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File: 34 KB, 640x480, 175040-mega-man-anniversary-collection-playstation-2-screenshot-mega[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3384862 No.3384862 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post games that are better than Mega Man III.

>> No.3384868

Mega Man 2.

>> No.3384874

>my favorite mega man is superior to everyone else's mega man!

>> No.3384880


>> No.3384889

Mega Man 1
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 8
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10

>> No.3384920

6 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 4
fight me

>> No.3384991

To be honest, it's hard to rate MM games. Except maybe for 1. It's just too random.

I think III is my fav. II is just a little bit too simplistic, and IV is just a little bit too repetitive.

Megaman X

>> No.3384998

Rockman 3

>> No.3385000

I don't fight the mentally handicapped.

>> No.3385015


>> No.3385048

>it's the MM4fag

Not that I dislike mega man 4 at all (in fact it's in my top 3), but there is this salty autist in every mega man thread who posts about 4 and how superior it is to 3 in every way when nobody even brings 3 up.

>> No.3385054

1 (those who hate this tend to suck at video games and life in general)
3 (those who hate this tend to be contrarians, also I have never had lag issues with this game)
4 (solid game, overall great music, boss theme sucks though)

2 (contrarians hate this, same as 3)

&Bass (only mega man game other than 1 that has even a remotely challenging difficulty, which is a good thing to have)
7 (most underrated game in the series, >muh Sprite size is not a legitimate complaint, youre just mad wily kicks your ass)


9, 10, any X game other than the first one

>> No.3385116

Pic not related. 4's the worst.

>> No.3385119
File: 79 KB, 1464x804, Fanboys sure are a lot of fun to talk to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every friggin' time!

>> No.3385290

I see people bring 3 up a lot on /v/ and it honestly feels like people just gravitate towards it because they hate 2 for being popular but also buy into the dumb internet hivemind that everything after 3 is not worth playing.

>> No.3385297

3 was the one I had as a kid, so it's my favorite. Can't speak for anyone else.

>> No.3385306

3 is the best, and I played 1 and 2 first, so fight me, faggots

also, i'm 31 so i was playing that shit when that was all there was still

>> No.3385315

>anywhere but dead last

>> No.3385339

It's been a while but I liked 3 better than 2 because 2 felt sort of buggy. You can outright 1 hit kill robot masters iirc. I like 5 better than 4 though because it feels more polished. don't know where i'd put 6.

>> No.3385350
File: 497 KB, 979x600, 88fbedb2-7794-430e-8e7c-ee8e50d2e717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9=4 > 1=2=MM&B > 3 > 10 > 6 > 7 > 8 >10

>> No.3385363

Good list, almost the same as mine.

>> No.3385379
File: 84 KB, 480x574, aa29e7ca-2d68-4f3f-8c66-848680165b70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, meant to put 5 last.

I think 5 isn't terrible, just awfully mediocre.

>> No.3385406
File: 134 KB, 900x1490, CoFzfZHUsAApXwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any X game other than the first one
Might want to get on that, chief.

>> No.3385417

I like 5 and place it ahead of 4, even if I didn't like it I'd still put it ahead of 7 and 8. 7 is straight up awful, not even mediocre, just bad.

>> No.3385427

6 has multiple routes in nearly every level and all eight weapons are viable.

>> No.3385434
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 9e328aea-8f2e-44d0-b98c-f3a8a8317e17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 sucks since it forces you to choose a certain path if you want to 100% it. Basically you have to choose between doing the levels where you get the rush armor first or wasting time backtracking in the levels with the BEAT parts once you get them.

>> No.3385469

But that's every Megaman game where an optimal path exists, it's not really a flaw unique to 6. Having a reason to replay levels is actually a positive for 6 considering you couldn't replay levels in 2 and the only thing you found in levels in 3 were those Mystery Tank garbage.

>> No.3385474

You could replay levels in 2 though.

>> No.3385476

How? I always thought 2 and 3 were the only games in the series where you can't replay levels. Is there a secret code?

>> No.3385484

You just select them again like normal, only difference is when you enter the robot master chambers you leave immediately and don't refight the boss.

>> No.3385485

I could have sworn in 2 I couldn't re-select the stages. 2 and 3 I vividly remember not being able to do that. Weird.

>> No.3385491

I just looked it up. The iOS version allows you to replay levels. Makes sense why I don't remember being able to do that as you can't in the actual NES version.

>> No.3385554

I swear you can, let me go check.

>> No.3385574
File: 449 KB, 850x1183, 62707bf1-db28-449a-83a1-56dbb0362866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm wrong. Beat metal man and no longer allowed into his level. I could've sworn 2 allowed you to revisit levels, I know 1 did. My mistake, truly sorry about that.

>> No.3385597

Hey man, happens to the best of us. No need to apologize.

>> No.3385601

Charge shot has no business in the classic series.

>> No.3385612

Oh look, it's this awful opinion again.

>> No.3385620

Megaman 8 was my favorite and I think the X series is shit, not even trying to bait

>> No.3385651

While I agree about your opinion on the X series (the first game is a fun aside but that's about it), I disagree about 8. It's just too easy, even by mega man standards. Mega Man & Bass is what 8 could've been IMO.

>> No.3385663

I only really like 4 and 6

>> No.3385673
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The X series is shit aside from X1. X2 is maybe mediocre at best, haven't played it in awhile. Classic wasn't perfect nearly every X game feels like a clusterfuck of potentially good ideas exected poorly .

>> No.3385931

X3 is really good imo. A little bit different though.