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File: 200 KB, 600x842, msa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3351420 No.3351420 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth getting? Apparently the PS2 version has terrible input lag, while the Wii version has no support for the classic controller and no dpad support for the GameCube controller.

>> No.3351429

You're better off just getting the individual games off the virtual console.

>> No.3351470

I don't buy digital media.

>> No.3351475

Well then you're F'd in the A.

>> No.3351483

The PSP version is pretty competent. I've heard stupid shit about it on the Wii. Waggle for grenades? the fuck?

>> No.3351484

Is this the one that you have to shake the wiimote to toss grenades?

>> No.3351513

Unless you use a gamecube controller. I was gonna get it assuming I could just use the classic one, but apparently not.

>> No.3351529

>Apparently the PS2 version has terrible input lag

It did? I thought that was the Wii version. I have the PS2 one and never had a problem as far as I know. All the games are GOAT so get it.

>> No.3351530
File: 5 KB, 290x174, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 only has input lag if you aren't playing on a CRT. I guarentee whoever complained about it played on a 45-inch flatscreen TV

>> No.3351552

Well then fuck yourself. Enjoy your shitty ports. Have fun waggling to throw grenades.

>> No.3351562

Yep, you're fucked.

>> No.3351569

I'm sorry I've upset you.

This wouldn't surprise me. but are you saying this from personal experience or just speculating?

>> No.3351640

Personal experience. I've got a CRT just for my PS2, because the other TV in my house gives a whole half second delay on inputs.

>> No.3351752

You should just emulate, but if you're really against emulation and can't play it on the Neo Geo either, then it'll do the job. It does support higher resolution compared to the other MSA and has the least slowdown on screen.

PS2 one works fine but loading is shit... to the point where you see a loading screen on top of a loading screen, no joke. After it loads, it's fine.

PSP version is the one with input lag, which is mind blowing when you illegally pirate emulation of neo geo on it it's perfectly fine.

Also, if you just like MS3 and don't really care for the rest - and 90% of the 'fans' I met were like that- you should just pick up the Xbox version which I consider the definitive version with extra modes.

>> No.3351757

PS2 version is good. I patched it to 240p and it looks great when using component cables on a CRT.

>> No.3351834

the ps2 version is fine

>> No.3351846
File: 1.71 MB, 2048x1520, IMAG0336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>240p hex replace method tio use with iso´s.
>240p HEX Change:
>HEX Code:
>01 00 24 32 ff 00 45 32
>HEX Code:
>00 00 04 20 ff 00 45 32


>HEX Code:
>01 00 24 32 04 00 06 a6
>HEX Code:
>00 00 04 20 04 00 06 a6

>> No.3351850

5 and 6 aren't on the Wii Virtual Console. I do agree though.

>> No.3352096


Thanks for this, very useful.

>> No.3352220

frame rate stutters not input lag you fucking retard. Input lag is a fucking meme for CRT fags who cant deal with a couple MS on an HDTV

>> No.3352229

Why not patch it to 480p for increased clarity?

>> No.3352230

You're welcome m8.

I applied this to a bunch of PS2 retro collections. Metal Slug Anthology, Orochi Saga and Genesis Classics are much improved. I still need to check out Midway Arcade Treasures and Capcom Classics but I hope they work.

>> No.3352237
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1467756520662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metal Slug in 480p

>> No.3352280

Fuck off retard.

>> No.3352285

>Input lag is a fucking meme for CRT fags who cant deal with a couple MS on an HDTV
or for people who play a game beyond a casual level, fuckwit

>> No.3352307

Not sure why you're calling him a retard. Metal Slug sprites are drawn for a 240p resolution so you're not going to gain any clarity by playing at 480p, the sprites will just be upscaled.

>> No.3352334

No one is talking about frame rates, stop trying to look intelligent.

>> No.3352343

Yeah, upscaled 1:1. As in it doesn't matter and there is literally no reason to sperg over it.

>> No.3352351

True, but at 480p you wouldn't be able to play on most CRT's. If you're playing on a HDTV then 480p would probably be an upgrade since tv upscalers suck so bad.

>> No.3352439

Jap version has Classic Controller and GC D-Pad compatability. It's pretty much the definitive version if you want the anthology.

>> No.3352468

>I guarentee whoever complained about it played on a 45-inch flatscreen TV

Well considering it came out in like 2007 that's very likely.

>> No.3352490

5 and 6 are pretty forgettable and that's when they started doing that weird prerendered art style.

>> No.3352524


Yeah, just download a hex editor and do it. Takes like 30 seconds.

>> No.3352532

If your TV enables it, you could transform 480i into 240p with a reception switch, too.

>> No.3352571

Not upscaled to 480p. Rendered in 480p.

>> No.3352590

Thw wii controller is fine actually. I love this version.

>> No.3352629

There is no input delay on the ps2 emulation the game just isnt as smooth as the neo geo which is still laggy in parts

If you cant handle metal slug with some delay you are the shitter.

>> No.3352870

My version on Wii does too, its like hidden in menus

>> No.3352881

So would being rendered in 480p look better or worse than being upscaled? Since it's sprites is there even really a difference? Genuinely curious

>> No.3352905

The only way to play Metal Slug is with the good old BBC's.

Anthology on Wii is alright, but it's not the same.

>> No.3352934

>the Wii version has no support for the classic controller

Yes it does.

>> No.3352935

240p in 480p is literally a straight up 2x scaling. It looks the exact fucking same, other than your autismo scanlines.

>> No.3352949

Just tested Metal Slug Anthology on PS2, on CRT, and no lag.

>> No.3353032


>> No.3353034

Theoretically better since being rendered at a higher resolution is almost always better. However, it may be true that many old games that ran in 240p were designed with 240p in mind and wouldn't gain any clarity from a higher native resolution. Scanlines also help too.

In general, higher resolutions are almost always better for polygonal games. While usually in the case of sprite-based games it makes less difference.

>> No.3353039

Being rendered at a specific resolution will always be far better than being upscaled to that same resolution. Upscaling is basically stretching the image to fit a larger size. Upscaling gives you less sharpness due to a lower DPI and introduces input lag due to scaling. It's even worse if the upscaled resolution is a non-integer. (ex: 240p does not multiply into 1080p evenly, so it actually looks worse than 240p into 480p)

>> No.3353135

just emulate it at this point. You stupid cunt.

>> No.3353153

>I don't buy digital media.
Video games are digital media.

>> No.3353201

You knew what she meant stop being a smart ass.

>> No.3353313

>buying a game that could be emulated almost at 100% since 1999

>> No.3353373

Why are you so angry?

>> No.3353947

Because he's an idiot believing it still matters past the SNES era.

>> No.3354057

50hz was still a thing in the 6th generation, nice try PAL cuck.

>> No.3354064
File: 59 KB, 468x575, article-2023827-0D5ABEF500000578-577_468x575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3354074

50hz was still a thing in the 7th Gen with the Wii.

>> No.3354358

hes a poor fag

>> No.3354445

lurk more pls

>> No.3354451

Upscaling != Rendering

>> No.3354781

No it doesn't. You are forced to play either with the Wii Remote or a Wii Remote + Nunchuck.

>> No.3354797

Nooo... You plug the classic controller into the Wii remote and play it that way.

>> No.3354961

eww. I think I'll just stick with the VC versions.

>> No.3355159

What is this?

>> No.3355230

Doesn't work. Makes me think you don't know of what you speak. I own the Wii version, and it does not support the classic controller.

>> No.3355237

Hmm... I remember playing it without the Wiimote...

I think you can use a Gamecube controller if you have one.

>> No.3355243

Either way, can't you force games to let you use whatever controller you want via HomeBrew?

>> No.3355249

Hell if I know.

>> No.3355256

Some games can, but it requires hacking/examining each game separately.

>> No.3355360

saturn version is pretty great. only the first one though exists sadly on the saturn.