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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 228 KB, 720x611, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3329190 No.3329190 [Reply] [Original]

What are some retro games where I can kill capitalists?

>> No.3329224

Poor butthurt commie

>> No.3329236
File: 541 KB, 1632x1224, photo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off commie scum

>> No.3329241
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>he's this butthurt by the existence of other thread

>> No.3329246 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 750x398, aleksandr-solzhenitsyns-quotes-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow there is actually JIDF on /vr/

>> No.3329253 [DELETED] 

>the most jewish countries in the world are all capitalist

>> No.3329258

Half Life? Any WWII game that let's you play as the good gu..er...I mean GERMANS.

>> No.3329291

Y'know I honestly can't think of any. Most retro games that involved any sort of politics were made by either the US or one its allies, and, obviously, all retro games were made either during the Cold War or within 9 years of the Cold War.

There might be some really obscure Chinese or Russian games about playing as a commie and killing capitalists, but I don't know of any.

>> No.3329293

If you fail at Wall Street Kid you more or less ruin at least one capitalist's life.

>> No.3329302

Wait wait, there is one. Guerrilla Warfare. You play as Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, and you fight against Batista's forces. It was censored in the Western version, in which they were just two generic unnamed rebel commandos fighting an unnamed dictator, but in the original Japanese version it's specifically stated that you're Guevara and Castro in Cuba fighting against Batista.

>> No.3329321

Global Thermonuclear War

>> No.3329628

Any game where you can kill people that aren't socialists.

>> No.3329640
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>> No.3329651

>/pol/ acts all oppressed whenever they're told to go back to /pol/
>muh freedumb of sbeech ;0;
>any other opinion can fuck off tho lel

really though i can't think of any. game development is a somewhat bureaucratic operation so i guess it'd be weird coming out of a studio. there might be some weird indie games in that vain but i doubt most or any of them are retro

>> No.3329663

half life 2?

>> No.3329675

mother 3?

>> No.3329687
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>> No.3329693

but 8gag i thought you liked freedom of speech

>> No.3329703

Red Faction comes to mind pretty easily.

>> No.3329705

The operation flash point expansion where you play the reds

>> No.3329718

gib muh free stuff

>> No.3329726

>It was censored in the Western version
Didn't they just removed names while still having their portraits in?

>> No.3329729 [DELETED] 

Sonic literally fights a captain of industry. Dude just wants to open his space casinos in peace.

>> No.3329736 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 770x504, 1467162984513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just wants to enslave animals in peace

>> No.3329742

Bootlickers, go play your favorite govt. propaganda game NARC. All hail Reagan.

>> No.3329748
File: 114 KB, 810x534, where-billionaires-come-from-cartoon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib muh massive profits from the labor of others

>> No.3330189

Hates da Jews cuz of "muh sheckels", kisses the Aristocracy's ass cuz of "maybe one day MUH sheckels". Ironically calls everyone else a cuck.

>> No.3330216

thats not capitalism you watch way too much globalist cuck propaganda.

>> No.3330229

you sound like one of those confused trump supporters. free market capitalism is what leads to globalization, an economy regulated by the working class prevents it.

>> No.3330298
File: 81 KB, 900x600, 900px-Gadsden_flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only those who are willing to kill are really people.

>> No.3330306

Alpha Centauri

>> No.3330420

Why do mods delete friendly threads with anything so much as barely mentioning nonretro anything

but they leave butthurt antagonizing no substance shit like this here for hours or never delete it.

>> No.3330463

I think you are the one who is confused Sheldon

>> No.3330635

>he doesn't know the difference between globalism and internationalism.


>> No.3330643
File: 76 KB, 175x238, super stalin bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Bros

>> No.3330671

It is actually a pretty good gayme that marked my childhood. Which makes me question how effective propaganda in vidya really is.
