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File: 221 KB, 1024x576, 1464650519249[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3256178 No.3256178 [Reply] [Original]

So far the remake seems to take place in a very generic looking city filled only with shades of Grey. And Cloud's sword seems to have gotten bigger and shinier for some reason.

>> No.3256184 [DELETED] 


Janitors are morons. They see modern graphics and instantly hit delete button. Twin Snakes threads have the same problem.

>> No.3256212
File: 151 KB, 1671x897, final-fantasy-vii-remake-barret-midgar-slums-ingame-cinematic-ps4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These lame Biker-Dad glasses trigger me more than anything they will do in the remake.

It's not even about the glasses, its the style they chose for the glasses. Fucking japs.

>> No.3256220


>sunglasses at night
>makign him Blade instead of Mr. T

>> No.3256236
File: 20 KB, 255x298, 4623255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats beacuse the FF7 remake IS a modern game to be released on the PS4.
>see sticky post for rules

>> No.3256237

That tattoo looks like shit too.

>Turbo flames

>> No.3256252


Remakes are on topic, regardless of when they are produced.

>> No.3256282

Where the hell are the brick roads

>> No.3256284

Remakes and ports are allowed and this game definitely is a remake.

>> No.3256292

The look of the remake doesn't work, and it doesn't understand the appeal of the original. You have this hyper realistic looking world, and then you have this ridiculous anime character with a giant sword walking around. Cloud doesn't fit in this world at all. I just find the hyper realism just utterly boring in modern square games. They're focusing so much on trying to copy reality they forget to create a vibrant interesting world people want to escape to.

And from what we've seen, New Midgar is boring as hell. I don't care what's around the next corner, since it's just a generic big city.

Midgar was not grey. It had lots of color. Granted, we didn't get a huge look at the top level, and spent most of the time in the slums.

>> No.3256293

but it makes me uncomfortable! this is supposed to be a safe space!

>> No.3256301

Nigger are you really gonna nitpick early pieces of promotional material?

>> No.3256304

>You have this hyper realistic looking world, and then you have this ridiculous anime character with a giant sword walking around.
The original was even worse about clashing art styles. The CGI just aged poorly.

>> No.3256310


The art style is consistent. Or do you mean technology? The world is pretty stylized anime. Very much looks like cyberpunk anime films/OVA of that era.

>> No.3256313

ok my bad i didn't realize

>> No.3256320
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1464651725119[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The CGI just aged poorly.

It's a gorgeous world. I would have loved to see this in HD quality.

>> No.3256324

The art style is pretty consistent with the original. I'd imagine this is what ff7 would've looked like back then if they had the tech. I for one look forward to the release. It's going to be incredible exploring a fully realized Midgar.

>> No.3256341
File: 89 KB, 320x240, midgar3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The art style is pretty consistent with the original. I'd imagine this is what ff7 would've looked like back then if they had the tech.

The Remake tries to look like the real world. Everything is grey.

The original tried to look like anime. Lots of color.

>> No.3256361
File: 88 KB, 1600x558, buy-batteries-from-the-junk-collector-in[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even ruined areas are pretty interesting and have more color than the streets of Remake Midgar.

Watch the first 5-10 minutes of episode of of Bubblegum Crisis. That's Midgar.

>> No.3256372

the combat is like dark souls so its gonna be awesome. stop whining

>> No.3256380

Did they actually say that? Or are you just saying it is because it too is an ARPG, and you think that means they are the same?

>> No.3256383


Combat is going to be like FF15. Button mashing and no depth.

Moving around in battle is fine, and where jrpgs should go. Menu battles were always an abstraction. But the execution in FF15 is to be left desired.

>> No.3256401
File: 10 KB, 480x360, asccsacas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what were the cinematics trying to be? Awfully a lot more realistic than in game shit.

>> No.3256408


Still very heavy anime with lots of stylization. If the game looked like the CGI custenes I wouldn't mind.

They dropped the anime stylization after the original and every remake/sequel has aimed for realism which is boring.

>> No.3256413 [DELETED] 




>> No.3256421

The combat is going to be like Kingdom Hearts trying to be like Devil May Cry in all likelihood

Take that as you will

>> No.3256426


Square can't do good combat. It's all button-mashy and watch your character steam roll through enemies and do cool animations. There's no tension.

FF15 is all pretty boy models manhandling soldiers with ease.

>> No.3256453

Like I said, it's going to be a like watching somebody else play Devil May Cry whenever you push the right button. Cloud just runs out and auto-combos his ass off.

Actually no I change my mind, now that I think about it Cloud's set of limit breaks are perfect for an action game.

Every time Tifa uses hers it turns into a rhythm game where each link is dependent on pressing the button with the right timing

Barret has you aiming in first person firing shots until you exhaust your ammo

shit could work

>> No.3256456

>FF15 is all pretty boy models manhandling soldiers with ease.

Oh does your dad work for Squeenix? You played it already?

>> No.3256469

This game has no hope because it's an action game. They should've just stuck to their own franchise rules and made a Kingdom Hearts spinoff or something if they wanted a game like this so badly.

Predicting a 6 or 7/10 when it should've been a free, easymode 9.5+/10 just for updating the graphics and putting zero other effort in. You cannot possibly mess this up unless you try like this. But because they insist on stupid shit, we're going to have another Starfox Zero situation.

>> No.3256472

will FF XV bomb?

>> No.3256474

Just got done playing a remake of another old classic and yeah, it's gonna suck. It'll be all show and no substance.

>> No.3256480

Original or 2040? ;)

>> No.3256520

That looks like shit

>> No.3256524

I didn't know Bubblegum Crisis invented cyberpunk.

>> No.3256676

>will FF XV bomb?

It's been in development so long, I can't see it making money. They likely are making FFVII remake just to recoop loses. It uses the same engine and battle system.


2014 doesn't exist.


It's an example of anime 80's cyberpunk, which FF7 takes a lot from. Bubblegum Crisis borrows heavily from Blade Runner and Streets of Fire. The remake has none of that. Midgar is a bland pretty modern city.

>> No.3256681

An action game remake of FF7 isn't going to nullify the existence of the original

>> No.3257726

They were better off with a FF8 remake, it doesn't look bad in the least, but it gives me more Deling vibes than Midgar.

>> No.3259037

>but it gives me more Deling vibes than Midgar.

Exactly. This doesn't look like Midgar. Even the top section which we didn't see much of. The architecture is totally different. It's very European.

>> No.3259073

Shit like the crossdressing and the other goofy comedy elements might end up looking retarded and not working at all if they try to include it.

>> No.3259098

It's going to be shit and less of a remake and more of a "reimagining" ala Zelda a link between worlds. You can't change the core gameplay and level design and call it a remake. You can add new areas and update mechanics to current standards ala pokemon remakes but not alter the base design.

>> No.3259101

FF15 will make money hand over fist, Japan is pissing themselves in anticipation and something like 85% of FF sales come from there.

Also, it's recoup losses and the P is silent so I hope you haven't been saying it like that out loud.

>> No.3259102
File: 56 KB, 340x341, Blade retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3259109

>the P is silent
No it's not.

>> No.3259138


>It's been in development so long, I can't see it making money.

that's what I was thinking. no amount of sales will ever make up for a decade of development time.

>> No.3259164


FF7 remake was seen as Square's "Get out of Financial Ruin" card.

That they're doing it is a sign of desperation. And the cause has to be FF15. Remember, this thing started as Versus-13. And 13 was released in god damn 2009.

So they've sunk all this money in 15, so they make 7 remake to be what recoops their loses.

>> No.3259176

Did you guys forget that the going for the Advent Children audience? They are the only fans that matter now, actual final fantasy 7 fans became irrelevant a long time ago.

>> No.3259184

*they are going

>> No.3259190

If he does some one-winged-angel shit again I'ma flip my dick.

>> No.3259191


Yeah, that's my conclusion too. They redid the world and design of FF7 for Advent Children. All the sequels retain that look.

>> No.3259195
File: 166 KB, 481x339, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is clearly Sector 8 of Midgar. Familiarize yourself with the source material for fuck's sake this is exactly what it's supposed to look like.

>> No.3259214

This just look at cloud he's wearing black what the hell they turned him into blonde squall.

>> No.3259216

I am the dad that works for SE faggot, also....

>not retro.

>> No.3259218
File: 45 KB, 338x176, brolly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can take almost any part of FF7 and show it to someone who's played it and they'll know exactly where it is and what's going on.

They are ruining my teenage years by remaking my FF7.

>> No.3259224

Where the fuck did you learn to pronounce it with a silent P.
I'll bet anytime you say it out loud people laugh at you.

>> No.3259228

Who gives a shit. They aren't making this game for you they are making it for the kids you'll never have and my kids. I'll play the original and they can play the remake.

>> No.3259231

My kids will play the original and only the original, preferably on an original PSX. I will literally forbid them from playing any remake, he is not allowed to see Advent Children, or Crisis Core.

>> No.3259234

The contrast between Cloud and the environments is making the former look like a manchild with a giant toy sword. It's literally too big.

>> No.3259236

>crisis core

I love action RPG's. I love FF7.
Somehow they managed to make me hate that fucking game.

The slot machine mechanic is fucking unnecessary and shitty that I couldn't force my self to play much longer than an hour of the game.

Fuck squeenix

>> No.3259242
File: 38 KB, 320x394, FFVII-MidgarZolom_Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope they make these scene as cool as possible.

>> No.3259253


>posts a picture that contradicts your post

Sector 8 looks nothing like the OP image. Granted, we didn't get a huge look of Midgar top side, but it sure as hell didn't look like that.

>> No.3259254


>Crisis Core

Materia Fusion was cool, but that game should have been on the Vita.

>> No.3259258

>They are ruining my teenage years by remaking my FF7.

Meh. The original will still exist. I just won't care for the remake.

>> No.3259262
File: 89 KB, 289x344, Cloud_Strife[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear the new sword is bigger than it used to be.

>> No.3259271

In what way specifically does Sector 8 NOT look like OP's image?

>> No.3259279

Ones in HD

>> No.3259284
File: 67 KB, 320x240, latest[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The architecture is completely different. It's a bunch of drab 4 story buildings. New has more elegant, and more European architecture. The Street lights are better looking too.

Old: looks like even the top side people aren't even that rich or well off.

New: Modern European city

>> No.3259287
File: 533 KB, 900x484, midgar_sector_8___final_fantasy_vii_rp_by_floydgilmour-d55tyql[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is fan art, but it seems to fit the original style pretty closely.

>> No.3259293

I'll never understand why people want their video games to look "real." I want my video game to look like a fucking video game, not an interactive movie.

>> No.3259317

The problem with making games with a realistic artstyle is that they will not look good in 5 years.

>> No.3259650


The problem is that they get so focused on building realistic worlds, they forget that they've made a boring as hell game.

Oh wow, it's open world and so detailed! But it's DULL.

>> No.3259672

It's a bunch of drab 4 story buildings and industrial type structures in the OP image too. The only difference is higher resolutions and higher detail. Sector 8 is literally where the most "well off" people in Midgar live but with the dreary subtext of the Mako reactor draining all the natural life energy out of everything around them.

>> No.3259724
File: 54 KB, 382x258, drab industrial .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a bunch of drab 4 story buildings and industrial type structures in the OP image too.

This is drab and industrial?

OP image looks like Tokyo with some Euro architecture mixed in. It's all rather nice. But grey/black.

From what we saw of the top area in the original, even the nice areas kind of have a Soviet Union Eastern Euro look to them. Commie blocks, with some old town squares.

>> No.3259734

Has anyone done an estimate of Midgar's population? You think the place is huge, but then you realize that you literally see the entirety of the sectors that you investigate. And you look at it from above and you can see each sector has like 20 buildings tops. An estimage of teh population would put it in the few hundreds at most.

For perspective, that wouldn't be enough people to work in Shinra Tower.

>> No.3259779

>Brightly colored characters literally yelling, "Run for your lives!"
Fucking square. Ruining my childhood. And fuck bethesda too.

>> No.3259796
File: 22 KB, 320x400, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is early to mid 20th century central/eastern European architecture. I'm sure that even if someone posted an identical building from the original Final Fantasy VII you would still find something to bitch about. You have 100% made up your mind already that it's going to be shit and you'll make whatever convoluted rationalizations necessary to keep believing it. Jesus how depressing.

>> No.3259801

>You have 100% made up your mind already that it's going to be shit

I've made up my mind because I have eyes. I'm looking at the new designs and cities and I don't like them. It's going in a completely different artistic direction. I like anime. I like cyberpunk. This isn't anime, and this isn't cyberpunk. I like that Midgar, top or bottom looked like a shit place to live in. New Midgar looks pretty damn nice actually.

>> No.3259809


>game changes designs, setting and atmosphere
>fans are not allowed to criticize it

I'm shocked you didn't use the word "entitled".

>> No.3259817

What looks nice about it? It looks like a depressing uptown area of an industrial city which is what it's always looked like. It looks like the kind of place where a pretty, sincere girl selling flowers would stand out as a singular thing of beauty.

>> No.3259824

It's certainly not changing the setting and of course the designs change as rendering and display resolutions increase. I think you're nuts that you think the atmosphere is different, especially just from a single still. Come to terms with the fact that you decided long ago to hate this game.

>> No.3259959

I'm fucking sick of remakes, I want something new!