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File: 56 KB, 640x443, secretofevermore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3399751 No.3399751 [Reply] [Original]

Better than any Seiken Densetsu game.

>> No.3399754



>> No.3399790
File: 32 KB, 500x304, contrarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no idea why, as i haven't actually played any of the games being discussed, but...


>> No.3399792

Tried to get into it several times OP, but couldn't. Maybe I'll try again one day, but that's far off.

>> No.3399798

Thematically, Evermore takes the cake. The setting and style are fantastic.

But gameplay wise I have to disagree. Evermore is still a blast, but the over-reliance on mazes does it a huge disservice. I mean seriously, the literal hedge maze is like the 8th maze in the game, and when you get to the middle of it you go down a staircase to another maze.

>> No.3399802

I knew a girl with cystic fibrosis. Very weird and unemotional and depressed. This and Final Fantays Tactics were her favorite games. She's dead now.

>> No.3399872

Evermore kind of falls apart near the end. The alchemy system is strange and you'll probably never utilize the full extent of it.

It makes me cry everytime I play it, because I used to have a friend to play it with.

She's dead now.

This is a game for dead girls it seems.

>> No.3399895


Not a girl and not really dead, but dead inside. What are my odds of enjoying SoE?

>> No.3399962


>two guys know two dead chicks who like SoE


>> No.3399972

itt: contrarian bullshit

>> No.3400514

pretty decent if you're not a total weeb

>> No.3400531

troll thread, ignore.

>> No.3400548

>m-m-muh precious Secret/Legend of Mana is a masterpiece, a-a-anyone that prefers this baka gaijin garbage is just a troll, a troll, a troll I tell you!!!

Anon was last seen being taken to the mental hospital, being only capable of repeatedly yelling "troll" to himself.

>> No.3400563

It's a good game

>> No.3400572

Brevity is the essence of wit my friend. When you try to make a joke you should consider whether you could say it in real life and how people would feel if they actually had to sit there and listen to you tell your retarded story.

>> No.3400594

Not so fast
We're close to figuring out if this is game for guys who knew dead girls

>> No.3400602

Correction: it's for dead girls who knew guys.

>> No.3400630
File: 2 KB, 100x200, 1407682012291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misguidedly proud declaration of hipsterdom
Okay, anon.

>> No.3400658

secret of evermore was so hilariously bad that squaresoft refused to release it in japan

>> No.3400661

Americans got the better game, while Japan had to suffer with the broken garbage that is Seiken Densetsu 3.

>> No.3400667

Better than SD3
On par with SoM
Worse than LoM and FFA

>> No.3400672

I had a crush on a weird girl in the 90s who had a copy of this game. She's not dead though, unless recently having a kid counts for that.

>> No.3400686
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>> No.3400698
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>> No.3400705



>> No.3400707

I love this game. It has a special place in my heart. I played it soon after I met a girl and we got really close to each other.

And then she died.

I was heart broken.

>> No.3400719

If I play through this game will my gf die?

>> No.3400723

She'll get carpal tunnel

>> No.3400736

That's 3 dead girls. Yes it counts.
3 dead girls
3 eyed raven
My god.

>> No.3400761


it would be extremely heartbreaking

>> No.3400772

Possibly if she plays it with you

Play this game with your gf and post results

>> No.3401280

But anon, OP is the one who has a contrarian opinion.

>> No.3401487


slow and tedious,bland despite being quirky, and nonexistent soundtrack

>> No.3401535

She's a big girl.

>> No.3401643

>She's a big girl.
>implying this was not already assumed considering that you post on /vr

>> No.3401675
File: 58 KB, 266x204, DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear the voice in the dark.

>> No.3401791 [DELETED] 

I know your kind OP. You are a murkan cripple-cock aren't you? The "boy and his dog against the world" antisocial theme appeals to you.

It may surprise you to know that non-anglo countries don't even have a word for "pet". They actually have healthy relationships with eachother and so don't need a love object to project onto.

That you prefer this bleak, empty, back-to-the-future style, evermoronic setting over the rich, cultured, and romantic, grimm world of Seiken Densetsu speaks volumes about the ugliness of your soul.

>> No.3401843

I'm gonna print out this post and paste it onto my wall.

>> No.3401858

isn't pet a term of objectification? it's not at all uncommon for people of different cultures to consider a horse or a dog or even like a cow or something as a "friend" or a "companion" or even a "family member"

I think you'd be really hard pressed to prove that there are no examples of a man living with an animal seeking the comfort of another human being or searching for human civilization in the stories or mythologies of any non-anglican cultures

basically it sounds like you just made that shit up to be an edgelord

>> No.3401860

>It may surprise you to know that non-anglo countries don't even have a word for "pet".

Sucks to be a third-world subhuman like you then. Caring for animals means you're a compassionate, benevolent person.

>> No.3401862

>rich, cultured, and romantic, grimm world of Seiken Densetsu

Why are RPGfags so corny and never sound like real people? Is it because they're stuck in a basement by themselves all the time?

>> No.3401878

You're just jealous because you are just a drone. I am one of the enlightened, one of the chosen few. You will tremble in fear when the day comes when you are smote down by me. Fear. Fear me you miserable creatine.

>> No.3401884

Wtf i love Secret of Evermore now

>> No.3401891

wizard detected

>> No.3402024

I really like it but it sucks that it could be SO MUCH better with only a few minor adjustments

>> No.3402061

>so good it began and suduko'd itself with one title

>> No.3402070

>or if you have shit taste

>> No.3402071

A broke SD3 is better than this trash.

>> No.3402072

Ask Baldur's Gate fans. They're the true wizards of the RPGfags.

>> No.3402225

This. I got sick of the mazes and dropped it. I want to get back to it and actually finish it someday, but I don't want to deal with the fucking mazes.

>> No.3402235


I remember being stuck in a dungeon in Persona 1 for over 8 hours, completely lost and couldn't even find the exit or a save spot anywhere.

>> No.3403085

But Secret of Evermore isn't a two player game like Secret of Mana and SD3. Unless you just mean passing the sticks.

>> No.3403104

did you draw a map?

>> No.3403340

That's not the game's fault. That's just a result of Japan's xenophobia. Square of America was in the crosshairs since day one. I really wonder why they even bothered to form the company in the first place.

>> No.3405298

>It may surprise you to know that non-anglo countries don't even have a word for "pet"
"Animale Domestico" in Italian, now fuck off with your armchair psychologist stuff from 30 years ago.
He's a liar, even fucking Odysseus encounter with his old dog Argo is one of the most heartbreaking moments of ancient "literature" as his dog is shown to be the only one recognizing him under Athena's spell.

>> No.3405704

this game is pretty bad desu. boring, tedious maze-grinding, clunky gameplay and terrible hit detection, miserable "music," forgettable plot if any... i thought it looked cool in Nintendo Power as a kid, but finally playing it as an adult was a major disappointment.

>> No.3407215

What the fuck lol? Funniest irrelevant shit I've read in awhile

>> No.3407223

>It's not the game's fault for being shit, it's those pesky Japs!
Calm down Bernie Stolar

>> No.3407225


Secret of Evermore's soundtrack is groundbreaking for its era but it's really a shit game

>> No.3407229

The soundtrack was mostly just ambient stuff, hardly groundbreaking or unique for the time. Agreed though that it is indeed a shit game.

>> No.3407230

>made because SD3 supposedly "couldn't" be localized from "having too much text"
>script adjustments get made to localizations all the fucking time
>implying SoJ weren't just massive assholes

>> No.3407232

ambient stuff in a 16-bit game was definitely groundbreaking bro. it was like a film score. was not done very much if at all before that game

>> No.3407674

SD3 is incredible you fucking retard

>> No.3407682

PLEASE be baiting.

It's the worst retro game in the series.

>> No.3407780

I would so kill for a evermore pre or sequel.
Shit I even browse the net on a monthly base just in case someone started a fan hack/mod for a new evermore game. But from what I heard its rather unlikly considering its not very simple to mod/hack this game.

>> No.3409089

Yes. It's my favorite snes rpg along Terranigma.
Also it has the best ost in the console. Losing maybe to Actraiser... I couldn't ever decide.

>> No.3409108

This is why people don't get along with you professionally.

>> No.3409113

It's not a bad game, it's just overshadowed by other works. At worst it's mediocre, but it has nice visuals and is basically a fun game.

>> No.3412198

Same with me. I tried a couple times.

>> No.3412250

It was aight, but no Seiken Densetsu-like game is as good as SD3. Multiple main characters takes the cake and gives enough replayability for three times.

>> No.3413045

How are the Game Boy games in the SD series?