

>> No.3432681

>Dragon Quest II
>good or enjoyable
The fuck are you smoking? The battle in the sea cave against the two Hell Messengers in the sea cave is a battle literally based on luck. There's no "strategy", you just have to hope they don't both use fire spells to wipe out your party before you get a chance to attack. There's a huge difference between hard and unfair. At the point where I am in the game, metal hunters and rotted corpses do 3-10 damage while killer tigers do 32-40. And the killer tigers usually come in threes. While my characters are around 80-100 hp. You would expect that they would change shit like this in a remake because it's obviously fucking broken, but nope. Looks like I'm just going to have to grind a ton if I even want a chance of surviving to Rhone.

>> No.3432710


I played DQ2 on iOS recently and didn't have any trouble like what you're describing. Maybe they've balanced it?

>> No.3432774

I got past the Cave of Rhone and now the enemies give 1000+ exp in Rhone. If you jump from 400 exp to 1000 after one area, there's a problem with your balancing. Haven't played the iOS version.

>> No.3432779

Heard the iOS did change a lot of the stats of the enemies plus up your party stats. Also having the sparkle on the ground is a godsend. It really is the best version to play DQ2.

>> No.3433101

Funny how people hate him because of how useless he is in the NES game. I wonder how much different people's opinion would change if that actually happened.

>> No.3433104
File: 69 KB, 1274x720, dqgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else thinks that Dragon Quest Go would be a successful game, at least in Japan?

>> No.3433108

Go works only because it's Pokemon. The idea of going out in the world and catching those creatures has been built into the game since day one. Also Pokemon is a game about being social and going out which works in it's favor too. There is no other game series that I can think of that Go would work with.

>> No.3433109

What about a Dragon Quest Monsters Go

>> No.3433117

I hope not. Dragon Quest Builders is already pushing it for me.

>> No.3433118

Maybe but I still don't see it happening. Pokemon as a series is all about going out and being social in the real world. People seem to forget that about Pokemon. They just see it as the same type of yearly thing as CoD and sport series. But it's really is a game that does things on it's own. And Go just happen to work well with that. Most of the DQ games are games you play on your own. DQ9 and 10 are really the only major one that involve working with others. Even the Monster/Joker series doesn't involve being that social.

>> No.3433161

lol bullshit
Any rpg type game involving addicting stuff like leveling up, geting better equipment and making your bunch of pixels more powerful would be successful. Add a well known franchise to it and win.

>> No.3434118

Started playing through 6 SFC, and I can say while it's still not particularly easy, it's way better than II where you don't even get a healing spell until you get your second party member.

>> No.3434319
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>> No.3435391
File: 333 KB, 632x428, Shitty accents confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well guys, I don't know if it was already confirmed, but... Now it is.

We can enjoy, one more time, the GLORIOUS accents in Dragon Quest VII.

It's from a spanish website, so at least accents confirmed to spanish. But I don't think that this gonna be only in spanish...

I'm going to buy and enjoy it anyway, but... Fuck my life

>> No.3435403
File: 111 KB, 500x827, Dragon.Quest.V.full.184987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, she's the one that refuses to sleep with you on your wedding night, and that dies a virgin if you don't marry her. Despite her appearence, she's shy and delicate.
The real slut is her sister.

>> No.3435428
File: 50 KB, 596x735, 34c6879faf24fe9392419744d95177e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least the accents match spanish locations instead of being american's idea of how russians sound translated into spanish like iv.

i wonder if this means 8 will receive spanish voice acting.

>yfw jessica in spanish

>> No.3435438

I never had a problem with the DQ IV-VI mobile releases, they're a hell of a lot better than the rest of Square's iffy shit.

>> No.3435440

>Orka is now "Pagafantarías"
I can't believe this shit. It's so fucking stupid and in-your-face, it makes everything feel like a joke. It's 10 times worse than in English. I feel sorry for all the cucks that will play this version without touching the original, especially the Spaniards that think they are getting an accurate translation because they don't know any better.

No wonder nobody likes this series in the west. Every localization is a fucking joke.

>> No.3435450

>I'm going to buy and enjoy it
Seriously? I wouldn't waste my time with this shit. It would only ruin DQ7 for me. I still can't stop thinking of Alena as a dumbass russian who speaks in broken English, even after playing the original a couple of times.

I don't really give a shit about most of these remakes. They cut too much stuff and ruin the pacing trying to appeal to casuals. I just feel sad because a lot of people will play this remake instead of the original and their experience will be tainted by all this crap. Even if they enjoy it, they will just remember it as a decent RPG that tries way too hard to be funny. This game was supposed to be a masterpiece, not some cheap comedy. They will never know what it feels like to play the real DQ7 for the first time.

>> No.3435451

I think I'd honestly rather have NoA Treehouse translate VII. Sure they like to cram some shitty meme jokes in here and there, but at least you're getting an accurate translation otherwise.

>> No.3435452

>I don't really give a shit about most of these remakes. They cut too much stuff

Like what? Usually I hear people complaining that they added too much, not that they removed anything.

I'm pretty sure Treehouse is doing it, aren't they?

>> No.3435454


>Parece que vuelven los dialectos en las distintas zonas del mundos, me parece bien porque ya ocurría en la versión japonesa
Fuck this rumor, seriously. The Japanese versions are not full of fucking accents, where did this shit even come from?

>> No.3435456

At least the Scottish kinda fit.

>> No.3435478

Dragon Quest remakes aren't really ones to remove things. Change them drastically sure, but not remove. They simplified the beginning and I think that was the only thing.

I'm still not sure about their take on the class system though.

>> No.3435479
File: 355 KB, 455x349, I feel it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking remind me that shit, seriously...

Awful translations due shitty accents, are bad. People beleving that the accents are canon in Japan, and defending that bullshit is worst.

I feel bad for the people that can't understand the game in english, and must swallow all that crappy jokes

>Orka is now "Pagafantarías"
Seriously... Someone must die for that abomination.

>> No.3435495

They removed monster taming from DQVI and an entire dungeon from DQVII.

The ruins in Estard are now small and pathetic. They don't feel grand or mysterious anymore. It's just a little puzzle and that's it. They completely ruined the sense of discovery and the mysterious atmosphere of that part of the game.

You were supposed to spend three hours getting to know everyone in Estard (I still remember every single person in the town), playing around with Maribel, exploring with Kiefer, solving the mystery of the ruins and doing a whole bunch of puzzles. It was great because it made you feel like you had really been living there forever, which made the appearance of new islands really exciting.

They added some fairy guy that acts as a tutorial in the ruins. This changes the mood too. In the original game, you felt like you were solving the mystery of a forgotten temple. And even after saving one of the islands, nobody explained to the characters or the player what happened or what exactly they had done, they had to figure it out on their own.

The new games sacrifice a lot of good things just to appeal to the casual audience. The first three hours of the game were one of the most enjoyable parts of the game, there was no need to cut most of that stuff. It's like skipping the first 50 pages of a book and just reading a summary on the internet. It feels rushed and doesn't have any impact. Disgusting.

They also removed party chat in battle. It's not that important, but it was insanely detailed, they reacted to absolutely everything. They even changed their reactions to some things as you advanced in the game. It helped develop Maribel's character.

>> No.3435501

I sure hope that Dragon Quest XI has a black party member. I think the localizations could definitely use some ebonics!

>> No.3435518

>They removed monster taming from DQVI
Replaced with the recruitable slimes characters...
But then you bash the removal of party chat in battle, after downplaying the addition of party chat in the remakes of IV, V and VI, so I guess there's no point in discussing with you.
You're dishonest and will always twist facts to corroborate your narrative.

>> No.3435529


Maribel is now Mariel, even though Maribel (Maria Isabel) is a common Spanish name.

And Aira is now MOURA. What the fuck? At least they didn't go with the DQIX names (Kiefer as Cleómenes and Maribel as GORGO), but this is still pretty shitty.

I guess I'm not playing the remake after all. I'll just replay the original using only monster classes or something.

>> No.3435536

>Kiefer as Cleómenes and Maribel as GORGO

>> No.3435550

How am I dishonest? I'm not "trying" to bash the remakes, I'm bashing them because they deserve it.

>you bash the removal of party chat in battle
They removed something from the original game for no reason. How can anyone be fine with that?

>after downplaying the addition of party chat in the remakes
It's a really nice addition, but if the rest of the game is piss easy, looks like crap compared to the original and the localization doesn't have any respect for the original script... I don't think it's worth playing just for party chat.

You make it sound like the ADDITION of a feature that the original games didn't even need is enough to make the remakes the definitive versions of those games, even though everything else about them is either worse or just plain bad. Of course I'm downplaying the addition of party chat. Stop recommending people to play the fucking Android port of DQ4 just because you can talk to your party members and read their stupid accents. It's not worth it if the controls damage the experience and the translation is garbage.

I don't see how I'm "twisting the facts". They removed a lot of shit in this remake. They added something nice in the others while fucking up everything else. How is any of that acceptable? At least be honest and let people decide by themselves, instead of acting like the remakes are always better.

>> No.3435557

But party chat isn't the only addition in the remakes, and you know it.
VI is mostly unchanged but IV and V have plenty of extra content and gameplay improvements.
But again, you'll say it's not worthy if the games have accents, or if you need to grind less, and you'll pretend that having a 3 men party or not being able to control your party members make the games better, so whatever.
Both the originals and the remakes have pros and cons, and you posting the same things in every thread and being overly aggressive won't change anyone's mind.

>> No.3435574

>extra content
>gameplay improvements
The main game is all that matters. Who cares about bonus dungeons or modern menus if the main adventure has been ruined?

>> No.3435583

You just keep proving my point.

>> No.3435596

Why is everyone upset about the accents? They don't bother me at all. How inaccurate is what they're saying regardless of the accent? Either way I'm going to buy the remake of VII and I will probably enjoy playing it. And fuck, I might even laugh at one of the dumb jokes. And no amount of autism will stop me.

>> No.3435602
File: 38 KB, 251x251, Espe Pobre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maribel is now Marie
>And Aira is now MOURA
>DQIX names (Kiefer as Cleómenes and Maribel as GORGO)

>> No.3435609

>And no amount of autism will stop me.
Actually, I think it's the amount of autism that's propelling you to play this shit.

>> No.3435615

One of the bad things about accents, is that you are not playing the game that the original dev team made.

You are playing a modified version, in one of the worst ways possible: "I can improve the original script, adding nice jokes, and some funny accents"

>> No.3435624

You probably want to play it so bad that you feel the need to defend all that crap. Give up and admit that the new translations are horrendous. And IV's isn't even the worst.

>> No.3435691
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>> No.3435881

I wish this faggot would leave.

>> No.3435885

he goes too far but i agree on him about the re-makes particularly the zenith trilogy. still theres no need to bring it up every thread.

>> No.3435936

Wish harder lmao.

>> No.3435946
File: 7 KB, 452x168, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to break it to you, but the new translations are garbage and you should feel bad about defending them. There's more than one person who thinks this. I think the remake itself will be fine but the English script is sure to be fucking atrocious.

>> No.3435972

You can use photoshop, good for you.

>> No.3436014
File: 6 KB, 540x193, (me).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that he's using photoshop. Like me.

Because EVERYONE loves the accents.

If you think that someone that hates the translations, must be the same guy that hates the remakes... Clearly, you are an idiot, like the remakes-hater.

>> No.3436016
File: 8 KB, 452x168, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes (you) think

>> No.3436039
File: 23 KB, 327x313, stares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's real anymore

>> No.3436056

Christ, does every Dragon Quest thread have to devolve into complaining about accents and localization?

Yes a sizable sect of fans do not like the translations, but a good portion either don't care or enjoy the puns etc.

Don't play the remakes of you don't like them. Don't bust a vein in your forehead if someone else likes the remake.

Many changes can be argued as awful or nonsensical, but I swear many people are so autistic about it that they will fight endlessly over an enemy called "angry slug" being changed to "evil slug" just because it isn't the original translation.

I couldn't care less if a town was changed from Tomidak to Karsville.

Gameplay is the focus and it is still the same. Import the jap versions or stick with the original games of the remakes make you twitch so much

>> No.3436074

Three months or so ago the threads were fine.
Only recently did the start to devolve.

>> No.3436083
File: 168 KB, 800x800, Dragon.Quest.V.full.882255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-remake fag is annoying but at least he's not as bad as that autist popping up on /v/ once in a while that calls DQV DS shit because its extra content it's "not canon".
I hope he doesn't find his way here.

>> No.3436172

I think you listed the only two cases of removal across all the remakes

>> No.3436189

Why can't I just have all three
fuck monogamy

>> No.3436280

Do you play the originals in Japanese? Any translation will be different regardless of accents. No ones answered my question. Besides the accenrs how accurate is the translation?

>> No.3436574
File: 175 KB, 640x439, dqiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy what a fucking drag dqiv has been. you basically have to run from every random encounter if you want to have any mp left by the time you reach the boss and even when you choose to fight every battle takes at least 4 turns with no room for variation or strategy. to make matters worst the bosses themselves arent even strong. i haven't needed to upgrade my armor since muriel joined the party and only grinded a couple of levels so that she learned healmore. currently at the lava dungeon after you borrow the boat.

>> No.3436596
File: 943 KB, 500x260, The more you know unicorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV = 4
VI = 6

Learn the difference, dear american.

>> No.3436614
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filter

>> No.3436625

Localization aside, the actual translation is totally fine.

>> No.3436642

my bad

>> No.3436643
File: 10 KB, 168x196, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Anon, that is totally how the game was meant to be seen, as intended by the developers!

>> No.3436653

>as intended by the developers!

is this the new meme?

>> No.3436659

It's fairly old at this point.

>> No.3436693

Horii okayed the ruin truncation. Are you saying you know better than Horii when it comes to the design of the games?

>> No.3436754

> you basically have to run from every random encounter if you want to have any mp left by the time you reach the boss and even when you choose to fight every battle takes at least 4 turns with no room for variation or strategy.

Congratulations, if you're complaining about this, this must be your first Dragon Quest game!

>> No.3436832

played them all except 7 and 8. last time i dropped 6 was right before recruiting terry. it precisely because i have played the others that i can see its short comings. any other dq aside from 2 has tight quick combat. 3 particular makes random encounters feel satisfying and engaging. but 6 just like 2 misses hard in the gameplay department which inevitably affects the over all pacing.

>> No.3436868

Well shit nigger I'm goig to enjoy the fuck out of it.

>> No.3436917
File: 2.66 MB, 1780x1260, 3f7ba6bd5601e5a58eaf52de52a19b43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an actual polygmist, it is the shit. Someone like Debra wouldn't go for it though. Bianca would love you enough and is adventurous enough. Nera would need constant validation but a couple of nights with Hero and Bianca and she'd be unable to imagine her life without it.

>> No.3437262

>Level 5 make pretty decent RPGs
>Hear about them making DQIX
>Get mad hyped
>tfw it's mediocre as fuck

>> No.3437314

Why don't you use Higan instead of whatever shit emulator you are using now?

>> No.3437315

Horii is a great game designer, but he's also a bit of a jew.

>> No.3437323
File: 23 KB, 480x472, ahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3437336

it's objectively the best snes emulator no matter how much you hate byuu

>> No.3437352

>you will never be a cute shota with a hot titty mom that kisses you suggestively and adores you and a cute little sister that also adores you in a rad fantasy town where there's magic and shit

>> No.3437423

>being a shota
>wasting your time with old hags
You should be making out with your loli sister and her friends. If you waste your chance, you will regret it and become a pedo.

>> No.3437639

DQ4: Anyone agree that Marquis De Leon/Kingleo is complete bullshit? You literally have to grind until priest dude learns Kabuff, and if you choose not to use him, grind into the fucking 20s. "DQ has no grinding," indeed.

>> No.3437645

There are lots of other things you can do before fighting Keeleon. You are not supposed to fight him so early.

>> No.3437647

No? If I can beat him in the Famicom version with no control over my party members and stupid AI that keeps casting debuffs that never work with literally no grinding, you can too.
If you were talking about the second fight with Balzaak, I might agree with you

>> No.3437652

Like visiting everywhere else on the map? Did that, still can't touch him without Kabuffing constantly.

Sounds like Hell on Earth.

God 4 is terrible in the grinding department.

>> No.3437674

Are you playing the DS version? If so, that's pretty funny, considering that we have a few people here that love to complain that the DS remake is way too easy.

Anyone who would honestly tell you that Dragon Quest has no grinding at all is a fucking idiot, so I'm not sure where you heard that from. 4 is in the middle ground in terms of grinding where 1-3 are all about grinding while 5 through the rest basically just get rid of the grinding altogether. Trust me, grinding in 4 is like a dream compared to the earlier games. At least you're not grinding 10 levels in Dragon Quest III just so Baramos doesn't slaughter your entire party with his breath attacks. And you're not grinding in Rhone just so the enemies don't wipe out your entire party as soon as you step out of the shrine.

If you really feel like you need to grind for this, and you don't really have anything else to do, just grab a podcast or a good album, sit down for a while, and grind.

>> No.3437686

>If you really feel like you need to grind for this, and you don't really have anything else to do, just grab a podcast or a good album, sit down for a while, and grind.
That's what I have been doing. I just think it's stupid that you can't choose your party; you literally NEED to use Kiryl/Cristo for his Kabuff so that his physical attacks don't slaughter you. And even then, his ice breath attack can just push your shit in.

I don't know why this is so controversial. I just think it's a poorly balanced fight.

>> No.3437708

I never knew just how terrible the US localizations of Nintendo games were. I thought it was exclusive to the recent Fire Emblem games, but seems like the entire local team is a bunch of fuck ups.

How badly are Euro localizations affected? Cause I was planning to get the DS remakes one of these days.

>> No.3437715

The Euro localizations are based on the American ones. People here actually believe that the Japanese versions have accents and puns in every name, even though that's something Plus Alpha made up. It's awful.

>> No.3437724

If you were playing the original game, you wouldn't be such a pussy this far into the game. There are lots of things you can do to make the fight easier, not just buffing your defense.

>> No.3437728

Please explain how you can possibly survive without Kabuff, and without grinding. I'm endlessly curious.

>> No.3437765

>people still acting like FE games are having shit localizations

jesus i know this is dragon quest thread but so many people just parrot this shit

The localization isn't good, but its not completely terrible either. Most of the plot and dialogue issues weren't caused in translation and there's a few areas made better.

that being said it was bleh localization overall and took way too fucking long, although compared to DQVII 3DS, 8 months is nothing.

>> No.3437784

>Most of the plot and dialogue issues weren't caused in translation
You're right, because in some cases they just ignored the source material and wrote their own shit. Maybe you should consider that wanting an accurate translation that's not filled with pop culture memes isn't a fucking overreaction. You have lowered your standards so far that you can somehow justify having a game butchered by localizers as long as you can play it in English.

>> No.3437832

>pop culture memes

that was more awakening than fates

see this is what i'm talking about.

>> No.3437843

We had some kind of "golden age" of translations in Europe. A time where our games are translated directly from the japanese version...

That era was, from some random DS games (and no, Dragon Quest are not included), to the first 3 years of the 3DS.

Yes, only 4 years, more or less

About DQ accents, for me the worst thing are not the accents himself, nor the people can really like them (I don't care if someone has shitty taste from my point of view. At least, he's buying the game)...
when the people are TOTALLY SURE that are even in the japanese version, and when they play a fan-translated game, they say that "this didn't feel like Dragon Quest".

Thanks, fucking Plus Alpha morons. THANKS.

>> No.3437846


The fuck are you talking about? my hero and carve are ripping through random encounters like there's no tomorrow. I'm flying through this faster than any of the others so far.

I'm playing the iOS version so maybe they rebalanced for commuting plebs like me

>> No.3438139
File: 61 KB, 500x357, Prince of Cannock in his natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Hargon completely immune to magic in a game where 2 of your 3 party members are weak spellcasters is a really dickish thing to do.

I already grinded from level 20 to level 30 in Rhone today to get to this point, now I think I'm going to have to grind from level 30 to level 40 to beat Malroth. Fun!

>> No.3438236
File: 897 KB, 850x1200, moonbroke_pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because ix basically just a prototype for x hell they even had real time combat for while but the backlash forced them to go back into turn based.

its not a screen shot. im playing the snes fan translation on a cfw 3ds

>I just think it's a poorly balanced fight.

just like the developers intended :^)


>> No.3438281
File: 263 KB, 831x1024, 142368754289856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terra has blonde or green hair?

>> No.3438291

You're not forced to go right to him after getting the boat, you know?
You can explore the world, start some sidequests, gather info about the zenithian equipment etc.
That's what I did, and by the time I had enough and I went to kill him, I didn't have any problem.

>> No.3438298

Wasn't that Miiverse thing with the developers scheduled for today?

>> No.3438361

Found it.
Too bad I can't watch it now. What did they ask?

>> No.3438523


q1- how did you decided what to change and what to keep from the original?

a1- encourage players to explore the different classes. a guide that lets you know what you were doing last time you saved so you dont forget since its a very long game.

q2- how long does it take to finish the main story?

a2- originally it took around 100 hours of gameplay but we added fragment detector to reduce unnecessary repetitive work. now its about 70 to 80 hours

q3- which class was the funniest to design and program?

a3- the shepherd

q4- whats your favorite vocation?

a3- shepherd

q5- favorite monster?

a3- some vegetable monster i cant make out what he said

and thats it. nothing ground breaking

>> No.3438531

So nothing about the OST or other games.

>> No.3438565


>> No.3438631

Five softball questions about obvious things we already knew and two of them are almost the exact same question.

Hope you guys weren't getting your hopes up.

>> No.3439328
File: 296 KB, 720x720, Terry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which DQ character do you identify with the most? pic related for me. made him the protagonist in ix too.

>> No.3439339

I already said that I've visited every part of the map. You can literally GET some of the Zenithian equips at this point, but that's moot. If you don't use Kabuff, you lose.

>> No.3439342

>just like the developers intended :^)
At least you're being honest.

>> No.3439682

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor?

>> No.3439691

Then why didn't I lose

>> No.3439710

are there any runes in dragon quest iv?

>> No.3439717

What do you mean by runes? Considering that I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and I've beaten the game three times, I'm going to say no.

>> No.3439732
File: 37 KB, 223x311, Image.ashx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you don't know what runes are?
They're basically magic scribblings. Sometimes they're made to be translatable.
Basically the reason I'm asking is because a friend stumbled upon a certain post in the Magic the Gathering subreddit stating that a card uses the runic alphabet from Dragon Quest 4 and that the runes used translated to "Fuck you" and he has asked me if I could confirm or deny.

I don't know anything about Magic and I don't recall seeing runes in either version of DQ4, but I thought I'd ask here anyhow in case anyone more familiar with the games might know.

Pic related, thread related: https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/4yicpp/cards_with_text_in_the_art/d6o9cvm

>> No.3439734

The original only uses kana.

>> No.3439743

Of course I know what runes are! It's just that I can't think of a single place where runes come into play in Dragon Quest IV. I think that post might be total bullshit, but your friend might want to ask the guy on the subreddit about it.


>> No.3439791
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That name sounds familiar!

>> No.3439902
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>> No.3439906


The OST, I think that is due some license issues.

Other games... Don't expect anything, when the 3DS has less than a year of "life".
Too much games pending, and not short games...

>> No.3439945


>> No.3439950

There's people saying that the OST was changed because the japanese weren't pleased with the orchestal tracks being ripped straight from the suite and not looping properly.

>> No.3439954

As for the games, considering that Federation Force (lol) was the last first party game scheduled for the 3DS, bringing them would be a good idea to keep it on life support some more. And Joker 3 isn't even 6 months old.

>> No.3440143

>You can literally GET some of the Zenithian equips at this point
Technically yes, but the cave with the armour is much much harder than the lion boss.
Are you telling me that you were able to do one but not the other?

>> No.3440168

Those are legit

>> No.3440170

I'd like to see him try to get the liquid metal sword and the Zenithian armor before he even gets Ragnar.

>> No.3440238

>I already grinded from level 20 to level 30 in Rhone today
>I'm going to have to grind from level 30 to level 40 to beat Malroth
You've got to be kidding. What version are you playing?

The original game was perfectly beatable around level 26. Hell, the princess could't even go past level 30. I assume you are playing a modern version that is even easier. How the fuck could you have problems with the final boss at level 30?

>> No.3440245 [DELETED] 

Yeah, funny thing about that. I assumed I'd have to grind more, but then I went back into the Cave of Rhone to get Loto's Armor and the Lightning Sword, and then I beat the final boss on my first try after that. So I did beat him at level 30 actually. Happened about an hour ago.

>> No.3440246

Yeah, funny thing about that. I assumed I'd have to grind more, but then I went back into the Cave of Rhone to get Loto's Armor and the Lightning Sword, and then I beat the final boss on my first try after that. So I did beat him at level 30 actually. Happened about an hour ago. Played through the SNES version.

>> No.3440247

Don't you need the third key for the liquid metal sword?

>> No.3440250

You didn't need to grind to level 30, though. I think that's overkill. If you have shields of strength for everyone and don't ignore status spells, the final boss isn't that hard.

>> No.3440413
File: 61 KB, 446x438, Rageslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only trying to use their logic, based on the relase dates of DQ VII and DQ VIII.

Of course, with some little effort, they can still translate all the fucking Dragon Quest games, make some marketing and win a lof of money.

Maybe, if DQ VII sells a lot, they can think to give us more games... But I preffer to asume, that Square-Enix are still a bunch of idiots that only want to block the western success of Dragon Quest.

>> No.3440449

>wanting DQ to continue in the west with those translations

>> No.3440462

>not just playing Dragon Quest in the original moonrunes

>> No.3440465


>> No.3440469

So if you know Japanese, what seems to be the issue?

>> No.3440474

Not him, but I actually do know enough Japanese to play DQ games and I still like to mock the localizations. I doubt there are many other people in this thread who even play Dragon Quest games in Japanese.

>> No.3440516

>wanting good localizations
>not having stockholm syndrome
How can you call yourself a DQ fan?! Shame on you!

>> No.3440520

Simmer doon an' listen noo.

>> No.3440524
File: 2.50 MB, 496x448, runningmerchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The king wishes to speak with you all now
>Ai simmer doewn yoo lot ave had noone o thaa listen well nae eh? ahh.
How did Ragnar not burst out laughing?

>> No.3440545
File: 35 KB, 703x703, 1468620879176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you waste time ruining good discussion all because you think you're hot shit being able to read hiragana and katakana.

Why do you and the handful of others come to these threads on a daily basis to remind us of the obvious?
>Don't belive Enix's lies! DQ's recent translations had liberties taken on them!
>This isn't the tone my glorious Nippon director envisioned!
>How dare they change names and spells and remove Japanese onomatopoeias!

You all spend more time whining about how changes were made than you actually do playing the fucking games. It astounds me to no end that you seem aware of fan translations but insist on never touching titles as long as these localizations stay the course.

Guess what? You will never be Square Enix's target audience. Ever.

You aren't a Japanese citizen, so your input on the game itself will never be a factor. It doesn't matter if you buy the original version of the game, your two cents and overall experience means fuckall to those xenophobic people.

You don't like any deviation from the script or a little creative freedom, and most others here in America don't care or even know. You are just a single person and will never hurt their sales by protesting.

And the sad truth is that you'll still think you're in the right. You'll hate and hate and hate until you go ruining the discussion for everyone. This is one of the few places where you can even find people actively talking about some of their favorite vidya and you being the angry, shitpoting waste of space you are, will always find a way to make people irritated enough to leave and just play the game instead of enjoying it with everyone else here.

You hate the idea that people can like something you don't, so you sabotage everything to make yourself feel smug and superior.

It's not the localizations, or the changes to the soundtracks, or even script edits that are the worst part of Dragon Quest.

It's you being an insufferable fucking prick.

>> No.3440551

I stopped after reading the first sentence where you said I'm only able to read hiragana and katakana. You do realize that every Dragon Quest game after IV has kanji in it, right?

Anyway, the rest of your post seems like a whole bunch of butthurt, so my advice to you is to stay mad and enjoy eating your Plus Alpha shit.

>> No.3440552

Nice strawman.

>> No.3440553

>he wrote a fucking wall
LMAO. This is the reason we keep making fun of the localizations.

>> No.3440556

I don't think DQIV has runic text in it

>> No.3440557

>a little creative freedom
Comfirmed for not knowing what he's talking about. No wonder he defends the new translations.

>> No.3440560

>He wrote a fucking wall
Oh that's right, I forgot localization shitposters can't read English too well since they only know glorious Nipponese.

>> No.3440562

You tell em.

>> No.3440570
File: 139 KB, 852x480, 1468458908931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long-winded, but this guy has the right idea.
Why do we waste time arguing when we all love the series our own way?

>> No.3440573
File: 82 KB, 389x446, lame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole fucking thread right now

>> No.3440575

I've already got my popcorn ready for when VII comes out in a month. It only gets worse from here.

>> No.3440584

Because the localizations change the mood of the games so much that they can be considered a different series. It's annoying to discuss the games with fans of the modern western releases if you are a fan of the old translations. The new translations rewrite the entire script and make everything a stupid pun. That's not the true DQ experience.

>> No.3440589

You're exaggerating

>> No.3440590

At this point, I just want the localization to be as bad as possible. So bad that even the apologists can't help but groan.

>> No.3440591

I wish I was.

>> No.3440596

What if we have two different threads at the same time? One for the Plus Alpha translations and one for the Enix/fan translations.

I think most people would be smart enough to stay the fuck away from the other thread.

>> No.3440598

Can you give me an example of where the mood is changed that much?

>> No.3440609

>every NPC and town name is an obvious pun
Isn't that bad enough? It's a joke translation. How the hell is that acceptable?

>> No.3440617

This is an exaggeration. Where's the pun in Gotha? Pankraz? Aamon? Psaro? Kiryl? I'm just rattling off random names here. There are some that are pun based, but claiming every single town and npc is based on a pun is grossly incorrect.

>> No.3440618

>listing only important characters and places

>> No.3440634

That's not what was originally claimed, but I can list off unimportant characters and places too. Eliza. Laurel. Baron's Folly. Parthenia. Briny Lair.

So much for every name being an obvious pun. And none of the important names are pun based, like you pointed out. I'm still waiting for an example of the mood changing so drastically.

>> No.3440640

You are literally listing all the exceptions. 80% of the names are dumbass puns while the Japanese scripts only had a couple of them in the whole game. The mood changes drastically if the entire game feels like one big joke.

>> No.3440661

Even if we assume that to be true, you admit the important names are not pun based. Why does it matter if a minor town on the road has a pun based name if all the important stuff isn't?

>> No.3440707

>Even if we assume that to be true
Play the games again. It's totally true.

>Why does it matter if a minor town on the road has a pun based name
Because the "minor" towns and characters are ironically more important than the "main" ones. Especially in DQ7. If every single one of them is turned into some sort of dumb joke and everyone there as an accent, it alters the mood of the game. Stop defending this crap, it's disgusting.

>> No.3440730
File: 51 KB, 576x482, 20130928-world-burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

All part of Nizmo's grand scheme.

>> No.3440739 [DELETED] 

You mean Nimildrath.

>> No.3440743
File: 853 KB, 873x582, DQV_-_Nimzo_-_Second_Forme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has begun

>> No.3440770

Can you give me an example of a mood set in the originals that's ruined by the localization? You keep saying how severe it is without providing anything concrete.

>> No.3440938

so who's the bigger autist remake-kun or translation-kun?

>> No.3440989

I groan all the time when I play the remakes.
Doesn't stop me from enjoying them regardless.

>> No.3440997

Well, it is the DQ experience I love. I don't think I'd like DQ as much as I do if it wasn't full of puns, though the baguette translations aren't as bad as the english ones I believe. But a monster called a Dark-En-Ciel will never cease to amaze me. Wish I could come up with that shit.

>> No.3441002

>I don't think I'd like DQ as much as I do if it wasn't full of puns

>> No.3441007

The monster names are great.

>> No.3441025

And the accents are only there in DQ4 in the french version, and even they're they're not bad. They're understandable and intelligible, and they have a bit of charm to them. And they weren't anywhere in DQ5/6 iirc. And the cities are rarely puns, or if they are they're clever ones that aren't too goofy.
However, one thing about the english translation is the spell names. Those are fucking retarded. I don't like the French ones either because they're incredibly bland, but I don't like how the english ones sound. What are they like in nip ?

I feel like I've made a terrible mistake saying this.

>> No.3441091


You may have three party members from any DQ game and yourself to combat this shitposting!

Who are they?!

>> No.3441240

Can they be monsters from DQM games ? Or just from DQ5 or 8 ?

>> No.3441947

Why can't you choose who to attack in dragon quest games?

>> No.3442062
File: 14 KB, 93x31, sage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty series in a shitty genre meant for autistic losers. JRPG's manage to be an even shittier genre than visual novels.

>> No.3442119

Wall of text, but I actually completely agree. I thought /vr/ of all places was free of shitposters, but it seems there is literally no refuge on 4chan.

>> No.3442183

I know, right? Why can't this thread just be our safe space? It hurts when people tell me that something I like has flaws in it.

If you mean, "why can't I choose who to attack in a group", you're probably playing one of the earlier games. They let you select individual members of a group to attack in later games.

Can't disagree with you, buddy.

>> No.3442192

It's not just 'flaws'. The English games are perfectly playable and enjoyable as they are. It's only shitheads like you that nitpick over MUH GLORIOUS NIPPON that absolutely ruin discourse. You deserve to rot in an unnamed grave.

>> No.3442197

/vr/ started getting shitposters about six months in

>> No.3442214

Who do you think they are? I mean, besides the obvious Reddit.

>> No.3442231

You act like I want a completely literal translation or something. I'd like a translation that's between the "Ohayou, Chie-chan!!" translation from Persona 4 and "wee lil' bairns" translation from Dragon Quest IV. Is that so much to ask for? Just a normal fucking translation that only makes changes when they have to.

>> No.3442238

I understand where you're coming from, but it's fucking pathetic to complain about. Grow up, and just enjoy the games for the adventure that they are.

>> No.3442239

Because Ragnar speaks like that.

>> No.3442260

Well, I already made my choice years ago. Now I just play them all in Japanese and I'm having a blast. You can't honestly believe I'm only in this thread to shitpost about the new localizations. I go out of my way to help people and introduce them to the series in this thread. I could just say "git gud", or "No, fuck off, these new translations are shit, find a different series", but I do want people to enjoy and love Dragon Quest. The fanbase is small enough in the west as it is. Personally, I would love for you guys to also learn Japanese and play the originals with me, but I know that's not going to happen.

>> No.3442265

Now I think we need to put this thread back on the rails.

What Dragon Quest®™ game are you playing through right now, and which one is your favorite? I'm playing through VI SFC and my favorite is VIII. I'm not very far in the game though, just got to the ruined Dharma Temple.

>> No.3442267

I know my kana, but I'll be fucked before I learn a hundred kanji moonrunes. It's absurd to expect English speakers to learn an alien language to enjoy the game "as it is supposed to be." Just accept that the games have some Western success, and move on.

>> No.3442268

Playing IV DS, cursing the developers for Marquis De Leon.

Best games are V DS and VIII, and you'll never convince me otherwise.

>> No.3442281

Still having trouble, eh? I might have to replay the DS version soon. I feel like the final boss of IV is way harder in the remakes than in the Famicom version, so it might be a similar case with King Leo.

V and VIII are generally regarded as the best in the series, so I don't think you'll find many people who would try to convince you otherwise. Hell, V is definitely my second favorite. The guy who doesn't like the remakes might have a problem with you picking the DS version over the SFC version though!

>> No.3442292

I'm sure I could have beaten him at level 26 actually, I still had a lot of MP left over when I beat him at level 30. To be honest, I was using the grinding as something to do in the background while I was catching up on some TV shows. Probably could have shortened the time if I hadn't rushed through the Cave of Rhone earlier!

>> No.3442309

I'm just remembering what a glorious ride VIII was. Dhoulmagus, the postgame with the dragon armor and the super dragon. It was just tits. I don't think there is a better JRPG.

>> No.3442328

Dragon Warrior 7.

>> No.3442330

Give me a few weeks, and I'll know the glory.

>> No.3442335

>playing the remake
I'm pretty sure they ruined a few things that made the original game very enjoyable. I doubt you'll ever know the glory. Maybe part of it.

>> No.3442340

I'm going to play VII for the first time on PSX after I'm done with VI. It's the only mainline Dragon Quest game that I've never played before besides X. Looking forward to it!

>> No.3442342

As far as I know, they just cut the first dungeon. I've played that far before my disc crapped out. I know what I'm missing.

>> No.3442391
File: 636 KB, 961x1280, 1466824900915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck configuring the emulator with all the plugins, because holy shit.

I ended up using PSXfin to avoid all that trouble. It's very accurate and works perfectly, you don't even have to configure anything. The only problem is that some spells and skills (the ones that have very flashy animations) sometimes freeze the game for like 10 seconds (the music still plays). It happens around 20% of the time, so it's not really that annoying. I got used to it and keep spamming spells with no problem.

The other "problem" is that you can't use filters to make the game look better, it looks just like in the actual console. But I personaly don't have a problem with the resolution, it looks fine. Filters make some things look really weird and out of place.

You have probably heard that the game is long as fuck. Well, it's completely true. If you take your time to explore and talk to NPCs, the main adventure becomes like 50 hours longer. If you go straight to your next objective, you can beat the game in around 65 hours.

If you want to really enjoy the game, I recommend taking your time. Talk to everyone after every little event that could possibly change their dialogue, use party chat all the time, explore everything... The game is A LOT more enjoyable this way. The NPCs are the best part of this game, seriously. They are all very endearing, interesting and memorable. I still remember hundreds of them, what towns they lived in and what they said, more or less. They really make each town feel alive.

This is the definitive DQ and the last "classic" game in the series. It's massive, the plot is great, the class system is huge and there are lots of things to do. You don't want to rush through it. You should take your time and savour every moment, even if a section that could be beaten in 30 minutes takes you 3 hours because you keep talking to people and enjoying their little stories. Every part of the game is a lot more rewarding and memorable this way.

>> No.3442393

... Avoid getting hyped, though. It's a quick way to be let down.

>> No.3442405

This guy never gave me as much trouble as Balzaack, which is supposed to be easy as shit. I always struggle against easy bosses and beat supposedly hard ones easily.

>> No.3442415

Also playing DQIV on DS, currently on chapter 2 and on my way to the desert bazaar. So far it seems easier compared to the NES version but your post implies it gets harder. Does it?

>> No.3442417

I'll just say I never specifically grinded in VIII, and I beat the super dragon bosses without too much trouble. I guess the takeaway is that when you have party choices in DQ, you need to specifically choose the right piece of the puzzle (Kiryl's Kabuff).

>> No.3442419

Get ready to grind your ass off in chapter 5.

>> No.3442423

This is what I was made for.

>> No.3442439

Well, Kabuff is -the- spell I can't play without in any game. It's my spellfu, if that's a thing. Can't play IV without Kyril.
And the super dragon bosses aren't that hard, the last gauntlet is just really long, and it's a matter of not fucking up with your PM. Putting Angelo and Jessica with Staves so that they can regen MP is great. I beat them around lv 55 on the iOS version with mostly optimized gear. DQ8 has some tough bosses though, like Empyrea, or Capt. Crow if you don't have Angelo's laugh thing. Dhoulmagus's first form is a pain in the ass as well, probably the hardest boss imo, though the second one isn't too bad. Just a bit tanky.

>> No.3442454
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, Dragon Quest VII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually own the game though, so I don't think I'll need to use an emulator. I've heard some people have problems with their disks with this game but my disks seem to work fine from the little amount of testing I did. If worst comes to worst though, I'll keep what you said in mind when I'm emulating. I looked up Dragon Warrior VII on Ebay and the prices seem really fucking expensive when you can get Dragon Quest VII in good condition for about ten bucks. That sucks!

I do spend a lot of time talking to people in these games because I enjoy the dialogue. For example, I went back and visited every town after each generation during Dragon Quest V. It's a lot of effort, but worth it in the end. So I think I'll probably be spending a long time on Dragon Quest VII for sure, I actually still have a few more games to beat before I play VII since I'm trying to play these games in Japanese chronologically. Hopefully I'll be at VII in a month so I can discuss it with you guys when the remake comes out!

>> No.3442469
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Dragon quest XI confirmed for NX.


>> No.3442478

Oh man, that screenshot. I am so hyped for another mainline Dragon Quest game with an adventure that actually feels epic. We haven't had one for over a decade!

>> No.3442482

>beat VII in a month
Only if you have a lot of free time.

>> No.3442491

You misread that, I said I'm hoping I'll be at VII in a month. I still have quite a few games to beat like VI SFC, III SFC, Dragon Quest Monsters 1, and I+II GBC. So yeah, I will need a lot of free time, actually!
Thankfully this upcoming semester should be pretty easy for me

>> No.3442512

Wow, so you can play this game in Japanese without stopping every few minutes to look up a kanji? I'm jealous. How did you learn the language so well?

I think playing with old discs is risky. If you are unlucky, they may freeze on you 100 hours into the game and prevent you from advancing. Are they scratched in any way? I don't know if there is a way to transfer your save file from the real memory card to your computer... Well, in the worst case scenario you could just download the game and burn it on a new disc.

I can't even do that, though. My PS1 and PS2 controllers are all fucked up. I can barely get my character to move without pressing the d-pad really hard.

>> No.3442517

I recommend taking a relatively long break from RPGs in general and DQ in particular before starting DQ7. Also, avoid spoilers like the plague.

>> No.3442558
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I'm playing DQ VI, and just now Terry joined my team.

How long I'm from completing the game? I'm enjoying it a lot in some parts, but another ones are more tedious... And want some time to relax from RPGs, until DQ VII cames uot.

>> No.3442573

You're close to the end.
There's some postgame that could require some time too, though, depending how much of a completionist you are.

>> No.3442657

Problem is that if I do that, I'll have to stay away from these threads for at least a month. I'd say I'm pacing myself pretty well as it is, after all I've beaten I-V and haven't been fatigued yet!

The disks aren't scratched at all, actually. I'd say that's pretty fortunate. Usually it's the cartridges that fuck up, but I just clean them and they run perfectly.

My secret to learning Japanese? Learn hiragana and katakana. Then use Tae Kim's free online guide for grammar. And lastly comes the Kanji. If you try to sit there and memorize kanji on flashcards for hours and hours every day, you will get bored out of your fucking skull. The secret to learning is doing something you love while you're learning. Seriously, just dive right in. You don't have to study kanji for three years before you play a Japanese video game, fuck that shit. For me, I read a lot of manga and play a lot of video games. After all, I love reading JoJo and playing Dragon Quest. Manga is generally easier to read because a lot of manga have furigana, while mostly only newer video games like the Dragon Quest VII remake have furigana. But I would say don't depend on furigana. You can play a whole lot of games with Kanji and no furigana too. Obviously you're going to run into words you don't know, but the trick is knowing how to look them up quickly. (1/3)

>> No.3442660

(2/3) So how exactly do you do that? Well, you could just use radical searches for kanji you don't know. If you want to spend ten minutes or more looking up a word. There's obviously going to be a lot of Kanji that you don't know, because there are a ton of kanji. So I'll tell you how I do it. I start off with jisho.org for words I don't know in hiragana or katakana. For example, Japanese onomatopoeia like ぶつぶつ that you don't need to know Kanji for, but don't know the definition of. That's easy enough to look up, right? So let's say you've got a word like 乗船券 and you don't know how the fuck you're going to look that shit up. Here's what I do. I use Google Translate. Yeah, fucking Google Translate. Hear me out. If you have a phone and the Google Translate app, it actually has a really amazing Kanji Recognizer. All you have to do is take a picture of the screen or page or whatever in the app and it'll recognize the Japanese text and you can translate it easily. Now, you shouldn't do this for entire sentences or else you'll get a fuckawful translation, but it is a godsend for individual words. So 乗船券 translates to boat ticket and it'll give you the pronunciation of "jousenken". Now if you want a better definition, you can always type "jousenken" into jisho.org and I'll give you a whole bunch of definitions. That's what I do. Once you get used to it, I swear the whole process takes about ten seconds. It barely even becomes an issue anymore. It's how I got through Dragon Quest V in less than two weeks after talking to everyone and doing everything I could.

>> No.3442661

(3/3) So to sum it up, vocabulary will obviously take some time but there's really no way to avoid that. You will need a lot of patience and free time. And you'll need to play/read Japanese often. But it is worth it in the end. You will start recognizing kanji through simple repetition and you won't even need to look up those words anymore. I haven't even been doing this for that long and I can read a lot of Japanese sentences as fast as English ones now. I only really need to look up uncommon words now. In fact, I'd say reading some of the weird Japanese speech patterns is actually harder than the vocabulary at first! Most JRPGs like Dragon Quest are good for practice because the text pauses for an infinite amount of time, allowing you plenty of time to look up the words. Then once you're good at that, you can start playing other games with cutscenes that don't pause. If you're really determined, you can catch up to where I am easily. Now, if you want to be able to write every Kanji with perfect stroke order? Good fucking luck on that one. I'd say only do that if you're really determined to live in Japan, but Japan is not a great place to live anyway. Hope that helps!

>> No.3442685

you can't say that and provide no examples, bud

>> No.3442713

I'm planning on starting the RPG basics and run through all Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games during my work trip

I'm not afraid of old graphics like the dude previously, but i will be stranded in the middle of a literal desert with no internet so i can't search for guides when i get stuck. So i don't want easy versions, but i can't really afford to get the unintuitive ones and have my progress blocked

What are the versions of I through VII that i should play? I have a PSP for emulators and a laptop for SNES, DS and PS2 stuff

>> No.3442743

>What are the versions of I through VII that i should play? I have a PSP for emulators and a laptop for SNES, DS and PS2 stuff

My preference... Play the remakes, in both franchises

Dragon Quest:
I, II, III -> SNES (fan translations, minor but dangerous bugs) or GBC ("Dragon Warrior")

IV, V, VI -> DS (if you have a smartphne, IV can be good here, for the Party Chat absent in DS)

VII -> PSX (again, search for Dragon Warrior)

Final Fantasy:

IV -> DS, if you want a good remake (harder, and with more story). Otherwhise, PSP.

V, VI -> GBA with "restore patch" (better soundtrack)

VII -> PSX or Steam

>> No.3442771

Okay, I'll do my best here.

I: GBC. I think the SNES version just looks and sounds bad plus the GBC version cuts down the grinding of the NES version to a manageable level.
II: Ahahahahahahaha. You're better off just skipping this one if you don't want an unintuitive game. If you want to torture yourself though, choose the GBC version for the same reasons as the first.
III: SNES. If you want bonus content and general quality of life improvements, plus awesome graphics and sound, this is the best version of Dragon Quest III.
IV: Probably the DS version. I know some people don't like the pacing or translation of it, but having full control of your party members really sells it for me. There's no translation patch for the PS1 version unfortunately.
V: Either PS2 or DS. DS is probably better since it has party chat and another wife option. (Best Girl Edition)
VI: DS version should be fine, some monster collecting was cut out of the game but the party chat is awesome.
VII: You don't really have a choice other than the PS1 version, since the 3DS version isn't out yet and it sounds like you just want to emulate anyway. Still, if those other games didn't hold you over during your work trip, this game will.

>> No.3442802


SNES remakes for 1-3.
DS remakes for 4-6.
PSX or 3DS for 7.


PSP for 1-4.
GBA recolor/sound hack roms for 5 & 6.
Just play 7.

>> No.3442858

Dragon Quest V.

Married Debora and just rescued her from the Illuminati. We're at what I'm assuming is the final dungeon where Mada is, but Debora is only level 22 so far.

On a side note; I beat Björn way earlier than most people do. Everyone was at level 22 or so and we just slapped buffs and debuffs everywhere. Not exactly impressive, but I was really proud of myself.

>> No.3442870

>Dragon Quest I and II

>Dragon Quest III

>Dragon Quest IV - VI
DS remakes

>FF I and II
Playstation ports


PSP version has 2 extra chapters, but the DS version is harder and includes 3D models with god tier voice acting. I got both because it was cheap and IV is the best entry in my opinion

Playstation ports, or if you want to go the extra mile, GBA with the restore patch.

>> No.3442894

I know this isn't exactly /vr/, but these threads are the only place I can talk about DQ games.

I just imported Joker 2 Professional, Joker 3, both Monsters remakes, Theatrhythm DQ, and Slime 3, and they are some of the best shit I've ever had the chance to play on the 3DS. It sucks we'll never see any of them because FFXV and DQVII's translations took up most of their manpower.

Maybe they'll have mercy on us and just put the GBC versions of I-III on the eShop or something

>> No.3442896

A good question is why didn't you just hack your 3DS and install these games? It's not like these games are ever coming to the west.

>> No.3442902

I've got homebrew installed, but I'm still stuck on 11.0 without CFW. And they weren't that expensive to get.

>> No.3442909

This thread is only in /vr/ because it's not popular enough to be on /vg/. We post stuff about modern Dragon Quest games and Dragon Quest XI all the time, so don't worry about posting modern stuff too.

What's wrong with buying games you know you're going to like?

>> No.3442967

I'm very excited for the remake. Can't wait to play it. I'm going to read the fuck out of those accents.

>> No.3443023
File: 4 KB, 80x184, yangus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COR BLIMEY! Why are yew mockin' me accent? If yer a true Dragon Quest fan, yew know what I've always talked like dis! Now 'ow abaaaht we go find some ov those fragmun's, eh?

>> No.3443160
File: 2.32 MB, 348x323, 1449957137817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh m8.

>> No.3443475

Cool. I wonder if Nintendo will jump on localizing it, one would think they'd be hungry for titles.

>> No.3443485

Square always does their own localizations. And knowing that we're getting XI on the 3DS, Nintendo will probably push from some kind of cross compatability for the NX as well. Like system exclusive monsters to trade between both systems.

>> No.3443497

It is time


>> No.3443508

Nintendo doesn't localize Dragon Quest.
They publish the games that release on their systems in America, that's it. Though considering XI is going to be on Sony and Nintendo systems, who knows how that'll work.

>> No.3443515

>Square always does their own localizations.
This might just be the most false statement I've ever heard.
>And knowing that we're getting XI on the 3DS
We don't know if we're getting XI at all yet.

>> No.3443528

I'm pretty sure the nintendo guys are localizing the VII remake. It's definitely not SE's inhouse team doing it.

>> No.3443817

Seems fine to me.

>> No.3443930

It never has been SE's inhouse team doing it.

>> No.3443994

... it's obviously supposed to be Byron, right?

>> No.3444006

The fan translation of FE4 calls him Byron, the official English name is apparently Vylon.

>> No.3444016

バイロン is totally Byron. The Japanese romanizations are not useful.

>> No.3444667

>Treehouse can't even get a simple name right
>Once again they rely on Google translate to fix everything

>> No.3445424

Dragon Quest III is the perfect synthesis of story and game. Half of the game is just sidequests, totally optional, yet you do them anyway because you believe you are a hero and it gives you the sort of moral obligation to do them.

It's a very interesting sister to Ultima IV, I feel.

>> No.3445458

>because you believe you are a hero and it gives you the sort of moral obligation to do them.
Uh....yeah.....I got that puff puff because it was my moral obligation.....that's right.....

>> No.3445692

Most of the sidequests are actually required, they do a good job of making them seem like side tasks though.

>> No.3445704

I believe that getting the Golden Crown is the only actual optional sidequest. At least in the NES version, anyway.

>> No.3445872

The flute that helps you find orbs is in an optional tower, too.

>> No.3445881

Right, and that reminded me that the tower for the Sage Book is also optional.

So, that makes 3 optional towers in total? Unless someone can think of something else.

>> No.3446771

What about the golden claw? Trying to get out of that basement alive is an adventure by itself.

>> No.3447264

isn't the sleeping village by the fairy curse also optional?

>> No.3447271
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>> No.3447360

Yeah, I think the only thing you get is... access to the shops in Noaniels.

>> No.3447636

wee bairns eh? ahh

>> No.3447645

aye the wee bairns ya ken whit it is am talkin' aboot laddie

>> No.3447793

if you are gonna play on the phone why not just emulate it instead? to avoid the accents and all that.

>> No.3448263

Just beat 5.

Shit was pretty wild. I ended up just clutching at Nimzo's true form with myself and the family right up until everyone besides Parry got wiped out. He got the last blow in just before Nimzo got a chance to kill him.

I'm torn between starting 4 or 6 now. On the one hand 4 has my favoite female protag design, but 6 doesn't have those silly chapter segments.

>> No.3448284
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Was it really necessary that II, III and IV had completely black battle backgrounds?

Monsters are about the same size as Final Fantasy enemies, but unlike Final Fantasy, they don't render either the player characters or partial backgrounds. Was there really not enough sprite leeway to make it less drab?

>> No.3448323

It was a sacrifice to be able to use more colors per sprite AFAIK

>> No.3448332

Honestly? Yes, in all likelihood. A big battle background is precious bytes that could be used for something else. They really jam packed the games full of content.

>> No.3448371

4's good, will contain a lot of cool throwbacks if you've been playing 5

>> No.3448414
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Aren't monsters part of the background in those games, instead of sprites?

I could be wrong, but isn't the NES limited to 64 8x16 sprites, tops? That would add up as much surface space as the blue box here. I'm pretty sure those monsters don't fit in that.

>> No.3448716

Been playing Dragon Warrior 2 on the GBC. Where the hell is the holy loom? I havent heard any clues? Who gives the clue to where it is? I havent had to resort to looking anything up besides where to find the dam key and dont really want to have to look anything else up.

>> No.3448740

It's in Zahan. You need the Jail Key to get to it.

>> No.3448881


>snes if you like the graphics

that's lame. the GBC version has some of the best art in any GBC game.

the art in the snes version is higher fidelity but bland in comparison

>> No.3449603

So unfortunately since I didn't clean my Dragon Quest VI cartridge properly, my save file got corrupted and I had to spend about four hours catching up to where I was right after getting Ra's Mirror. It's all good now though, shouldn't happen again.

Anyone else find the fight with the three poison zombies extremely boring? They don't pose a threat and they each have a ridiculous amount of HP. It seems like the only purpose they have is to drain your MP before the start of the actual dungeon.

>> No.3449863

>They don't pose a threat
They killed me twice...

>> No.3449869

I'm sorry, what? I was underleveled for that fight since I was rushing through the game to get back to where I was and I still beat them with no problem, even though it takes forever. How did you lose?

>> No.3450609

I'm trying to deck my DQ4 party out in Meteorite Bracers, and I'm wondering what the best way to game the casino is. Obviously I'm going to be savescumming.

>> No.3450623
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>Obviously I'm going to be savescumming
You deserve death, casual.

>> No.3450672

It blows my mind to think that anyone would play DQ casinos 'legitimately'. But each their own.

>> No.3450707

Get real good at monster betting. Use a guide if you want to see how the fights usually turn out.

>> No.3450759

I haven't played the DS remake of 4, but I think the NES version of 4 had a video poker game where if you win, you get to play high/low to double your money. If you're cheating you can use the high/low game to get an insane amount of coins really fast.

>> No.3450847
File: 52 KB, 242x829, 8546743853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get real good at monster betting.

I want those hours of my life back

>> No.3451063

I actually just got a 4 win streak for 15000+. Not nearly as bad as I thought.

>> No.3451737
File: 12 KB, 236x260, 31457d60a9ae2d35412c06b01615b380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wondered why I forgot so much of the plot for Dragon Quest VI, even though I played
the DS version five years ago. That's probably because every single plot point is just a total mindfuck. Trying to wrap my head around this
plot is giving me a brain hemorrhage.

I don't usually use the casinos in Dragon Quest (never had much of a need honestly) but I know that's the easiest way to win big, which is why I suggested it to you.

>> No.3451940

I've only played DQ 9, and i'm looking to play the GBC versions of 1 through 3. Anything I should know going in?

>> No.3452003

Normally I would recommend other games for beginners since the older Dragon Quest games can be quite challenging, but if you're looking to play the Dragon Quest games chronologically, that's fine. Hell, that's basically what I'm doing right now. Just be aware that the older games are far more difficult than IX. In fact, IX is one of the easiest games in the series (excluding the post-content).

I is very basic 1v1 combat. It's very short too, since the remakes cut down a lot on the grinding. It's not a terribly challenging game, just talk to everyone you can so you know where to go and what to do.

II is really the only bad Dragon Quest game, but the GBC does have some quality of life changes and balancing that makes the game more tolerable. It's still not a great game, and you may need to look up a guide at some points because the NPCs don't tell you everything, and you'll probably get lost a lot during the second half of the game.

III is the most like IX out of the three. You can make your own party and choose their classes. Then midway through the game you can change their classes just like at the Abbey in IX. The series becomes much more story-focused after this game. By far the best game out of the trilogy.

GBC is probably the best version of the games to play (III is debatable but III GBC has more bonus content than the SNES version). Some people might argue the mobile versions are better, but I think they look like shit and the GBC versions are fine as they are. Don't expect stuff like alchemy, a bestiary, or skill point trees though. Those aspects come in later games. Hope that helps!

>> No.3452013

I'm at Kol and I just grinded enough to get Radiant. If i like 1 and 3 enough, what should I try next?

>> No.3452016

>it doesn't protect from the marsh

well fuck, there's got to be a spell that does

>> No.3452029

Well, you could keep going chronologically if you'd like. IV isn't that much of a departure from the original trilogy, it just has more story with a chapter system that revolves around different characters before they come together in the final chapter. I like to recommend V and VIII though because I think they're amazing games that are great for people new to Dragon Quest and for people who are already experienced with Dragon Quest.

For VI, you'd have to play for yourself to see if you like it. And VII is far too long to play if you're still deciding whether or not you like Dragon Quest.

No spell in Dragon Quest 1, but there is a suit of armor that will protect you from the marsh. It's also the best armor in the game, so you won't get it until around endgame.

>> No.3452047

The Best Version of 3 has backgrounds

>> No.3452178

What version are you playing? DQ4 NES is the only game in the series where you can legitimately win at the casino and buy all those items without using savestates or cheating. Double or nothing is great.

I don't see the point in cheating to win at the casino. It breaks the game. You may as well use cheat codes to put those items in your inventory?

>> No.3452183

DQVI fanboy here. What plot point did you not understand?

>> No.3452265

It's not that I'm not getting it, it's just that it's really complex. Right now I'm getting ready to fight the real world Mudo. I think just about the only thing I don't understand is that if the king of the dream world Reidock was the queen of the real world Reidock and the dream world Mudo was the real world king of Reidock, then where exactly are the dream world King and Queen of Reidock at? And is General Soldi dead since Tom was killed by monsters?

>> No.3452503

The king had a nightmare where he was Mudo and the queen was dreaming that she was the king because she was worried about him I guess. It's like when you have a dream where you don't appear. They were locked in those dreams for years because they were cursed with a sleep spell. Mudo was doing his own thing in the real world the whole time. What's so weird about all that?

They kind of explain later in the game that (spoilers for the whole game) the dream world is also the spirit world. It changes depending on people's dreams, but their dream selves are also their souls. In fact, dead people can exist in the dream world as long as they are remembered in the real world. The dream world is supposed to be an immaterial place, but the final boss gave it a physical form so he and his minions could manipulate it.

The dream world is the DQ version of Heaven, it's a place where your soul exists forever. And if you are still alive, you can visit it in your dreams. That world is ruled by Lord Zenith, who at the end of the game gives his position to Master Dragon, turns everyone into angels and gives the castle a physical form. That's why in the other games Zenithia Castle is a flying castle where angels live. It's literally the door to Heaven. It exists in both worlds at the same time and there is probably a secret door somewhere that connects to the dream world.

Tom was sent to the front lines and killed, but he still exists as Soldi in the dream world. The old woman in Amor thought she had killed her boyfriend while she was confused by a spell, but the guy actually survived. You entered one of her horrible nightmares and saved her boyfriend, giving the story a happy ending. There was no time travel involved. The guy was actually alive the whole time but had lost his memory of the events. The old woman recognized you from her dream, so she decided to give you the Mirror Key.

>> No.3452519

So... that's how I interpret it. The people of Reidock are all dreaming about the same place, a Reidock where the king is young and doesn't have a wife. Why? Because the dream world is actually real in this universe, it's not something your brain makes up. Since the king and the queen are trapped in their dreams and cannot wake up, they are forcing the dream version of Reidock to stay like that. It's not like anyone cares, they are all having their own dreams and probably don't care about the king.For instance, the hero's old teacher is dreaming that he's young again while his dream wife wonders why he has so much trouble remembering things (he's actually an old geezer). That's all his dream is about, it just happens to take place in the same place as everyone else's. Because the dream world really exists.

The lore of this game is really interesting. I can't believe Horii created something so good and then decided to treat the game as a black sheep.

>> No.3452713

I did the same thing. I am pretty far into Dragon Warrior II on the GBC. This is just something I do whenever I play an RPG because I will randomly take a hiatus and forget what the fuck was going on. So I keep a notebook. I write down shit NPCs say and clues and what I found and where at. I've got 3 of the 5 seals without too much hassle ...but the last two I have zero leads on so I may have to end up resorting to looking up some shit. If you get the games logic though it's not too bad.

Guy said I needed a boat so I walked along the coast until I found a port town with a boat. A dog got me to follow it, I searched the area and found an important item. Shit like that.

I am really excited to get into Dragon Warrior III though. It looks like a much better game than the first two.

>> No.3452807
File: 585 KB, 1531x745, DQ2 Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shitty MS Paint quick guide I made for you, since I'm assuming you have the Golden Key but not the Jail Key. If you need more help afterwards, just ask, since Dragon Quest II is a tricky game.

>I am really excited to get into Dragon Warrior III though. It looks like a much better game than the first two.
Believe me, it is much much better than the first two. It didn't spark the JRPG craze in Japan for nothing!

>> No.3452828

>Tom was sent to the front lines and killed
I thought he was executed for allowing an imposter Prince (even though you were the real deal, you were determined to be a fake because of your amnesia) into the castle?

>> No.3452863

I remember a guard telling me that he was sent to the front lines like a common soldier and got killed by a monster. I doubt that evil chancellor could justify executing him just for allowing an imposter into the castle.

You didn't look exactly like the prince, though. You looked slightly different as a dream guy. But I'm pretty sure the chancellor knew you were the real deal and just wanted to rule the kingdom in peace.

The fan translation makes it sound like the KING was the one who got Tom killed, which doesn't make any sense. Thankfully, it's the only real fuck up of the fan translation. Just that one line. I just pretend that soldier didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

>> No.3452915


I already posted again saying that I got a 4 win streak without too much trouble. I resetted a couple times, but I hardly find that on the same level as using cheat codes. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.3453010

On second thought, you can do step 2 first and then combine steps 1 and 3 if you want. It just depends how soon you want the Jail Key.

>> No.3453539

Didn't get a lot of time to play tonight at work. I did however find the clue to the Life seal. Will continue my search. Thanks for the help. I don't think I would have thought to release every God damn prisoner.

>> No.3453672

It's odd. I liked dq3 a lot but I couldn't stand Ultima 4.

>> No.3454107

Spell of Restoration confirmed for Dragon Quest XI.
Casinos, too.

>> No.3454115


also what are you looking forward on xi the most? for me is the party members and towns.

>> No.3454127

Oh so this is where you Dragon Quest fags hang out.

I've been trying to look for this general for months.

>> No.3454147

>Spell of Restoration
You mean they're bringing back the password system from Famicom Dragon Quest I and II? Awesome! Now you'll be able to beat the game in a couple minutes if you know the right password!

>> No.3454189


We've tried to set up shop in /vg/ but the threads just die too quickly.

>> No.3454212

If casinos weren't in the game, I think that would be much bigger news actually, but thanks for the confirmation anyway Horii.

As for you, can't just say "Spell of Restoration confirmed" without a source and expect people to know what that means though. The gaijin will never know!

>> No.3455190

DQ1 on the GBC has mindbogglingly better music, and quality of life improvements like not having to open a menu to go up stairs and shit.

However the battle screens aren't quite as detailed and colorful and I like the cheesy Thou hast gained a level narration of the original.

>> No.3455194

Just started Dragon Quest
I was going to play the SFC remake, but decided to just go with the original in the end.

>> No.3455247

What the fuck is the Spell of Restoration going to do in this day and age?

>> No.3455351

On what console do I play III on so I can come here and bitch about it after

>> No.3455360

DQ1 NES dungeons induce motion sickness.

>> No.3455391
File: 2.18 MB, 2304x2304, IMG_20160826_152410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting close to the end of DQ2.

>> No.3455464


>> No.3455481

first one seemed fine to me

>> No.3455509


>> No.3455528

That one looks pretty goddamn good.

... This one not so much. It would take me awhile to explain why that shading doesn't work with those contours. But without explaining anything, you can tell something is amateur about it.

>> No.3455672

You're in for a tough but great adventure.

>> No.3455710


I liked the music in SFC better. And the fan translation is better than that Anglo-Saxon shit.

>> No.3455792

PSP/3DS, maybe?

Nostalgia thing, for the 30th anniversary.

Maybe some kind of "characters import" between versions. Can be very cool.

>> No.3455897

Good luck!
You made a good choice though. GBC > NES > SFC. Seriously, that SFC remake is hot garbage

I'm just wondering how long the passwords are going to be if they decide to make it like the passwords in the older games.


I really hate that fight, but you are indeed getting very close to the end. Although you might need to grind a bit in Rhone before you're ready to beat the game.

>> No.3455898
File: 410 KB, 917x1300, 5bd49529bf79d93fd7f81df22f78d474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite classes in 3?
I like female Cleric and female Sage

>> No.3455931
File: 429 KB, 647x650, DQIIIMartialArtistClass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female fighter and Bulma. I see the cleric and the sage as the same person.

>> No.3455935
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>> No.3456258

I've already leveled a lot. I play at work on my gameboy so grinding helps pass the time on busier days when I might need to set the gbc down at any moment. On busier days when I can read shit I try to actually play. Wondering around the cave to Rhone last night I gained a few levels. I think I have all the treasure but that lightning sword. Elusive fucker. And those infinite looping parts. Fuck.

>> No.3456264

*on slower days

>> No.3456274

Make sure you go back to get Rubiss's Protection if you haven't already. You need it for the final dungeon. Don't save or rest at any inns in other towns unless you want to go through the Cave of Rhone again!

>> No.3456341

>female Sage

Great taste.

>> No.3456363
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I like her bikini look

>> No.3456387

Why did they have to make the cat suit look like an actual cat suit? In the NES version it just turned you into a cat, but now it makes the character look like a perverted furry.

>> No.3456402
File: 213 KB, 420x600, DQIII_Training_Suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3456448

Is she supposed to come from Jipang? Because she looks just like those people.

This is one of the reasons I like her so much. She doesn't feel as random as the other characters, you can easily pretend she has some sort of backstory because she is obviously from Jipang.

I never liked the male version, but he grew on me after playing the Falrod arc in DQ7. There is a mercenary that looks just like him and I found his dialogue very entertaining.

>> No.3456619

Is there a place to save after the cave to Rhone? That I can use the return spell to get to?

>> No.3456673

There is a shrine after the cave where you can save, revive everyone for free and you respawn there after a game over. If you don't have anything else to buy, you can just go wild and fight enemies until you die.

If you still need to do something else, you can use a portal in the shrine to return to Beran. You can go anywhere and do whatever you need to do.

But be careful, because sleeping in an inn/saving/talking to a priest (I don't know which one) will turn that town into your new "return" location. As long as you avoid those things, you can Return to the shrine in Rhone.

>> No.3456713
File: 109 KB, 271x244, DQIII_-_Baramos_v.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've finally made it to Baramos in DQIII, I went against him all cocky and even received a warning message from the game saying I was too weak. I got wrecked from the get go pretty quickly. My party are mostly at level 29, up to what level should I grind up to, to be able to take Baramos down? Also, anyone know where to get a good weapon for a thief at this point? I got the Dragon's Tail equipped, but it seems pretty weak. Playing Super Famicom one btw.

>> No.3456741

what is your party composed of? also if you changed class too much you may have fucked up your stats.

>> No.3456759

>Level 29
Unless they changed the level you need to be at for Baramos from the Famicom version, that should be fine. I was level 20 when I first fought Baramos and I had to level at the way to 30 to beat him.

>> No.3456778


I got Warrior, Thief and a Sage.
Only changed class once from Mage to Sage.

>> No.3456829

Baramos is vulnerable to stopspell. It may take a few tries, though. I THINK that makes the battle easier because he won't be able to cast explodet anymore and will waste turns trying to cast it.

I remember him going crazy after that and using two strong physical attacks every turn that absolutely wrecked my party... If you had two casters, you could try using increase twice every turn to reduce the damage. Otherwise, I don't think silencing him is a good idea.

I'm not sure if he really goes insane after being silenced, though. It's possible that I just had very bad luck.

>> No.3456902

>and even received a warning message from the game saying I was too weak.

>> No.3458204

Maybe it depends on the version. In sfc stopspell is pretty much required or else he fucks your shit with explodet and disperse.

I got it too, he said im way too early blah blah

>> No.3458207

Also he's vulnerable to surround as well which helps a ton

>> No.3458875

I think Return takes you back to the last place saved.

>> No.3459427

Should I make a new thread? We've reached over 500 replies, it's been two weeks, and this thread seems to be dead right now.

>> No.3459483

Fuck it, here's the new thread: