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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3260929 No.3260929 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't been on here as much the last couple of years, and I just realized there hasn't been a BST thread in some time. What happened to those? I noticed they're not in other boards as well.

>> No.3260934

We do have them, just not back-to-back.

>> No.3260956

Oh, okay. I've been lurking the past couple of weeks regularly and haven't seen one.

>> No.3260960

I'm here all day, everyday and I haven't seen one either, hombre.

>> No.3260961

Me too, last one here was longer than two weeks so it checks out. OP came in asking if it was alright because he too didn't see one anywhere in the catalog.

Don't let that fool you though, they're still legit.

>> No.3260963


>> No.3260964

>What happened to those?
People left,original posters are gone.

Thats because you guys are new.
There were killer /bst/ threads at the beginning,people made amazing deals here.

>> No.3260972

I've been here constantly for 6 months or so and I've only seen one, and it tanked. I wasn't here at the very start, but I'm not a noob to the community either. There's always good deals to be had when retro fans sell to each other rather than buying from resellers.

>> No.3260983

>I've been here constantly for 6 months
You said it yourself original crew that this board opened with are gone,we were flooded with kids and mods weren't doing anything so people left.Seriously there is no conspiracy behind this people just abandoned a sinking ship.
I think I should do the same but I have too much fun discovering new stuff in the retro computing general.

>> No.3260984
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>I've been here constantly for 6 months

dont't ask

don't tell

>> No.3260997

Fair enough, anon. I'm just bored during the day and I like the community here.

>> No.3261003

So are we starting on this thread or is another one with all the rules in the OP going to start new?

>> No.3261008

Rules would be beneficial to all if anyone has the required text somewhere.

>> No.3261012
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Here's the rules. Now make commerce happen.

>> No.3261013

Yea, some kind of general would be better if you want to rebuild the scene, so to speak.

>> No.3261031

Reasons the BST died
>No one wanted to post anything for sale
>People are cheap as fuck here, making it a shitty place to sell
>People who do post have shit everyone has or crap nobody wants
>Janitors hated them for some reason and kept deleting the threads

BST's sound good on paper but they just don't work here.

>> No.3261069

FINE, I'll go back to my dedicated forums for each individual console with small user-bases and eBay.

>> No.3261104

I was on here constantly from 2013-2014 and the /bst/ threads were dynamite. Great items for sale, great prices, even if some hecklers were cheap fucks. Also, mod services were available and I got some consoles modded the fuck up.

Sad to see the OPs are gone, since I don't remember the original rules, and they're crucial for /bst/ threads.

>> No.3261143

I got a modded PSOne with screen from here and for a great price. I have a few things I'd like to unload desu. Hope to see it back up.

>> No.3261150

The reason why they didn't work was because everyone on /vr/ thinks that any cart selling for over $5 is overpriced and you are reseller scum if you try it.

>> No.3261213

Who wants to sell me a CD-i?

>> No.3261250

This. If we can escape the rare-garage-sale-find mentality we can have a peaceful and healthy commerce thread.

I always remember cheap fucks saying I overpriced for shit online, saying they could find the same thing for $5 at a local yard sale.

>> No.3261293

I'm selling modded PAL Saturns in case anyone is interested.

>> No.3261416

I've sold and bought some stuff here. It works you just have to find someone who wants to sell, and who doesn't want to deal with eBay.

I think I sold a copy of Lunar for like 30-40 bucks complete a couple of years ago but it was in a bit rough shape.

The problem is like I said, people either want an insane fucking deal (to the point where eBay would be better for the seller, even post paypal and ebay fees), or people post garbage like GBC's with no battery cover.

I lot-ed up my stuff and posted it on eBay after trying to sell it multiple times here, and on craigslist. eBay as much hate as it gets is a great place to actually move product. You put it on an auction, starting at a reasonable price (usually around 10 bucks) + actual shipping and you get it out of your house and free up some cash.

>> No.3262362

Im an old guy. I have everything turbo graphics. Including the adult games and extra everything controlers and the turbo express even. Im getting to old to hang on to all this stuff. Side note i also have like everything for 3DO also. Is this stuff still worth something. All works its all been stored in containers.

>> No.3262368

Note : the adult games were for the 3DO.the turbographics was a bunch of stuff also. No ive never listed items on ebay. My plan was to hook up a gamer who loves to play games as i always did.

>> No.3262393

>You will never find a third strike candycab that isn't across the world

feels bad man

>> No.3262402

Sellers looking for good money for video games are total faggots. Sell it to get rid of it for space and give it a good home. No retro game save those where like 50 copies were made should sell for anymore than a new retail game today, and most should sell well below that.

>> No.3262625

Ive got Dragonforce (JP), Dragon ball Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu, Super Robots Wars F Final, and Shining Force III for saturn Im looking to sell

Im also looking to swap Mario party 3 for 2

>> No.3262989


Do you have the boxes?

>> No.3262990

If you guys are going to sell, you should probably provide a timestamp with an email in the picture.

>> No.3263598

I have a psx 1000 if anyones interested

>> No.3263605
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>> No.3263903


Newfag gtfo

>> No.3263912
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>> No.3264192
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I have a JP copy of Magical Puzzle Popils. Ebay shows anywhere from $149 to $20, so I'm going with $50, or whatever offers come up. The label is slightly coming off near the bottom, but is still in pretty good condition.

>> No.3264320

OP here. Since it seems people are interested in BST again I'm going to try and keep them alive. I've gotten some good stuff in the past so I'd like others to experience the fun.

Going forward, how would you prefer time stamps? I always felt they should be necessary. Some anons had really good photos and it helped a lot. Should the email address be part of the time stamp? So email address and date? I know for a while the email addresses would be in the text or name, but I feel part of the time stamp would be best.

And no price whining. I think we all can expect prices to be slightly higher than local finds, but lower than eBay, etc. And links to actual eBay listings should be provided if you're going to negotiate a price.
Of course, condition and completeness should be considered in a price as well (eg, if the condition of your item is better than one on eBay, then we'd understand if the price was reasonably higher).

Does anyone still have the old BST images and rules?

>> No.3264609

I have some Japanese ps1 games that i'd like to sell. I tried selling the lot on eBay but no one would bid. I'm looking for at-least 15-20 dollars for the lot.

>> No.3264616

The list
Summon Night
Summon Night 2
Street fighter X men
Bloody Bride
Densha de go! 2

>> No.3264619

Im cluttering this up now because i forgol the email

>> No.3265775

I collect GB/GBC games.
Anyone selling carts? Or even GBC systems?

>> No.3265812

Yeah. I like the email address being in the stamp, it makes it impossible for crawlers to pull your email out for spam. Thanks for taking charge.

>> No.3265912

How much? Ship to US? Could you spoonfeed me a bit and tell me if I can use a US power cord and av output with it? Thanks

>> No.3265934

Anyone here make repro cartridges? I'd like to play SMRPG on an actual console, but I'd hate to contribute to its increasing scarcity and drive up the price even further.

>> No.3266149

I have a few things I'd like to sell to help with my trip to Japan. Is this going to happen? I sold a few SNES games here months ago and everything when smooth. I like OP's email idea. I say we get this ball rolling worst cast scenario thread just dies.

>> No.3266293

I don't think you can repro that anon because it has a special chip in it.

>> No.3266296

Oh right, the same chip that prevents it from being run on any flash cart. Duh.

That's a damn shame. Wish I knew moonrunes, the jap version is so much cheaper.

>> No.3266301

Yeah. it sucks. The only place to play it cheaply is on the Wii VC.

>> No.3266304

Yeah, but if I'm not going to play it on the original hardware anyway I might as well just emulate it for free, you know?

>> No.3266306

The machine is region free with a 50/60 switch, you can use it with NTSC games easily. However you need a 100V -> 220V adapter, since PAL machines all use 220V.

thing is that shipping to the USA costs half as much as the machine (50€ for shipping, and I'm asking for 100€ for the machine).

>> No.3266318

I'll retract the interest then, thank you for the info and such though

>> No.3266363
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yes you can, you just need a SA-1 donor cart.

you know, so buy the cheap jap SMRPG and burn your own ROM/pay some bloke to do it, install it and bob's your aunt.

>> No.3266368

Trouble is that I have neither the soldering experience (it's on my to-do list) nor the equipment to do it myself, and I live in the middle of nowhere, Appalachia.

Any recommended forums to find these services?

>> No.3266370

Soldering is on my to do list as well anon.... Its been 3 years:c

>> No.3266371

Nigger just order the original cart from amazon. Its 60 bucks. But you won't have buyers remorse

>> No.3266376

Probably my best option, in all honesty. By the time I order a jap cart and pay for the shipping/parts/labor for someone to convert it, I'd be paying near that price anyway.

>> No.3266480

I have some I'm interested in letting go

Do you need Tetris Attack GB or Trouballs? Or how about Turok Rage Wars for GBC?

>> No.3266483
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Great! I'll try and make that part of the rules. Still looking for the original images, if anyone has them.

>> No.3267161

Facebook groups too--
Less sketchy than dealing with anons.

>> No.3267332

But I'm shy.

>> No.3267354

what few sellers that came wanted ebay prices or worse.
to many anons wanting to buy high dollar games for less than bargain bin prices.

>> No.3267371

>thing is that shipping to the USA costs half as much as the machine (50€ for shipping, and I'm asking for 100€ for the machine).
Good luck trying to sell your Saturn at above ebay prices. No, seriously, I can get a PAL Saturn(CIB) right now for $20 less, and for $30 less on shipping. Can get a NTSC Saturn for even cheaper.

People aren't expecting pennies on the dollar, but do you honestly expect to sell stuff at ABOVE ebay prices here, while charging more for shipping than anyone else?

>> No.3267390

nice bait, almost fell for it, then I noticed the (CIB).

>> No.3267398

It's on ebay right now. I mentioned it's CIB because it IS CIB. Please go be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.3267407

You should link it here then.
Oh wait, you wont, because then everyone could call out on how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.3267425

From now on, links are required to auction listings if you're going to negotiate a price.

>> No.3267429

>Shy boys
Please be of small frame

>> No.3267438

>No, seriously, I can get a PAL Saturn(CIB) right now for $20 less, and for $30 less on shipping. Can get a NTSC Saturn for even cheaper.

You can't even get a modchip for that much, let alone an entire console.

>> No.3267441

No but I'm working on it. I looked at my life and thought to myself that I'm tired of being fat and lonely so Ive changed my life around. And it's been working out pretty good. But back to the matter at hand lets get this shit started! I got some DQ and Poke games I want to sell to a good home.

>> No.3267452


>> No.3267467

Lol ok eBay gouger. Not the guy you're talking to but I've paid about $20-30 for the past few Saturn's I've bought. Usually with a few decent games and a couple of controllers you'll pay about 50. With the box maybe like 80

>> No.3267468

Well good on you man. I need to do the same. Im 21 but feel ackes and pains. Bout to score me a couple of Poke games as well, crystal and gold, for 30.Hoping there legit. Everything looks legit but Gold is throwing me some flags.

>> No.3267472

..... Really? Damn man that good on you. I was thinking 70 for the console was a good price. Gayms are slim picking in my area

>> No.3267508

>Not the guy you're talking to but I've paid about $20-30 for the past few Saturn's I've bought

And those come with modchip and region free bios?

>> No.3267598

>You should link it here then.
>Oh wait, you wont, because then everyone could call out on how fucking stupid you are.
You seem angry.
Look, PAL sega saturn, $20 less and $30 less on shipping. CIB. Even comes with Virtual Fighter, cables and at least one controller that I can see.

>You can't even get a modchip for that much, let alone an entire console.
Guy you were originally responding to here, I can get a Phantom for about $23 plus shipping, what the shit are you talking about man?

>And those come with modchip and region free bios?
Modchip, $23 plus shipping. Region Free Bios, $5 plus shipping. Still no reason for the high price >>3266306 is charging.

>> No.3267626

>Reason X the /bst/'s died
>Faggots would always say "I can get it for cheaper" instead of just fucking off

/bst/'s usually ended up in discussion instead of transactions.

>> No.3268506

One can't deny the value of the work being done for you as well.

>> No.3268716

Is anyone willing to sell Pokemon Gold/silver? The quality of the cart isnt important, the label could be ripped, missing, there could be marker all over it. I just want to play it again

>> No.3268773
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>Look, PAL sega saturn, $20 less and $30 less on shipping. CIB.
>Price: US $179.99

I think your math is off.

>> No.3268939

>w-w-well the BIN price is....
Your shit is still overpriced anon. No one wants to buy at OVER ebay prices. Deal with it.

>> No.3268981

Assuming you buy it with you being the only bidder, you still have 130 + 50 for shipping + 35 for the modchip and region free bios. That's around 190€ (in reality a bit more due to currency conversion).

Last time I checked, 150€ was less than 190€.

You are right, I'm selling my machine way too cheap. New price: 150€ plus shipping.

>> No.3268987

Looking for good broadcast monitors in the Toronto area.

>> No.3268995

I've done this a few times using a Japanese cart as a donor. I might be willing to do it on here. Let me think about it.

>> No.3269006

>w-w-well the auction price is....

By that logic you can get a Saturn + controller for less than $2:

>> No.3269412

1 Euro =/= 1 Dollar. That's a CIB with controller, cables, and a game for $180. You are selling just the console loose with no cables or controller, for $170. I don't care if it has $30 worth of components in it, you are still trying to sell a loose Saturn for the price you could get a CIB. Go ahead, raise your price, you weren't moving inventory anyways.

Yes, because items listed well below trending prices NEVER go up. Given loose saturns usually sell for $50-$60 on ebay, you think that's likely? The one I listed is pretty likely to sell for the price listed.

>> No.3269493

>1 Euro =/= 1 Dollar. That's a CIB with controller, cables, and a game for $180.

+$35 for mods = $215 = around 190€.

>I don't care if it has $30 worth of components in it

They are also all installed. Which in itself requires some tools and knowledge that not everybody has.

>you are still trying to sell a loose Saturn for the price you could get a CIB.

It's a loose unit that can play back any game from any region, as well as backups, while having the cart slot free. So it does significantly more than a normal loose unit. If you don't understand how that makes it more expensive then you are a moron.

And I never said that it doesn't come with cables/controllers. You just assumed that.

See, this shit here is why BST threads on /vr are cancer.

>> No.3269518

I enjoy making repro carts but I've had to cut back on projects lately for financial reasons. I'd be willing to do a sort of trade for repros, at cost of parts. For example.. if you want a Starfox 2 cart and I also want a Starfox 2 cart, buy two of the materials so that I can have one and I will send you the other one at no additional cost other than what you paid for the materials. Just have everything sent to my address and then I'll mail the cart back to you.

Any takers? (if anyone wants Starfox 2 I'd really like to do that)

Also, tripfagging is cancer but it seems somewhat warranted for a BST thread.

>> No.3269520

Also, this doesn't necessarily have to be a 1:1 trade. Say if you want Mega Man 7 made but I've been wanting to make Crusader of Centy for Genesis, then I would request that you purchase materials to make that even if the costs of the donor that I want is cheaper.

>> No.3270409


>> No.3270839

Your offer intrigues me. I'm the SMRPG guy. Would you be willing to convert two japanese cartridges?

>> No.3270853

As in you want two copies? Because I've already got a copy of it. Like I said, it doesn't have to be 1:1. I posted as the anon earlier who mentioned I had made a couple of them.

>> No.3270881

Ah right.

If the forum post I just read is to be believed, you can make a star fox 2 cart out of a fairly cheap racing game. Would you need any other materials to make that happen?

Also, I've just taken it for granted that you live in the US. Is that correct?

>> No.3270928

Correct. And yeah, Starfox 2 should be roughly equivalent in price as Mario RPG would be. Mario RPG does need a voltage regulator, but I have about 8 of those on hand and they're dirt cheap so I'm not concerned with providing one (same goes for a replacement SRAM battery). So you would just need to buy cart and EEPROM. I'll make a throwaway email tomorrow so that we can get in touch. Somewhat hesitant to throw any of my currently used emails on here.

>> No.3270929

someone selling in Central America???

>> No.3270937

Probably a wise decision on the email front. And just to expose how little I know of anything electronic related, where would you recommend I buy the eeprom? Preferably not in bulk.

>> No.3270946

No, civilized world only.

>> No.3270949

I don't know why I had high hopes for this thread... nothing but price bickering, know it alls, and repro sellers. Ugh... let's face it, it's a sellers market right now, and the buyers are such entitled pricks that no seller wants to come to market.

>> No.3270952

I don't understand your complaint. You're upset that a buyer is trying to get a better deal than you'd like to give them?

>> No.3270975




>> No.3270978

Not at all. I'm upset that retro game collecting is "in" right now and people consider their collections more important than the value of the gameplay. Shelf collecting hipsters who constantly price check their stash drive up the values, thinking they're making some kind of investment, but are really just ruining the actual joy of real retro gamers, who understand the difference of playing on the original console versus an emulator/rerelease.

>> No.3270990


>Reasons the BST died

> No one wants to send money to someone they met on fucking 4chan

>> No.3270998

Nah definitely not bulk. I'll link you to everything, don't worry.

I don't think people should be profiting off repros either. Thus why I'm doing it as essentially a trade. Repros aren't worth any more than the cost of the parts. I have ones I want to make and other people have ones they want to make but may lack the skill. Everyone comes out ahead in the end and nobody is getting price gouged.

>> No.3271004
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How strict are we being on the /vr/ part?

I'm looking for a PSP Go, and while it's not /vr/ I do plan on using it essentially as a portable 16-32 bit emulation machine.

>> No.3271007

I wasn't trying to knock repro sellers, per se, but lately I've been seeing repro carts in game stores everywhere, and they don't bother to notify the buyer that they are in fact repros, and that annoys me.

>> No.3272001

Alright, shoot me an email at reprotrades@gmail.com. We can start working everything out there.

>> No.3272018

Well yeah, that's unethical as all hell. Repro cartridges shouldn't be resold without a clear label that they aren't the genuine original. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who disagrees with that.

>> No.3272043

Any one actually traded here yet?

>> No.3272153

I've sold a Saturn and some games for it once, but that was a year ago when /vr/ was newer and not infested by ebay price gougers.

>> No.3272207

Repro guy and I actually just arranged a transaction.

>> No.3272224

What kind of things are you willing you willing to sell?

>> No.3272230

What are the groups called?

>> No.3272240

Sure. I have Silver but I have more memories playing my Crystal version. I'm pretty sure the battery is shot on it so you'd need to install another or I could for you. Where are you located?

>> No.3272263

Certainly did, went nice and smooth. Of course it'll take a while for everything to get mailed around and the exchange to be totally finished but its gone pleasantly so far.

>> No.3272272

Take your time on that. My lease is coming to an end and I don't even have a CRT in this place, so it's not even in my best interest to have this until the end of July.

>> No.3272790


OP here. Used to trade a lot, but haven't lurked here in over a year. Now I'm back in buisness.

>> No.3272795


Unsocial Faggots

>> No.3272863

fuck I want it

How much for everything 3DO?

>> No.3273125

>le everyone on 4chan is a hacker meme

>> No.3273130

I'm in Chicago. Would you replacing it bring the cost up that much? I could probably do it myself..

>> No.3273153

Alright, good. I'm in Canada and if you were in Australia or Europe it would've been way too expensive to be worthwhile to you. I'll check to see if the battery is working or not after this post but I wouldn't charge you for changing the battery. I've been wanting to fix up games and consoles for awhile now and this would be good motivation for me to get the necessary materials. The game is worth like 20 USD from the pricing chart but I'd charge 15 USD plus shipping from Canada post which will be another five dollars USD.

>> No.3273179

I just whipped out my old Gameboy Colour and the battery is dead so I'll have to change it, unless you want to do it Chicago anon.

>> No.3273195

You can go ahead and do it since it will be good for you to try it out lol. Send me an email at arcgamer001@gmail.com and we'll talk more

>> No.3273234

Will do! Been looking up tutorials and it seems simple enough.

I just threw you an e-mail as well.