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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3282207 No.3282207 [Reply] [Original]

Rather than just creating a new /gg/ Gameboy General thread, this thread is trying something a little different. Feel free to discuss vintage handheld consoles in general, including the Nintendo Gameboy family, Sega Game Gear, Atari Lynx, WonderSwan, Neo Geo Pocket, etc.

Some discussion of "portablized" systems like the Sega Nomad and Turbo Express is acceptable, but should be focused on the hardware itself rather than the games, since they are portable versions of home consoles which have their own threads.

>> No.3282212 [DELETED] 

Can we talk about Nintendo gameboy advance? Nintendo gameboy advance is the best retro system

>> No.3282214

OP here. I'm fine with it. Just ignore the shitposters.

>> No.3282352

wats that thing under the gba?

>> No.3282383


>> No.3282421
File: 131 KB, 500x843, game gear haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to get back into GG lately. I replaced the caps on my childhood GG but it has irreparable screen rot, so I'm going to eventually use it for a McWill replacement LCD mod. In the meantime I've picked up a Majesco Game Gear that seems to work just fine aside from a few scuffs. I ordered some glass replacement lenses, but I'm going to try and just buff out the scratches on the Majesco lens is pretty distinct and I don't want to mess with it too much. I also might put an LED backlight panel mod in it.

The problem is that I hardly bought any GG games as a kid. I bought the thing for $30 at Funcoland and I literally only have 3 games for it. I got paid today so I ordered Shinobi, Ax Battler, and Halley Wars. Good haul?

>> No.3282435

It was kind of cool, to play TurboExpress games on the go. I guess it was a bit like the later Sega Nomad, but not quite the battery hog

>> No.3282443

Could never get the tv tuner to work on mine back in the day

>> No.3282467


Looks good to me. If you can, get ahold of the port of Ristar to GG, it's excellent and hard to believe it's running on a game gear

>> No.3282480

I still don't know why Sega never released a slim version of the Game Gear to compete with the Gameboy Pocket and Gameboy Color. They could even have added an FM sound chip for new games to take advantage of.

And this is going deep into fan-wank territory, but I think that if Sega had stayed in the portable business, they could have eventually made a new Game Gear that was based off of the Genesis architecture, but with a higher color count so as to be backward compatible with the original Game Gear. It could even have had a goofy adapter like the Master Gear to basically turn it into a Nomad. If they'd released something like that around the time of the Gameboy Advance it could have been a viable contender, but instead the most we got was the Majesco version of the Game Gear. It was a solid revision over the original, but it was just as bulky and battery hungry, and was too little too late.

>> No.3282510

Fuck that the final boss is nigh impossible on the Game Gear version, they fucked it up so hard, he makes a black whole that sucks you if you're too close, which is like half the screen, and because of the shitty resolution that means you're more than guaranteed to be past it. And you're meant to prevent getting sucked in by holding onto enemies but AGAIN because of the reduced resolution when a second one spawns it falls it eventually runs into, making you drop the first one and getting sucked up it's fucking goddamn bullshit did the faggots even test this shit even just remembering it is making me rage right now FUCK.

>> No.3282684

Aside from the screen being dogshit, was there any cool games on the Lynx?

>> No.3282721

>this motherfucker is STILL putting GBAs in there
holy fuck just stop
stop it

>> No.3282728

Not retro. Never will be.

>> No.3282732

The idea of LCD modding Sega handhelds kinda appeals to me, like, I think a Nomad with a phone battery, fresh capacitors and an LCD screen, loaded with a nice Flashcart, would be the bee's knees.

Calm down.

>> No.3282739

There's a lot of arcade conversions, I think. I haven't looked into it myself as of yet, though. It's supposed to be more powerful than the Game Gear.

>> No.3283023

how come 90% of the game boys you see for sale on amazon do not have the battery cover? do them assholes take the battery covers off and sell it as a "replacement battery cover" for like 5 bucks separately?

>> No.3283040
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>> No.3283072
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Anybody else think mario land trilogy is about on par with mario bros trilogy. I used to think gb was unplayable garbage but its brettt gud

>> No.3283084

It's probably just negligence.
Otherwise you'd see the lids for sale too.

>> No.3283212

as long as you're shitposting GBAs right in the OP, these thread are and will always be completely useless. Way to spam the board with your junk

>> No.3283234

Would it be worth modding a classic Gameboy with a lit screen and a phone battery?

Or would it be better to just move straight to a Gameboy Color for the increased compatibility?

>> No.3283260

>Would it be worth modding a classic Gameboy with a lit screen and a phone battery?

Or would it be better to just move straight to a Gameboy Color for the increased compatibility?
in your case, no

>> No.3283264

You know what?
90% percent of that spam comes from faggots like you.

>> No.3283269

whatever it takes to disrupt your shitposting. You are not welcome here

>> No.3283272

get an SP or mod a GBA with an LED screen noob

>> No.3283273
File: 37 KB, 350x383, 1465334100288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple 3rd gen home console ports and remakes
>multiple 4th gen home console ports and remakes
>multiple classic arcade ports and remakes
>can play all Gameboy and Gameboy Color games
>can be used to emulate a vast array of previously mentioned items which weren't officially ported
There, now fuck off.

>> No.3283280

fuck off, shithead

>> No.3283284

>multiple 3rd gen home console ports and remakes
>multiple 4th gen home console ports and remakes
>multiple classic arcade ports and remakes
I consider all of these very good reasons to exclude the GBA

>can play all Gameboy and Gameboy Color games
>can be used to emulate a vast array of previously mentioned items which weren't officially ported
so can a PSP, and yet ...

>There, now fuck off
You first. And take your mobile shitbox with you

>> No.3283339

I really don't care that much for Mario Land 1. It feels like an inferior, scaled down version of the original SMB. Mario Land 2 and Wario Land are some GOAT tier Mario games, though.

>> No.3283343

interesting to see that one being reported and deleted. Better be for the last statement on the post, because the rest was honest opinion

>> No.3283351
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I think a phone battery is unnecessary. The backlight and bivert mod is excellent though and I highly recommend it.

>> No.3283352
File: 575 KB, 1000x707, gameboycolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's you favorite Gameboy Color game?

Hardmode: No Zelda, Pokémon or Wario

>> No.3283356

Why not just delete any thread with a GBA in the OP?

>> No.3283359


>> No.3283361

The Turbo Express was as big a battery hog as the Nomad, from what I understand. They were both exactly the same hardware as their home counterparts from what I understand, and they both used a shitty fluorescent tube for illumination which was an even bigger drain on the batteries than the console itself.

>> No.3283362
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>dat sexy radioactive green glow
I like it. How does the lightmod affect the contrast?

>> No.3283363

It did, huh? My friends one would always seem to have a shorter battery life, maybe we just imagined it.

>> No.3283451

If you install a bivert chip, the contrast is an order of magnitude better than the stock screen.

>> No.3283457

Not retro, but I've been enjoying some DS games on my 3DS. Mario Kart is super fun, especially that Waluigi pinball track.

>> No.3283463
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>No Wario
Umm... uhhh..... shit...

>> No.3283526
File: 2.06 MB, 1370x1370, daikatana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a good game, unlike its FPS counterpart.

>> No.3283573

I heard it was pretty good, in part because it had almost nothing to do with the PC/N64 game.

>> No.3283861

Duke Nukem, which you'd think would have no right to be as good as it is, likely being put to production to milk the success of Duke Nukem 3D, but it's basically a rethread of the original sidescrollers, and this I mean in the nicest of ways, if you liked those games, this is basically that, but handheld (and cartoony).

It's done this way competently, it's not so much of a port as it's a remake, sound and graphics are rather nice.

>> No.3284329


Mario Land 1 & 2 were 'good' for their time, but they don't hold up.

WL 1 & 2 are fucking epic. Haven't really got into three yet.

>> No.3284494
File: 76 KB, 320x288, duke-nukem-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the original 2D Duke Nukem DOS games when I was a kid. I should check the GBC version out.

There was also a Commander Keen game for the GBC but I don't remember hearing anything particularly great alt it. And there's a Tomb Raider game that as I recall is a pretty competent Prince of Persia clone.

>> No.3284496

ML2 has some minor slowdown issues but it holds up pretty well. It's a more exploration based 2D Mario game, which makes it pretty unique.

>> No.3284540

>And there's a Tomb Raider game that as I recall is a pretty competent Prince of Persia clone.
Tomb Raider is already a pretty competent PoP clone, so it makes sense

>> No.3284572
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 747383-198274_27981_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember liking Perfect Dark for Gameboy Color when I first bought it, but damn if the the mandatory training mission isn't the longest, dullest thing in the whole game.

Tech-wise it's really impressive for 8-bit. The graphics are pretty good and it's got lots of voice acting. Metal Gear Solid is definitely a much better game though, even with its simpler graphics and monotone beeps instead of voices. PD is kind of like MGS with better tech and more dumbed down gameplay and story. It's still cheap enough that I'd say it's worth picking up, though.

>> No.3284584

>Tech-wise it's really impressive
how so?

>> No.3284602

It has big rendered sprites with lots of smooth animations, as well as sampled sound / voices.

Unfortunately there's no in-game music, which always annoyed me.

>> No.3285409

There's voice acting for every cutscene, and most non cutscene dialog.

>> No.3285421

anybody happen to know if it uses the PCM channel or audio-in?

>> No.3285423

I don't know.
I think it used the built in PCM channel.

>> No.3285425

so at that point it's just a question of whether they compressed the data or not, and if, how well they compressed it

>> No.3285434

Oh yeah, it's really compressed and tinny.

They still had to add a lot of extra ROM space and make a mapper which could utilize it.

Graphics wise, the animation is silky smooth though.

>> No.3285440

>it's really compressed and tinny
that's a limitation of the PCM channel. I meant data compression, instead of keeping the uncompressed PCM samples

>> No.3285798
File: 70 KB, 599x595, 1449759274177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked True Lies on the SNES and Genesis, is it any good on the Gameboy or Game Gear?

>> No.3285824
File: 26 KB, 321x322, 1459108802483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3285851

The portable versions of True Lies are very different from the 16-bit console versions. They have a top-down perspective similar to Hotline Miami.

>> No.3285901

You should give them a go, both versions are really very much the same, with just some color and sound differences, the Sega one has a few more cheat codes, obviously, you'll want to use the 6B pad when playing on the Genesis, since the controls are actually relatively complex.

It's probably the best movie license videogame until Goldeneye 64 (and probably the best game LJN ever published), because it paid more attention to the gameplay than thoroughly following the movie, though it's pretty hard.

Can you still roll and aim your Uzi? I figure the controls are probably very different due to not having as many buttons.

>> No.3287148

bump for handhelds

>> No.3287486

I have a GBA and I have only few games from 10 ten years ago. Recently I started to play my Fired Red and Crash again but I want moar games.So I looked on ebay but there is only original new ones for collectors and they are expensive.

Do you recommend buying one of those microSD cartridges for GBA?

Are they easy to use?
Worth money?
If you have one where did you buy it ?

If you don't recommend where do you get your games ?

>> No.3287490 [DELETED] 

I recommend you fuck off with your not-retro shitbox

>> No.3287492

Calm down edge kid
If you can count then you will get it that GBA is retro

>> No.3287496

i bought some DS speakers to replace with my buzzy curent GBC speakers. they should be here tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes

>> No.3287504 [DELETED] 

if you want DS sound, play a DS and GTFO of this thread

>> No.3287513

So helpful.

Is it so bad to try and mod something for better performance, like backlights on the original gameboy?

>> No.3287515

Monsieur samefag
Please GTFO

>> No.3287519

>you can only replace retro players with retro parts!
>no chips made after 1999 allowed!
stay mad

>> No.3287527

yes, it is. In particular the light mods piss me off quite badly, because it's openly rejecting and insulting the hardware. It's people saying "this shit sucks, I'll just break it instead of appreciating it for what it is". It's one of the many many reasons I loathe the attempts of sneaking the GBA and DS into these threads. They bring an attitude of players with them that expect handhelds to be played at home and in the dark, that is so completely contrary to what these handhelds were made for.

You're a smart one

>> No.3287535

>portables are meant to be played in the sun with headphones only, any modifications rustle my jimmies and ruin the "purity"

surprise but there's more than one way to enjoy a handheld.

>> No.3287539

> light mods piss ME off
>openly rejecting and insulting the hardware
Wow, Monsieur calm down, people can like OTHER things than you. When you will grown up you will get that

>> No.3287540
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>They bring an attitude of players with them that expect handhelds to be played at home and in the dark, that is so completely contrary to what these handhelds were made for.

>> No.3287541

Damn, I need to get one from suruga-a. It is really damn cheap for 400 yen... (4$?)

>> No.3287543

>there's more than one way to enjoy a handheld
when you mod it, you're not enjoying that handheld. You're enjoying a frankensteined abomination that you think this handheld should be

good point, you don't need to mod them, because if you insist to play them in the living room at dark, the hardware for that exists already

>> No.3287545

Mate, it's just a gameboy, not a religious relic. You need some perspective.

>> No.3287551
File: 265 KB, 760x466, nyko3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you mod it, you're not enjoying that handheld. You're enjoying a frankensteined abomination that you think this handheld should be
Theres reason why light accessories were popular and why everyone had them, like one in pic.

>> No.3287552

>when you mill a coffe nuts you are not enjoing a coffe, you are enjoing a frankensteined abomination of coffe

>> No.3287554 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 2700x4824, 52762b_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


woah razor sharp.

look at the fucking thread pic then and say what you see there. Be helpful or just shut up and don't act like 11 yo boy.

And if you say GBA is not retro shove all the consoles you have up your ass because they are not retro enough. They will never be retro like in the pic

>> No.3287556

And that is true bro, sometimes things don't have parts they need so you can ADD THEM later, like in PC/car/house etc.
You are a good guy and stay that way

>> No.3287559

they're not modding. I own one myself, and used it occasionally. It's useful

>> No.3287564 [DELETED] 

>look at the fucking thread pic then and say what you see there
at least two handhelds that are against the rules. These OPs are almost traditional shitposting though, and the mods are just too chicken to delete them on sight

>> No.3287565

So now come back to topic.

What do you guys think about Wonderswan? I can get sets of 2-3 for 600-800 yen, Wonderswan color for 700-900 yen. Games in sets of 6-8 for 400-1200 yen
All at yahoo.auctions.jp
And that DAMN sweet brightness scroll on those handhelds. Only problem is that a power button in WS Color is a piece of shit that breaks often

>> No.3287570


>light mods piss me off quite badly because it's openly rejecting and insulting the hardware

>handhelds to be played at home and in the dark

>contrary to what these handhelds were made for

what kind of reason is that. are games only meant to be played at daylight ? It's very hard to follow your thoughts. How did you even relate handheld playability and playing in dark , two seperate things ?

>> No.3287571

The wonderswan has some great games, but I don't think it's worth the price of admission if you don't read Japanese. Mr Driller is really great on it though, and the digimon games are really cool if you grew up with the virtual pet.

>> No.3287572

>are games only meant to be played at daylight ?
handheld games in the mid 90s? Yes, very much so. They were an alternative when the NES/SNES was not around, because you were outside

>> No.3287584

It isn't possible to be outside in the dark?

>> No.3287589


so it means we shouldn't have invented backlight in the first place because back then technology was bad and we couldn't do it properly.

according to your philosophy we should get rid off all the electricity beacuse humans meant to sleep after sunset or we should bury our food deep down the earth to keep them cold beacuse that's how it worked when we were first doing things

>> No.3287591

for kids? To play video games? In the dark you were much likely at home, or in the cinema/arcade, or at friends. And if all else fails, you got a wormlight. It was the exception, not the design goal

>> No.3287592

backlighting for outdoor displays is indeed completely retarded. The better your display is illuminated the more power you need to spend to fight against that illumination; on a system with limited energy reserves.

The rest of your post is a helpless straw man, as it's completely misunderstanding the concept of design goals

>> No.3287595

Or in a car? Bus? Train? The fact there were a selection of lights available suggests it was a fairly common problem. And modding your console is a fine way to deal with the problem, it might not be one you like, which is fine, but i don;t see why you are so desperate to rationalise your personal dislike as something objectively wrong.

>> No.3287603

>Or in a car? Bus? Train?
yeah, GBC works pretty well in these situations. My DS doesn't. Max brightness and it's still annoyingly difficult to see shit

>The fact there were a selection of lights available suggests it was a fairly common problem
Disagreed. It tells me that there was a desire to expand on the usecases it was designed for. Fair enough, I use a wormlight myself as booster in some situations.

>modding your console is a fine way to deal with the problem
I disagree that it is one, and I do consider the modding a fundamental change of the hardware.

>i don;t see why
that's ok

>> No.3287604


you know there is no backlit in first GBA, but you attacked it for having backlit also there is a button on SP that you can use to close backlighting option to prevent extra battery usage.

You are the one attacking things for stupid reasons rather than being helpful.

Also it goes for a long time even if you have backlight open. Plus you may want to play it at camp, long roads where you travel at night, or even at your bed after lights off. I can'T see what is retarted here.

>> No.3287612 [DELETED] 

>you know there is no backlit in first GBA
indeed. There was a frontlight mod in development during the launch already though

>you attacked it for having backlit
I said one of the many reasons. In particular that was referring to the late SPs and Micros

>there is a button on SP that you can use to close backlighting option
early SPs had a frontlight, which you can indeed disable. Systems with a backlight require for that thing to be on

>rather than being helpful
frankly, I consider the GBA/DS stuff extremely damaging to the handheld threads. I'm pretty much just trying to protect one of the few places where one could possibly talk about stuff like the GB or GBC without wanting to break them. That time seems to be gone though, which makes me very sad.

>you may want to play it at camp, long roads where you travel at night, or even at your bed after lights off
wormlight works quite well for that. Though it does bother me how extremely glare-prone the screen cover on the GBC is. Especially with a reflective display that is a really bad thing. Though I think anti-glare coatings were not as sophisticated back then.

>> No.3287617

> GBA/DS stuff extremely damaging to the handheld threads
Das ist stuff that saved the Handhelds

>> No.3287628

>>hates gba/ds
GBA/DS are the greatest handhelds ever made. Full stop.

>> No.3287630

if you say so. I consider the GBA an extremely smart technical platform, was a joy to code for it. I loathe it though because developers and users alike abused it as a portable 4th gen system. That's one of the biggest insults you can give any handheld system.

The DS is one of my all time favorites, for various reasons. It does not belong on here though, at all.
The GBA is a terribly misunderstood system, which makes it painful to deal with its fans. It also does not belong on here, dem's the rules.

>> No.3287631


>pretty much just trying to protect one of the few places where one could possibly talk about stuff like the GB or GBC

can you see anyone shittalking about hb gbc or other handhelds ?

if no, just ignore the other ones and reply to ones you intersted in. it's not like we don't have enough place in whole thread to talk about every handheld or this isn't a thread solely about gb. no one forces you to read and respond to thing you don't like/hate.

So I recommend for you to get respect in your daily life and/or on internet don't be edgy cunt and if you don't like something just ignore it.

>> No.3287640

ok, now you got a point for that "portable 4th gen sys" and DS

>> No.3287642 [DELETED] 

>can you see anyone shittalking about hb gbc or other handhelds ?
no idea what hb means, but yes, people constantly shit-talk unmodded GBCs

>it's not like we don't have enough place in whole thread to talk about every handheld or this isn't a thread solely about gb. no one forces you to read and respond to thing you don't like/hate
I don't care what other handhelds people talk about, I have no experience with them. I care though when people include the GBA and DS, for the reasons I mentioned already, and because they're against the rules. I consider these rules quite important, precisely because GBA and DS are so very different from the rest.

>if you don't like something just ignore it
easier said than done. GBA and DS are invasive. They choke a more /vr/-like view of the GB and GBC. When these old systems are mentioned, it's usually just in the context of breaking them, or listing games.

>So I recommend for you to get respect in your daily life and/or on internet don't be edgy cunt
I'd like to recommend for GBA/DS posters to respect the thread and board, but I have given up on that hope, after seeing three or so consecutive /gg/ and /rhg/ threads laced with them. They're trying to make de facto rules that override the board rules. It's a pretty slimy move.

>> No.3287654

I am not sure if you get the meaning of that word

>> No.3287738 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, fuck off you cantankerous thundersperg

>> No.3288027

>and I do consider the modding a fundamental change of the hardware.
Of course it is, and there's literally nothing wrong with that, aside from offending your autism.

>> No.3288207

Nothing wrong with modding consoles, faggot.

>> No.3288662

then don't pretend DMGs or GBCs are welcome here

>> No.3288717


>> No.3288723

DMGs and GBCs get constantly shit on for their "bad" displays. The only things accepted here are modded derivations

>> No.3289139

my gameboy (that I got off a friend) has the battery cover but the clip is fucked so the only thing holding it on is scotch tape. I'd imagine a lot of those gameboys missing the cover had the same problem.

>> No.3289851

They weren't exactly known for their great screens back in the day. It's possibly to like something while accepting it's imperfect.

You seem to fetishise old toys to an unhealthy degree,

>> No.3290005

The wonderswan is a great little console, I own several and half the library. I recommend getting a wonderswan crystal to play on though.

>> No.3290229


I loved Magi Nation as a kid. Tony was so edgy.

Also I thought Perfect Dark and MGS were both great.

>> No.3290597

>They weren't exactly known for their great screens back in the day
The screen is why I bought one, and to this day it outperforms any backlit screen

>> No.3291441

I feel a lot of people forget about MGS and PD for the Color

>> No.3291483

both show up in virtually every GB related thread

>> No.3291563

Yeah but I mean in MGS and PD circles, I don't see them talked a lot about there.

>> No.3291592
File: 14 KB, 300x195, 13413457458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to buy Double Dragon Advance after I got paid. A seller on eBay had like 4 copies with a $35 buy-it now or best offer. They didn't seem to be going anywhere for a week, so I thought I was good. Seemingly overnight, they all disappeared, and now the only copies of DDA that is on eBay has a "starting bid" of $30, and a Japanese copy for $200.

This is bullshit. Speculators are buying out the stock on semi-rare games so they can raise the prices and control the supply.

>> No.3291595
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>In particular the light mods piss me off quite badly
Good thing I'm not you and I don't give two shits about your feelings.

>> No.3291673

so what? Lots of console people don't like handhelds. Why expect them to?

>> No.3291929

Here you go again, trying to present subjective views as objective facts. Are you on the spectrum by any chance?

>> No.3291961
File: 9 KB, 334x318, cardfightersclash2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elder God Tier:
Neo Geo Pocket / Color

High Tier:
Game Gear

Mid Tier:
Game Boy / Color

Low Tier:
Wonderswan / Color

Shit Tier:

>> No.3292001

Hurr playing fighting games by yourself.

>> No.3292004
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>not having friends

>> No.3292018 [DELETED] 

It isn't retro. The rules are quite clear.

>> No.3292024 [DELETED] 

Retro on this board has a relative meaning an by it's definition GBA isn't retro!

>> No.3292041
File: 59 KB, 880x909, vivian-gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some comfy Gameboy games I can fall asleep to?

>> No.3292070

Kinda difficult to fall asleep to something you hold in your hands like that.
Something turn based?

>> No.3292106
File: 87 KB, 200x200, Harvestmoongb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3292110

Are there any good games for Wonderswan and Wonderswan Color? I bought it for the Digimons but I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with anything else on the system.

>> No.3292114

Hey mods can we please have shitposting about what is and isn't retro banned? It's worse here than when people started acting like this on /m/.

>> No.3292128

Judgement Silversword is fantastic if you like STG's.

>> No.3292129

Interested in Neo Geo Pocket Color. Is there any specific model I should look out for and what's the best flashcart for it?

>> No.3292146

I was trying to look this game up and I discovered they actually put it on Steam if anybody cares. http://store.steampowered.com/app/278510/

>> No.3292549

>Win auction for wonderswan color on eBay
>Curious what the other items this guy has
>Just put up a Wonderswan crystal that ends in an hour

Should I buy this one too anons? That LED screen would be nice.

>> No.3292654 [DELETED] 

simple solution, don't try to sneak non-/vr/ stuff in

>> No.3292675

Sega should have released an slimmer Game Gear that used less batteries instead of the Nomad.

>> No.3292734 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.3292783 [DELETED] 

>Even in the Year of Tobias the Second 2036
>GBA stirr no Retoro baka gaijin

>> No.3292793

it's what happens when you make handhelds without having a clue about them

>> No.3293042

I thought the Swan Crystal didn't have an illuminated screen? It was supposed to be a lot better than the GBA's screen though, from what I heard.

If you've got the money then I'd say go for it. If nothing else you'll have a cool conversation piece.

>> No.3293065

Yeah I'm an idiot. It does have the best screen out of the 3 Wonderswan, while Color is the worst. I'll just sell my Color I guess.

It's way cheaper to buy Digimon World Ver Wonderswan than to buy the original Vpets version 1-5. Plus I get to try to try to play the original games that apparently explain half the weird plotholes in the animes so there's that.

>> No.3293510

you buy Wonderswan for:
- Gundams
- Digimon
- One Piece
- Funny Games
- Funny Logical Games
- PUYO POP!!!!!
- Guilty Gear Petit
- Rockman

>> No.3293813

does anyone have gb boy colour, gameboy color clone?
how does it play and how are the controls?

>> No.3293842
File: 150 KB, 1018x768, img_9530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am considering buying one. I have a modded GBC with a frontlight, but the GB Boy Colour looks like an interesting gadget. Supposedly it will play pretty much any GBC / GB game just fine, although it doesn't have an IR blaster so you won't be doing any mystery gift in Pokemon.

It als9 has a bunch of built in games, but they're all original GB games and not color ones.

From what I understand the controls are good. D-pad is a tiny bit bigger, and the buttons are clickier.

>> No.3293880

The blue camo one seems like the cheapest one to pick up online for about $60-70, but as far as I'm aware I don't think there are any notable hardware revisions in any of them.

>> No.3293943

I was super excited about the GB Boy until I realized the screen doesn't match in resolution/will have stretching. Linear scaling is ugly

>> No.3293985


The reply post is correct, the aspect ratio is not the same as original GBC. Think of it this way- the original is in portrait mode while the GB Boy is in landscape. I have one, you don't actually notice it really. And call me crazy, but I prefer playing the Mega Man GB games on the GB Boy rather than original hardware because it actually looks better stretched out a little, almost like it was designed that way.

One thing to keep in mind though- it seems that only the early ones had games built in, mine doesn't. From what I've heard they took them out so if you buy any from new stock it won't have those games. Overall, not bad, cool to keep as a curio in your collection.

They also make one that looks like a GB SP!! https://youtu.be/6GbGFlM0RIM

>> No.3294028

Is the screen difference big?

>> No.3294039

I have one. It's great. The screen is a bit wide and the buttons are super stiff, but the best you'll get in the GBC form factor if you want a backlit screen.

Also, as the other anon said, not all of them have built-in games. Mine doesn't, but, honestly, who's going to play them?

>> No.3294103


It depends. They're both shitty because they're not lit and that makes a big difference these days. But if you're upgrading from Wonderswan Color to Crystal, you'll notice and appreciate the difference. If you start with Crystal, you can never play on regular color, as what happened to me.

The biggest difference is just being able to play color games period. A lot of the good games in the library are color games that don't work on regular black and white units.

>> No.3294109

Could someone help me out? I see a Wonderswan Color for sale on Yahoo Aleado Auctions but I'm not completey sure how it works. I buy something, then what? Will they ask for options like Paypal? Also do I have to put in the weight of the package or do they do that? And what is that thing about the tax?

>> No.3294187

I would have preferred they just use a bigger screen and hide the unused space behind the bezel. That's really the only major knock against the GB Boy, aside from the fact that it doesn't look like a real Gameboy.

>> No.3294475


Which handheld retro, they are having more games rated K -A (Kids To adults) or E For Everyone in the ESRB ?

>> No.3294485

If the system is more than 15 years old it's probably applicable.

>> No.3294491

It is that I only play video games that are suitable for all audiences

I never would play a doom and never play a mortal kombat

>> No.3294540

I'm not sure what exactly point you're trying to make, but the Gameboy and Game Gear would have had more games rated K-A since that was the original "all ages" rating for video games, and "E for Everyone" replaced it around the time the Gameboy Color came out.

>> No.3294552

not on this board

>> No.3294567

Game Boy or Sega Game Gear

Which of the two would be best for me?

>> No.3294596

They're both good systems. Gameboy is a bit easier to get into since most of the systems have survived the weather of time well and it's not a battery hog. Game Gear is notoriously a battery hog but you can play it from an AC adapter if necessary. In my experience Game Gear games are inexpensive to collect, but they're not quite as common as Gameboy games, and if you want a Game Gear that works you'll need to either track down the Majesco version or a re-capped Sega one (and recapped untis can be a bit expensive. The Majesco version can often be found for $20-30 and it's probably the least fuss option.

The biggest downside of the Gameboy is that the screen by default is pretty terrible unless you mod it. The Game Gear screens haven't aged super well but they're a lot more useable. Either system benefits greatly from an LED backlight mod, although in the Game Gear's case it's mostly to increase the battery life.

The Gameboy has a bigger library of games and in general I'd say it's more of a must-have system. The Game Gear has a lot of good Genesis, Master System and arcade ports and spinoffs. If you're interested in stuff like RPGs and platformers the Gameboy is the best handheld system to own, but for arcade style games the Game Gear is better.

>> No.3294606

>The biggest downside of the Gameboy is that the screen by default is pretty terrible
play it out-fucking-side, dumbshit

>> No.3294612

because I hate RPG games

and I am more than to play it direct

>> No.3294643

Oh boy, it's this nigger again.

The Gameboy has a low-contrast screen with a slow refresh rate. Even under optimal lighting conditions it still looks like smeared shit. The only way to fix the contrast and slow refresh rate is with a bivert chip, and the only way to make a bivert chip work is by installing a backlight.

>> No.3295028

Or do people go directly to Yahoo JP Auctions?

>> No.3295195

Proxy service

>> No.3297610

Fuck that, my Pocket was barely better in the sunlight, sometimes it was worse, lit screens were the best thing to ever happen to handhelds.

>> No.3297714

>lit screens were the best thing to ever happen to handhelds
they have been lit since day one. Although for most of the time they took advantage of that giant light source in the sky, instead of trying to fight it with a tiny LED

>> No.3297751

The sun glares up the screen.

>> No.3297763

anti-glare coating, and you don't need direct sunlight. In fact direct sunlight makes the GBC too bright

>> No.3297937
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What are some light texted games for this beautiful piece of superior Japanese tech?

>> No.3297951

Nigga, read what I wrote earlier in this

>> No.3298325

Not too specific. Just licensed games and "funny games"?

>> No.3299530
File: 151 KB, 640x640, no backlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only that giant light source would stay behind my shoulder at all times or follow me indoors, instead going in the million other places it might be depending on what time of day it was or where I was trying to play my video games. On a car ride I couldn't exactly tell the sun to move, and if I was indoors the ambient light was usually garbage.

>you're not supposed to play gameboy indoors or at night

Yeah fuck you. I bought my gameboy because I wanted video games to play when my parents made me go places where I had nothing better to do, and I often spent more time fighting for the perfect light conditions than I did actually playing my games. If I could send a time capsule with just one item to the past as a gift to my childhood self, I would put a backlight modded gameboy in it.

>> No.3299532

Wonder Swan was a budget system. Its main attractions were the low price, long battery life, and lots of games featuring familiar brands that people in Japan liked.

>> No.3299607

Front mission, believe it or not. Totally playable with limited or no japanese. Armored unit is also kind of a hidden gem on the console. Rhyme Rider Kerorican is apparently good if you like Parappa/Vib Ribbon, same guy.

Not entirely true, the WSC had quite a few Squaresoft games that outclassed what was available on other handhelds at the time. The Final Fantasy ports are, imo, the definitive versions.

>> No.3299704

Thanks bud.

>> No.3299870

>If only that giant light source would stay behind my shoulder at all times
not necessary, as the GBC display does not rely on direct light

>or follow me indoors
why play it at home? public places indoor are well lit. Also, low light conditions are when you turn on the auxiliary light source, as opposed to a backlight being required for all operations

>I often spent more time fighting for the perfect light conditions than I did actually playing my games
had your eyesight checked? got an auxiliary light source?

>If I could send a time capsule with just one item to the past as a gift to my childhood self, I would put a backlight modded gameboy in it.
please do. The fewer we have of this shitboxes in the present the better

>> No.3300070
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>> No.3300071

We get it that you are anti modding, but your arguments are not reasonable at all. Most people did not like the lack of illumination on Gameboy screens, and a backlight was the most requested feature since the start. Your attitude is "it was your fault for not playing the system under ideal light conditions" or "you shouldn't play Gameboy at home" like you're our parents.

Gameboy is more enjoyable when you don't have to have strong ambient light. You can stomp your feet all you like, but you will never convince people not to believe their own eyes.

>> No.3300078

>why play it at home?
I don't know? Maybe he had good games on it and he wanted to play those at home too.
Not everyone had a Super Gameboy (in fact, I never saw them in my country), and if Pokémon or Metroid II was good to play on the go, it was still good to play at home.

Not everything was a Dr.Mario situation where you have the same game on your handheld.

>> No.3300746

>Hey let's make a thread about handhelds!
(Pleasant discussion)
>I modded mine
>You're a shit
(Thread descends into shit flinging)


>> No.3300915
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does anyone here know a good place to find quality handheld shells? I'm trying to find transparent shells in particular.

>> No.3300920

Wario Land 3 easily

>> No.3301028

>the lack of illumination on Gameboy screens
GB screens were very well illuminated using the ambient light

>a backlight was the most requested feature since the start
a supporting light source, probably. A backlight, no way

>> No.3301082


It's literally ONE GUY >>3301028

who is absolutely ADAMANT that no one ever should be able to backlight a gameboy because he NEEDS to be able to play at the bus stop on the way to his psych appointment.

>> No.3301104 [DELETED] 

bad car analogy incoming: you're taking a track day car and softening its suspension to make the ride comfortable, oblivious to the impact it has on the track times. If you wanted a smoother ride, you should get a different car, instead of completely misunderstanding the purpose of it and breaking it

>> No.3301131

>GB screens were very well illuminated using the ambient light
Fuck you and fuck the sun, I hope it gives you skincancer.

>> No.3301139

Yeah, those lightmodded screens are just so broken, there's no ghosting and it can be played at night or indoors, what have I done?

>> No.3301145 [DELETED] 

>what have I done?
ruined a GB. We went over that before

>> No.3301148

The purpose of the Gameboy is to have fun. For most people, having a light inside the system makes it easier to have fun with. For a select few spastics (such as yourself) it makes the system less enjoyable "because that's not how it was designed," but that's not stopping the rest of us from enjoying our gameboy light mods.

Also if your cheeky little comparison was meant to be about battery life, it falls flat because LEDs hardly have any power draw, and thanks to better batter technology even a front lit Gameboy Color lasts significantly longer on two modern AAs than it did back in the 90s, and in the case of the Gameboy Advance, the AGS backlit screen is more battery efficient than the original reflective non-illuminated LCD.

>> No.3301158

>that's not stopping the rest of us from enjoying our gameboy light mods
yeah, that's the thing. You enjoy your light mods. You don't enjoy your GBs, or give a shit about them. You consider them broken by design, gut them, shit on them, twist them into something they're not, and then pretend it has anything to do with a GB. Let's just cut to the chase and call the next thread retro handheld modding general, because that's about all you care for

>> No.3301172
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Yeah I am so ashamed of myself for modding my Gameboys. I feel like I've disrespected Nintendo so badly for betraying their vision of gamers everywhere struggling to catch the sun at just the right angle on a 2 inch reflective screen. My parents would be so sore at me if they found out I was playing gameboy indoors at night.

>> No.3301185 [DELETED] 

Have you considered suicide? It's the only way to appease the spirit of Gunpie, never mind that Japan got an official gameboy with backlight, you've failed the hardware and you've failed your country. Have you received your court date for your treason case?

>> No.3301191 [DELETED] 

>Yeah I am so ashamed of myself for modding my Gameboys
as you should be

>I feel like I've disrespected Nintendo
disrespect them all you like, I don't give a shit. I'm not loyal to a company

>> No.3301192
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>if you make an improvement to thing, it's no longer thing

I bet you play all your old consoles with an RF cable.

>> No.3301202

We should just start ignoring him. He does it for the (You)s.

>> No.3301214

you think it's an improvement? Ignorance is bliss, I suppose

>> No.3301223 [DELETED] 

at this point, probably. My original statements were about the GBC, and then people just dragged the GB into it and I didn't notice. The GB's backlight is supporting, as far as I know. My issue is with modern color backlights, like what's on the late GBAs and their successors, when the system's light source is the only thing lighting up the screen; and that people mindlessly prefer that over a transflexive screen. You shitsters are kind of cute in your blind rage though, so I'm playing along.

>> No.3301234

(You) have genuinely shit taste and are generally a terrible poster who pretends that sperging out over something inane is just "lol shitposting."

>> No.3301362

How many of you also ended up playing handhelds more than consoles or PC due to some reason?

>> No.3301528
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>You don't enjoy your GBs, or give a shit about them. You consider them broken by design, gut them, shit on them, twist them into something they're not, and then pretend it has anything to do with a GB
They're inanimate objects you freak.

I don't give a shit about what the underlying philosophy of a tool or device is, if I want to replace or modify a part, I'll fucking do it as it fits me you unbearable sperg.

>> No.3302240

For what system?

>> No.3303681
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x1836, 20160620_000453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My June pickups so far:

Game Gear:
Sonic 2
Sonic Chaos
Road Rash
Super Columns
Mickey's Land of Illusion
Shinobi GG
Ax Battler
Halley Wars

Pokemon Gold (technically I picked this one up in May, but my battery holders from China finally arrived so I was able to fix it this past week)

Super Mario Bros. 3
Double Dragon Advance
Street Fighter Alpha 3

I'm glad to finally have a decent Game Gear library coming along. I only had like 3 games for it when I was a kid and that was always something I regretted. Hopefully I'll be doing the McWill screen mod soon.

>> No.3303709 [DELETED] 

get fucked

>> No.3303804

Y-you too

>> No.3303948

How hard is it to replace the battery on a cartridge? Do you have to do soldering or stuff?

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.3304054

There might be a solderless way to change the battery, but I prefer soldering. When I use a battery holder, I hotglue the holder in place and then solder the contacts. The hotglue prevents the solder pads from getting pulled when the battery gets removed.

>> No.3304253 [DELETED] 


>> No.3304475 [DELETED] 

I'm probably cruising for a ban here, though for the life of me I can't see what I did wrong, but really mods? My Retro/Not Retro thread in which I was nothing but civil and tried to foster some meaningful discussion was deleted and this one (an obviously stealth GBA one) is still up? I was just asking for some answers. Not cool.

>> No.3304498
File: 2.67 MB, 5312x2988, 20160519_002310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebuilding my Neo Geo Pocket Color collection. 1/2

>> No.3304501
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Got a few more games on order and will post once I get more in.

>> No.3304503

I am seriously considering picking up a Game Gear since I have no Sega in my collection right now. Worth it, would you say?

>> No.3304517

No, it's literally the least appealing Sega system, grab a master system, most of the games you'd want to play on the game gear have higher res ports, plus you can get rgb out.

>> No.3304520 [DELETED] 

email moot and shut the fuck up already, if you don't like a thread, hide it and participate in one that you do

>> No.3304524 [DELETED] 

Moot has nothing to do with 4chan, he works for google now.

>> No.3304534

I'd honestly just emulate them instead.

>> No.3304553

Was thinking of doing this with a PSP instead of the GG.

>> No.3304574 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3304641

Now is a good time to start collecting Game Gear. The games are still pretty cheap and not too hard to find.

If you are going to pick up a Game Gear system, and you don't want to be bothered with re-capping it or doing a screen mod, the Majesco version is the best option. It has better caps than the original version and they still work, and the screen is also a little less blurry and might have a tiny bit better contrast. It still doesn't look as good as a modern high contrast color LCD, but it's an improvement over the original. They don't cost a lot, either.

Also, pick up a Genesis Model 2 AC adapter so you don't have to burn through lots of batteries when you play it at home.

>> No.3304991

You could do that too.
For the ones which are just ports though, you could very well just play the MS and Genny versions, you'd have a way better time I imagine.
Like, if I want to play Columns, and I'd be choosing between GG and Genny, I'd go with the Genny variant no question.

Does Kega Fusion work on handheld devices? It was a pretty neat all-in-one Sega emulator, you may even be able to play some of the CD games with the right bios and the roms

>> No.3304996

>if I want to play Columns, and I'd be choosing between GG and Genny, I'd go with the Genny variant no question
puzzle games are quite a handheld-friendly genre

>> No.3305002

That's true, absolutely, but Genny Columns is fucking beautiful, and GG Columns obviously plays the same but without the same graphical fidelity.

>> No.3305270

I can understand not liking mods, but I can't get my head around the idea a modded gameboy has nothing to do with gameboys.

I have to say you seem a little too into these things. I love my game boys as much as the next man, but they're just toys.

>> No.3305302

You can pry the battery off the metal tabs and just slide a new one in. Bend the contacts to ensure a tight fit for good contact and use a bit of tape to make sure it doesnt slide out.

Course if the conection ever breaks, even for a second from dropping the cart or something, say goodbuy to your save. And if the bettery ever slides out during use it could short circuit something and destroy your cart. Possibly even your gameboy, maybe? So yeah, if you wanna go the lazy route make sure you secure it well

>> No.3305397

>You can pry the battery off the metal tabs and just slide a new one in. Bend the contacts to ensure a tight fit for good contact and use a bit of tape to make sure it doesnt slide out.

That's how the copy of Pokemon Gold I had was done when I bought it from the store. They already replaced the battery using just a tight fit and the original tabs, but since I was already replacing the batteries for my brother's copies of Silver and Crystal, I wanted to go the extra mile and put a nice battery holder in my copy of Gold.

Removable battery holders aren't wholly necessary since you only need to change the battery every few years anyway, but they're none the less the best way to go because it means you will never have to re-solder the cartridge again. This is especially so if you are changing the battery for someone else.

You can also preserve your game saves from being wiped every time you change the battery if you get one of those external memory cards. You can back up your saves, change the battery, and then restore your saves from the card.

>> No.3305403
File: 382 KB, 720x720, 20160620_163136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post this pic. Here's how the battery holders look once I've installed them on the cartridges. In the case of the Pokemon games the replacement battery is a little smaller than the original, but it works fine and should last several years.

>> No.3305448

That sounds to me like on the same level of good idea as not putting in the take-down pin on a pistol and just hoping the slide doesn't go flying, I would always want a secure connection on something like that.

I like neat little things like that, along with a good litemod, just fixing some of the basic flaws and making an old thing like that slightly more practical.

>> No.3305463

Yup, the little things definitely matter. It's always good to take extra steps if it means less work in the future, and will help preserve your collection.

Another little thing I do is to put silicone lubricant on the screws for all of my controllers, consoles and game carts before screwing them back together. It's a tiny little extra step that only needs to be done once, and it ensures that the plastic screw threads aren't going to get stripped and minimizes wear and tear from being opened up over and over. I've probably opened up my GBC like 30 times by now and I haven't had a single thread go bad on me.

>> No.3305627

Hmm, silicone on screws, huh?
I'll have to remember that.

>> No.3305643

I'm thinking of picking up a Game Gear, everyone says to recap them so I figure I may as well pick up a broken one cheap and fix it up.

What kinda faults are caused by dodgy capacitors, I'm seeing a lot of them on Ebay with dim screens that need to be viewed from a certain angle. Is that a capacitor issue or do they need a new screen?

>> No.3305689

you can change the brightness like a game boy
I didn't know that at first as a kid so I played my gg at a 60 degree angle for like a month

>> No.3305701
File: 211 KB, 720x720, 20160620_183726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a dim screen is the most common problem caused by rotten capacitors. Weak / dirty audio is also common, and sometimes the system won't turn on at all. The best option is to either replace all the capacitors or buy the Majesco model (the black one with a two-tone black and white screen lens), which has better caps and probably won't need repairs.

One thing to be careful of when buying broken Game Gears: some of the consoles succumb to "screen rot." This will appear as patches of pixels all over the screen that either appear dead or too bright. This is not a problem with most systems, but my childhood GG has screen rot and I'm going to replace it with a McWill screen. I've already replaced the caps on it, and the professional services say that this particular problem is with the screen itself going rotten and can only be fixed by getting a new screen. I think there might be something wrong with one of the caps I added too, because today the screen stopped working at all and I see big white bars on the screen.

I also have a blue GG that has a dim screen that can only be seen at an angle due to bad caps (which I'm going to replace), but otherwise the screen looks fine. Until I get my McWill screen mod, my Majesco GG is my primary unit because aside from some scuffs and a creaky D-pad it works fine. I might try putting some graphite powder on the D-pad at some point to see if I can make it work a little smoother.

>> No.3305702

If the caps are bad then the brightness wheel won't help at all. Even at full brightness you will have to view the system at a sharp angle to see the picture.

>> No.3305705

Dim screens can be fixed by changing the capacitors.

However, sometimes 1/3rd of the screen will be darker than the rest and new caps won't fix those. Avoid them.

>> No.3305746
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Most Game Gear screens will not have a screen with perfectly even lighting, and that is due to the nature of how the screen is illuminated. There is a fluorescent tube behind the plastic light diffuser, and the area right over the tube is almost always going to be brighter than the rest of the screen.

An LED backlight is an option, although you will get some hot spots at the top of the screen where the LEDs are. Still, it's a more even light source than the fluorescent tube, and it will more than double the battery life of the system.

>> No.3305764

Saw one for £13 on eBay and ordered it on a whim, hopefully it's just the caps that are the problem. If there is an issue are there any cheaper replacement screens than the McWill?

Also what are some must own games? Ideally games which aren't just Master System or back ported Master System games.

>> No.3305782

*or back ported Megadrive games

>> No.3305810
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That's not what I meant. It's like the screen is divided into 3 parts side by side and one will be dark.

>> No.3305964

Yeah, that's a more serious problem.

If it turns out the screen is shot, the cheapest solution is to just buy another GG for cheap and try again. It's not the most satisfying answer, I know, but the other screen replacement mods for the GG are generally pretty bad, and broken GGs don't cost much.

As for what games are good for a new library, >>3303681 is a good example of some good games. Anything Sonic is generally a safe bet, especially Sonic Chaos and Triple Trouble. The best way to get started is usually to look at lots.

>> No.3305976

Well, a thing you COULD do is to put a little LCD screen in there, I've seen someone do that with a Nomad, but I don't know how hard or expensive that is.

>> No.3305992

With Game Gear it really didn't work very well, though. Game Gear games are a tiny 1.5" square since those boards have no scaler chip. If you go that route, your GG will pretty much only be good for Master System games via the Master Gear converter. It's pretty much a TV out mod being sent to a handheld TV board and TV.

It works much better for the Nomad because the Nomad has a standard 240p resolution.

>> No.3306409
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So I opened the game gear up and found a capacitor had popped off of its solder points somehow. It was really quick and easy to solder it back in place, and now you can better see what the screen rot looks like.

As stated before, there is no way to repair screen rot, so this GG's motherboard is a perfect candidate for a McWill screen mod. Of the three GGs I've purchased this is the only one with screen rot, and it's also the one I've had the longest.

>> No.3306770

pretty sure donkey kong country after those 3, playing through metal gear ghost babel now, its bertty gud

>> No.3306775

i got one in a lot i bought, its alright, prefer actually having the game though

>> No.3306813

Metal Gear Solid

>> No.3306815
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*Make that Super Mario Bros. Deluxe and Metal Gear Solid

Mario Bros. Deluxe is so good. Even with the limitations of the GBC they managed to deliver a great port of the original game. I played the crap out of it.

>> No.3306841

What limitations? GBC was basically a mini NES.
It was better than a NES, even.

>> No.3306849

>better than Nes

It's actually weaker and can't really handle the same amount of stuff going on, on screen at the same time

Maybe like 5 moving objects max

>> No.3306874

The lower resolution's the biggest issue for NES ports.

>> No.3306894

hey do you guys know how to repair a gameboy color? a while back my little sisters pretty much ripped off those springs where the batteries go. everything else works fine.

>> No.3306906

Put them back in, also underageb&

>> No.3306940
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r8 my collection

>> No.3307148

>>3301362 here again
Guess I'm the only one with shit luck.

>> No.3307250

I did and still do prefer handhelds. I like to be able to play anywhere and since we were poor growing up the gameboy Games were cheaper than the nes/snes Games.

>> No.3307254

NES has 64 sprites, GBC 40 (more with hblank tricks)
NES has 8 sprites per scanline, GBC 10
NES has tile banks of 2x256, GBC up to 2x768
NES runs at about 1.8 MHz, GBC at 4.3 or 8.3MHz.
Both use 8-bit processors.
GBC has a bunch of DMA mechanisms (including HDMA) to support on the fly loading of new graphics data and scanline effects (I think the NES does too, though I don't know how much).
NES has 2kB integrated RAM, 2kB VRAM, GBC has 32kB RAM, 16kB VRAM
The GBC has a much wider color palette and a few more tricks to expand it.
The GBC is considerably more capable, at least graphically (except total sprite count) and in terms of raw computing power. I can't comment on the audio system


>> No.3307271

the increase in capabilities and the relative compatibility between DMG and GBC is not unlike the relationship between GCN and Wii

>> No.3307765

Rock solid. Though it would appear that like me, you don't have a lot of GBC games.

>> No.3307769 [DELETED] 

has a lot of GBA crap though, that little shitposter

>> No.3307775
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After a month of nagging the seller I finally got my Game Gear carry case. I was attracted to this one because it's a lot slimmer than most GG cases, and it will fit about as nicely in a bag as one can expect for a Game Gear. It's made of some kind of black and metallic blue and siver pleather and looks very nice. It has enough space for two games in cases although you might be able to fit three without cases (plus one in the console, obviously). I'm pretty sure that if I do the VGA port mod on my GG I'd be able to slide it in and out of this case comfortably without it snagging.

My glass GG screen lenses came in the other day too. I think once I get paid this week I'm going to pull the trigger and order a McWill screen for myself as a birthday gift. The main reason I wanted a nice case was because I wasn't about to do a $100 screen mod and then leave my GG exposed to new scratches and other damage.

I've done enough console modding at this point that I'm confident I can do it myself without any complications, and my new soldering station works perfectly for small precision jobs. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress and let you know it goes.

>> No.3307843

I don't have too many gbc exclusive games either.
Most of my collection is either black carts or dmg only.
I guess that's because the dmg had a longer product life.

>> No.3307868 [DELETED] 
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Does this trigger you?

>> No.3307887

Yeah, the GBC was a relatively short-lived handheld compared to the DMG and GBA. It really should have come out a few years earlier. It was a fine little handheld, but for people like me who had already played Game Gear it was kind of old hat aside from being much smaller and having superior battery life, and being cheap.

If the GBC had come out near the start of the N64's life span I think it would have gotten a much bigger library and a wider userbase. It was still a very popular system, but it was seen by many people as just an extension of the Gameboy that was in many ways a bit overdue.

The DMG and GBA came out at just about the perfect time, while the Gameboy Color was just another 8-bit color handheld, a full 8 years after the launch of the Game Gear which had very similar capabilities. I think we were either expecting more from a handheld releasing that late, or we were expecting it much sooner. I knew a lot of kids who had been expecting a color version of the Gameboy since the moment the found out about the Game Gear. The tech Sega used was perhaps a little too far ahead of its time for a portable, although I think Nintendo should have released the GBC in 1995 or 1996 ahead of Pokemon Red and Blue's releases, or with Red and Blue as color launch titles. The tech in the Gameboy Color was nothing new but they sat on it until Gameboy sales started slowing down.

>> No.3307917

>dat seethrough blue

>> No.3308442

Has anyone replaced their GBC shell with an aftermarket one? I'm waiting on mine to come in the mail soon.

>> No.3308493

Some are better than others. I got one that was slightly smaller than the original and it was kind of hard to screw back together, and the material was clearly of lower quality. I wasn't terribly happy with the results and ended up buying a genuine GBC housing off of eBay that had some scuffs but was in okay condition overall.

Some are slightly better. I bought a replacement battery door for one gameboy that actually fit better than the official one, whereas the one that came with the aforementioned replacement housing was smaller and looser-- in fact, a genuine battery door wasn't able to fit on that housing. It depends on the manufacturer so far as I can tell.

>> No.3308563

>which had very similar capabilities
except for all the differences you mentioned, which are fucking important for a handheld. Smaller, better battery life, cheaper. Let's add the vastly better display as well.

>The tech in the Gameboy Color was nothing new but they sat on it until Gameboy sales started slowing down
the whole concept behind Nintendo handhelds of that time is to not go with the latest technology, doofus

>> No.3308585

The Gameboy Color was already very old tech in the mid 90s though. It would have been just as cheap to release it in 1996 as it was in 1998, and they would have gotten a full two more years out of it. Hell, they could have released it in 1995 ahead of the N64. The GBC was essentially 1980s technology repackaged and sold in a tiny form factor in 1998. They could have released it any time they wanted, but they chose to release it in the middle of the 5th generation.

>> No.3308602

>The Gameboy Color was already very old tech in the mid 90s though
by fucking design

>It would have been just as cheap to release it in 1996 as it was in 1998
It was sold in 1998 though

>they would have gotten a full two more years out of it
You're assuming it was made in 1996. It wasn't

>Hell, they could have released it in 1995
It was released in 1998, do keep up

>The GBC was essentially 1980s technology repackaged and sold in a tiny form factor in 1998
You can't be this oblivious. Fucking think.

It's not a case of Nintendo going "hey, it's 1995, we got this little machine in the shelf, let's wait a few more years and then sell it". It was a case of Nintendo going "hey, it's 1997, let's make a successor for the GB, using old but reliable components". There was nothing to sell in 1995, 6 or 7

>> No.3308613
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I have a GBA and GBC Emulator on my Android.

What are some games that I should check out? RPGs and Puzzle games are probably best, stuff that doesn't require a lot of quick inputs like Action games.

>> No.3308616 [DELETED] 

since you're asking for GBA games, I recommend you check out russian roulette

>> No.3308619

thanks, Anon.

After I lose, what are some good GBC games I can play in hell?

>> No.3308623

there's no GBC in hell, it's hell after all. All you get is a game gear, and a new set of batteries each month

>> No.3308630

The market was always there. People wanted a color Gameboy for a long time, and technologically there was nothing stopping Nintendo from designing and releasing one sooner than 1998. The Gameboy Color was not particularly impressive when it came out which is probably why only 2 years later Nintendo was releasing the Gameboy Advance.

>> No.3308638

>The market was always there
doesn't matter

>technologically there was nothing stopping Nintendo
you really don't want to understand it, do you?
The cutting edge is completely irrelevant. It's all about using old tech in a smart way

>The Gameboy Color was not particularly impressive when it came out
because it was using mostly a decade old technology. It was not designed to be impressive, it was designed to be a durable, affordable, lasting little fucker, and it was.

>Nintendo was releasing the Gameboy Advance
same ol' display, underclocked. Why don't you complain about it not being cutting edge, shithead?

>> No.3308640

For GBC, the best games are as follows:

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (kind of redundant since you can play Mario Bros. and lost levels via an NES emulator, but it's a great port / remake)
Metal Gear Solid
Pokemon series
Zelda series
Wario Land series

For the GBA:

Super Mario Advance series
Sonic Advance series
Castlevania series
Golden Sun series
Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission
Advance Wars series
Double Dragon Advance
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Zelda Minish Cap

>> No.3308654

For its time the Gameboy Advance was much more impressive than the Gameboy Color. The screen was even worse, but the games themselves were like nothing I'd ever seen on a portable. It was more impressive than even something like the Turbo Express or the Sega Nomad, which were full-fledged 16 bit consoles.

I don't mean to come across as hating on the GBC because I love the system and I play mine quite a bit, but I am offering my 2 cents on why the system was not as successful or long lived as the DMG or the GBA. The GBC was basically just a more powerful version of the DMG's chipset with a color screen. It didn't offer the generational jump that a lot of people were expecting after a decade, because it was just going from a monochrome 8 bit handheld to a color 8 bit handheld.

Compared even to what the DMG was when it came out, the GBC was far behind its time. The DMG did not use top-shelf tech either, but for a portable in 1989 it was quite acceptable. The GBC did not do much to breathe new life into 8 bit handheld gaming besides adding color, because it was just another 8 bit system after a decade of playing with the original Gameboy, and color handhelds were nothing new by that point either even if they weren't as popular as the Gameboy.

>> No.3308676 [DELETED] 

>but the games themselves were like nothing I'd ever seen on a portable
ah, you're one of those 4th gen shitters that fucked up the GBA. Explains it

>I don't mean to come across as hating on the GBC
tough luck

>The GBC was basically just a more powerful version of the DMG's chipset with a color screen
Double the clock speed, new DMA, more RAM, more tile banks, smart palette mechanism, IR communication. The GBC was a huge leap forward

>it was just going from a monochrome 8 bit handheld to a color 8 bit handheld
yeah, definitely 4th gen retard. As if the bits mean anything given all the stuff around it

>The DMG did not use top-shelf tech either
ok, shithead, you're really pissing me off. Learn the fucking design principles behind the hardware or shut the fuck up

>The GBC did not do much to breathe new life into 8 bit handheld gaming besides adding color
and you tell me you don't hate the GBC? I said it earlier elsewhere, but the capabilities jump between DMG and GBC is roughly comparable to the one between GCN and Wii

>color handhelds were nothing new by that point
affordable, compact, long playing, easily visible color handhelds with a vast library and easy developer transition were unheard of at that point

>> No.3308682

>the capabilities jump between DMG and GBC is roughly comparable to the one between GCN and Wii
That's really not saying much.

>> No.3308684

Also, call me crazy, but I saw more games push the dmg to it's limit than gbc games.

On the dmg we had titles like Faceball 2000, or X, which pushed full 3d graphics. However, on the color, the most advanced ones were Motocross 2001 and Toy Story Racer, which really only used pre-baked FMV backgrounds.

The color was cool, but nothing really pushed it to it's full potential.
The GBA did get some good games that really used it's hardware, like Doom, Star X, and Astrix&Obelix.

>> No.3308696

>On the dmg we had titles like Faceball 2000, or X, which pushed full 3d graphics. However, on the color, the most advanced ones were Motocross 2001 and Toy Story Racer, which really only used pre-baked FMV backgrounds.
a) developers learnt 3D on this platform is a bad idea. Gameplay and flow matter more than visuals. As a GBA fan you wouldn't understand
b) you're not looking right for the GBC. Remember the hardware changes between DMG and GBC. Look for stuff using these

>The GBA did get some good games that really used it's hardware, like Doom, Star X, and Astrix&Obelix.
Most of these used the framebuffer mode, and suffered hard from the lack of hardware div. These games worked despite the GBA and didn't push much beyond a misguided developer intention, kind of like the 3D on the DMG. Also, all of them are just visually "impressive". Air quotes, because Doom relied on half resolution and A&O just did a standard raycaster that we'd seen a couple dozen times by that point

>> No.3308745

Nice projection.

Faceball was generally well received, although fairly criticized for it's low framerate.
X was highly successful and praised for its technical achievements. It was even the start of the StarFox series.

I believe that gbc games didn't push the gbc like the dmg games pushed the dmg for 2 reasons:
The gbc had a shorter lifespan and more developers were interested in using colors in their games.
The gbc did have some good technical titles like Project S-11, which pushed the sound chip, Perfect Dark, which had voice acting and fluid sprite animation, and Cannon Fodder, which used a few tricks to display more colors on screen at once than the gbc was designed to handle.

>Most of these [GBA games] used the framebuffer mode
Nothing wrong with that. Star X had an actual polygonal engine under it's hood.

>> No.3308752

>fairly criticized for it's low framerate
every DMG/GBA 3D game ever

>fluid sprite animation
that'd be every DMG/GBC game

>Cannon Fodder
Fairly average game that people only whip out for its intro animation, which is broken anyway. There are better high color examples

Regardless, you're mentioning "technical titles", that did what the DMG couldn't even dream of, yet they weren't using the hardware? At this point you must be trolling. Nobody can manage that amount of cognitive dissonance and not have it be intentional

>Star X had an actual polygonal engine under it's hood
duh? Many games did. Doesn't make it any more useful

>> No.3308763

well fuck, hope this one isn't shit.

>> No.3308785

>Faceball 2000
>Star X
quite telling that you consider those games most impressive that bypass or work around most of the graphics hardware, not taking advantage of the machine at all

>> No.3308790

>fairly criticized for it's low framerate
>every DMG/GBA 3D game ever
Doesn't make them bad.

>fluid sprite animation
>that'd be every DMG/GBC game
Have you ever played Perfect Dark GBC?
It's a cut above the rest.

>Cannon Fodder
>Fairly average game that people only whip out for its intro animation, which is broken anyway. There are better high color examples
Sure, it abused the system to do what it did.

>you're mentioning "technical titles", that did what the DMG couldn't even dream of, yet they weren't using the hardware?
What? Each of them push the system do do more than it was meant to, to varying degrees of success.
You criticize them for not being perfect, when in fact the reason they are imperfect is because they are trying to do more than the system was meant to do.
I just think that more of these technically advanced games were produced for the dmg that other systems. This is probably because it had a longer life and developers also wanted to make their games impressive, but color obviously wasn't an option for the original dmg, and it didn't have enough memory to deal with fmv backgrounds.

>Nobody can manage that amount of cognitive dissonance and not have it be intentional
I think you have more cognitive dissonance than I do.

>Star X had an actual polygonal engine under it's hood
>duh? Many games did. Doesn't make it any more useful
Name them. Most either used per-rendered sprites to look like they did or used raycast, which is not polygonal.

What do you consider impressive then?

>> No.3308793

>It's the only way to appease the spirit of Gunpie

you misspelled his name

commit sudoku

Gunpei would have wanted backlights in the gameboy, but at the time it wasn't feasible due to how the screens were manufactured. Also because the execs wanted it cheap as possible

So stop putting words into the mouths of others, and reform your misguided evangelical-tier puritanism

>> No.3308797

>Doesn't make them bad.
yes, it does. They're ill-fitting for the platform

>it abused the system to do what it did.
didn't. the high color mode is nothing special. dev just fucked up with the audio

>Each of them push the system do do more than it was meant to, to varying degrees of success.
yet you said
>gbc games didn't push the gbc like the dmg games pushed the dmg
So what is it? Are they bog standard GBC games, or are they doing something?

>You criticize them for not being perfect
Wrong. I attack you for understanding fuckall about the GBC

>I just think that more of these technically advanced games were produced for the dmg that other systems
More normal games were introduced for the DMG than for the GBC. It comes with the territory

>but color obviously wasn't an option for the original dmg
You honestly think GBC devs didn't give a shit because "yay, color"? Fuck off

yeah, ignorance in full force

>Name them
V-Rally, Need For Speed, first ones that pop into my head. Bunch of demos for generic engines, don't know if they ever saw games. I stopped giving a damn about the GBA when it became clear that that's all it's gonna have in its lifetime. framebuffer graphics demos and 4th gen ports

>What do you consider impressive then?
Fish Files, Warlocked, Dragon's Lair, Shantae, Rayman, Driver

You may now rip each and every one of these titles apart, telling me how much I am wrong about everything, as is customary when asking for specific names or lists. I'll continue calling you a graphics whore and 4th gen nostalgia idiot. Oh, and just because: your reading comprehension is fucked up. I won't even dare to twist my thoughts enough to understand how you got "You criticize them for not being perfect" out of my shit.

>> No.3308801

I was hoping for more Atari Lynx discussion itt but I guess it's shit after all. I've been wondering if it had any worthwhile games

>> No.3308816

>That's really not saying much.
It's considered a generational jump between the consoles, it's treated like a minor upgrade between the handhelds

>> No.3308820
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I was actually going to ask about it earlier but I got distracted. From what I can tell it's a much more niche system than the Game Gear and Gameboy, but it has a lot of good games and McWill has a really good screen mod available for it.

The model 1 is a bit of a monstrosity, and it's not actually gray plastic-- it's white plastic that's been painted, and the paint tends to wear off around the sides (where it's held). The model 2 is still bigger than the Game Gear but it's slimmer and sexier than the model 1 Lynx.

Personally, I'm curious about if the system is worth it. It's a neat curio although I'm not a huge Atari fanatic (I only own the 2600 and some games for it). The games are pretty rare in my area, so I'd either end up paying eBay prices or just buying a flash drive.

>> No.3308824

The Wii is infamous for not being a generational jump, though. It was just Gamecube hardware with the clock speeds slightly increased. In that regard the Game Boy Color was a fair comparison, although you may be selling it a bit short comparing it to the Wii.

>> No.3308828

Also, I notice there are a lot of broken ones on eBay that go for really cheap, while working ones tend to be pretty expensive. Is it the same situation as the Game Gear where it's just a matter of replacing the caps, or is buying a broken Lynx a bigger gamble?

>> No.3308830

>Each of them push the system do do more than it was meant to, to varying degrees of success.
>yet you said
>gbc games didn't push the gbc like the dmg games pushed the dmg
>So what is it? Are they bog standard GBC games, or are they doing something?
There are ranges of pushing hardware. It's not some binary distinction.

>yeah, ignorance in full force
And yet several games used them for their backgrounds, like Motocross 2001, Toy Story Racer, and Dragon's Lair.

>What do you consider impressive then?
>Fish Files, Warlocked, Dragon's Lair, Shantae, Rayman, Driver
I wouldn't consider those not impressive. They just weren't the first thing I thought of.
Shantae makes good use of color and has good spritework, Warlocked is also a great game that handles loads of sprites.

I'd also add ZAS to the list for it fluid animation and detailed sprites/background.

>Your reading comprehension is fucked up
No more than yours.

>> No.3308862
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Power on issues can usually be fixed by looking at the mains adaptor port as the batteries are routed through that.

Dim screen and/or dodgy sound will benefit from recapping.

I really want to be able to fiscally justify a McWill screen as those things look properly awesome.

>> No.3308876

That's a pretty sweet looking collection. You should save up for the McWill screen and give it a go, I hear it's a lot easier to install than the Game Gear one.

>> No.3308904

On a random note, why do these threads attract so much bait and drama?

It's like posting >clips on /k/, but without the self awareness.

>> No.3308919

Warioland 2
Metroid Fusion
Survival Kids
Super Mario Deluxe
Link's Awakening
Link To The Past
Dr. Mario (any version)
Shining Force
Donkey Kong

Faggots first.

It's probably true that Gunpei would have liked a lit screen of some sort, but...
>because the execs wanted it cheap as possible
... was for a good reason, Nintendo sold the Gameboy basically at a cost, to get as many systems out there as possible, because they would regain all that effort and money on game sales, and considering they sold 100+ million of them, that worked swimmingly.
The Gameboy being reasonably affordable is arguably one of the big reasons it was such a hit.

A big thing to consider when marketing a piece of hardware or equipment is if your targeted consumer base can afford it, and how many would be willing to spend that money. You can of course strive to make a higher quality product, but you have to consider just how high quality you can make it, how high quality it actually needs to be for it's purposes, and if it being nicer is enough of a sellingpoint that people are willing to pay more.

>> No.3308935

Those are valid points on the gb screen, but I don't think it would have killed them to release the gb light outside of Japan.
You could argue that producing more than one model at a time added manufacturing cost, but they obviously already had a production line for the light set up, and they already sold other variations (play it loud, pocket).

>> No.3308943

>but I don't think it would have killed them to release the gb light outside of Japan
Oh yeah, definitely, I would rather have had a Gameboy Light than a Gameboy Pocket, not just because of the better screen but that cool green glow is something special.

>> No.3308953

Yeah. Although, IIRC, they have a high-pitched buzz on the speaker/headphone jack due to the fact that the backlight is electroluminescent.

I mean, so does my GBC, but I hear the light is worse.

It does make for a really cool glow though.

>> No.3308983
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You can buy aftermarket electroluminescent screens from Kitsch Bent, but as you said they do add a buzzing noise to the audio. Most people prefer the LED kits. They are available in many colors, and you can get that cool radioactive glow effect if that's what you desire. I went with green and a bivert chip, and I think it looks just about perfect. Also, modding a Gameboy Pocket would be a helluvalot cheaper than importing a Gameboy Light.

The advantage to the electrolite screens is that there is no foot lighting effect at all and the light looks pretty much perfectly even, although honestly the footlight effect on the LED screens is very subtle and I've never been bothered by it.

>> No.3309307
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Yellow looks nice too

>> No.3309319

Yeah, both compliment the DMG's screen very nicely.

>> No.3309469
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Brick Game
Most popular Brick Game emulators suck, but this one is cool.

>> No.3309803
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This thing is just plain silly but it's a potentially amusing novelty. I'd rather just play one of my real gameboys, but conceptually it's neat.

I'm more curious about Hyperkin's somewhat stealthily announced Supaboy S. The original was a pretty well designed piece of kit for a clone system, although it had some problems, namely the D-pad being kind of broken unless you modded it. I wonder how much has changed?

>> No.3309854

Are there any cheap gameboy flash carts?
I want an ever drive but not sure about shelling out $90 for one.

>> No.3309863


The Hyperboy is stupid. It will only take carts and since no one is going to be lugging around carts it will make this nothing more than a novelty. The Supaboy S has a new screen, but doesn't that fuck up the aspect ratio? I don't think it's 4:3 anymore.

>> No.3309923
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The cheapest one I know of is the USB 64m Smart Card. It goes for about $40. The catch is that you don't get a nice interface like the Everdrive, you have to manage game files using proprietary Windows software, and the capacity is more limited (GB games are quite small anyway though). The plus side is it's a lot cheaper, and it works.

>> No.3309930
File: 66 KB, 1024x512, 4e78e9a68c3e3e0a87895d472c62796b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you're right. What the fuck were they thinking?

Oh well, good news is that a used Supaboy goes for pretty cheap. If you want one, that's a better option as long as you're willing to mod it. Putting a 16:9 screen on a retro handheld is blasphemy.

>> No.3309934

I might just go with the everdrive then, don't have a windows computer.
Supposedly it was an April fools joke that they decided to turn into reality after all the requests to make it.

>> No.3310012


I think they're going to find out that all the requests to make it were a joke as well.

>> No.3310018

That thing is such a pain in the ass it's not worth it.

>> No.3310282

I've been looking to expand my hand held collection lately, I'm just curious of how prevalent are Gameboy and GBC bootlegs on ebay? I know it's notorious for fake GBA games and I've just ordered my first DS game from the site, only to find it's a fake, though with a pretty decent looking label. Looking around every other listing of the game seems to be suspect. So is it just as bad for the retro gameboy games? Or at least for the more popular ones?

I'm particularly interested in replacing my long lost copies of pokemon red and gold, I'm assuming the days of grey Pokemon carts with "GAME" or even nothing written in the recess are gone, so what should I be looking out for to spot fakes?

>> No.3310367

Pokemon games, Amazing Tater, Kid Dracula, Tripworld, and X have loads of bootlegs.

Luckily, they mostly still have the GAME shells.

>> No.3310397

With the Smartboy that's the case, although with the Supaboy S the 16:9 screen is just plain a misguided, bad idea. The only justification I could see for such a thing would be if it has an SD slot for watching movies, and I don't think that's the case. I think they just sprang for the cheapest screens they could get, and the 16:9 screens were slightly cheaper than the 4:3 ones, plus idiots who don't understand AV automatically assume 16:9 is better even if it's the wrong aspect ratio.

>> No.3310407


True. I got a copy of Tripworld for $5 shipped and it works well. I've always wanted to see that game on original hardware and it was so worth it. The plastic, the label and "GAME" shell are obvious enough to where no one should be able to rip anyone off by claiming it's genuine.

>> No.3310408


I can't help but notice the size of their 16:9 screen is 4.3"

Do you think that was deliberate? Just to confuse people into thinking it's in the right aspect ratio if they look it up or if someone tells them otherwise?

>> No.3310458
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It very well might be. It's a poor design decision regarless, and anyone who sees it running and knows what the games are going to look like are going to be turned off by it.

The Neo Geo X did the same thing. They assumed that because 16:9 screens are valued by TV customers, they could make the Neo Geo X seem like a better value by including one, even though it made the games look bad and was just wasted real estate if you put the games in 4:3 mode. That unit was such a clusterfuck that SNK withdrew the license for it and ordered the hardware licensee to stop manufacturing it.

They put all their resources into its presentation as a piece of merchandise, and so very little into the actual hardware engineering that it was damaging to the Neo Geo brand.

>> No.3310502

I thought it was because 16:9 screens are cheaper, rather than being desirable from a consumer point of view.

>> No.3310526

The Tripworld bootleg works well?
In that case I might get one too.

>> No.3310537

It's a little bit of both. They are cheaper because they're more common, but when they include them on a product that really should have a 4:3 screen, they will never say it's because they wanted the cheapest option.

4:3 screens are still being manufactured, but if it's cheaper to get 16:9 and the manufacturer doesn't give a shit, then 16:9 is what the customer will be stuck with.

In the case of the GB Boy Color, it's a bit more forgivable that the screen is 4:3 rather than being a square like an authentic Gameboy, since a square is an unusual format that is less common these days. Even so, I would have preferred they used a slightly larger screen and hid the sides behind the bezel, so that games would be displayed in the correct aspect ratio and while being displayed as the same screen size as the real Gameboy.

You'd think that now that we have paper-thin Oled screens that can be cut to virtually any size or shape, this would be less of an issue now, but unfortunately Oled is still very expensive and probably will be for quite some time.

>> No.3310593


Sorry I just can't figure it out/remember and it's getting annoying... Like when you can't remember the name of a song. I thought it meant Dot Matrix Graphics before I realised it was another console. Is it the one Cyberdillo and Haunted House 3D were on? The one that tried heaps hard to be portable 3D?

>> No.3310676
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DMG is the original Gameboy's model name.

>> No.3311023


Fuck now I have to re-read this entire thread with the ability to actually understand what people have been saying.

>> No.3311047

Because there were two versions of the original Gameboy. The DMG is the original version, and the GBP is the Gameboy Pocket. The use of the term "DMG" became common place because it immediately conveyed which specific model was being referred to. "GB" or "Gameboy" could mean any of the Gameboy models. It's the same reason "PSX" or "PS1" became shorthand for the original playstation.

>> No.3311050

I contemplated whether or not to buy one but ultimately concluded that it'd be better to just put the $40 away for an Everdrive.

>> No.3311103

40bux isn't all that much for a good piece of equipment with a lot of use.

I mean, you can put basically all the games on there, as well as romhacks

>> No.3311157

you should get defenders of Oasis, its the only legit good JRPG on game gear.

>> No.3311168

I almost bought the Oasis game for Genesis the other day but I was a bit strapped for cash at the time. It was just the bare cart which doesn't cost much on eBay anyway.

I'll definitely give the Game Gear one a look, though. The GG has a lot of good arcadey games but I'm always on the lookout for meatier experiences on it.

>> No.3311183
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I was all set to order a Game Gear McWill screen kit from Dragonbox, but just my luck they're out of stock now. Looks like I'm going to have to wait a bit longer.

>> No.3311201
File: 645 KB, 1536x2049, 0145842c35e32e243a8db54527bdbb01e58da5b8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> My retro portables... I think Ive got all the ones on GG I would want if you think of any that I might like from this pic Id like to hear.

a GG screen upgrade would be nice...but a part of me does like the fact that the tube inside still works after 20 some odd years. I cant see me ever unscrewing anything in there. unless it got damaged....then why not?
as for the Game boy I got it for the speakers not the screen, and my room's light usually on when I play it so its no biggie. ( ma aint telling me it's time for bed or anything...) If I wanted a lit screen Id just get the SP its as simple as that. Id be spending just as much to upgrade as one of those would cost.

>> No.3311224

I have a GG with screen rot, which can't be repaired, so I'm going to use its guts for my McWill screen mod.

Hopefully this summer I can pick up some more broken Game Gears to repair and put up on eBay, or I might sell / trade them locally. The rule of thumb generally seems to be that if the screen is in good condition, just let it be. I'll probably be adding LED backlights to improve battery life, although I'm only really planning on doing one full screen replacement (unless someone asks me to mod theirs), and that will be my main game gear.

>> No.3311241

what ever happened to that megaman game that was on GG? was that thing legit?

>> No.3311254

Depends on who you ask. On paper, it's sort of a "Best of Mega Man" highlight reel that consists of games ported over from different games in the series. Some people feel like the Game Gear's limited resolution screen wasn't quite up to the task of playing levels that were designed for the NES. You can at least pan the camera manually though. There are a few other weird quirks about it like not being able to fire more than to buster pellets at once, whereas in the NES version you could fire three.

Overall it's a good game for the system but it's really rare and not really worth buying if you just want to play it, because it costs an arm and a leg these days. It's certainly at least worth giving a shot if you have an Everdrive though. The game itself is a collector's item but at least unlike Mortal Kombat 3, the game itself is actually playable.

In all it's a pretty decent game for what it is but don't pay eBay prices for it.

>> No.3311259

I wonder if the cart reader can read GB save data, especially the carts that the Retrode and Mega Memory can't, like Sa・Ga 1, Seiken Densetsu 1, and Dragon Quest III.

>> No.3311274
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And then Sony released a Japan-only PS1 actually called the PSX, just to fuck with us.

>> No.3311364

No, they didn't

It was a PS2

>> No.3311604

Good choice.

That thing is severely limited. The better ROM hacks won't work because of how inconsistent and limited memory.
I had one. Trust me, it's not worth it.

>> No.3311612

It was a PS2.

>> No.3311616

The correct model names are on the back of the units

DMG = Game Boy
MGB = Gameboy Pocket
GBC = Game Boy Color
>now for non retro
AGS = Game Boy Advance
OXY = Game Boy Micro

>> No.3311909 [DELETED] 

>now for non retro
why? What is it with the constant trolling and shitposting in this thread?

>> No.3311928

Because the GBA and above aren't retro yet, retard.

>> No.3311935 [DELETED] 

they're off limits, indeed, yet >>3311616 is casually posting them. They're shitposting, plain and simple. These handheld threads are usually full of that bullshit, why?

>> No.3311962

its the cartridge anon not the gg.

>> No.3312010 [DELETED] 

Because it trannytriggers you :)

>> No.3312041

I posted them in case anyone was curious. Not everything is shit posting.

>> No.3312053

No more bullshit than your post and mine.

All we're doing is complaining, not even contributing to the thread in any way.

I'd even say this is even harmful to the thread because rulefags like you complain when something a tiny bit >NOT RETRO gets mentioned in passing and then we argue about you being pedanic about the rules and generaly shit up the thread.

>> No.3312539

I was talking about the Everdrive.
Which is actually more than 40 now that I'm thinking about it

>> No.3312551

You get what you pay for. It's expensive but it's better than the alternative options.

>> No.3312552

i agree with this there should be a place to talk about retro handhelds

>> No.3312660 [DELETED] 

As you can see in 3312010 it's not just "in passing", it's made deliberately. It's pure shitposting

>a tiny bit >NOT RETRO
the GBA is "a tiny bit NOT RETRO" like the PS4 is "a tiny bit NOT RETRO". It does not belong here, and for a good reason

>> No.3312886

Because despite being almost 20 years old, it triggers austists like you who decide to completely derail a thread and shitpost?

Fuck off you pathetic faggot. I know we joke a lot, but seriously consider killing yourself.

>> No.3312894 [DELETED] 

>despite being almost 20 years old
and yet, outside of the rules of this board. Also, quite different from /vr/ handhelds, and a good representative of the shit that's modern gaming, full of remakes, ports, IP rehashes and tutorialized cinematic bullshit

>derail a thread
If the "rails" include the GBA, it's better off derailed

include every single GBA post and notice my posts are a drop in the bucket. These threads are broken, because fuckers like you think it's fine to just casually troll and shitpost to piss off other people. You're destructive to this board, more than I could ever even wish to be.

>> No.3312963

Got that NES GBA SP a while ago, discovered that the 101 series screen is so much better. Finally bought a Onxy 101 and switched the guts out.

Playing Astroboy on it now, frigging glorious.

Meanwhile, any mods for the Sega GG to make it's kinda blurry mushy screen better?

>> No.3312973
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>Meanwhile, any mods for the Sega GG to make it's kinda blurry mushy screen better?

Yes, the McWill screen replacement. It's a modern LCD screen with a scaler chip to display Game Gear games at the appropriate size. A bit pricey ($100) and requires decent soldering skills, but it's gotten rave reviews.

>> No.3312975

Yeah and its like $100 now or some insane price. Very rare. Like not Earthbound rare like legit i see maybe 4-5 copies on eBay rare.

From what I've seen its...ok. But i think you'd be better served grabbing the GameBoy ones. 1,3 and 5 are the best IMO. 5 in particular is great but is a bit pricey.1 and 3 shouldn't run you over $10 a pop. Megaman Xtreme is no slouch either for your X on the go.

Also not retro but the Z series on GBA is pretty dope too.

>> No.3312984

Thanks man, looks great!
I want to get down with some Shinobi III and maybe some of the Master System ports. Not sure if a $100 screen would be worth it but if this is a rabbit hole I fall into deep that screen is definitely on my list.

Having just RGB modded my NES, I think I can handle that screen mess =P

>> No.3312989

>discovered that the 101 series screen is so much better

It actually has a 50Hz refresh rate as opposed to a 60Hz refresh rate of the 001 (and Micro) if that concerns you.

>> No.3312995

If you did the RGB mod on the NES then the Game Gear screen should be no problem. I'm going to be doing it myself as soon as they're back in stock.

>> No.3313005

What are some really great Game Gear games that aren't Sonic? I played all the Sonic ones as a kid but never got to experience the rest of the system.

>> No.3313012
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PSA about fake Gameboy games:

So I picked up a copy of Zelda Minish Cap at the shop today, but when I got home I realized it was a bootleg. The shop was cool with taking it back and admitted they got bamboozled by the person who sold it to them, so they let me swap it for a copy of Mega Man 2 for NES that was the same price and marked the bootleg cart down and labeled it as a bootleg on the shelf.

This is why you should own a triwing screwdriver. Not only is it handy for cleaning / repairing gameboy systems and games, but it can help you spot a fake. The most obvious giveaway in my case was that there was a clock battery on the board, even though Minish Cap has no clock features, like this fake Castlevania cart. There were other inconsistencies too, like the font etched into the cartridge being too skinny and the label looking off.

Original Gameboy and Gameboy Color fakes are a bit easier to spot just because the plastic they use is almost always shit quality, and just tapping it usually gives away that it's fake.

>> No.3313120

Also, carts with "AGB-004" on the back are bootlegs

AGB-002 is the model number for the case, while AGB-004 is the number for the japanese version of the GBA SP charger

>> No.3313123

>le 50Hz meme
Who started this rumor, anyway? It just popped up in the last year or so.
I don't think it's even technically possible for it to be true.

>> No.3313125

Ack! not SP charger, my bad. I meant battery recharger.

>> No.3313150
File: 110 KB, 430x1002, cartnums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far easiest way to know if gameboy game is legit or not is to look at the label against light, if you see two numbers then its 99% likely to be legit, if not its mostly likely bootleg(all game boy games, regardless if its gb/c/a or region should have them). Pic related.

>> No.3313151

Yeah, those indentations are the software revision number. On N64 carts, they appear on the rear warning label. Bootleggers don't care about little details like that-- on the Zelda cart I accidentally bought, the ESRB and Nintendo logos on the label weren't even accurate.

>> No.3313159


There's my nigga. Nice collection bro. Just picked up a NeoGeo Pocket Color myself and it's a dope little handheld. Got sonic, pacman, Metal Slug 2nd mission, and puzzel bobble for it so far. Ordered Fatal Fury and King of Fighters R2 which are on their way. The games have gotten more expensive over the years tho right? This retro price boom has but some out of reach for me. Also im in NZ so theres not alot of local pick-ups to be had.

>> No.3313259

Never played a NeoGeo pocket, how's the games?
Moreover, how's the screen and buttons?

I recall hearing NeoGeo was supposed to be a higher end line of hardware and software.

>> No.3313287

Games for the NeoGeo Pocket are awesome. Only had a small library of 80 or so games with no shovelware so if you were to pick any one game at random, chances are it's a good one.

Buttons are pretty sweet. Being SNK its pretty arcade like. Instead of a d-pad it's got a arcade-style joystick which is ballin for fighting games. A and B buttons are very clicky and responsive.

Screen is surprisingly good even though its not back-lit. It's matte-like with little glare so I don't have problems playing in medium to low lit environments. Battery life is also the tits 40 ish hours on a good set of batteries.

Definetly better than GameBoy Color imo, but no Pokemon + poor support in the west + SNK going bankrupt 2 years after release killed it pretty quick.

>> No.3313485

Not really knowledgable about the current /vr/ scene - is there a cheap android device (prefer with buttons) that I can emulate GBA/N64 etc. on?

>> No.3313490

It holds no water. AGS 101s only released in America and Japan. Both are 60hz standard countries. The only game boy related hardware that runs at 50hz is the EUR super game boy, I think.

>> No.3313810
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>hand held legend will never sell GG backlight mods again
>McWill screen replacement is $145 and has an obscenely intricate installation.

I just can't fucking win. Why is it so hard to produce a simple third party backlight?

>> No.3313895

They used a cheaper screen with a lower refresh rate to compensate for the backlight. Oh and the colors are way oversaturated on the 101, too.

>> No.3314096

gpd xd

the whole 50/60hz thing doesn't apply to handhelds at all, even super gameboy run "properly" since it has actual gameboy hardware inside.

>> No.3314443

I just ordered a McWill screen today. The kit is about $90 in the current exchange rate.

On the Gameboy Reddit, Handheld Legend said that more GG LED backlight kits are on the way, but they couldn't give an EETA.

>> No.3314463
File: 147 KB, 500x500, JXD-S7800-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JXD S7800B is also a good option if you prefer a more Vita-like form factor to the 3DS. Gorgeous screen, too.

>> No.3314490

If the OG GBA has a 60Hz screen, and the AGS-101 has a 50Hz screen, why is it be possible to swap the AGS-101 screen into the GBA? What mechanism is responsible for converting the refresh rate of the video output from a system created four years prior to the AGS-101?

A 50Hz display on a system with nothing but 60Hz games would cause completely different issues from the simple increased ghosting people report on the AGS-101.

Probably people mean that the pixel response time is lower, not the refresh rate, and somebody got confused along the way.

>> No.3314497

>pixel response time is lower

>> No.3314529


pic gave me an instant boner

>> No.3314570

Well then, I kind of feel like buying a refurbished and allegedly unscratched condition DS Lite (green or black) from a legit online shop. I already have an old GBA flashcart and a DSTWO flashcart, so I'm guessing I get infinite games from the get go.

Thing is, I already own an N3DS. So is it worth getting a DS Lite? It's on sale, by the way. The only real DS cartridge game I have is LeafGreen.

>> No.3314684

If you're a completionist, sure, why not. If you are looking for a better experince, there's little discernible difference aside from the DS Lite having a GBA slot.

>> No.3314715

When I e-mailed McWill about it like a week ago he said the cost was 95 euros for the kit and 35 for shipping. Where are you getting it from for only $90?

>> No.3314719

I ordered it from Dragonbox.de. I paid €83.19, which in the current exchange rate comes out to $92.50 USD + shipping.

I should probably also point out that the Euro is taking a tumble right now due to the UK voting to leave the EU. That works out well in favor of people outside of the Eurozone, which might have something to do with the lower price but I can't say for sure.

It's also possible that ordering from McWill directly is simply more expensive since he doesn't have the same retail infrastructure in place as somewhere like DragonBox.

>> No.3314747


>> No.3314748

fair enough. When I heard about the LCD replacement it was only through retrorgb.com. I didn't know there was a storefront somewhere selling the same thing. I'll keep that in mind. About how much was the shipping cost to the US?

>> No.3314765

I paid €7.20 for shipping, which works out to $8 right now. It wasn't the only thing I ordered, but I imagine the price would have been quite similar since the other thing I ordered was just a black NES game shell.

>> No.3315258

I know, right?

>> No.3315838

Actually, I never saw any bootlegs that had the two digits. I think it's the only one way to be absolutely sure.

>> No.3317015
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currently working on display cases for my Pokemon games and I'm stumped on what to do for Pokemon Pinball..any suggestions?

also, does anyone sell pre-made backlit screens for Game Boy Pocket? I've already gone through 5 and I'm not willing to buy more

>> No.3317164

You've killed 5 pockets?

>> No.3317210

bought a lot on ebay, majority had dead pixels or some other defect but 8 came out fine

>> No.3318807

Question: why bother with light mods when the SP exists and can play GB/GBC games?

It's especially silly when most light mods involve taking the back light from an SP.

>> No.3318825


SP gives me cramps so I backlit my GBA

>> No.3318895

I just had a thought, can I remove the backlight from a GBA SP with a cracked LCD and transplant it to a regular GBA? Or are the backlight and screen incompatible?

>> No.3318931
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How do i get the Gameboy/Gameboy color borders on an emulator? i have one for the game gear already

>> No.3318941
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1) when it comes to Gameboy and Gameboy Color games, they are smaller on the Gameboy Advance screen than the original systems
2) many people just plain do not like the SP's form factor and find it uncomfortable. It has less grip surface than the other gameboys, and the triggers are too small and uncomfortably placed.

>> No.3318992


>> No.3319102


>> No.3319179

>tfw will never get to purchase a GBA from RCG

>> No.3319197
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Yeah, it's a shame. Back when they first came opened up and were selling lots of cool products, I lamented the fact that I had no money at the time, and now I missed out.

I may have missed out on their Super NES GBA, but someday I will buy a Sega Nomad and give it a nice screen mod. I hear McWill is working on one.

>> No.3319384

Final Fantasy Legend

>> No.3319418
File: 82 KB, 923x683, gfs_9294_2_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nettou Samurai Spirits III Zankurou Musouken for the game boy.

The only truly playable fighting game in a handheld until the NGpocket.

>> No.3319774

So I saw that the Hyperkin Smartboy actually is being made, and I kind of wonder what the fuck the point is.

Why not get a GBA SP? It'd take less space and be able to play Color and Advance games to boot, while having a screen just a bright and crisp.

>> No.3319937

Get Digital Monster Ver. Wonderswan if you have nostalgia for the old virtual pets.

>> No.3320000

Can you play the color Games on a b & w WS?

>> No.3320741


>> No.3321168
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It was kind of hard to get it on. But it turns out it wasn't shit.

>> No.3321192

I just looked at a copy of A Link to the Past for the GBA that I bought new in the store when it was released and see no numbers.

>> No.3321249

They should be there, sometimes they are really hard to see at first, but they are there.