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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 299x168, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3337834 No.3337834 [Reply] [Original]

What did this company actually innovate? Anything?
Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. I want to know what they innovated because I can't really think of anything.

>> No.3337836

They invented true 3D gaming with Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64.

>> No.3337837

First commercially successful D-pad.

>> No.3337838
File: 30 KB, 1070x800, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did this company actually innovate? Anything?
Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. I want to know what they innovated because I can't really think of anything.

>> No.3337840 [DELETED] 

Pike off, you yank git.

>> No.3337842

Define dpad.

>> No.3337848

Search engines exist for a reason.

>> No.3337850

Get off my American website you Australian anus.

>> No.3337852
File: 417 KB, 3300x2300, NES-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black bars on the console

>> No.3337862

So Nintendo innovated nothing.

>> No.3337872
File: 27 KB, 400x261, vermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made the first handhelds.

>> No.3337874

They were best at polishing ideas of others.

>> No.3337875

No they didn't.

>> No.3337876

They brought us Mario, who contrary to popular belief, didn't originate in Super Mario 64, but he was actually originally a villain in the Donkey Kong series, which wasn't originally intended to be a Donkey Kong game, but instead, a game about cereal mascots, but it was changed at the last minute when Universal threatened to sue. The ideas from the original game eventually made it into the Japan only Doki Doki Pinnoci.

You can't deny history.

>> No.3337878
File: 402 KB, 1677x1200, Nintendo innovation aka guaranted replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have destroyed so many threads with this image. Its beatiful

>> No.3337879
File: 40 KB, 312x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337880

>Search engines exist for a reason.

>> No.3337881

I couldn't find any legitimate innovations.

>> No.3337887



Nintendo has "innovated" a lot, you retard.

>> No.3337892

>D-pad and shoulders
Nigga, Intellivision pad was held totally the other way than pads after Nintendo do.

>> No.3337894

Like what? If you're so sure then name some.
So what? Dpads existed in so many forms before Nintendo.

>> No.3337897


You don't even understand the full definition of "innovation". If you did, then this thread wouldn't exist.

>> No.3337901

Yes I do. And you're dodging the question.

>> No.3337903 [DELETED] 

Nintendo are essentially the Apple of gaming. Homosexual, didn't not create anything new but polish what's already been done into a friendly package

>> No.3337905
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>> No.3337906
File: 89 KB, 790x494, mattel_intellivision_controller_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the D-pad on this thing?

>> No.3337907


>> No.3337908

It has buttons that dictate movement. What do you think a dpad is?
Innovation in the field of video games, you fucking moron. So you're an idiot and a question dodger.

>> No.3337909
File: 32 KB, 808x805, nintendo-wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337915

D-pads differ from normal digital buttons, they can be used for a combination of movements (moving it up-right for example) to be input instead of just a single button (having to press both up and right).

By your logic I'm typing this post right now on a D-pad.

>> No.3337917

Could be if those buttons dictate movement in video games. Your definition is simply wrong.

>> No.3337918

You're a faggot.

>> No.3337920
File: 11 KB, 600x600, dpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Intellivsion allows for a combination of directions with a single button press right? According to you, I'm currently typing on this thing, right? Just want to get that straight.

>> No.3337927

See, you've already mentally defined a dpad as the Nintendo style. You've failed to realise what a dpad actually is. It is merely a set of buttons that allow for movement and navigation. The cross that Nintendo used is just a piece of plastic over the buttons. A dpad is not required to be able to perform eight way movement to be a dpad.

>> No.3337931

>The cross that Nintendo used is just a piece of plastic over the buttons.

AKA The D-Pad.

>> No.3337934
File: 299 KB, 606x401, 1457275172217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you're just trolling that guy

>> No.3337935

But it's literally called a directional pad. It's right there in the name, it's the cross.

It's the only thing from that image I disagree with.

>> No.3337939

mods fucking please do your job. This is worthless bait. Along with the n64 hater that always spams shit in the n64 threads. It leaves nothing for discussion.

>> No.3337940

Innovation usually means a bit more than "commercial prototype".

How much of a fucking idiot can one person be... Unless OP is a whole family trying to troll in co-op, if so, I think you guys broke records congratulations.

>> No.3337941

Oh, so that's your misunderstanding. I see now. Ok, that piece of plastic is not the dpad. The dpad is just the set of buttons that control movement. Dpad is a term coined in the late 90s to describe any set of buttons that control the movement/navigation in visual electronics.

>> No.3337942 [DELETED] 


>> No.3337943

So is any set of buttons that control movement/navigation in electronic media.

>> No.3337946

Why don't you post Nintendo innovations rather than bitchposts?

>> No.3337950
File: 43 KB, 640x213, D-Pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right. That's why every single controller since the Famicom has that piece of plastic now. Just because. They could've easily gone with a numerical keypad that offered serveral inputs at once (apparently) like the Intellivision that was truly innovative and functional, but for some reason they used the cross that was just a piece of plastic and served no purpose.

You're either a full retard or an expert troll.

>> No.3337951

Nintendo fans are some of the whiniest crybabies on /vr/, don't expect anything constructive from them.

>> No.3337953

Except Nintendo brings it to the masses, while constantly trying to revitalize a stale industry, Apple on the other hand bring their products to... hipsters and people who have way too much money to spend, or that value design over literally everything else.

>> No.3337957

Wait. You do know the disc is the dpad, right? Did you think the number buttons were the dpad?

>> No.3337959

So then why did you say buttons? For fuck's sake.

The disc isn't "buttons" plural.

>> No.3337960

>Except Apple brings it to the masses, while constantly trying to revitalize a stale industry, Nintendo on the other hand bring their products to... manchildren and people who have way too much money to spend, or that Mario and gimmicks over literally everything else.

>> No.3337962

Yes it is. There are buttons underneath it, just like every dpad. So you were arguing against something you literally knew nothing about just to defend the honour of Nintendo?

>> No.3337963

We would reply constructively if the OP actually put some thought behind their trolling. But innovation?? Come on everyone can do better than that.

>> No.3337965

Of course, who the fuck has played an Intellivision? Hipster trash.

And it wasn't for the honor of Nintendo, I couldn't give a fuck about them. It was for the honor of the late, great Gunpei Yokoi.

>> No.3337967

>But innovation?? Come on everyone can do better than that.
Well, everyone except Nintendo, evidently.

>> No.3337968

>to the masses
You are on /vr/, where Nintendo is the most expensive console among other mass consoles.

>> No.3337971

Looks like you were wrong, misguided and ignorant. Hit the bricks, kid, you're done. Yokoi was a talentless Yakuza stooge, by the way.

>> No.3337973

>Yokoi was a talentless Yakuza stooge, by the way.
How dare you, Australia-kun! He's done more than you, redneck pom.

>> No.3337974

Are you a literal nincompoop?
>Apple brings it to the masses
Masses and overpriced don't go hand in hand.
>revitalize a stale industry
Revitalize means more than release the same product, add an S to the name and increase the CPU.
>way too much money to spend
Wait, are nintendo's products too expensive now? Ok.
It's only the franchise with the best 2d and 3d platformers, kart racers, etc.
>gimmicks over literally everything else
Yeah, cause everyone bought a Wii U.

>> No.3337978

>Masses and overpriced don't go hand in hand.
Like Nintendo's overpriced consoles?
>Revitalize means more than release the same product, add an S to the name and increase the CPU.
Like the S NES?
Wait, are nintendo's products too expensive now?
Comparatively, yes. They certainly were.
>It's only the franchise with the best 2d and 3d platformers, kart racers, etc.
Not at all. Those games are baby trash.
>Yeah, cause everyone bought a Wii U.
They bought Wiis.

>> No.3337981

Lay off the e-celeb history lessons, will you?

>> No.3337982

> It is merely a set of buttons that allow for movement and navigation

The entire tv remote is a d-pad. Elevator panels are all just d-pads.

>> No.3337984

Sure. Maybe hold down some decent leadership for longer than 2 years, will you?

>> No.3337985
File: 96 KB, 800x437, 1465896835583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was for the honor of the late, great Gunpei Yokoi.

>> No.3337987

Yes, actually.
No chance, we're full of sandnigs now and they only want to elect Labour cucks.

>> No.3337989

Pornographic playing cards.

>> No.3338105
File: 146 KB, 406x415, 484949499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not trolling

>> No.3338116

Technically the start/select buttons are a D-pad too, then? After all you could map them to represent left/right or up/down. But that means the top left two images in >>3337878
contradict each other!


>> No.3338117

did you know Hiroshi Yamauchi wasn't actually a human being? He was a vessel that enclosed 7 yakuza oni spirits from 7 different regions in Japan. These oni monopolized the gambling in Japan with the hanafuda Nintendo cards and put a spell so that no other company could produce cards, truly evil.

Yamauchi, often referred to as "大魔王 ティラノ天堂" (Great Evil King Tyranotendo), tyranized the video games market with his monopolic practises, it is said that the Master System or the PC Engine didn't actually ever exist, and that they were invented time after so hide the fact that the Famicom was actually the one and only console existing in Japan.

>> No.3338120


Famicom was super inovative. Just compare Famicom to Atari systems that came before it.

>> No.3338146

>Comparatively, yes. They certainly were.
Compared to what? Apple products?
>Not at all. Those games are baby trash.
That is your opinion mate.

>> No.3338154

They are all over the thread friend, why don't you take a time to read?

>> No.3338157

The fact that you know so little of gaming before the Famicom speaks volumes of you. Seriously, name an ACTUAL innovation or get out.
Compared to budget microcomputers.

>> No.3338159

No they aren't. I already debunked them.

>> No.3338164


You aren't debunking anything, matey, you're just showing everyone how big your autism against Nintendo is.

Is Nintendo really that big in your life that you need to shitpost about them every single day of your life? What gives?

>> No.3338165

Someone said Nintendo made the first dpad, I proved them wrong. Someone said Nintendo made the first handheld, I proved them wrong. That's all anyone has claimed.

>> No.3338168

Innovate =/= invent

No idea why picking up a dictionary is such a hard concept for millennials.

>> No.3338170

No you didn't, d-pad, lock-on, shoulder buttons and even smash-style combat are all their inventions.

>> No.3338171


You're just obsessed with wanting to "prove" that "nintendo never innovated anything! nintendo suuuuuuuckkkkksss!"

Seriously, what's up? Why the trauma with nintendo?

>> No.3338172

Innovation in the field of video games, you idiot.
Clearly not. See

When did I say they suck? I just said they never innovated anything.

>> No.3338175


I don't believe you don't think Nintendo sucks. If you're so committed to keep making these kind of threads, it's obvious you have a personal vendetta against Nintendo.

Look, it's OK if you don't like Nintendo, but just ignore them. Having childish tantrums like "waah why is nintendo popular I don't like them" is only going to make you look like a big crybaby and people will keep making fun of you.

Take it as an advice. Leave /vr/ already. Find another hobby, you're not enjoying this one. It has become a job for you, and you've personalized Nintendo and "nintendildos" as some kind of imaginary enemy you have to fight. Just... release yourself from this pain, man. Set you free.

>> No.3338179

Just ignore this thread if you can't accept the fact that Nintendo has never innovated anything. Don't try to strawman everyone who dislikes the faceless corporation that you are loyal to.

>> No.3338181


I usually ignore these threads but meh, I felt like giving some advice to a person who needs help.

You are the one who uses strawman if you think I'm loyal to a corporation. I enjoy video games, not companies. I never was a console/system/brand warrior.

I enjoy this hobby, you do not.

Find another one and set you (and /vr/) free.

>> No.3338186

Are you trying to deny that you strawmanned me while continuing to do it?

>> No.3338189

>Innovation in the field of video games, you idiot.
Something Nintendo has done a lot of.

>> No.3338190

Such as?

>> No.3338193

Donkey Kong was the first game with non-interactive story cutscenes (before and after each level).

The NES introduced the D-pad.

Super Mario Bros made sidescrolling platformers incredibly popular until the introduction of 3D. Also it had novel running and jumping physics.

The Legend of Zelda introduced an unprecedented combination of open-world exploration and fast, arcade-like combat, which many other companies borrowed heavily from.

Metroid combined elements from the above two to pioneer the exploration-based, non-linear sidescroller.

Game Boy was the first major cartridge-based handheld with console-level graphics, gameplay, and sound.

SNES introduced shoulder buttons.

Super Mario Kart created the mascot kart-racing genre with powerups and weapons.

N64 introduced the thumbstick, force feedback, and trigger button to console gamepads.

Super Mario 64 redefined the 3D platformer with open-ended exploration and vastly expanded, physics-based movement.

Ocarina of Time was one of the first fully 3D open-world games and introduced lock-on targeting to 3D hack-and-slash combat.

Pokemon was an early form of portable social gaming, using the Game Boy Link Cable.

Super Smash Bros. created the crossover mascot fighting game genre with a very different style of fighting compared to the likes of Street Fighter and Tekken.

All of this is just off the top of my head.

>> No.3338194


I hope you find your way, video game discussion is not it.

That's all.

>> No.3338196

Clearly you are fucking stupid, no games now days use the same lock-on system that Tomb Raider uses, also ever wondered why people call smash-style combat? Because The Outfoxies is a completely different game.

>> No.3338198

Too much to list in a single thread.

Personally, the things I appreciate them for the most are the dpad, saves (as we use today not passwords/codes), and handhelds that were actually portable and usable.

>> No.3338201
File: 8 KB, 600x381, Flag-Japan[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did this country actually innovate? Anything?
Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. I want to know what they innovated because I can't really think of anything.

You are now aware that the entire storied "Eastern Mind" is programmed from birth to function simply as part of a collective which all but totally stifles original thought. The world needs white people with our huge egos and instinctive belief in the divine right of kings

>> No.3338203

All of these are bold faced lies. Most have been answered ITT, the others admit that they just copied other innovations by more creative companies.
Most of these like
>Super Mario 64 redefined the 3D platformer with open-ended exploration and vastly expanded, physics-based movement.
>Super Smash Bros. created the crossover mascot fighting game genre with a very different style of fighting compared to the likes of Street Fighter and Tekken.
>Game Boy was the first major cartridge-based handheld with console-level graphics, gameplay, and sound.
Are hilariously wrong.

>> No.3338205


Humans never innovated anything, everything we know come from ancient alien civilizations, and we just copied it.

>tfw you'll never play superior annunaki video games

>> No.3338207

Okay, you have nothing.
So popularity is all that matters now?

>> No.3338210

>Okay, you have nothing.
Like I said. I really don't know what it is about millennials and their inability to read a fucking dictionary.

>> No.3338214


Whether it matters or not, it bothers you.

Be aware that Nintendo will continue to be popular even after you die, and people will continue to say Nintendo invented a lot of things, and you will be 6 feet under and won't be able to post your "look, this disc-shaped button is a d-pad! nintendo didn't invent nothing!" bait pics to "prove them wrong".

>> No.3338215
File: 1.46 MB, 1474x1606, 024jd8q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So popularity is all that matters now?
That is what innovative means right?
An idea that you introduce in a environment that others soon follow.

>> No.3338216

Video games are the field. Innovations refer to advancements in fields. I guess you've never worked in a lab.

>> No.3338219


pro tip: you're arguing with a Gen X guy, not a Gen Y/Z.

Which makes it all even more embarrassing.

>> No.3338220 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 697x367, 1467721433354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we're not all the descendants of those ancient aliens, some of us more than others

yfw you can't tell if I'm from /pol/ or /x/

>> No.3338221

No, it refers to advancements regardless of popularity.

>> No.3338224

Please explain what you think "innovation" means.

>> No.3338225

Are you still butthurt that you didn't know anything about the Intellivision, tried to argue against it, and subsequently got told?

>> No.3338226

If it is not popular than it is not innovative.

>> No.3338227

So at this point you're guys just arguing semantics.

You will never convince australia-kun that Nintendo ever innovated anything, why even try? Just let him be.

>> No.3338229

Advancements in a sphere of activity, interest, or study.

>> No.3338230


I never discussed the intellivision, you got the wrong anon.

Also Coleco>intellivision

>> No.3338231


>> No.3338234

Now explain what an invention is.

>> No.3338237

An advancement in a sphere of interest, activity or study.

>> No.3338238

Ok, thanks for letting the world know that you're illiterate.

>> No.3338239

They made most of these things not shit for the first time.
If I have an idea for the perfect console/game but can't make it work, what's the point?
Thousands of people have ideas that would be world changing every day, including me and (you) and every anon on this board. The thing that makes Nintendo better than us is that they can make it happen.

>> No.3338242

>>I have destroyed so many threads with this image

I've only seen it a few times on /vr/ and people never made a big deal about it. Neither do they now.


>> being proud of making people angry on an image board

INB4 "I was just pretending to be retarded", "Ha, I trolled ya hard!"

>> No.3338243


No, anon, you don't understand, nintendo is pure evil and the only people that like nintendo were brainwashed by youtubers, or something like that.

>> No.3338246

Oxford's definition says pretty much the same thing.
>make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.

>make changes in something established (VIDEO GAMES), especially by introducing NEW methods, ideas, or products.
NOT refining OLD methods, ideas, or products.

>> No.3338251

This is like trying to argue with rabid anti-Apple nerds who are convinced that none of Apple's products were innovative because some obscure product that no one heard of had an early version of a feature before Apple refined it and put it into a compelling mainstream product.

>> No.3338252

Kid you are terribly ignorant and illiterate. You're probably not trolling either.

>introducing NEW methods, ideas, or products.
Doesn't mean you invented anything.

Henry Ford is an innovator. About all people remember him for is the "production line". Guess what? He never invented it. Wasn't even the first to use it in the automotive industry. He was the first to successfully do it for that application. That's why he's an innovator.


Innovation and invention are very far apart. Neither needs the other.

>> No.3338253

>Wait, are nintendo's products too expensive now?
>Comparatively, yes. They certainly were.

No they weren't. The N64 was much more expensive than the Playstation and the Saturn but all other consoles from Nintendo were the same price as the rest of its contemporary counterparts (NES, SNES) or even cheaper (non-retro like Gamecube, Wii and Wii U).

INB4 some snarky comment about how older nintendo consoles have become expensive because of man-children, hipsters or whatever

>> No.3338259

Nobody worth their salt calls Henry Ford an innovator. You don't know what innovation means even when I spelled it out for you.
I already explained this. Budget computers were much more affordable, which is why they were more popular when the Nes and Snes were new. The Gamecube was more expensive than the PS2 and the Wii was just a Gamecube with waggle.

>> No.3338262

So since you guys are very excited to discuss words and definitions, how would you define "shitposting"?

>> No.3338267

>Nobody worth their salt calls Henry Ford an innovator. You don't know what innovation means even when I spelled it out for you.

I suggest an heroing at your earliest possible convenience.

>> No.3338268

Posts praising Nintendo.

>> No.3338273


Really? but is "praising" the same as "liking"? How would you differentiate the two? We need some in-depth definitions here, man.

Also, why just Nintendo? what about posts that praise the Amiga?

>> No.3338274

Go back to /b/ with your crusty, old meme. You obviously have no argument.

>> No.3338279

You can like Nintendope just don't post about it.
People who praise the Amiga are genuine and have fond memories of a system they grew up with.

>> No.3338280

My argument got left behind like your education.

>> No.3338281

>People who praise the Amiga are genuine and have fond memories of a system they grew up with.

But how do you define "genuine"?

Would you say the Amiga port of Castlevania is "genuine"?

>> No.3338282

Your education must have been great if it gave you the ability to override the definitions in the dictionary of the University of Oxford. Or, more likely, you're an arrogant teenager who thought he knew what innovate meant but was told hard.

>> No.3338286

That was an obscure, sloppy port built from scratch by an inexperienced team who had never played the actual game.

>> No.3338292


Not really obscure, it has become quite popular on /vr/

>> No.3338293

We've establish you're illiterate. No need to further prove it.

>> No.3338295

Okay, but it was obscure back then.
You're not smarter than the Oxford dictionary. Sorry.

>> No.3338302

>You're not smarter than the Oxford dictionary. Sorry.
Need to be able to read before you can make a claim like that.

>> No.3338305


So you didn't tell me how do you define "genuine". It means "sloppy"?

>> No.3338306

You're relying on this meme of yours, but it just doesn't hold water. Go lick your wounds then come back better equipped to debate me. Learn from this experience.

>> No.3338308

Buy a dictionary.

>> No.3338314


I find it funner if you tell me your own definitions.

What makes Amiga fanboys more "genuine" and what does "genuine" mean to you?

>> No.3338316

What exactly am I learning here?

I came to the thread knowing already that kids like you think innovation and invention are interchangeable words.

>> No.3338317

Oh, you're just arse blasted. I'll let you cool off for a while. Come back when you have something to say.

>> No.3338321


>> No.3338323


What? I'm cool, I just want to know what do you think "genuine" means in the context of being an Amiga fan.

The dictionary won't be able to answer in that context, you know.

>> No.3338326

I can read unlike you. What else?

>> No.3338327

>Budget computers
I was talking about consoles. Even if you're going to move goalposts, you seem to not realize that those computers weren't really made for games.
Even in Europe, the NES and especially the SNES were more popular platforms for videogames than MS DOS or other computers.

>the gamecube was more expensive than the PS2

The PS2 released with a >300 pricetag while the gamecube's original price was less than 200.

>>the Wii was just a Gamecube with a waggle

Not sure what you're implying here.

>> No.3338331

That they aren't just repeating e-celeb lies.
Clearly not.
>I was talking about consoles. Even if you're going to move goalposts, you seem to not realize that those computers weren't really made for games.
Even in Europe, the NES and especially the SNES were more popular platforms for videogames than MS DOS or other computers.
Consoles weren't as popular in most of Europe.
Amstrad, Sinclair, and Acorn made computers that were cheaper than the Nes and more popular. The Snes was only popular after 1994.
>The PS2 released with a >300 pricetag while the gamecube's original price was less than 200.
When the GCN came out the PS2 was cheaper.
>Not sure what you're implying here.
That Nintendo charged full price for a waggle gimmick slapped on a 5 year old console.

>> No.3338337


So that's what "genuine" means to you? "Not spreading e-celeb lies"?

But that's wrong because there are e-celebs that tell lies about Amiga, see:

>> No.3338340

>The Snes was only popular after 1994.

This was thanks to Donkey kong Country, IIRC, right? Nobody cared about SNES before DKC, right?

>> No.3338345

>>Consoles weren't as popular in most of Europe.
Amstrad, Sinclair, and Acorn made computers that were cheaper than the Nes and more popular.

See >>3338327
>> Even if you're going to move goalposts, you seem to not realize that those computers weren't really made for games.

>>The PS2 released with a >300 pricetag while the gamecube's original price was less than 200

Note that I was talking about the prices of consoles when they were released, not about later prices. In other words, you didn't bring a new point here either.

>>That Nintendo charged full price for a waggle gimmick slapped on a 5 year old console.

And that console was still far cheaper than both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 which was released earlier than the Wii so even if I used your logic, the Wii was still cheaper than the other two.

So to summarize, I made three points, you gave me three answers that didn't refute nor prove anything. You're either stupid or trolling, I assume both.

>> No.3338349

What's the lie?
They still had games. It doesn't matter if they were supposed to. After 1987 the Spectrum was popular just for games.

How is that relevant? The price of the PS2 in 2000 was irrelevant to consumers when the GCN was released.

The Wii was more of a sixth gen console. It was so much weaker than the other two major consoles.

>> No.3338350


lol, I remember you from another thread, you're one hilarious guy.

>> No.3338351

It's pretty coon knowledge for anyone who lived in England at the time.

>> No.3338352

>What's the lie?

>* Best viewed in 50 Hz!

>> No.3338356


I wouldn't be so sure about that, but you're still one hilarious chap.

>> No.3338383
File: 65 KB, 400x566, business-commerce-pedantry-pedant-conference-meet-meeting-cgon304_low[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innovation is a cliche word. Stuff is successful not because of being new, but being better or simply well done. I don't see Nintendo as an innovative company, but just as one that did really good stuff, better than others.

>> No.3338391

Did you live through that time in Europe?
How is that a lie? Most Amiga software was designed to be used in 50hz.

>> No.3338392

They didn't innovate too much, rather they popularized.

>> No.3338398

They didn't seem to innovate at all?

>> No.3338403

>Did you live through that time in Europe?

Yes, but not in britbognland

>> No.3338407


50hz isn't "best" anything, period.

But still you have Amiga fanboys and e-celebs spreading lies about 50hz being good. So they aren't "genuine", they're liars just like any other e-celeb and fanbase, sorry.

>> No.3338414

Exactly, they popularized things and because they were the ones who made certain things popular everyone credits them. history is written by the victors

>> No.3338415

Are you trolling? PAL50 is better than NTSC60 in every way except in playing software designed for NTSC60 monitors.
You obviously lived in the Netherlands or Scandinavia, then.

>> No.3338419

Anyone who knows anything about video games knows that Nintendo innovated nothing. I don't listen to people who know nothing.

>> No.3338421

Yes, but that's my point, The general public thinks that Nintendo innovated but they didn't, they popularized things.

>> No.3338424

Why would I care what idiots think?

>> No.3338427


>You obviously lived in the Netherlands or Scandinavia, then.

There are other countries and regions in Europe apart from those.
But yeah, I'm from Scandinavia.

>> No.3338429

You don't but the point of this thread is that OP wanted to know what Nintendo innovated and I said nothing, they only popularized, which is the truth. If it wasn't Sega might have a larger fanbase or Atari games would be a bit more popular.

>> No.3338430

>PAL50 is better than NTSC60

Are you trolling? yes, you are trolling.

>> No.3338437

The other regions had basically no presence from Nintendo besides the brief time between DKC and the Playstation. But DKC was really only popular in the UK.

>> No.3338439

Guys, help.

I can't sleep, I keep having nightmares about people thinking Nintendo innovated when they CLEARLY never innovated anything.

How do I stop having nightmares? Shitposting doesn't do anything anymore.

>> No.3338443
File: 110 KB, 640x480, SM_SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not him, but I'm from France and the Super NES was popular here, we even got stuff like Dragon ball and Sailor Moon games localized just for us.

You're full of shit.

>> No.3338445 [DELETED] 

>But still you have Amiga fanboys and e-celebs spreading lies about 50hz being good. So they aren't "genuine", they're liars just like any other e-celeb and fanbase, sorry.
Don't you know how many C64/Amiga demos wouldn't even be possible on an NTSC machine?

>> No.3338448

Just play some Sega or Atari or litterally anything but Nintendo, Show yourself the truth and whenever someone spreads bullshit about Nintendo Innovating tell them the truth.

>> No.3338449 [DELETED] 

What do you think makes it worse?
It's not like Nintendo is popular now, so it doesn't matter.
The sales numbers say otherwise :)

>> No.3338451

>It's not like Nintendo is popular now, so it doesn't matter.

Well, it's more popular than Sega, Atari or Commodore, for sure.

>> No.3338456

>The sales numbers say otherwise :)

Why did you put that smilie? It's ironic?

Anyway, your narrative that Nintendo didn't have presence in countries other than Netherlands or northern europe is bullshit.
If Nintendo didn't have any presence, then the sales numbers should be Zero. And that isn't the case. You're wrong.

>> No.3338458

>What do you think makes it worse?

What do you think is better about 50hz compared to 60hz?

>> No.3338459

I can tell English isn't your first language.
Sega is still pretty popular for a publisher.

>> No.3338460

>I can tell English isn't your first language.

Don't you say captain obvious, I'm french.

You're still full of bullshit.

>> No.3338462

>Sega is still pretty popular for a publisher.

Yeah, Bayonetta 2 was one of the best games this generation IMO.
Based Nintendo for funding it.

>> No.3338464
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>> No.3338467

You still don't understand what I'm saying.
What the fuck does based mean?

>> No.3338468


I actually never played Nintendo in my life, but my body still shakes involuntarily every time I remember there's people out there who like them.

How do I put an end to this suffering?

>> No.3338471 [DELETED] 

Some /sp/ meme from 5 years ago. Nevermind.

>> No.3338472
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>Not trolling

>> No.3338474

>You still don't understand what I'm saying.

That's right, I can't tell what you're saying behind all that load of bullshit.

>> No.3338475

2D gameplay, 3D gameplay, motion controls. The first two are extremely significant.

>> No.3338479
File: 177 KB, 371x558, bayoplayboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get with the times, gramps.

Based means "Nintendoes what Segain't"

>> No.3338480

You'd know I'm right if you knew English !

>> No.3338482


>defending 50hz

Keep spreading e-celeb lies, Amigay

>> No.3338483


Bullshit is universal, I don't need to have a major in English language to tell you're full of shit.

>> No.3338490

You got told hard.
You know I'm right.

>> No.3338497

>You got told hard.

How so? Lies spread by e-celebs aren't telling me anything, other than you're homosexual and enjoy it.

>> No.3338498


Meh, at this point you're not even trying anymore.

Understandable, this thread has been going for like 7 hours now, you must be tired.

>> No.3338501

How is my chart a lie?
Just reread what I originally posted.

>> No.3338506


I've read what you've posted, and I've read your posts here before.

Still, really, 7 hours... that's some work you put into this, I will concede you that, you're serious about this shit.

>> No.3338510 [DELETED] 

Nearly all Jap console games such as Mario, Mega Man, and Metroid were done better and improved upon by Europeans. You mean to honestly tell me Turrican is less of a game than your poorly designed Japcrap?

>> No.3338514

Well I mean just understand that liking them doesn't mean that they buy into the bullshit, I like some nintendo games, mostly on Famicom, but I understand they did almost nothing for the industry besides popularize things, and another thing I do is try to avoid modern gaming news and channels, since those tend to bring up Nintendo or at least the NX at one point, I only ever actually notice it if it's in the related videos for music I'm listening to while playing Sega, Atari, Amiga, or Arcade games and such.

>> No.3338516

>How is my chart a lie?

Your chart is a lie because NTSC stands for "Never The Same Color" and PAL stands for "Petrified Australian Latency".

>> No.3338519


God, it's so obvious you're australia-kun.

Cringe as fuck.

Just stop wasting your time here, idiot.

>> No.3338520

it's not even close to less of a game but I still like my japcrap more.

>> No.3338525

>another thing I do is try to avoid modern gaming news and channels, since those tend to bring up Nintendo or at least the NX at one point

So basically you're covering your eyes going "lalalala nintendo doesn't exist! doesn't exist!"

I try to do that but in the back of my head, I still know there are people that enjoy Nintendo, and as I said, it makes my body shake, violently. It gets more painful each time.

>> No.3338526

I live in america you fucking idiot, I'm just tired of the Nintendo circlejerk.

>> No.3338527

yeah but what does it matter, If you don't see, hear, or interact with them, why even care?

>> No.3338529 [DELETED] 

Didn't Nintendo try to sue Rainbow Arts over GGS?

>> No.3338532


I guess it's on a subconscious level, I can't control it.
Last time I went to a family diner, my brother's wife took out her 3DS and I involuntarily took it out of her hands, smashed it against the floor while screaming "fucking nintendildos! fucking nintendildos!" and got a seizure afterwards, been shaking on the floor for like 15 minutes.

I can't keep living like this, man, I need a solution.

I need Nintendo to stop existing. Ignoring them doesn't work anymore.

>> No.3338534

The Nintendo circlejerk is endless here. IDK why either. This whole site is filled with degenerates pedos, Nazis, gun nuts and far worse. Yet they all fucking LOVE nintendo.

It's like going to the bad part of town and finding some hidden Nazi rally in some run down old werehouse, and then you go inside and they're all just cuddling their MLP plush toys and talking about why Zelda OoT is the greatest thing literally EVER.

IT's fucking weird as shit.

And just FYI, I'm just a garden variety porn creep. I just see tons of racism and other shit in my travels here, lol.

>> No.3338536

Ok, I highly doubt this happened but for the sake of the conversation, don't forget that the 3DS has the best ports of Fantasy Zones 1&2, and other great Sega arcade ports.

>> No.3338537 [DELETED] 

Rainbow arts didnt give a crap about ripping off other peoples games
the law suit over great giana sisters didn't stop them ripping off r-type and gauntlet
did they ever make an original game?

>> No.3338538

No they did not.

>> No.3338539

>Why did you put that smilie? It's ironic?
Because he's trolling you. He knows he shouldn't do it but hey, have you ever seen a shitposter trying to be believable with his shit?

>> No.3338542 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure about this from a legal standpoint, but I think that the similarities were closer than that of just being a run & jump game. I think if Nintendo ever ported SMB to the 64 then barring the sprites it would have resembled GGS 99%, and I think that pushes it a bit more to the limits.

Granted that there were a lot of knock offs, but by the NES era those things were being much more frowned upon. Ocean released the licensed version of Donkey Kong at a time when that game was seen to be old hat, one wonders if pressure was put to bear on them to pay a license for their previous releases like Eskimo Eddie & Kong Strikes Back?

>> No.3338546

>the first GOOD handhelds.

>> No.3338547

Same, but I come here on /vr/ because this is the only board that I know will recognize great Sega, Atari, Amiga, and other games that people on /v/ or just anywhere else will shrug off and ignore, This board is founded upon the fact that things were better back when these things were in their prime and I love it.

>> No.3338551 [DELETED] 

>I think if Nintendo ever ported SMB to the 64 then barring the sprites it would have resembled GGS 99%, and I think that pushes it a bit more to the limits.

Did you ever play SMB? Giana isn't even 50% of that.

>> No.3338558

The Game Gear?

>> No.3338559


You keep coming to a board that constantly call you out on your autism and even mods make fun of you just because "old is better"?

If you don't know any other board, you should learn how to use google, there are plenty of internet forums that specialize on retro euro computer sand all that junk you love.

>> No.3338560
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>> No.3338564

>value design over literally everything
Apple's design isn't even good. I hate how Apple fags still whine about PCs and shit, Apple's computer have been PC-based for 10 years now.

>> No.3338565

Capcomfag? You do know the best handheld versions of Capcom games on any handheld, right?

>> No.3338568

yeah but I'm lazy and I still like it here. Plus I call out my own autism and hate myself enough already so that's not important

>> No.3338585


I think rather than a video game board, what you need is to find a BDSM community.
The world is full of weird fucks who hate themselves, you're just wasting your time here.

>> No.3338604

Yeah but I'm still happy I just really dislike myself as a person.

>> No.3338609

None of their "innovations" matter now. The Pii U is dead, Iwata is dead and they're about to go third party. RIP kiddytendo.

>> No.3338610

You really are confusing "innovate" with "invent."

I hope you're just one of "da trollz."

>> No.3338614

>doesn't prove anyone wrong

>> No.3338616


He proved them wrong... something something e-celebs, etc.

>> No.3338617


Wrong board, Rugga


>> No.3338618

He didn't prove anything other than that he confuses innovate and invent.

>> No.3338629

I already explained why you're wrong and why your grasp of the English language is insufficient.

>> No.3338630


He's saying that indeed he never proved anything wrong other than blaming e-celebs for everything.

Anyway the amount of samefagging in this thread is incredible.

>223 replies
>37 unique IPs

>> No.3338632


lol, I'm the french guy, but I'm not the guy you replied just now.

you should go to sleep already, it's late and you've been shitposting for too long.

>> No.3338634

Would you rather we limit everyone to 1 post per thread?

>> No.3338637


No, but having poster id for each thread would be nice.

>> No.3338638

Poster IDs killed the boards they're used on

Well, other than /b/, which was always terrible.

>> No.3338641

Go to another website if you want that shit.

>> No.3338646



>> No.3338647


/b/ was never good

>> No.3338657

Internet connectivity with gaming consoles, with the first subscription online service on a console, the first downloadable games on a console, and the first online play on a console. CD-based games. Backwards compatibility. A custom console OS. The first console capable of 480p.

But to answer OP, Nintendo was a pioneer in the field of $100 games with special chips inside them - that still look and play like shit, sure, but hey, it LOOKED 3D!!!

>> No.3338662

Nintendo pioneered being for babies and man children who run away when they see blood because they are immature babyfags and can't handle a deep, dark, serious game like I can. Sega and Sony had games that reflected the inner darkness of my soul from having two Christmases since my parents were divorced, while Nintendo did kiddy shit because minute toddlers are fucking babies who never had to rough it in high school like real people, like me, who had to deal with bullies and preppy douchebags since they didn't understand my real power...

>> No.3338674

I've always totally opposed IDs on boards. I've also never liked it since Moot made it that OPs can't bump their own thread.

>> No.3338698

They were some stubborn bastards. Sega launched the 16-bit revolution and had Nintendo get off their ass and respond with the Snes. Nintendo held onto cartridges while everyone else jumped to CD. Nintendo didn't do online while Sega and Microsoft were the ones who got the ball rolling. They had some innovative games but sure didn't do much hardware-wise.

>> No.3338712

>They had some innovative games but sure didn't do much hardware-wise

>introduced a whole host of features not seen in earlier consoles
>more advanced than the Genny in every way but CPU speed
>first successful 64 bit console and highly advanced for its time, though hamstrung by the cartridge format

>> No.3338713

What games were innovative?

>> No.3338716

>more advanced than the Genny in every way but CPU speed

But RAM speed.

But size of normal-mode resolution.

But number of sound channels.

>> No.3338717

You're not really saying anything. And success isn't an innovation.

>> No.3338725

So what features are we talking here regarding the NES? Sega also attempted to upgrade their Genesis with the CD and if they didn't squander it on FMV crap they would have dominated.

Zelda 1? Super Mario 64? Starfox?

>> No.3338726

>more advanced than the Genny in every way but CPU speed
Damn that's impressive considering it was released years later. I'm now a #Nintendog.

>> No.3338727

Mario 64 yes, the other two, no.

>> No.3338728

You really don't know much about the Mega CD. Seems like you just watched an AVGN video and never really looked at it independently.

How were those games innovative?

>> No.3338731

Two years. Not a huge difference.

>> No.3338735

It's a pretty significant amount of time.

>> No.3338737

Starfox pushed the Snes way past its usual limits with Super-FX and popularized enhancement chips. Zelda was a big open world adventure and yeah, you got me there now that I think about it there could have been more before that one.

>> No.3338740

Two years was a huge difference at that time. We've only had a slowdown in Moore's Law recently.

To give a good example, less than 2 years was the difference in graphics between Quake 1 and Unreal.

>> No.3338743

Starfox ran like pure shit and only pushed the limits of the SFX chip because that chip was shit, Zelda was a Hydlide ripoff.

>> No.3338745

The N64 was actually 64-bit, way before that was common in personal computers. This was because it was based on the Silicon Graphics Indy, which was a Unix Workstation.

>> No.3338751

N64 is 64 bit not because of its SGI origins but because it has the MIPS R4300i CPU which was an off-the-shelf CPU that just happened to be 64 bit. It was probably the best performance/price RISC CPU of '96.

Pretty much a lucky coincidence for Nintendo's marketing department and no more.

>> No.3338756

Are you also going to tell us about what a waste it was to put a 3D game on there in the first place? That's always a fun conversation.

>> No.3338761
File: 63 KB, 500x371, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impersonation is the new form of shitposting

I'm okay with this

>> No.3338763

I'd say on average technology moved fastest in the 90s when big jumps were made every year. In the 80s things didn't move all that fast--most PC software in 1989 still ran on a 1983 IBM XT if you upgraded the RAM. A PC from 1993 was hopelessly antiquated by 1999 and nothing out by then would run on it. That's the difference between a 33Mhz 486 with 8MB of memory and a 400Mhz Pentium II with 64MB of memory.

>> No.3338769

Just to follow on from >>3338751

There is some truth to what you say because SGI really liked using MIPS CPUs in their workstations, to the extent that they actually bought MIPS out.

Contrary to popular belief SGI were actually responsible for designing almost all of the N64's "core" hardware. MIPS were no doubt chosen as a CPU provider for the console because SGI wanted to make extra money indirectly.

RDRAM was chosen as the RAM for the N64 because SGI had purchased a lot of shares in Rambus and wanted their share price to go up. While the MIPS CPU was a good choice for the N64, I think the RDRAM was a bit of a mistake - the decision was clearly driven by SGI's greed as opposed to maximizing performance (it is difficult to optimize performance on RDRAM due to its high latency). Nintendo didn't financially suffer though - SGI managed to arrange a discount on the typically expensive RDRAM to Nintendo at prices that made it equal to other RAM.

>> No.3338776

Save ram
The out of reach grabber

>> No.3338782

Your views of technology are purely anecdotal. Moore's Law was continuing at the same pace in the late 80s as it was in the early 90s and it was in the late 90s.

> A PC from 1993 was hopelessly antiquated by 1999 and nothing out by then would run on it

I totally disagree with this. Windows 98 SE which was the latest operating system at the time still officially supported 486 systems. Yes, virtually everything would have run slow as shit, but it would have worked. Pretty much exactly like a 1983 PC running 1989 software. Probably more favorable to the 486, even.

>> No.3338792

That gave me good keks too.

>> No.3338796

>Pretty much exactly like a 1983 PC running 1989 software
Absolutely not. You look at typical software out in 89 and mostly it would require any PC with at least 512k of RAM and a graphics card. Very few software packages other than some high end business stuff needed a 286/386 to run.

Almost any software out in 1999 required a Pentium/Pentium II and at least 32MB of RAM. Most 1993-era motherboards couldn't even accommodate that much memory. Also the stuff out then all required Windows 95 and would not have run on 1993-vintage DOS/Windows 3.x.

>> No.3338806

I've played enough of it to know that Sega could have done great things with it. They could have used animated cutscenes to supplement gameplay as opposed to the cutscenes just being the games themselves, pipe in some delicious CD quality audio and even release soundtrack discs to enhance cartridge based titles like I've seen a few homebrewers do, and maybe just add in more levels and content in general because there was just so much more storage. The only hardware flaw I know of is the loading times but then again that was inherent in the medium and PS1 had those out the ass too. What I see is wasted potential and what could have been if Nintendo made their superdisc and Sega was forced to compete with it.

>> No.3338810

Maybe they should have used a style of game that doesn't require speed. Like a puzzle game or an RPG.

>> No.3338812

They're the first and only company to have consistently decent franchises

>> No.3338817

>Almost any software out in 1999 required a Pentium/Pentium II and at least 32MB of RAM

Office 97 only needs 8 MB of RAM and a 486. Office 2000 needs 20 MB of RAM and they upped the minimum requirement to a Pentium 1 (although I bet a 486 would still work).

>> No.3338821

Now, the original IBM XT...you only needed to upgrade the RAM and possibly install an NEC V20 and it was able to run about 90% of PC software made up to 1990. There was no way you're coaxing a 486 from 1993 to run anything out in 1999.

>> No.3338825

>Office 2000 needs 20 MB of RAM and they upped the minimum requirement to a Pentium 1 (although I bet a 486 would still work)

Even if you could get that to run on a 33Mhz 486, it would be slow enough to the point of being unusable.

>> No.3338826

Just admit that you've only seen the AVGN shit. FMV was nowhere near as prevalent as you make it out to be and many FMV games were made quite well. Go play some of the games for yourself.

>> No.3338829

Out out out.

>> No.3338845

The big driver of the 90s technology boom was Windows of course. GUIs were vastly more demanding than the primitive single tasking CLI OSes were so memory and CPU speed jumped rapidly every year.

>> No.3338851

Well in 1994 just 1 year later you could already get 100mhz 486s so that wouldn't be a problem.

And that could certainly run Office 2000 which was still the latest version of Office in the year 2000.

I think one also has to factor in that Microsoft had an incentive at that time to program unoptimized software due to their OEM Windows relationship. Every time somebody buys a premade computer Microsoft made money so it was in their interest to force people to upgrade.

This dynamic didn't quite exist in the same way earlier on.

You're still arguing on a faulty premise because software is irrelevant to the likes of Moore's Law. Hardware only matters to this argument.

>> No.3338854

Sonic CD? Popful Mail? Ecco CD? That hack of Rock and Roll Racing that uses an old documented function that was completely unused officially? Sonic Redbook? Puggsy? I've played a few and I'll get on some FMV ones I suppose because I'll admit I skipped those. Drop a list and I'll take a break from posting and play them.

>> No.3338858

But memory and CPU speed were jumping in the 80s. When the XT came out, computers had 64-128k of memory and by the end of the decade everything had at least 512k. Also we run from 1Mhz 6502s to 16Mhz 386s.

>> No.3338860

I don't think anything but servers had a 100Mhz CPU in 1994. At that time the average consumer PC was 33, 50, or 66Mhz.

>> No.3338862

Just play the most popular Mega CD games on Google.

>> No.3338867


>CD-based games.

Why do sega fanboys make shit like this up?

>> No.3338870

If you want to use this argument you also have to factor in that IBM XT cost $4995 in 80s bucks on release.

One of the reason these 80s computers lasted longer was because the typical computer sold was higher-end and "workstation grade".

While most computers and software in the 90s were "consumer grade" with lower relative specs.

>> No.3338872

But again, nothing in the late 80s had a 386 but some $6000 workstations. As the 90s opened, Intel began licensing 386 production to other manufacturers and combined with the arrival of the cut-down 386SX allowed a big drop in the price of 386 PCs.

That was the defining sign of the new decade--the age of 8 and 16 bit computers ended and the age of 32 bit computers had begun.

>> No.3338876

>Commodore 64
>ZX Spectrum
>workstation grade
Those things lasted an entire bloody decade.

>> No.3338879

>it doesn't matter if nintendo was the one that popularized it and made it a standard in games because they didn't do it first

I don't understand this thinking.

>> No.3338881

IBM machines were expensive but after 85, you had cheap Asian PC clones arrive which drastically lowered the cost of PC compatible hardware.

>> No.3338884


>> No.3338887

Quake came out a day before SM64

>> No.3338902

Sega had a CD addon for the Genesis and actually released it unlike Nintendo who had their Snes equivalent get scrapped because of two partnerships gone sour.

>> No.3338906

Holy shit that image is stupid. This is some next level bait.

>> No.3338908

Shit nvm. Just remembered that NEC did it earlier with the PC Engine so tjey get that point.

>> No.3338914

>Windows 98 SE which was the latest operating system
Are you one of those fags who don't know anything about computers from before like 1995 and have never heard about IRIX and the like?

>> No.3338918

Apparently not because the very idea of trying to run software out in 1999 on a 1993 PC makes me snicker a little.

>> No.3338940

Windows 98 SE was released after the final version of IRIX dude. Plus I wasn't aware we were talking about operating systems for $10k+ machines

>> No.3338942

You're implying that when you say the fastest operating system. I think there were still versions of AmigaOS for classic Amigas developed at that time that were faster.

>> No.3338945

Yeah the disc isn't a d-pad.

>> No.3338950
File: 1.18 MB, 2080x2280, Microvision-Handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro-vision says hi

>> No.3338956

>the very idea of trying to run software out in 1999 on a 1993 PC makes me snicker a little.

>> No.3338957

You really didn't prove anything, friend.

>> No.3338964

You can install it and run but it'll work at like 2 mph and no software that actually needs Windows 2000 to run is compatible with a 486 anyway.

I mean, you could also run Windows 95 on a 386 but that's not very nice either.

>> No.3338975

I lived this fucking life, 486DX2/80 until fucking 1999 when I used a credit card my friend found at the gas station to buy myself a Celeron at Walmart two towns over.

>> No.3338984

fuck off new friend. You need to go back

>> No.3338991

Wow pong.. very exciting.. grasp those straws harder boy

>> No.3339001

The fact that so many gamers still name Nintendo as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game company ever only tells you how far Nintenbabies still are from becoming serious gamers. Sega gamers have long recognized that the greatest vidya of all times are Space Harrier and Zaxxon, who were not the most famous or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Atari gamers rank the highly controversial I-Robot over vidya games that were highly popular in arcades around America. Nintendo gamers are still blinded by commercial success. Nintendo sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Sega gamers grow up playing a lot of Sega games of the past, Atari gamers grow up playing a lot of Atari games of the past. Nintendo gamers are often totally ignorant of the vidya games of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Nintendo did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.3339002

You need to go see a doctor dude.. You go on and on about the same shit every fucking day. What is your problem?

>> No.3339003

The thing is that a SGI workstation from 1993 could still run SGI software from 1999 competently

>> No.3339005

But you can't do 8-way movement with just a start and select button, you idiot.

>> No.3339007

>only going to make you look like a big crybaby
lol, that projection

Want me to help change your diaper, Mr. Offended?

>> No.3339014

> australia kun boogeyman

>> No.3339017

>more than one guy is this obsessed and butthurt about Nintendo

Sure maybe.. but doesn't make you look better even being compared to aussie kun

>> No.3339018

>with the first subscription online service on a console

>the first downloadable games on a console

>> No.3339031

>50hz isn't "best" anything, period.
Better resolution, better colours, and full 60FPS speed if they aren't lazy NTSC ports.

>> No.3339049

>Dual-screen Game and Watch (DK)
>Side-scrolling and fun physics in Mario.
>Made the first home console game with battery-backed saving. Also pioneered open-world on console. (Zelda 1)
>Popularized the standard controller layout everyone uses today. Also, shoulder buttons, Mode 7, and Super FX. (SNES)
>Made the first 3D platformer that actively required an analog stick unless you're a DSfag. Also, dynamic camera. (SM64)
>Lock-on targeting done right. (OOT)
>Made the only good analog triggers in history. (Gamecube)
>Popularized touchscreens. (DS)

>> No.3339050

Namco did it before Nintendo.

>> No.3339060

are you that buttmad brit from the C64 thread?

>> No.3339075

It's just Australia-kun, slayer of Nintendo and champion of Spectrum.

>> No.3339076

how is he not rangebanned yet?

i swear to god, brit or not, brits and aussies are the worst posters on this site

>> No.3339078

Nope to all of that. See: >>3337878

As for the other points not in that image, the NEC TurboGrafx-CD was the first CD based console, the PS1 had a high resolution mode which was 480p. The NEC Develo technically ran a custom DOS-like OS with a compiler (basically a homebrew development version of the PC-Engine like the Net Yaroze). So no to Sega again.

>> No.3339086

>budget microcomputers
Fucking europoors. Every time.

>> No.3339097

Because you just can't ban someone for having bad opinions.

Besides, at this point, he provides us with decent comedy.

>> No.3339098

Mods really should ban discussion of microcomputers.

>> No.3339105

Or move it to /g/ or something.

>> No.3339107

Go play Maniac Mansion on your NES or whatever.

>> No.3339108

>tfw he thinks the SNES was literally just the NES with a S slapped on it

he literally derails as many threads as he can with his bullshit

>> No.3339110

There's absolutely no reason for this thread to consist of anything but calling the OP a drooling retard for not knowing the definition of "innovation".

You should all be ashamed.

>> No.3339112

I get why you spend so much time on /vr/. It's because you're waiting for your tape games to load.

>> No.3339116
File: 150 KB, 422x538, SNESvsDS4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invent does not equal innovate. Everything builds upon the past, and Nintendo just happened to do all this stuff better than those literally who failures that take up most of your image's text.

>> No.3339125


i feel so bad for brits who grew up with that

inb4 he finds an excuse to call tape games superior because "muh yanks" didn't use them

>> No.3339132

I prefer the Amiga, thank you very much.

>> No.3339143


fuck off 90's kiddo

>> No.3339152

Oh pardon me then. I figured with your massive focus on innovation you'd be using anything but an Amiga.

>> No.3339160

I'm not the anon that posted about innovation.

>> No.3339195
File: 58 KB, 465x498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derailing isn't against the rules either.

>> No.3339209

doing it on purpose non-stop is a violation of rule 3

>> No.3339221
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying.

>> No.3339224

thank you australia-kun for admitting you were never looking for any decent argument

anyone under me who serioulsy replies to the question in the OP is officially retarded

>> No.3339234

Was never looking for an argument in the first place, just wondered why people claim/lie that Nintendo is innovative.

>> No.3339262

Innovation does not equal success or quality. So even if they haven't been innovative, it doesn't mean they haven't made loads of money or good things.

>> No.3339281

So, Australia.kun/Tomoko poster:

You hate yourself, but do you want to die? That is the real question.

>> No.3339282

Even in cases where Nintendo didn't invent a thing, Nintendo are usually the ones who figure out how to use it well. Analog sticks were never really utilized very well until Super Mario 64 where it made use of the full 360 degree movement.

>> No.3339286

>australia has been shitposting for 14+ hours non-stop

Is this a new record?

I'm saving this thread for future references.

>> No.3339291


Hardly a new record, I remember whole weekends when he was doing shitposting marathons of 48 or 72 hours.

The guy doesn't even sleep, it's impressive.

>> No.3339292

you're just mad because you had to play gianna sisters growing up and won't admit that it's shit

>> No.3339312

TGGS is a much better videogame than your boring generic Mario stuff, though.

>> No.3339315


That's what gets me the most, knowing that fuckkken Nintendo systems having the best versions of Sega arcade games, it feels like a cruel torture, like God is humiliating and laughing at me!
My body shakes, my blood burns, my mind explodes, and I fall to the floor in a violent seizure, while screaming "nintendildos! nintendildos!"

>> No.3339323

no it isn't

and by the way turrican is shit

>> No.3339328

>this boring generic Mario clone is better than your boring generic Mario game

>> No.3339350
File: 237 KB, 500x500, 1407687118342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shameless knockoff is better than the original
>the original is boring
My sides are in orbit.

>> No.3339357

>turrican is shit

>> No.3339359

australia-kun, ladies and gentlemen

don't try to actually reason with him though

>> No.3339361

exactly ;^)

>> No.3339374

>innovation means first

Are you really this dumb?

>> No.3339379


Yes, he is. Read the whole thread if you have the time, it's good sarcastic comedy.

>> No.3339401

>Mode 7, and Super FX
Mode 7 is a poor man's hardware scaling and rotating, perspective was made with scanline tricks.
Super FX is just a processor to push polygons in the tiled-based hardware.

>> No.3339409

>Implying NES Maniac isn't the best version

Please, famicom. We all know it's superior to even the DOS V2 version.

>> No.3339417

Amigar version is the best out of all them.

>> No.3339418
File: 5 KB, 256x224, 1230363947911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two posts disagree with me
>must be samefag

>> No.3339420

I bet it has some sick bitmapped borders around the screen with the gameplay in the middle.

>> No.3339430

Nope, it's common knowledge that TGGS is a cheap Mario clone.

>> No.3339434


He's saying that the guy who said Gianna is better than Mario is australia-kun, not that you are.

If you don't know who aus-kun is, welcome to /vr/ and enjoy the show.

>> No.3339435

It does actually look pretty nice, anon. I'm just staying in the obnoxious spirit of this thread.

>> No.3339454

Oh. We agree, then.

>> No.3339505

and what's nice about it is you can even extract some CHR data from the NES version and play it in scummvm, so you have the good parts of the NES version (music and graphics) AND mouse control

>> No.3339524

r o f l

>> No.3339545

Why do you keep posting this when OP showed you're wrong multiple times? Pick a better argument.

>> No.3339547

Fuck off, you say people make shit up without you knowing shit yourself, now you have to face the consequenses. With that you just admitted you are here only to shitpost, just begone already dickhead.

>> No.3340101 [DELETED] 

350 posts... and these sorry Nintendildos couldn't show any evidence of Nintendo being innovative. How sad.

>> No.3340105


What do you mean? It's 350 posts of making fun of autistic australia-kun, nobody cares about what company "innovented" anything.

>> No.3340113

They invented mascots and video game/console developers. Atari really doesn't count because everyone hated pac man on 2600 and preferred the arcade versions. With Mario, you automatically think of only Nintendo when you see the name.

>> No.3340134

>thinks Atari invented Pacman
Literally what.

By the way, Q*Bert predates Nintendo's shitty mascots, and is far more memorable than Mario or Link.

>> No.3340137

I didn't say invented did i?

Q*Bert wasn't developed and published by Atari either

>> No.3340153

>Atari really doesn't count because everyone hated pac man

Implies you think Atari made Pacman.

>> No.3340154

More like invigorated. This is a well-made piece of bait, though. It'd fall apart completely if you included pictures of the parts you're actually talking about instead of the improved Nintendo equivalents.

>> No.3340158

box says manual in french. That usually meant "only manual in french, game may be english, moon runes, or something made up"

>> No.3340169
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Not him, but the game is indeed in french.

Sailor Moon (as well as other anime) were really big here in France back in the early 90s.

Anyway, that SM game is a beat 'em up, not a RPG, so text doesn't really matter that much.

>> No.3340171

>full 60FPS speed
how do you get 60fps out of a 50Hz display? Or did you mean the engine was adjusted, so the 50fps/Hz moved about the same speed as the 60fps/Hz variant, avoiding the PAL slowdown?

>> No.3340172

I was implying they could have adopted its likeness, granted if Namco let them, to promote the 2600 but they completely fucked that up. Video game console developers didn't really have a true "mascot" for video games until Mario

>> No.3340173

>Not him, but the game is indeed in french.
fair enough. Why were they sandbagging on the box then? Usually if the game was translated as well they'd advertise it loudly

>> No.3340178

>CD-based games.

The first CD-rom game was The Manhole by Cyan for the Mac.

Sierra On-Line then pioneered a series of CD-based games including Jones in the Fast Lane and Mixed Up Mother Goose.

Then came the killer-apps - Myst and The 7th Guest.

It was PC that ushered the age of CD gaming. It didn't really catch on with console gamers until the PS1.

Saying that Sega pioneered CD-based gaming is like saying Nintendo pioneered AR with the 3DS.

>> No.3340179

>Nintendo pioneered AR with the 3DS
You heard it here first, folks

>> No.3340330

You certainly could. It would just be slow and awkward.

>> No.3340392

>Q*Bert is far more memorable than Mario or Link.

Ya dun goofed!

>> No.3340405

Did you know that other people have different lived experience to you?

>> No.3340415

>Saying that Sega pioneered CD-based gaming is like saying Nintendo pioneered AR with the 3DS.

He never implied that it was indeed the case. Instead, he made a comparison that would be as ludicrous as the original claim. Maybe you should learn more reading comprehension before you reply next time.

>> No.3340483

One man's personal experience is nothing when stacked against weight of History.

>> No.3340487
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>> No.3340510

...that was sarcasm. I mean like I know sarcasm isn't usually conveyed too well via text but in the context it was blatantly obvious. How dense are you?

He didn't say they did, he said it was like saying they did. Like actually read the post if you're going to be all condescending about it. What a fucking retard.

>> No.3340527

In certain areas Q*Bert is more well known than Mario. Definitely moreso than Zelda in most places.

>> No.3340619

You need trolling lessons.

>> No.3340628

>Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious.

We didn't think you were trolling until you said that.

>> No.3340674

Apple hipsters vs nintenyearolds


>> No.3340886

I note that the only two replies I got are not the anon that posted the original statement. Looks like that anon's reading comprehension is better than yours. You two are awfully angry though, lighten up

>> No.3340901

ITT the Shitpost Olympics

>> No.3342703

QBert was so successful it put video games on the map! Oh wait that was Mario

>> No.3342732

Yes we did.

>> No.3342734

Looks like you didn't destroy this one at all, you stupid piece of horse shit.

>> No.3342736

Because he wanted to be able to change his argument if it ever got this far, since he's a candyass.

>> No.3342741

>/vr/ LITERALLY constitutes this idiots' world

>> No.3342786
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>> No.3342795

Are you saying video games weren't popular before 1985?
What is wrong about it?

>> No.3342808

He innovations listed were either completely broken and ignored until Nintendo fixed them or they're just complete bullshit.

>The Dreamcast was the first controller with a screen.

How in the name fuck is that even on the same planet as the Wii U's gamepad?

Never mind the fact moron is ignoring the innovations Nintendo brought to game design, gameplay mechanics and player/controller amalgamation.

>> No.3342816

Does the VMU not have a screen? Does the Pii U not have a screen? The Dreamcast had a screen and came out before the Wii Pu.

>> No.3342820

Please name those innovations. Actually, name any 5 innovations by Nintendo. All you drones ever do is bitch about it and say Nintendo did everything but you NEVER back it up. If you get told off for lying you'll say 'oh, but Nintendo just did it better' or 'that other one doesn't count because it's slightly more primitive than Nintendo's'. You're a disingenuous mark for Nintendo.

>> No.3342821

>Pii U


>> No.3342862

Nintendo invented selfies with their GameBoy camera. Blame that shit on them.

>> No.3342864


>what are polaroids


>> No.3342892

Pretty much every single modern control pad is based on Nintendo's SNES controller (the exception being Nintendo's own Wiimote).

>> No.3342940

Xbox isn't.

>> No.3342967
File: 946 KB, 800x800, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3342985

[citation needed]

>> No.3343012

Nintendo didn't create any of those things you're pointing out.

>> No.3343023

You mean to say that Nintendo didn't standardise the joypad and everyone else hasn't been riding their coattails ever since?

>> No.3343024
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>> No.3343025

Only Sony ever based their remote off Nintendo's.

>> No.3343026


Anon was just pointing out that EVERY modern joypad is based in Nintendo's design.

>> No.3343028

That's a lie.

>> No.3343038

Technical and gameplay innovations aside, most of these children don't realise that Nintendo's marketing ethic, regional policies and licensing models cemented the industry into what we know it as today.

>> No.3343040

Feel free to point out an exception to that senpai.

>> No.3343041

Well, maybe in regards to home consoles. To say they affected the whole industry with theor greedy policies is false. They had no impact on far better mediums for playing games, like home computers and arcades. PC gaming today takes no lessons from Nintendo's policies of the 80s.

>> No.3343042

Xbox controller. There are only two major games consoles today and I already mentioned the Playstation.

>> No.3343052
File: 35 KB, 800x516, 18j0wgghkmbh7jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this another anon literally just proved you wrong. Fucking LOOK at it.


And the Playstation? The fucking control pad is such a shamelss rip of the SNES pad I can't even believe debating it.

The fucking PlayStation started life as a SNES add-on. And SONY have kep the design going for 20+ years because they literally have fuck all else to bring to the table.

>> No.3343059

He didn't prove me wrong on anything, nothing on the Xbox controller was invented by Nintendo and it has no real similarities to the Snez controller

>> No.3343065

>it has no real similarities to the Snez controller

Being this much in denial.

>> No.3343069

You're in denial.

>> No.3343076

Let take a look the the Xbone controller.

>Shoulder buttons
>4x buttons
> Buttons are coloured Green Blue Yellow & Red
> Buttons are labelled XY BA for fuck's sake
>2x neutral function buttons just like Nintendo's START & SELECT

On top of that, do you honestly think the pad would have analogue control sticks if it weren't for Nintendo perfecting their design and utilisation on the N64?

>> No.3343085

Nintendo didn't create any of those things, drone. It's as much a Nintendo controller as it is a Taito controller.

>> No.3343087

Your ignorance is truly wonderous.

Have you considered a career in politics?

>> No.3343092

Why do people always resort to that buzzword when they're desperate and wrong?

>> No.3343118

>desperate and wrong

You have absolutely no retort to my argument other than stamping your feet.

Reason, accountability and facts sail over your head.

Modern control pads are solely attributable to Nintendo's designs.

An incontrovertible truth.

>> No.3343172

You have nothing to back that claim up other than that they look kind of similar. You have nothing so you're just name-calling like a child.

>> No.3343180

>You have nothing to back that claim up other than that they look kind of similar.

You're so denial it's baffling. Nintendo have standardised so much that millennialls like yourself take totally for granted.

Did Nintendo invent fire buttons? No.

Did Nintendo revolutionise video controllers? Yes.

Even simple things like having the directional pad on the left - fire buttons on the right - is Nintendo's idea. It's their design. Nintendo were the ones who said "this is what a control pad looks like".

And EVERY SINGLE control pad since has been some variation on Nintendo's design.

Proove me wrong. I'm waiting.

>> No.3343186

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.3343203
File: 7 KB, 311x162, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already proved it just by pointing at the xbone controller. Which you admitted looks similar - which is entire fucking point because its a ripoff of Nintendo's design.

And I could do this for every control pad for the past 30 years and you will still be in total denial of the facts.

>> No.3343206

suggest a better placement for 4 buttons, or a better button count. Show why it's better, address the drawbacks

>> No.3343212

THAT'S your counter argument? That Nintendo were the first to design and ergonomic button layout?

Congratulations on successfully refuting fuck all of the facts.

>> No.3343364

The Start/Select buttons seen on controllers today from the DualShocks to Xbox controllers resemble the NES's Start/Select buttons far more than they do the three different Start/Pause/Reset buttons on the Atari 5200. The "analog stick" on systems like the Atari 5200 or the Radofin 1292 APVS isn't really much like the one on the N64 controller (or the far superior one that more companies take influence from on the PS1's Dual Analog Controller). Some of these are things that pretty much anyone who knows a lick of non-Nintendo vidya knows. For example, who the fuck actually believes the GameCube controller pioneered dual analog sticks? Everyone knows it was the PlayStation. For that matter, anyone who's bothered to read about the Dreamcast for more than five seconds knows about its handheld connectivity capabilities. Said person who's read about the Dreamcast for more than a few seconds would thus also know that its controllers far predate the Wii U in terms of a controller with screen (although this comparison is retarded anyway because the Wii U Gamepad was designed to be utilized in a completely different fashion from the VMUs for Dreamcast). As for the save system, to my knowledge it's at least true that Zelda is the first console game to allow saving. Alpha Waves isn't even close to as developed or realized compared to Super Mario 64's huge possibilities in terms of movement and level design. If I'm not mistaken, doesn't Tomb Raider only have auto-targeting?

In short, a lot of the "original versions" of the things cited in this picture are like preliminary and/or prototype versions of the full, realized editions you see in the selected Nintendo products. Even if Nintendo's versions of all of these didn't predate the originals, they evolved them into the versions that everyone copies today.

Also, you're a fucking retard if you interpret anything on the Intellivision controller as a D-pad.

>> No.3343371


For fucks sake, stop replying to that old, stale bait.

Read the thread, everyone has already made fun of australia-kun. No need to keep this shit going.

>> No.3343373

ITT: retards who think coming up with a good idea badly implemented is easier than just taking the idea of someone else and fixing it

Thank god nowadays people are more intelligent and Nintendo is in shambles.

>> No.3343374

what about Sega Genesis dude.

>> No.3343375


They're more alive than Commodore ;)

>> No.3343379 [DELETED] 

Since we're bitching about D-pads, how's the one on the Xbox One controller? Does it compare to the one on the Wii U Pro controller? Is it far better than the 360 D-pad?

>> No.3343391

They arguably published the first plat former, first one that let you jump between platforms and over obstacles at least.

>> No.3343404

>Nintendo is in shambles.
Doing better than Sony, and Microsoft's Xbox Division.

>> No.3343408

Sony's XBox division has always been terrible, and Microsoft has been smashing the self-destruct button for at least a year or two now and gets slowly irritated that it doesn't seem to do anything

>> No.3343424


>> No.3343425

not retro

>> No.3343438

Are you trying to be funny or just babbling incoherently?

>> No.3343478
File: 31 KB, 606x318, mastercontroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEGA were also inspired by Nintendo. The Master System joypad is a straight copy of Nintendo's.

And the Megadrive was before the SNES but still sticks to Nintendo's design of having the directional controls on the left, buttons on the right.

>> No.3343514


better than Microsoft, yes
better than Sony? Are you retarded?

>> No.3343526

Wireless controls, but that was complete shit

>> No.3343683

Industry standard now bub.

>> No.3343689

NX is going to be the final nail in Nintendo's coffin.


>> No.3343701

they did a lot of things that other companies tried to do, really well, for a comparatively cheap price. nintendo's not really about innovating or using risky technologies, they just take what's available and use it in a way that people haven't really tried before.

>> No.3343703


...And? Look at what OP asked.

>> No.3343707

tbqh the xbox controllers are basically direct descendants of sega controllers. although sega's controllers definitely took inspiration from their nintendo counterparts.

the wavebird was really good.

the layout of the controller itself, ergonomics aside, is basically identical to the gamecube.

>> No.3343714

Yeah, I was pointing out that despite what that anon thought of the wavebird's quality, afterwards wireless controllers became the industry standard.

>> No.3343745

Yeah, I get what you're saying aesthetically bro,but on an absolute fundamental level, Nintendo's control pad design is the standard layout for every single control pad

>Direction controls on the left
>Action buttons on the right

Nintendo perfected that design with the SNES control pad and it's influence in clearly visible in EVERY SINGLE control pad of the past quarter century.

Even if you were to ask someone who had no knowledge or interest in video games to draw a control pad, they will instinctively draw something resembling Nintendo's classic design. It's ingrained into the public psyche.

It's a design theory that a lot of these kids take for granted - because it has seemingly always been there.

But it never used to be.

Nintendo were the ones who decided HOW we will interact with video games.

Perhaps the kiddies on this board will take a moment to let that sink in.

>> No.3343774

Who's been deleting the GC/PS2 threads then?

>> No.3343776


If the NX is another casualbox like the Wii and Wii U then RIP you faggots. When will they learn casuals want mobile games, and don't care about game consoles?

>> No.3343778

The GC ain't retro. Of course it's going to get deleted.

>> No.3343782

Duh, but the question is WHO is deleting them? /vr/ does have mods (or at least a janitor who sometimes comes in once a day to clean up the dregs of this shithole).

>> No.3343784

/vr must have a mod.

I've seen non retro threads get deleted within minutes.

So if you want to trigger a mod, try starting a GameBoy Advance thread.

>> No.3343817

Gentlemen take polaroids
They fall in love they fall in love
Gentlemen take polaroids
They fall in love they fall in love

>> No.3343849

Why? Nintendo is loaded, they can afford another failure. Sure it will cause a radical reassessment of their business model, but they aint gonna shut up shop.

>Wii U

>> No.3343850
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>> No.3343857
File: 31 KB, 400x300, Karn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RIP Mick Karn

>> No.3343869

>Wii U
>tablet controller
>not a casualbox

>> No.3343870

>Clearly never played a Wii U

>> No.3343875

Even the Wii had more core games than the Wii U.

>> No.3343884

Of course. It sold 10 times as many units as the Wii U, it has more of every type of game.

>> No.3343897

>he was one of the 10 people who bought a Wii U
What a sad existence. Having to justify your purchases to strangers on the internet.

>> No.3343905

You mad bro?

>> No.3343913

Nope. I didn't buy a Wii U. :^)

>> No.3343920

Australia is going for gold

>> No.3343921

>Arguing over games machines rather than the games.

Ahhh to be 14 again.

>> No.3343936
File: 38 KB, 327x316, goldface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wii U

>> No.3343943

>You mad bro?
Things a 14 year old would say.

>> No.3343954

Besides my retro gaming collection, I also have a PS4, Wii U and a gaming rig PC.

I can objectively say the Wii U is a great little machine with some fantastic games and gaming experiences you won't find anywhere else.

Are you really so immature you're going to hate on a fucking game console? To what end?

Jesus Christ. This is why noone ever takes gaming seriously because the playground mentality of the early 90's is still there.

Do you see movie fans arguing over fucking blu-ray players?


>> No.3343974

How can it be a straight copy when the only thing it did is a gave a d-pad left and ONLY two buttons (which also act as a Start button)?

>> No.3343982
File: 51 KB, 500x313, mb_vectrex_controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Vectrex controller?

>> No.3343983

Are you fucking serious?

Before the NES, conteol pads looked NOTHING like that. They were a fucking mess.

Post-NES and every control pad copies Nintendo's design.

Are you honestly suggesting that SEGA just came up with the Master System control pad design out of thin fucking air?

>> No.3343986

Nintendo were already using proto versions of their control design in Donkey Kong and their Game & Watch machines years prior to the Vextrex.

>> No.3343996

>Nintendo invented the modern controller layout

Is this what the children believe nowadays? Holy shit...

>> No.3344003

Just because you cannot accept something doesn’t make it true.

Feel free to disprove it.

>> No.3344010

Actually, I'm a 2nd generation gamer. But keep shit posting if you want to.

>> No.3344030

>aus-kun going at this for a week
what the fuck does he even do in life

>> No.3344047


>> No.3344052

>Clearly never played anything except a Wii U

>> No.3344059

Is this a new record?

We've gone from just the weekend to full weeks now with him.

>> No.3344061


He said he's "retired", but I think he's actually disabled, probably has a real life mental illness and that's why he has so much free time to shitpost here.

People like him should have internet usage restricted by law.

>> No.3344073

I don't think he's that retarded. I mean, he did work at a tech store and modded his console to run 60hz games, after all.

>> No.3344092

>caring what companies innovate

>> No.3344104


That's bullshit and you know it.

>> No.3344427
File: 40 KB, 400x533, rcjoyadJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>creating anything on their own

>> No.3344438

unlike modern wireless controls it's probably not even using a protocol, so it likely has a better latency

>> No.3344478

Any idiot could do that mod.

>> No.3344493

Well, some guy on /vr/ believes it's impossible that someone could have modded his console to do 60hz back in the '90s.

I think it's the same guy that likes to force the Australia-kun meme hard.

>> No.3344497

isnt it infrared

as in you literally HAVE to point it towards the receiver and it fucks up if you dont

>> No.3344501

There were even tutorials on how to do it in magazines back then.

>> No.3344502

>implying it's just one guy calling you australia-kun
>implying we dont like to see you get mad like the autist you are every time we say that

>> No.3344505

considering both joysticks and the receiver have an antenna, with the receiver's antenna pointing upwards, I strongly suspect RF

>> No.3344509
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>I-i-it's more than one guy, really!

>> No.3344510

see? he's australia-kun

>> No.3344513

You're still bringing up a point from a discussion we had literally over six months ago.

Get a life and move on already, anon.

>> No.3344517

i literally have no idea what you're talking about

i just know you're aus-kun because you get upset by that and you're posting tomoko

>> No.3344548

>everyone that posts an anime reaction image is my Australian bogeyman

Now I've seen it all.

>> No.3344550

>didn't even mention my other point
using tomoko to shitpost is one thing, australia-kun, but you getting upset by that appellation just sets it in stone

>> No.3344593
File: 31 KB, 288x400, Origin of D-Pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids these days...

>> No.3344716

Japan makes the best games!

>> No.3344757

Not him, but at no point did I claim Nintendo invented directional controls.

I'll say it again:

Did Nintendo invent fire buttons? No.
Did Nintendo revolutionise video game controllers? Yes.

What so many of you children take for granted is the entire concept of holding a controll pad in two hands - witj the D-pad on the left and the action buttons on the right.

This is Nintendo's design.

And this design has been adopted by EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CONSOLE FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS.

Nintendo perfected their controller design with the SNES pad - which continues to directly influence the design control pads even today.

Nintendo are the company who decided HOW we interact with video games. Their design is the absolutely foundation to which everyone adheres to, whether they are conciously aware of the influence or not.

Do you understand? Do you realise how much this industry owes to Nintendo?

>> No.3344764

AVGN fanboys actually believe this.

>> No.3344770

What the fuck does AVGN have to do with anything.

I believe this because I fucking lived through the evolution.

Do you think Nintendo earned the reputation and respect of, not just consumers, but industry peers out of fucking nothing?

I've already presented much to back up my point.

If I'm wrong, prove it.

>> No.3344781

You haven't posted a single source to back you up. Post Bill Gates saying the Xbox controller is a ripoff of the Nes if you're so sure.

>> No.3344793

>people admit to theft

>> No.3344821

Keep living in denial kiddo.

>> No.3344823
File: 1.79 MB, 800x2500, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3344841


lol you're still forcing your "australia-kun is just a boogeyman and only 1 guy forces it".

I'll remind you that even the owner of 4chan hates you and deletes your threads, and we laugh at your autistic ass in the secret mod IRC ;)

>> No.3344847

No fucking company in their right mind is going to admit being influenced by their rivals (or in Nintendo's case, completely ripped-off).

Do you think SONY and Microsoft were going to say "hey folks, we noticed y'all digging that Nintendo Wii. So we invented our our own motion control shite to cash in on the fad".

Yeah, that's how big companies like to market themselves. Fuck me.

>> No.3344851

>500 replies
>88 unique IPs (including australia-kun's phone)

Good job, auster.

Also, you know what your problem is? That you treated /vr/ like it was /v/.
Your forced your memes way too often ("pal is better than ntsc", "genesis? more like exodus", "only yanks like nintendo", etc), making you way too obvious on a slower board like /vr/.

I get it, you wanted to force memes in hopes your personal thoughts would catch up on /vr/'s hivemind so that at least you could left something in this world, but instead, you yourself turned into a meme, instead of your thoughts.
You're just bad at trolling, you're bad at subtlety, and you get mad when mods delete your obvious shitposts. You're a fun show to watch, but ultimately a sad one too.

I don't really know who are you, if you're really australian, british, or whatever, but I can tell you're one stupid guy.

>> No.3345357

Sure kid, sure...

>> No.3345410

>Also, you know what your problem is? That you treated /vr/ like it was /v/.
If anything's the problem, it's idiotic yanks that keep spreading blatant misinformation.

>Your forced your memes way too often ("pal is better than ntsc", "genesis? more like exodus", "only yanks like nintendo", etc), making you way too obvious on a slower board like /vr/.
All of those statements are true, though. PAL gives a greater colour depth, Genesis is a dumb name compared to Megadrive, and Nintendo was only ever really popular in the US outside the east.

>I get it, you wanted to force memes in hopes your personal thoughts would catch up on /vr/'s hivemind so that at least you could left something in this world,
I couldn't care less what /vr/ thinks, most cunts here love trash like Nintendo and Atari.

>but instead, you yourself turned into a meme, instead of your thoughts.
What is a man, but a collection of his thoughts and ideals?

>You're just bad at trolling, you're bad at subtlety, and you get mad when mods delete your obvious shitposts. You're a fun show to watch, but ultimately a sad one too.
And you can't take any banter without getting extremely butthurt and shifting the blame onto a strawman.

>I don't really know who are you, if you're really australian, british, or whatever, but I can tell you're one stupid guy.
Back at you, poofter.

>> No.3345423

>yeah but this one company that is out of the console business didn't latch on to Nintendo like the other successful ones did!

I know. Funny how that works out.

>> No.3345432

>Nintendo is in shambles
the battle cry of the 16-20 year old hater

>> No.3345436
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every thread

>> No.3345438

In fairness, I wish SEGA hadn't fucked up so bad. I miss them. What's left of them is a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.3345439

I'm not that person, but I've been accused of being them on more than one occasion. While they may be a sad meme, it's not helpful if people on /vr/ keep trying to address them personally, giving them more importance than they deserve. Evaluate posts on the merit of their contents, that's why we're all anons. Same goes for accused age.

>> No.3345441

>he hates a system he never bought
>he hates games in general

welcome to /vr/

>> No.3345445


Name one single successful company that uses this style of controller. Everyone uses Nintendo's concept.

>> No.3345451

The cinematic equivalent of this thread:


>> No.3345456

you're on a gaming board. What's the /vr/ game equivalent of this thread?

>> No.3345461
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>> No.3345468

that's a movie as well, still no /vr/ game

>> No.3345518
File: 151 KB, 800x600, Great_Mighty_Poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit Post Armageddon

>> No.3345639

All right, I'll play along.
>invented platformers (which were the core of gaming for 20 years)
>Most game controllers are just SNES controllers with analog sticks and more buttons
>Invented the analog stick controller
>Invented the idea of a game having characters and setting
>Invented the idea of games being pretty and colorful
>Made games about the adventure and not the high score
>Brought animation to games
>Made motion controls a big thing (I wish they hadn't, but still innovation)
You don't have to like Nintendo, heaven knows they aren't perfect, but you can't deny the fact that they're innovative.

>> No.3345657

>>Made games about the adventure and not the high score

Sounds like something only a casual scrub would praise.

>> No.3345756

Making video games become an experience rather than a sport elevates the medium closer to recognition as art.

Feel free to shit post in response.

>> No.3345785

>"games are art" meme
And you think I'm the one shitposting?

>> No.3345950

Nintendo sux.

>> No.3345982

>Saying "Nintendo sux" on a video game board

Weak bait

>> No.3346034


You're a weird man, I can see you try to be funny, but at the same time you take everything too seriously, I can tell your grudge with Nintendo is real, you get genuinely upset about people liking Nintendo, and that's what makes people make fun of you, it's obviously not "banter", you are really butthurt about Nintendo.

Anyway, just so you know, nobody really gets angry or butthurt at you, most people replying to you just do it so that they can get more reactions out of you, that's all.
You are the one who was crying like a paranoid bitch when the mods started deleting your posts, crying that we are in some secret IRC channel or some insane bullshit like that.

I hope you have a peaceful life Australia. Try not to waste what's left of it all here.

>> No.3346567

Not so much butthurt about Nintendo as I am puzzled as to why anyone could like them and their products.

>> No.3346575

>I am puzzled as to why anyone could like them and their products
then think harder, or shut up

>> No.3346583

I have. There's nothing redeemable about Nintendo.

>> No.3346589

tell ya what. People that buy stuff make decisions, and they can and do rationalize them. You can disagree with their decisions all you want, nobody's stopping you, but if you're unable to actually understand their rationale (not agree, understand), then it simply means you're not actually interested in the answer. As such, don't bother asking, and stfu

>> No.3346590

I am interested in why people are willing to lie for Nintendo in order to justify their reason for liking them so much.

>> No.3346596

>You are the one who was crying like a paranoid bitch when the mods started deleting your posts, crying that we are in some secret IRC channel or some insane bullshit like that.

Implying that wasn't an Australia-kun falseflagger trying to bait you which you took hook, line and sinker.

>> No.3346597

>Not so much butthurt about Nintendo
which is why you bitch about them here every day

>> No.3346598

who is sadder, australia-kun or someone who pretends to be him?

the answer is both are retarded and shouldn't be breathing

>> No.3346603

>who is sadder
The people that get upset over him and pull the Australia-kun card if a post resembles one of "his" memes.

>> No.3346605

got to agree with that. The name-calling is disruptive and gives them more attention than they deserve

>> No.3346894


>Not so much butthurt about Nintendo

Good one, auster.

>Implying that wasn't an Australia-kun falseflagger

Good one, auster.

We're still laughing at you at the secret IRC ;)

>> No.3346902

>The name-calling is disruptive and gives them more attention than they deserve

Name-calling could be anything, australia-kun always calls anyone who doesn't hate Nintendo like him a "yank" or "james" or "AVGN", etc.

In this case, calling Australia-kun out is the right thing to do. Let more people know who the shitposter is.
He likes to claim "only one person forces the australian strawman" but the reality is that he can't come up with examples of people calling others "australia-kun" randomly, every time someone calls him out, he deserves it because he eithers uses his typical idiotic memes, the tomoko pics, the yank insults or gets angry at mods deleting his posts.

He is responsibly for, at least, 50% of the shitposting in this board. He deserves to be called out.
He should be thankful /vr/ is a more peaceful board than /v/.
/v/ would have doxxed him already (recently, /v/ doxed XV-kun, and XV-kun isn't even that toxic, just an autistic final fantasy fan), and have doxxed previous chronic shitposters in the past like Manly Tears and thedude. Australia-kun should be more careful, I heard he's started to get noticed on /v/ as well.

>> No.3346910

>he can't come up with examples of people calling others "australia-kun" randomly
I've been accused of being that person several times. It's used as a go-to accusation when people don't like an opinion, similar to calling people kids. It's not helpful for a discussion though. The most effect they had on me so far is exchanges ruined by people constantly throwing the name around. It's far easier to ignore that person than deal with the fallout of people latching on to them.

>He is responsibly for, at least, 50% of the shitposting in this board. He deserves to be called out.
people shitpost for attention, you give them attention. If you see a shitpost by them, report and hide it, simple as that

>> No.3346921

let's not forget, dragging out that name everywhere is needless drama. We're all anon here for a reason, except for named people that are trivial to block for their attentionwhoring. Value the content of a post, not the author. If the content is shit, ignore it as shit content. No need to accuse the poster of being someone or something. Post is by anon, so treat it as such.

>> No.3346923

>I've been accused of being that person several times.

Can provide examples? Use the archives.

>> No.3346927

can't. Been too long ago, too irrelevant. I don't keep book of my posts

>> No.3346931


You can ignore shitposters, but Australia-kun does marathons of non-stop shitposting whole weekends (and he's done it like a whole week this past week). There comes a point when people is gonna be fed up with his bullshit and call him out on it.

Nobody cares if a random anon says "nintendo sucks", or "I like the Amiga", but when someone says "Nintendo was never good and only yanks like them", or "Amigavania is better than Castlevania 1", then you know you're in presence of australia-kun and you know he's gonna be shitting up the place for days to come.

We're all anons, but when an anon makes himself stand out from the rest by obvious shitposting, he deserves to be called out.

The mods at the secret IRC are also fed up with him.

>> No.3346938


Okay, because I have never seen anyone call someone Australia-kun just because. You may have been called Australia-kun, but probably, the real australia was already shitposting in the thread before. I never seen anyone bring him up randomly, could be wrong though because I'm not here 24/7, but the times I've seen people mention him, yeah, he's there shitposting his usual shit.

>> No.3346940

>You can ignore shitposters
do it

>non-stop shitposting whole weekends
volume does not change that you can ignore it

>There comes a point when people is gonna be fed up with his bullshit and call him out on it.
that's what shitposters bet on. Once they get past that threshold their fun begins, and you feed them.

>when someone says "Nintendo was never good and only yanks like them", or "Amigavania is better than Castlevania 1"
then you ignore the posts as obvious shitposting and move on to interesting threads

>when an anon makes himself stand out from the rest by obvious shitposting, he deserves to be called out
That's their goal. Every time they're "called out" they claim victory, as they managed to derail something

>> No.3346945

>the real australia was already shitposting in the thread before
does it matter? Do you enjoy entire threads to be torn down by a single bored individual and a bunch of paranoid people seeing things everywhere?

>he's there shitposting his usual shit.
click the triangle, click "hide post" and he goes away

>> No.3346959


I generally do ignore his posts, the only time I actually replied to Australia-kun was one time I was arguing about PAL vs NTSC and he called me a yank just because I said I didn't agree with his "PAL is superiour" meme (and I'm from Europe too, not a yank).

I still see him post all the time and I'm only replying here because this thread is already in auto-sage.

My opinion is that Australia-kun doesn't really like to be called out as you imply, I always see him trying to tell people that "only 1 guy uses the australian strawman", which is hilarious.
If he really enjoyed being a "famous troll", he'd use a tripcode, but I don't think that's the case. He wants to force memes, but he's too retarded to do it properly.

>> No.3346970

>If he really enjoyed being a "famous troll", he'd use a tripcode
no, much more exciting to do it as anon. It fuels the paranoia, as any post could be him. He doesn't even have to be around to have an effect on people. That's powerful

>He wants to force memes
he's using memes as signatures. Just needs to hint at them and people recognize him.

Notice how much we're talking about that single one person? They have such a strong impact on this board, it's utterly saddening

>I didn't agree with his "PAL is superiour" meme
nice example. Been watching a couple PAL/NTSC exchanges, and the topic is ridiculously loaded with emotions. Anything deviating from "NTSC is superior for any kind of signal" is very quickly attacked as trolling, shitposting, and being a certain person. That does not make for good exchanges. That's just noise, as nobody is interested in actually dealing with any potential points. Much easier to brush them off instantly by shooting the messenger.

>> No.3346974


You're wrong.

Of course a lot of /vr/ regulars already recognize him and ignore him, but what about newfags? They'll take his bait.
It's okay to call him out so that newfags get used to him and ignore him next time.

Eventually, Australia-kun won't be able to post anything because people will just reply "fuck off, Australia-kun" and that's it, no derail, just people telling him to fuck off. It's already happening, actually.

Also, the only paranoid person is australia, he was the one crying about random anons accessing some "secret IRC mod channel" so that mods deleted his posts, victimizing himself.

>> No.3346978

>They'll take his bait
so what? Let them. Not hard to recognize someone falling for it. They'll learn

>It's okay to call him out so that newfags get used to him and ignore him next time.
that's needless drama and givs them just more attention

>Eventually, Australia-kun won't be able to post anything because people will just reply "fuck off, Australia-kun" and that's it
eventually people won't be able to post anything, because others will reply "fuck off, Australia-kun" and that's it. No exchange, no actually addressing a subject, or seeing arguments. It's already happening, actually

>> No.3346984


>so what? Let them. Not hard to recognize someone falling for it. They'll learn

No, people falling for australia-kun's bait is what derailed threads.
Believe it or not, Castlevania threads are more civil now. A few months ago, Australia-kun's bait worked, because only a few anons knew about his shenanigans. Now everyone is pretty much used to him and nobody falls for his bait anymore. A simple "fuck off australia-kun" is enough and people will continue to discuss as normal.

It does work.

>> No.3346987

>continue to discuss as normal
you mean circlejerk as normal, as even the slightest deviation from accepted opinion is shut down with a name accusation. I got your warning though. Gonna add Castlevania to my filter list

>> No.3346996

>you mean circlejerk as normal

Nah, people will still bitch about which one is best and which one is worst, and how IGA ruined/saved the franchise and the usual shit, there is no "accepted opinion", but at least the australia-kun shitposting is already easily recognizable and discriminated.