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File: 62 KB, 597x367, nintendo and sega are pretty based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3277648 No.3277648 [Reply] [Original]

Both of them are pretty based. But which one is more based and why?

This is not a console war thread. This is a thread for thoughtful and mature intellectual discussion.

>> No.3277657

Not going to get much mature intellectual discussion out of nintoddler casuals

>> No.3277663

Both are leagues above Sony or Microsoft in terms of first-party videogames.

>> No.3277689
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As a big Sega fan-

Arcade Sega > Arcade Nintendo

Master System < NES

Genesis < SNES

Saturn > N64

DC > Gamecube

>> No.3277720

You're a tool if you picked a side. Both had great games, and both had a gigantic shitpile of garbage games.

I will agree with what >>3277663 said though. Nowadays they try to be everything except videogames (Sony/Microsoft) or are okay with being second-rate (Modern Nintendo).

>> No.3277727

NES > Master System
SNES = Genesis (draw)
N64 <<< Saturn
GC > DC (since a lot of my fav DC games came to GC...)

Arcade Sega > Arcade Nintendo
Gameboy > Game Gear

>> No.3277759

Simplest way I've always put it is if you want fast-paced arcade action, go with Sega. If you want deeper game experiences, go with Nintendo. If you want RPGs past the 16-bit era, go with Sony.

>> No.3277786

Depends on the genre and generation.

In the third generation, NES over Master System all the way.

In the fourth generation, SNES for JRPGs, Genesis for fighting games, Genesis for arcade ports (usually), both for platformers. I personally prefer the SNES by a hair, but it's all about personal taste here, either is a fine choice.

In the fifth generation, neither because the PlayStation is available.

>> No.3277787
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>This is not a console war thread

>> No.3277801

Sega edges it out on the hardware side just barely due to how fucking amazing the Dreamcast was with all its innovations and ideas, but Nintendo was easily the best software developer in the industry (and still was up until the current genereation).

They pretty much even out overall and I wish Sega stuck around to compete with Nintendo in trying to make new ways of playing video games and new types of video games. Instead Nintendo's the only pure video game company left in the console market and the differences between Xbox and PlayStation are barely more significant than the differences between a Panasonic blu-ray player and a Toshiba blu-ray player; they both play the exact same games in the exact same way.

>> No.3277823

Sega definitely. It was the shithouse Sega of Japan that held down the company making bad decisions.
Screw Nintendo for their shit illegal business tactics stagnating console gaming for almost a decade.
Basically, Japanese companies are bad for gaming. So Sega wins for being half American.

>> No.3277836
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>Screw Nintendo for their shit illegal business tactics stagnating console gaming for almost a decade.
Oh my, this again..

>> No.3277837

This is correct.

(also GC for REmake)

>> No.3277943
File: 44 KB, 279x350, badass-segata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SoJ is bad meme

I really, really hate how that one Kalinske interview where he fellates himself and blames SoJ for everything spread so fast on the internet.

Fuck Kalinske and all the other jews that ruined Sega in the west.

>> No.3277948

did you know, Hiroshi Yamauchi wasn't actually a human being? He was a vessel that enclosed 7 yakuza oni spirits from 7 different regions in Japan. These oni monopolized the gambling in Japan with the hanafuda Nintendo cards and put a spell so that no other company could produce cards, truly evil.

Yamauchi, often referred to as "大魔王 ティラノ天堂" (Great Evil King Tyranotendo), tyranized the video games market with his monopolistic practices, it is said that the Master System or the PC Engine didn't actually ever exist, and that they were invented time after so hide the fact that the Famicom was actually the one and only console existing in Japan.

>> No.3277986

Fuck off back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.3277991

Sega. They at least tried to continue to appeal to the real, core gamer after Sony and Nintendo moved to the nugamer style-over-substance garbage in the mid-90s.

It ultimately didn't work and they had to appeal to the same shit audience and was another reason they failed.

>> No.3277992
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>the real, core gamer

>> No.3277995
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When it comes to mascots, Nintendo definitely did the best in the end.

While at the start I think they were about equal, if anything Sonic had a little bit of an edge over Mario, time changed this.

Nintendo transitioned to 3d and took him to very distinct places never before seen, yet somehow at the same time kept the familiarity of Mario, and never once changed his design majorly.

For some reason, and this infuriates me, Sega has felt the need to make sonic thinner, edgier, more like a teenager, and gave him this annoying attitude. Worse yet, as of late his games have been lackluster to say the least.

I wish Sega would have learned from Mario's success and wouldn't have changed Sonic so damn much. Mario has never needed to be thinner or taller or edgier, he manages to be the same old chubby plumber and is still successful to this day.

That's just my opinion

>> No.3278007

Sega is closer to arcades, so Sega, console gaming a shit.

>> No.3278018

They lost because they created two add ons and two systems in a very short time span thus alienating their fanbase and slowly bankrupting them.

>> No.3278020

I love these threads.
Do you prefer dick or pussy /vr/? Which is better?

>> No.3278035

Did Nintendo even make any good arcade games? Sega is the greatest arcade publisher of all time along with Namco and Taito.

>> No.3278036

Dankey Kang

>> No.3278040 [DELETED] 

I said good ones. Donkey Kong was hot garbage that has been overhyped by Nintendo after the success of the Famicom.

>> No.3278072

>Did Nintendo even make any good arcade games?

not really

Their strength was always the consoles

Sega was always the master of arcades, and thus it made sense that the company started declining when arcades themselves declined and died off

>> No.3278092

>DK Arcade
>hot garbage
Your taste is shit.

>> No.3278095

Oh, come on. You don't have to defend Nintendo in everything. Their arcade games were shit. Stop being a fanboy.

>> No.3278108

>gave him this annoying attitude

Anon, Sonic's always had this.

>> No.3278112

Maybe so, but when he started talking it made it worse

>> No.3278289

Can't believe I forgot about Game boy! Your right tho,

GameGear < GameBoy

They had a handful. Donkey Kong, Punch Out, Popeye, etc. Nothing compared to Sega of course but they made some great ones.

>> No.3278312

Those three aren't even good, let alone great.

>> No.3278337
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>what is irony

>> No.3278409


I know it's bait but for the young ones who might fall for this bait: DK came out in 1981, and the Famicom in 1983 (in Japan).

>> No.3278453 [DELETED] 

Are you illiterate? Nintendo's first true success was the Famicom. After the success of that system they have hyped their mediocre arcade games up to seem better than they were. Had they not been successful with the Famicom their crappy attempts at arcade games would be rightfully obscure.

>> No.3278468
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>> No.3278469


Why was Donkey Kong a system seller for the Coleco Vision in 1982 then?
Atari also managed to get their own version even though the 2600 was underpowered for it.

It's okay if you have a Nintendo hateboner, but don't be stupid, DK is right up there with Pac-Man and Space Invaders.

>> No.3278473

You are right, and i hope Nintendo nx get the company back to where they belong.

>> No.3278479 [DELETED] 

>nintendo: casual babby games
>sega: hardcore arcade games that require skill

the choice is obvious

>> No.3278480


I agree, Alex Kidd and Fantasy Zone are so mature, such as myself.

>> No.3278482


>muh /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.3278501

>DK is right up there with Pac-Man and Space Invaders.
No it isn't. Not even close. Most internationally distributed arcade games were ported to home consoles. This is what I'm talking about, Nintendo re-writing history to make their games seem like they were more than they were. Donkey Kong was a boring, lackustre game when it came out and is nowhere near Space Invaders or Pac-Man.

>> No.3278504

NES is the obvious winner for 8-bit, but SNES vs. MD depends on prefefences, both had amazing games and focused on different genres. Hell, if PCE had a better presence in the west I believe it would be a great rival to those two.

Saturn's library is obviously better though, beyond first party titles there's not much on 64.

>> No.3278506

>NES is the obvious winner for 8-bit

>> No.3278507


Keep being in denial, meanwhile the rest of the world knows that DK is one of the big arcade hits of the early 80s, with or without Nintendo "hyping" it.

But please do continue, your hateboner for Nintendo is amusing.

>> No.3278508

I would only change
Genesis = SNES

And it's not like both systems are the same, but they're both equally good for very different reasons, and a very different kind of library. I don't think there's a generation that's been so neck and neck in my view.

>> No.3278509

So how was life in Australia in the late 70s? Anyone knows?

Did Australia got any early Sega arcades back then?

>> No.3278510

I bet you weren't even alive in the early 80s. But keep believing Nintendo's lies, it's hilarious. Next you'll claim they were better than Taito.

>> No.3278512

Yes. Lots of pubs and cinemas had game cabinets.

>> No.3278513


This commercial is the only thing I know about the relation of Australia with "SEEGA"

>> No.3278514


I'm not claiming Nintendo is better than whatever company, you are the one with the fixation for Nintendo.

I'm not talking about Nintendo, I'm talking about Donkey Kong. If you seriously believe DK wasn't popular in 1981, you are a huge idiot. I know you're just baiting though. But you're still an idiot, not much difference between pretending and actually being one.

>> No.3278515


Are you Australia-kun, by any chance?

How old are you?

>> No.3278516

Dicks are the clear winners, anon. Aesthetically it's a no brainer, vaginas can be truly disgusting and only occasionally beautiful. Dick also symbolizes strength, power and virility and is even worshipped in some cultures. Sperm is equally powerful and arousing.

>> No.3278517

It wasn't all that popular. No moreso than any other run of the mill game.

>> No.3278520


Source: your nintendo hateboner.

>> No.3278521

Australia-Kun is a composite of multiple posters who have expressed views in opposition to Nintendo systems and games.

>> No.3278524

I lived through it, and I can tell you it wasn't the monumental success you think it was. It was just a run of the mill game commercially and a mediocre game from a critical perspective.

>> No.3278525


Nah, lots of people have different views on Nintendo, that doesn't make them australia-kun.

Aussie-kun is obsessed with americans/yanks, the genesis/mega drive name, PAL/NTSC, castlevania shitposting and EU vs US computers.

None of that is about Nintendo, other than he hating Castlevania IV because it's on SNES.

It's one guy, although there might be people imitating him for trolling purposes, the original australia-kun exists, he's on warosu.org archives.

>> No.3278527

>my anecdotal subjective experience proves it

>> No.3278528


You can't convince me with just that.

Got any source for DK not being commercially big?
What about your "critical perspective"? What do you have to say about it? "it's boring"? Not enough, that's just your opinion.

>> No.3278529

>My biased, brainwashed Nintendo rhetoric proves it
Do you lack all self awareness?

>> No.3278535


Well, you can't talk about bias... your anti-nintendo bias is too strong, you're actually not different to diehard Nintendo fanboys, you're just on the opposite extreme, but you're equally blind.

Claiming DK wasn't popular when it came out is just plain stupid. 5/10 though, got me to reply.

>> No.3278537

It's uninventive, it is limited even for its time, it is ugly for its time, it is one of the most annoying sounding games ever made, the controls are stiff and unresponsive, and it is not fun to play.

>> No.3278541

It wasn't anywhere near as popular as you've been told.

>> No.3278542
File: 21 KB, 448x272, DEAL WITH IT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the other Anon arguing with you, I don't even like Nintendo that much, nor DK.

>Donkey Kong was, however, extremely popular in the United States and Canada. The game's initial 2,000 units sold, and more orders were made. Arakawa began manufacturing the electronic components in Redmond because waiting for shipments from Japan was taking too long.[20]:


Feel free to follow the source if you're that thirsty for "proof" of something that's so obvious even a 10 year old that didn't live through it could tell you.

>> No.3278545


Wait... that's a critical perspective? "it's ugly" "it's not fun to play"? LOL.

I said give me actual arguments, not your shitty opinions.

What about the commercial stuff? You claimed it wasn't a big success, while every other source claims otherwise. Was it the Nintendo illuminati rewriting history all across the globe? Truly evil!

>> No.3278549

No one gives a shit about DK arcade. If u mention DK most people are thinking about DK country

>> No.3278551

ITT: Australia-kun makes Sega fans look like idiots

I'm tired of this fucker, ban him already.

Go to the /v/ Hiro sticky and ask for Australia-kun to be permabanned.

>> No.3278553

>I don't think there's a generation that's been so neck and neck in my view.

Agreed. Out of every matchup that was the hardest to choose while the others were piss easy. I think the SNES still has the edge on the Genesis(by a hair) but I wouldn't argue if anyone thought otherwise. Too close to call.

>> No.3278556

I think Sega is/was cooler. We can easily divorce the Sonic fan base from the rest of Sega's amazing IP.

Today it feels like these properties are being held to ransom.

There's no bite to Nintendo. They had it with Rare but they let them go.

>> No.3278558
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>I think the SNES still has the edge on the Genesis(by a hair)


>> No.3278559

>US and Canada
That explains it. Your markets are always backwards.
Go play it. My criticisms are substantial. Stop defending Nintendo's use of archaic hardware. That is the very reason they never succeeded in arcades.

>> No.3278560

Ignore him, he's probably some weeb RP'G' 'player'.

>> No.3278561


So where is your source for DK not being commercially successful, australia-kun? I'm waiting.

>> No.3278565

My firsthand experience with it. It lasted a couple of months then was moved on like most mediocre cabinets.

>> No.3278571


OK, great source.

>> No.3278572
File: 1.19 MB, 2688x1520, 1of2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just personal opinion on which 'overall' was better. If it makes you feel better I still have and play my Genesis while I sold my snes a long time ago. Pic related is part of my (small)collection.

Not a huge rpg guy and most jrpgs I find unplayable.

>> No.3278574

I guess you'll dismiss all historical claims by that token, then.

>> No.3278576


Your tiny little personal experience on a little island in the world's asshole doesn't work as a source for the claim you were making, aussie.

>> No.3278578

What games do you think makes the Snes better?

>> No.3278581

Why do Americans so typically lack self awareness?

>> No.3278583


I'm not american.

>> No.3278590

Then what are you?

>> No.3278595


French. We've argued before, australia-kun. You'll probably call me with some islamic name, if memory serves me right.

>> No.3278597

You write like an American. The French are very much like the Americans.

>> No.3278612
File: 748 KB, 2688x1520, 2of2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I like both but,
Sonic < Mario
Beyond Oasis < ALTTP
Bloodlines < IV
DK, Super Metroid, Starfox, etc
Snes controller> Genesis 6 button

I bought, played, and sold my snes in the early to mid '00s before prices skyrocketed. I kept my genesis because that's what I grew up with and nostalgia won't let me part with it.

Here is the rest of my gen collection. Used to be a lot larger.

>> No.3278617

Those aren't even in the top 20 MD games, while you mentioned all of Nintendo's marquee names. I think Story of Thor is better than Zelda, though. Much better combat.

>> No.3278624


Is that so? I've been told that when speaking english, my accent sounds like dutch.

>> No.3278626

I can tell you're not a Castlevania fan.

>> No.3278645

Sonic series, bloodlines, and beyond oasis not in the top 20? I'm starting to think your just looking for conflict friendo. It's ok to like to different things. Both are great.

Of the ones I played.
1> 3> SoTN> IV> Bloodlines> 2

>> No.3278651

Yeah, you're not a fan of the series. That explains why you like IV.
I don't think they're in the top 20. Maybe New Generation, but Story of Thor and Sonic just aren't good games.

>> No.3278674

Why are barely functional autistics like you left unsupervised in front of a computer?

>> No.3278683

You're really defensive about your shit taste, you Sonic autist. What is it with Americans and mascots?

>> No.3278685


australia-kun is probably a basket case, I don't think his family/medics care.

>> No.3278691

Coming into this latem but...

Australia-kun... Do you not get that the US population is much larger than Australia? Like, it's not even close. You have 23.1 million people, the US has 318.9 million.

The success in North American markets is the only factor that matters. It's where the money is.

I'm not even down on Australia. I've spent years of my life there. But to think your little prison colony is an economic power is laughable.

>> No.3278692
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Sega made House of the Dead and Virtual On.
That makes them

>> No.3278696

That doesn't say anything of my experience nor the quality of the game. You're either illiterate or a troll.

>> No.3278702


Your experience doesn't matter because you're a literal nobody outside of /vr/ were you are "famous", and you can't talk about quality of games when you claim shit like Amigavania is good.

>> No.3278705

I guess that confirms that you're illiterate.

>> No.3278707

I was just joking Anon, mimicking that usual hyperbolic outrage to such a sterile and harmless claim

>> No.3278712

Sega made a wider variety of games than Nintendo, due to their commitment to arcades. They also made the Dreamcast and Nintendo didn't.

>> No.3278714

The problem is that you always state your opinion as fact. But your tiny experience does not compete with the millions of people that played and enjoyed DK in arcades. It was one of the first games to have multiple unique stages. No, it didn't compete with Pac-man fever, but there was always a quarter on the bezel anywhere I went.

>> No.3278715

Is "illiterate" your new buzzword to deflect attacks from your retarded posts?

>> No.3278718

>replying to australia-kun non-ironically

Just fuck with him, he's funny to get replies out of, but to get actual arguments he's useless. He is actually mentally challenged. Dude is like 50 and shitposts on /vr/ all day.

>> No.3278720

>you always state your opinion as fact.
I did not. You're illiterate.
>It was one of the first games to have multiple unique stages
You also don't know the history of games.
>quarter on the bezel anywhere I went.
And you're a dumb yank.

From now on I'm not replying to anyone who I know is a yank. You niggers are too retarded to deal with.

>> No.3278734

Crap... Will that be me in 10 years?

>> No.3278793

>too retarded to deal with.
>says australia-kun

My sides are ironing themselves.

>> No.3279024

It was a fun, simple, well-designed CAG (Comical Action Game). I'm sorry your bias against Nintendo prevents you from enjoying certain videogames.

>> No.3279304

This, except I'd change Gamecube > DC.

>> No.3279535

Arcade Sega > Arcade Nintendo
Master System > NES
Mega Drive > SNES
Saturn > N64
Dreamcast > Gamecube

>> No.3279537

Sega's just cooler overall.

Nintendo made some more wholesome games but Sega went for style.

>space harrier
>house of the dead series
>panzer dragoon
>crazy taxi

Nintendo made f-zero and star fox so they're not shit or anything but when it comes to preference I want Sega.

>> No.3279564

But there's only one good Star Fox game, 64. The original runs like shit.

>> No.3279567

Yes, and? That's all they need really.

>> No.3279571

Well, next to F-Zero that's 4 games. That's not much next to Sega's arcade library.

>> No.3279573

The Genesis was a far more powerful system.

It's much faster processor allowed it to render larger sprites, more impressive graphical displays, and keep things at a higher framerate for longer periods. The Genesis had essentially no slow down, ever, in any situation, and could even render 3D games without an FX/SVP chip.

I love the SNES. I love the games. I do think the SNES had far more classic games and far more memorable games, because I feel like Sega was flash in the pan - bottled lightning. Throw anything out and see if it sticks at all times. This ultimately fucked them over and they died while Nintendo stayed conservative and true to it's roots.

>> No.3279574

>the original runs like shit
And it's a great game, completely playabe.

>> No.3279579

And Blast Processing was real.
The term "Blast Processing" was marketing, but the Genesis really did have a feature related to that marketing term.

>> No.3279580

Even still, it's a game I've replayed many, many, many, many times.

In fact I think I'll go play it right now.

>> No.3279582

>arcade games are good
Most of them are really fucking bad by today's standards and many are unplayable for extended periods of time now.
Strider is fucking floaty garbage and your hits are fucking random and you have no idea where they're going to land, and I don't care how many people say otherwise.

Other arcade styled games like Crazy Taxi are also fun for about 15 minutes and get tiresome quickly.

>> No.3279589

It's not. 64 is an improvement in every way. There's no reason to play the original.
>Throw anything out and see if it sticks at all times
That's how it is with arcade publishing, you can't put out the same game all the time. You have to be new and fresh with everything. They're not cheap to make so an arcade game has to be able to make money. That's why I think Sega's quality was so much better than Nintendo's.

>> No.3279593

You're not supposed to spend eight hours playing arcade games. They're social and fun. You play with others and compete for scores.

>> No.3279595

>That's how it is with arcade publishing, you can't put out the same game all the time. You have to be new and fresh with everything. They're not cheap to make so an arcade game has to be able to make money. That's why I think Sega's quality was so much better than Nintendo's.

That's just not true, man. Not trying to outright disagree, but that very style or method of thinking is what totally fucking killed Sega. They went berserk with the Genesis and couldn't replicate what the Genesis had on any other piece of hardware. They tried with the Dreamcast, but they lost it.

>> No.3279597

>You're not supposed to spend eight hours playing arcade games. They're social and fun. You play with others and compete for scores.

Yeah, and when you spend most of the week alone, working, and see friends sometimes on weekends, if you only have a handful of arcade games, your Genesis, like mine, gets dusty fast. It might be dustier than my Wii U.

>> No.3279603

Sega was great when arcades were still, you know, socially relevant. They are long gone now. The magic of having a system with great arcade ports and so many good arcade ports is lost on single players. The appeal is just gone. I've played them so many times.

>> No.3279604

"Arcade Port" is dead entirely.
What was the last system to have an arcade port?
The Dreamcast?

>> No.3279605

I don't know about you but my Wii U is the best Netflix player I've ever owned :^)

>> No.3279606

The Saturn was a totally different kind of console. Its success in Japan made Sega focus on that market. There were good arcade ports, still.
The Master System had a good first run, but it was arguably better as a budget Mega Drive. Lots of great games, some even exclusive, were released for it in the 90s.
Sega still rehashed games on the Mega Drive, just not to the extent Nintendo did. There were three mainline Sonic games, three Streets of Rage, three Phantasy Stars.
I don't think it killed them at all. It's much more complex than the library of the Saturn was bad.

>> No.3279609

Yes, gaming took an unfortunate turn towards narrative driven games. It's sad because current gen games are so awful because of it.

>> No.3279615
File: 95 KB, 450x800, flappy-bird-arcade-machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Arcade Port" is dead entirely.
More like inverted.

I couldn't decide between this and the new Mario Kart arcade game. But I expect butthurt from this.

>> No.3279621

That's not inverted. Arcades just took what is fun at home and made it larger and more accessible. Like the Guitar Hero arcade game and the Fruit Ninja one.

>> No.3279627

That's what I meant.
Before: arcade -> home
Now: home -> arcade

>> No.3279652

I was beaten as a child.

>> No.3280520

With its poor networking components and the clunkiest client I've yet to use? The PS3 is a lot more competent at that

>> No.3280561

not a chance GG blew GB out of the water. Gameboy didn't have backlighting, color, or the ability to play Home console games. GB is and always be weak and the only time one these days it's some hipster with a biverted back lit, light up, painted case monstrosity.

>> No.3280797

>not a chance GG blew GB out of the water
Is that why it did so well in comparison?

>Gameboy didn't have backlighting, color
Fair enough. The Gameboy screen is terrible to play on, no arguing from me there.

>ability to play Home console games
That's not really a problem as home console games have no business being on a handheld device, as both Sega and more recently Sony never seemed to grasp.

>GB is and always be weak
And as such it worked well as a portable device instead of draining the batteries like GG and the PSP. Raw power ain't a good substitute for portability in handhelds as proven over and over.

>> No.3280809

My smart TV beats the shit out of both. But I'll agree. the PS3 was better than the Wii U for streaming.

>> No.3280839

I was actually just making a joke about how my Wii u is only good for watching Netflix and not that it's a great streaming device ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3281385



>> No.3281401

Kalinske isn't wrong though SoJ made a few bad decisions, as did SoA with Stolar

>So Sega wins for being half American

>> No.3281424

>GG drained batteries
>PSP drained quickly
What the fuck? No it didn't.

>> No.3281428

It's not a meme, dude. Yes I did play the thing irl. It could go for 4 hours tops.

>> No.3281430

>Kalinske isn't wrong though SoJ made a few bad decisions, as did SoA with Stolar

Kalinske is wrong when he auto praises himself while blaming everything bad to SoJ.
Also, Kalinske /SoA fanboys will argue that EVERYTHING Sega did wrong, was because SoJ's fault, even Stolar.

>> No.3281446

Stolar was a yes-man. Every game that got denied a western release, was because SoJ assumed it wouldn't sell well outside of Japan and denied them (see the debacle behind Grandia).

>> No.3281463


Sure thing, Stolar did nothing wrong, blame everything to SoJ.

>> No.3281487

If you don't believe me, you can also look up the dilemma behind Shining Force 3. First part sold like rubbish, SoJ decided to not release parts 2 and 3 globally, Camelot left Sega for Nintendo.

>> No.3281495


Sure, that one case means Stolar did nothing wrong, let's blame SoJ, SoA rocks!

>> No.3281528

SoA is less evil than SoJ. Put aside your /pol/ memes about le jews and think about this more rationally.

>> No.3281550


I never mentioned the jews, maybe you should stop parroting memes (including the "SoJ is to blame 100%" kalinskeboy meme)

>> No.3281553

>SoA is less evil than SoJ

SoA practically pushed the console war faggotry in their marketing and tried to appeal to dudebros, how the fuck is that not evil? SoJ is immensely better (on top of the actual Sega games come out of SoJ and not SoA)