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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 302 KB, 1280x960, OR-SMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3291587 No.3291587 [Reply] [Original]

Out Run would be perfect if I could change the car to a pick up truck.

>> No.3291613

A pick-up truck would be very tall, wouldn't it? It'd be difficult to see anything from behind it.

>> No.3291624
File: 490 KB, 1845x1297, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sega had a commercial tie-in with Ferrari that time so it was a big cash-cow they had to milk.

However the sequel, Outrunners gave you other vehicle and character choices. I remember one of them being a dune buggy but no trucks

>> No.3291626

I love how the Ferrari looks more like a Beetle at the top.

>> No.3291628


It looks more like a Porsche to me actually

>> No.3291631

It's a chibi ferrari almost. Who even likes Beetle bug cars?

>> No.3291632

I can see that too, but the perspective makes it look more like a Beetle convertible (assuming they even exist).

>> No.3291639 [DELETED] 

>Out Run
>not perfect

reported for trolling

>> No.3291646
File: 36 KB, 600x450, 1984-ferrari-testarossa-7_600x0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the original Outrun car modeled after a Testarossa? Pretty sure if my memory is correct they actually got in trouble for likeness.

>> No.3291652

>Who even likes Beetle bug cars?
What's that got to do with it?

>> No.3291660
File: 28 KB, 500x154, Outrun - Marquee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

"Sega did not consult Ferrari over the inclusion of the Testarossa in game, and would later meet in court several times over the matter. It is assumed a deal was reached as the car has never been modified for any future releases, and in fact, Ferrari have gone as far officially sponsor several racing games, starting with F355 Challenge (also designed by Yu Suzuki) and OutRun 2 and its derivatives. Other cars on the road appear to be a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle, a 1971 Chevrolet Corvette, a 1985 Porsche 911, a 1985 BMW 325i Cabriolet E30 and a generic truck."

>> No.3291662
File: 111 KB, 615x615, 2371_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right, It's supposed to be an "SD (super deformed) car" a popular cartooning concept in Japan which also happened to inspire the "Choro Q" / Penny Racers toy and vidya line.

>> No.3291731

I need more 80s driving games. Not like racing like Hang On, but Out Run style

>> No.3291740

>Who even likes Beetle bug cars?

... quite a lot of people actually.

>> No.3291741
File: 55 KB, 800x750, gfs_18759_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The other one I can think of is Rad Racer which is a mediocre Outrun clone for the NES

and then there's Famicom Grand Prix II 3D Hot Rally which is a "rally type" racing game but it also plays an awful lot like Outrun but with more cartoony "Mario world" details like bushes with faces

>> No.3291746

Why is Out Run so good? Technology has come a long way but the basic concept of a driving game hasn't changed all that much. Logically it doesn't seem like it should stand up to newer games as well as it does.

>> No.3291750

Rad Racer is actually pretty good imo. There's Outrun 2019 on Genesis, and all the other sequels etc.

>> No.3291785

It just didn't everything right and then some. God tier songs, tight controls, tough but fair gameplay, driving a Testarossa with side chick, and multiple endings depending on your route give replay value. Hell, the scaling they did still looks great! Its also the quintessential 80s game. I can't play Outrun and not get nostalgic for long summer's, mullets, Indiana Jones, etc.

>> No.3291827

I really enjoyed it and all I had to go on was the Spectrum port. That's a testament to the core game.

>> No.3291928

Rad Racer is amazing, the feeling of speed rivals that of Out Run on way weaker hardware. It's easily the best NES racing game.

>> No.3292387

those cars are pretty cutie tho

>> No.3292638
File: 190 KB, 256x359, outrun2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Outrun 2019 on Genesis
Awesome game.

>> No.3292641
File: 203 KB, 500x350, outrun2019_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3292679

3 years away

>> No.3292683
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>> No.3292725
File: 795 KB, 3754x2710, outrun_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3292740

Outrunners was the tits. All that sprite scaling!

>> No.3292750
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>> No.3293351

Picked up. What can't retro visions of the future do?

>> No.3293639

Gateway > Alps > Old Capital > Death Valley
but for the best experience
Devi's Canyon > Cloud Mountain > Seaside Town > Autobahn

>> No.3293652
File: 70 KB, 460x424, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible good news OP

>a complete port of OutRun to PC (CannonBall) exists
>a full-featured track editor exists for it
>editing the car's sprite might (?) be supported
>absolutely nothing of note has ever been made with the editor, afaik

Why is this allowed, /vr/? Isn't it our solemn duty to at least throw something together with stolen OutRun 2019 assets?

>> No.3293653

white trash or mexican confirmed

>> No.3293654

Outrun would be better if it had realistic oral sex simulation after winning the race, it only makes sense to have the annoying woman be useful.

>> No.3293657

At least in Outrun 2 if you do badly she leaves me ;__;

>> No.3294185

>Rad Racer which is a mediocre Outrun clone for the NES

Them's fightin' words. Rad Racer is GOAT.

>> No.3294262

I don't know if you've played Rad Racer, but it's 8 bit and boring. Are we thinking of the game game?

>> No.3294328

>it's 8 bit and boring

Do you know what board you're on?

>> No.3294334

>Mad Power Runs really fast! It's too fast.
>Speed Buster It's speed is the maximum. Enjoys the greatest speed.

>> No.3294346

I thought that was the cheetah.

>> No.3294437

man, get a proper OUTRUN license plate.

>> No.3294457

it was modeled after it and i want one

>> No.3294557

not my car. I posted an example of the convertible to show how similar it is to the car in the game, unlike >>3291646

>> No.3295218


Great songs!!!

THX bro

>> No.3295283

im glad im not the only one who's reminded of casiopea when i play outrun

you forgot miami sound machine though

>> No.3295297

>tfw no one giving this attention
playing this now and its great

will play around in the editor once I beat a playthrough

>> No.3295301

link here

also why have I been seeing so much OutRun stuff on here lately? is it just coincidence

>> No.3295302

XInput support is pretty poor on it, unfortunately.

Same with MAME, both can't handle single axis triggers.

>> No.3295315

Does /vr/ have a recommended peripheral guide? For wheel setups and things.

>> No.3295349

I play OutRun on mame with a 360 pad and triggers to accelerate/brake. What's the problem?

>> No.3295350

Almost every racing game in MAME has this problem, but try not holding any trigger and notice how the car keeps moving.

It's not supposed to do that, and it's especially bad in Hang-On.

>> No.3295357

do I need a controller to play this? I don;t have one for my PC atm

>> No.3295358

you mean I should get up to speed, let go of the triggers, and then what happens? As I'm neither accelerating nor braking I'd expect a gradual slowdown, eventually coming to a full stop. Firing up the game to see what actually happens ...

>> No.3295364

It does that even if you weren't accelerating in the first place, but what I mean is that the car keeps advancing.

In Hang-On, for example, the motorcycle will always be fluctuating between 57-59 km/h, even if I don't press anything.

>> No.3295367

just tried it, in low and high gear. Car slows down to a full stop in both cases.
It does so slower than if I were to hit the brakes. The car won't move on its own either

>> No.3295369

Just in case, there's an obscure trick to it.
When you set up the triggers to Pedal 1 Analog and Pedal 2 Analog, it says "Joy 1 Z-Axis", but you can actually cycle through there, changing it to "Joy 1 Z-Axis -" and "Joy 1 Z-Axis +" before it goes back to "Joy 1 Z-Axis". In my case I have Pedal 1 mapped to -, Pedal 2 mapped to +, nothing mapped to Dec or Inc. Works pretty well

>> No.3295375

Yeah, I know that trick and it still does that, unfortunately.

Actually in all Sega racing games the brake pedal does this weird thing where it's acting like I'm mashing the trigger, so the brake lights constantly flash.

>> No.3295376

Well actually, now OutRun works because I unbound the incs and decs for the wheel. Doesn't work for Cannonball, obviously.

Hang-On still does it. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.3295378

seems to be entirely on your end, or I'm just lucky. Works flawlessly here. Though I can only say that about OutRun. The other games don't interest me too much

>> No.3295379

forget it I found the controls

desu I kind of suck though