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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 960x390, NES SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3314616 No.3314616 [Reply] [Original]

Is there ANY reason to play on original consoles when emulators exist? Higher rendered resolutions, higher frame rates, save states, cheats, highly customizable, you can use any controller, mods and texture packs, etc.

>> No.3314626

To prove to /vr/ that you're white.

>> No.3314637

Consoles just werk, no settings to fiddle with, and are easier to use with old tvs.

Otherwise it's based on emotions. It just feels nice to have a shelf of games. I feel more dedicated to play a game that I sought out and spent money on. And nostalgia obviously.

I use both, but I usually enjoy playing the real thing more.

>> No.3314638

I am white as fuck, but it baffles me. I understand the appeal of the real thing and physical discs/cartridges, but you get a better experience for so much less with emulation.

Are emulators allowed in speed running, competitive play or high scores?

>> No.3314647

Funny you should post this today. Earlier I dusted off my NES (after not playing it for at least 5 years if not more) and played a bit of tetris, smb3, and duck hunt.

I came to the conclusion that for standard controller based games (tetris, smb3) the hardware is inferior to emulators. For smb3 especially, there is a 0.5" strip missing from the left side of the screen and a bizzare strip of ficker when playing on hardware. This is not abnormal, either.

But for duck hunt, it's a bit more tricky. Here's an interesting article about why it doesn't play nice with digital monitors:http://hackaday.com/2015/11/16/resurrecting-duckhunt/..

On the other hand, there's something intangible about the hardware that is preferable. With emulators, the temptation to use savestates is always there, and from there its a slippery slope to radically diluting the difficulty and corrupting the experience the designers intended.

>> No.3314653

Yes, many. None applicable to an underage poorfag looking to play a few mureo romz though.

>> No.3314654
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Real hardware.

>> No.3314693

I always feel more tempted to just switch to another game when I emulate. The urge is too prevalent for me to suppress it very well. When I play a game on hardware it's just me and the game and I don't have a hard drive full of other games to think about.

That said I still emulate everything because it's a thousand times more convenient.

>> No.3314761

this pretty much

>> No.3314770

The way it was originally played.

No outside factors effecting the game. At least when everything works. No bs emulation inaccuracies.

>> No.3314779

I can't quantify what makes it more satisfying. It's just nice to actually own hardware. Emulators are probably objectively superior in most cases, but I just don't get the same sensation as I do when I hook up a console.

Maybe you could replicate that feeling with the right set-up. I dunno.

>> No.3314781

I guess if you are playing 8 or 16 bit games, not terribly outside of lag and video quality issues.

Saturn, PS1, N64, Dreamcast? Yeah, you want real hardware for those. Saturn, N64, and DC emulation is still FAR from perfect, and PS1 emulation has come a long way but it's still glitchy as shit. The bunch of extra features OP mentioned are cool and all, but half of them cause additional weirdness and glitches, and that shit bothers me during a game. Besides, you can do cheats and mods with flashcarts, and even save states with some.

I still prefer to emulate RPGs though, since being able to speed up grinding saves me a lot of time.

Is there ANY reason to limit yourself to either emulation or real hardware? The answer is Yes, being too poor to afford something that costs less than a bicycle.

>> No.3314805

People can argue about it all day, every day for the rest of eternity, but it really boils down to personal preference.

People enjoy things in different ways. I prefer original hardware, but I don't care how other people enjoy their games.

>> No.3314813

The amount of samefagging in this thread is inane. I assume he's using his phone or something, but the typing style, spacing, and self aggrandizing behavior/patting one another on the back is really fucking obvious.

>> No.3314815

Did you grow up playing the games on consoles? Do you have a sense of nostalgia to relieve your childhood? Then yeah, buy the consoles and the games. Sell them when you're done if you're poor.

None of that matters? Emulators.

>> No.3314819
File: 337 KB, 492x376, 1448071916270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why use a frying pan when you can microwave?
Why read a book when e-readers exist?
Why use a tablet instead of a cellphone?
Why take a shower when you can take a bath?
Why have a fireplace when you can use a baseboard heater?
Why live in a house when it's cheaper to live in an apartment?
Is there ANY reason to go to a live concert when you can watch it later on youtube?
Is there ANY reason to write on lined paper when graph paper exists?
Is there ANY reason to use a bathroom mirror when there is a perfectly good mirror on your neighbors car?
Is there ANY reason to post on VR when Reddit exists?
Is there ANY reason to use a Serrated knife instead of a butter knife?
Is there ANY reason to go to the gym when you can lift soup cans at home?
Is there ANY reason to read manga when anime exists?
Is there ANY reason to read a news paper when you can write your own and deliver it to your own door step?


>> No.3314846
File: 445 KB, 499x373, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a retro image, just for you.

>> No.3314852

Saturn and ps1 emulation is better than real hardware now. Can't say for DC or n64

>> No.3315578

>I download RetroArch and SNES core
>I download Mega Man X
>I start it up
>It's boring

>Later that day
>I dust off my old SNES and Mega Man X cart
>I start it up
>It's fun

I don't know what it is but emulation is just so fucking boring for old systems. Now don't get me wrong, emulating games from Gamecube, Wii, Playstation 2 etc. is fucking fun as shit. But older games? Boring. Boring as fuck.

>> No.3315865

>Saturn and ps1 emulation is better than real hardware now.
Bull fucking shit. Saturn emulation is a shitshow, and I still have yet to see a PS1 emulator do Twisted Metal 2 properly. I'll stick to hardware for those two.

>> No.3315879

Emulation has never and will never compare to original hardware in a home.

Video quality aside, as you can choose to go classic or upgrade to RGB Scart and get full 240p upscaled out of your consoles, the classic consoles and their controllers are never beaten by emulators.

Anyone who attempts to rationalize emulation either doesn't have the money to pay for original hardware/games and is trying to add validity to their "Emulation is better, that's why I don't buy the hardware!" claims.

The sheer number of people in this thread agreeing with one another and pretending emulation is so much better makes me think that OP just made this thread simply to create an echo chamber that validates his opinions.

Sorry, emulation is fucking worthless, and if you want to emulate, you probably aren't playing that many games from beginning to completion, but rather, playing games like the Atari 2600, and playing for 5 minutes and switching back and forth constantly, with numerous save states just floating out there unused.

>> No.3315883

>Saturn and ps1 emulation is better than real hardware now. Can't say for DC or n64

Are you retarded?
How many PS1 and Saturn games do you play on home console versus how many do you emulate?

>> No.3315915

What if you build a 15khz PC and use controller adapters for the consoles and a CRT TV with accurate emulators?

You really can't distinguish it and it's even better than using the original consoles with the standard cable they came bundled with (RF or RCA). Plus it's all in one machine and you can play online too. I do that a lot with some peers around.

>> No.3315935

>diluting the difficulty and corrupting the experience the designers intended.
much of that "difficulty" and "experience" was limited by the technological capabilities of the time. i don't feel guilty at all using save states in between levels and such.

>> No.3316130

Autism man to the rescue:
Because I want an egg and it's easier to do on the frying pan.
Because books are more comfortable to my hands
Because mosts cheap tablets can't use a SIM card
Why not?
Way different feeling
I want more space where I live
Actually seeing the band/singer and hearing the music meters away from me instead of listening to a digital reproduction on my laptop
Why not? Again
For starters, the bathroom mirror is actually mine and it's on my house
Reddit sucks
Serrated knife cuts some stuff better
Get a trainer and better equipment than what I have at home
Some people prefer to read a DC comic and finish the story on 1hr max than watching a 2hr movie and not enjoying the story (fuck you Justice League: Doom)
I want my news written by a more qualified person than me, besides, >not reading it online

Hurr durr faggot

>> No.3316164

Hook, line and sinker.

>> No.3316172

stop masturb8ing and get a real console.

>> No.3316173
File: 59 KB, 1000x1192, ignorant_babby_award.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The questions and statements you present in this post betray your young age.

>> No.3316913

Not him but isn't going with 15khz just going to make Vectrex emulation look worse?

If you can't distinguish all those games that run like shit or not at all on an emulator from working games on a real console then there's really no hope for you. An hero.

>> No.3316918

that literally doesn't make any sense

>> No.3316956

Yes if you own anything above 4th gen. Snes emulation may be perfect but consoles after that are a different story.

>> No.3316974

>easier to use with old tvs.
Being more compatible with obsolete equipment that nobody uses any more is not a benefit

>> No.3316984

I agree.

>> No.3317198

Input lag and ease of use

I'd prefer to play the original console in case of unpredictable emulator fuck ups
At least you know everything works like it should on the original console
CRTs are not obsolete yet, I have a 32in in my living room and it looks better than most tvs of the same size
Plus they can usually be configured to run newer stuff as well as older stuff

>> No.3317217

*become an hero
You fucking newflap.

>> No.3317418

>*know your meme is my bible
>i've been here since last summer

>> No.3317423

Yeah, I love playing on a Saturn and XBOX emulator.

>> No.3317613

Stay pleb kiddo. N64 emulation is teh best.

>> No.3317719

Input lag is one downside of emulators. That doesn't matter if you're playing shit like Final Fantasy, but it sucks when you're trying to play a game where you have to react super quick

another downside that doesn't apply to everyone is if you have a console fetish, like I wanna play a Turbo Grafx 16 and see it in front of me, an emulator will work, but I have never seen one in person and I am getting hard just thinking about it

>> No.3317732

Is there any reason to NOT go with original hardware with flash carts nowadays?

Seriously this way you get the "authentic experience" from playing the games with original hardware and entire library of games for their respective systems without paying a fortune for certain overpriced games not to mention NOT needing a huge room full of shelves to keep your collection in?

>> No.3317740


>> No.3319043

Believe it or not, some kids are extremely poor and can't even afford a SNES and an ED. I guess they emulate on their moms obamaphone or something.

>> No.3319048

I will always prefer having the original game.

>> No.3319117

placebo effect. its all in your head bro

>> No.3320059

too true.

>> No.3322850

How about doing BOTH of:
- playing on real console
- emulating games
just when You feel convenient.

>> No.3322862


>> No.3323432

NO! I have to emulate because I'm poor. I have convinced myself I do it by choice. My delusion will be ruined if I allow others to play on real hardware. GTFO.

>> No.3324573

I don't like playing on someone's filth-covered used console that might overheat in 2 days.

>> No.3325028

>higher frame rates
How does that work? Does the emulator scan each game's code and interpolate all the variables that change from one frame to another? Like, if on one frame, your speed var is, say 6 and on the next frame it's 12, does it insert an extra frame between the two where it's 9? That sounds ludicrous to me.

>> No.3325304

>If I pretend to be a snob maybe they won't know I'm just a poorfag
Didn't fool us sport.

>> No.3325391

I buy all my stuff new.

>> No.3325419

He's talking about overclocking in some emulators which make some games run better than in the original console, like ePSXe or MESS

There are videos about it on SNES overclocking and actually making Gradius III playable, look it up on Youtube

>> No.3325456

I didn't get to own them as a kid because of ultra religious "videogames and pokeymans are the devil" parenting. Now I have a job and leftover money, So for me its wish fulfillment.

>> No.3325487

>Is there any reason

Yeah, Pirating. Not all of us are willing to put a black mark on our record for illegally obtaining videogames and putting them on a flashcart.


>I have every game in the world!

Good for you, now watch as you sit there for two hours complaining about having nothing to play and not knowing what to play. The kiddies over on /v/ get all excited they can hack their 3DS, and then two hours later after downloading 50 games, they get bored and complain.

Quality > Quantity.

>> No.3325496

I hate when people say snes emution is perfect. Ok I get it, it's 100% accurate , but playing smw still feels like GARBAGE on any snes emulator compared to a real snes on a crt

>> No.3325498

With emulators or any sort of modern TV you're going to get a few frames of lag, with original consoles on CRTs there's zero. Granted, doesn't make a lot of difference in many games, but for fast games like Kaboom if you're four frames behind the console you may as well be playing with your butt.

>> No.3325532

>Not all of us are willing to put a black mark on our record for illegally obtaining video games and putting them on a flashcart.

Are you 12? Nobody cares!

>> No.3325535

>Are you 12

I'm 37 and sorry to say,. buit I wasn't raised to lie cheat and steal from companies jsut so I could enjoy videogames. You want to do that? Fine. But I won't. Its unethical.

Just because one can commit a crime and get away with it, doesn't mean they should. That falls to your morality, and the kind of person you are.

>> No.3325540


Is the emulation shit like n64's? Then original hardware.

Is emulation good like the gc? Then emulation.

As a whole though, although I understand the appeal of playing on original hardware, the fact that I can do it for free on a multimedia machine is much better for me.

>> No.3325548


>> No.3325550

>Is emulation good like the gc? Then emulation.

Ehhhh... I dunno.

I just started playing Killer 7 today via Nintendon't. and it felt really lackluster on a wii pro controller, so I went ahead and ordered an actual copy offline.

>> No.3325559

Not an emulator

>> No.3325561

How is it not an emulator? its playing the ISO off the Wii drive, which doesn't exist on the Wii-U

>> No.3325606

The Wii's internal hardware can run those GameCube ISOs natively. The Wii or even the Wii U aren't powerful enough to emulate GameCube games.

>> No.3325802

SSF is great and has full compatibility with almost all games on the Saturn. Mendafen has near perfect emulation even beating ps2/ps3. Please research before you speak

>> No.3327912

wat? The Wii is backwards compatible (the original model at least) to Gamecube. Can put any Gamecube disc in there. How is it not powerful enough?

>> No.3327934


>> No.3327942

Damn kid just stop posting already. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3327946

You aren't enjoying SNES games. You enjoy the act of setting up your console and plopping the game into it.

>> No.3327954
File: 504 KB, 334x252, 1461015921976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, whatever you say Sheldon

>> No.3327974

The Wii essentially turns into a GameCube. Running on bare hardware != emulation.

>> No.3327975

Emulation is a New Camaro, Hardware is the 1969 it's trying to look like.

All the options and performance won't change the fact that it's not the same, it's too sharp and refined there's too many distracting doo-dads and it feels somewhat disconnected. The hardware might be a little clunky and archaic but you feel connected and get to time warp for a little while, it's something that feels cool to own, something tangible that isn't disposable. A fun, useful, novelty. I'm sorry you can't enjoy that.

That said I have a clip on controller and emulate on my phone, emulation on the go is almost always superior imo. that ngp clicky stick though.

>> No.3328040

I would say it depends on the console and sometimes the game. I'll emulate if the physical copy of a game is ridiculously expensive or is on a console that may be hard to come by, ect. Usually, I like to play on original hardware though.

>> No.3328048

because I grew up with the consoles…
I didn't grow up with "custom texture packs" and bullshit.
I want to play the games the same way I always have.

>> No.3328049

Technically Nintendon't doesn't do that but DIOS MIOS did. No one should be using that anymore though.

Nintendon't is just a loader that takes a gamecube or triforce game and causes them to run in Wii mode. If games were run in gamecube mode they wouldn't have access to the USB ports or any additional controllers. I'm not sure if the WiiU can run things in gamecube mode either so that's another problem.

>> No.3328065

i dont understand thi discussion.

the original hardware is not expensive compared to buying a gaming pc o a shitty new console like wii u or something like that.


This is the point

Quality over quantity.

IOf you have a normal job, you can spare one game per month or so, and would be totally satisfied with that. Say you buy a snes, and buy this month final 3, the other metroid, t othr another ame and so on. 1 year later you will have 12 games + a console wich canbe used to play with real people in your living room.

I dont know, it is logically that is expensive if you are a underage faggot that doesnt have a job, but nowadays, beetween work, the house, the studies and all the shits i have to do i can only spare maybe 6 hours per week to play so a game per month i think is okay.

That is a reason not to emulate. The possibility (the real one) to play in the actual console