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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 122 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3270537 No.3270537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This may not quite be retro yet, but the display technology is "retro" enough that it causes issues like all other retro consoles on modern displays. Albeit not as badly, but...

Is there a way to force 480p for PS2 games running on the original PS3?

These are fucking 480i.

Why did the PS2 have such ass video quality? The fucking Dreamcast looks incredible with the VGA giving me clear 480p video.

>> No.3270549
File: 1.93 MB, 5000x5000, isitretro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why did the PS2 have such ass video quality?
It was the dawn of modern gaming and lazy devs. The PS2 was fully capable of 480p.

>> No.3270571

Yeah, it's just starting to get where the games are giving the same issues other typical retro consoles are with standard HD TVs.

PS2 seems to be the shitty duck in this case because GameCube, Xbox, and Dreamcast got 480p right from the getgo, Xbox even had 720p and 1080 in some rare cases.

I dunno what the fuck they were thinking with the PS2.

>modern gaming and lazy devs

I dunno, though, because only PS2 did this shit.

>> No.3270575

The PS2 was released earlier and simply didn't support those modes until later. When dev's figured out some hacks to get 1080 working. Oddly enough, the PS2 wound up having more 1080/720p games than either the xbox or gamecube.

>> No.3270578

Your image isn't part of the /vr/ rules.
Also there are major exceptions to each point, to the effect that your image is actually useless.... Especially considering PS2 and GameCube did not have online connectivity out of the box, nor did they rely on internet platforms at all.

>heavy arcade influence
that was sega and previously atari's thing.
There isn't heavy arcade influence in any other console, especially not the PlayStation and N64.

>> No.3270581
File: 1.95 MB, 1860x765, le hobo girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The PS2 was released earlier

>Dreamcast was released before the PS2

>> No.3270585

> the PS2 wound up having more 1080/720p games than either the xbox or gamecube.
Such as? I don't recall any.

>> No.3270586

That image is so self-righteous and cringeworthy. The fact a user posts this in a serious thread for actual discussion of aging display issues that plague aging gaming in modern times, and the fact those points are all completely bullshit.

Display technology resolution has nothing to do with the console and only to do with the TVs available.

>> No.3270593

>The PS2 was released earlier and simply didn't support those modes until later. When dev's figured out some hacks to get 1080 working. Oddly enough, the PS2 wound up having more 1080/720p games than either the xbox or gamecube.

As far as my knowledge goes, the GameCube had no 720p/1080p support, and the Xbox had maybe 2 or 3 games that could handle 1080p.

PS2 may have had some 720p, but right now, I'm getting widescreen capability fine, but the images don't look like crisp 480p I see on the Dreamcast and GameCube.

>> No.3270595

>I dunno, though, because only PS2 did this shit.
It was the most popular console at the time. Devs could afford to be lazy.

>The PS2 was released earlier and simply didn't support those modes until later.
Game with 480p support came out like 6 months after launch. Probably earlier too.

>> No.3270597

>Game with 480p support came out like 6 months after launch. Probably earlier too.

I've been going back to experience the birth of the open world/sandbox genre starting with Shenmue and I'm doing Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City at the same time. Shenmue's graphics are top fucking notch and the display quality is crisp and clear compared to both the GTAs, and they came out later.

>> No.3270602

Spotted the underage.

>discussion of aging display issues
This is a problem almost exclusive to PS2 and some other games in 6th gen.

>Display technology resolution has nothing to do with the console and only to do with the TVs available.
240p TVs don't even exist, champ. Argument fell apart before it started.

>There isn't heavy arcade influence in any other console, especially not the PlayStation and N64.
PlayStation has Ridge Racer you idiot.
N64 has Mario.

You literary can't get much more influence from the arcades than that.

>> No.3270603

>I've been going back to experience the birth of the open world/sandbox genre starting with Shenmue and I'm doing Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City at the same time. Shenmue's graphics are top fucking notch and the display quality is crisp and clear compared to both the GTAs, and they came out later.

I've said many times on /vr/. 6th generation was the main reason I gave up on console gaming. Specifically the PS2 was just garbage overall. The flicker and force blur filters make it very difficult to play.

>> No.3270609

>forcing 480p
>not hexediting for the original 240p

>>Why did the PS2 have such ass video quality?
Didn't it have a pitifully small frame AND texture buffer? Wouldn't explain everything but atleast gives you somewhere to start

>> No.3270610

I'm just so tired of the "underage" self-righteous bullshit. I was born in the 80s. I don't know how old you are, or what I'm supposed to fucking say. I recognize that playing games on the PS2 feels nothing like playing a game on the PS4. It just doesn't. I don't care how many times you argue or post pictures of made up, personal opinions, but they ARE /YOUR/ OPINIONS. Not /FACT/.

The games are closer to PS1/N64 than anything that came after.

>Exclusive to PS2 and some other games
Yeah, the best selling console of the era. Pretty big fucking problem for that era.

>240p TVs don't even exist, champ.

They did exist, champ. I have many old CRTs that are 240p/480i. What the fuck are you trying to argue?

>PlayStation has Ridge Racer you idiot.
>N64 has Mario.

>Top selling and most influential titles have heavy arcade influence

That's funny, because Mario 64 has nothing to do with arcade games, and neither does Gran Turismo, the top selling PS1 game.

>> No.3270613

Dreamcast was part of the 6th Gen and it's fucking beautiful. I just don't understand the PS2's fucking problem. I want to play games and not have them look worse than my SNES with a scart cable.

>> No.3270615

A couple had 720p. There was only one game that had a 1080i mode (Gran Turismo 4).

>> No.3270616
File: 112 KB, 599x773, 1464821794118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your image is just bullshit.

What does it do with the Gameboy Advance?

The Dreamcast is allowed here, too.

GameCube and Xbox are crisp and clean too. Xbox was particularly great looking.

>> No.3270617

Then it didn't have more than the Xbox, which actually had a game or two that supported 1080p miraculously.

>> No.3270618

Uhhh, no. Think of it like setting a modern game to 1080p, but having the render slider set to like 20%. It doesn't mean shit if the render if still 480... oh, I'm sorry, more like ~384 in most cases.

>> No.3270619

>Top selling and most influential titles have heavy arcade influence

So... The entire 5th Generation is now no longer retro.
Because the defining moment of the 5th Gen was the PS1 and N64 doing things you had never ever seen in an arcade before. Because arcades couldn't deliver what those systems delivered to the gamer.

So I guess retro cut off should go back before PS1 and N64. We need to wipe out the Dreamcast, too.

>> No.3270624

1080i, actually. 1080p wasn't an option since it only used component cables, and I doubt it had the hardware to send a 1080p signal over it (not to mention hardly any TVs accept 1080p through component anyway). Functionally however, 1080i at 60hz is the same amount of data as 1080p at 30hz/30FPS.

>> No.3270626
File: 72 KB, 550x325, ps2fliptopblueb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you went ahead and went there with PS2 games let me tell you - I put off buying a PS3 forever because I wanted a softmodded, PS2 compatible one. I was so fixated on that shit that I almost missed my window to start collecting PS3 before the rarest games started to climb again. I ended up just buying a regular ass dirt cheap PS3 ($60 with a 30 day warranty) and a $25 flip-top PS2 case that just happened to materialize on eBay out of France last year. It was a good decision. The softmod for PS2 is just so so so much better than PS3 and the compatibility as well is obviously perfect PLUS you can force progressive scan in any game

>> No.3270627

That wasn't my point. I meant to emphasize how disingenuous the feature was because the render was still the same potato-ass 384-480 render, only with a few less artifacts because of the different display resolution.

>> No.3270629
File: 12 KB, 496x384, Virtua_Fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recognize that playing games on the PS2 feels nothing like playing a game on the PS4.
How are they different? Often it's the SAME EXACT game. Just remastered graphics.

>The games are closer to PS1/N64 than anything that came after.
Different controllers. Different games. There's nothing like God of War on 5th gen. No QTE hell games.

>They did exist, champ. I have many old CRTs that are 240p/480i. What the fuck are you trying to argue?
No CRT TV is 240p. Your ignorance is hilarious. How you claim to be born in the 80s but are this ignorant is sad.

>That's funny, because Mario 64 has nothing to do with arcade games
I don;t think you understand what an arcade game is. Understandable these days with the newer generation.
>What does it do with the Gameboy Advance?

Try reading.
>So... The entire 5th Generation is now no longer retro.
Wait. This has been said a few times now. Do modern kids honestly think 5th gen had no arcade games?

Virtua Fighter port and other fighting games? Really what?

>> No.3270631

The heavy arcade influence is literally a made up bullshit point. Never post your stupid fucking picture again.

The only underaged person is the one who thinks NES and SNES were heavily influenced by arcades. If you knew anything about that which you speak, you would know the Sega Genesis made Arcade Ports a thing because it had a faster processor and could deliver more powerful ports. It took over this idea from Atari, that had built the 2600 on arcade game ports. Fucking Nolan Bushnell even talks about how they were only successful because they took what worked in the arcade and put it in the home.

Sony and Nintendo weren't doing that, at all. So just end your stupid ass smug image. The only relevant point is 240p display, which, again, has nothing to do with the console, and only to do with what display technology was available at the time. No one is making a gaming console to support 8k TVs right now, and they weren't making consoles to support 480p then.

>> No.3270637
File: 150 KB, 1440x810, final fantasy 10 compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recognize that playing games on the PS2 feels nothing like playing a game on the PS4.

This is what 6th genners actually believe.

>> No.3270640
File: 280 KB, 850x1203, 22007201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only underaged person is the one who thinks NES and SNES were heavily influenced by arcades.
Kid, I'm going to have to stop your roll.

I have to ask you a question.

Do understand that Nintendo was A FUCKING ARCADE COMPANY before the NES?

>> No.3270642
File: 74 KB, 606x429, Connecticut_School_Shooting-00579[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the guy you're attempting to btfo but even tough I just got here I can already tell you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You don't know what 240p is or that FMV games are the original QTE hell games. I'm sure you're spouting all kinds of other wrong opinions as well if I bothered to follow your discussion back a few posts. Lurk moar.

>> No.3270645

>How are they different? Often it's the SAME EXACT game. Just remastered graphics.

The games feel clunkier. They lack fluidity. They are missing massive chunks of cutscenes and more movie like playthroughs. The games feel more immersive in many ways, you feel more isolated. The games lack dynamic physics and still feel crude, rudimentary, and old. They may look good for their time period, but like the generation before, they seem like the first step into true, expansive 3D gaming. This varies between the Xbox and Gamecube, but the PS2 and Dreamcast feel like small steps from their predecessors the PS1 and Saturn, especially the earlier games like Power Stone, Sonic Adventure, and Grand Theft Auto 3. Those games in so many ways feel like small, incremental steps from previous hardware. They don't even come close to what was offered in the next generation, not in feel, or in "cinematic" quality.

>QTE Hell

I just mentioned Shenmue.

>No CRT TV is 240p.
I didn't know that. I was pretty sure I owned some 240p TVs


Name an arcade game in the 1990s like Mario 64 and Gran Turismo.

>> No.3270646
File: 171 KB, 850x1101, 22475804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only underaged person is the one who thinks NES and SNES were heavily influenced by arcades.

I'm serious kid. Do you understand Nintendo was an arcade company?

>> No.3270648

You have no clue what you're talking about.
Everything in your post is wrong and you're a delusional fucking idiot.

You may use this board as some kind of home but you have no fucking idea what you're posting about.

No one is saying 5th gen had no arcade games.
You're the only one pushing this arcade thing like it's meaningful.

Post Nintendo Arcade machines after the NES.

>> No.3270649

FMV is far from QTE shit.

>They are missing massive chunks of cutscenes and more movie like playthroughs.
I'm sorry but I can't argue with cancer like that.

>> No.3270652

>No CRT is 240p
Some Apple Monitors from the 80s would like to argue with you

>> No.3270653

The samefagging is hideously disgusting here.

Sorry, I know you're delusional, but the games from the 6th gen are nothing like current gen games. They are much more closely related in both control and feel to games from the 5th gen.

As for the arcade machine meme, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.3270657

>FMV is far from QTE shit.
Except that it's literally QTE.

Have you ever played Dragon's Lair, Night Trap, or Road Prosecutor?


Ever, kid?

>> No.3270658
File: 143 KB, 256x336, ArmWrestling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post Nintendo Arcade machines after the NES.

They made tons you underage shit.

How the fuck are you so young you don't know this?

And you say I have no clue. That's funny shit.

>> No.3270662

Dreamcast had a built in modem.

>> No.3270663

>They made tons you underage shit.

Oh holy fuck... You're right...

Post all of Nintendo's arcade ports to the Super Nintendo and N64.

>> No.3270664
File: 506 KB, 1024x768, F-Zero_AX_deluxe_cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's the one of the many FZero machines.

>> No.3270667

You mean the game that was on F-Zero GX's Gamecube disc that they put into a limited number of arcade machines, that could accept a Gamecube Memory Card?

>> No.3270673
File: 19 KB, 256x177, Cruis'n_USA_for_N64,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 arcade games?
Google it kid. Plenty.

>> No.3270678
File: 48 KB, 640x438, n64_gauntlet_legends_p_dmoyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the exact hardware. Sure you can google the info.

You didn't ask for specs just for Nintendo arcade games.

>> No.3270680

The argument was that the system's top selling and most influential games were from the arcade.
It's this image

I don't see ARM WRESTLING at the top of the NES, SNES, or N64's best selling list.

>The Playchoice-10

PlayChoice-10 is an arcade machine which can consist of as many as 10 different games previously available only on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) home console.

>10 different games previously available only on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) home console.

Literally the opposite of what the image is stating. The arcade had to leech from home consoles.

>Cruisin USA
>Gauntlet Legends

>Top selling and most influential

>> No.3270687

What top selling list are you looking at, just curious.

>> No.3270693

Yeah, and you posted a total of 3. One is from a span of 20 years later. One is a NES in a cabinet.

>> No.3270694

>I don't see ARM WRESTLING at the top of the NES, SNES, or N64's best selling list.
If you remove Zelda and the Dragon Warrior/RPGs from the top 10 list everything else is arcade games.

Cruisin USA was a pretty infamous thing for N64.

>> No.3270696

I could post Hydro Thunder and House of the Dead for the Dreamcast. That doesn't make them heavy influences on the console, and you consider it retro. Arcades have basically nothing to do with any system except for a few Sega systems that took over the arcade shtick once Atari was fucked.

Link. I can't find the list with Gauntlet Legends, and Cruisin USA is not even top 10.

>> No.3270701

>Yeah, and you posted a total of 3. One is from a span of 20 years later. One is a NES in a cabinet.
The console itself was in the arcade. At least a version of it. Was common practice up to 6th gen.
PS1 had arcade versions. Capcom used them. Same with Saturn. Don't know about N64.

>> No.3270702

>If you remove Zelda and the Dragon Warrior/RPGs from the top 10 list everything else is arcade games.


>> No.3270705

OP here.

I was looking for help with displaying old consoles on modern TVs. Someone said hex editing, but I can't do that.

>> No.3270707

>PS1 and N64 are heavily arcade influenced
>Old TVs were never 240p
>FMV isn't QTE
I don't know who is trolling who anymore.

>> No.3270709

The smug poster started making images to counter the non-retro posts, but he just ends up creating even more shitposting. He's a troll and he knows /vr/ is easy.

>> No.3270713

Are arcade.

I'll give you Metroid. I forgot about that one.
I don't consider FMV to be QTE. FMV is a button prompt to move the scene. QTE is generally a button prompt to perform an action.

>> No.3270720

>PS1 and N64 are heavily arcade influenced
look for games with score, that take an hour or so for a single playthrough, but very long to make a first playthrough

>Old TVs were never 240p
240p is not an NTSC or PAL display standard. It's achieved by messing with the timing of every other field, so instead of their lines interlacing (480i), they overlap

>FMV isn't QTE
Megarace, Cyberia, Chaos Control or Stonekeep are FMV games. None of them is QTE based

>> No.3270726

>I don't consider FMV to be QTE. FMV is a button prompt to move the scene. QTE is generally a button prompt to perform an action

>This person calls other people underaged

>> No.3270731

>Chaos Control isn't QTE based
That's a stupid fucking rail shooter game where they play images in the background and you spam the fire button. It's literally identical to a QTE event but gives the illusion of gameplay. You're just pressing the button in response to video.

>> No.3270736

>rail shooter

>identical to a QTE
you aim

>just pressing the button in response to video
that's a pretty quick game over

>> No.3270740

I'm talking about FMV games like Sewer Shark, etc.

>> No.3270741

Cyberia doesn't follow your definition of an FMV game yet you use it as an FMV game so you can refute the point of QTE.

You're a huge hypocrite.

You said
>FMV is about hitting a button to advance a scene
Well, in Cyberia, you can literally hit a button to fire a gun and kill someone which "advances the scene." You have to do this quick and responsive and get specific timing right. Which is a fucking Quick Time Event.

>> No.3270743

Sewer Shark requires quick, specific timing and if not done you lose or receive consequences, just like in all the other FMV games. They are QTE games.

>> No.3270747

>Cyberia doesn't follow your definition of an FMV game
I made no definition

>You said
I did not

>a fucking Quick Time Event
you aim

>> No.3270749

Sewer Shark is another unplayable rail shooter where you just spam the shoot button against moving video.

>> No.3270750

I was just making a comment on the particular game in question(Metal Slug Anthology) which has a very simple hex edit that will remove the unnecessary interlacing applied to the games.

My own PS3 is a 3000 model, so I have no idea how the earlier consoles handle rendering of PS2 games; I've often heard of people using them for your exact reason: 480p for originally unsupported titles, but have no idea how it actually works in practice.
What I can say is, GSM and Xploder on the PS2 are extremely hit or miss for different games, either due to aspect ratio problems, losing visual information due to some frame buffer fuckery, or games just outright not working right when having their resolution changed(sporadic game speed, stability issues, etc).

On playing older games on modern displays, scaling and deinterlacing equipment is the way to go for all of that, but that's a hornet's nest nestled at the bottom of a rabbit hole that you may not want to dive into. Also one of the big reasons that many people just opt to keep around an older display just for these games.

This is definitely one case where emulation shines and gets rid of a lot of headaches, incompatibilities and all.

>> No.3270752

>>a fucking Quick Time Event
>you aim

Dude, you AIM in tons of quick time events, like Tales from the Borderlands from Telltale Games and many others.

>> No.3270754

A game like God of War to me is the first big QTE games. You independently control your character and have to move the character into QTE sequences to perform actions. QTE is the combat system.

In a game like Sewer Shark you're just along for the ride and have to react in order to progress or fail. I fully admit I never got past the first level in that garbage so. More because it was terrible and was a rental.

>> No.3270756

if you say so. Looks pretty different to me, but what do I know?

by the way, great job on dealing with Megarace and Stonekeep

>> No.3270758

Stop responding to him, he's literally a textbook troll. Everyone is fucking aware that QTE was born from FMV games. It's on the wikipedia article, even.

>> No.3270759

QTEs come from a specific form of FMV games. Not all FMV games are QTE-fests. FMV is little more than a display technique with some limitations. The gameplay is entirely up to the developer

>> No.3270760

Okay, no one cares about your opinion. Your opinion is not the fact. The fact is, FMV was one continuous QTE in gaming in most cases. Some FMV games may have had pauses or additional control, but they were all ultimately just big QTE.

>> No.3270763

>Not all FMV games are QTE-fests.
You're right, some are like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, where you can slowly choose options and then advance the scene versus quickly choose an option to advance the scene or die.

>Y-you can aim!
It doesn't matter. Aiming to click an image in the background (a button is the image) of FMV is identical to pushing the button on a QTE.

>> No.3270764
File: 163 KB, 720x960, modern games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A modern QTE hell game is nothing like that though.

These QTE are for actions not scenes.

>> No.3270768


>> No.3270773

The quintessential QTE.
Watch him respond and go

>> No.3270775

>where you can slowly choose options and then advance the scene versus quickly choose an option to advance the scene or die.
again, Megarace, Stonekeep. You can also add Toy Story Racer on GBC to the mix. Or, someone posted it in another thread, Days of Thunder on the NES

>It doesn't matter
To you. I have my doubts about others accepting your definition

>> No.3270776

>To you. I have my doubts about others accepting your definition

In the 1980s, Dragon's Lair (Cinematronics, 1983), Cliff Hanger (Stern, 1983) and Road Blaster (Data East, 1985) were interactive movie laserdisc video games that showed video clips stored on a laserdisc.[1] This gave them graphics on par with an animated cartoon at a time when video games were composed of simple, pixelated characters, but left little room for more advanced gameplay elements. Gameplay consisted of watching an animated video and pressing the correct button every few seconds to avoid seeing a (circumstance-specific) loss scene and losing a life.[2] Compared to modern titles, games like Dragon's Lair would require the player to memorize the proper sequence and timing of their input, effectively making the entire game one continuous QTE.[3] Such uses were also seen as giving the player only the illusion of control, as outside of responding to QTE, there were no other commands the player could enter; effectively, these games were considered the equivalent of watching a movie and responding every few minutes to allow it to continue.[3] An improvement to the QTE mechanic was flashing the buttons that need to be pressed on the screen, which appeared in the laserdisc games Super Don Quix-ote (Universal, 1984),[4] Ninja Hayate (Taito, 1984), Time Gal (Taito, 1985) and Road Blaster.

>> No.3270778

You have little control of your car.

In modern QTE hell you can often just cancel the QTE by moving or jumping away. Depending on game and the type of QTE.

If you could actually control the care in Road Avenger then you'd have a point. That car is a fixed path the whole time because the game just plays scenes.

>> No.3270780
File: 60 KB, 700x500, 1431236221310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In modern QTE hell you can often just cancel the QTE by moving or jumping away. Depending on game and the type of QTE.

Right, which further proves that FMV were completely and totally dominated by QTE.

Done with you flip flopping.

>> No.3270781

And there are some games that use FMV as a backdrop with sprites on top of it but these games are even rarely referred to as "FMV Games"


As you can see these type of games are referred to as "Laserdisc games". FMV games are pretty much entirely QTE games - possibly with some other elements (less so than your God of Wars or Heavy Rains you're complaining about) but certainly with QTEs.

>> No.3270783

>As you can see these type of games are referred to as "Laserdisc games".

As you can see, you're a moron, who is incapable of understanding a Laserdisc Game was a game comprised of full motion video on a Laserdisc.

>> No.3270784

says nothing about aiming being included. It's quite a fundamental change. So much, that it spawned its own genre, that you don't seem to be too fond of, the rail shooter

>> No.3270792

>FMV games are pretty much entirely QTE games
repetition won't make your claim any more true. I gave you plenty counter examples, which you avoided to address, for good reason.

>God of Wars or Heavy Rains you're complaining about
not me. You're responding to at least two different anons. Problem is, your position is very extremist, lumping together distinctly different mechanics in order to "make" your point. People, different people, are just calling you out on it

>> No.3270793

By your logic all turn based RPGs are the same. Which is 100% false.
FMV QTE and QTE Hell in modern games is very different.

>> No.3270802

I don't know who you're responding to.
I'm the guy you said some shit to about Megarace and what else? Stonekeep?

Megarace is the same exact thing. It's just multiple QTEs that you can perform while racing. In fact, from what I know about Megarace, it's even more asinine as a QTE game because you just push buttons to avoid shit on the racetrack that can "harm you." Making it less about racing and more about, well, just QTE.

Stonekeep... I didn't even know was an FMV game.

>> No.3270803

Stonekeep isn't FMV. It only uses FMV for cutscenes. It uses digitized sprites like Mortal Kombat. That anon was reaching and you should just stop responding to him, he's pulling random outlier examples that don't even fit the standard to try to win an argument he has no idea about.

>> No.3270805

Not sure what anon you're talking about. The only "mechanics" here are where you can move your on screen cursor and what button you hit to perform what QTE.

Yes, in an FMV, hitting the button to shoot the moving picture at the right time is in fact a QTE.

>> No.3270812

>It's just multiple QTEs that you can perform while racing
You just turned every single line scroller racing game into a QTE, well done.

The dungeon is portrayed completely through pre-rendered views, that transition in brief full motion video sequences

>pulling random outlier examples
examples showcasing how little effect FMV has on the gameplay, if done right

>the standard
There is none

Now tell me how aiming and button press to hit the overlay differ from games like Galaga or Space Invaders. You effectively just claimed their gameplay is a QTE sequence

>> No.3270813

SDTV consoles = retro
HDTV consoles = modern

>> No.3270814

>examples showcasing how little effect FMV has on the gameplay, if done right

It's not FMV.
It's essentially 3D pictures on a dungeon wall to simulate 3D graphics.

>> No.3270816

>It's essentially 3D pictures on a dungeon wall
there is not a single dungeon wall in the game. It's a flat video

>> No.3270818

>HDTV consoles = modern
That's good because both the Dreamcast and Gamecube can only do 480p

>Now tell me how aiming and button press to hit the overlay differ from games like Galaga or Space Invaders. You effectively just claimed their gameplay is a QTE sequence

You're arguing in circles and are now perpetrating reductio ad absurdum. Have a good night.

>> No.3270824

It's not Reductio ad absurdum, he's just strawmanning with Galaga and Space Invaders. Stop. Responding. To. Him.

>> No.3270827

You can see it from the beginning that he was eventually going to come up with the

He's very predictable and boring.

>> No.3270835

you aim, then press a button at the right moment, all in reaction to what's on screen. The only difference is that what's on the screen is generated just in time, as opposed to being a video playback. Anon claimed aiming + timed button press is a QTE. So why is that example not one? Different rendering mechanism? That does not seem right.

A QTE is a button press in response to a sudden cue, usually visually by showing the required button or action-equivalent. You can have QTEs in all kinds of video games, FMV or not is completely secondary.
I'd go as far as saying Dragon's Lair does NOT use QTEs, because it's missing the cues. It's more about memorizing the sequences.
Aiming is a distinctly different mechanism. It's "analog", requiring not just reaction speed, but also precision.
I used "sudden cue" up there to exclude rhythm games. They are usually button presses in response to cues (often audio, but also visually supported), however these button presses are not reactions. The QT in QTE kind of requires a reaction behavior though. Contrast that with anon's claim. Rhythm games like EBA would fall right into the QTE category. Especially because the playback of the circles and lines is entirely static, the player can not affect it. You'd have a very hard time finding anyone calling a rhythm game a QTE.

>> No.3270927

>Why did the PS2 have such ass video quality? The fucking Dreamcast looks incredible with the VGA giving me clear 480p video.

The PS2 has to fit double framebuffers into its 4 MB of eDRAM along with some textures (or all of them in earlier games). It can't display a framebuffer that isn't contained in the eDRAM. The PS2 has no hardware anti-aliasing capability, so to prevent a bad case of the jaggies developers would sometimes use supersampling (rendering larger framebuffer and then downscaling) And yes, it's not a lot of room to do all of that, so they often had to work with lower resolutions, or save space through just having interlaced framebuffers.

Dreamcast has 8 MB of VRAM for the above purposes. Gamecube has a separate framebuffer pool that is exactly fine tuned to 480p, and Xbox uses a 64 MB unified memory system.

>> No.3270936

You know, anon? You're cool

>> No.3271014

>>That's funny, because Mario 64 has nothing to do with arcade games
>I don;t think you understand what an arcade game is. Understandable these days with the newer generation.
Earlier mario games, maybe. Mario 64 is incredibly non-arcadey though. It's got a progression system for fuck's sake.