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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3408474 No.3408474 [Reply] [Original]

Do you spend too much money on retro games?

I spent £600 last month and feel like I need to cut back. It feels like I still don't have anything to play.

>> No.3408496

christ, get a flashcart

>> No.3408502

This is why Britain's economy hasn't tanked from the EU exit; it's being hoisted by retro vidya buyers.

>> No.3408504

IKR, I feel like I'm single handily keeping Britain afloat. I just sat down and worked out how much I've been spending on games, lots of little purchases add up quick.

>> No.3408506

Sometimes I'll go on too much of a spree but if I average it out yearly it's not that much.

Normally I try not to buy anything unless I really really want it or I'll be able to sell it without a significant loss.

>> No.3408509

its an investment, prices of retro games only keeps rising

>> No.3408510

That's only if you buy them at a good price. Also prices aren't rising that quickly and there probably wont be another boom.

>> No.3408513

That's a good point, any game that goes for me than £10 on ebay can generally be resold in a reasonable amount of time.

>> No.3408514

Yeah, a lot of times you'll be losing out on a buck or two on shipping but if there was ever an emergency where you had to sell stuff off it wouldn't be that bad. Most hobbies you're lucky to even get back half of what you put in.

>> No.3408542
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>not buying flash carts

>> No.3408553

Have some respect for your hobby or fuck off back to modern gaming.

>> No.3408557

What's wrong with flashcarts? If a person prioritizes playing the games on original hardware, they're perfect.

>> No.3408568

Filthy flashcart untermenschen.

>> No.3408580

My collection was stolen so I think I have a pretty good reason to use them. What's your reason for buying games you're not going to play?

>> No.3408587

I used to spend money like that on retro. I stopped when I realized I was filling shelf space a lot more than playing games. I missed out on a lot of good gems. Those cost so much that I'll get flashcarts soon. Wish the good snes ones weren't so much

>> No.3408607

I bought a beautiful CIB copy of Legend of Zelda (gold NES edition) last week for 90 bucks. What do you think? Doubles its value in 2 or 3 years?

>> No.3408610

An autist like you has no right to use that word. Hit the showers.

>> No.3408616


lol no

>> No.3408627
File: 719 KB, 625x564, Irefruse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hit the showers

>> No.3408659

> "have respect for hobby"
> paying a fortune 20 year old carts
> profit resellers instead of developers
Sure buddy. BTW, you want to buy my Super Mario World cartridge? I'll give you a discount, only 50 pounds + shipping. Respect Nintendo and by from me plz

Hahaha, yeah right. You think these games add in value? They barely pay off more than a savings account. It depends on pure luck. Even then, ok; let's say you were super lucky and bought an extremely rare game for a buck at a thrift store and sold it for $50. Holy fuck, you just made nearly 50 bucks! All it took was spend days searching thrift stores like a fucking bum.

>> No.3408668


ew, no

>> No.3408678

you mad im earning more slinging retro games then you wagecucks?

>> No.3408714

I spent like 1500 bucks on games last month.

About 50-60% of it was stuff I already owned but highly valuable sell or trade bait.

Since it was bulk buys I can most likely recoup the majority of my costs.

>> No.3408748

>inferior 50hz pal carts

>> No.3408773 [DELETED] 

i for one refuse to let them RESELLER SCUMBUTTS have my butt over a barrel charging 50 bucks for supermario/duck hunt, which used to cost 50 cents years ago, and you tardbabbys buy it, if i buy anything retro it's from gamestop cause my mom's b/f's mom gives me a gift card to there for xmas or i go to yard sales and buy a box of old crappy common cheap games from some old grandmaw for 20 bucks and that's why i have a buttload of multiples but who cares, alls i really want is a bunch of cartriges to look at and collect dust anyway so u may as well get the cehapest ones you can get anyway lmao. ps FUDGE THE RESELLER TURDTARDS i for one cant wait till the old specultion bubble pops ok bye

>> No.3408774

>50Hz PAL carts

Where did he say this?

>> No.3408785

I only spend the amount of money it takes to get a new laptop occasionally and pay for an internet connection because I'm not completely retarded and I understand there are other things in life that have real value.

I'm still using a Dualshock 2 even. The analog wells are so worn down you can see inside them when the sticks tilt. I've had to take it apart and clean it and repair the shitty pieces under the pads twice.

Are you a fucking historian? are you backing these games up? are you a reseller? a librarian?

because otherwise you just have autism

>> No.3408786
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>> No.3408794

Oh no, I'm giving money to resellers instead of developers! It's too bad neither I nor the developers give a shit. Listen buddy, you might have to shill out 50 dollars per game, but I import everything I buy, so older games are really fucking cheap. As long as my game is in good condition, cheap, and arrives within a reasonable time, should I really care who's selling it?

>> No.3408802

>brits use pal

>> No.3408804

>there are other things in life that have real value
care to elaborate, I'm kind of curious

>> No.3408816

eating healthy, wearing nice and comfortable clothes, saving money to travel or go out and have fun and see interesting things, going back to school, being able to afford a vehicle, investing in your own free time to work on projects, donating to charity (think of the children wait what no not like that what are you-)

>> No.3408826

>status signaling out the ass
I agree with eating healthily, but that really isn't expensive at all, most of the nice things in life are cheap, if you don't have a gf/wife you really don't need much money to live a nice life.

>> No.3408856

>older games are really fucking cheap
It's still money for nothing and it adds up, not to mention lots of hassle.

You want to play a game, get a ROM like a real man. You want to own a game—check your autism.

>> No.3408860

how beta can you be?

>> No.3408868

Yeah, I'm sure all the people here only buy CRTs and consoles because they don't know how to emulate. Fuck off retard.

>> No.3408884

And buying a flashcart is not part of it?

>> No.3408891 [DELETED] 

Sure it is, point is though, some people like to collect games and other just like playing ROMs with a flashcart. Both are fine, because in actually nobody gives a shit how you play, even if you just emulate. There's no need to barge into this thread and declare that one is superior though.

>> No.3408895

Sure it is, point is though, some people like to collect games and other just like playing ROMs with a flashcart. Both are fine, because in actuality nobody gives a shit how you play, even if you just emulate. There's no need to barge into this thread and declare that one is superior though.

>> No.3408906

I have nothing against buying games to play them, especially if you can get them for cheap.

I have a lot against collecting, buying games "out of sense of duty" and other bullshit.

>> No.3408935

I collect games that hold nostalgic value to me, and I'm willing to pay a lot for some games.

>> No.3409097

Please god be satire

>> No.3409104

Good satire is indistinguishable from the real thing

>> No.3409127


Yeah you're a retard mate.

I have a nice car, I eat well, I couldn't give less of a shit about travelling, I have nice clothes and nice things.

So the fact I spend potentially thousands a year on video games is completely irrelevant to you.

I love how the have-nots try and justify being have-nots by trying to bring down people.

Travelling is the single, most expensive, and frivolous thing you can do with your money.

>> No.3409486

I buy a couple games, play them to completion, and then buy some more. I've built a nice collection just through that method over the years.

>> No.3409582

Even if it was CIB, that's severely overpriced

>> No.3409591

How nice for you to have reached the end-point of all your life's ambitions. I bet you greet each sunrise full of contentedness, without anxiety or worry or a shred of boredom.

>> No.3409595

Once you have everything that's nice and you're totally comfortable, then why would you waste the rest of your freedom and capability on just acquiring things? I think studying things or experiencing things or striving to achieve something new that you haven't yet grasped is a more fulfilling way to live. I don't know why you would just want to sit at home and play retro games, that's basically like saying you want to just become a child again now that you've done the requisite amount of work.

>> No.3409620

Teaching people to be frugal with entertainment part of their disposable income on anonymous Mongolian slide projecting enthusiasts image board.

>> No.3409706

He only said he had a SNES cart and asked pounds for it. Could as much have been a US or Super Famicom copy nowadays, especially because a lot of europeans switched to NTSC consoles because they wanted to play with 60 frames a second instead of 50.
Personally, I'm still fine with PAL cartridges, even early NES ones.

>> No.3409709

The carts aren't PAL or NTSC, you fucking moron.

>> No.3409712

Most people just modify the consoles. It is very easy to do. The only one you can't do is NES. Americans are generally scared of opening their consoles up, I don't think they ever sold computer kits over there.

>> No.3409715

>Could as much have been a US or Super Famicom copy nowadays
If you pay 50 pounds for a Super Mario World SFC cart, you are getting the biggest raw deal ever. The average price for Super Mario World SFC is $12. Super Famicom games are not expensive unless they're obscure rare games.

>> No.3409719

>Travelling is the single, most expensive, and frivolous thing you can do with your money.

What are you?

>> No.3409721

When I was a child and used to open up electronics my parents would get angry at me

They'd assume I'd broken whatever it was and I guess throw it in the trash, even though it could have simply been closed up or returned to it's original state easily.

Computers are basically witch craft to the average north american, they don't really form a good understanding of the world they live in.

But I assume it's like that in most places?

>> No.3409725

Someone who can only think of staying in a hotel or automatically associates sight-seeing with spending money, or so it seems.

Personally, I like going around and seeing stuff, but I don't like buying expensive stuff and spend the most money on food and transportation when I travel.

If you have the mind that you're willing to endure deprivation in order to maintain your dignity and independence, traveling becomes quite enjoyable, and not too expensive.

>> No.3409739

>If you have the mind that you're willing to endure deprivation
It's not even about deprivation it's about being smart.
Hell, I went to London for a week last month, I've spent less than 500 Eurobucks for everything, I didn't skip meals, I visited six museums, saw a shitload of things and visited some friends there and even made new pleasant aquaintances, hell I could have even spent less if I bought tickets and reserved rooms a month earlier.

Sure, if you're a moron who thinks that you have to stay in the best hotels in town when there's people who would rent you apartments for less, eat everyday in expensive restaurants when small pubs are totally fine and can't even walk for a few miles it's your own fault for being a useless piece of shit.
Unless you're travelling to the opposite part of the world you live in travelling isn't expensive, at all.

And I fail to see how travelling is more frivolous than cars or collecting 20 years old hardware, but then again, I've seen worse stupidity here on 4chan.

>> No.3409819
File: 841 KB, 1489x1869, SFC purchases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I worry that I do. I only do it after I've done a significant amount of overtime at work and so can afford it. I think I end up doing it maybe 2-3 times per year at the moment, and it's at a maximum of about £200-300 when I do.

Pic related, these arrived yesterday.I won't be spending any more for a while now I think, mostly because I have the games I want to own on the system. Perhaps it's time to get the games I want for a different system, but I dunno.

>> No.3409826

Seriously you work overtime for this and how does it enrich your life exactly

Who are you sharing the experience of playing these with

>> No.3409840

Why does he need to share it with anyone? I fucking hate being around people. I like playing games myself.

I also like having stuff like that and find enjoyment looking at the boxes.

>> No.3409841

Why don't you like other people?

>> No.3409863
File: 427 KB, 1328x747, SFC collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't work overtime just for this. I work overtime because I need to work overtime. I happen to enjoy my work, so when I work overtime and have some extra cash to buy things I'd like to own, it's a win-win for me.

Don't fall into the trap of making sweeping generalisations about people on the internet.

On topic, Pic is the rest of my collection from the last 18 months. If you do it one bit at a time you won't end up overspending all at once and won't feel like shit as a result.

>> No.3409867

Would you still need to work overtime if you didn't spend money on retro games? or if it isn't about the money, why do you use the word "need" as if it's not voluntary?

>> No.3409872

Because my work needs someone to come in and do overtime. I enjoy my work and I get double money for doing it. Doing that for one day every 6 weeks or so is totally worth it.

If I didn't spend it on retro games I'd be saving it for a rainy day. I've got enough money in the bank that I don't need to worry about that, so I might as well buy things I want in the meantime.

>> No.3409879

I don't know really. I'm sure there are some underlying psychological reasons, but I just don't like being around people.

>> No.3409891

I think I might be envious.
Do you like being nice to the imaginary people when you play games?

>> No.3410068
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You may want to buy books instead.

>> No.3411325

But they are, anon. Many PAL carts just had NTSC roms on them but there are plenty that were optimized for PAL and won't play properly on an NTSC console.

>> No.3412317

That's not uncommon.

>> No.3412320

They wont though.
Interest is dropping

>> No.3412325 [DELETED] 

>Have some respect for your hobby
I do, that's why i'm pretty good at video games unlike some cuck that in buying plastic than playing them.

>> No.3412329

>Have some respect for your hobby
I do, that's why i'm pretty good at video games unlike some cuck that is more interested in buying plastic than playing them.

>> No.3413117

What did you buy with all that?

>> No.3413146


>its an investment

I hate how anything fun turns into an autistic stock market.

>> No.3413169

>Have some respect for your hobby
Have some respect for my 8,907 games I can comfortably play from my couch with friends and family.

>> No.3413217
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Why would I spend money on what I can get for free? It isn't like 99% of the devs for these are receiving the cash. If that were the case, I might do otherwise.

>> No.3413223

>I love how the have-nots try and justify being have-nots by trying to bring down people.

Do you work as a projectionist?

>> No.3413258


autism stock market paid my rent when i was young and without a job. lol

>> No.3413479

>Sufami Turbo
Has anybody ever even gotten that shit to work?