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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3408531 No.3408531 [Reply] [Original]

It's out.


>> No.3408535 [DELETED] 

>fan game

>> No.3408546

You beat me to it.


>> No.3408572


Fuck off faggot.


Thanks OP, i've been waiting for this for a long time.

Any word on those Megaman X/Zero fanmade games?

>> No.3408578

So, how do I play it? As a regular GBC rom?

downloading it right now

>> No.3408581

on winblows peecee

>> No.3408584


Yeah, just finished it and it is (surprisingly) ready to play. I thought it was a hacked rom or something. Pretty nice.

It's the only metroid I never played too, so i'm pumped.

>> No.3408602

The only 2d metroid ive played in any significant matter is the 1st on the NES and i think that game is great. Is 2 harder or easier to get into?

>> No.3408617


Play Zero Mission, it's a remake of that game. Then you can play Super Metroid and Fusion. That's how most people did it.

Most people didn't even played 2. Maybe try it to see, I would say not as polished as Super metroid (seriously that game is awesome) but somewhat nicer than the first (NES version at least)

>> No.3408629

So far so good.

>> No.3408631

It's a standalone .exe

>> No.3408638

Does this have Xbone controller support?

>> No.3408640

ty op

>> No.3408702

2 is a little harder to get into because of the limited color and sound but it's pretty good.

>> No.3408717


>> No.3408797

first posting
>Happy Holidays!
>24 de dezembro de 2014

im surprised they havent been shot down yet, or shut down, why don't these fuckers never learn, just release it done, at least they didnt register a domain, i just hope they havent use fullname on their gmails to register that blogspot to receive a C&Desist without laywers not even needing a warrant for IP address from google and another for ID for such IP from the home internet provider.

>> No.3408815

I downloaded this, and when I tried to play it, it said, AM2R.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

My computer is old as dirt and runs Windows XP, so maybe it can't play it due to outdated specs?

>> No.3408827

Probably so. I'm guessing it needs some sort of modern framework, such as .net 3.5 or 4.

>> No.3408835
File: 126 KB, 229x235, the la mulana experience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to the space jump boss
>win after like a dozen attempts
>second form

Maybe I'll take a little break.

>> No.3408857

The game is built using Game Maker Studio, which lists XP as a supported platform. Try updating Direct X, your graphics driver, Microsofts C++ redistributable package and the .NET framework as >>3408827 suggests (update both 3.5 and 4, unless you can figure out which GMS is built against)

>> No.3408861 [DELETED] 

Great comeback argument. Tell me how a fan game is going to be any good?

>> No.3408867

Also have heard reports of forcing vsync in your graphics driver control panel can cause issues with GMS games on XP, check that too

>> No.3408869 [DELETED] 

... shitty b8 m8. Like really, try harder, please.

>> No.3408870

From having played the last demo, which goes up to about 2/3 of the game, that boss was the hardest part. Should be smooth sailing from there until sometime after 2/3.

>> No.3408881


UPDATE: I won.

>> No.3408896

They announced this back in '08 or so.

>> No.3408928

I just downloaded .Net framework 3.5, and it still gave me that error message.

>> No.3408962

What are those wheel things near the greyed out doors?

>> No.3408964

Try checking the website. There's other stuff like MS C++ packages that could also be required.

There are some packages that just won't install on WinXP though, so you might have to consider upgrading to a newer OS (Which isn't bad, the ISOs for Win7 are legally able to be downloaded from an MS hosted repository and burned to a disc, you just won't have a key to use with it and will get a notification about not being activated).

>> No.3409001

You'll have to be a touch more specific. Screenshot?

>> No.3409007

Grats bro. Still playing though a new playthrough myself, the next evolution of the metroid is the next hurdle I ran into, granted they were in the last demo but I guess I lost my rhythm and had to take a few cracks at the first one.

>> No.3409012

OK, now try the other like, six things, I suggested and we'll talk.

>> No.3409021

>the ISOs for Win7 are legally able to be downloaded from an MS hosted repository and burned to a disc,


anyway, you can torrent-download ISOs that usually have the term "msdn" in description which means its a unchanged iso and will match against a SHA file integrity hash listed in msdn/technet list of ISOs (you dont need an acc to browse the lists)

so you know you're not downloading third-party spyware added by the pirateers

but anons computer is old.

>> No.3409027

>inb4 /v/ is better

>> No.3409034

Not the anon you're replying to, but back when Microsoft hosted their ISOs with Digital River you could download the ISOs without any kind of verification. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore, and they seem to have even discontinued the evaluation copies on MSDN.

Now you need a legit serial key to download the ISOs from MS directly. Bummer.

>> No.3409040

Checked the thread on /v/, it's objectively worse, so fuckoff with your shitposting back to your shit board.

>> No.3409043

I am AGAINST the /v/ thread.

You know what "inb4" means?

>> No.3409046
File: 13 KB, 256x256, cvania.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but do you men the Megaman X Corrupted project?

If so, it's still getting made, slowly but consistently. Their last project update was 3 weekws ago but there's no estimate release date. I wouldn't wait up.

On the same note, check out this Castlevania fanmade game if you haven't already:


There's also a sequel being made and they even got the original Alucard voice actor from SOTN:


>> No.3409049

Sorry my man, misunderstood your meaning. Didn't realize you were being ironic.

>> No.3409053

I'm playing it on my old as fuck toaester just fine:

Windows XP toaster laptop with integrated gpu (obviously) and an AMD sempron and 2gb of ram.

>> No.3409054

These look great, thanks anon. I'll be sure to keep an eye on them.

While we're plugging other fan projects, have you guys seen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qtQWUF6-Co ?

>> No.3409061

>can't use the d-pad on my DS4

Fuck that, I'm not playing this with an analog stick, and definitely not playing on keyboard.

>> No.3409065

Try xpadder, or a similar application, to remap your controls.

Also, keyboard ain't so bad.

>> No.3409071

Get a real gamepad or use the analog stick, don't be whiny.

>> No.3409074

I use DS4windows, and I can remap shit easily enough, but then my controls are fucked up for everything else.

>> No.3409076

Haven't used that personally, but it can't do per-game profiles? That's a shame.

>> No.3409079

I could do that, but that's a hassle.

Haven't needed to it for anything else.

>> No.3409084

If you're willing to pass you an excellent game for a slight hassle I envy you, you must have quite the epic backlog.

>> No.3409131

I didn't say I wasn't gonna do it.

But now there's another problem.

The onscreen input prompts change depending whether you're using a controller or keyboard. Meaning while I'm running around, the message telling me to open my log is having a seizure.

I just don't understand why it doesn't recognize the dpad at all, pretty much everyone uses the dpad for 2D games. I hope this gets fixed in an update.

>> No.3409132

I think it's where the ice beam is in level 1, as I now have the space jump but no ice beam.

>> No.3409142

I also have no ice beam and am much further in the game, and have played the previous demos and remember having the ice beam by this point, so it seems I also need the info you seek.

>> No.3409146

Bizarre. I hope someone can help you, I'm playing on keyboard, so I'm useless in this regard. But the game is defiantly worth a play through, even on keyboard (I typically use a 360 controller, but am on a laptop away from home)

>> No.3409150

In level one there's a grayed out door near a wheel like/wreath gray thing. There's another in the level 2 (water level) in the spiked cavern to the left with another gray door.

Haven't found one in level 3.

>> No.3409153

Well it does this because it's interpreting my dpad presses as arrow key presses. So the game thinks I'm using my keyboard and changes all the prompts to be keyboard buttons.

Then if I hit any other buttons, it's interpreting that as using a 360 controller, so it changes the prompts to be 360 buttons.

It's a minor annoyance at best, but how this dude thought people would be fine with only being able to use analog sticks is beyond me.

>> No.3409154
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From the AM2R blog
> Among new areas of the game being introduced, older areas received some interesting changes as well. These mysterious slots appear in a handful of places. I can't talk about their purpose quite yet, but once you figure out what they do, I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
But I've not figured this shit out yet, thus I am not presently surprised... yet.

>> No.3409157

Those are the fuckers.

>> No.3409158

Granted, I'm sure the anlogue sticks bit is an oversight and will be corrected (do report it though)

but, in the meantime, if you remap all your controller buttons to the keyboard controls you should be fine

>> No.3409161

I'm glad I'm not just retarded and other people are having this issue.

>> No.3409217

No answers on their forums, either.

>> No.3409252

>go to section in the starting cave where there are enemies that crawl across walls and ceilings
>get one of these enemies trapped on a single destructible block
>shoot the block
>enemy doesn't hover in place and spin endlessly in midair
Bad inaccurate remake

>> No.3409596

Aw yiss.

Time to use my USB turbo controller!

>> No.3409597 [DELETED] 

>/vr/ - Amateur 2016 Games

>> No.3409613 [DELETED] 

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.3409627

> start game
> graphics aren't monochrome
Bad inaccurate remake

>> No.3409652

>mfw fighting gammas in pitch black darkness

>> No.3409659

>Beat it.

>80% in 6 hours. Normal mode.

>Got the fully dressed Samus ending.

>Best 2D Metroid ever.

>> No.3409671

How does it hold up vs Zero, Super and Fusion?

>> No.3409672

Makes those titles look like amateurish fan works

>> No.3409685

I seriously doubt that.

>> No.3409696

Great rebutal, tell me, in what way is this game better than Metroid 2?

>> No.3409697

Play it and find out.

>> No.3409701

Currently at 86% and playing on hard, will aim to finish tomorrow. Never played the original, so I don't know how many of my complaints are faithful to the original, but it's a remake so it doesn't really have an excuse for not fixing those issues.

>beam is extremely weak until you get the plasma beam, at which point it becomes adequate, and then once you get the ice beam it's a death ray
>metroids aren't fun to fight, which is a pretty big deal since the game is about killing metroids. Most notably that fuckwad zeta metroid in the spiky room seemed borderline impossible unless I used cheese strats
>spider ball feels a little clunky to use and is VERY slow. I don't think it would have broken the game to make it move at a bit below normal morph ball speed

Aside from those, amazing game so far.

>> No.3409705

> beam is weak
git gud
> Metroids is hard
git gud
> Spider ball is slow
git gud

>> No.3409707


thanks i'll try

>> No.3409713

>70 replies
>28 posters

>> No.3409720

ITT: People engage in conversation

>> No.3409780

Anyone figure this out?

>> No.3409783

Yep, you'll figure it out at a certain point. You literally can't not figure it out.

>> No.3409831

Asshat. Maybe discuss it?

>> No.3409836

just how lazy are you? Half the fun in Metroid games is figuring shit out. Here you finally got a "new" one, that's not wiki'd to death, and yet you want to be not just spoonfed, but having that shit pre-chewed for you

>> No.3409857
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>> No.3409858

I use a Dualshock 1 and a USB adapter. It works fine, even the dpad. A Dualshock 2 would presumably work the same.

>> No.3409859

anyone else getting a black screen on startup? i can hear the music, and i can hear the cursor movement sound effects when using my xbox 360 controller, but screen always stays black.... had the same problem with Momodora: revere in the moonlight when i tried to go fullscreen....
i'm running win 7, 64 bit, with a 2.8 GHz AMD Phenom II x4 Processor, 6 GB ram, and an Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT

any helpful suggestions?

>> No.3409873

I have no idea. But I don't even have a proper graphics card, and it runs great for me. Are you still getting a black screen in 1x mode?

>> No.3409884

sorry for sounding like an idiot, but i don't know how to put it in 1x mode. wouldn't that be something in the game options? if so, i can't access them, as the screen is black from the start. Momodora started at 3x screen size. i made it full screen, and it went black. i had to uninstall and reinstall it to get it back, since navigating the menu to set it back was pretty much impossible :P
if there is an Nvidia setting that would do it, i can try that, but all i see are graphic options, nothing for screen size.

>> No.3409895

Once the game's running, and you hear the title theme, press whatever the confirm button is on your controller (probably A if you're using a 360) twice, and you should hear a sound. Press down three times, and hit confirm. Hit confirm again, and you'll be in the display options menu. You can press left or right to toggle the options, and the first three are:

Fullscreen: disabled / enabled
Window size: 1x / 2x / 3x / 4x
Vsync: disabled / enabled

Not sure if it'll work or not, considering all you have is a black screen, but it's worth a shot.

>> No.3409903

holy shit, that worked! thank you! the second i disabled full screen, i got a picture. just increased it to max screen size, and works great now.
again, thank you for all of that!

>> No.3409904


>weak beams
Not sure why that's a problem, or even IF it can be a problem. I suspect that you just need to learn how to maneuver, as opposed to standing in one place and shooting(not saying you're doing that).
>unfun Metroid fights
Cheese strats are legit...I've used them a number of times myself, so don't feel like you must NOT use them. As you said, the whole point is fighting Metroids, and of course, they're not gonna make it easy for you(you're wiping out their species, after all).
>snail ball speed
THAT I agree with. I could feel my brain going numb when I traveled around with that thing...

>> No.3409908

The game spoon feeds you the solution. Later you come across little electrical orbs that you can move around with your bombs and you bomb them into those slots. Still not sure how to use the early game ones though, as there are no orbs around.

>> No.3409924

Holy shit, imagine 30 people making making multiple posts each in a thread about a subject they're interested in!

Something's going on here!

>> No.3409931

2 is my favorite Metroid. I don't like Super nearly as much.

I hope this is not a fan attempt to "fix" 2 by turning it into Super.

>> No.3409935

So it's a separate NPC/object you move?

Needless backtracking is the Metroid way.

>> No.3409938


>> No.3409943


>> No.3409946

it's more the zero mission for metroid 2. without stealth sections
If you think that ZM was an improvement over 1 and super metroid you'll like this.
I mean just paly it and see if it suits you


>> No.3409951

I liked ZM up until the stealth so that's cool.

I don't think ZM is a replacement for 1 but it's cool in its own way.

>> No.3409963

Same here. I find ZM much easier to pick up and enjoy than the original, one of the case where the 'modernization' ironed out mostly kinks of the source material.
However this makes the two really different, so in certain cases I feel like I want the experience of the original instead of ZM. I need to be in a special mood for that, but sometimes you just want to play the dated (in a good way) version.

>> No.3409965

>easier to pick up and enjoy
that's not the purpose of Metroid, is it?

>I need to be in a special mood for that
that's true for every game

>> No.3409996

>that's not the purpose of Metroid, is it?
I think that the purpose of Metroid is getting lost and explore this alyum world you're dropped in. The point is that ZM (and Super) makes experiencing this much more enjoyable than the original. Not only for hardware limitation but because Nintendo was experiment with a very new concept with Metroid, so it's very rough around the edges.

I can see how some people may value those rough edges more for the experience they provide, but to me the later installments hit the sweet point in accesibility/hardcorness for lack of a better world

>> No.3410000

>makes experiencing this much more enjoyable than the original
part of alien worlds is hostility

>> No.3410003


>> No.3410007

A flaw in the game design due to hardware limitations was not part of the game design

>> No.3410012
File: 391 KB, 720x500, my face when....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Zero Mission, it's a remake of that game. Then you can play Super Metroid and Fusion. That's how I and all the other members of the Itty Bitty Kiddie Committee did it.
FTFY, late 90s-born friend.

>yfw you realise that kids born in 1999 will be voting age next year

>> No.3410014

you call it flaw, I call it intentional

>> No.3410032

nice quads of truth, I wish later installments had an amped up difficulty, especially given how doing what the game encorages you to do makes the game easier.
But I was also referring to stuff like not having a map, that to me felt like anti-immersion becaus eI expect a buonty hunter to go in with some mapping devices but I had to compensate with paper, or having very samey and boring level design those fucking vertical shafts
I never said I find dying and struggle not enjoyable, but sometimes the original Metroid can feel more like busywork more than a challenge.
Sometimes is 100% radness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1sTdewueiY

>> No.3410043

>stuff like not having a map
>I had to compensate with paper
You had the opportunity to do the map yourself, which greatly helped to make the game far more immediate. It's a certain playing style, that's strongly discouraged nowadays.

I hear you about auto mapping though, but only to some degree. I find interactive maps terrible, as they stop you from looking at the world, and instead make you look at the map. That's not just my opinion regarding Metroid, but even "less hostile" games like TES or GTA.

Modern games have plenty of touch devices at their disposal to do the manual mapping paper-less, with the support of premade icons and a consistent design. I consider that much more pleasant than a map taking away all the exploration of the world, making it yet another "uncover the picture" puzzle.

I do understand though that it's a bit of an extremist opinion that won't find much support

>> No.3410049

I can't wait for the Linux port. Does the Windows exe work well on WINE?

>> No.3410060

>Modern games have plenty of touch devices at their disposal to do the manual mapping paper-less, with the support of premade icons and a consistent design. I consider that much more pleasant than a map taking away all the exploration of the world, making it yet another "uncover the picture" puzzle.
>I do understand though that it's a bit of an extremist opinion that won't find much support
I would actualy like that a lot. The DS zelda games might have been weak, but they had a similar feature and was great.
And I have to give it to you that maps that have automatic markers and hints even super cuing you where youcould continue and where certain upgrades where present are bad because they take away from the player the fullfillment of observing and exploring and having a deduction from the designer's clues in the game world.

>> No.3410087

This. Super Metroid and Zero Mission are easy as shit and it's pathetic that people think it's hardcore.

>> No.3410093

Trying to look hardcore is dumb as shit anyways, literally no one cares that your favorite retro game is hard, and you're not cool for liking it.

Both games have adequate levels of challenge.

>> No.3410101

Just went back and 100%ed it. Great game.
I hope the future updates revisit the Genesis and Serris boss fights. Those felt pretty weak after how crazy the Zetas, Omegas, Torizo and Tester battles got.

>> No.3410103

Once those warps are activated the little robot buddies will start to drop electrical orbs at the top of those rooms.

>> No.3410105

For all the people discussing original v SM v ZM, hi.
An ex and I had an ongoing dispute over SM v the original. His position was that SM was superior while mine was that SM and original were equally good, but provided different sorts of experiences. He disliked the lack of direction in the original. I enjoyed feeling abandoned on an alien planet.
The one thing we could agree on, though, is that SM has some of the best, most thematically appropriate music in any video game ever made.

>> No.3410109

Some people like to actually be challenged.

>> No.3410115

Just felt the need to chime in, I'm >>3410032 and I kind of strongly dislike the "hardcore" crowd that insists a game needs to be difficult to be good. To me it's not a matter of difficulty here, it's about comfort and direction, or dare I say, railroading. Metroid is not necessarily difficult. It just won't tell you what to do, because it kind of expects you to have a brain and use it. I appreciate that much more than any "difficulty"

>> No.3410119

>I enjoyed feeling abandoned on an alien planet.

I hope you felt good when he abandoned you for having a shitty opinion.

>> No.3410128
File: 129 KB, 558x592, tubes_rpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm >>3410032(You)
no, you're not me fag
I sort of agree on what you say, and wile I like challenging games, I would never say that SMB2:LL is better than the original just because it's harderbut I would like SM a bit more hard, and I must say that AM2R on hard can bea bit of a challenge and I appreciate it becaus eit's combined with other metroid elements

>> No.3410136

>no, you're not me fag
You're right, I quoted the wrong post. I'm >>3410000 . I do agree with your post though, so there is that at least

>but I would like SM a bit more hard, and I must say that AM2R on hard can bea bit of a challenge and I appreciate it becaus eit's combined with other metroid elements
Oh, absolutely nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to make clear I'm not part of the "difficult for the sake of difficulty" crowd. Everything within rhyme and reason, and as the game requires

>> No.3410138

not gonna lie, that shit caught me completely off guard, my first death was actually at the hands of the first zeta metroid.

>> No.3410221

Did anyone else get their ass kicked by the boss that rolls around?

>> No.3410226

Of course, but a game being hard doesn't necessarily make it good.

And Metroid just isn't intended to be a very technical platformer. Due to it's open ended nature, you want the game to be more forgiving than most platformers, since if you die, you can lose quite a bit of progress.

>> No.3410242


super metroid is pretty good too in fact it's awesome

>> No.3410262

We broke up mutually and remain close friends.
I'd say that I'm sorry that no one will ever love you, but I'm not and I don't like to lie.

>> No.3410267

>Metroid just isn't intended to be a very technical platformer
And you say that based on the fact that it was soon casualized. I guess Legend of Zelda isn't supposed to be technically challenging and nuanced either, it's just an accidental by-product of limited technology.

I'm not saying that a game has to be difficult to be enjoyable to many gamers but you need to realize that there are gamers who look to be challenged and that "hardcore" gaming is widely recognized to refer to this kind of gaming. When people like >>3409996 use the term to mean "moderate difficulty" they're going to get shit.

Likewise, I realize that people may take exception to the term "hardcore" meaning high and very-high challenge gaming. They may want to feel like spending hundreds of hours on some JRPG's drawn out narrative or pursuing diminishing returns online should qualify them as "hardcore" but they should probably avoid real debate on the subject vs someone who has invested hundreds of hours actually learning techniques and building skills or else they're going to get upset.

>> No.3410289

Metroid and Legend of Zelda are hard, perhaps the hardest games in their respective series.

They're far from being the best though.

Like I said, more hard =/= more fun.

>> No.3410296

don't mind If I do thanks

>> No.3410312

"Best" is about as subjective as it gets some people get more enjoyment out of overcoming obstacles than "fun". Also Zelda 2 is harder.

>> No.3410316

Despite the low number of people who worked on it, it's like a professional remake.
It's is honestly like Zero Mission is to the original game.

>> No.3410325

Not only is Zelda 2 harder but the first Zelda is the best in the series.

>> No.3410334

Neither of those games are hard, they are just casual time-wasters. Can't beat a certain area or boss? Just go find more heart containers/e-tanks. If you want a real challenge, go play Contra or Ghosts 'n Goblins.

>> No.3410341

nice b8 m8

>> No.3410352 [DELETED] 
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>telling the truth is bait

>> No.3410382
File: 12 KB, 358x201, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_dhbn5hjauvwwwgw8o8osgck8c_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3410387


>> No.3410395

you ungrateful cunt, it's been amazing FREE!!! game that people made for the love of it, I swear to god I just don't understand you people

>> No.3410404

Yeah that second form just fucked me up too. First form wasn't too bad though.

That first Gamma Metroid took me forever though, I suck at killing these things.

>> No.3410418

>When people like >>3409996(You) use the term to mean "moderate difficulty" they're going to get shit.
As I've said in that post, I didn't mean direct difficulty, but lack of "help" or "direction" in exploration. As you say in your post "hardcore" might mean something different for different peoples, and I would also add that it means soomething different depending on the genre. Of course a linear game (take contra or for a platformer SMB2:LL) is going to be harder in the surviving/shooting/jumping but it's piss easy in the exploration department. And that's totally fine, since it's not the focus of the game. Naturally exploration hardcore won't be never as near as shmup hardcore, but that's understandable, and it doesn't make sense to compare between genres except for e-peen contensts.
>>Metroid just isn't intended to be a very technical platformer
>And you say that based on the fact that it was soon casualized.
That's not true and you know it if you played the series. It has decreased in exploration "hardcoreness", but not in platforming. In the original Metroid most of the jumps are dead easy and the movement tech is almost nonexistant.
All the later entry have added something to the platforming mix, and while they are not required to finish the game, they are a must for speedrun or 100% run.
SM alone brought shinesparking, turbo bombs and the wall jump. All techniques that require complex inputs with precise timing. Those have been expanded in ZM with shinespark in morphball and shinespark rescue on slopes. This not counting also exploits like early charge that might have not been intended by Nintendo.
Those are employed also in certain though puzzles and sequence breaks. AM2R has also some of those, to remain on topic

>> No.3410427

Just bomb jump in there. It's really easy in this game. IIRC you get nice stuff through there.

>> No.3410453

>bomb jump
At that point you've got the Power Grip and High Jump. You don't need to Bomb Jump. You're required to go in that direction to progress.

What he's talking about is the little round thing with a Chozo head on top of it. He doesn't know what it does yet, so he isn't pleasantly surprised yet.

>> No.3410459

Thank you very much. Finnaly a proper metroid game out!

>> No.3410493

This game has been under development for like 10 years wtf
Glad it's done though.

>> No.3410523

>Looks like a morph ball teleporter hole thingy?

Some sort of fast travel?

made me laff

>> No.3410539

post you're 1cc

>> No.3410635


Here you go. It's an almost no-miss run with me shitting my pants on the last level and losing almost all lives out of frustration, but it's an 1cc. I recorded it on the last weekend after playing this game for less than 3-4 hours. Thinking to spend another few hours to record a no miss actually. Before it I played it as a kid more than 20 years ago, took me longer back then definitely, but hey, kids are retarded. Basically, to call it a really hard game you have to be an ADHD child who play it less than 10 minutes before thowing a tantrum and switching to another le nintendo hard game from his rompack.

>> No.3410645

Inb4 nintendo shuts it down with a C&D.
Better scoop it now before it's too late.

>> No.3410671
File: 12 KB, 300x298, 1397556330939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3410740


I'm streaming AM2R right now, just check it out~

>> No.3410773


>> No.3410834

There is also the issue of the GB's limited screen space making the game very cramped, though maybe that might work in it's favor, since I personally grew up with M2 and loved it.

>> No.3410849

>>can't use the d-pad on my DS4
interesting, what's your driver? Im using DS4Windows and it works just fine with the d-pad

>> No.3410859

>metroids aren't fun to fight
Yeah, I get why the creator might have changed their behaviors, but compared to the original their flight patterns are hard to track, and only having specific weak spots on some of them make's it a bit painful

>> No.3410902

The first two forms can be manipulated by jumping as they do their special attacks, they'll swerve above you as you land

3rd form I've found it's easiest to just spacejump over it going back and forth and bait it into jumping then attack after he lands (you can still do this in rooms that don't have a pit in the middle just by getting far enough away from it)

>> No.3410919

Beams and spider ball sound about the same as in the original game, Metroids are definitely harder to fight now in the remake; in the original they only knew how to charge straight at you in bursts and only one form really required you to worry about targeting its weak spot (zetas took a lot more damage if you sniped them in the back, now they're invulnerable there)

>> No.3410927

It works, but it's not fun. Fighting 3rd form is just a chore.

>> No.3410959

>start to think Alphas are no longer a real threat
>like six of them ambush me at once

>> No.3411047

I definitely didn't have Hi jump at that point, maybe I went out of order

>> No.3411053

Hi-jump is nearby.

>> No.3411057
File: 46 KB, 631x335, HAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo was up

>> No.3411072

Yet another tale of devs getting buttblasted because fans can make better games than they can in this day and age.

>> No.3411075

Yet another tale of retards who can't make their own IP and get justifiably shut down by the IP holder.

>> No.3411081

t. Goldberg Silverstein

>> No.3411085

Yeah on the dev's blog they originally had a mega download link and that got taken down in a couple of hours after it was posted. It's already been spread, however, so it's too little too late

>> No.3411086

>muh IP

Once you release something into the public, it belongs to the public. Deal with it, copyrightfag.

>> No.3411093

I would compare this to Ferrari or Mercedes selling a car and then suing a company for creating a performance chip and performance parts for it to make it faster and better. Why would Nintendo care that some guys spent the time making a remake of a game they don't plan on releasing and these guys didn't make any money from? It just shows the fans that you are dicks for the sake of being dicks. They aren't claiming to have come up with this design and gameplay all on their own, they are saying "hey we made some improvements to the original because we love it so much".

>> No.3411095


It might interfere with virtual console sales.

>> No.3411105

I dunno, it could also increase sales, since it might make people interested in the original.

>> No.3411107


I'm an independent developer and I have a few IP's under my belt.

Honestly. It's more about protecting your brand, which Nintendo has every right to do in this case.

If someone googles Metroid 2 and the remake comes up for free it can potentially damage Nintendo's sales.

It's also unregulated, and may not represent Nintendo's visions for characters, story or their company.

I started out making romhacks and shit. I got C&D'd one time and that was enough for me to open my eyes and realize what a waste of time it is.

Make your own story.
Make your own characters.
Make your own games.

This guy could've put his time and effort into making something new and exciting. Instead he tried to bank on people's love for metroid for publicity and support.

It's not, and will never be surprising that these get taken down by the copyright holders. So fuck off with that shit.

>> No.3411116

I dislike the concept of copyrights, it just seems wrong that someone can claim ownership over an idea. Due to lobbying the laws were made in such a way that works never enter the public domain either so the laws aren't even serving the interest of the public. They were made to allow a creator to have a temporary monopoly on their idea so they could be compensated for their work. After they were compensated then the public would be able to use that work to make their own works using the same concepts. This is how Disney became so big as well as how the eroge industry thrives in Japan. People start out making derivative works and they gain experience doing that and end up making their own works with similar concepts and ideas, everyone starts out at the bottom.

>> No.3411118

But the fans want a good remake of Metroid 2 and Nintendo would rather resell it in the virtual shop instead of putting in a real effort. If these guys were selling it to make money then they need to be shut down right away, but simply making a fan game would be like painting your own Mona Lisa in a new art style and having somebody who represents the original artist coming over and burning your artwork. I'm not some whiny kid who doesn't understand business but it really irks me to see a big friendly company like Nintendo, who has only shit on the Metroid franchise after the Prime series, suddenly want to protect the integrity of an old game that is poor by today's standards.

>> No.3411120

>Instead he tried to bank on people's love for metroid for publicity and support.
He's actively denied anyone who tries to donate to him since making the games just a hobby for him.
It's why it took him like 8 years to make this.

>> No.3411131


You think Nintendo just does it for Metroid?

Nintendo does it for -everything- they own. If they had any legal ground to stand on they would probably shut down every single lets play, or Mario on shrooms parody they could find on youtube.

In this circumstance, they are 100% within their rights to take it down. It doesn't matter if they don't plan on ever releasing another metroid game.
>I watched Adam Ruins Everything on College Humor and now I'm an authority on copyright

Often Eroges and such fall under Parody and Fair Use legislation.

Remaking a game, in its entirety is not fair use.

>> No.3411134
File: 49 KB, 656x519, dedend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I go from here? Retracing my steps isn't possible because there's not enough room for a speed booster run-up, and the only way forwards I can find was behind a super missile door but requires power bombs.
Did I accidentally break sequence and fuck myself over?

>> No.3411138


He actively denied people donating to him because if he made any money off of it he would be sued by Nintendo.

>> No.3411140 [DELETED] 

I recommend all IP apologists ITT to grok this webpage:


>> No.3411149


use ds4windows, and bind the dpad buttons to the keyboard arrow keys. your welcome.

>> No.3411153

>>I watched Adam Ruins Everything on College Humor and now I'm an authority on copyright
I have no idea what you're talking about.

>Often Eroges and such fall under Parody and Fair Use legislation.
>Remaking a game, in its entirety is not fair use.
I don't really know enough about copyright laws to make that call for all eroge or other doujin works.

In this case the game doesn't use any original code, the levels aren't exactly the same, the music and sounds aren't the same, the graphics aren't the same, and the title is just "AM2R". It's a tribute to the original game and it's being given away for free. Nintendo does sell the original title on VC but if anything this might just act as an advertisement for the VC GB game more than anything because they're not really the same experience.

>> No.3411163


bomb the floor in that speed booster room to go back. you need to go back to the blue area where the lava has dropped to reveal more passages

>> No.3411178

They may be within their right but taking down free fan works is just attacking your fans. It's also our legal right to criticize them for attacking their fans regardless of what the laws say they can legally do.

>> No.3411201

How come I did hard mode

>> No.3411221
File: 36 KB, 642x512, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone clear this shinespark room?

>> No.3411246

Lots of people did. It's easy.

>> No.3411259
File: 36 KB, 721x809, ClSMTIJUoAAHjL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played like 2 hours but lemme just say this
>revamped level design that adds a fuckton yet stays surprisingly faithful to the original's
>clever as fuck puzzles
>new bosses, changed bosses like the 2nd form of Torizo and the actual fight with Arachnus
>an actual in-game map to go along with the better level design so you aren't mindlessly running around (sure, drawing a map is good but the screencrunch seriously hampered that)
>remixed music that legitimately sounds great
>Zero Mission physics like walljump
>mockball from Super now has a dedicated button
>beams now stack like later 2Dtroids rather than completely erasing them, meaning beams other than Ice actually have a use
>has numerous ways to sequence break and play your own way if you have the skill
Basically it kicks the original's ass. It doesn't replace it in history but it is definitely the better experience overall. It's like what ZM is to the original Metroid, but next-level. The amount of work definitely shows

>> No.3411275

What the fuck is wrong with humanity when we start sitting around happily discussing things we like? I hope a pox kills us all.

>> No.3411313

How do we beat the glass roadblocks that spawn the bubbles which only die by Shinespark?

>> No.3411326

People like you need to go back to /v/.

Companies like Nintendo need to learn if they don't supply us with shit like this, we'll end up doing it ourselves. They're missing out because 2D Metroid probably isn't that expensive to make.

>> No.3411336

If only there were some way to freeze those liquid monstrosities!

>> No.3411412
File: 4 KB, 50x60, Running.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dmca takedown

They issued one to Metroid Database, but not the official AM2R site?

>> No.3411428

Apparently yes. No notices were sent to the dev blog yet

>> No.3411429

Not the same anon, but I'm stuck at the same place myself. I've killed 3 more metroids than the picture, but there's still three remaining, so the lava in the blue area hasn't fallen yet.

I've backtracked and filled in all the map squares that I can, and I have all the upgrades that show up on the map for those areas.

I'm blocked by pale crystals over by the landing area. They aren't responsive to bombs/missiles/super missiles. I'm blocked by a yellow door above the chozo killer hallway boss room. Lastly, I'm blocked by the super bomb blocks in the same spot as the picture.

I probably missed a hidden room exit or something.

Any hints?

>> No.3411432

>that last gamma Metroid in the dark area at the bottom of a pit on hard

>> No.3411436

Then it's bullshit.
Why wouldn't they send one to the actual site? Why target some random fansite?

>because they are out of touch

>> No.3411439

Recheck the dark vine area with the metroids in the cyan area, there's a couple somewhat hidden.

The room with the alpha in it has a """secret""" morph ball track along the top, for example.

Pretty damn bullshit, isn't it? I mean, at least you should have super missiles.

>> No.3411442

I'm not surprised, Nintendo cant have a free fanmade game that looks better than the garbage they churn out these days stay up.

>> No.3411445

>Why wouldn't they send one to the actual site? Why target some random fansite?
profit might be a reason. If the dev is actively not profiting, it may fall under fair use, while the fan site may have ads running, which makes it a for profit thing. Also, the dev is using the name, but not any of the assets, right? A fan site meanwhile ...

>> No.3411447

well in that case it's fine.

There's plenty other places to download it after all

>> No.3411552

Ice Beam to freeze the bubble barriers and a missile to shatter it.

>> No.3411630

Just finished the game on hard. Difficulty curve could've been better. The midgame had some rough segments but as soon as you get the screw attack the game becomes a joke and stays that way.

>> No.3411681

>painting your own Mona Lisa in a new art style and having somebody who represents the original artist

Do people really not know who painted the Mona Lisa off the top of their head?

>> No.3411684

That's how Metroid is.

>> No.3411686

It's a troll pretending to be Nintendo.

>> No.3411696

It doesn't make super look like a fan game, don't be a slave to the moment. It is quite good though, and easily on par with zero mission/fusion and better than the original version by a mile

>> No.3411710
File: 232 KB, 500x376, 1470634382380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why why why . this is why our industry is fucking dead , all you fucks can do is copy. fuck off you fucking hacks and give us new shit wtf wait 5 years for a fucking remake fuck my life, just fuck my shit up.

>> No.3411714
File: 292 KB, 539x394, 1470523498332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just reached zeta metroids on hard
this is so fucking unfun

>> No.3411717

I fucking hate modern Nintendo, but I'm not ignorant enough to think that these projects will survive more than a couple of days.

This guy could've made exactly the same game, just mucked about with the assets and designs and it could've been great.

Instead he wastes his time on a game that will get shut down.

Sure, it's a "passion project" but that doesn't mean its not a waste of time. Same for the guys making Mega Man X Corrupted. They have something that's potentially cool, but they're shooting themselves in the foot by using the Mega Man IP when they could be making something original, with the exact same amount of effort and avoid getting shut down by Capcom.

It's a waste of time to build something with someone else' IP. Make your own. Make something original and great.

>> No.3411723

I'm missing a Super Missile expansion and my map matches the 100% map that was posted.
I think it's in a spot where a different map marker supersedes the 'item here' marker. Any ideas?

>> No.3411763
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1470204575858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shinespark challenges

>> No.3411806

My thoughts exactly. I don't even plan on playing his anytime soon, but I downloaded it earlier to snatched it up before it gets the plug pulled by nintendo here in a few days.

>> No.3411816
File: 38 KB, 648x506, nottu_dis_shitto_againu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maximum fuck given

I think you have to speed up in the room to the left, spacejump into alignment with the door, shinespark, crouch as soon as you enter this room to keep spark, immediately morphball and powerbomb, then roll off the edge, stand up, and shinespark through the booster wall on the right


>> No.3411823
File: 17 KB, 640x480, honorabu_dispray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaah fuck yes I got the timing, I was right

>> No.3411853

It's weird, though. Things like Pokémon romhacks stay up indefinitely, and they are very often the same thing: using some of Nintendo's assets to create a remake of an existing game. Liquid Crystal, for example, was a remake of Crystal using one of the GBA games as a base.

This game is an almost from-scratch remake of a Game Boy game, and it doesn't even require you to pirate a rom to play it. How is this worse?

>> No.3411882

Wouldn't mind if they went the New Super Mario Bros. route with Metroid.
A 2D game with 3D graphics would be so nice for Metroid, though they should really put extra attention to make really interesting environments.

Anyway, I have come to accept that Nintendo never does what I want.

>> No.3411893

Bomb jumping is god damn amazing in this game. 120 tanks and I'm about half way through the water factory place.

>> No.3411934


>> No.3412052

I had a blast, even played it twice. This was the second Metroid I've played after the one on NES. Keyboard controls were hard to get used to, but I won't blame the game for my DS3 breaking. Now to play Metroid 3.

>> No.3412063

Are things working out better for you than they are for Christian Whitehead?

>> No.3412151

the dude that made this game should have called it hemorrhoid instead of metroid and then nintendo couldn't do jack butt abot it, like how they don't go after christopher christian christine ricardo retardo chandler for sonichu lmao.

as far as the gameplay goes i like it, the only thing that sucks is that you have to shoot the metroids right up the ass hole with the missels or they bounce off, which has made me die like 10 times in a row on easy mode.

>> No.3412159

Finally gave it a try. So far so good.
Was the armadillo guy in water zone in the original game too?

>> No.3412163

Yeah, but he was of a puzzle than a boss

>> No.3412205

Yes. In fact it's the only boss in the game that isn't a metroid.

>> No.3412214

People will eat this up, but are rectalravaged about Mother 4.

AM2R is great and Mother 4 looks promising.

>> No.3412230

Of course people are going to be sceptical when Shigesato Itoi isn't in charge of the story when it comes to a game like Mother where story is very important.

>> No.3412247

> Alien emperor is an asshat
> Some kids stop him
Wow, yeah, I can see why only one man can handle writing a plot like that.

>> No.3412252

Just so your aware, some of us aren't autistic and are looking forward to Mother 4. Looks awesome.

>> No.3412279

Any tips for fighting Zeta Metroids? I'm getting my ass handed to me.

>> No.3412415

Aim carefully.
Make sure all your super missals land.
When firing regular missals fire once on assent, if it misses fire another on descent.
Maintain enough distance to dodge its fire breath attack.

>> No.3412482


>> No.3412591

I'm cool with that game, looks good, just the name that's annoying. Bit presumptuous.

>> No.3412593

Wow lol now that you mention it storytelling is a meme. Mother has as much plot as Donkey Kong.

>> No.3412602

>just the name that's annoying. Bit presumptuous.
Get over it. There will never be another game project more worthy of the name Mother 4.

>> No.3412618

Spacejump back and forth to lead it from one end of the room to the other, if you're far enough away (or if it encounters a pit or a ledge) it will jump to reach you and it's easiest to attack right after it lands from its jump (but not instantly because your missiles will be blocked when it's hunched over)

>> No.3412623


>> No.3412625

What Mother, at least starting with 2, have is great NPC dialog. There is next to no actual plot.

>> No.3412627


>> No.3412645 [DELETED] 

Lol ya man thats what im saying storytellingis SUCH a meme. Literally all u do is walk down a path to final boss and talk and kill a dog. Tahts IT

>> No.3412654

Are you 12?

>> No.3412659 [DELETED] 

Are you not?

>> No.3412672

MOTHERFUCKER I was too late to download it, gotta torrent it. Fuck my life, I hate nintendo so god damn much. I though they were Japanese, not fucking nigger Jews.

>> No.3412679

Fuck off, man.

>> No.3412680

Overreaction of the year.

>> No.3412687

You must have a weird arbitrary definition of "plot", then.

>> No.3412690

That Secret area with the thoth.

I want this guy to make another independent game if Nintendo doesn't kill him.

>> No.3412714 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 590x864, 18086499_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it just me, or did that line after the credits hint to (spoiler)a Super FUCKING Metroid remake?

>> No.3412723
File: 21 KB, 240x160, samus gasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just take a moment to contemplate how much it must suck to be Samus Aran?

>lost both parents at 4 years old
>abducted by aliens and experimented on
>trained as a warrior
>at 14 years old, given her first real combat assignment
Samus never got to have a childhood. At the same age I was learning how to kiss, she was learning how to kill.

>has to save the universe all the time
>PTSD flashbacks come with the job
>constantly talked down to by the men around her
>dates her commanding officer, who frequently abuses her
>Fifty Shades of Adam Malkovich

>> No.3412735
File: 18 KB, 240x168, alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>abducted by aliens and experimented on
Come on, that's not how it is. Even with the DNA infusion.
Even then I refuse to believe the Chozo DNA stuff is canon. The Ridley material from the manga was cool though.

>> No.3412740
File: 117 KB, 327x327, patty ponders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, though.

The only reason chozo have a reputation for being compassionate and peaceful because all the information on chozo culture was written by the chozo themselves. It's "history is written by the victors" on a galactic scale. The chozo are the most vicious and warmongering species in the history of the universe, and Samus is nothing to them but another weapon in their arsenal.

>> No.3412794

So that's why they totally fucked off and nobody knows shit about them? Yeah, sounds like the behavior of a war mongering species.

>> No.3412801

Take your Other M bullshit out of here.

>> No.3412806
File: 72 KB, 992x480, TUBES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's in the tubes?

>> No.3412810

He said Zeta, not Omega.

>> No.3412815

Mother defense force pls leave

>> No.3412818

Oh. In that case-- shoot it until it dies.

>> No.3412821

According to Zero Mission concept artwork, the Chozo actually used to be a warlike species, but became pacifistic later on.

>> No.3412834

middle one looks like a smaller version of the Parasite Queen from Prime, I'm guessing the left is a smaller version and the right is a dead, larger version referencing how experiments were done on the specimens in Prime's opening and most of them died due to phazon exposure. Showing that the Federation is no different/better than the Space Pirates, further explored in Fusion?

>> No.3412835

Try again, we all know that Zero Mission is non-cannon.

>> No.3412843
File: 4 KB, 253x413, i don't get it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there are still two fileshare links sitting there that have been there since it released?

>> No.3412851
File: 43 KB, 341x313, 1256034494505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all know that Zero Mission is non-cannon

>> No.3412864

Click them.

>> No.3412873

I'm not even a big fan, but from a purely objective standpoint and with a basic understanding of the English language, you can't deny that it's a plot-driven series.

>> No.3412893

anyone got a link? I cant download from the site anymore.

>> No.3412904

the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.

> as an interrelated sequence
> an interrelated sequence
> interrelated
Mother is more of a series of events that just happen to occur sequentially, but are not related

>> No.3412908

You're too late. You should never have listened to all those Nintendo apologists who suggested they wouldn't C&D

>> No.3412912
File: 280 KB, 675x631, Link-in-A-Link-to-the-Past.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3412917
File: 15 KB, 620x370, Links Awakening - Link Smiles-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah woah, wrong link

>> No.3412975

What, you don't have a torrent client?

>> No.3412978

The events aren't related, but the antagonist of Mother 3 is the secondary antagonist of EarthBound. That makes them related.

>> No.3412980


>> No.3412991

I was more referring to the events in the individual games. You're moving from town to town and the events therein are unrelated.

>> No.3412998

Every location, mid-boss, item, NPC, puzzle, and character are part of the overall plot. I don't care about your opinion, you're not making any real sense.

>> No.3413007

Oh, I get you now.

>> No.3413024

It's an adventure, the plot involves why the protags find and experience. Does Journey to the West not have a plot either?

>> No.3413035

It, like Mother, has a collection of unrelated subplots

>> No.3413040

They're related by the main character experiencing them, and taking a piece of them with him, in experience, gear, friends, or allies.

>> No.3413103
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, vs-metroids-1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on /v/ uploaded it. The links on the blog are all dead.


>> No.3413147

Thanks anon, you're a legend!

>> No.3413186

I got it from torrent a few hours ago, right after coming home from hospital today. Downloaded really rather quickly.

Anyway, I like it. Would enjoy an Android release more so that I could have it on the go (spend a lot of time away from PCs), but it's fine.
Have it on hard. Beat the first alpha metroid. What am I in for as far as difficulty is concerned? I never had a problem with the original.

>> No.3413280

Pretty smooth progression until you get to zeta and omega metroids, which are far more bullshit than they have any business being just because they can no-sell missiles and stunlock you.

>> No.3413397

Do the zetas (or omegas, whichever) still wiggle their toes when you hit them with a missile? I used to call one of them, whichever of the two it was that did that, "twinkle toes" because of it.

>> No.3413419

>even the torrent is gone
Jesus Christ, Nintendo.

>> No.3413428
File: 9 KB, 236x222, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zetas and Omegas no longer fly, so neither do twinkle toes.
However, there are "older" Alphas that you can encounter that are constantly wriggling their little legs around. They're not quite at Gamma stage, but their legs are longer than the legs of the first few Alphas you encounter.

>> No.3413436


>> No.3413438

Is it just me, or was classic La Mulana easier than the remake?

>> No.3413443

BitTorrent is decentralized these days outside of private circlejerks, someone could post the magnet link here and it'd be available for download as long as someone somewhere bothers leaving it seeding.

Aaand while I was typing this, >>3413436 proves the point. Thanks buddy.

>> No.3413449
File: 4 KB, 134x113, 1339357114942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the zeta metroids to be far too cute in this game.

>> No.3413473

It's a give and take really, the remake removed or simplified the most bullshit puzzles from the original but compensated by making enemy combat and most boss fights more difficult while upping the damage they can do to you

On the flipside some bosses got new weaknesses they didn't have before, namely using gun to skip whole phases of the Mother fight

I just wish we could get remake with the original music somehow, or at least a patch to original so it plays better on modern systems (on 8/10 you have to screw around with compat settings or sprites will have gray boxes around them now)

>> No.3413489

Oh, ok, so what I should have said was that it had a shit plot, not a non-existant one.

Great dialog though. But the plot is shit.

>> No.3413510

Welp, I just finished it and then it's gone from the blog.
Nintendo sucks.

>> No.3413526

That's why people hated Echoes and I loved it. Challenge.

>> No.3413572

From the wording of the C&D letter I don''t know if Nintendo is directly responsible, it sounds more like this attorney they've hired to protect IP is being proactive on their behalf.

That said I'm glad I was there the moment this went live. They'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands at this point.

>> No.3413581

the funny part is that they made the internet archive take down the nintendopower issues. too
Litterally being faggots right now

>> No.3413584
File: 43 KB, 596x527, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid Confrontation is still up on the dev's blog lol


>> No.3413649


Should have downloaded those... thought I had all the time in the world...

Feels bad, man.

>> No.3413661


This one worked for me

>> No.3413671
File: 40 KB, 532x414, Nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks like it wasn't nintendo itself, but the laywer's firm acting like a bunch of dicks

Ironically, the Streisand effect its on full scale by now, everyone will hunt down the remake and the Nintendo power magazine torrents

thus everyone will blame nintendo more than ever, also Federation force releases next week, so you can imagine how "happy" all of the nintendo fans WILL BE when this game is out

also the company even FORGETTING that samus aran existed in her 30th anniversary, only to promote that shit game

i would be happy if 4chan decides to go apeshit for once against Nintendo, fuck the entiety of /v/, /vg/ and /vr/ would do a lot of damage

>> No.3413687

>other m
fuck off and die tripfag

>> No.3413696

What the fuck is the point of removing the Nintendo Power issues? They aren't losing any money from people reading them for free.

>> No.3413709

Because Nintendo hates its fans, and doesn't want them to forget that.

>> No.3413713

Surely some anon downloaded those. I just bookmarked it yesterday, too, thinking I'd look at it later :(

>> No.3413714

When has Nintendo ever let somebody else decide for them that their intellectual property is of no value?

>> No.3413715

see >>3413436

>> No.3413718

>tfw Federation Force actually looks fun
I mean it's not a Metroid game, but I'll pirate it and play with my friends probably.

>> No.3413719

How about some anons strike at Nintendo? I'm in for a major leak of data in them.

>> No.3413720


it will suck

>> No.3413723

Grow up.

>> No.3413725


The day i see all Chans going against nintendo for something fucked up will be glorious, mainly to spit at reggie and the lawyer's firm faces

>> No.3413741

Classic has harder puzzles and remake has harder combat, in my opinion.

>> No.3413764

You don't belong here.

>> No.3413772

Your life choices bring shame to your family.

>> No.3413776

And you do with this childish "ANON IS LEEJUN" bullshit? Please, go back to /b/.

>> No.3413779

Commit sudoku

Go back to tumblr or reddit. Take your pick, hugbox faggot.

>> No.3413792
File: 7 KB, 501x504, it's okay when nintendo does it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. your friendly neighborhood Nintendo PR guy

>> No.3413796

How'd you escape from >>>/v/ ?

>> No.3413832

How would you improve it?

>> No.3413852

I wouldn't. I love the game. It's just the plot is not it's strong point. I would never, ever, recommend the game based on its plot. It's got a lot going for it, but plot isn't on the list.

>> No.3413858

The whole collection has been on the net for longer than the archive had that incomplete collection.

Most of you are too pleb to no where though. That's what you get for being CRT and buy fags.

>> No.3413860

Dinosaurs must die man.

>> No.3413864

Yeah, if you're OK with a collection that infects your HDD with the Zika virus.

I can't stand the thought of new data I write being malformed, especially since that Cali rep said he'd remove rights to abort deformed fetuses.

>> No.3413881

Might be cool.

>> No.3413883

How would you improve the storytelling? What's wrong with it?

>> No.3413894

This game made me realize a few things. Because after playing it I looked back.

1. The endings with Samus wearing less and less based on time suck. Samus looks best when she's looking like a badass. The nature of the end screens actually makes me uninterested in striving to qualify for them.

2. Shinespark puzzles suck. Especially in the actual games made by Nintendo.

3. Too many boss fights in this series come down to spamming missiles into things.

>> No.3413904

2. The ones in Fusion were great, however.
3. Morphball bombs works against Metroids.

>> No.3413906

Again, for what the game is I don't feel there's anything wrong with it, just like I don't think there's anything wrong with the storytelling in Doom. But, like Doom, the plot is nothing to write home about. I wouldn't recommend Doom for its plot. I wouldn't recommend Mother for its plot.

>> No.3413907

I wouldn't call the shinespark things puzzles, just challenges. I liked them.
Only if you've searched for missile tanks, so you don't need to conserve as much.

>> No.3413910

>I don't feel there's anything wrong with it
>"this rpg has shit storytelling"
Which is it?

>> No.3413917


>3. Too many boss fights in this series come down to spamming missiles into things.

This is actually one of the few major flaws I found with this remake and where you're sort of wrong, or rather where I disagree with you.

In most of the Metroid games, you can either choose to use missiles or Charge Beam to deal damage against a boss. Should've made it one of the changes to the game to allow for that. I realize some bosses require precise missile shots, but having that on every single "boss" is just annoying and tedious. I like dodging enemies while charging a shot and firing just before they get to me. Plus, making almost every boss immune to the beam makes the Charge Beam practically useless.

Regardless of that though, I still love this remake.

>> No.3413919

Not all RPGs need great storytelling. cRPGs for example, none have great stories. Or perhaps you're just too weaboo to know that.

>> No.3413927

You could do things in 2d Metroid to alleviate the reliance on missiles. You could have a bomb upgrade where them act like holy water or something like that. Could do Metroid Prime style beam changing. I feel the games have never utilized the ability to swap between upgrades.

>> No.3413934


>I feel the games have never utilized the ability to swap between upgrades.

Yeah, I've always found it strange that they give you the option to turn off upgrades, but there's never some incredibly clever puzzle that makes use of it.

I guess it's just there to challenge yourself once you pick it up.

>> No.3413935
File: 63 KB, 640x349, darth-vader-nooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3413939

>Google that
>Some RPG Maker game

>> No.3413942

whoops, mixed up Vagrant Story and Vandal Hearts.

Meant Vagrant Story.

>> No.3413952

It's a jrpg fully dedicated to its storytelling.

>> No.3413963

Literally every time I've downloaded the demo, across multiple laptops, I've always gotten a blank screen at startup. Can anyone explain?

>> No.3413970

RPGs aren't defined by telling a story, they're defined by their game mechanics.

I can take the plot of Final Fantasy VI and tell it in an action platformer, but that doesn't make my action platformer an RPG.

>> No.3413982

It's really good IMO, this remake, and same with me. I've never played Metroid 2, but I definitely get the feel for how it was on NES.

Highly recommend a controller, using the keyboard sucks.

>> No.3413985

>Metroid 2 remake takes ages to make
>Suddenly, C&D by original developer who hasn't made a real metroid game in so long.
>A fan game will fuck up Nintendo's IP
Nintendo has fucked up Metroid more than most shitty Metroid fangame devs could have ever dreamed of.

If Nintendo really has a problem with this, maybe they should go back into remakes, and Metroid 2 is a game far deserving of one as it's essentially the black sheep "That one between the first one and Super Metroid" of the series, and usually gets a lot of flack because of it not aging as well as the third game.

>> No.3413986

>it was on NES.
You have got to be trolling.

>> No.3414004

Why the fuck do people keep doing this when they KNOW Nintendo has a history of doggedly hunting down and shutting down fan projects?

Like seriously are these guys retarded? How do you see a constant stream of news all year 'round about Nintendo shutting down even the smallest, most petty of fan projects, and then think "EHHHHH it won't happen to me though!" then spend months if not years working on your doomed project only to act surprised when you join the mountain of C&Ds.

I'm not even defending Nintendo, just appalled at the retardation of some people.

>> No.3414006

Whoops, not trolling, just daft. Gameboy, GAMEBOY

>> No.3414010

>A fan game will fuck up Nintendo's IP
Learn copyright law, and you will see why this is true.

>> No.3414012

iirc, AM2R was in development quite a while before Nintendo went on huge fangame witch hunts

>> No.3414016

still waiting for the day wen nintendo will hunt down even the Rule 34 artists for "stealing assets"

>> No.3414024

Maybe when they take away the porn people will stop being so complacent about how scummy Nintendo has become.

>> No.3414026

>ctrl+f mirror
yo where it at tho

>> No.3414027

Haven't they already taken down Pokemon doujins on certain sites? They're like space alien Asian super Jews.

>> No.3414034

Except a good number of people don't really buy Metroid 2 mostly because it hasn't aged too gracefully as the 3rd one, at least the 1st one had a good remake.

>Every fangame will fuck up an IP
I didn't know people creating fan content for a thing they like is suddenly toxic now. I guess by the knowledge, they should just go hunt down anyone who even dares draw a picture of a Nintendo character

>> No.3414038

that day was forever ago, there's a good reason there are so few Nintendo IP doujins

>> No.3414048

Fan games compete with actual games.

Fanart doesn't compete with anything.

>> No.3414052


i think its time to send a bad voodoo against reggie and the executives there


if that is true then why EA didn't took down WCnews for keeping WC alive, or CR with star citizen

or better, why didn't Square enix didn't sent a C&D to the guys who made Soul revenant and BloodRessurection?

and im talking about the same square enix who are complete dicks against modding or use of their own assets

>> No.3414057

Okay then, how about you give this to Nintendo then?


Go ahead, do it, since you don't care about labors of love.

>> No.3414060

>I didn't know people creating fan content for a thing they like is suddenly toxic now.
We are specifically talking about fangames. And logic has NOTHING to do with copyright law. Like I said, learn copyright law and you will understand WHY nintendo and other companies stomp out fangames when they pop up.

Or just keep raging at the evil corporation, whatever.

>> No.3414063

>copyright law
You're thinking of trademark law, where there's a threat of actual penalties to the trademark holder if they don't crack down on unauthorized uses of a mark.

For the record: A franchise like Metroid is covered by both copyright AND trademark law.

>> No.3414069

>Soul revenant
>The game will require for you to own a legal
pc version copy of Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2, which you can purchase on gog.com.
>A mod for Blood 2

The first survives because it's a MOD to the base game. Same way romhacks survive. The second survives because IT'S A MOD.

Neither one is a stand-alone game. Put down your anger and THINK for a minute.

>> No.3414070


then they should sue the guys who made axiom verge, and bethesda/id for making DOOM 2016

since both are "metroid games" one being classical, and the other being a better version of prime series, using DOOM

>> No.3414071

They're defined by both. You don't know what storytelling is, it's not some abstract concept.

>> No.3414076

I'm not taking a side you juvenile faggot, I'm just presenting facts and explaining to you why fangames can't be compared to fanart.

>> No.3414081

Don't be a double nigger

>> No.3414085

Ahould had changed the names of the characters and colors of said characters.

>> No.3414089

Then what would be the point? It would just be a very amateur Axiom Verge.

>> No.3414096

To avoid infringing trademark laws? And keeping it on the net?

>> No.3414098

Gameplay mechanics can't be trademarked or copyrighted (or patented for that matter).

Names like "Metroid" and "Samus Aran" can be trademarked. Distinctive visual designs like Samus's armor can be trademarked and copyrighted. Melodies like the "prologue" theme, and the save room jingle, can be copyrighted (and occasionally trademarked). I'm almost certain that level designs can be copyrighted but not trademarked.

If the developer had kept exactly the same gameplay but replaced all the assets mentioned above with something that just vaguely resembles Metroid, then Nintendo wouldn't have a case.

>> No.3414103

If the game is that mediocre, why do people give a shit about it as a Metroid fangame?

It's not like it's "giving Metroid fans what they want" if it's not a good game. It has no ties to the actual minds behind Metroid whatsoever.
It's all just a lie, and apparently one that is very amateurish. Don't see why anyone would defend it if that's the case.

>> No.3414104

Nah, it's a labor of love. Not for fame or profit. He wanted a Metroid 2 remake like Zero Mission so he made it.

>> No.3414105

Doom is not better than Prime.

>> No.3414112

Doesnt work that way, he used the characters in a new game which Nintendo owned.

Thats even worse than a rom hack.

>> No.3414120

If Nintendo was so ass damaged about it, why don't they just make a good Metroid game for once instead of announcing a shitty Soccer spinoff game and damage controlling about it?

>> No.3414129

They wasn't ass damaged about this, lot of companies do this and its in their to orotect their ip they own legally.

>> No.3414131

Because Nintendo is a shitty company, anon.

>> No.3414138

Who cares? What does it matter? He has what he wants and so will anyone else who wants it.

>> No.3414140

Well, I guess that makes sense, also explains why they rehash New Super Mario Bros. again and again in some form and then have the balls to kill any motivation for anyone getting any other Wii U game by imposing censorship

>> No.3414160

Um....whats he doing is illegal. And Nintendo won.

Nintendo wouldn't want a unofficial game destroying their reputation. They have to product their products. This is different from fair use or re-sale or fan-art.

This is actual video game using trademarked characters protected by our own laws.

>> No.3414169

>And Nintendo won.
Last time I checked, the game was out there on the internet and it isn't ever going away now.
So how did Nintendo win?

>> No.3414171

Still pisses me off when it's done over franchises which are essentially dead in some form, like that one Streets of Rage fan game from 2011 that god removed after about an hour by SEGA, even though there hasn't been a SoR game since 1994.

>> No.3414184

Via removing it via main site.

Im still aware it exist out there via saved copies.

>> No.3414193

So what? It's out there. They're never going to get rid of it. They lost.

>> No.3414197

you realize that all this drama over the game is going to get people to track it down and want to play it even more than if they had just left it alone, right?

this is the internet, everyone is willing to do shady shit when they can't be caught or charged with anything, I HOPE this kills all their VC sales of metroid 2, fuck nintendo in general for making people buy VC games multiple times anyway.

Nintendo is going full kike and basically turning into activision of japan, except worse because they actually fucking censor shit for no reason, if you defend this sort of behavior you are a company shill and should just off yourself, especially after iwata said fan projects were safe from this type of garbage.

>> No.3414198


>destroying their reputation

>> No.3414217

speaking of that why has no one posted a link yet

>> No.3414218


>> No.3414219

K. Tuff guy.

Doesnt change the fact it's illegal. And Iwata is dead anyway, its clear they're changing to be like Sega. Strongly protecting their brand.

And no, https://www.quora.com/What-is-Nintendos-official-policy-on-Fan-Games..

Iwata didn't say yes or no. Just some can be taken down but they dont want tomtreat the fan who made it as a criminal with charges.

>> No.3414221

>Nintendo wouldn't want a unofficial game destroying their reputation
Nintendo pretty much already destroyed any hope for the Metroid franchise after Other M and Federation Force, even if Federation Force is alright, it still suffers from Nuts and Bolts syndrome

>> No.3414225

so whens the linux version coming out?

>> No.3414226

So, that's on quality not brand. Two different things desu.

>> No.3414230

Runs fine in WINE for me.

>> No.3414231

Kinda like how the sudden shittiness of Sonic only tarnished the quality and not the brand? I guess the whole "We want to bring Sonic back to basics" thing was just an out of no where decision for SEGA then, and not the fact that a lot people stopped buying Sonic related media after constant shit.

>> No.3414238

Granted, I'm playing on hard mode, but I just got to the roly poly boss thing and it's really rather difficult. The one where you have to knock it into the electrical lines? Yeah. It's tough.
Thoroughly enjoy this over the original kajillionfold.

>> No.3414245

Other M got favorable to average reviews.

>> No.3414246

Too late. Reputation's ruined. Us criminals won.

>> No.3414249

And yet everyone hates it and says "It's shit"

>> No.3414254


You should notice some the newer games sold more copies compared some older ones. None are going to beat the first game anyway in sales.

Honestly regardless of quality, some series end up being not popular anymore.

>> No.3414256

>download it yesterday
>try going to /v/ to talk about it
>accidentally click on /vr/ out of habit
Oh well, this will do.
So what am I supposed to do after getting space jump? There is some green door that I cannot open in that area.

>> No.3414258

>No Shadow the Hedgehog or Sonic 06 on that list
>Sonic Boom has way under a million sales

>> No.3414260

Modern Sega officially endorses fangames, rom hacks, and rom downloading, though. Look at the Steam romhack thing, look at the plug and play genesis toy with SD card support, they obviously know about all about Sonic Retro's romhacks and fangames yet they do nothin about it. They're not the same Sega they were in 2009, they're learning the best ways to survive in a modern climate and slowly becoming a better company for it. Are you just pissy that you got a C&D once so you try to justify the shitty business behavior to feel better?

>> No.3414268

Not everyone just some vocal minority yet sold in japan.

Fans cried about the character actual official manga history being used unlike the monotone strong independant character less Samus.

I guess you could say shes was whiney, but thats most women are irl. Emotional.

Still scored 8 and 9s on most review sites.

>> No.3414285

That's because they had permission? No permission=no no times.

I'm not the one getting pissy considering I'm just stating facts as they are. Considering I'm not much a emotional person, I don't get it. Whatevero.

>> No.3414295

Isn't it the worst selling and recieved main Metroid game?
Also why did she need long monotone inner monologues? Telling us about how she feels in situations the player has completed as her, creating a disconnect? She was fine as a "strong silent type" character, never got in the way of the games or their storytelling and the player could use their imaginations to wonder what kind of person she is. Metroid isn't an arpg, it's an exploration based action platformer jump n' shooter.

>> No.3414297

Rule of thumb in Metroid: If you can't get past it, come back later with more gear.
After you get the Space Jump, keep exploring the area. There's a couple more things to get there, plus Metroids to kill.

>> No.3414302

>just some vocal minority
>about Other M
Ya gotta be squiddin me

>> No.3414308

Me neither. We all got what we wanted, and Nintendo now has worse PR.

>> No.3414325

>EA kills Star Wars GiT even when Lucas Arts tried to make it "legal"
>now Nintendo tries to kill AM2R
Well fuck, at least I saved both games.

>> No.3414349

GiT had a release?

>> No.3414351

All of threads on /v/ are just excuses to whine about Nintendo instead of actual discussions of the game, so I'll ask here instead.

What all has changed from Metroid 2 beyond the graphics? I've always thought 2 was the weakest of the bunch, so sell me on this.

>> No.3414354

No, but there's a beta build. At least it's something.

>> No.3414356

AM2R is to Metroid II
as Zero Mission is to Metroid
That should tell you everything.

>> No.3414367

Minus the dumb titular gimmick. Stealth sections free. AM2R is my new favorite in the series after Super and Prime 3.

>> No.3414369

Details nigga, give me details.

>> No.3414374


Basically, what >>3414356 said.

It updates the graphics and makes the gameplay mechanics practically Zero Mission. It adds a few upgrades to compensate for this as well. It updates the Metroid AIs to be a lot more intense.and threatening and the bosses are a bit different. Some of the upgrades are also in different places, such as some being hidden behind the additional upgrades that the remake added.

Again, like the anon said, it's pretty much Metroid II: Zero Mission. It's just a really solid remake. No need to be hesitant.

>> No.3414376

just play it, sheesh

>> No.3414384

>yet sold in japan.
Gee, a game that waifu-izes a powerful female character into some weak submissive little girly girl is popular in Japan.
Who the fuck saw that coming.

>monotone strong independant character less Samus
>but thats most women are irl
God you sound like such an underaged fedora faggot.

>> No.3414390

Sounds neat, thanks.

>> No.3414393

New bosses, new areas, new items (nothing original, just stuff from Super,) modified Metroid fights through the whole line, Zero Mission mechanics and physics.

>> No.3414395

would people have picked up the game this quickly if it was a different IP?

>> No.3414408


No, metroids are legendary games

>> No.3414418

It's a Metroid II remake, even if you reskin and rename the characters it's still a vastly better version of Metroid II. That hypothetical can't really be guessed at.
I'd like to see this guy try and develop an original game, now that he has experience and he has my attention. Not sure if he'd want to though.

>> No.3414420
File: 61 KB, 753x864, 1470338693005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: is ok if Nintendo does it

>> No.3414427

>It's a Metroid II remake, even if you reskin and rename the characters it's still a vastly better version of Metroid II
That's not what I asked.

>> No.3414436

So if it was 100% different in every way would it be getting as much attention? Definite maybe, anon.

>> No.3414438

Almost as bad as Disney with their copyright fuckery.

>> No.3414442

>100% different in every way
Your reading comprehension is abysmal

>> No.3414451


is funny because the only reason they released Mother 1 and 2 on the VC was because all the people who played the pirated versions asked for it, and thanks to that they made a decent amount of money with virtual sales. Seriously, fuck Nintendo.

>> No.3414453
File: 34 KB, 450x349, 1468097197519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emulators developed to play illegally copied Nintendo software promote piracy. That's like asking why doesn't Nintendo legitimize piracy. It doesn't make any business sense. It's that simple and not open to debate.
>Virtual Console games have iNES headers, meaning they were made from the ground up to be used with third-party emulators

>> No.3414461

Look at id software. People LOVE id because they give back to the community the tools that made their games after they've turned their profit. There games live on (see doom thread) and they have a loyal fanbase.

>> No.3414463

>Gameplay mechanics can't be trademarked or copyrighted (or patented for that matter).

>> No.3414471

Spell it out for me, then. In this hypothetical what changes? What stays the same?

>> No.3414494
File: 403 KB, 1116x1000, 1470123367825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me where the power bombs are at? I completely missed them and now I can't proceed any further. I've checked everywhere I can think of.

>> No.3414498

Once you clear the metroids from the tower, check the lava pool to the left of it. It will have drained and a rock will have moved. You now have access to the best part of the game, and the power bombs.

>> No.3414514

It was settled out of court, there was no precedent set, all it means is that Fox didn't want to battle it out.

>> No.3414620
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x800, speed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3414631

Nope, sorry, there are dungeon crawling RPGs with 0 story that are still RPGs.

>> No.3414643

I said jrpg.

>> No.3414654

the funny part is that it happened the same with this game, at the contrary of what our local lawfag want to believe . Every person that wa sinterested in MetroidII played it. Everyone else that may have spotted it on VC would be put off by internet reviews/pinions says it is dated.
I've saw several people on /v/ saying that they wanted to try the original, or even people playing metroid for the first time asking how to enter in the series >millenials.

The point is probably that "Nintendo" as in the faces of Nintendo is only partially to blame since it is a corporation. It's not like that Sakamoto jumped on his chair and went
>ching plong those baka gaijin are at it again, making my waifu cold stronk, shut it down
Nintendo probably issued polices to their overseas attorney, who probably are just uppity fags that know nothing doing their work. This is clear by the fact that the project, even if it was in dev for 10y, was C&D'd only after reaching mainstream audience. Attorneys don't have the concept of labour of love since they aren't human beings, and are casuals shitters so they shutted it down having read it on polygon.
They don't know this is PR damage to the company, nobody knows it, because corporations are uncontrollable hydras and cannot "reason" like a person would

>> No.3414678

>If the dev is actively not profiting, it may fall under fair use,
There's no way in hell this is fair use. There's 3 other parts to the fair use test. AM2R is a complete replacement for Metroid 2, so it utterly fails 2 of the other tests. Any court case would be a slam fucking dunk.

Now the reasonable thing would be to do what Sega did with Christian Whitehead and his port of Sonic CD, but Nintendo is too prideful for that.

>> No.3414715

I wish everyone would stop talking about the legal stuff. To change the subject, how does this fit into your Metroidvania rankings?

For me it's:
Metroid > Super Metroid = AM2R > Zero Mission > Metroid II > Fusion

>> No.3414718

*Metroid rankings, autocorrect being shit

>> No.3414720

SM > ZM = AM2R > Metroid > Fusion > Metroid II
ZM and AM2R are behind SM even if I like the movement more because both have weak endgame (stealth and in this the later parts feel a bit less polished)

>> No.3414726

AM2R > Metroid > Metroid 2 > Fusion > SM = Zero Mission

>> No.3414740

>there was no precedent set
Oh, it's precedent, all right. For being sued.

>> No.3414741

>Nintendo is too prideful for that
its not pride dude
its because the guy isnt japanese
gaijins arent people

>> No.3414763

SM > AM2R > Prime Trilogy > Metroid > Zero Mission > Fusion = Metroid II

What I love about AM2R is that Metroid II is a flawed, poorly aged game limited by its hardware, dev time, and budget, but it's a game with serious some strengths, great ideas, good design, and unfulfilled potential. AM2R fixed all its faults, expanded upon its strengths, and added a fuckton of seamless content, the devs basically set out make it what Metroid II could have been at its absolute best, and made it even better than that. Which is exactly what video game remakes should be, I hope games like DK64 and Kirby64 get remakes someday with at least a fifth of the passion, heart, and effort this guy put into AM2R.

It's truly a shame what happened with the takedowns. The devs planned to continue polishing and improving it based on community criticism and feedback. It may have even surpassed Super Metroid some day.

>> No.3414764

People keeps forgetting Pokemon isn't Nintendo. Pokemon is a "second party" from GameFreak, who works for Nintendo, but isn't exactly Nintendo. Like Hal.

>> No.3414769

>The devs planned to continue polishing and improving it based on community criticism and feedback. It may have even surpassed Super Metroid some day.
Is there any reason they can't still do that and 'leak' releases? Or at least start circulating 'unofficial' patches?

>> No.3414980

Super >> Zero > early AM2R = Fusion >>> late AM2R
To clarify, AM2R is wildly variable in quality. At the start it's damn strong, but everything between the first omega and the last save room is pointless crap.

>AM2R fixed all its faults
There's still the godawful slog just before the end.

>> No.3414994

Super Metroid = Zero Mission = AM2R > Fusion > Metroid > Metroid 2
Haven't played the Prime series.

>> No.3415010


just play the new DOOM, its a love letter to the series

>> No.3415025

Not worth it, IMO. They are only decent if you aren't against the idea of playing a FPS without mouse and keyboard. And even if you aren't, it feels a bit like modern Silent Hill, has that "kinda fanfic-y" feeling of rehashing old ideas to them.
If you are OK with those things, you'll find them at least okay.

>> No.3415041

> has that "kinda fanfic-y" feeling
Finally, someone else who thought this. I'm still waiting to stumble across the blog/forum/fanfic site they got the Prime plot from

>> No.3415049

I guess it's just bound to happen when a first party IP gets outsourced to a third party.

>> No.3415072
File: 482 KB, 1920x1080, Child Soldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samus never got to have a childhood. At the same age I was learning how to kiss, she was learning how to kill.

So did like 50% of all the kids in Africa.

>> No.3415074
File: 33 KB, 533x262, Prometheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are Metroids just biological weapons engineered by the Chozo?

I swear literally everything from the Metroid universe is just ripped from the Alien universe.

>> No.3415097

>I swear literally everything from the Metroid universe is just ripped from the Alien universe.
You're just now realizing this..?

>> No.3415108

serious question, this doesnt actually count as jurisprudence in unitedstadian commonlaw, does it?

>> No.3415124

uh oh guys, we got an assblasted Mexican here

>> No.3415126

>Is there any reason they can't still do that and 'leak' releases? Or at least start circulating 'unofficial' patches?

my guess is its 99% NOT, in all likelihood they didnt care to publicize the thing anonymously, they just needed to upload the so few blogposts from cybercafes, but i would not be surprised with the whole thing is linked openly to several emails and socialsites accounts, so any new resurfacing of improved version, or even source code release now could land them in trouble.

if only they had released uncommented or even scrambled sources before the takedown, it could perhaps fall under reasonable doubt if a new blogs appears from "another" anonymous dev with a new version.

i say uncommented or scrambled src to make it hard for leechs to fork it with crap, since they would still have their organized sources to keep working.

>> No.3415179

>the only other country in america, or even north america, is mexico
if i use 'american' or 'north american' in this context it might seem analogous to asking if european law is vcbvcvb....
and someone that didnt visit the wikipedia link would answer "not in canada", when the court dispute happened in USA between "sega of america" and the unistatian branch of EA.

>> No.3415197

What's that, Paco? I cant hear you on the other side of the wall.

>> No.3415218

>Play metroid
>3 hours into it
>Do a weird jump onto a save pas (jump straight up, press jump again to tumble forward onto pad)
>Game crashes
>Save data corrupted

>> No.3415219

DOOM is a love letter to metroid?

>> No.3415252

Can't take the bantz.

>> No.3415282

Maybe if Nintendo spent less resources jealously guarding IP they might be succeed at being relevant again.

>> No.3415284

>americans are this ignorant

>> No.3415290

Captain I'm detecting much butthurt in this anon!

>> No.3415305
File: 480 KB, 800x543, 6GMr75j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear literally everything from the Metroid universe is just ripped from the Alien universe.

>He doesn't know that Samus is based off of Sigourney Weaver.
That's why she was originally tall as fuck.

>> No.3415323

I'm near the area where you find the Varia suit. I'm having a really hard time being able to consistently beat the newly hatched metroids. Obviously their weak points are underneath them but it feels like I have to always take a hit just to finally get into a spot where I can shoot them. I just killed the first one that grows legs and I had to run away once during the fight because I kept almost dying.

>> No.3415336
File: 497 KB, 495x900, praetorsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its metroid prime iat its best, but using DOOM and full of easter eggs


Rather funny how the praetor suit looks like the Varia suit

>> No.3415350

>AM2R is a complete replacement for Metroid 2
yeah, works quite well on my DMG ...

>> No.3415401

>you realize that all this drama over the game is going to get people to track it down and want to play it even more than if they had just left it alone, right?
Yep. It's the Salman Rushdie Effect. Banning a work immediately makes it more popular.

>> No.3415409

Gonna be honest here,
the metroids are the weakest part of the game right off the bat. Enemy AI that just consists of homing in on you to ram you is just lazy trash. It feels like i may as well be playing Terraria. I'm about 30 minutes into the game and I dont like it as much as Zero Mission

>> No.3415431
File: 993 KB, 638x826, 1452736891283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, the metroid fights aren't much fun. All the other bosses are pretty well designed though.

>> No.3415439

Finished it with 92%, Normal.
All in all, I liked the remake a lot. The only things I didn't like were the Metroid fights and the 2nd half of the game, the bosses are worse than the 1st half's by far. I liked the danmaku boss.

For those who never played the original, some differences:
- You can use Screw Attack to get through almost anything in the original. This is one of the parts I hated the most, because you fight Omegas on enclosed spaces, and you can't jump through them.
- You could shoot the Omegas in the back in the original.
- Original has less energy tanks.
- Remake shows both Metroids in area and total metroids. Original only shows total.
- Most boss fights were remade, specially final boss.

For those that got 100%, are the areas in the power station missable? I mean the area that explodes and is blocked off for the rest of the game. I didn't find any way to get back in.

>> No.3415441

I was too late to download from any of these links

fucking awesome, thanks nintendo rest in spaghetti

>> No.3415448

go on /v/ there is always some thread with a new download, or get the torrent form some torrent sharing site

>> No.3415453



Enjoy, mate.

>> No.3415456

I can't figure out how to Space Jump. Am i supposed to double tap the jump button in the air? It was kind of Tricky doing it in zero mission but its ever harder now, i can barely do it all.

>> No.3415457

No, you can definitely go back. I actually tried much later in the game though. But there are two items in power station which I'd missed and I suspect they're the ones you're after. You cant explore the whole power station but if you've got power bombs and the screw attack you can get the items.

What were completion requirements for the bonus images at the end of the original metroid 2 and what are they now?
I got Samus running in suit with the baby at the end.

>> No.3415459

You can shoot the omegas in the back in AM2R. When it lands from a jump, the membrane is exposed for a second.

>> No.3415460

Ctrl+F magnet


>> No.3415464

Actually the space jump seems easier in am2r.
You're supposed to tap the jump at the end of your trajectory; when you start coming down from the peak of your jump

>> No.3415471

>implying didn't already do
walk off a cliff :^)

>> No.3415481

>americans are this ignorant

dude... what are you doing, that anon is probably an unitedstatian, dont insult all americans

>> No.3415485

Will Nintendo ever care about Metroid and waifu Samus again?
And no I'm not talking about zero suit fanservicey shit.
I mean a huge desolate world with interconnected exploration again. Maybe something like Blame! and not fps like primes because I rather like Samus moving around acrobatically. I want Fromsoft to do it

>> No.3415487

*I rather like watching Samus move around acrobatically

>> No.3415491

>everything from the XXXX universe is just ripped from the YYYY universe.

welcome to the world of multimedia entertainment.

Homeworld (RTS game) rips off from Battlestar Gallactica (sci-fi tv series)

Star Trek 1-episode species rips off ancient human history

Ultima Online (mmoRPG videogame) rips off Lord of the Rings (a book by some dude)

Dungeons and Dragons (book RPG) rips off LotR also.


>> No.3415493

*I rather like watching Samus move around erotically

Even in the power suit.

ESPECIALLY in the power suit.

>> No.3415495

i never really understood why they tried to push the Waifu angle so hard. It started with ZM but it wasn't so bad but then Other M happened and they do it in Smash now too. Do they have so little faith in Metroid that they thought that fans only cared about playing as a cute girl in a space suit?

>> No.3415496

I think fromsoft could be ok for world design even if I feel they haven't picked themselv up since DaSI Level design might work if they tone down a bit the "only open from this side doors", since they have to work with power-ups now.
But I think that to get the platforming/movement tech right another team would be better....but I can't think anywone on top of my head. The last good 3d platformer that came close to feeling good and powerful was Cloudbuilt, to be fair, but the whole game was built around no power-ups
I think they are trying to appeal more to the jap crowd

>> No.3415531

I liked the omega hunting bubble hall.

>> No.3415553

Only thing D44M does better is your character's sense of speed.

>> No.3415558

I think you mean *mainstream jap crowd because I find it hard to believe that the hardcore japanese players care about all that kind of thing more than the gameplay

>> No.3415570

Prime games are a cult classic in Japan, with a dedicated fanbase. More people casually like Other M and its take on Samus.

>> No.3415576

Other M was a flop even in Japan.

>> No.3415596

of course I meant the mainstream jap crowd or whatever. You don't change an estabilished direction to please hardcore old fan, do you?

>> No.3415598

Did the original Metroid 2 have a lot of enemies that only ever try to just fly into you? Metroid 1/ZM didn't have any enemies like that and I feel they're much more fun to explore the worlds because of it

>> No.3415685
File: 15 KB, 238x201, am2r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw when you realized this...

>> No.3415694 [DELETED] 

Omega Metroids need to be more of a threat and maybe be weak to fully charged ice beam shots (similar to the Omega Metroid in Fusion) and some changes need to be made to the normal Metroids you have to fight before the Queen (they're really boring and non threatening even on hard) Genesis was a joke too fight too, other than those problems it was a 10/10 game for me.

>> No.3415703

Omega Metroids need to be more of a threat and maybe be weak to fully charged ice beam shots to its weak spot (similar to the Omega Metroid in Fusion) and some changes need to be made to the normal Metroids that you have to fight before the Queen (they're really boring and non threatening even on hard) Genesis was a joke fight too, other than those things it was a 10/10 game for me.

>> No.3415709


>> No.3415714

Finally have some time to sit down and play this, but I'm having an issue where like a minute into loading into the game the sound completely cuts out.

Anyone know why this is happening or a potential fix? Quick bit of Googling didn't really provide any solution and most of the results of muddled about takedowns and such.

>> No.3415730

The charge beam needs to be useful in general against metroids.
Omegas need to be less slog and stunlock and more in-your-face.
The larva metroids are a bit too bipolar right now. Either they get on you and it takes far too long to kick them off because there's zero stun when you bomb them off so they jump right back on, or you ice beam them as they show up and pop them with no effort. Giving them another attack and having them thaw after two or three missiles would make them a lot more interesting.
Genesis is just lazy. I mean, the reference is nice and it's just a subboss, but it's still boring. Shoot spacejump repeat. It'd be a lot more fun if you got to that point before having space jump so the acid spray was actually a threat.

>> No.3415735

Are any controllers supported other than X360? I hate this goddamned thing. The game doesn't seem to recognize Dual Shocks or my Sega USB controller so I'm stuck with the handcramp express.

>> No.3415793
File: 239 KB, 520x527, shitt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3415801
File: 3 KB, 72x72, Metroid_Enemy_Waver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metroid 1/ZM didn't have any enemies like that

yes it did

these shitters are worse than anything in metroid 2

>> No.3415828

look up scp drivers

it lets you fool your computer into thinking your dualshock is a 360 controller. it's pretty easy. you just need to have xbox controller drivers on your pc already

that's what i've been using. the d-pad works great.

>> No.3415837


It worked fine with my DInput gamepad, but worst case scenario, you can use joy2key.

>> No.3415940 [DELETED] 

>how does this fit into your Metroidvania rankings?
It doesn't. It's fanshit. It's fake. No matter how starved anyone is for new Metroid it's still just some guy's indie game with Metroid sprites over it.

>> No.3415941

>And no I'm not talking about zero suit fanservicey shit.
Well then you don't know what waifu means.

>> No.3416002

Is there anyone else ITT who's playing this on hard?

I'm 60% through the game. There's a wheel-shaped boss that I just can't deal with cuz I can't figure out if I'm actually hurting the durned thing or not. Those of you who've gotten farther than I have know what I'm talking about. Total PITA, that.

>> No.3416006

Use missiles on each segment of the yellow outer layer until they start to crack and fall off, then beam the center

It's usually not worth the effort to destroy the cannons since they come back almost immediately

>> No.3416008

Missiles first, then beam shots. Read the damn scan report, idiot.

Blowing off the cannons gives you a pile of pickups and gets you a safe spot for the rest of the attack, it's well worth it if you're low on missiles or energy.

>> No.3416013

Shooting the actual missiles it fires during that one phase also nets you health/ammo and is usually easier to do

>> No.3416014

Aw. I shouldn't have read the spoiler. I wanted to figure it out for myself. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned that boss in the first place. I was just curious if anyone else was playing on hard or if I was alone in it. I posted >>3414238.

Also shouldn't have mentioned the electrical lines thing because that kind of ruined it for other players. Sorry. /vr/os.

Anyway, thanks for the thought, amigo. That was kind of you.

>> No.3416018

I did read it, ya jerkface! I'm playing on hard, making it considerably more difficult than normal.

>> No.3416027 [DELETED] 


Do think the devs will ever thank Nintendo for the free PR? I mean, if they hadn't bothered to DMCA this little embarrassment, hardly anyone would even know it exists.

>> No.3416028 [DELETED] 


Do you think the devs will ever thank Nintendo for the free PR?

I mean, if they hadn't bothered to DMCA this thing, hardly anyone would even know it exists.

>> No.3416042

Last I checked, remakes of Retro games were allowed to be discussed. AM2R is a remake of Metroid II, a game released for GameBoy in 1991.

In other words, go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.3416058 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 1366x768, 1470790761704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me what this is

>> No.3416072

will wall-jumping mess the game up for me later on? I'm so used to Super Metroid I can't help myself.

>> No.3416073

Don't worry about it. You'll find out later on as you play the game. You literally cannot miss it.
Same with those round things with the bird head on them. Can't miss it, so don't worry about it.

>> No.3416074

Not really. In fact, you get the Space Jump pretty early on in Metroid II/AM2R, and the Spider Ball is one of the first items you get.

>> No.3416075

No, the game is friendly to sequence breaking but spider ball, spacejump and the vertical line of bombs trick make walljumping moot anyway

>> No.3416085
File: 388 KB, 1284x980, 1462732752367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bombjumping as a viable alternative to wall-jumping

>> No.3416087


cool, thanks for not spoiling

>> No.3416094

It won't scale large walls but it substitutes for high jump before you get that item; after you get bombs and charge beam, try charging a beam then enter morph ball state and hold down while setting a bomb

>> No.3416095
File: 10 KB, 250x250, aDA3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leonardo The Vinci.
Knew from the moment I saw "Mona".

>> No.3416096

As you may know already, AM2R received DMCA notices in all the download hosts, and some parts of this blog. So far, no C&D letter was received.

This project began a long time ago, while I was actually trying to learn the programming side of Game Maker. Instead of moving on with something else, when I learned a better way of doing something, I reiterated and improved the old code.
Eventually, I learned to program in C#. Now I'm making a living as a professional programmer thanks to what I learned developing a fan game.
Technically speaking, I'm satisfied.

Artists started offering help. First with the main enemies, then with sprites, enemies, bosses.
The forums started to come alive with fans making feature suggestions, and always being positive and optimistic about the project. I added new contents, trying to be respectful about the established lore. Demo after demo people liked the game. Then the game was out, and for a brief time, players enjoyed the game they were expecting for a long time.
Artistically speaking, I'm satisfied.

>What about the future?
I'll continue improving and fixing AM2R privately.

>How will updates will be released, if at all?
I'm still working on it.

My priority now is to fix the invisible gravity suit bug that's hindering many player's experience. If you experience that bug, please visit the forum, and I'll eventually provide a fix.

Please, don't hate Nintendo for all of this. It's their legal obligation to protect their IP.
Instead of sending hate mail, get the original M2 from the eShop. Show them that 2D adventure platformers are still a thing people want.

You're invited to share your thoughts at the Forum, or follow AM2R on Twitter for the latest updates.

Thank you.

>> No.3416106


>The Vinci

Holy fuck my sides

>> No.3416114

>get the original M2 from the eShop. Show them that 2D adventure platformers are still a thing people want.

Ugh. What a terrible thing to suggest. Money doesn't influence what developers make. Even if it did you wouldn't want to back Metroid 2 as the carrier for that you'd want to back Zero Mission since that's the good one. Two of the major reasons the remake is even looked forward to is because it adds Fusion/ZM stylings and mechanics into M2 and because it's not a pure port and people are hoping it turns M2 into a good Metroid game.

>> No.3416125

>Money doesn't influence what developers make.
Yes it does. If something doesn't make money, they stop making more of it.

>> No.3416129
File: 49 KB, 640x479, 2XCS3Cj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Money doesn't influence what developers make

Not only are you wrong in principle, the fact that we're talking about fucking Nintendo makes you twice as wrong.

>> No.3416160 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 768x542, Metroids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this idea work?

>> No.3416167 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 768x542, 1470794794434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this idea work?
Spoilers: Shows the Metroid forms.

>> No.3416168

Having the same issue and I'm not installing another program to fix it. This game isn't that important.

>> No.3416189

if someone wants to fucking piss off nintendo

mainly now thay >>>/v/ and >>>/vg/ are on their period and ready to do some shit

here's the video


>> No.3416254

Does anyone have a working mirror link of the remake since it got removed on the main site?
I really wish Nintendo could have nodded to the guy rather than pull the project down... It makes me almost not want to get any of their games anymore for how they're kind of going off the rail with their new generation developers.

>> No.3416260

ctrl+f magnet

>> No.3416261

am I being cucked because I can only use a keyboard or is this torizo statue fight after getting the space jump fucking bullshit

>> No.3416272


>> No.3416295

git gud scrub
I play with a keyboard and I've beaten the game on hard

>> No.3416323
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to get pass this speed wall? There is a power bomb wall right before it but I can't find anyplace to gather enough speed and make it to the speed wall in time. Pic of map incoming.

>> No.3416325
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's driving me nuts. Is there something I'm missing or am I just retarded?

>> No.3416334

Shinespark into the room to hit the slope, stop, powerbomb, shinespark again.

>> No.3416343

Well I'm a complete idiot because I have no idea how to shine spark twice in a row. Doesn't is cancel out once you hit something?

>> No.3416347

nvm I got it. Thanks for the help.

>> No.3416379

>Will Nintendo ever care about Metroid and waifu Samus again?
Metroid is essentially dead at this point, maybe not literally, but it's pretty much become one of the most fucked franchises in history now, pretty sad considering it had a pretty fantastic track record until Other M. Literally went from Fiji water, to dirty African water after Other M, to Toxic waste over night after Federation Force's announcement. Even if Federation Force is okay, it still suffers from Nuts n' Bolts syndrome and will be heavily passed over.

>> No.3416390

That Hunters game on DS stunk up the franchise long before Other M came out. Prime Pinball was pretty good.

>> No.3416393

Hunters was eh, even if it wasn't that great, it at least had online multiplayer and used the same art direction as Prime, not to mention there wasn't a huge gap between it and Prime 2, nor was there a huge gap between it and Prime 3. The gap between Other M and Federation force is 6 year long, 6 long years with a sour taste in our mouths, and we get a dumb spin off.

>> No.3416395

Yeah but it still sold slightly better than the first Prime (the overall best selling game in the series)

>> No.3416412

>That Hunters game on DS stunk up the franchise
>it wasn't that great

What's the problem with it?

>> No.3416415
File: 100 KB, 1291x651, cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks cocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I doubted you, so I decided to look up the sales figures.

Better weekly figures, less annual figures. Hm.

>> No.3416424

Singleplayer was not very good, also the control scheme was awkward

Still, it had a pretty alright multiplayer.

>> No.3416425

>Singleplayer was not very good
What's the problem with it?

>> No.3416428

Same bosses over and over again, small environments, not too much exploration.

>> No.3416530

You can set it up to work with mouse look with emus now.

It's still pretty weak though.

>> No.3416594

Spoiler yo image fool. I haven't gotten to Omegas yet.

>> No.3416598

It is spoiled...

>> No.3416639

I did.

>> No.3416659

What are the advanced techniques I can do in this remake?

>> No.3416679

I like the Zero Suit because I think it's sexy, but for the actual gameplay I don't want any of that shit, I like the powered armor and her being a badass, Other M was a very poor characterization.

Also I hate how some people put blame on Fusion for Other M, Fusion was good and isn't responsible for the bullshit in that game.

>> No.3416687

mockball is still a thing, but I don't think it actually makes you move faster unless you do it with speed booster

>> No.3416802

I've beaten Fusion and Zero Mission on Keyboard, but not this game. I kind of do not want to, to be honest, now that I have TWO CONTROLLERS

>> No.3416891

I'm >>3414238/>>3416002
I'm also playing on hard using the keyboard. I had no probs with that one. I had problems with the roly-poly thing and I might still be having problems with the wheel thing (it's after the one you're talking about) but I haven't played since yesterday because busy doing stuffs.
It's odd you're having problems. By that point, I think I had about a half kajillion energy tanks, so even if he hit me a bunch of times, I still had enough to eek out a win in the end.
No problems.

What's your keyboard set up?
I've mentioned on here in the past how I set up my keyboard to play emulated games and people think I'm a goddamn oddball for it:
Up, Down, Left, Right = T, spacebar, F, H for me and I use the number pad for most-to-all other buttons. Works well for me.

>> No.3416953
File: 53 KB, 1366x768, am2r1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this fucker suddenly invulnerable

is this a bug

>> No.3416983

Gee, I wonder why those electrical coils are on the walls.....

Nah, must be a bug.

>> No.3417034

boat's sinking, bros

>> No.3417037

what now?

>> No.3417045

AM2R is gone boys. Nintendo is winning this war. They're enlisting the help of China to create a virus to scrub every trace of it from the internets

> tfw boat is sinking

>> No.3417049

We've hit the bump limit.

>> No.3417050


bad design=/=hostility, dipshit

>> No.3417301
File: 159 KB, 500x626, tumblr_mtk0j3mmJE1r6y9tlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with browsing tumblr.

>> No.3417430

More people will play AM2R than Federation Force.

>> No.3417512
File: 528 KB, 807x1042, Samus Aran Cloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it better when she was treated as being "concealed" in her armor, made her seem a lot more serious and mysterious, and made her inner beauty stand out that much more for it. She treats it more as her default clothing and exoskeleton more than disposable gear, like a taciturn warrior who wouldn't want to be seen in public without their armor and weapons. It made it even more interesting to see her outside of it, for its fleetingness and rarity.
As for what she wears underneath, I think the zero suit and the orange shorts look stupid. Regular white Ellen Ripley style underwear looks the best.

>> No.3417587

With any luck, this statement will be true.

>> No.3417654

what? that Another is "A Not-Her" ? or the acronym am2r ? cause its even the fucking page tittle and blog tittle, you could not have missed it

>> No.3417662

general fix for radom bugs in freeware games in general

run it from c:\shortname\game.exe

try some compatibility mode, disabing themes and such

check the c:\shortname properties if its NOT read only
in any case, go to proterties > security > allow all things there for all users

>> No.3417684
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>> No.3417861
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>> No.3417864
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>> No.3418305



get it while it's still up

>> No.3418454
File: 165 KB, 328x283, 1464029804607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is this?