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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 123 KB, 1077x415, snes vs megadrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3385710 No.3385710 [Reply] [Original]

Which was the superior Aladdin?

>> No.3385740

they both have merits but I prefer the genny version

>> No.3385743

SNES because it was made by actual video game developers.
>muh sword
>muh animations
Genesis has fuck awful level design.

>> No.3385746

Yeah I really like the jumping mechanic in that one plus the sword in snes aladdin isn't really my coup of tea

>> No.3385753
File: 1.39 MB, 9216x3584, 1459982081860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post an accurate comparsion, OP.

>> No.3385787

The only people who say SNES never played the Genesis version

>> No.3385795

You can tell which was made by the Japanese and which was made by Europeans.

>> No.3385821


>> No.3385935

The one where I rub genies bottle and fuck your mom

>> No.3385937

>move tie-in games
not even once

>> No.3386131


I played both, as a kid, and prefer the Capcom game by far.
Virgin's game has great animations though.

>> No.3386148

I don't understand the reactions to these games. It's like everyone needs to be convinced that one version is awesome and the other is shit. From my perspective we just got two pretty good Aladdin games that aren't clones of each other. That's a win-win in my books.

>> No.3386151

You've missed out on a lot of great games then.

>> No.3386157

This is a troll site, everything needs to be either the best or the worst thing ever with no in -between and if you disagree you're a faggot.

>> No.3386160

List them.

>> No.3386246
File: 1.74 MB, 320x240, Jurassic_Park_Rampage_Edition_Raptor_Savanna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the Aladdin games are decent, all the Capcom Disney games were good. Super Star Wars, Empire and Return, very good. Cool Spot is somehow surprisingly fun.

>> No.3386253
File: 6 KB, 496x384, Aladdin_(SMS)_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand aside

>> No.3386257


That one is pretty good, better gameplay than the Virgin game

>> No.3386261

>as a kid

you might as well have said as a retard, which is what kids are

>> No.3386292


So many choices

>> No.3386317


That bootleg is infinitely better than the turd Virgin shat out for the NES


it was only released in Europe, and it's actually a port from the Game Boy version, except the controls are totally fucked.

>> No.3386323


nevermind, just noticed you posted the dendy episode, thought it was only a video of the capcom game bootleg for Dendy.

That video is great, he explains all the details of all the different bootleg games.

>that Popeye sprite

>> No.3386364

That's inaccurate as well.
>completely wrong aspect
>no dithering

>> No.3386438

SNES game does too though. Generic as fuck linear stages, and even autoscroller levels to boot.

Why do people care about either version? They're both shit.

>> No.3386458

Videogames are for kids. What did you expect?

>> No.3386459

I havent played geny, but i love snes version, and the caps make snes look better

>> No.3386508

Especially video games based on kid's cartoon movies. Fuck this place is full of retards some days.

>> No.3386571

what about the gbc version

>> No.3386597
File: 116 KB, 421x275, animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never played any of them as a kid, but I prefer the Capcom version as well. It managed to keep me interested in it till the end, unlike the Virgin game which retained the same basic formula for most of the levels.

Honestly, I'm not fond of the animations in the Virgin game either. They're corny as fuck, IMO.

>> No.3386621

Is this the bait thread where we pretend to be retarded?

>> No.3386783


>> No.3386785

Low quality bait

>> No.3386796
File: 28 KB, 512x384, prince-of-persia-2-the-shadow-the-flame_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3387223

SNES. While the Genesis version has superior character animations, the SNES version has better gameplay. A lot of people base it solely on the fact Aladdin gets a sword in the Genesis version, but I don't really think a sword fits with Aladdin being a thief character.

>> No.3387324
File: 4 KB, 267x232, sad-house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genefags on suicide watch

>> No.3387759

SNES hands down.
Better graphics, controls, level design.
Only good thing the megadrive version has is animation. But it's a piece of shit non game by a hack called dave perry, like all his games the level design is fucking attrocious.

>> No.3387763

They're two different games by two different developers. Both are good in different ways.

>> No.3387803

I played both back in the day. I thought the SNES version played like absolute dog shit.

I was like "who broke this game?" It's an 8-bit platformer masquerading as a SNES game.

Just so slow and meandering.

>> No.3387831

>the SNES version has better gameplay

It is your bog standard "jump on enemies head" game.

>> No.3388179

But Al does flips and shit as he's doing it! that's more than standard.

>> No.3388197

You need to do flips and shit when you're stuck in a bog. That's what he was saying.

>> No.3388267

You know, looking like shit isn't a uniquely European trait.

>> No.3388276

It's still a circus simulator compared to the action in the Genesis game where you can slash people with a scimitar and make them explode.

Also the Genesis game had 5x larger levels that scrolled in every direction, with no in-stage loading.

>> No.3388278

Did he make MDK as well? Because, holy shit, that game was a clusterfuck.

>> No.3388289

>slash people with a scimitar and make them explode.

With awful hit detection and still apples are more efficient than using the sword.

>Also the Genesis game had 5x larger levels

They're just big mazes without real platforming challenge.

>> No.3388294

Virgin. Don't forget theirs was on DOS too, so PC elitists have another reason to like it even more.

>> No.3388297

>They're just big mazes without real platforming challenge.

Confirmed for never playing Genesis Aladdin. The platforming requires tight as fuck timing in some levels, especially the collapsing cave, or the Genie's lamp.

>> No.3388316
File: 121 KB, 640x480, Aladdin_(USA)-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I played the game, both Genesis and PC DOS versions (the later sucks).
Virgin's game is not bad, but the platforming is not tight. On the Capcom game the bouncing mechanic adds a real acrobatic sense to the game.
The only time I felt there was any difficult on the platforming for Genesis Aladdin was the palace level, because sometimes the hit detection for landing on these floating plants was off and I'd fall in the water, but other than that it was a pretty standard western platformer/action game. Nice sprite animations, but beyond that there was nothing really that interesting.

>> No.3388417

The one on supar neentando

>> No.3388421

>muh acrobatics
Don't respond to him folks, it's just the Capcomfag that shits on anything not made by his idol Mikami.

>> No.3388429

SNES is better but way too easy.

>> No.3388438

Graphics looking better than the Genesis one

>> No.3389517

sega blast processing wins.