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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 794 KB, 833x522, YuNo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3294476 No.3294476 [Reply] [Original]

YU-NO is a classic gem.

It never saw the light of day outside Japan. It's a point a click adventure game/Visual Novel that includes time travel and parallel dimension aspects in terms of gameplay (obtained items are kept when going back in time).

The game was made in 1994 and finally got translated in English in 2011, and the protagonist's voice actor is the same guy who voiced Adult Link in Ocarina of Time. Is there anyone who could do a blind-commentary/blind-let's play of it online? There has yet to be anyone who did.

There's a remake that's coming out within a year which I think sadly omitted the awesome classic chiptunes the original one had from the late Ryu Umemoto and changed for other tunes (unconfirmed?)

If you haven't played this before, I highly suggest it if you're into Sci-Fi (mainly pseudo-science).

>> No.3294505

Great game, very unique. I would usually never suggest reading a HG101 article but the one on YU-NO is excellent and very well-researched. The main director's aspirations were just insane, especially that he tried to squeeze them all into the VN framework.

>Is there anyone who could do a blind-commentary/blind-let's play of it online? There has yet to be anyone who did.

Well it IS a still a eroge, unless they're uploading it to Pornhub it's not really gonna work. The remake looks like ass, frankly. 90s VN aesthetics are comfy as fuck, YU-NO's music especially is something else. Character design is probably the original's weakest point and the remake manages to do worse and make everyone completely generic. Not really sure who it's aimed at or what it's purpose is, to be honest.

>> No.3294517

The eroge parts could be censored easily from how rare it is. And I agree, the remake sort of butchered the character designs, which is why I'd probably usher my friend towards this one rather than the new.

>> No.3294713

Best retro soundtrack, ever.

>> No.3294724

Where do I get a copy?

>> No.3294782
File: 566 KB, 637x394, Kanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mostly where you can download it I believe:


But I got it from a different site that had it all ready set for Windows a while back, here it is:


>> No.3294789

It was rather nice that they included the support for running all the enhancements with the original Japanese text intact.

>> No.3294794

OP: Actually, nevermind that first link, I think that's mainly just the single translation work from the team.

>> No.3294804

That fappan gaem font.

>> No.3294816

I'll see if I can stream this, depends how well it runs on my crappy laptop.

>> No.3294829

> The marriage of Kanno's visionary way of storytelling and Umemoto's incredible melodic range would soon revolutionize visual novels with a trifecta of works: Desire, Xenon and Eve burst error. Kanno wanted to break all the molds of visual novels, and under his lead which increased by each game released, the game engines were extensively scripted and programmed.

Should i play those games before Yu-No ?

>> No.3294832

Not really since the stories are all different for each game they made, they really were great devs as a duo.

>> No.3294835

I mean you can play them if you want but it's not mandatory to understand YU-NO's plot since the stories are unrelated.

>> No.3294842

I hear the person who wrote the article on HG101 about this game was a good friend of the composer, but I could be wrong.

>> No.3295150


I remember hearing something like that, either the composer or director. Either way it has an unusual amount of insight by that site's usual standards.

>> No.3295157

What >>3294835 said, but in addition...

Xenon isn't available in English.
Desire has two protagonists path, and you need to complete both to get the true ending, but the female path is fucking retarded It's a random NTR plot when the male route is Mystery-ish

Eve Burst Error has dual protagonists also but luckily they learned their lesson and the female route is actually good now. Translation is a bit dated though. It has some sequels, only one of which was ever translated to English and ended in a cliffhanger but from what I heard, Japan doesn't really care about the sequels much.

>> No.3295395

I'm downloading it now OP. It better be bueno.

>> No.3297561
File: 110 KB, 320x200, Flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was also way ahead of its time. It was the first of its kind to use a time flowchart that separates into different timelines which has a map of its own.

>> No.3297582

Does it have any implication in the game? From what i have read, the game is not too different than any other hentai vn.

>> No.3297608
File: 85 KB, 646x448, yn09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game's main focus is the story, but occasionally there is some fan-service (a slight panty-shot during a pivotal moment for example) and hours later into the game there are also short make-out scenes that lasts a few minutes long to read but can easily be skipped by holding CTRL. Luckily there is no voice acting during those moments, haha.

>> No.3297614
File: 204 KB, 640x400, yuno24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, if you really break down the narrative it's such a run of the mill mystery story, but somehow the VN / Adventure Game format manages to really present it in such a compelling way.

I tried really hard to unpack how it's such an engrossing experience, but I can't really put my finger on it.

Of course the music and pixel art is unbelievably stellar so obviously that helps.

Epilogue is still a mess though.

>> No.3297643

You can set bookmarks on the map and move back to them. It's like saving except you keep your inventory for better or worst.
It allows you to scout ahead during decisions and instead of cheating it's a natural part of a time travel game.

>> No.3297652

One question, is the translation only for the windows version? It is possible to play the original one in english?

>> No.3297664

Yeah, only windows. Why would you want to? There's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.3297668


>> No.3297669

The only real problem with the windows version is the lack of full screen options, particularly resolutions and filtering modes, which an emulator would solve.
But alas, beggars can't be choosers, it's still an excellent patch.

>> No.3297672

I still don't understand why the remake just doesn't use the saturn audio, it's a pretty good reimagining of the original FM Synth.

And obviously the FM Synth is still the best version, but that I'm not surprised why they don't want to use it.

>> No.3297674

There actually was a full screen version on my end when I played it, maybe it depends on which version?

>> No.3297676

They probably kept the original soundtrack because Chiptunes <3 and we get to hear Umemoto's original work.

>> No.3297678

Oh that's not what I'm saying, it has full screen, I'm saying the full screen mode is very limited. It forces you to use a 4:3 resolution I believe (can't remember the actual resolution) and you're forced to correct the aspect ratio in your monitor or GPU options, either way you're getting black bars. And then the upscaling mode is bilinear which is kinda ugly in my eyes.

>> No.3297680

I'm talking about the mess of the new 2016 remake they're doing. They didn't keep the original ryu umemoto fm synth audio, it's being remade by some other dude.

Still the few tracks that they put up are pretty good, but it just feels unnecessary, the saturn audio already sounds "modern".

>> No.3297681

Use a CRT.

>> No.3297683


>> No.3297684

I treat VNs like a book, I just play them on my laptop lying in my bed. CRT is not really an option for me.

Either way it's not a dealbreaker, just saying if I had to point out a flaw in the excellent fan patch that would be it.

>> No.3297704

These games are perfect to be emulated on a tablet.

>> No.3297721


>> No.3298047
File: 375 KB, 640x400, screen08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i have started playing this. Still on the epilogue (I just went to the beach). I probably keep playing the game, but i must say it is quite slow. I'm not used to VN, i thought dialogues would not take virtually 90 of the game (I'm more used to Snatchers/Policenauts and other point and clicks games). What do you think of this, is all the game like this? Also i have to say, you lose a lot of motivaton to play the game if you have masturbated already.

>> No.3298057

It's just long, keep going.

>> No.3298147

By epilogue, did you mean prologue? It takes about an hour or two before you'll be able to use Jewels on the map, which will let you time travel back and forth between previously visited timelines.

>> No.3298242

The prologue is on rails, when you're done with it the game starts and it becomes a point and click.

>> No.3298505

>some other dude
Keishi Yonao, a contemporary of Umemoto. He mainly does VN work these days to pay the bills, but his FM-synth chops have held up. It's fine so long as you can use the PC-98 YM2608 music instead, though I appreciate having a new version of YU-NO's soundtrack.

>> No.3298524

How do I play this as a macfag?
I really wanna read this now.

>> No.3298881


Yeah, you know, when you're trying to describe the story of this kind of game, it always sounds so schlocky, but the combination of music, visuals, pacing, the varied routes, and the way everything comes together in the finale is really hard to beat.

>> No.3299221

>It forces you to use a 4:3 resolution I believe (can't remember the actual resolution)
Since PC-98 uses 640x400 it's probably letterboxed to 640x480.

>> No.3299285
File: 111 KB, 640x400, yuno33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fan patch is for the Windows version, so:

a) Wine, but I have no idea if it works with this particular application.
b) Boot Camp
c) Virtual Machine.

Pick your poison

>> No.3299468

Apparently newer Wine versions support YU-NO: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=28823

>> No.3299471

>What does not
>Characters' voices
Unixfags face a huge dillema. The voice acting is really fucking good.

>> No.3299494

Virtual Machine it is then.

>> No.3299506

>Well it IS a still a eroge, unless they're uploading it to Pornhub it's not really gonna work.

Pictures of a cartoon girl's nipples?! Get that shit on the deep web, sicko!

>> No.3299509

Why? She's 20!

>> No.3299515

Well there is a full longplay of the game already on youtube, with all the scenes there, nipples and all the terrible unchristian things that go along with it.

>> No.3299525

The voice acting is the second best thing next to the story, so it'd be kind of a shame to lose it, but at least it could make it work if you can't run the windows version.

>> No.3299630


I always forget that youtube's gotten a bit more lenient with this stuff in games now, stuff like Heavy Rain has sex scenes and shower scenes yet has loads of Let's Plays that stay online. Artistic intention and all that I suppose.

>> No.3299664

Could try to use program called Sizer. Does proper nearest neighbor resolution resizing.

That or maybe Borderless-Gaming.

>> No.3299770
File: 86 KB, 646x448, yn37[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, my bad
You were right, there is more freedom once shit happens.

>> No.3299851
File: 185 KB, 640x400, yuno5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this

>> No.3299954

Those eyes knows what's coming.

>> No.3299964

You already got the organizer and the card?

>> No.3300009

That's what I'm wondering too, those are late game items.

>> No.3300081

The [1] in the filename implies it's an image he just took from some other website

>> No.3300148

He is right. Actually, i just got the Mia's Diary. But i don't know what to do. It is supposed that i take those supplementary classes, but i wonder if i can actually enter into a classroom or not. I hate pixel hunting.

>> No.3300189

There are only a few times where you need a specific item from a room and in those cases you are normally prevented from leaving. Generally walking around is enough to advance.

>> No.3300458

I tried playing this recently based on a recommendation from /vr/, but I couldn't stand all the creeping the main character does on his stepmom (and other characters). I got really impatient and quit before I finished the prologue.

>> No.3300484

Your complaint is so insignificant I don't know what to say.

>> No.3300509

It's a visual novel with too much gratuitous filler. I think it's a valid complaint.

>> No.3300532

Except thats not at all what the guy was saying. How would he know about the filler if he stopped playing it so soon?

>> No.3300552

lol I am that guy, I samefagged both of those posts.

Even in the prologue I thought there was a lot of pervy filler. Like in the very first scene on the roof I thought it was funny, but every time after that I got bored of it quickly. I was enjoying reading all the set-up about the construction on the beach, and the mountain shrine, but the filler made it really hard to enjoy.

>> No.3300560

Then you might as well just give up now, because you have 100x times more reading to do. You couldn't handle it.

>> No.3300602

Your complaints are insignificant because you're not aware of the bigger picture at all, since you haven't actually played the entire thing.

>> No.3300668

Stepmoms are not blood related, therefore it passes~

>> No.3300778

I mean, if it was 100x more reading of plot I would be fine with it. But the eroge stuff is boring if you're not playing it for that.

Oh, is it like a plot/theme thing and the pervy stuff was necessary? Okay, but it was still corny and long-winded.

Yes, but it's weird how he insists on referring to her as his mom. Even stepmom is weird, just call her by her name. Although maybe it's a translation/cultural thing?

>> No.3300834
File: 2.26 MB, 2592x1936, yu-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese great PC98 EROGE.
It won't be sold in Japan any more.

>> No.3301591
File: 6 KB, 256x238, dragon-quest-v-english-byuu.3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sexual filler in these kind of games is like combats in any other game. Is part of the charm, but somewhat not necessary the story itself. You can see it like a random encounter.

>> No.3301698
File: 715 KB, 1024x2880, yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3301717

>right column
>no glorious dithering

>> No.3301737

At least you can still see Eriko's.

I'm not sure how Kanna's outfit is supposed to work.

>> No.3301987

Okay, now I'm reminded why the remake is plain. It lacks the dithering effect and human characteristics. I'm saving that image as backup.

>> No.3301990

It was made by this fellow, appearently.

He also tweets about various old eroge.

>> No.3303930

Are there any other great games like this of this genre with plot twists?

>> No.3304214

virtually any other vn.

>> No.3305624

>really want to play this
>ZTD comes out in about a week

That's a little off-topic, but damn.

>> No.3306057

Wait, this game has VA? I remember trying it a long time ago and it didn't. Was I playing a bad version of it or something?

>> No.3306192

The voice acting is intermittent, and I believe was introduced for a later release of the game.

I don't see that kind of thing as adding or detracting from a primarily text based game, though.

>> No.3306359

The original didn't have any voice acting, but there's a group who was nice enough to include the SEGA Saturn content into the original (the voices) and it makes it better tenfold because of the original dithering visuals~

On top of that, there's 8 Jewels to find in the original game whereas the remake has a few more, which makes the remake somewhat easier and less challenging by having more opportunities to travel under a set amount of Jewels.

>> No.3306415

>include the SEGA Saturn content into the original (the voices)
The Windows port, not the original PC98.
The patch also included an option to play with the PC98 music and removed censorship added by he Windows port.

>> No.3306417

Oh right, I guess they took PC98's gameplay and SEGA Saturn's voices, combined it and made it work for Windows. Probably the best version there is.

>> No.3306436

Who invited Lucina to the game?

>> No.3306453

I'm trying so hard to make this work, but it just hangs when I open it. Got the TL patch installed but nothing's working.

>> No.3306535


Never mind fixed :^)

>> No.3307789
File: 69 KB, 640x480, fucking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>prologue ends
>already stuck as fuck

Why in god's name won't this guy do anything? Takuya's just hanging out in his room, refusing to leave, I've already inspected everything a thousand times, etc. Should I just choose the "restart from the end of the prologue?" did I fuck up somehow?

>> No.3307803

You probably didn't check everything.
Try the alarm clock or the drawers on the desk.
If nothing helps wildly click around until you get a hit.

>> No.3307826


Yeah, finally figured it was the stupid phone, I didn't even notice it on the desk until I sat down and seriously, seriously inspected every inch of the screen. In motion again now.

>> No.3307898

There are only a few moments when inspecting becomes crucial. Usually you just have to hang around.

Btw, this stone system sucks. Having to replay a huge part of the game just for a certain branch ...

>> No.3307951

>change pantyhose to fucking gigantic hole fishnet which every shitty anime uses instead of glorious tight-holed fishnet stockings
I wanted to close the image right there, but I didn't. I looked at the other pics and I wish I had closed it right away. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.3307970

>Having to replay a huge part of the game just for a certain branch ...
It's fairly quick with CTR. You don't need to fill every blank, you mainly need all the stones.
I'm not sure if Mio's ending is required.

>> No.3308186

I never understood this fishnet fixation by a lot of men. It's a pretty turnoff compared to bare legs or just regular pantyhose or lingerie.

I mean I can understand if IRL you're wearing fishnet stockings it's a clear sign that you're a huge slut and you'll put out, so that implication can be turn on, but just the aesthetics alone are very tacky.

>> No.3308191

Dude you can skip dialogue with ctrl and blaze through a route in a breeze

>> No.3308195

>and removed censorship
Just to be clear for someone reading, he means it re-added the removed h-scenes, but the naughty willies are still censored.

>> No.3308216

How so? I press control and space and it just makes dialogue faster. Still it is a lot of work.

But i found the optimal way to dispose orbs. I have just to go along with the story, and when the end gets closer, put orbs on each divergence. In that way, i resolve divergences from closer to end to earlier.

>> No.3308523

I couldn't agree more. It's why I'm not too fond of the changes they're doing with the remake.

>> No.3308576

I found that out the hard way, but might want to always at least keep an orb/jewel in, since having at least one powers up the device, or else you'll have to cross your finger and hope to find another orb along a path you can't reverse time on.

>> No.3308591
File: 401 KB, 1646x720, mesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tighter-knit fishnet are nice, but the ones with huge holes suck.
Compare the following:
The left is a nice sort of mesh, which, under the effect of a soft light, creates a sort of sheen-type of reflection across the legs, especially from a certain angle. Not quite like pantyhose, but not too different either. It's arguably the closest I've seen to IRL dithering.
Now, the middle is the other extreme. Be it latex or nylon, the holes are far too big and spread apart to the point where the lighting-effect is lost and it just looks like someone was wearing actual closed stockings and had a moth eat through them.
The far right is something of an awkward in-between. Not quite as good as a mesh-style, but not quite as tacky as the wide-holes. As a result, it doesn't appeal to either audience all the way. However, depending on, ironically enough, the clothing worn on top of it, there can be a different sort of teasing, sensual effect present. Typically most notable when worn under a short winter fur-coat and skirt. Outside of that though, they tend to fall a bit flat.

That's just my opinion and observation. I ain't no fashionista or nothing. Just someone who has eyes that have seen things over the years.

>> No.3308632
File: 870 KB, 1280x353, stocking tops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, one more thing.
Stockingtops, whether paired with garter belts or not, can really make a fishnet stocking (and hell, any stocking) a lot better or kinda be worthless.

Compare these three.
The left is somewhat standard, without being too plain (although the plain stockingtop has some merits as well), A nice design, and not too big, not too small. I haven't figured it out yet, but there seems to be a happy medium in terms of size.
The middle has a nice idea with the bow (almost being like a leg garter (garter ring?)), but shoddy execution with the stocking top itself. It's overly lace-filled and far too congested, killing the point of having a design in the first place. Size is decent, maybe close to that aforementioned medium, but I can't tell as well because of the congested nature of the beast.
The right however, is just tacky. Far too big, too ornate for its own good, and generally not very attractive.

As I noted before, a "garter ring" of sorts can also enhance the effect of fishnets, but it depends on what sort of style you might be going for. Eriko's are plain, but one small saving grace is that they aren't overly huge or stretched out. Given the rest of her ensemble with the corset and stomach opening though, the plainness clashes a bit, making it something of a let down to look at.


Also, the plain, steamed-on look of her panties in the right sucks. Even in the left while she's wearing pantyhose, there's still some slight creases to really indicate that they're being worn. The right is like they drew her naked and then just painted a white triangle on her.
Goddamn, even a monkey can draw this shit.

>> No.3308635
File: 164 KB, 350x2000, even a monkey can draw manga panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goddamn, even a monkey can draw this shit.

>> No.3308789

No. It means it return the censorship to the level of the PC-98 release which simply meant no genitals are visible.
The Windows port always had the H-scenes but they added blinding light type censorship.

>> No.3308985

Oh shit right
Sorry my bad

>> No.3308989 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 640x400, 1466583364998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think if we made an effort to redraw these awkward added saturn scenes into glorious pc-98 dithered 16 colors, do you think tlwiki would replace them in the game?

>> No.3309196


>> No.3309201

I dunno lol
How many more are there and how bad does it get?

>> No.3309204 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 640x400, 1466598183703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's as bad as it gets. I think there might be a more couple of scenes but I don't really remember. They stick out like a sore thumb though.

I mean look at this, couldn't they at least try to get the aspect ratio right.

>> No.3309214
File: 34 KB, 640x400, thingken of dithering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the closest I've seen to IRL dithering.
Why did I laugh

>/vr/ goes on a date
>no fishnet dithering
>clothes more than 16 colors
2/10 wouldn't bang dumped that bitch

>> No.3309219
File: 85 KB, 514x340, ss-130211-brazil-carnival-03-ss_full-514x340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clothes more than 16 colors
Realistically speaking, without accounting for light, shadow, and material (such as satin, wool, etc.), who the fuck would wear more than 16 colors outside of maybe, I dunno, Carnaval?

>> No.3309223
File: 126 KB, 500x334, mask-still37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, shit man, even cuban pete doesn't wear anything close to 16 colors, and he's the king of the rumba beat!

>> No.3309226
File: 59 KB, 503x264, intense yu-no discussion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a retro board, I refuse to get out of my 90's extreme character. Now if you'll excuse me I have a watergun tournament to win in my cul-de-sac

>> No.3309250
File: 587 KB, 250x187, seizure time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capped guy on the right

>> No.3309328

lower two are disgusting desu, they remind me of diapers

>> No.3310562

The first exchange between the main character and the jerk from his mom's work always amused me to no end, I always went through it on every playthrough.

But anyway one thing I always wondered was who was calling the house?

>> No.3310773

The unknown caller and the decayed condition of the warehouse were the only two mysteries I've yet to have an answer to. I think they both have a reason, but if only the writer was still alive today to explain.

>> No.3311092

I'm not done with the game yet- I got one of Kanno's endings (Didn't have the blue card) and I got both of the, uh, mind-controlled teacher endings, but who the hell is the evil 'she' mentioned in the principal's journal? The nurse who I think might be from the future?

>> No.3311106

You really want me to spoil it for you?

>> No.3311114

... No, that's fine.

... Come to think of it, why the fuck did I ask in the first place if I didn't want spoilers?

Oh well. One thing I do want spoilers on is 'which route do I get the goddamn blue keycard'. The reporter is a jerk when I show up without it.

>> No.3311115


Okay, time for me to get the hell out of this thread for a couple weeks. Ya'll have fun!

>> No.3311119

True, haha, and about the blue-card, the only thing I can tell you is that it's considered to be the last route. I'll say this: you might as well forget about getting the blue card until you finish a few more routes (it comes late-game), and it'll eventually come to you.

>> No.3311370

This goddamn burial chamber puzzle underneath Triangle Mountain is kicking my ass. What the fuck do I do with it?

>> No.3311381

Nevermind, I broke down and looked it up online. I knew it was one of those nonograms, but I couldn't figure out which number was which.

>> No.3311384

YU-NO is the best adv game. I've ever played.

>> No.3311463

I was actually recently planning a twine with a similar time travel mechanic.

And then I played this and felt like everyone will think I cribbed it.

>> No.3311629

Not that it would matter.

>> No.3311658

For what it's worth the demographic for Twine games probably has no idea what the fuck this even is.

>> No.3312193

Using the laptop owned by the dead body could tell you which number is which for that piccross puzzle. It's one of my favourite part of the game where I took a few hours solving the two of them.

>> No.3312198

Laptop? All I saw are the two skeletons.

I long-since got past that point though, so I figure it's not super important to get, is it? Will I need to go through that entire route again to get it?

>> No.3312205

As someone who knows what this game is, I had no idea what Twine was until I looked it up just now. It looks rather simple.

>> No.3312210

Twine is basically a CYOA-making system. The kind of shitty tool that means that you don't need any programming skill to use, and thus everyone and their mother uses it for a bunch of shitty things.

>> No.3312241 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.51 MB, 1437x769, 1466717535710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When observing most of the details within the chamber for a little while longer, a hand of a third skeleton falls and appears, which will let you find the belongings of the corpse: the Laptop required to find out which number is which in the puzzle area.

You might try to get the laptop since it's crucial for another smaller puzzle way later in the game.

>> No.3312256
File: 526 KB, 765x473, Laptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laptop becomes a permanent item, it translates the numbers you need to know, but it's going to take forever to re-do the route just to get it, therefore it'll be best to look up online when you get to that other second puzzle instead for missing out on the item the first time, in my opinion.

>> No.3312463


I suppose the new version looks nice enough. But there's something about the original version that still looks very good.

>> No.3312731
File: 594 KB, 540x564, ataru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virus detection won't let me play with voices

>> No.3312940
File: 41 KB, 640x480, missed it by that much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missed something neat by this little

Fuuuck. I'm really bad at this type of especially non-straightforward VN, I'm gonna be putting a hundred hours in if I wanna see everything.

>> No.3312960

No worries, as soon as you get another Jewel, travelling through the map will be more flexible. Being stuck with one or two at the beginning really makes backtracking routes risky. I messed up during my first time by using both Jewels right off the bat without knowing that the Map needed at least one to be powered, so I was stuck continuing without being able to view the routes.

>> No.3312969

I freaked out at the start of the game when I originally used a jewel and it just VANISHED and I had no clue what happened to it. I even reloaded and restarted.

>> No.3312981

Ironically enough though, if I remember well, the guy standing by the board in the School hall is the one that says that at least a Jewel is needed to open up the map. He only says that a little while after the prologue, which makes him kind of a troll for waiting that long, just like a "Haha! In your face! You played around with an unknown device you barely have any knowledge on! Therefore you're stuck in this timeline~"

>> No.3313143

As soon as your jewels start to blink something is about to happen. When that happens use a jewel save.

>> No.3313380

Hey, I tried downloading the game, after I was done the anti-virus removed the voiced exe, so I uninstalled to download it again, now the setup doesn't open anymore, any help?

>> No.3313403

How about disabling your antivirus / whitelisting the yu-no folder and try installing again.
It's a false positive, there's no virus.

>> No.3313405

I just copied the YUNO folder into my drive, and then used the english patch, it works now, but now the game doesn't have any sound, any ideas?

>> No.3313407

As I said, whitelist / disable your antivirus and reinstall.
Don't copy the folder, reinstall.

>> No.3313409

The install won't run even with the antivirus disabled,

>> No.3313412

Any chance your antivirus managed to fuck the installer as well?

>> No.3313426

Well, I downloaded a different installer after that, and it still doesn't run, so I'm assuming that's not the case

>> No.3313427
File: 15 KB, 236x202, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to format and reinstall your OS for a chinese titty gam

>> No.3313429

To try and make it clearer, I managed to install the game the first time, it's when I opened the AI5ENG_VOICE.exe that my antivirus fucked up.
And now the install doesn't even open anymore.
I tried 'uninstalling' the game through the control panel, but it's not there anymore, so I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.3313430

My only guess is, it's probably hung up on something in the regit
If you can find it delete all the keys
Other than that I hit a roadblock

>> No.3313432

Aight, since that's basically chinese for me, I'm gonna try installing the game in another system and the transferring it to my computer, since it's only the installing process that seems to fuck up, wish me luck.
Thanks for trying to help, dude!

>> No.3313476

Update: I managed to install normally, but I still get no sound, any advice?

>> No.3313538

This happened to me. Am I fucked? Should I just start over?

>> No.3313684

Keep playing. Don't worry you can't fuck your save.

>> No.3313694

Thanks, this will serve as a learning experience for the next playthrough.

>> No.3313701

Don't forget you can easily skip dialogues with the LEFT CTRL key.
Restarting at the beginning is par for the course in this game.
Just don't actually start a new game, there's an option to go back at the beginning junction.

>> No.3314216

It's okay you can still get those Jewels back. When they vanish from the device, it means they're somewhere bound on the Map, they serve as checkpoints which you can always return to from where you first used them.

The map always opens back up after 50 hours has passed in-game (not real-time), the device has this drawback where you automatically get sent back in time and, when that happens, you get to decide to get all the owned jewels back, and you also keep the items you obtained during the 50 hour time-span. The protagonist is sort of stuck in a time-loop as long as he's carrying that machine.

>> No.3314228

I think it depends on how you installed it, did you run it from within the virtual drive or did you setup the game in the default location first?

>> No.3314429
File: 37 KB, 482x382, 10557_bla-bla-bla[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most tiresome aspect of this game for me was dialogues. Not that i don't like them, but this game manages to include into conversations a heck lot of filling:
>"I made a question"
>"What question?"
And so on and so forth. It is counterproductive in a game where half of the time you have your left hand in your dick. There comes a time when you just don't give a crap and pass them. It is even worse if you are using the voiced patch.

>> No.3314575

The script is amazing though, the dialogues feel more authentic than most other VN's and the humour within some of the exaggerated lines are one of its strongest aspects too. Takuya's sudden gasps are always entertaining to hear.

>> No.3314703

I disagree: The dialogue is actually some of the best in VNs I've played. Characters are well-designed and well-voiced.

Takuya, for example, gives off the impression of being a pretty apathetic loser. He's going to supplementary classes (which he skips), has no club, and does nothing but perv on women. But as he talks with people and as you figure out his characterization, you realize that he's actually kind of brilliant- the only reason he doesn't show it more is because he deliberately doesn't want to be like his father.

Then there's his relationship with other people. With Mitsuki, for example, the two were in an illicit relationship a few months ago, and you can feel that in every scene. It's somewhat bittersweet, because they were both in a bad place at the time.

While his relationship with Eriko is entirely different. I haven't played through the game so I don't know everything, but I can tell that there's something there- Eriko might be a lax, irresponsible teacher, but she still sees herself as a teacher- working to help her students, even with non-educational things on top of her other job, whatever that might be. Is she a future policewoman?

While at first glance it might look like most of YU-NO's characters are cliche, keep in mind that this is before the cliches were actually solidified. Because of that, they're actually their own characters who helped *shape* the cliche. If you design a character and call her 'tsundere', then that's all she ever is. But if you design a wholly-complete character who found her crush sleeping with a teacher, making her try to hate him and decides never to hold back on anything again, you have Mio.

Again, I'm not done with the game, but my love-letter toward it might just grow as I play more.

>> No.3314731
File: 6 KB, 313x85, Coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be onto something.

>> No.3314859
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>> No.3314868
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>> No.3314878

I know what you have to do, i just cant do it to save my life...

>> No.3314884

It feels extremely rewarding if you do it without looking outside the game, at least in my opinion~
Got the laptop item to translate the puzzle?

>> No.3315263

Wiki says

>NEC PC-9801 edition, Sega Saturn edition and Microsoft Windows edition were released. All versions are rated 18+, although explicit sex scenes were removed from the Saturn and Windows editions.

Remind me again why you're not playing the uncensored version??

>> No.3315329

The windows fan patch is de-censors back to the PC-98 graphics: >>3308789

And even if it wasn't what choice really do we have if we don't know moon

>> No.3315470

That's not my complain. My main complain is:
- Long dialogues for a clearly pornographic game.
- Dialogues full of filling, you could easily cut like 50% of them because it brings nothing to the equation. Literally every dialogue is more than 5 minutes full of nothingness. I would not complain if they were shorter.

>> No.3315473


>> No.3315474

>long dialogues for a clearly pornographic game

The game's barely pornographic. It feels more like the porn's been shoehorned in more than the dialogue was. If it were focused exclusively on porn, it'd take more than two hours to get to an erotic scene, and there'd be more than one scene a route.
It feels more like a 'fade to black' that happens in games or movies or whatever, except they never actually faded out.;

As for your other point... Yeaaah, I could see that.

>> No.3315482

A: That's a total one-eighty from how she treats me. It seems to me that you're maintaining a pretty favorable position.
B: But still...
A: The mood never takes that turn.
B: Yeah...
A: Hmm... it's funny, just thinking about it.
B: Please don't have fun at my expense.
A: Well, why don't you try inviting her out for a cup of tea?
B: Tea?
A: Isn't there this really nice establishment somewhere downtown?
B: But, I wonder if Shimazu-san normally visits such places...
A: Just give it all you've got. If you slip up, get back on your feet, and amend your plan.
B: I see...

And this is only a fraction of it. If you are not in the mood of dialogues, you cannot play this game. And is not like the dialogue is full of new information that makes you feel interesting in what is going on.

>> No.3315782
File: 711 KB, 747x546, cd73cef248a12d76581bce12dd6929d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you, anon

>> No.3315984

You might be onto something but I never noticed it so I guess it didn't bother me.

Usually what I don't like it's overly verbose text, but I guess that's technically not the case. I guess they could shorten the dialogues, but the way they seem to prolong them is with fast exchanges.

Even though I don't really know Japanese I get the feeling that it might just be the nature of doing "exact" localization, which fan translation usually does. Not saying that's bad though, but usually those quick, almost throwaway remarks seem to be more natural in the Japanese language and maybe it sounds weird when you transliterate them into English.

>> No.3316069

The moment we see these short dialogues, they end up being one liners which normally takes less of a second to read through and click. The benefit is that the texts appears instantaneously in this game rather than having to wait for it to be done scrolling before you can click to proceed on reading more.

Also as the game progresses, it becomes less like that as there are more important situations happening.

>> No.3316079

Who the hell fires up YU-NO for the porn? It's in there out of obligation. It's definitely not the main, secondary, or even tertiary attraction.

>> No.3316091

In the interest of fairness Ayumi's route got me going. Maybe Freud has something to say about that.

>> No.3316630
File: 330 KB, 640x480, YU-NO_-_The_Girl_that_Chants_Love_at_the_Edge_of_t_2016-06-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.3316816
File: 191 KB, 839x1100, Frued.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3317429

>Kanna's Route?

>> No.3317605


>> No.3319523

Don't run the DELENV file (Icon of a Trash Can) that's on the CD Image file. I was stupid to run it and can't install the game because of it anymore, I'm not sure how to fix it but had to try on a different comp.

>> No.3319773

Okay, now I'd like you to spoil it for me. I finished the game, (Not the happy endings, because I'm much too lazy) but I still have questions.

Who is the 'she' mentioned in the principal's journal
I get that the plaque was written by someone from Dela Grande 8000 years ago, but what did they write? What does it say?
Who keeps calling the phone only to not answer?
What the fuck was up with Sayless and Electra-Syndro- I mean, Yu-No having special psychic powers?

>> No.3319902

I think it's just that videos that don't have many views may go undetected. I don't know if silent longplays are that popular.

I straight up found anal fisting on youtube once I swear to fucking god. It was like some 60 year old's sex tapes mashed together to some spy music or something. I swear on literally every one I love I am not making this up.

>> No.3320016

I believe it. I've seen that kind of thing myself. Some really deep fetish stuff has no identifiably sexual words in the title. Youtube is smart enough to know to put their teams of actual human content censors onto anything with words that hint toward a known type of pornography, but some stuff is able to slip through the cracks. You can also find videos that were listed and then unlisted through playlists, which escape deletion if they get little traffic.

>> No.3320019

>What the fuck was up with Sayless and Electra-Syndro- I mean, Yu-No having special psychic powers?

I don't think they explain it but I figure it's as simple as "THE CHOSEN ONE" trope and it got passed on genetically.

>> No.3320709
File: 488 KB, 770x480, limited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Collectors Edition for Yu-No remake was announced and it includes 5 discs with all the music from original PC-98 version, remake version and super soundtrack version.
Now here's a catch all the music is in MP3 192kbps format.....

>> No.3320758


>> No.3320824


>> No.3320825

You're better off setting up Hoot Player and listening to the originals in crisp form, albeit only for desktop. There's a mobile version of foobar2000 in the works that'll support components like GEP, which plays .vgm files, meaning someone could package YU-NO's YM2608 music into .vgm for you to play on mobile with optimal quality. High-end MP3 won't sound great for YU-NO unless they've got a good producer working on this album.

>> No.3320840

This, it's silly to release 192kbps mp3 soundtrack on a DVD disc, you can't even play it on any normal music player because of that.
Either they release normal CD which still could hold 320kbps without a problem or those DVDs as the collectors item but with downloadable FLAC soundtrack or something in higher quality then youtubemp3download quality.

>> No.3321365

Those are the only questions I have also, which I kind of wish the writer was still alive today to ask. It makes me wonder if there really were reasons, or if they were only red herrings

There's also the warehouse that seemingly looked older than it should have been. At least there were more questions answered than the number of questions themselves.

>> No.3321368

Damn, I kind of wish they had them in .wav for the exact sound.

>> No.3321694

I assume the warehouse thing is a backlash result of Ryuu's timeghost infesting him/manifesting in that location

>> No.3321707

Just got my first two endings, fairly close together. Played through without really using the jewel saves at all, I got Ayumi's bad ending.

>having incestuous sex with your non-blood related mother just minutes after you travel back in time to stop her from killing herself

This game sure is a lot wackier than I thought it was gonna be.

>> No.3321713

how do i play this on a mac

>> No.3321715

There's actually an ending where someone figures out what's going on, and ends up giving you an item for later. I saved there, and then later I came back and the character was like 'Did you just... Did you finish what you went back to do?'

>> No.3321719



That shit is bananas. I'm only just scraping the surface of this game at 20% or so clear rate, but it seems like it's ridiculously in depth with how many unique dialogue lines you can find based on really specific actions you can take. That's pretty amazing.

>> No.3321994

Try Wine, Boot Camp or a VM: >>3299285 >>3299468

>> No.3322072

Oh god I remember being freaked out by something like that. Truly a mindblowing dialogue that made me go Wha--

The principal is the one who finds that out if I remember.

>> No.3322674

Smaller teats. Les pantsu. No cameltoes. This shit is a christian remake!!!

>> No.3322684


Why not MIDI, anon. This is a retro broad.

>> No.3324187

Can't mess with epic Chiptunes~

>> No.3324221
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a confusing visual novel. It has a farly intriguing story and premise, but it gets bogged down by also wanting to be an eroge, yet you don't really get much of the later until the second half, which pretty much lessens whatever investment you had in the story and ends on an unsatisfying cliffhanger that will never be resolved.
I wish it had just been decided on the outset what the developers wanted to convey more: The plot or the pornography, and then focused on either instead of half-assing both.

>> No.3324361
File: 2.21 MB, 285x285, 1435134722064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download works
>In English

I've been trying to find a proper download of this game for far too long now.

>> No.3324971


Oh yeah it's one of the internet's most well kept secrets

>> No.3324980

The patch is relatively recent from 4 years ago.

>> No.3324986

Ah, nice. I remember making a Yu-No thread a few years ago on here that got over 500 replies.

Nice to see people are still into the game.

Was thinking of making a download full of Yu-No goodies for everyone (i.e., spritework, the ost, the OVA, and other goodies) next time I make a Yu-No thread, but I've never gotten around to it yet.

Anyway, cool thread, I like it.

>> No.3325010 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 640x400, yuno35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add this to the collection

>> No.3325016
File: 114 KB, 640x400, yuno35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add this to the collection, bunch of GIFs I captured in my playthrough


>> No.3325019

>the OVA
Would anybody actually want it?
It's a showcase of how badly you can screw something up.

>> No.3325021

Not the other Anon but I still watched it for the same reason I can't turn away from a car crash

>> No.3325580

I'm actually interested.

>> No.3325737

Pretty sure that's the reason desu

>> No.3326015

Were the playing the original PC-98 version of Desire? The Windows version did add an ending to it.

>> No.3326176

>there are people out there who didn't solve the underground coffin puzzle by themselves

come on, slowly correcting my mistakes, breaking it open over the course of a few hours and finally seeing it click was among one of the most satisfying adventure game moments for me - don't gimp yourselves and check the solution online

although I have never encountered a logic puzzle like that before playing and finishing YU-NO, so it may be due to that

>> No.3326248

I second that! I literally spent 2 or 3 hours solving that picross puzzle and it felt the most rewarding.
It's not as fun not figuring out by yourself.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who had the patience to challenge myself as if I really was in Takuya's situation in the crypt.

>> No.3326421

I managed to decipher the script by cross-referencing the clock in the study but I didn't understand what I was supposed to do.
I only found out there was a hint corner with Eriko after I had completed the game.

>> No.3327661



What did she mean by this?

>> No.3328142


>> No.3328554

Oh my god, why didn't I know this existed? Thanks!

>> No.3328565

The torrent is sort of dead, hopefully there's at least a seed soon. Are there any alternatives?

>> No.3328675

You can easily google it and there's a shitload of hentai sites that stream it in potato quality. It's not really worth the time, just watching half of the first episode is worth it for the laugh alone at how nothing makes any fucking sense, but other than that it's not worth the effort.

>> No.3328686
File: 75 KB, 640x400, yuno49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3328875

There isn't really a reason to mention it other than stating how terrible it is.
It came out at a time when eroge adaptions were still in infancy so it only got four episodes instead of one or more cours.
But they didn't just rush things through, they completely changed a lot of aspects. The h scenes are often out of place and extremely short. The weirdest part is Mio becoming Kana's mother.

>> No.3328960

What the hell did they do to Takuya?

He's supposed to be the rough pervy delinquent type, not pussybeta LN protag bitch #45723

>> No.3330650

Ah makes sense.

>> No.3330659

How does that make sense? It's complete bollocks.
Another bizarre moment is when they all strip down to underwear because the spaceship rejects matter from our world and Eriko has a huge stack of panties.

>> No.3330662

I particularly like it when everyone was raped by a gang of soldiers and they just carry on like it was just a bad afternoon.

>> No.3330667

Don't remind me what they did to Yu-no.

>> No.3330703

Yu-No is a retarded character anyway, along with Sayless even in the game. Almost everything from the Epilogue is a goddamn mess, and it just serves to shit on the rest of a beautiful game.

>> No.3330723

I thought happy adventure fun times with Sayless and younger Yu-No was all good stuff but then it all started falling apart once they started crossing the desert. At least the revelation that you were banging your own daughter in the Kanna route was amusing.

I'd say the worst part about Epilogue is that you end up with even more questions than when you finished the main game. Either they left some obvious mysteries unanswered or the answers they do give don't stand up to even a token level of scrutiny.

>> No.3330748

To me the epilogue only got good when you arrived at the city and that was only for a brief moment. Then it got stupid again, and then it was okay in the ending, albeit a bit grandiose. Don't even fucking remind me of those goddamn retarded dragon ladies.

And I would agree with you in a way but disagree with others, you are right the answers they give kind of fall flat, but I'm not sure you'd want concrete answers to begin with. I think the whole game works because there's always a sense of mysticism and mystery involved in everything, but while still being grounded in the modern world. When they just show you what's behind the magician's hand the trick just feels cheap. Sometimes it really is better not to know. Sayless and Yu-No's appearances during the normal game are great moments, there's mysticism and confusion around them, you don't know who they are, they're ghosts or angels or whatever. But then you show every inch and detail of their lives and the mysticism is defused. I think explaining their story needed a little bit more of nuance and speculation, but instead they lay everything out on the table, and it feels really sloppy. It's hardly even storytelling at that point, it just feels like information dump, and tone-wise it's very different from the rest of the game.

>> No.3330779

Is it possible that the epilogue was rushed? Heavy spoilers: Ryuuzouji's body being inhibited by a great demon that crosses over to Dela Grande seemed interesting enough, but it seems that all you do in the other world is meet and fuck random ladies and then sort of manage to cross the treshold of time and space with your daughter, who you've also fucked. And to add insult to injury, despite committing incest twice, the most you get from Eriko is a handjob. How come they didn't give best girl any additional h-scenes?

It's weird.

>> No.3330796

I get the feeling that Kanno was just trying to make a great adventure game and then Elf came in "HEY FUCKFACE WHERE ARE THE SEX SCENES, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A TITTY GAME"

>> No.3330801

You can probably get them in better quality by just ripping from the game. What a mess.

>> No.3330928

It definitely was "rushed" - I think there's a bunch of info floating around the web which states that the "epilogue" was supposed to be structurally more like a "part 2" rather than an epilogue - in other words, as big and non-linear as the "main game"

It also has a bunch of dropped concepts such as Mitsuki being the Queen instead of Ayumi in the epilogue, which is supposed to be ironic because she always dies at the same point in the "main" world

>> No.3330935

Does ctrl skip unread text as well? I'm doing my 2nd playthrough and I don't want to miss any new dialogue.

>> No.3330954

I don't think so, but can't be sure.

>> No.3330958

Do you have a source on that Mitsuki thing?

>> No.3330974

I remember seeing the concept art scans, probably here in /vr/ a long time ago. I don't know how to go about digging it from the archives though, if possible.

>> No.3331672

Why did they rush it? Elf was still in good shape in 1996.
Only thing I'm noticing is that it was their last PC98 title.

>> No.3331872

They initially intended that part to be the second part of the game that also initialized the Reflector Device, so the game would have been twice longer if they had a lot of time.

>> No.3332954

There is this Famitsu article from a few hours ago about the remake, with a couple of new screenshots:


From what I could decipher from Google translate, they added a nifty thumbnail preview feature for the jewel saves.

>> No.3333003

The game was delayed because of changes to comply with the ethics code among other things.

They're changing the input system to the one used in Kanno's Mystereet

I was afraid they'd drop the ADMS but that's not the case.

>> No.3333014

>The game was delayed because of changes to comply with the ethics code among other things.

Implied stepmom-son and two times the father-daugher incest is too much even without the sex?

>> No.3333026

Considering the shit that happens on a regular basis in VNs I don't think that's it at all.

>> No.3333214

On consoles?

It might also be Kanna's prostitution.

>> No.3333291

Is there any chance this might get released for PC? I want to suffer.

>> No.3333436

Gigantic games are fun for the players (sometimes) but generally not for the developers who are basically bleeding money until it actually gets released.

>> No.3333535

Why not sell the game in two parts?

>> No.3333572

Delete this

>> No.3333579

They did release an extra scenario (the part in the epilogue wherein Takya falls in love with Sayless) later for the PC-98 to flesh out the story a bit more. The fan translation patch integrated it directly to the main game, and it's very seamless.

>> No.3333616

That shit confused me, did the original release really just cut from Illia dying to Yu-no being born? Or did it replace something else?

>> No.3333643

Yep, that's right. Skipped.

I was surprised to learn that too, as I found that whole sequence to be one of the best parts of the epilogue, because it actually developed the characters very well IMO and gave you a chance to care about them more. Without it, it's like BAM! They're in love! And adventure happens!

Who knows what other planned but-not-made scenes we're missing.

>> No.3333936


>First-print copies of 5pb.’s YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World remake for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan will include the original version of the game, the company announced at 5pb. Festival 2016.

>will include the original version of the game

I wish they were a little more specific, is the original version the PC-98 version or the subsequent ports?

>> No.3333962

Bundling a PC98 hdi with an emulator seems more practical than re-releasing the Elf Classics version and it could also work on Android phones.
Saturn seems completely out of question.

>> No.3333973

>Saturn seems completely out of question.
Not to mention they probably would need to pay the voice actors again.

>> No.3334028

I have to agree with Takuya and Sayless. Their arc was my favourite part of the game knowing that there was another world, and it's one of the biggest aspects that made the epilogue feel so rewarding after the long game in the city.

>> No.3336427

Are there any other games like this with an in-game flowchart that can be travelled in, aside the Zero Escape series?

>> No.3337337

So I have a theory that the "she" the Real Ryuuzouji mentioned is actually Keiko but possessed or Niarbed by the fake Ryuuzouji. Now my reasoning for this is that ,if Yu-No is anything to go by, when a priestess comes into contact with Grandia's consciousness she learns everything that Grandia knows, and according to the Real Ryuuzouji that "she" really helped him with his research, meaning she was quite knowledgeable about events, and causality and parallel worlds and the like. This also might explain why she committed suicide, as she might have wanted to free herself of Fake Ryuuzouji's control.

>> No.3337342

Let's also not forget that the Saturn soundtrack is fucking atrocious.

>> No.3337354


The HG101 article doesn't exist anymore :(

>> No.3337356
File: 797 KB, 957x672, ElLK7Ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're changing the input system to the one used in Kanno's Mystereet
The fuck does that mean? Is the remake gonna look like this?

>> No.3337361

I need to play this D:

>> No.3337376

>I still don't understand why the remake just doesn't use the saturn audio, it's a pretty good reimagining of the original FM Synth.
>but it just feels unnecessary, the saturn audio already sounds "modern".

Look, I don't mean to be an ass, but the Saturn audio is a complete butchering of the original OST
Just listen to http://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/yu-no-super-sound-track/129-fanky-tang.mp3 and compare to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDsxkjoANBw

Honestly, the remake OST is already looking to be way better than the Saturn OST, and might end up being up there with the original. That said, I hope the final version of the title theme swaps the flutes out for something else, because they sound kind kinda off.

>> No.3337476

The original OST will always be the best. I'm glad the 2011 translation made it the default.

>> No.3337483

Definitely, but I'm really digging the remake of the first movement theme

>> No.3337534

Wait, is it already up somewhere? Original Movement 1 and 2, Clair de Lune in the Cafe and Night-Time in the city songs are my favourites, so I'm curious how the remake sounds like now.

>> No.3337819

>The HG101 article doesn't exist anymore :(
Huh, that's weird, just a few weeks ago I remember going there. Maybe they're updating it for the remake?

Either way there's always the archive:

>> No.3337832

I agree with you on everything, the original is obviously the best and the new one is looking good as well from the few tracks that are up on the site. I just really don't see how the Saturn one is bad, it seems pretty okay to me. Even with your example I don't find anything objectionable, and I'm assuming you're already picking a particularly bad track. It sounds a little bit more flat, sure, it's not as sharp, but I still like it, it's a nice alternative.

Still, it's your prerogative.

>> No.3337904

There's worse examples but Fanky Tang is one of my favorites which is why I picked it. I'll try posting more later

>> No.3337913

5pb put up previews on their site
http://yu-no.jp/special/ Scroll down past the CGs and you'll find previews for the title theme and movement 1

>> No.3337952

Any summaries of this?

>> No.3338139

They're not bad so far. I feel like I could still get nostalgia vibes from the new versions.
I'm just glad there is still the option to revert back to the original format nonetheless~

>> No.3338245
File: 10 KB, 200x288, YU_NO_1731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you forgive her, /vr/?

>> No.3338531
File: 202 KB, 1280x1024, arimaayumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3338535


>> No.3338561

Isn't that the original 1996 in-game images though? Do you mean to say that this won't be in the remake? Hope that isn't the case.

>> No.3338615

It's from a hintbook they sold (before the time of Internet walkthroughs) that also contained heaps of concept art.

>> No.3338623

Mind scanning it Anon?

>> No.3338640

I was a different anon than who posted the pic, but there are scans available at http://g.e-hentai.org/g/283321/de1be08ffa/ (NSFW site)

>> No.3338643

Thanks Anon this is excellent

>these fucking draft lines


>> No.3338651
File: 469 KB, 1212x1754, _007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit forgot to upload pic

I wonder if there's more Yu-No media like this out there that I haven't seem. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff on those buttload of VN Magazines that were uploaded to archive.org, but good luck find something about Yu-No among that ocean.

>> No.3338658
File: 118 KB, 858x317, ss+(2016-07-05+at+05.15.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy look at this edgy concept art

>> No.3338665

My god, I wish I could physically own these.

>> No.3338671
File: 400 KB, 1212x1754, _044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you will someday, you gotta believe

>no guards woman concept art
How many times will she keep blueballing me, even Hojo of all fucking minor characters has it

>> No.3338871

I might buy this myself and make bigger scans so the in-game screenshots are at 600 x 400 res.

>> No.3338880
File: 383 KB, 1212x1754, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, here's the Queen Mitsuki >>3330928 mentioned

>> No.3338885
File: 21 KB, 570x570, 1467643823373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3338892

Let's see those main game waifu rankings:


>> No.3338919

Is it Ayumi?

>> No.3340375


>> No.3340476

I'm so glad they used 'B' for Mitsuki.

>> No.3340486

Same here. By the way, is anyone else disappointed by her remake design? She looks like a generic housewife now.

>> No.3340503
File: 36 KB, 230x470, yukimasakatsu_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every character looks worse, some more horrible than others.
So far only the music seems to hold up.

>> No.3340506

That's not supposed to be Yuki is i-
Oh fuck me.

>> No.3340516
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, old man yells at cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every character just looks like a placeholder character you'd find away in the background in an anime scene for 2 seconds before disappearing forever into obscurity.

And it's not like the original character concepts were masterpieces, they were also pretty bog standard for the style at the time, but they were pretty well drawn and had strong character lines. These are so fucking featureless.

I mean it's not like they're absolutely terrible or Key-tier, but generic is really the most accurate description. Even the backgrounds and colors seem to be so fucking boring.

>> No.3340565

The dela grante designs are actually pretty decent, though

>> No.3340568
File: 106 KB, 338x434, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, remake sayless is still cute as fuck

>> No.3340571

Is that "DB" or "OB"?
I hope it's the latter because "OyaBin"

>> No.3340602
File: 119 KB, 640x400, yuno58.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair though Sayless had some of the worst and inconsistent portraits in the game, she looked different in every scene, so they had a lot of room to improve.

And this one particularly is the worst piece of drawing in the whole game, asides from those added saturn scenes.

>> No.3340610

The anatomy from the waist down looks pretty off yeah. Speaking of, did the game have multiple artists? Eriko's Foxy Mama sprite and the CG in Evening with the infamous coffee cup scene look like they were drawn by two completely different people.

>> No.3340678
File: 52 KB, 640x400, YU-NO 1303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the worst piece of drawing in the whole game, asides from those added saturn scenes.
Many HCG are also kind of bad.

>> No.3340685

Yeah, that CG always gets me with how weird it looks. To wit, Ayumi has a manface, manshoulders and her right arm looks like rubber

>> No.3340687


>> No.3340694
File: 26 KB, 512x288, YU_NO_1126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, I don't know. I think it just looks weird, like she's in a awkward pose, but I don't think there's anything wrong anatomically.

And I mean, she always had those fat thighs.

>> No.3340695

Speaking of Ayumi, her hair looks different in just about every CG she's in

>> No.3340702
File: 23 KB, 512x288, YU_NO_1310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her braid. When she takes it off she's preparing to take the D.

>> No.3340706

I was talking about the front of her hair and the CGs where she has the same hairstyle as the sprite.

>> No.3340712

This reminds me, how was Ayumi able to see without her glasses in Dela Grante?

>> No.3340714
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>> No.3340716 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 512x288, 1467815834924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even for Toyotomi.

>> No.3340718
File: 40 KB, 429x410, not toyotomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't speak to me or my wife's son ever again.png

>> No.3340725

I just realized I'm a degenerate. Ayumi's route was the only route that got my PENIS alive and kicking, and not only was it essentially faux-incest, but I even forgot about the NTR.

>> No.3340728
File: 45 KB, 378x389, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this fucktard still manages to become Chief despite losing his chance to get hired by that other company that wanted the formula for the stone

>> No.3340734

I liked Ayumi's route simply because my emotions really synced up with Takuya near the end of it. The ending where you finally get to expose Toyotomi for the scumbag he is and save Ayumi from comitting sudoku felt so fucking satisfying. Helped that Ayumi was really hot too, and dat fucking voice.

>> No.3340781

Hate his new design... He looks like a Girl now.

>> No.3340787

On the flipside, he looks like the dweeb he really is now

>> No.3340790

For some reason I still find him to be one of the best companions for all the dialogue he has. Eric, however, from the new Zero Escape game would be who I'd call a Dweeb~

>> No.3340795

I like him too but
>jokes fall flatter than a day old coke
>had to be saved by the protag from getting his ass kicked
>almost a pussy whipped as a twitter white knight
>actually thought having the entire town turn against Mio and her dad was a good idea

>> No.3340816

Those reasons are why I love the guy, haha. And the jokes being flat are what's iconic about his character, and I find that in itself to be the joke. Even better when he's a punching bag for Takuya.

>> No.3340831

I'm not saying they're bad things, just that they are the actions of someone you would usually call a dweeb

>> No.3340873

Ahs. I guess he really is one. I often took the concept of dweeb as someone being too unimportant to enjoy. I probably didn't know the true definition of it, but yeah what you say makes sense.

>> No.3341386

How would you do an Eriko route?

>> No.3341436
File: 11 KB, 328x288, YU_NO_1724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go with eriko to dela grante
>shoot ryuuzouji in the face and shit on his chest
>teleport back to earth
>land back inside the locker
>"let's do it right this time"
>have hot consensual sexual intercourse in the missionary position for procreational purposes
>as you cum loads in her airtight perfectly dithered vagina your reflector device starts blinking at lightning speed creating millions of divergent paths for all the different sperm cell possibilities
>as the ecstasy dies down and the heavy breathing subsides she leans forward and whispers in your ear
>btw im ur daughter too

>> No.3341456
File: 51 KB, 560x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit anon, I can't breathe

>> No.3341789

I'd go back inside the locker with her anytime.

>> No.3342668 [SPOILER] 
File: 489 KB, 205x142, 1467882891717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3343595

Filename is supposed to say Dela Grante

>> No.3343604

You can mouseover the link.

>> No.3343997

I never knew tagging an image as spoiler also hides the file name... Fascinating.
Admittedly, for my case, I found Dela Grante to be the best part of the game. What a way to spend a major part of the story in a world other than Sakaimachi.

>> No.3344019

I liked it too, sucks that we didn't get to see much of the capital. Kanno and his team really should have split YU-NO into two parts so the epilogue could have been properly fleshed out.

>> No.3344939

Is https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwye2108S7E from the PC-98 version or the elf classics port? The booting process and the fade in effects make me say PC-98 but the SP disk option in the main menu makes me think otherwise.

>> No.3344942

What part of PC98実機 do you not understand?

>> No.3344945

I thought only the windows port had the SP Disk built in, though?

>> No.3344976

I agree, as memorable as the second part of the game is, it'd be even better if it were longer and if there were another flowchart to it.

>> No.3345000

I guess if the other world was split into a separate game, they could have the part with Sayless be the prologue of it, and the start of the main game would be when Takuya gets to the capital.

>> No.3345007

Though that begs the question: what routes would it have? Amanda, Eichli:Kkwadrouu, Ayumi, Yu-no and maybe Sala?

>> No.3345021

Airia and Kunkun

>> No.3345025

Because fucking your daughters wasn't bad enough, right?
Kidding, of course

>> No.3346307

I want to eat kun-kun.

With my mouth

>> No.3346442

SP Disk = supplementary disk. AKA the disk containing the extra scenario (and other bonuses) mentioned in >>3333579

I imagine that on the PC-98 it would integrate itself into the main menu after installation.

>> No.3347129

I know what the SP disk is; I just thought it was completely separate from the main game like other fan disks

>> No.3348287

So how cone Kanna doesn't have elf ears? How come Takuya appears to age normally despite his mom being a dela grantian?

>> No.3348586

Because Takuya is still half and Kanna is still a quarter human.

>> No.3348765

I will never get over the fact that Eriko only gives you a handjob. Even in the SP minigame the most she ever does is strip down to her bra only.

What sort of a fucking cocktease is this, seriously.

>> No.3348794

Female guard doesn't even get that. There's the perfect setup for you stumbling upon her changing but it never happens.

>> No.3349223

If only the remake was made more than 5 years ago.

>> No.3349261

What would that have changed?

>> No.3349262

Kanno's and Umemoto's involvement for one.

>> No.3349682

rip in pieces

>> No.3349758

I was really disappointed by the game. The first half of the game and the setup was fantastic, but the second half of the game was absolute garbage, tossing away almost all of the plot threads it was building on (until the last hour or so) and characters. I can appreciate the influence it had on visual novels, especially the ones that involve time travel and branching paths, but the game itself I feel is vastly overrated.

>> No.3350050

>second half
The epilogue is unusually long but not that long.

>> No.3350108

The whole fucking game was building up to the epilogue, though. From Sword Cape to Sayless appearing in the opening and in Mio's route.

>> No.3350132

And those plot threads only really come back around in the last hour of the second half (and I call it that because it's clear that's more of the intention, epilogues are more like the additional ending(s) you unlock after beating the game). Not only that, but it got rid of most of the supporting cast which the game spent the entire time building up.

There's also the greater issue in that the issues you solve in the second half end up not really solving the issues in the first half since they're fairly distinct. Ryuuzouji's whole thing ends up never truly resolved.

I also heavily disliked it because I ended up going into the second half of the game after a bad end / cliffhanger ending. So the entire time I was expecting some sort of return and never got it.

>> No.3350194

The guy who impersonated him got killed off for good. What more could they have done with him than that? Also, did you get the true ends for Mio, Ayumi and Kanna?

>> No.3350203

And before you ask you only get the endings after beating the game once.

>> No.3350220

No. The ending of the game left a bad enough taste that I didn't feel like suffering through working my way through the game again to get to the extended endings.

Also, he only 'died' in the timeline where he was brought over to the other world. The events of the main game (and all of the bad ends) exist in their own space where he still lived.

>> No.3350281

Chaos Correction.

>> No.3350759

I actually found the second half of the game to be the best part. The plot threads were not tossed aside since they really were there to prove that an evil entity really was at work, with each path showing a different approach to make us guess how all the pieces are set regarding the entity, with the epilogue further confirming that player's expectations were correct. .

>> No.3350838
File: 325 KB, 899x675, 1439162093280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beating this for the first time

This is one of those type of games where you want to forget you played it just to relive the experience of doing it over again for the first time; at least for me in this instance. Despite a few discrepancies with the story and some plot points, it felt like a fucking cosmic odyssey.

After all the time I put into it though, I didn't get the 100% mark. Even with some of the post-game things you can do I still couldn't break past it. It's one little tiny thing I missed out on through main game that I can't even begin to narrow down or risk going through all of paths just to miss it again. Needless to say I was little perturbed by it.

>> No.3350912

You get a neat-o short scene if you 100% it and go to the school during the prologue.

>> No.3350915

You have a map. Just fill out the remaining lines.

>> No.3350948

>I actually found the second half of the game to be the best part.
Same here. It was heavily foreshadowed. Furthermore, I found some of the themes expressed there - the emotional transformation of Takya in both good and bad directions, the harmful effects of raising a child with the only role models available to her being her parents trying to fuck behind her back - more interesting than the shallow mystery fiction formula of raising questions and answering them later, especially as I took the whole story as not much more than an excuse to enjoy Ryu Umemoto's music anyway. The only part where it truly became mediocre IMO was when Takya cured the brainwash of Yu-no way too easily. At that point it felt like Kanno had written himself into a corner by running out of conflict, and it became this cliché JRPG Save The World thing.

I also thought it was objectively better than Muv-Luv Alternative (shit characters, pacing and plot devices) and Clannad (ever shittier characters, pacing and plot devices).

>> No.3351276

Why was she brainwashed anyway? Did she choose to inhibit her memory for Grantia? And if so how come it went away so easily?

>> No.3351325

Didn't Ryuuzouji tell? To receive the Mind of God, like how Sayless went mute to receive the Word of God. So that the ritual would be successful.

BTW the OVA was otherwise hilariously awful but ironically had a slightly better ending - Yu-no doesn't get cured, the Evil Villain Ryuuzouji doesn't exist so the final moments are more about Takya vs. Yu-no. As far I understand, it's based on the manga adaptation mentioned in the (now offline) Hardcoregaming101 article. It'd be an interesting version to read. Even better would have been some kind of encounter with Takya's dad (to resolve that plotline) to receive the strength to cure Yu-no with the Power of Love as a Final Test or some other melodramatic/symbolic shit.

>> No.3351356

I'd play both, fuck the haters.

>> No.3351386

I meant why the mind control went away and never came back if she needed it to accept grantia's consciousness

>> No.3353364

I totally forgot about that portion of the game. I may have to replay it just for that.

>> No.3355281

Finished watching Madoka Magica
Was the ending's similarity to YU-NO coincidental or not?

>> No.3355765

I never read or watched MM. Is it good? And how does it relate to this game? I'm curious, as I might actually watch it since I've bee recommended to do so before...

>> No.3356683

It's a pretty big spoiler for the ending
Madoka becomes something akin to an omniscient being that is able to watch over every timeline in the universe or parallel world if you will. And the reason she became like that was because Homura - who is able to travel through time - kept resetting time, thus creating a parallel world each time, to save Madoka, and all those parallel worlds converged together and gave Madoka immense power, for reasons explained in the show.

>> No.3357762

So no Youtube commentary or blind Streams of this game? ' ^ '

>> No.3358741

>wanting youtube commentary of yu-no of all things
Why? Do you want to see them react to the twists or something?

>> No.3358786

>haha bros this is admiral poopy pants69 here, and welcome to this wacky japanese juno game i found on ebaumsworld

Kill me

>> No.3359354

Yeah, first-time reactions to plot twists mainly~

>> No.3361810

Good thing is that this will never happen. since YU-NO is too long for a mainstream LPer to do a succesful LP of.

>> No.3361816

Well with the remake who knows, maybe they'll flock to play the first one as well

Still it doesn't bother me really, not like I was going to watch it anyway, and it might get some people to play the original. At the end of the day as cringy as that shit is, it's all positive.

>> No.3361823

The funny part is that because of >>3333003 a remake LP might end up being less cringey than one of the original, since some of the more "fucked up" content might get removed or downplayed in the remake.

>> No.3364048

So what the fuck was Sayless doing under Sword Cape in Mio's route?

>> No.3364481

Guiding Takuya.

>> No.3364490

I didn't find it all that fucked up to be honest.

>> No.3364832

I second that, I've seen worse in other Eroges, mainly those that only focus on that.

>> No.3365084

The most shocking for me was Kanna's secrets, simply because it was a lot different from what I was expecting.

>> No.3365280

To me Yu-No was a step too far. I really liked Kanna's route though.

>> No.3366446

Okay, but how did she even end up there?
I used quotes for a reason

>> No.3368850

She's a priestess. She didn't physically show up there but she send a projection to a place strongly connected to DG.

>> No.3369248

Are priestess ever said to be able to do that? Also, how did she end up at the borders and close to Takuya at that if she wasn't under Sword Cape when Takuya activated the dimension travel mechanism? Did she escape there from the capital or something? And if so, how come she shook her head when Takuya asked her if she knew where they were at the time?

>> No.3370452

Bumping since I really want an answer here

>> No.3370498

See >>3340714

>> No.3370945

From what I read somewhere, the second story arc (the epilogue) was to be another big major part of the game. The fact it got cut short before the game's release is probably a reason why we didn't got an answer to that. There's more to Dela Grante's story.

It makes me which Kanno, and the composer behind the original project (Umemoto) was still alive.

>> No.3370982

>It makes me which--
It makes me wish**

>> No.3373052

Sayless was able to project her voice into Takuya's mind multiple times during the epilogue, that type of thing just seems to be a thing priestesses can do.

>> No.3373103 [DELETED] 

Actually, was it really Sayless that could do that? Kun-kun's mother could seemingly do it too and she's just a Nogard. How do we not know it's Grandia and/or the hyper-sense stones doing it instead?

>> No.3373106 [DELETED] 

Wait, was it really Sayless that could do that? Kun-kun's mother could seemingly do it too and she's just a Nogard. How do we know it's not Grandia and/or the hyper-sense stones doing it instead?

>> No.3373110

Wait, was it really Sayless that could do that? Kun-kun's mother could seemingly do it too and she's just a Nogard. How do we know it's not Grandia and/or the hyper-sense stones doing it instead? And what do you make of the fact Sayless herself was somehow unaware of her supposed telepathy?

>> No.3373148

Hi /vr/, I tried this game based on your recommendation but all the gratuitous pervy moments turned me off. I made it up to where you get a gift from your father. So I didn't even leave the prologue.

Can you spoil some of the cool unique shit in the game to get me to play it? Both plot-wise and gameplay-wise. Like I know time travel and alternate timelines are part of the gameplay and they affect the plot. But can you get any more specific?

Also maybe this is off-topic, but are there any other VN's with unique gameplay mechanics? I've only played some Ace Attorney games (which have the court system mechanic) and Ghost Trick (the possession mechanic).

>> No.3373551

It's much tougher than most adventure games but still fair compared to the more ancient ones with punishing design (e.g. 80's Sierra games with lots of dead ends). Have you played The Last Express? It's a little bit like that, except that instead of being real-time time goes forward based on triggers (entering locations and meeting people), and you have the Reflector Device to help you jump back and forth between distant sections of the timeline and bring inventory items with you. It's an exercise in resource management and long-term planning, and requires making notes.

After completing the main section you unlock the ending, and if you manage to become emotionally invested it's an absolutely amazing ride. It may come as a shock at first, because you lose the Reflector Device, the cast and setting changes and it doesn't answer many question for a few hours, but personally I liked it more than the main portion. The main character finally gets some character development for one, and the linearity is actually kind of a relief. I saw it as a "Now the REAL adventure starts!" reward of sorts.

Here's some random reviews I found to be good:

>> No.3373595

>I made it up to where you get a gift from your father. So I didn't even leave the prologue.
You're almost through. All that's left is to go to triangle mountain.

>> No.3373712

The game doesn't really start until you finish the prologue, so try to make an extra push.

>> No.3373786

Stop being a pussy and just keep playing.

>> No.3374826

As a big fan of Phoenix Wright games and Ghost Trick, I found this one more more and in-depth. It's best you play it without expectations so it ends up being better than you think, and also there is such a thing as an authentic build-up. The only thing I can say is the game is all a huge build-up and the questions are mainly only get answered at the end, with the game's experience being in-between. In the mean time, the fun of the game is for the player to piece things together~

>> No.3374827

As a big fan of the Phoenix Wright games, I found this one to be more fun and in-depth than that series. Sorry for the Typos.

>> No.3374834

Okay you have convinced me I should consider trying again but... I lost it at this one segment where the main character is having dinner with his step-mom and keeps perving on her. I just started skipping through the dialogue. Can you really hold a button to skip all those parts?

>> No.3374887

Are you a girl or a gay guy or something or are you just really sensitive? I mean, I'm gay myself and none of the content really offended me or "grossed me out" so I'm not sure why you're so hanged up over it. Also, I wouldn't recommend skipping it. There's a lot of stuff you can miss due to how fast the skip button is, and at the end of the day, it's just better to get used to it.

>> No.3374965

Are you even aware that you're playing an erotic VN?
It has a great story and atmosphere, but it still is an eroge.

>> No.3375056

I'm not offended by it, it's just boring. And it's so fucking long.

Does the whole game have these long gratuitous scenes or is it mostly the prologue?

>> No.3375085

The whole game.
If it bothers you it clearly isn't a game for you.

>> No.3375137

It doesn't bother me, it's just boring. The plot seemed interesting though, so it sucks that there's all this gratuitous stuff now and then.

>> No.3375162

Maybe if you'd just play the game instead of stopping at the scenes you don't like you'd get to see more of the interesting stuff.

>> No.3375178

It's part of the plot, like it or not sex is a part of life, and if you skip those scenes you'll miss out on the story. There are some cases in the game where it's clearly shoehorned just to fill some sexy time quota, but for the most part all the sex related stuff is relevant to the plot. Skip it and you might as well just skip the story entirely.

You'll get used to it, I found it strange at first as well since I'm a prude and not really used to eroge stuff, but it's well done for the most part. It's not every day where you get to play a pervy kid main character in an actually compelling story and setting, so just keep in mind that it's worth trying something different.

>> No.3375184

By the way, I google translated the blurb under the remake site's sound previews and it seems like the remake will let you choose between the original OST and the remake's, assuming the translation is right:
"BGM is recorded arrange music by Mr. worked Keishi Yonao for full remake that time of the PC version of the sound source (FM sound source).
Select your favorite sound mode by the setting, it is possible to enjoy.
In blitz online, "Mr. Asada P × Keishi Yonao" interview published in"

>> No.3375197

If you want to skip previously-read events, you can hold CTRL.

>> No.3375807

I had similar problems in the beginning. The prologue dragged on too much and I got close to giving up.
I don't like these pseudo-interactive adventures where you have to exhaust all options for the linear plot to move on.

>> No.3375894
File: 197 KB, 1922x930, YUNOdxwndhighres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the dev of DxWnd to make a patch for YU-NO so you can run the game at higher resolution. You can change it to whatever you want, but remember the game runs in the weird 640x400 resolution so double that is 1280x800, then triple that is 1920x1200 (screenshot I have here is 1920x1200)

I'm no expert, so I'm not sure if 1.5x or 2.5x resolution will fuck up the pixel art, someone else may know.

DL with the patch export and dwnd program.

Only one bug doing this: The game menu gets a little wonky, and the exit game button stops working (exit with Alt-F4)

How to set up:
- Launch game and set it windowed first, NOT fullscreen
- Open dxwnd, import YU-NO export, right click it and hit "Modify"
- Set path to AI5ENG.EXE
- Set Launch to AI5ENG_VOICE.exe if you use voices
- Set resolution under "position" on the same tab W for width, H for height
- Click okay, then file: save in dxwnd
- Right click YU-NO in dxwnd, and run.

Probably could use another program to make it borderless maximized window so it looks "fullscreen" if you care to.

>> No.3376029

>the game runs in the weird 640x400 resolution
It's the standard resolution for PC98 games.

>> No.3376042

That's cool and all but I followed all your instructions down to the letter and it doesn't do anything.
I'm guessing the export file in mega is not updated?

>> No.3376243

Speaking of mods, is there any way to restore the fade-ins the original PC-98 version had? They make some scenes look a lot better, especially the intro:
PC-98: https://youtu.be/Fwye2108S7E?t=1m53s
Windows: https://youtu.be/fQOAWZO0bR0?t=43s

>> No.3376247

Upon closer inspection, they're still there but they're a lot faster for some reason.

>> No.3376286

probably tied to framerate

>> No.3376323

Here's something interesting:

Like the HG101 article mentions, the game's music was ported over to the Saturn without taking into account that the PC-98 verison had a custom-written sound engine. Said sound engine allowed for "changing time signatures", which could mean Umemoto was able to change the time signature mid track or something.

As a result of the above, some tracks sound faster or slower than the originals

PC-98: https://u.pomf.is/cdkhty.ogg
Saturn: https://u.pomf.is/cwalyv.ogg
PC-98: https://u.pomf.is/djvghg.ogg
Saturn: https://u.pomf.is/omrymc.ogg

>> No.3376817
File: 11 KB, 303x153, Whatthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't execute the "DELEVN" file.
I accidentally did without knowing it'd do something (delete a special file?) and so I can't install the game anymore.

If anyone knows a fix, I'll appreciate.

>> No.3376837

Turn on Show Extensions for Known File Types.

>> No.3377047
File: 16 KB, 480x526, modify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left my ini file in yea, I deleted it and updated the folder. I tested it out, works fine. I forgot to mention the dxwnd.dll is modified too, so use the one from the MEGA folder if you weren't.

>> No.3378739
File: 9 KB, 267x268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone wondering why the HG101 article got removed

>> No.3379901 [DELETED] 


>> No.3379909

Well that settles it

>> No.3379953

Wow, I didn't even notice it got temporarily removed. I found that page to have amazing info, and it showed how much dedication was put into it, in homage to Kanno and Umemoto.

>> No.3379985

Wayback machine has the article fully archived and HG101 still has all the files on the page but not the page itself

>> No.3379990


>> No.3380046

Looks like it's the original PC-98 version being emulated since it's got proper fade-ins, which the Elf Classics version doesn't have. (See: >>3376243

>> No.3380058

It has they're just faster.

>> No.3380060

Hence the "proper"
Also, I tried using cpukiller to slow down my CPU but that didn't fix it, so it looks like it's an inherent issue with the port and not something like my CPU being too fast.

>> No.3380069

>I tried using cpukiller to slow down my CPU but that didn't fix it
Excellent, Anon doing the proper detective work

>> No.3380070

Gonna try using other programs too like Bremze and see if those do anything

>> No.3380075

Fuck it, I think I'll just try a Windows 95 VM or something. Since I'm on the subject, if anyone has an old windows 95/98 machine lying around, can you try running the elf classics version there and see if there's any difference?

>> No.3381770

Any news on the remake and if it's coming to the west?

Also will it still have 18+ content?

>> No.3381776

Not on PS4 or Vita at least. And I doubt they'd add it to a later port.

>> No.3383091

Considering what's been shown of the remake so far, I have very little hopes about any quality of it, it just seems like some people cashing in on old dreams but not having the talent to do so anymore, or struggling to understand modern aesthetics don't do anything but a disservice to it.

>> No.3383262

I miss this type of detailed shading nowadays

>> No.3383265

It's not the fact it's got modern aesthetics, it's that they are shit modern aesthetics by an artist who has more experience drawing fantasy designs than real life ones. In fact, if you look at the dela grante character redesigns you'll notice they look a lot better than the main game ones, because they're fantasy designs.

>> No.3383760

I'm not really into VNs so I don't know, but all these types of modern VNs I looked at all look so plain and simple. Specially the background art, it's always drawn in such an unappealing and usually static way, at least put some simple animation in it. For fuck's sake VNs are so cheap.

>> No.3383814

My theory is that modern VNs is increasing the "Bad VNs" value in the ratio of Good VNs and Bad VNs". With more programmers today, VNs fall faster into the the pool of all VNs which, in-turn, makes the ones that are worth to play harder to find.
With that mentioned, on top of how easy developing one is nowadays, that probably changes how hard it is to find professionally made VNs that keep being buried by those effortlessly made modern ones which just seems to increase in numbers.
What's sad is that's slowly changing what VNs should be about, especially if a first-timer ends up playing a countless amount of crappy VNs before making his own of the same style -- and chances are that'd be crappy too because he'd realize: "Hey, that's easy to make with today's technology! That'll surely bring some Cha-Chings in my wallet!"

>> No.3383858

Do you have an example of a modern VN with impressive visuals?
Just asking because I don't honestly know.
I usually only play more adventure focused ones that are barely VNs in the first place like Snatcher and 999 and whatnot.

>> No.3383859

Nah, the ratio has always been the same. For every 1 YU-NO there's 100s of low effort VNs and dating sims out there. It's just that nowadays we have access to pretty much every VN that gets released so we're seeing things as they are, and not through a filter like with older games. And by filter I mean that only the good VNs or the really bad ones tend to get properly archived and are still remembered - not the simply bad or mediocre ones - so they're the only ones you're gonna find if you look for 90's VNs.

>> No.3383861

Same goes for anime, manga, etc

>> No.3383873

RIP at a younger age.
Hiroyuki Kanno, Scenario writer.
Ryu Umemoto, Music composer.
They have exhausted their all life for making this game.

>> No.3383876

You say that, but there's plenty of Kanno games made after YU-NO that I really wanna play like Mystereet (which is getting a remake, coincidentally)

>> No.3383925

My bad, I should have meant all the aspects that make them up and not only the visuals, but yeah, I did find 999 to be up there as an amazing VN. About the lack of effort shown in modern VNs, I think I somewhat meant it based on the Western take of that concept from how I was analyzing the ones I normally see on Steam lately, perhaps too much.

A good soundtrack. A well executed setting. A planned out plot with good pacing. Dynamic and expressive characters. I'll be willing to bet that most will lack at least one of these focus, which I find crucial in what can make one memorable.

As for an example of one with impressive graphics, I can't think of any specifically because almost all of them are visually compelling on the outside.

>> No.3385057

If a new thread ever gets made, how about we make it focus on Kanno's games as a whole and not just YU-NO?

>> No.3385203

Between all his games, which one would you recommend me that could be as close to Yu-No in terms of epicness? I've been itching to play a new classic VN as of late.

>> No.3385747

Eve Burst Error is a good start
Speaking of that, I wanna see if it's possible to port the original translation to the new remake

>> No.3387396

Here's a really shitty theory, how does it hold up?
The being inside Ryuuzouji is Koudai.
At the end of the game it's pretty apparant that he's seperated from the flow of causality, not unlike how Ryuuzouji said he was until he came in contact with Eriko's spouse.
He also says he can't remember who he is or how he got there. It stands to reason that after enough time Koudai could completely lose track of where he is, who he is or what he even intended to do when he started it all. It would make a lot of sense after that to do anything he could to return to any world he can, which starts his position as a fugitive from Eriko.
Koudai and "Ryuujouji" are also the only characters we're aware of being inexplicably seperate from causality, but there may be a few people like that.

>> No.3387693

I'm sure he'd at least remember Takuya, his own son, if that were the case. Plus, you do remember what he looked like when Abel forced him out of Ryuu's body, right? What the fuck would Koudai have to do to start looking like that?

>> No.3387830

Speak of Eve...


Wow, it has been a long time since Eve had an 18+ version - was the last time really the PC-98 version?

I guess that means they're going to have to find a new cast and can't reuse the Win98 voice acting though

>> No.3388186

As far as I'm aware the remake is already out

>> No.3388723

Ah, never mind. Looks like it's only the SFW version that's out

>> No.3388872

Too bad that it's not translated, I can't stand the UI in the old, translated Windows version. Completely kills the atmosphere.

>> No.3390867

Reminder that Takuya and OOT Link have the same VA

>> No.3391018


>> No.3392407

>Speaking of that, I wanna see if it's possible to port the original translation to the new remake
You guys really want *BILL CLINTON AND MONICA LEWSKY JOKE* in your translation?

>> No.3392834

Sure the original TL is shit but it'll be good for testing if text can be inserted at all.

>> No.3394832

What happens at the end of Kanna's route again? Does chaos correction occur after she gives you the key to the room?

>> No.3394870

You live happily as a family ever after.
She's dependent on the hypersense stone and her original one is ruined so you need to give her a replacement.

>> No.3394948

I know that part, I'm asking how the route ends if you give her the stone but don't enter the good ending. To be precise, I wanna know if Takuya has a chance of remembering what happened in the route.

>> No.3395529

Hey, /vr/! Are you ready for Eriko-sensei's theme park?
Man, is the saturn soundtrack ass

>> No.3396147

Am I honestly the only person who thinks the Saturn OST is okay

>> No.3396184

Do you still think it's okay after >>3376323 ?

>> No.3396190

I'm not saying it's better, but I don't think it's bad.
It's pretty okay.

>> No.3396457

I downloaded this a while ago. In the directory I have some additional files.

>[PC Game Windows] YUNO Music Pack (44 kHz Stereo Lossless).7z

What do I do with these? Should I even do anything? I'd check on the TLwiki site but it seems to be down.

>> No.3396463

Place MUSIC.ARC and the english executable from the first archive and the VOICE_A through C folders inside the second archive. in the root folder of the game.

>> No.3396473

Okay, thanks.

>> No.3396613

Doesn't he remember everything?

>> No.3397043

He forgets everything that happened prior to a chaos correction occurance

>> No.3399127

So according to vgmdb, my favorite track wasn't even composed by Umemoto himself. At least its composer is working on the remake along with Yonao

>> No.3401332

I might give it a try.