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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3253689 No.3253689 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: retro games only you hate.

>> No.3254216

It's a classic

Dunno what you could hate about it.

>> No.3254226

Shitposting thread, everybody!

>> No.3255296

shitpost this

*unzips dick*

>> No.3255301
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>> No.3255393

i did hate it too back then. then some time later played it and before i was aware of it i had finished it and wanted more.

i think that objectively no one can argue that it is the best game for the console even if of course subjectively one can prefer others or simply keep hating this one.

>> No.3255396

At least it's more honest than calling it overrated.

>> No.3255401

What if he hates it because it's overrated?

>> No.3255452

Not op but I think MGS1 aged badly. It's a good game that stands up in the PS1 and even PS2 era but not anymore because the gunplay is bad.

>> No.3255463

What would be a better gunplay mechanic in your opinion? For what the game wants to be.

>> No.3255480

Syphon Filter had pretty good gunplay mechanics. You had the option for lock-on auto aim but could use manual aim and shot placement actually mattered to a degree because some enemies have body armor. Gunplay in MGS feels so mindless when you can't aim.

>> No.3255495

Mgs1 was way better than its (not retro) sequels. Very gimmicky game tho. But you do feel like a badass motherfucker if you pull shit off stealthily. Tranq gun / 1st person shooting ruined 2/3.

>> No.3255530

All your complaints are invalid because if you're aiming for the best ranks, you're hardly ever going to be engaging in battle.

>> No.3255760


I just played it two years ago and it's one of my top 3 favorite games, so your "aged badly" argument is bullshit. It's okay if you don't like it, though.

>> No.3255793

I can see where you're coming from but it's not exactly a shooter. Not that it gives the game an auto pass and the shooting is kind of awful but I can overlook it.
MGS1 is still the best game in the franchise.

>> No.3255810

My vote is for Snake Eater, but I can understand liking the clunky first game if you liked the setting.

>> No.3255848

Twin Snakes fixes all of MGS' clunkiness, but autists hate it because of the new voice actors and "zany" cutscenes.

>> No.3255875


Eh, the cutscenes were amusing but the voice acting was pretty terrible compared to the first.

>> No.3255885

OOT, just like FF7 it's nostalgia bait and nothing else.

>> No.3256130

>gamecube exclusive

>> No.3256438

"Hate" is a strong word but I don't get what the deal with FF9 is. Say what you will about the other FFs but at least they had a unique style and SOME gameplay elements to distinguish themselves. 9 does nothing new and honestly nothing well.

>> No.3256498

I'm glad /org/ guy found a workaround for the /org/ wordfilter ban.

>> No.3256505

9 blows dick. But pedos like it

>> No.3256509

Nigga I play doom without mouselook, jump or high-res all the time. I enjoy it, most people think it's aged as fuck. Different people think different things

>> No.3256571

And there you have the reason for the shitposting. Sonyggers are subhuman twats

>> No.3256586

Well I'm a sonygger and there are many superior Nintendo remakes of Sony classics (Resident Evil, Klonoa etc.) Twin Snakes just isn't one of them.

>> No.3259945

nice joke

>> No.3259951

FF7 was a straight rehash of FF6

FF9 was meant to be a throwback

>> No.3260226

No OP, you're in good company here.

>> No.3260260

>a series with cyborg ninjas, GI joe super soliders, nanomachines, possessed arms & super robots

>people get triggered by zany cutscenes, parasites & body doubles

MGSfags have bizarre double standards

>> No.3261085

Like the multi-whip in Castlevania 4, you don't need to use the 1st-person aiming in TS. Everything about the game is an improvement over the PSX version.

>> No.3261089


but muh over the top action cutscenes that were directed by Kojima's favorite japanese movie director

>> No.3261108

Dunno why, but laughed aloud.

>> No.3261141
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>> No.3261192

I am as big of a Nintendo fanboy as they come but twin snakes was inferior to the original in every way except for graphics.

First person shooting ruined the challenge of the ocelot fight.

The voice acting was bad.

The added mechanics aren't needed.

Arguing that Twin Snakes is a good remake is on par with arguing that the PS1 chrono trigger port was good.

>> No.3261202

>First person shooting ruined the challenge of the ocelot fight.
u wot m8? Ocelot is easy. Run towards him, get him when you double back. Repeat.

>> No.3261207

Also, I wouldn't say "hate", but I think that the Crash Bandicoot games are just above mediocre. They aren't overrated by most people but I do not understand the hard-on /vr/ has for the games.

>> No.3261210

The VA wasn't bad, just different, admit it.

>> No.3261212

If you think he's easy in MGS1 you should play TS. Literally strafe and shoot for ten seconds.

There are Mario 64 bosses harder than him.

>> No.3261217

>Crash Bandicoot games are just above mediocre.

Crash came and went, and deserves to stay gone.

Hipsters though have been trying to make him a thing again the past two years. Looks like it might happen but I bet it's just gonna come and go again like a fad.

>> No.3261219

dont forget the mgs2 mechanics did not fit at all for the way mgs1 is meant to be played

>> No.3261220

Liquid on top of the Rex can be stunlocked with rhythmic fisting.

>> No.3261230

>hurrdurr muh aiming
Don't like it? Don't use it.

>> No.3261284

your mom can be stunlocked with rhythmic fisting

>> No.3261287
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>your mom

>> No.3261294

I fuck your mom she suck my dick

>> No.3261296

I'm not

>> No.3261298
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>your mom

>> No.3261304

By bad do you mean not fps? shooting a gun in the game is supposed to be difficult because the guns are tools in the game not fucking the whole point of the game.

>> No.3261310

It'll work until it doesn't.

>> No.3261324

Then he'll I'll just come up with something else.

>> No.3261334
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will be watching.

>> No.3261343

>Resident Evil

it was also on Saturn, it's a Capcom game.

>> No.3261349

Should have been a movie.

>> No.3261354

Soon it will be courtesy of Kurt "GunKata" Wimmer, then people will be saying it should have stayed a game.

>> No.3261390

As long as the movie is done even decently and is split into a two parter if need be(and probably should) I can't see a way for it to be a worse experience than the game. They'd have to mess it up pretty badly, even by normal standards.

If MGS didn't have a story the game would have flopped hard and people would laugh at the thought of it being a classic. The gameplay is mediocre on a good day and filler before the next custscene on a bad day. Since the plot heavily outweighs basically every other component in the game, a movie would have been the better choice, since that's a lot better at delivering plot. With good actors and film editing watching Snake sneak around and choke baddies out would be twice as satisfying as doing it yourself with the game's clunky controls, overall mediocre gameplay, and the PS1's graphical limitations(though that was a limitation of the time period).

I'm saying all this and usually I don't even like movies. MGS would have been great as a movie.

>> No.3261398

Please god no
It was already a cinematic experience
(Featuring cd quality sound)
They better not goddamnit

>> No.3261462

>supposed to be difficult
Then why can you aim guns in the later games?
And the point about not having to use guns goes out of the window because the game has forced action sequences. The gunplay was alright for PS1 era, but today it's clunky and doesn't feel like it rewards skill.
As far as stealth goes, it's really primitive too compared to MGS3.

>> No.3261638

please, play to the third on GC, you will not said "only you hate"

>> No.3261661

into the trash it goes

>> No.3261667

Did you hear? The autists have decided you're an underaged asshole piece of crap if you don't use "PSX"

>> No.3261686

Best installation of the series before 5, m8.
Irregardless, I don't think MGS1 is a bad game, just kinda lacking these days.

>> No.3261718

>Best installation of the series before 5, m8.

Twin Snakes > MGS2 > Peace Walker > MGS > MGS4 > MGS3

>> No.3261767

What the h*ck are you saying. Watch your language.

>> No.3262491

a surveillance camera?

>> No.3262562

>gunplay is bad
You can almost beat this game entirely without guns. The only thing that stops me is being lazy and not caring enough to use more than one session to do a playthrough.

>> No.3263098

And the bosses. And the three snipers on the comm towers. And the two encounters with groups of enemies on elevators.

>> No.3263191

>And the bosses.

You can beat Ocelot by planting C4s.

There is no gunplay against the tank.

You literally have to beat the ninja with your bare hands.

And it's faster do to so with Mantis.

PSG1's aiming didn't change much through the series and it's nothing worth criticizing about, except for the forced crouch.

>And the three snipers on the comm towers.

You can literally avoid their shots, make your way through the door on the left and they disappear like magic.

Hind: what I said about the PSG1 applies to the Stinger.

>And the two encounters with groups of enemies on elevators.

In such a cramped space a simple FAMAS spraying gets the job done, but you can cheat spamming Claymores out the ass or singlehandedly breaking each neck, or use them as meat shields for incoming fire.

Raven: you're meant to use your OP weapons such as Nikita, Stinger and some Claymores, all of which are not gunplay and didn't really evolve in the series.

MG-REX: Do I have to explain this?

Liquid: Bare handed fight.

Jeep: well, you can even aim in first person, and you can spend all the time aiming at Liquid and all he will ever do is just dodge without pulling a single trigger on his FAMAS.
For these much people calling MGS1 a movie (not you) and wimp about it starting the "games are interactive movies" meme, there are a lot of casuals who can't even get invested in half the gameplay.

>> No.3263934

Fair enough, you have provided good arguments.

>> No.3263945

I'm not a sonygger, but I'm not buying the Gamecube for one game.

>> No.3263952

>one game

F-Zero GX
Wario World
Metroid Prime
Smash Bros Melee

>> No.3263960


b-b-b-but nintendo 1st party doesn't count.

REmake was a non-Nintendo system seller.

>> No.3263971

Yeah, but it got an HD remake on computer, so you don't need a Cube for it anymore.

>> No.3266984


>> No.3267001
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>> No.3269907 [DELETED] 


>> No.3272037


>> No.3273998


>> No.3274076

>new gameplay that doesn't fit and ruins everything
>fixing shit
You're a retard.

>it has fantastic things, so everything goes!

And you're his twin.

Are you from the project "les efants retaurd"?

>> No.3274084

I don't hate it, but I do believe a lot of the 'groundbreaking' introductions of stealth factors like the puddle, snow, etc are like movie previews in that you think you'll get a lot more of it than you really do. Another insane paradox is that the radar gives you the same view you already see but with better information, which means that all the efforts made to preserve the graphical fidelity of the main screen are lost by requiring you to always pay attention to a small quadrant.

>> No.3274931

Mad Sonygger that he'll NEVER EVER get Twin Snakes on playstation.

>> No.3276410


>> No.3276417

Play on Hard?
Back to /v/ please.

>> No.3276438

MGS was always terrible. It was part of the "style over substance" era of gaming that began in the mid-90s, and MGS was more like a movie than an actual fucking game, with its "game" part being poorly done garbage with shit controls and an excuse to get to the next overblown shitty "cinematic" part.

Funny how just a few years prior gaming was LAUGHING AT FUCKING FMV CINEMATIC BULLSHIT IN GAMES. Oh, but now that it's done in-engine, it's suddenly okay.

Fuck gaming past the mid-90s. Again, /vr/ should be PRE-1995 ONLY. Take your MGS garbage to /v/.

>> No.3276456

no radar on hard mate. but you can cheese the game easy enough by just shooting the enemies with your silenced pistol

>> No.3276474

>people hate on twin snakes due to 'added abilities make the game too easy'
>meanwhile mgs3 is their favorite when mgs3 gives you,
-OP camo
-OP knife + cqc
-You're basically a bullet sponge
-Can play thru extreme just shooting your way thru

Face it nerds MGS1 + VR missions is the best

>> No.3276496

>mfw people don't call it the PS
>mfw no face

Where did the PSX and PS1 come out of?

>> No.3276506

Not all games after the mid-90's turned into that. You're excluding 3D platformers like Crash, Spyro, and Glover. And those overhead view controls for MGS1 were based off of Metal Gear 8-bit controls. Put all that resentment on MGS3 Subsistence.

>> No.3276509

>he wasnt alive during the 90s

>> No.3276531

The PSX was the prototype name of the PlayStation, but was later used as the name of an actual PS2 model with digital video recording capabilities and had an early version of the Cross Media Bar (the same OS used by the PSP and PS3). Hence why you have all these aspies triggered over the proper use of the PSX.

PS1 is just a convenient retronym to distinguish the original PlayStation from its successors and the PS brand in general. Its partially derived from the PS one, the smaller redesigned version of the original PlayStation that came late during its lifespan.

>> No.3276810


>> No.3276850

>best installation

juts soem 3rd worlder

>> No.3276858
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Guys, please keep this thread on topic.

>> No.3277475

RE 0 though

>> No.3277601


>> No.3278548

You aren't the only one. I played thief before I played mgs and felt like a big step backwards. Awkward camera angles, third person stealth bs, that shitty psx distorted texture mapping, etc. Had a lot more fun with thief.

>> No.3279151
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