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File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, phantomganon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3283270 No.3283270 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Bosses that everyone dreads fighting on at least some level.

Pic related. OoT's Moldorm. You know if you don't have at least one fairy in a bottle and full hearts he is going makes you BTFO to the entrance.

>> No.3283286
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The whole "room of close associates", not just Slogra.

>> No.3283318

What? He's the most fun boss to fight. Nothing like that huge pain-in-the-ass Moldorm.

>> No.3283326
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Nah, maybe if you emulate and can't pull of a quick volley 100% of the time

It's Robo-Manus for me; it's fun, but I tend to freak out when he starts speeding up his pattern

>> No.3283801

>ITT: OP invites ridicule by declaring what he thinks is a hard boss

>> No.3283805
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Seven Force in Gunstar Heroes. It's fun & impressive the first times but after that it's a chore to replay

>> No.3283806

Seriously dude, while admittedly Phantom Ganon was an amazing boss battle, it was hardly difficult.

>> No.3283827
File: 8 KB, 124x114, gng1redguard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in the US arcade version though. Fuck this guy.

>> No.3283832

Fucking Satan.

>> No.3283846

Gunstar Heroes also has the really shitty board game level

>> No.3283934
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>> No.3283957

Fucker is piss easy.

I dread SM64's Big Boo On The Balcony because if i get knocked off too many times then the controller can kiss its arse goodbye.

>> No.3284023

Maybe if you're doing a 3 heart run. These days I can easily get to the Forest Temple with at least 10 hearts. Dude is a joke now. Goes down in three rounds if you only hit him with jump attacks too.

>> No.3284283
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>emulator screenshot
>blown-out colors
>horrible jpeg compression
>it's in fucking 16:9

>> No.3284327

This guy is annoying as fuck, I always cheese it with the homing lighting shot. That combo is overpowered as fuck during boss fights, really good too in levels as well but notvas good.

>> No.3284476
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pic related

It being 16:9 doesn't make a difference when it's actually rendering outside the typical FoV, and while the HUD looks like shit, I kinda like the effect on the in-game assets.

>> No.3284516 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 397x315, 1465626834913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially so on HC.

>> No.3284968

Gyorg in the Great Bay Temple. Pretty much guaranteed to get eaten once it does that "spitting fish cutscene" because it completely rips control away and ruins your swimming line.

>> No.3285079

can't you just use cold attacks to slow him down and kite him, even with a melee character?

>> No.3285113

Disagree OP, I beat this entire game on the 3DS version with 3 hearts and double-damage turned on, and he was pretty easy.

The hardest part for me was when I later decided (after getting them) to only use the megaton hammer and hover boots, and stopped shielding unless it was required. The descent down Ganon's Tower took me 11 hours because I kept on dying to the twin stalfos on the way down. Just when you thought you could square one of them away the other one leaped in with a jumping strike that was basically impossible to avoid, and at double-damage was an instant game over (oh yeah, no fairies either).

It was fun but man will I never do that again, made me rage like a motherfucker.

>> No.3285163

Nice blog, friend.

>> No.3285205


the problem is that he's going to freeze you as a melee if you get close to try to get cold on him. It's always a shitshow on hc.

>> No.3285307

I liked his blogpost.

>> No.3285583

>equip lazy shell on peach
>never lose another battle

It's that simple.

>> No.3285694
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>> No.3285935
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But not really? Isn't he and the Ice dude the "starter" bosses?

Pic related tho

>> No.3285947

There was a notorious bug with Duriel that would cause the game to lag, but he was still able to act, allowing him to get the jump on you.

>> No.3285952

Homing lightning is only OP as fuck on the lower settings. On hard, it's completely useless.

>> No.3286662

well, if you use the Lazy Shell, then you don't dread it.

Besides, Culex isn't mandatory to fight.

>> No.3286671

His image is Bospider, the first Sigma fortress boss in the original X, not X4's Web Spider.

>> No.3286736

Hard, but nothing to dread for.

>> No.3286740

Am I the only one who thought Smithy was harder? without Lazy Shell obviously

>> No.3286856
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>Ocarina of Time
>Difficult at all

>> No.3286862

Hey now. If you don't even try to avoid getting hit and don't bother picking up hearts, you might die. Maybe.

>> No.3286883

>Phantom Ganon
The moment you start cursing Z-lock, shitty camera issues and 3D altogether.

>> No.3286919

This is my only complain about the game.

Tried to defeat it many times with Mario/Geno/Bowser, failed miserably at every attempts. Replaced Bowser with Peach and floored him easily on the first try.

Sometimes you just feel dumb.

>> No.3286974

The camera makes this easy figth hard.

>> No.3287000

Maybe if you're an idiot

>> No.3287010

The camera is legit garbage if you use Z-lock.

>> No.3287016

dual rajang (mhfu)
giant yellow bastard (megaman1)
nemesis @police station (resi3)
evil sonic (sonic2)
olga-euro extrme (mgs2)
the sloth (house of the dead 3)

lastly: MGS PW trying to s-grade armoured vehicle battles solo the last few missions (on psp).
that was a joyless experience.

>> No.3287272

> giant yellow bastard (megaman1)
> evil sonic (sonic2)
You mean metal? Meh. Robotnik afterwards is harder by a lot.

>> No.3287276


Maybe if you play with the keyboard

>> No.3287279
File: 451 KB, 865x787, Super_Castlevania_IV_-_Slogra_-_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well OP said "at least on some level", it might be harder for some people than others. In reality once you know the strategy to beat Slogra and Death, it's not a problem, but if you don't remember or if it's your first time playing you're most likely fucked.
I know how to beat Slogra and still I can get fucked with his dive attack sometimes, and it's 3 or 4 hits and you're dead.

>> No.3288996


I play MMX about 2-3 times a week (inb4 autism) and he still pisses me the fuck off.

>Decides to spam babby spiders
>Kill babbys
>Stops halfway during his decent to drop more babbys

fuck this guy

>> No.3289734
File: 28 KB, 480x360, fuck this battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my nomination for a shitty boss battle. It was way too early on in the game, so you really couldn't do much damage, plus their attacks are insanely powerful. You really just have to abuse your invincibility and hope you kill one of the vampires quickly, then it's not too terribly hard.

The first time I played him was my first time playing any Zelda game, so I was still getting used to all the mechanics. Phantom Ganon was moderately challenging, mainly because of the arrow sequence. Didn't have any problems with him on my later playthroughs though.

Also this. Zora Link was probably the most fun transformation to control, yet somehow they completely fucked up the battle. Still takes me a good three+ tries to defeat Gyorg.

>> No.3291667

Gyorg is a very good shout. I still can't do him without using t least one fairy...maybe i'm not patient enough but once he eats you that's 3 fucking hearts down the drain.

My candidate is Big Arm from Sonic 3.
Fuck. That. Shit.
So hard to get the angle right and even if you're super sonic he can grab you and hurt you. The 2 bosses before hand aren't so bad but they can eat into your time, which puts extra pressure on the Big Arm battle. Especially as there's like a minute cutscene as sonic flies from the first robotnik battle to the final battle area.

>> No.3291676

Fight the Vampires as Freedan instead of Will and that fight balances itself out.

>> No.3291753


Big Arm is actually easier to fight without Super Sonic. Super Sonic can't make the insa-shield attack while jumping like normal Sonic does, and his jump is harder to control.

>> No.3291761

At least it wasn't as bad as what they did with it in the remake.

Goht was the only one they improved. Absolutely horrible.