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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3324128 No.3324128 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about my collection? It will soon get bigger and bigger hehehehe

>> No.3324132 [DELETED] 

>not retro

>> No.3324413

I think it looks good man.

>> No.3324428

Show it somewhere people would care about your life. Which is not this site.

>> No.3324431

kill yourself

looks like a decent start op, needs more nes/famicom, and more games

>> No.3324643

Jesus christ, I didn't know how fuckhuge the Xbone was.

>> No.3324658

looks good kid hehehehe

keep it up :)

>> No.3324667 [DELETED] 

not bad kiddo u should sell ur hex bawks for 50 gazoongas and buy a NES for 100 and get u a pvm for abot 100 then u'll be tuff enuff to hang with the Big Boyz :D

>> No.3324958

you should drill some holes in the back of the shelf for the wires to go through,
and move the heavier consoles like the xbone down a few shelves

>> No.3324982

why don't you have your consoles on the bottom shelf? what if they fall?

>> No.3324989

it's an ok start.
you should eventually split consoles and games though and aquire seperate storage for spare controlers and accessories.
also i prefer to always have my controlers hooked up to the consoles, this way it doesn't look like a storage shelf but rather like the entertainment center it is.

>> No.3324992

>3 games
sounds about right

also you have 0 sega shit and you need to fix that immediately

>> No.3324995


just emulate ffs

>> No.3325008

Why is it every single collection I see, retro or not, they always have buttloads of 3Ds games, but hardly any 3DS games?

DS had some of the best handheld titles to date,

>> No.3325015

They're underage.

>> No.3325018

PAL consoles :( but sadly i have
Sharp Twin Famicom (turbo) rgb modded
Sega Genesis model 1 - region-modded
Super Nintendo mini rgb modded
Nintendo 64 rgb modded

Sadly i don't want any PAL consoles near my Framemeister

>> No.3325027
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Wheres all the /vr games

>> No.3325030

I tried my hand at retro collecting, in some cases I still do, but I've found i'm more of a 5-6th gen collector. Don't get me wrong, 3rd and 4th gen have some amazing stuff, but with the prices skyrocketing and it becoming near impossible to find things vs the convinience of emulation, its not exactly worthwhile.

I still have a Super Nintendo and Genesis, and i'd love to collect for them, but its a bit of a slow start.

>> No.3325040
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>Pal spines

Print yourself some better covers. those look like ass.

>> No.3325053

Great argument. Maybe you should explain how that actually relates to this thread and why this thread is even relevant to /vr/.


>>collecting vidya when both games and console have become more expensive than ever instead of emulating

It's like OP just wants to waste money just so he could show off how much of a video game nerd he thinks he is. You're late OP. You should have done this 15 years ago, back when they were dirt cheap.

>> No.3325054


Pretty bare bones but a reasonable start.

>> No.3325091

Not him, but wow, projection much?

I grew up in 93 And I collect coleco, it's not because I want to show the world I'm a "gamer" its because I genuinely like coleco games.

What is this stigmatism with old folk and newer people liking games form their time? Why Do I have to have grown up in an era to like something from it?

>> No.3325112

Palshit. So your collection is worthless.

>> No.3325140

>Projection much?

How? I don't really care about having those games physically cause I used to own them back in the day. I preferred having more games back then and I still do and I don't see any point in keeping them nowadays.

>> it's not because I want to show the world I'm a "gamer", it's because I genuinely like Coleco games

I assume you're OP so if you're not, disgregard this part of this reply. If you really don't wanna show the world then why make a photo of your collection and share it on the internet in the first place? Doesn't really look like you weren't at least looking for attention.

>> Do I have to have grown up in an era to like something from it?

No but if you really were interested in NES, SNES or N64 games even before it got incredibly popular on the internet you would have gotten those games back when most people didn't care about it and when they were cheap. If you didn't you either

A) Lost all your original games for some reason or

B) You realized that those things have become popular again and wanted to find something to show off with.

So tell me, what do you value more? Playing the damned games and have fun with them or going to 4Chan of all places, trying to impress others how much plastic junk you got that only collectors or adults drown in nostalgia still care about now and arguing with some anonymous douchebag while you try to defend how much I'm wrong (which shouldn't matter to you in the first place if you actually cared about retro games but I'll assume you don't know how opinions work)?

But please, do go on and ask me and others how incredible you're doing. However, if you really are only looking for praise do so at hugbox sites like Reddit or Tumblr, not at an anonymous imageboard where nobody cares about your identity or your E-peen.

>> No.3325148

Where are your Retro PC games?

>> No.3325196

Do you enjoy it? Awesome.
That's all the affirmation you really need.

>> No.3325220

why does everyone on this website feel the need to rectify their purchases by showing it off to a bunch of anonymous people

>> No.3325338

Wow dude. Just wow.

I'll disregard your second part since I'm claerly not OP.

No but if you really were interested in NES, SNES or N64 games even before it got incredibly popular on the internet you would have gotten those games back when most people didn't care about it and when they were cheap. If you didn't you either

Because I suddenly gained interest in coleco back in 2005? I started my collecting in 2010. don't lump me in with the leretro crowd just because I was doing the same thing before it got popular. I wasnt dumpster diving for games here, I just bought things off ebay as I played them. What the fuck is wrong with owning physical games nowadays? Jesus.

>So tell me, what do you value more? Playing the damned games and have fun with them or going to 4Chan of all places, trying to impress others how much plastic junk you got that only collectors or adults drown in nostalgia still care about now and arguing with some anonymous douchebag while you try to defend how much I'm wrong

Did I post my collection here? I don't care about that. All I said is you shouldn't bag on someone just because they do something that recently gained popularity.

Jesus christ you went on the defensive, did someone jack your NES or something?

>> No.3325625

I've been seeing a lot of the same sentiment lately, anon. I dunno when it became cool to act like an angry old man who shouts at kids to get off his video game lawn, because all the actual older people I've met who like this stuff are friendly as hell.

>> No.3325640

its how big mine was when I started college. Afterwards I found myself finding all sorts of gems in the 10-20 dollar range from everything between nes and ps3.

now I have too much shit. It feels drawers currently. bulkiest things being C.E. 3ds game boxes and my old as OG gameboy carrying case with the battery pack (with belt clip!) that ive had since god only knows...

>> No.3325721


pls have sex, seek sunlight and kys

>> No.3325726

Your poor childish ways will stick with you for life, kid. Some of us are not poor and can buy all the games we want, at barely more expensive prices (inflation included) than they were 10 years ago.

>> No.3325754

>what do you think about shitting up /vr/ with rate my dick tier threads
I think it's a waste of space, retarded and inconsiderate. People who do it are pathetic and deserve to be made fun of.
Your collection, if you could call it that, is a joke. But you just can't call that a collection can you sport? And certainly not a retro one. There's hardly anything there. Even if we pretend that PAL shit counts. Which it doesn't. I'd like to laugh and call it your thrift store find but we both know you got it all on eBay and massively overpaid. You truly as a sad sad little person.

>> No.3325920
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>wrapping cords that tight

>> No.3326004

They need to justify there mental illness.

>> No.3326130

Oh look, it's that shitposter who calls others kids cause he thinks that makes him so mature. I won't even say anything about the probability that I'm older than you cause you're gonna say something like "sure kid" anyway.

I also posted that I already had (most) of those games but got rid of them because I prefer emulation. Why would you think that I would be poor. I'm financially quite stable, thank you.

>barely more expensive prices than they were 10 ago
>implying most popular retro games haven't become at least 3 times as expensive

Look, I don't particularly care about the way you spend your money. You could waste it on old videogame junk, on hookers, coke, weapons, anything for all I care. You think I'm childish? Good god, I bet you never even worked a day in your whole life.

>> No.3326142

>Because I suddenly gained interest in coleco back in 2005? I started my collecting in 2010. don't lump me in with the leretro crowd just because I was doing the same thing before it got popular.

Suddenly. In 2005 and then 2010. That's still late. It's not Nintendo but even Colecovisions weren't that cheap anymore. I bet you saw some things on youtube and then realized "Oh man, it's so cool to have such an old console, that guy has it so I gotta have one too". Yes, people watched youtube before 2010, retro games were also popular before that. Stuff like the Gameboy or the Atari 2600 were already "legendary" for some hipsters back then but you sure can't be one of those guys. Nooo, you're definitely not part of that so-called "leretro crowd". That's why you wanted to have an unpopular console to be soooo special, didn't ye?

>> I wasnt dumpster diving for games here, I just bought things off ebay as I played them. What the fuck is wrong with owning physical games nowadays? Jesus.

Even back then, collectors looked for older games as cheap as possible instead of retorting to Ebay. You basically just admitted that you just made it yourself easier by spending a lot more on Ebay. How does it feel to have a ton of plastic and electronics so that you could have something "real" that you could have just downloaded for next to nothing anyway?

>>all I said is you shouldn't bag on someone just because they do something that recently gained popularity

Remember, you're on 4Chan. People will shit on you no matter if it's justified or not. Also, you're the one who said "Jesus christ you went on the defensive, did someone jack your NES or something". So it's bad to insult you but it's definitely OK if you do that to others? Get the fuck back to your Tumblr page you weakling. Ever heard of the saying "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen"?

>> No.3326151

The clutter is going to keep building up, wires will get tangled, and eventually you'll realise that having messy stacks of electronics in your living quarters is actually pretty disgusting, and reflects badly on yourself. Eventually you will get a job and a life and sell it all for a fraction of what you paid, wondering why you wasted the time and money.

>> No.3326158

>I started my collecting in 2010

And 2010 is pretty long ago when you're only 20 years old.

>> No.3326159

what teh fuck is wrong with you

>> No.3326532

>This entire post

Shitposts like this should be a bannable offense. What the heck bit your bonnet?

>> No.3326545

>I bet you saw some things on youtube and then realized "Oh man, it's so cool to have such an old console, that guy has it so I gotta have one too"

I've never in my life watched a video on Youtube. Your projections are off the charts here sir.

> That's why you wanted to have an unpopular console to be soooo special, didn't ye?

No, I wanted a console that had games I enjoyed emulating. I like physical media. is that suddenly a crime, do I suddenly have to confrom to a digital age where everything is HDD based just because its 2016? Do I suddenly need to sell all my classic literature because Ebooks exist? People like physical tangible media, if you can't understand that here of all places, you are the one who kindly needs to leave.

>You basically just admitted that you just made it yourself easier by spending a lot more on Ebay. How does it feel to have a ton of plastic and electronics so that you could have something "real" that you could have just downloaded for next to nothing anyway?

Pretty good seeing as I already "downloaded" them back in 2005.

>Remember, you're on 4Chan. People will shit on you no matter if it's justified or not.

And this here is proof you're from the new age, 4chan has always had blunt opinions and hard truths but nobody "shat" on you just for the sake of doing so back in 2006. Kindly return to whatever angry hellhole you came from. your kind is probably appreciated there more then here.

>So it's bad to insult you but it's definitely OK if you do that to others?

Defensive is suddenly an insult? Okay then.

>> No.3326548

I feel like a majority of collectors under the age of ~21 started "collecting" because of YouTube shows, like GameGrumps, AVGN, etc and use this stuff as a way to be cool and fit in with fellow hipster nerds. Granted, I'm just pulling shit out of my ass, but I don't think I'm wrong. I remember one kids post where he more or less said that a big driving force for building his collection was wanting to have a cool collection or room or something like his YouTube favorites.

>> No.3326573

Good luck convincing the local moderators and janitors. As far as they're still on this board ...

>> No.3326594

If they wanted to do that they'd post on youtube where the hipsters are. I like to think that when kids post their shit here they're trying to get authentic input from more respectable retro gamers who prefer to stay Anonymous.

>> No.3327317

You're not wrong

No. They'd post on 4chan where their hipster cred can be multiplied by their edgelord cred

>> No.3327328

>This guy
Maybe OP just started liking the thought of collecting recently and therefore had to buy everything after "they were dirt cheap".
But wait. Why the fuck does this even matter? You are saying it like its still a choice
>Wtf are you stupid, just buy them before they they became expensive, you retard!
This is what you look like.

If you want to get into collecting now sure its harder than it was way back, but why bash someone for it? I dont get it.

>> No.3327357 [SPOILER] 
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>Remember, you're on 4Chan. People will shit on you no matter if it's justified or not.
Thanks for reminding me. Now I can call you a retarded faggot without being afraid to do so, you retarded faggot *thumbs up*

>> No.3327426

If they wanted that, they would find a small cozy forum somewhere on the other side of the internet.
Leave youtube, any social media, 4chan, any other large website out of it. Nothing but cancer with occasional rare gem.

>> No.3327536

I don't think 4chan is the same place it used to be. 10 years plus ago, yes, I'd agree. Nowadays 4chan is very mainstream and I imagine has just as many meme-spouting kewl kids as it does devoted nerds.

>> No.3328373

Yeah, it's like a fucking vcr.

>> No.3329910

Where are the retro games?

>> No.3330006

They're on the shelf. Both of them.