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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 856 KB, 640x850, mom's gonna freak!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3403520 No.3403520 [Reply] [Original]

>take all 4 of your nintendo 64 games to school to show off to friends, end up losing them by the end of the day.

Times when your mom freaked on you as a kid?

>> No.3403548

>taking games to school

>> No.3403573

>supposed to be revising for exams
>playing ufo: enemy unknown on my amiga
>mum walks in and catches me
>let her finish shouting at me before pointing out that i'm playing it in german language mode to learn more german for the german exam
mum btfo

>> No.3403583

Heh. I did the same thing with some japanese catridges for Pokemon with similar results

>> No.3403629

Question 1: Write 'It's super effective' in Japanese.
"Yeaaah, I got this test by the ass!"

>> No.3403642

Kek, more just to get a grasp of sentence structure and short sharp conversations.

>> No.3403663
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that kid was always a faggot and owned a gamegear.

>> No.3404150

Man my mom was awful...only partially related, but she'd freak out if I gave anything to other kids no matter how much I didn't care about it, most parents would see this as their kid being kind but my mom saw it as me being robbed

Hell, she browbeat my first real girlfriend into returning the cheap shitty hoodie I gave her as a memento

>> No.3404191

When it comes to vidya, I think you should be thankful to have such a protective mother. Start up and thread here on /vr/ asking about kids who would thieve or mistreat borrowed games and you'll get plenty of horror stories that demonstrate what I mean.

>> No.3404198

It wasn't a game exactly, but I had a Game Boy wristwatch that was stolen. Swapped it with a bigger kid's calculator watch for 24hrs, then the next day he just refused to swap back. He hadn't even brought it into school. I guess he thought I wouldn't be able to hurt him because he was so much bigger than me.

He thought wrong.

>> No.3404205


Why would you bring console games to a place where the console won't be?

>> No.3404228
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>playing Duke Nukem 64
>mom saw on the news that it has naked women in it
>throws it out
>it was my dad's game
>he fishes it out and screams at my mom
>she starts throwing the phone and plates
>go to the basement and sit with my cat crying
>playing Gameboy with headphones on to drown out the shouting and domestic abuse

But yeah it's tits in video games tearing our family apart. Thanks NBC.

>> No.3404235

Did the N64 version even have the titties in it? Seems like something Nintendo would be sure to block.

>> No.3404242
File: 736 KB, 625x475, enhanced-12089-1430214592-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing Pokemon in the car >Get into trainer battle, can't save
>Mom won't let you take your Gameboy into the mall
>Just about to pull into the parking lot

>> No.3404246

Im also a fucking dumbass and cant 4chan on my phone for shit

>> No.3404260

I don't even know, man. I never saw them.

>> No.3404328


>> No.3404337

I'm pretty sure half the betalords on 4chan were created by mums like this.
Murrica is fucked up.

>> No.3404338

>Mom won't let you take your Gameboy into the mall

Why? It's guaranteed to keep you quiet while she drags you from shitty department store to shitty department store.

>> No.3404353

Probably a bad part of town

>> No.3406987

My link cable breaking while trading Pokemon with my friend. Was just about to scam him out of his ivysaur...

>> No.3407115

Not much but I had a friend who's existence pretty much freaked her out.

>always wanted to stay until 9 playing only games
>smelled like shit
>had a weird voice
>never really talked to my parents
>went into my fridge without asking

Not that I minded but my mom would snap whenever he left

>> No.3407195

>Its a /tv/ tries to meme on a board that just wont have it episode

>> No.3407203
File: 5 KB, 139x200, 1448413633827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing South Park N64 with my cousin and a few friends
>Volume was louder than I thought it was
>Mom hears the swearing
>Turn the volume lower and she doesn't notice
>Continue playing as usual

>> No.3407224

We had a few friends that my mom wouldn't allow inside the house. They were known as outside friends.

>> No.3407546

When I was around or 9, my sister told our mom "I was pressing the space key in the Duke Nukem game to make the women naked".

To which my mom really didn't give a shit.
Honeslty I was their third kid and I think my parents were just glad I was being quiet and left them alone. This thread is really not for me.

>> No.3407980
File: 123 KB, 356x256, 1461106286463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring my gameboy color to school because I want to kill time
>not a fucking autist so I kept it in my bags or pockets
>use it whenever I need to kill time after classes and after school
>get curious and walk around playing pokemon crystal in the halls
>literally no teacher or student cares
Am I just that lucky asshole or was I a fucking ninja?

>> No.3408363

>Invite friend from school over
>Asks to borrow Oracle of Seasons, I say sure
>Mother freaks out when I mention it, saying to never lend anything to a black kid
>Calls the school and gets his home address, then personally walks over and gets the game back
>The kid says he never got any game from me in the first place
>Gives me a stolen copy of Pokemon Yellow the next day as an apology

Oracle of Seasons got destroyed later anyways.

>> No.3408608


Yeah they should have just been like the Brits and sent them all to boarding school where they learned about classism the hard way

>> No.3409173

>Summer break
>Friend's parents are immigrants
>Doesnt understand the concept of "break," think's friend is skipping school
>They kick him out until he "Starts going to school again"
>Let him crash at my place without even asking my dad first
>Friend repays me with all his N64 games, including Conker
>A PS2 and over 20 games
>A copy of fucking Snatcher for Sega CD
>We go meet Hideko Kojima and get his autograph. He gives me the autograoh he got
>tfw I fucking have two different games signed by Kojima And a copy of NES Metal Gear signed by Michael Biehn

Worked out pretty well, honestly.

>> No.3409360

I was never this fucking stupid and I actually took care of my things when I was younger. This post reeks of rich-kid-mommy-will-just-buy-me-a-new-one-faggotry.

>> No.3410848

>implying you weren't the autist after all

>> No.3410938

>not taking your Nomad to the playground
>not having 15 people crowd around as you play MK2 cheering

I'm sorry you had a terrible childhood anon

>> No.3411067

>>3410938 I'm sorry you have to lie about yours

>> No.3411091
File: 180 KB, 573x729, 1456435746755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of salt with make up for your poorfag upbringing anon. It's time to let it go.

>> No.3411180

No, just a super busy mall, she didnt want me walking and playing

>> No.3411187

>Times when your mom freaked on you as a kid?

what the fuck does this have to do with retro video games?

>> No.3411190

>be me
>take tape full of copied C64 games to school
>nobody else has a computer or console

Was like a fucking wasteland.

>> No.3411206

Funny, I had a couple friends I myself wouldn't allow in the house. My parents didn't tell me shit, which was just as much of a curse as it was a blessing.

>> No.3411343

What's with /tv/ and shitposting here?

>> No.3411357

a fucking autist

>> No.3411362

most of us played retro video games as a child

you didnt because underage

>> No.3411393 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 727x660, wikihow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let some kids borrow my games
>when I get them back they look like they've been through a war and beat to shit

When I borrowed games from anyone I treated them like fucking gold.
Take batter care of your games you mongoloids.

>> No.3411396 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 337x284, boo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>borrow friends GTA San Andreas in middle school
>playin sneaky on the PS2 with volume low
>mostly use cheats and do stupid shit
>fly jetpack to tallest building in game
>jump off building with volume up
>mom walks in and sees whats happening
>retarded nigger screaming blaring as CJ falls
>mom loses her shit

>> No.3411420
File: 91 KB, 554x640, hillary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>end up losing them by the end of the day.


Nigga that shit was stolen. Think back to whenever this happened to you in your life, losing something cool or valuable in a large group of people you know/trust. You got stole on dawg, and yo mark ass didn't see it coming. You probably still talk to that person to this day, and they still stealing off you.

>> No.3412301

Don't they do that on almost every board eventually?

>> No.3412308

Are you capable of speaking English in a manner that doesn't make you look like a mentally handicapped troglodyte?

>> No.3412792
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1461612175824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint much but

>playing sly cooper with my mom watching
>some short cutscene happens at the swamp that made he go "WHOA HOLY SHIT"
>next time her sister comes and visits
>they're both were watching me play
>"anon do the thing again"
>tell her that i can't do it because its a one time thing
>"I SAID DO IT!!!!"
>shouted I CAN'T
>tells me to get the fuck the ps2

for a woman that likes video games she can be really brain dead about it