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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3333919 No.3333919 [Reply] [Original]

When will the retro game market finally crash?

>> No.3333981

When VR is the only shit people care about anymore.

Give it 10-20 years when it's ultra realistic and has some killer apps

>> No.3333984

I doubt that the market will crash. It will just stabilize itself once the hipster trend and nostalgia fags die out.

>> No.3333993

probably around the time the classic car market does.

>> No.3333997

Implying they won't be banned when total GREEN countries occurs.

Some countries are already banned any car from before 1999 from being driven.

>> No.3334047

And most collectors don't play their games.
They just sit in a case or on a shelf.
So... yeah...

>> No.3334056


>> No.3334060

As long as youtube exists, never

>> No.3334065

Just to clarify, most people don't drive classic cars, they just sit around and look pretty.
Same with retro games.

>> No.3334423

>When will the retro game market finally crash?

>expecting for some bubble crash to buy your precious nostalgic pieces of plastic

get the consoles with good controllers, and flashcarts, accumulating useless objects is for collectors

>> No.3334436

>accumulating useless objects is for collectors

Is is really a surprise to you that a board dedicated to retro games attracts collectors?

There really aren't market forces in place to cause the retro game market to crash. There's a limited supply of retro games that is only going to dwindle as time goes on, so its not like there's going to be an influx of unwanted product any time soon (the most common cause of a market crash).

What would be required for a market crash would be a sudden and widespread loss of interest in retro games among consumers. Since the factors that would most likely cause this sudden disinterest already exist (easy emulation, affordable flashcarts, accessible and cheaply priced virtual console games), it would seem that the interest in retro games among consumers has some staying power.

What will most likely happen is the prices of games will eventually drop off (at least relatively) as time goes on and people start to lose interest in them, but there probably won't be an outright crash at any time.

>> No.3334452

All cars can be converted to electric.

>> No.3334459

>get the consoles with good controllers, and flashcarts, accumulating useless objects is for collectors

You're very hostile, but for good reason. A lot of people buy way too many games and then they just sit on a shelf like they are starting a fucking library or something.

If you buy more than your top games and games you're interested in actually playing within a month or so, you're just a hoarder.

>> No.3334670

When you can 3D print all the retro hardware and games for next to nothing.

>> No.3334678

It'll crash into your fucking anus and proceed to expand like the inflation from the federal reserve printing money like atari was shitting out ET cartridges!

>> No.3334680

>muh 3d printing!
>muh graphene!!
I got a pretty nice sega genesis super famicom and gameboy collection for not that much
Stay poor
Or emulate

>> No.3334683

Also ps2 and ps3, xbox and xbox 360 are dirt fuckin cheap right now

>> No.3334702


At most you'll get a market correction when certain collectors that have boxes of various high value games start releasing them. There are at least three collectors out there that have shown to have original shipping cases of Stadium Events and other titles that they could easily drop on the market and take two or three dozen high end collectors out of the market for those games. Since it's the high end collectors that are keeping the prices high, it'd drop the prices pretty reasonably.

>> No.3334704

The difference is that those cars produce pollution, your SNES does not.

>> No.3334710

There are already dirt cheap repros, flashcarts and emulation. People like to own original things, which is why the market is so active despite these things. Being able to 3D print your own stuff (regardless of how far off the tech is) would have an understandably high start up cost. Aliexpress repros are cheaper and not science fiction, yet game prices are still high.

>> No.3334754

Fucking THIS. Thats why I am currently selling my collection. I am however keeping all my consoles tho. I plan to one day get everdrives for them so I can play whatever whenever. A slow process, but makes more sense

>> No.3335740

When hipsterlets like you stop caring

>> No.3337448

3D printing is new, you have to give it some time. When it's possible to make exact replica at home for cheap, that's when the market will crash. So maybe a couple decades from now.
RIght now people think it's an investment to buy this stuff to later make a profit. That's what all these resellers are doing, and it gradually pushes up the prices. At some point, almost nobody is going to care about authentic or not, so long as it looks legit and the game plays perfectly.
But the prices aren't high enough yet.

>> No.3337461

>le hipster and nostalgia fags
Fuck off retard.

>> No.3337467


>> No.3337473

No, people are buying games to build personal collections and libraries, some to resell. Anyone investing in games long-term is an idiot, there are thousands of smarter ways to invest your money.

It has nothing to do with how easy it is to 3D print something, collectors like to own original things. It might cause a dip in the market but collectors aren't going to start selling off all their original games for repros.

>> No.3337510
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You haven't seen nothing yet. As the dankest africans invade europe by the tens of millions each year over the coming decades, the demand for rare games like Earthbound will go up exponentially. Eventually an original cart will cost as much as a car, and eventually a house. By that time, the only solution for non-hipster fans who aren't morally bankrupt enough to resort to organized crime will be humble replicas.

>> No.3337528

This is what the modern day game investor actually believes.

>> No.3337701

>When will the retro game market finally crash?
When people start ignoring resellers. If nobody buys their shit there is no market to sustain anymore.

>> No.3338104

3d printing has been around longer than you champ. Also, you're a fool who's clueless about collecting.

>> No.3338114

I hate that. I play games, not make them collect dust. Those assholes make it hard to buy SEGA Saturn games like Radiant Silvergun or Burning Rangers.

>> No.3338134

Ahahaha! I would like to smell that anus!!

>> No.3338136


I know a guy who has a nintendocase full of games which he plays often and when he wants new game, he just brings it to a swap meet and trades his old ones for a new game. He never gets too many games which wouldnt fit in his NES case. Thats how id do it too if i wouldnt emulate

>> No.3338406

I know a guy who has boxes full of games that he plays often. He isn't a poorfag and doesn't live in a shoebox so he can keep a nice collection.

>> No.3338416

At this point regular inflation will probably ensure that prices will never go lower than they are now. There would have to be a lot of people purposefully selling low to alter things too much at this point.

>> No.3338648


god fucking damnit, should have went full autist with the retrostuff back in -08 when i still had the chance, i dont wanna pay 150bucks for a loose chrono trigger

>> No.3338694

Fuck off hipster

>> No.3338886

Probably when the console and phone-makers put every last retro game available on every phone and console on the market, making the lazy gamer get used to it to where he/she cannot fathom the concept of shopping for physical goods.

>> No.3338934


U forget how many buy the real stuff just to brag

>> No.3338961

Never. My complete snes and game boy collections could be worth a buck and I wouldn't care though.

>> No.3339029 [DELETED] 
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We were supposed to have a crash years ago. There wasn't even supposed to be a PS4. It's not fair!

>> No.3339073

We'reliving in the age of the wannabes. Underage kids buy games to showoff to their underage friends in an effort to seem cool and knowledgeable about games (they're too mature for that PlayStation 4 nonsense!) as well as emulate their grownup YouTube heroes like AVGN and Egoraptor. The hipsters buy in for similar reasons, to show off and appear that they are above the normies. The nostalgic types who didn't give a flying fuck about their childhood games 10 years ago have hopped on the bandwagon so they can post photos of their epic hauls on Facebook. The investors who completely missed the boat are buying up to show off their relative wealth by hoarding VGA crap and sitting on comically overpriced BiN listings thinking that they'll hit it big. Buying old games is no longer simply about the games themselves but rather about what the games represent or how they can boost the status of the owner. Prices will likely decline once the fad passes, but they'll probably never go down to the prices that were in place back when the majority of collectors bought old games because they loved the games themselves and enjoyed owning them for their own satisfaction.

>> No.3339127
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I don't think the Retro market is going to crash-- I think retro retailers are at risk of crashing. The supply of good games is rapidly drying up as they fall into the hands of more people who are unwilling to part with them, and that means shelves and shelves of used sports games that no-one wants. This situation isn't good for anyone but I don't really know what could change it.

The one thing that could help keep retro shops open if the supply runs out is if they start selling more reproductions, but I'm not sure what the legality of that is. My local shop sells reproductions, although they are always clearly marked as such.

>> No.3339215

>sports games that no-one wants
You must be new here. Rate my dick collection threads are full of kids proudly posting their dozen thrift store sports game finds.
Also, many sports games make good donor carts so expect reprofags to clean out those shelves at some point.

>> No.3339229

Sports games make terrible repros. You can't take any cart and turn it to repro. At best you can take the shell of a shit sport title and toss the guts of a rare game that has a beat shell.

>> No.3339242
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In the case of EA sports games on Genesis, they're especially not valuable because the cartridges look weird and have that yellow Electronic Arts tab stamped on them.

The one good thing about EA sports is that with the thicker game boxes, you can modify them for a custom Sonic & Knuckles case pretty easily. The regular EA cases will work in a pinch as replacement cases for other Sega games too.

>> No.3339254

I guess I don't pay attention to those threads very often. It'd be amusing to find someone bragging about their faded copy of Madden '94 that they bought for $5 from a reseller. I guess when the well has run dry you have to brag about whatever you can get.

>> No.3339293

If I paid $5 for a copy of a Madden game I'd shoot myself. They're worth $2 tops, if the case is in good condition (because that's the only thing people buy them for).

>> No.3339427

>i know nothing about making repros and have never even tried it
Then why post about it? Many sports game PCBs will take large ROM and RAM chips and are ideal for making repros.

Probably best to ignore the threads but they're sometimes worth it for a giggle. Especially when you point out the guy has a pile of shit and he rages because muh "collection"

>> No.3339448

>If you buy more than your top games and games you're interested in actually playing within a month or so, you're just a hoarder.
Are you just jealous because they're not selling the games you want?

If I own a game, I can do whatever I want with it. I could store it on a shelf for decades if I wanted to and you tards can whine about it. Then someday when I want to play it, there it is.

>> No.3339604

No, he's jealous because he's a poorfag. He calls anyone who has more than him a hoarder because he's very insecure and self conscious about it.

>> No.3339627

Hopefully soon, GCN games a expensive

>> No.3339862

The fact of the matter is that if you only buy games when you want to play them immediately, most of the games you want are going to disappear before you can obtain them because the prices on everything has been creeping up. There are more than a few games that I regret not buying when they were much cheaper.

>> No.3339983

Exactly. It's best to get the games as early as you can.

I was looking at old posts on Gamefaqs in the Panzer Dragoon Saga board. As far back as 2008 people were complaining about the price. No big deal, right?

The price they were complaining about was $200 which would be an amazing deal on that game today. And yeah, there were people then who were saying that there will be a crash soon, and to just wait because the game will get cheaper over time.

Oh man.

>> No.3339997

When it comes to shit like PD Saga I'm just going to try and get a modchip. I've pretty much given up hope on finding a legit copy for a price I'd be willing to pay. Same goes for Snatcher, although I can already play it because Sega CD has no copy protection.

>> No.3340303

I'm talking about cheap 3D printing, and no it's not even ubiquitous yet. It's at the same stage that microcomputers were in the 70's.

>> No.3340520

No it's not. How would you know anyway 90's lad?

>> No.3340539

Nintendo games on the GCN are already there for the most part.

>> No.3340542

Misread that. Disregard my dumb ass.

>> No.3341236

I'm predicting sometime around 1983

>> No.3341283

Reseller Master Race here.

Ask me anything.

Serious answers, I sell about 80 games/consoles a month.

>> No.3341289

What's it like struggling to make ends meet?

>> No.3341291
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>all these stupid replies
>'hurdur when people who grew up loving these games stop buying them now that they have the money to afford everything'
Fuck off, idiots. The logic that this is somehow unreasonable or bad makes no sense.

>> No.3341298

Well I spent most my early 20s struggling to make ends meet. Now I have a decent job to pay the bills, save some money each month and make a small profit on reselling each month too.

>> No.3341304

So you sold all your old games?

>> No.3341305

I sold off all my old games long ago, now I only have PSP which I collect and Wii U games to play.

>> No.3341316

wow pretty girl

>> No.3341323


>>>/reddit/ libcuck faggot

>> No.3341438

I agree with first comment.

VR is already sewing the seeds of the retro game crash. People wanted retro games because they wanted to play something else on their tv since the console market was stagnating. VR will get people off their TV and the only thing stopping it right now is that good VR is too expensive. Once more people are able to buy into good vr, expect tv based consoles/boxes/systems to take a downturn all round.

>> No.3341442

I think she is pretty also.

>> No.3341453

Is that the latest white supremacist meme? That anyone who isn't an evil piece of trash is being cuckolded somehow by not irrationally hating other races, and that irrational hatred is a conservative position?

Just another desperate cry by another piece of trash who is so pathetic that he desperately clings to the amount of melanin in his skin, of all things, to find self-esteem.

It would be sad if you stayed in your fucking compounds in Idaho like a good piece of trash, but the fact that you think it's okay to stink up the rest of the place makes you no longer worthy of pity.

Everything you hate is better than you. That's why you hate it. Remember that.

>> No.3341762

No it's the latest libtard meme that peoples tastes make them a white supremacist. It's perfectly fine for a gay guy to not find women sexually appealing because of his tastes. It's evil for another guy to not find black women sexually appealing because of his tastes. You are the most pathetic band of self loathing hypocrites in existence. Cuckolded is actually a very good analogy in this case.
Also, this is a weeb board. Japanese hate niggers.

>> No.3341815


/pol/ please go. Anyone who unironically uses "cuckold" as an insult is a guaranteed fedora, and this bullshit is completely off topic. Saged.

>> No.3342003
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After people make lots of new retro gaming equipment:


Better get cracking with those Dendy-64 contributions!

>> No.3342078
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When you stop wanting them so bad. Rather Zen, don't you think?

>> No.3342170

People have irrational, sentimental attachments to physical objects and a misplaced nostalgia for old things.

It's why twentysomethings are buying vinyl LPs and using Polaroid instant cameras even though they were dead formats before they were even born.

It's why young people in the 90s were into crappy LOMO cameras and 60s/70s fashion.

It's why the 80s had a huge 50s revival.

However, with how utterly disposable and meaningless our hyper-accelerated, all-inclusive and all-consuming digital culture has become in the past decade, I don't think it will be as easy for future generations to cite general, tangible historical landmarks for inspiration as others have before them. Instead, they will cobble together their own disparate influences into unique wholes.

That means there will one day be no linear separation between 2D and 3D, or between offline and online.

Simply put OP, the retro market will end when "retro" has become meaningless. Just give it another decade or so, and it will happen. The Internet flattens everything.

>> No.3342179

"Cuckold" can be a very appropriate insult at times though. I really don't understand the hatred of this word. It shouldn't bother you if you don't have a cuckold fetish..

>> No.3342182

The lack of good new games for it doesn't really make VR very appealing, but I guess they will probably develop the idea more over time

>> No.3342265

VR is still technologically immature, as it was 20 years ago. Simply putting a screen on your face and turning your head to rotate a first-person view is not the future of the gaming. Some other major technology has to come along that will transform VR from nerd hype to a runaway mainstream blockbuster. Otherwise it's just nerd hype.

>> No.3342482

Car analogy anon nailed it. prices will never fall considerably. You kids are gonna need good jobs.
I kept every game I ever bought. I still have Mario Paint I haven't played since 6th grade. I'm 33 now.Nothing wrong with having games. I own 11 consoles and ~500 or so games. Some don't get played for years but they all get their time in the spotlight. When you have more than just your bedroom to store things in you'll realize games don't take up that much space.
It has no place. You are aware the cuckold gets sexual arousal from his treatment and likes it right? Most time when cuckolding is brought up it isn't even used in the proper context. Calling someone a fetishist isn't a very good insult "stay [fetish]ed [board/interest]fag"

If someone was a cuckold they would get gratification from you demeaning them. when you post "cuck" some old bald fat guy somewhere gets a hard peenie. Why do you enjoy getting old fat men hard anon? That's my question.

>> No.3342496

Love the backtracking. No, I don't give a shit who you're sexually attracted to. I give a shit that you're racist, though. If you were merely some put upon victim of the libtards who simply didn't like black chicks, you wouldn't have screeched about niggers and libtard cucks just because someone said they thought a black chick was pretty.

If you can't see the difference, well, you're as racist as I said and my previous post stands.

>> No.3342618

That was my first post ITT buckaroo. I can't backtrack on a non-existent post, can I? I can understand how you'd get confused though. All the coddled kids in your safe zone think like you. It's incomprehensible that there might be as many as two people in the real world who don't. And love how you know exactly what the guy you replied to was thinking. As usual. The libtard knows better than you what you're thinking and what's best for you.

>> No.3342637

Considering you're acting like you know what I'm thinking, the projection is startling.

The fact is, you don't have to be coddled to know that racist fucks are scum.

You know what? I've actually met them, in person. The sorts who would chill you to the bone, the sort who will tell you, right in the workplace, that they hate niggers, and think all white people should be separate.

Coddled. Please. You really think not having an evil opinion means a person is weak?

Here's the truth, scum: Races don't fucking matter, actions do. Black people, white people, east asian, middle eastern, whatever, we're all the fucking same in aggregate.

Thinking you're better than someone who looks a little bit different than you is the ultimate crybaby safe zone bullshit. It's easier that way, you know? You're the Good One, you're the one who is best, everyone else is some form of degenerate.

It's a fantasy-land for people who have nothing better to offer than, literally, the fact that their skin is a lighter shade.

You try to pretend people who speak up against you are cowards or something, based on your words, but the truth is, you don't know a damn thing.

Ever had to break bread with child abusers, rapists and psychopaths? Ever lived with men who felt contempt for all races and people save his own? Ever dealt with murderers, child molesters and bug spreaders?

I have. And I know, from experience, that anyone who actually uses the word nigger, anyone who actually feels contempt for people because of their race and not their actions is scum, because I've lived with them, I've worked with them, and I've seen what they are. Here's a hint: They aren't better because of it.

>> No.3342645

Is...is this pasta?

>> No.3342674

"cuck" has also been a colloquial term I guess. Sorta meaning a huge wimp, pussy, pushover, door mat etc.. Although yea i guess technically thats not the real definition but there are other insults out there like that as well anyways (including 'faggot').

>> No.3342683

car analogy anon nailed it, the prices will never decrease considerably.
It's a fetish that was only brought to popularity a year or two ago. I had to google it the first time i heard it. the use of "cuck" is predominately created by boards on this very site and has bled over to all boards thanks to /pol/ and their rampant chanz buzzword filled off-topic posts they shit out anytime they get their jimmy rustled. dont be /pol/ dont use cuck, dont be that guy.

When I call someone a faggot I mean it in the literal sense. I am implying they are a cigarette...that likes dicks in their butt.

>> No.3342729

Did Youtube fuck up the prices or was the market increase just a natural occurrence of nostalgic 20-30 year olds?

>> No.3342764

>When VR is the only shit people care about anymore.
So never then.

The retro market will never fully crash. Gaming is bigger than ever and these things are only going to become less common as time goes on. The idea it's gonna crash is based on the idea that retro is a trendy thing right now, which is partially true, and we may see a dip or a plateau once it falls out of style, but in the long run we're still going to see an upwards trend.

>> No.3342772

natural occurrence for all things collectible. You want to buy the things you wanted but couldn't afford when you were a kid. Boomers have musclecars, millennials have old video games. Thing is it isn't even that expensive if you have an adult job.

>> No.3342773

I've met both white and black people who want their respective races to keep to themselves. Libtards are in complete denial that such black people exist but there are many. Some of these people were scum like you'd find in any cross section of a society. Some were great folks who just happened to want to keep their races "pure". I got along fine fine with most of them despite me being white and my wife being black. They didn't approve but since I didn't fly into a raging fit and call them evil racists but rather respected their right to have an un-PC opinion they respected me.
I met plenty of the worst of society when I worked for a PD years ago. I'm sure it pales in comparison to the scum you've spent months living with at your occupy protests.

>> No.3342803


>not expensive
>buys panzer dragoon saga and little samson
>guess ill eat canned beans this month

>> No.3342871

I'm sure we're all clamoring to buy a ~$3k nes game. that would be me saying fixing up old cars isn't that expensive and you replying with a Ferrari 250 gto. every hobby has it's astronomical priced items but that is the exception not the rule. how many games sell for well under original retail?

>> No.3342947


I don't get it. Why can East Asians, hell even shit skinned less Caucasoid Southeast Asians, be called "pretty" but god forbid you call a Mulatto, or even an Arab, Indian, Hispanic, ect pretty you get people denying it even when they objectively ARE?

must be social perception or something

>> No.3342971

I dont see how the retro market even exist. Anyone with a shitty bestbuy toaster netbook can emulate everything from the 70s to ps1, mame , and now even psp and most wii/gamecube games. The only retro stuff i own is leftover from when i was a kid or sega saturn games that i pickup at random just to save them from oblivion

>> No.3342980

Easy, people want the real shit. I can download 10000000000 books, guess what? still have a shelf full of paper books. I could furnish my entire house in Ikea. Guess what? I bought a couch that cost as much as my first car. People with the means like to have stuff. It's your reward for working hard.

>> No.3343242

They can be. Just not by that guy. Get over the fact that not everyone has the same tastes as you have been taught must be adhered to without question.

I've only emulated a few things
Cool story kid

>> No.3345880


there isn't anything else to say on the subject...