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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 220x124, 160503151046-series-eighties-kids-vs-atari-00010010-small-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3328056 No.3328056 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw this as part of CNN's 80s series and wanted to share.


>> No.3328087

I don't get it, am I supposed to be surprised kids don't know how to work a device/game they've never seen before? I imagine kids in the 80s would react the same way when the Atari came out if someone stuck them in a room without explaining how to work it and didn't give them the manual.

This reaction video garbage is the dumbest thing to come out of human civilization.

>> No.3328097

CNN discovered the kids react meme a little late didn't they?

>> No.3328109
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fucking kek

>> No.3328194

It's over, Atari's finished. How can they ever come back from this?

>> No.3328350

Jesus, I don't think I've ever played an Atari, and I was born in '92. NES and SNES were my first consoles.

>> No.3328353

>NES and SNES were my first consoles.
Are you retarded?

>> No.3328354

Shut it Penny

>> No.3328362

Maybe? I guess I don't understand the implication.

My brother is six years older than me so he already had the NES, and probably the SNES by the time I was born. We got a N64 too, but that wasn't until I was six or seven.

>> No.3328491

I'm as old but we didn't have a SNES.

>> No.3328493

oh boy

>> No.3328513


>> No.3328731

The first game I played was for an Atari 2600 and even I didn't like it back then.

>> No.3328754

To be fair, with a lot of Atari games it was pretty much required that you read the manual to understand what's going on. It's not like they had tutorial stages or help screens.

>> No.3328760

the kids trying to figure out how to use the cartridge tells a whole lot about the mineshit generation.

simply disgusting.

>> No.3328807

Playing a specific variant of a game usually required instructions too. Most of the games had several variants, some had dozens. Space invaders apparently has over a hundred with a lot of them being two player modes.

>> No.3328826
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Kids are so stupid, right Folks?

hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk

>> No.3328841

I was born in '95 and the NES was my first console.

>> No.3329179
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>program about the 1980s
>atari 2600 was released in 1977

>> No.3329668

The Atari 2600 peaked in it's popularity in the early 80's.

>> No.3329692

Honestly, I'm primarily a /vr/ bro but there's maybe 3 2600 games that can hold my attention for 30 seconds. I can't blame em

>> No.3329734

>but there's maybe 3 2600 games that can hold my attention for 30 seconds
Atari games are specially made to be switched often.

>> No.3329761

100% of it.

>> No.3329764

you realize you can own a sytem that came out before you were born and have it be your furst system right? retard.

>> No.3329896

The first thing I ever used was a Commodore 64 and I was born in 88, but that does not make me an 80s child. What nags me is when someone born in 1995 claims to be a 90s child because their poorfag trailer trash parents had a Sega Genesis in like 2003. I've seen it before.

>> No.3330534

Nobody claimed to be 90s kid though.

>> No.3330542

ITT no but I've seen them before.

"Hey guise, I'm totally a 90s kid I had a SNES in 2006 XD"

>> No.3330576


That'll happen when most of the library are god awful arcade ports.

>> No.3330736
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>tfw Atari doesn't mean anything to anyone anymore except us oldfags

I know it could be argued that they deserved to fail, or that they really stopped existing after Bushnell and the rest left, or after the Infogrames buyout, but a part of me wants them back even if it's in name only. I know, be careful what you wish for and all that, but I feel like there should always be a place for Atari in the industry.

>> No.3330878

Are you on drugs?

>> No.3330909

No, being born in 1994 doesn't make you an oldfag. Sorry.

>> No.3330917

Lots of pissy old people itt. Geez.

>> No.3330920

Geezers need excitement. If their lives don't provide them this they incite violence. Common sense, simple common sense.

>> No.3330970

Way to brag about your add

>> No.3330981

these days you can't even load a game in 30s

>> No.3331009

It's not really ADD, most 2600 games are so simple and barebones that I can't imagine playing more than 10 minutes of any of them.

The difference between 2nd gen and 3rd gen home consoles is like night and day, and I don't just mean graphics and sound, but scope of gameplay.

No longer were the majority of games confined to a single screen, or limited to one or two objectives, a game could be a long adventure with expansive settings, huge variation of gameplay, and a goal beyond just ticking up a score counter (which didn't save), it could have characters, it could feature narratives to be presented inside of the games themselves and be a part of the gameplay.

There was simply just less to a console game's gameplay back then, limitations forced developers to crude simplicity.

>> No.3332815
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stay delusional gen z-er

>> No.3332832

Much better than that fucking
Scripted encounters with edited footage.

The kids attempting to open the cartridge like it's a case was a real reaction.

>> No.3332850

So you're using this as an opportunity to hate on people only remotely related to the topic like a pissy bitch
And you think you're better than them why?

>> No.3333260

He thinks he's better because he's a year older.
Most of the people here crying about "millenials" are barely old enough to drink.

>> No.3333751

>started collecting for 2600 maybe 3 years ago
>It's quickly become one of my all time favorites
>I never even played Atari until I was like 24

I get that a lot of people don't like it, but if you enjoy early 80s arcade style games it's a blast. There's a ton of great stuff on the console, but I do think it takes a certain kind of person to enjoy it.

for the record I was born in 1988 and my first console was NES

>> No.3333761

can you expand on your post, please? You seem to be in quite a unique position in that you didn't experience the system first hand, and don't treat it completely as "well, it was supposed to be fun at its time" but genuinely enjoy it. That's rare, and I'm in particular curious how and why these games grip you, how you play them (as in, session style, duration), what genres you identify and enjoy, etc.

>> No.3333778

For anyone wanting more thorough Atari knowledge, Giant Bomb's Microsoft Game Room quick looks were really great. They'd show recorded leaderboard plays and mention some history, stuff you can't get just by playing the games. And this way you don't have to put up with obnoxious YouTube personalities.

>> No.3333803

What the hell is up with the internet's obsession with watching kids try to use technology that became obsolete way before they were even born?

>> No.3333807
File: 157 KB, 750x500, at_atari_2600_jr_sys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in 86 and we got an Atari Jr. around then. I loved playing that thing.

>> No.3333808

The games have definitely aged but I don't think they're beyond being playable, but if someone does not enjoy repetitive gameplay where the goal is to get just a little farther than you did last time or get your score just a little higher then it isn't going to be the sort of thing they enjoy. My favorite genre of games are scrolling shooters, and Atari has quite a few which are very watered down compared to even the ones on NES but I still enjoy them quite a bit just because the gameplay is still fast and frantic. I like how many of the games are just simple variations on the same simple themes, much in the same way the arcade games of the time were.

As far as playing the games, I tend to sit there with my big ass box of games and swap them around until I find one that I'm really feeling at the time. Once I start scoring well in a game it's hard not to go the distance and see just how long I can hold out. Atari games are best in short bursts until you get on a roll in one, then it's a personal challenge. I think the longest I've ever spent on one game in a sitting is Solaris, I played it for close to two hours once and I usually only play a 2600 game for about five to ten minutes until switching to another.

I'll respond to this post with a list of my favorites in case anyone is interested.

>> No.3333810

>ha, these kids don't understand how the stuff works that I can use blindly
>stupid kids
>I'm a grownup and so much better than them

>> No.3333814

Respond with a list

>> No.3333815

So why bring it up? You're getting yourself mad over something that hasn't even happened yet, that's a thing usually crazy old people do.

>> No.3333837

>river raid
>strategy x
>roc n rope
>Frankenstein's monster
>buck rogers
>cosmic ark
>worm war 1
>Bermuda triangle
>pitfall 2
>crash dive
>towering inferno
>tron deadly discs
>secret quest
>solar fox
>cross force
>wizard of wor
>star trek
>moon patrol
>spider fighter
>dark cavern
>super cobra
>mountain king
>fantastic voyage
>jungle hunt

I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple but these are some quality games

>> No.3333841

lol those are dookie.

>> No.3333852

Welcome to /vr/ home of a bunch of 20 and 30 year olds that sound like they are 80.

>> No.3333856

Oh you

>> No.3333865


"Social Experiments"
Did i mention Hipsters, do i.............DONT CARE, FUCKING HIPSTERS!!!

>> No.3334707

Calm down, friend.

>> No.3334714

You can always go back to /v/ if it bothers you, champ.

>> No.3334736 [DELETED] 
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I'm 16 and I have one

>> No.3334812

>admitting to being underage b&

You're not very smart are you?

>> No.3334847

Yeesh, Betty White acts younger than most of the people here.

>> No.3334875

>were on a SFW blue board

Being this much of a retard

>> No.3334940
File: 8 KB, 378x121, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks global rules don't apply globally

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.3335041

>le go back 2 /v/ maymay xD

Nah champ you can fuck right off my board instead.

>> No.3335490

Yeah I remember not caring for the graphics even before the NES released, though at least the controllers weren't utterly retarded like the ones for the Intellivision and the ColecoVision.

Adventure was pretty cool, however.

>> No.3335493

This system didn't age well for me because a lot of its games were arcade ports with worse graphics and I might as well use MAME instead.

It's also why I don't bother with ColecoVision games even though that was my favorite pre-NES console.

>> No.3335519

We should ban all centennials from /vr/.

>> No.3335675
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>> No.3335724

The kid in orange is legit retarded.

My butthole clinched up when they tried to open the cartridges.

>> No.3335752

Even more reason that anyone born after 93' should be wiped off the planet. Especially kids of today.

>> No.3335767

>implying it has anything to do with age
It is how the people are raised.
almost nobody has a (give it a chance) type of reasoning anymore.

>> No.3335834


Are you raging yet, /vr/?

>> No.3335849
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Not to mention, I mean, this might shock people, but not everyone on /vr/ lives in the US. Some countries still sell older systems because current ones are expensive in their respective currency.

>> No.3335850

Remember when brown people didn't have Internet?


>> No.3335865

>complaining about hipsters
Is it 2010?

>> No.3335895

It's kind of silly to expect someone to operate a command line prompt if they don't know the syntax. Even an adult knowledgeable about computers wouldn't be able to use an unfamiliar OS without a manual, much less a kid. Then they typed in random commands to see what works, which is basically all you can do in that case.
>Why use this when we have something better today?
This is the only stuff that people might find rage-worthy, but it's true in a way. Technology wouldn't evolve if these computers were sufficient for everything we needed them for today. The only real thing you can complain about is that the omnipresence of GUIs has made people completely unfamiliar with the concept of CLI, which is fair. Although you can argue knowledge of CLI isn't necessary unless you plan on going into STEM.

>> No.3335912

Actually the part where I raged was where they told the kids you have to turn the computer off and then on again to boot a game disk up WHEN THE BLEEDING THING HAS A RESET KEY RIGHT ON THE KEYBOARD.

Of course the Kike Brothers damn well knew that, but that wouldn't suit the purpose of the video.

>> No.3335924

fuck off hipster

>> No.3338097

They're called the Goblin Brothers, pay attention to their ugly faces.

>> No.3338110

I was born in 92 and my first consoles were the atari2600 and the commodore64. Then we got a gameboy and my brother bought a SNES

>> No.3338376
File: 927 KB, 3210x2152, activision anthology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think of the Activision Anthology? (It was my first exposure to Atari 2600 games and I quite enjoyed it.)

>> No.3338380

Was that the one with artificial RF interference filters, or was that some other 2600 collection?

>> No.3338576

I was born in 97, and the NES was my first console. I played Blaster Master quite a bit. I've been mostly interested in older computers recently, primarily the Amiga, but I've recently gotten an AV-Famicom.

>> No.3338580

>first consoles were the atari2600 and the commodore64
Commodore 64 is a computer you moron!

>> No.3338589

What a whiny little cuck bitch you are.

>> No.3339085

I played the PC version. It was beast yo.

>> No.3339569


This, i remember being 6 years old and brought out a NES at afriends house, didnt know what make of it.

Didnt have a console myself for another 8 years as i didnt really want one

>> No.3340793

If you just want to play the game, it makes sense to go with the original arcade version. But there's a certain charm to seeing how developers worked the Atari hardware well past what you'd expect from the console. If you go into it with that frame of mind, some of the more advanced games on the 2600, despite still being simple, will seem mind-boggling.

I'm 20 and I'm saying this.

>> No.3343338

I agree with this, I think in order to get the most out of pre-NES games (or any games that aren't modern for that matter) you need to able to appreciate how the game would have been seen and the impact it would have had at the time of its release. Looking at it from this perspective makes games like beamrider and solaris all that much more enjoyable.

>> No.3343580

I'm a '91 but I have an Atari. Granted I bought it 2 years ago, but I have one.

I've liked Adventure since I was a little kid, I played a remake of it on a website all the time 10-15 years ago.

>> No.3343584
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>> No.3343593

I'm in the same position, as a 24 year old now, I didn't get an Atari until I was 22. I had played Adventure before that, but didn't really care much for the system at first. What changed my mind was getting the Atari Greatest Hits collection on the DS from a friend who knew I liked old games. There I had tons of fun with random games, from Haunted House and Flag Capture to Miniature Golf and Battlezone.

I'm of the same mindset. I have about 40-50 games and will just switch between them until I get to something I feel like playing. Right now I'm really into Chopper Command, that game is hard as shit and it's great. I wish I could still get the activision patches, I'd already be getting one for Seaquest right now.

>> No.3344345

Dude, seaquest is the shit. Definitely one of the better Activision games that usually gets overlooked. In a weird stupid way I like to think of sqoon on NES as some kind of spiritual sequel to seaquest even though they have nothing to do with each other.

If you like seaquest check out crash dive, it's another good one.

>> No.3344454

...I'm gonna go ahead and say it. Most Atari 2600 games are shit. And I don't mean in the way later games are shit, I mean there's a fundamental lack of anything interesting there. Of course many arcade games were better, but the 2600 games were just... not that good. They WERE a fad, they never would have stood the test of time.

Not saying there were absolutely no good games on the system, but most of those were vastly inferior ports of arcade games, and besides, arcade games on consoles aren't really the best idea. They're designed for short playtimes, to be played on a whim, to be able to drop off again after five minutes. They don't sustain the price or related desire for length that most decent computer and console games provide. Not that there aren't exceptions... but these games usually suck.

>> No.3344763

All that and back in the day, you paid $40-$50 for a game with maybe 10 minutes of interest.

>> No.3346963

You never played Solaris, Midnight Magic, Dark Chambers or any of the other post 94 2600 games, did you?

>> No.3346983

yeah seaquest is awesome

>> No.3347127

'asshole adults tell a bunch of kids nothing so that they can have a quiet giggle watching them try to figure out what they once learned from an instruction manual'

>> No.3347179

Most people don't get that the really good shit on the 2600 involved more than 1 person to be any fun and/or required a custom paddle. Its really the same thing with Pong machines. They relied on having someone to play against to be fun, and Pong is fun for a few hours when you do. It's just not that fun in comparison to well programmed AI with tiled graphics and nice music.

>> No.3347683

Secret quest is the best post-crash Atari game. Seriously, it was the 2600 trying to do something like Zelda and it's actually really fun.

>> No.3348591
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>> No.3348601

I wanna give him a big ol kiss.

>> No.3350926

Yes, my country finally got dreamcast! I am so excited for these new games and sonic the hedge adventure!

>> No.3351167

lynx was pretty bad ass

>> No.3351172


>> No.3351194
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underrated post

>> No.3351201
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The Lynx was good enough for Spider-Man.

>> No.3351535
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Im an alcoholic born in 1992. do I count? Grew up with Snes & Genesis. Didnt play a PS1 til maybe 1997 or 1998. also I still have my Launch Dreamcast and a few of the games (Soul Calibur, Blue Stinger)

I was more of an arcade kid, used to beg my mom to take me to the arcade alot when I was a kid, preferred it more than console and PC games... <3 Time Crisis

>> No.3351553

Dreamcast and original xbox
best friends for life

They were given 2600 pac man, a game known for being shit. Were we supposed to get mad when they didn't have fun?

>> No.3353840

You're lucky, I'm a 92 but there were no arcades around my town, at best you could find the odd machine here and there (maybe two Afterburners at a mall, one which was broken).
I think I only ever saw one pinball machine, at an airport. Oh, wait, I saw a Terminator 2 table at a fair once, but the thing wouldn't play and ate my coin.

It's only in recent years where I found a bar downtown which has a room full of arcade machines.

I also only had an NES, no SNES, we'd later get a 64 but I didn't get to play SNES games until I was like 7 and my big bro downloaded an emulator. I though it was some really cool shit though, because I had never seen a 16bit game until then. Many hours of Final Fantasy, Metroid, Zelda and Shadowrun.

>> No.3353847

>he puts his consoles on the tv

>> No.3353902

is that a problem? I have the tv on a dresser and lack space around it, I have a wii on one side and a PS2 on the other, both standing vertically. how the fuck am I supposed to stand an Xbox or Dreamcast vertically?

hopefully you make up for lost time at the bar. Arcade machines are an amazing experience that Consoles have yet to replicate. the tension of being on your last life and not having any quarters left while trying to avoid everything trying to kill you. The satisfaction of beating your mates score on Area 51 and finding the secret spots you can shoot for power ups (aim for the lights)
Hell even soul calibur has a thrill to it on arcade (unfortunantly due to my left arm being pretty weak, i have to play with my Right arm on the joystick and my left arm on the buttons, so my arms cross in an X shape.)

as for consoles, I suggest you get onto a Sega Gen emulator or even Wonderswan/NeoGeo Pocket. lots of classic 16 bit games
For Wonderswan I suggest Guilty Gear Petit
for Neo Geo Pocket you cant go wrong with SVC Card Fighters or SVC MoTM, KOF R-1/R-2 are also great

>> No.3353912

The bar is ok, but most of the machines they have is later stuff.

Their coolest shit is a Twilight Zone pinball table and a House Of The Dead machine, both of which are sometimes broken (I'm guessing too many people try to onehand the pump action, which you aren't even supposed to do on a real one).
They also have an air hockey table.