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File: 227 KB, 418x308, cv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3295839 No.3295839 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this game so piss-easy compared to literally any other Castlevania game?

>> No.3295841

When you have good controls, games are easier. SMW compared to SMB 3. Turtles in Time compared to TMNT II and III.

>> No.3295847

The devs didn't fully adapt the game to the controls. Still my fave Castlevania desu famicon

>> No.3295870

I beat Bloodlines on hard w/both characters and I still can't finish Super

What's up with the "harder is better" meme tho you don't really think Haunted Castle and x68000 are best do you

>> No.3295885

>"harder is better" meme
Why can't games be a happy medium? It's always gotta be either casual as fuck or hardcore as fuck with you guys.

Rondo hit a sweet spot of being not too hard yet not too easy, with bosses you actually had to learn and controls that were stiff enough to still make platforming still challenging.

>> No.3295904

Rondo, Bloodlines and any Igavania are easier.

>> No.3296002


When your brain is on /vr/ you start vouching for the most ridiculous parts of the series

>> No.3296009

I do actually think X68000 is one of the best in the series. I have more fun with it than Rondo or Bloodlines. My favorite overall is III, but X68k is definitely up there at the top.

>> No.3296036

Nah, it takes considerably more time to learn RoB strats.

Play on Expert next time, champ.

>and any Igavania are easier.
True, but I'm assuming OP means only Classicvanias.

>> No.3296048


Maybe we just have different play styles, at any rate, none of the 16-bit Castlevanias are as hard as the NES game, at also that doesn't mean that easier games are automatically bad. Sounds kind of tryhard to think like that (even if I do enjoy a challenge, most Castlevanias aren't really all that hard once you learn them).


Cringe, and yeah, I did play on expert.

>> No.3296076

Bloodlines is fundamentally the hardest 16-bit Castlevania because it controls the most like the NES games. You have to commit to every jump, while in Rondo and IV you can change direction mid-air.

>> No.3296086


I don't think that alone makes the game harder, but anyway let's agree to disagree. And again, harder doesn't necessarily mean it's good. Haunted Castle is the most difficult Castlevania title in my opinion, but it's far from being my favorite.

>> No.3297129

Because SNES games degenerated in order to appeal to a wider audience.

Megaman? Hard. Megaman X? Easy.
Castlevania? Hard. Super Castlevania Bros.? Easy.
Ghosts 'n Goblins? Hard. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts? Easy.

>> No.3297159


I don't think its easier than Rondo of Blood or Bloodline and I would not consider any of them to be particularly easy. They're of medium difficulty imo.

>> No.3297270

People bitch way too much about this game. Yes it's easy, probably the easiest of the classic style games but goddamn have we considered that it's still a fun game? Same with SotN, fun, considerably less difficult than its predecessor (Rondo) and seriously not worth bitching about. You can fucking play all of them you know

>> No.3297513


It's really just one guy perpetuating his eternal hateboner for it, and anything on SNES, as you can see here: >>3297129

We probably won't get rid of this autist until he dies, or mods finally permaban his whole ISP.

>> No.3297712
File: 1.85 MB, 368x336, 1457750626741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 8 way whip
Why don't you just enjoy it?

>> No.3297729
File: 80 KB, 708x708, 1445530237259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It.. it's just one guy I SWEAR!!!

>> No.3297734


While I agree bitching about old video games is pathetic in general, it really is just one guy shitposting about "super castlevania bros" every time. I swear the guy must have had some traumatic experience with the game or the SNES in general when he was a kid. I can understand baiting and banter, but this guys is serious about it, has been shitposting the same shit almost daily for over a year, probably more. It's a pathologic case at this point.

>> No.3297737


Egoraptor can't even beat Castlevania IV, he gave up at stage 8 after getting countless game overs.

>> No.3297746

He had trouble with fucking super mario 64, he's just kind of crap at games.

>> No.3297752

I'm sure by "bitching" you mean every time someone has a negative opinion about your favorite game, so I'll have to disagree. It's not pathetic. But trying to sweep said opinions under the rug by labeling them as the work of an Australian shitposter? Now that's truly pathetic.

I have tried giving legitimate criticisms of CV4 in multiple threads only to have "Austalia-kun" yelled in response by die-hard Nintendo fanboys. You people spreading this "Australia-kun" meme are the true cancer and should permanently banned from /vr/. Or take your medication.

>> No.3297765


It's not /vr/'s fault if we have a regular shitposter that keeps shitposting the same shit over and over.
If you never said something like "SCB" or "every game on SNES is shit", then I don't think anyone here called you australia-kun.
If you complain about stuff like "sub-weapons are useless" then some people might call you Egoraptor but that's it.

If you really must be angry at someone, then be angry at the shitposter for forcing his "SCB" meme on /vr/ until everyone here got fed up with him.

>> No.3297771
File: 214 KB, 400x300, background-avta-77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Megaman on the NES has no continues, making it much harder.
Mario 3 requires a single playthrough and Mario World has a save function.
Ghosts N Goblins and Super Ghouls both have infinite continues and they're both extremely hard to actually finish. Super GnG just has a level select cheat.

Castlevania 4 is easier than the NES original, but mostly because of better controls.

Each of your examples are forms of the series getting easier, but only because the technology improved and got cheaper. The intended difficulty of the games stay functionally the same. Ghosts and Goblins still makes you beat it twice before the final boss, Mario still has 8 worlds with a mechanic to skip a majority of the game but not all of it, Megaman requires you to learn patterns for the bosses and discover their weaknesses to beat the rush fight, and Castlevania still has tricky final bosses but was clearly meant to be beaten with some practice.

>> No.3297773

>trying to argue with australia-kun

He's just a shitposter, bro.

He's like a shitty /vr/ version of barneyfag or ACfag. Not worth your time.

>> No.3297779


When I argue on 4chan, I really only do it as a thought experiment. Just trying to sort out my arguments supporting or explaining changes to a game series over time. I then put those into more long form discussions for my Youtube series which no one watches.

So I already waste my time.

>> No.3297807

>Mario 3 requires a single playthrough and Mario World has a save function.
Mario 3 was supposed to have battery backup due to its length, but they choose not to because it would've made the game expensive, hence why they added warp whistles.

>> No.3297905

>better controls.
More flexible. I wouldn't say they're better.

>> No.3298072 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 455x395, 1462150409288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Castlevania Bros.
Holy fuck that's brilliant.

>> No.3298079
File: 448 KB, 455x395, 1462150409288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Castlevania Bros.
Holy fuck that's brilliant.

>> No.3298091

Because they thought "I know, let's make this one actually playable and fun! New console - fresh start!"

>> No.3298107


As brilliant as a crazy diamond.

>> No.3298141

Also Super Punch Out!!

>> No.3298145

No, that would be Castlevania X.

>> No.3298151

Why is SCIV the only sequel criticized for lower difficulty? every NES to SNES sequel got a serious reduction of difficulty.

>> No.3298157

GameGrumps kiddies who only know about retro games from Sequelitis.

>> No.3298195

Mega Man X is not an easy game. I played and beat Mega Man 1 to 3 before I attempted X as a kid and it took me a damn long time before I was able to beat every stage in one sitting.

>> No.3298270

Nice meme. SNES Dracula X is easy up till the bullshit Dracula fight.

>> No.3298272

lol scrub

>> No.3298275

Except it's not. Look above where someone posted other examples of casualised games.

>> No.3298283

Just beat Castlevania 1 for the first time bros. Where would you rank it in hardest Castlevania games?

grim reaper was tough as was Dracula.

>> No.3298284

>implying I'm a guy who can't get no love from you
>hanging out the passenger side of my best friend's ride - tryna holla at you

>> No.3298307

From hardest to least hard:

Haunted Castle ver. M
3 (NES)
Bloodlines (Expert)
Rondo of Blood

>> No.3298451

I meant, it controls like the NES games even more than Bloodlines.

>> No.3298454


No, anon, you don't understand. Dracula X is on a Nintendo system, therefore it's automatically shit. Amigavania best vania.

>> No.3298569

Nah, you can change direction mid-air, unlike Bloodlines. You can also do a short jump or a long jump.

>> No.3298576

>piss easy

I d-died a lot and had to restart a lot... so I quit...

>> No.3298610

What'd you fuck up on?

>> No.3298620
File: 72 KB, 360x360, 1433106925512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't beat Haunted Castle with one credit.

>> No.3298636



>> No.3298657


I can't beat any cv without getting a game over screen other than rondo of blood

>> No.3299610

X68K has been kicking my ass. At Deaths Dungeon now so the rides just about over; Im enjoying it quite alot. It's a much better CV1 remake than Super, IMO. How much easier is Chronicles/Arrange mode?

>> No.3299613

Only level I remember struggling on was the underground gauntlet with all the spike traps due to the game having hitboxes as poor as x68k

>> No.3300061 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 748x398, x68k-vs-scb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t's a much better CV1 remake than Super,

>> No.3300084 [DELETED] 


>australia-kun trying to evade bans by changing his bait picture's filename slightly.

australia-kun a cute.

>> No.3300086


>> No.3300089 [DELETED] 

>being so autistic you memorize the filenames of a shitposting strawman you made up

How butthurt can one possibly get? Nintendildos are bloody hilarious.

>> No.3300098 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 1325x317, nintendildo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so autistic that you keep posting the same shitty pictures 24/7 and the same shitty 7year old "nintendildo" insults that you become too obvious to almost anyone that browses /vr/ at least an hour a day.

You're not an strawma, you're a legit autistic person yourself.
I feel sorry for your family or whoever takes care of you.

>> No.3300197

>Youtube series
Link ?

>> No.3300208
File: 58 KB, 465x498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being so autistic that you keep posting the same shitty pictures 24/7 and the same shitty 7year old "nintendildo" insults that you become too obvious to almost anyone that browses /vr/ at least an hour a day.
Nice hyperbole. You realise you'd have to obsessively be stalking /vr/ all the time in order to catch all that if it really happened, right? Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

>You're not an strawma, you're a legit autistic person yourself.
The whole australia strawman is a forced meme to derail any anti-Nintendo discussion. Kill yourself you waste of sperm.

>I feel sorry for your family or whoever takes care of you.
I take care of myself and happily live with my mate, but thanks for your concern anywho.

>> No.3300213


>Nice hyperbole. You realise you'd have to obsessively be stalking /vr/ all the time in order to catch all that if it really happened, right? Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

You're still having delusions about only 1 guy saying "australia-kun".

At this point you're /vr/'s own Ruggarell.

>The whole australia strawman is a forced meme to derail any anti-Nintendo discussion. Kill yourself you waste of sperm.

Show me an example of that ever happening. If a nintendrone is shitposting, he will be called out on it.
There are plenty examples on /vr/ archives like warosu where you can see the same shitty exact shitposts you make, especially during week ends. Mods have been deleting your posts all the time now, they deleted your shitty "euro computers vs american computers" today, I think even twice.
Aren't you getting a hint?

>> No.3300425

I wonder how that anon's paper is going on the psychology of Australia-kun.

>> No.3300438

The enemy formations really are designed as though you only had 2 way aiming. Seriously you can kill half off all enemies without them getting a chance to fight back by approaching them from diagnels or hitting them through the floor/ceiling. Even the boss patterns really seem like the 8 way aiming is cheating.

>> No.3300468


>hitting them through the floor/ceiling.

I agree about this, it feels like cheating a bit but man it comes handy in some cases otherwise it'd be a lot more harder (example, the flying books on the library level, or the headless skeletons on the final level where you have to go through stairs). It's still possible to kill them without dropping the whip down, but it's hard.

As for enemy formations, overall yeah it's still too similar to any other Castlevania, enemy-wise, however, this one has a lot of bats that will come flying at you diagonally, whereas in most other games in the series they come at you doing a kind of medusa head-like pattern.

>> No.3300619
File: 435 KB, 684x796, 1465701217800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medusa head

>> No.3300902

Someone should ROMhack Super Castlevania Bros. to make the whip only whip forward and to fix the jumping so you can only do one long forward jump.

>> No.3300931


>> No.3300985

I guess someone shoud also ROMhack Rondo also because of the jump and the backflip, and X68000 since it lets you whip down. Bloodlines also has diagonal whip, needs a ROMhack.
All of these also need a stair physics fix so it's the same as on Castlevania 1.

Or fuck it, just play this:

>> No.3301347


Please go kill yourselves.

>> No.3301356

X1 is easier than every classic game except 5 and 6.

I haven't played any other X game. Hopefully those are harder.

>> No.3303841

All those examples you bitched about aren't nearly as game-breaking as the gameplay mechanics in Super IV, though.

>> No.3304650


I think they are, if it ain't like OG Castlevania, it ain't vania!

>> No.3305189 [DELETED] 

Well that's your opinion, SCB's eight-way whipping and jumping physics were the most broken controls prior to SotN.

>> No.3305203 [DELETED] 



but australiakun isn't real and it's just an imaginary boogeyman, right?

>> No.3305214 [DELETED] 


There are plenty of australia-kun shitposting archived, I still remember the very first time australia earned his handle "Australia-kun", it was when he was defending The New Generation saying it was better than Bloodlines because "edgy yanks" and all that shit he always says.

>> No.3305303 [DELETED] 

>It's impossible for other people to use memes that might've been invented by an Australian shitposter

This is how retarded you Nintendo fanboys look.

>> No.3305306 [DELETED] 


>implying anyone would use your shitty MS Paint memes

Nah, australia.
I'm not even a IV fan, but I wouldn't use your memes, fuck off.

>> No.3305313 [DELETED] 


if there are people retarded enough to use australia-kun's forced memes, then they deserve to be called australia-kun all the same. I still don't think anyone really uses them other than him(You)

>> No.3305317 [DELETED] 

>the only people who call out Australia-kun are nintendo fanboys

Australia-kun is also responsible for dank memes such as "Sega Exodus", which aren't related to Nintendo.

Nobody will ever use your memes non-ironically Australia-kun, stop dreaming.

>> No.3305874

>it's ok for Super to do it because the other 16-bit games did the same to a lesser extent

Never change, Nintendorks.

>> No.3305885


>> No.3305904

What's your point?

>> No.3306019

Cause it doesn't control like a normal Castlevania

Imagine if you had to play Ghosts n Goblins and Arthur actually controlled well. The game wouldn't be nearly as hard

>> No.3306847 [DELETED] 

More like Castlevania SNORE, am I right?

>> No.3306872

X2 and X3 are much harder than X. I've beaten every X game, and I can tell you that IMHO that X3 is the hardest of the bunch. I can beat MMX in about 45-50 minutes.

>> No.3307798


Don't shit talk SOTN, it's a good game despite hipsters contrarians hating it.

>> No.3307806

Because it was twice as long as the original, ergo it didn't have to use difficulty to extend the game's length to justify the price.

>> No.3307812

I'd pay the same price for a shorter game that has good pacing over a longer game that is boring until the last few levels.

>> No.3307813


I have yet to do a no-death run of CV 4.

I can do it on CV 1, however.

For a game that's supposed to be the "easiest" on the classic series, I thought it was at least up to the series standards, definitely not the easiest.

>> No.3308245 [DELETED] 

Castlevania Bore is easy to no-miss after you learn its cheap, lazy spike and pit placement. When people call it the easiest game, they are referring to the gameplay and lackluster enemies.

>> No.3308251


>after your learn

Then it's not easy.

CV1 also has hazards that insta-kill you, that's not an excuse.

Just upload a video of your own doing a perfect run of the game if you want your opinion to be validated, for all we know you're just a shitposter that isn't good at any game at all.

>> No.3308272 [DELETED] 

>CV1 also has hazards that insta-kill you, that's not an excuse.
CV1 also has hard bosses and harder platforming due to its controls, though.

SCB, on the other hand, has absolutely nothing going for it.

>> No.3308281


The "snore" new meme is at least fresh australia, stop making people recognize you so easily, or I'll go tell the mods at the IRC.

>> No.3308284


I dunno, last time I checked, CV 4's bosses didn't freeze completely when you throw holy water at them.

Again, upload a video of your own doing a perfect run, or accept that you're an unskilled shitposter that is bad at games in general.

>> No.3308289

>Then it's not easy.
Depends, there are some questionable design decisions where it relies on luck rather than skill, such as being pushed into a pit due to poor hit detection, but aside from the cheapness, the game is a remarkably dull experience.

>> No.3308291

>such as being pushed into a pit due to poor hit detection

Example? video if possible

>> No.3308292

>CV 4's bosses didn't freeze completely when you throw holy water at them.

CV4's bosses are so easy, you don't even need to come prepared with subweapons to subdue them. Your whip is extremely overpowered in that game, so you can just button mash your way to victory.

>> No.3308296


Then, by all means, do a video of your own with no deaths and upload for all of us to see.

I'd really love to see how you resolve fights like the golden giant bat or Death by button mashing.

>> No.3308302 [DELETED] 

>thinks Stupor Castlevania Bore's Death is hard

I'm done with you. You just lost any credibility you might've had.

>> No.3308306


>I'm done with you. You just lost any credibility you might've had.

lol, I'll be waiting for the video of you beating Death by just standing there button mashing your way to victory. You can do it!

>> No.3308338

MUCH EASIER!!! Then again I'm a reckless shit. I can beat Chronicles blindfolded but can't get past stage 6 on X68000. Love the SC-55 music though.

>> No.3308353

Because they wanted to make it fun

>> No.3308570
File: 2.59 MB, 256x224, scb-death.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bloody easy, mate.

>> No.3308578


>has to completely abuse diagonal whipping
>gets hit a couple times

Still, props for making an OC webm just to shitpost here, australia, I'm glad I made you lose time with that.

You got it from a speedrun video or you actually emulated and recorded it yourself?

>> No.3308581


Looks more difficult than spam holy water on CV1.

>getting hit

>> No.3308582

>making a post only five minutes later
Do you just lurk /vr/ 24/7 waiting for replies?

Crikey, you are one pathetic loser.

>> No.3308583


But of course, I am the owner of 4chan, remember? :^)

>> No.3308584

Not getting hit wasn't part of the condition. The condition was to button mash to kill Death. Also you need to be good enough to not die in CV1 in order to have the holy water for Death, unlike CV4 which drops whip upgrades and food at you at every other corner.

>> No.3308594

I thought by "button mash" you just means button mashing the attack button, not also inputting diagonals. I thought you'd be man enough since you hate the diagonal whipping. But okay, I'll let it pass just because it's you and I actually like you.
How about the golden bat from level 9? Would be interested on seeing how you manage that. You can do diagonal, but no jumping and no moving around if possible.

>> No.3308595

You're not funny anymore, nor were you ever funny.

>> No.3308598

I don't wanna play that shitty game anymore. I already proved you wrong, accept defeat like a real man and move on.

>> No.3308604


It was funny when you were crying about people going to Irc channels so mods delete your posts though.

And to begin with, all your memes (scb, stupor, exodus, amigavania is good, etc) were never funny. The seegah meme was funny though.

>> No.3308606

>actually wasted time playing a game he hates and recorded it
>gets ridiculed by the entire board
>gets his posts deleted all the time

you won!

>> No.3308609

>you won!

>> No.3308610



you used passwords, right? otherwise if you reached death with only 3 lives meants you died a couple times.

>> No.3308612

You forgot Nintendildo, The New Generation, and NTSC.

>> No.3308614


He either used passwords or got a game over there, look at the score.

>> No.3308615

Of course I used the level select code. You really think I'd play through that terrible game all the way again?

>> No.3308620

>level select code

It's called passwords, gramps.

Still, this day is historic, australia-kun played his most hated game and recorded it for us all to see!

>> No.3308631 [DELETED] 

Oh, bugger off, you dumb yank.

>> No.3308643

i'm surprised he didn't say bloodlines is an edgy title yet

>> No.3308648



>> No.3308656

it's funny that he thinks that vampire killer wasn't some title they threw together at the last minute for the obscure european release of an obscure MSX castlevania game

>> No.3308661


VK is indeed a weird choice.

It's like if they released a CV game under the name "Wicked child" or "Beginning".

>> No.3308667

it's the name of the belmont whip, but still, you don't see anyone acting like Haunted Castle was a good game

it was just a way to distinguish between the 3 different games called Akumajou Dracula.

>> No.3308671

meant to say name, but the point still stands

>> No.3308850

So yea you're an underage fag

>> No.3308856

Are yoy saying more flexibility isn't better?

>> No.3308889

Only if you think casualer = better.

>> No.3308897


stop the press guys, we've got a legit Hardcore Gamer over here.
Call the mountain dew trucks

>> No.3308902

Alright I am here to take back Australia in the name of decency. Fuck off Australia kun SCV was not a bad game at the time and we all played it. You might not have but that's cuz your a fucking spazo bush baby that probs was raped by the bunyip.

>> No.3308903

You better believe it, son. I have 8 world records in various Castlevania games.

>> No.3308905
File: 178 KB, 250x310, scv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro.

>> No.3308908

There is a SCV? Nifty didn't know that.
Who's the special characters in that one. Also Gtfo out straya cunt. Go fuck a bush baby or something.

>> No.3309170

It was one of the first SNES titles and they wanted to show off the new hardware more than anything. They couldn't do that as well if everyone died in the first level.