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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 405x180, gameboy generations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3256897 No.3256897 [Reply] [Original]

Game discussion, tech questions, hardware modding, recent acquisitions, etc. Play it loud.

>> No.3257054

There were no good gameboy games before the GBA that weren't Pokemon related.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.3257057
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0/10. Troll harder.

>> No.3257063
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Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.3257064

Klonoa, ffta, and advance wars. Also, the best 2d harvest moon. If your into the mega man shit too, those were good.

>> No.3257069

>no good gameboy games before the GBA
>before the GBA

>> No.3257070
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how many GB games have you even played?

>> No.3257073
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someone write this dum-dum a list

>> No.3257095
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I meant to post my collection in the last thread, but hey this fresh new thread is even better.

>> No.3257103

>Link's Awakening
>LoZ Seasons & Ages
>Wario Land 1-3
>Metal Gear Solid (ghost babel)
>Megaman Xtreme , 2
>R-Type Deluxe
>Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
>Pocket Bomberman
>Wario Blast
>Gargoyle's Quest
>Donkey Kong Land
>Fucking Kirby
>Mole Mania
>Metroid II
>Super Mario Land 2

>> No.3257129

Survival Kids

>> No.3257164
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>post your face when Metal Gear Solid is better on a handheld than a console

>> No.3257201

Just got a GBA and GBC for $5 each. Are there any flashcarts for them? I found a GB(C) one for $88, fuck that. And I can't seem to get my Supercard miniSD (most likely fake) working on my GBA.

>> No.3257260

That's because Fukushima can write and Kojima is a talentless hack.

>> No.3257278

For GB/GBC: usb 64m smart card

For GBA: EZ Flash IV

Both run for about $40 each. you will have to use proprietary software on a PC to load ROMs onto them, but they are a lot cheaper than Everdrive.

>> No.3257343

Daily Reminder that a biverted DMG is the best Handheld ever made.

In a scale of 10 how hard is Mega Man 3?

>> No.3257364

DMG feels too bulky for me, despite it being the only Gameboy I ever owned. Bivert mod seems super cool, judging from the Youtube videos, though.

>> No.3257578

Any ideas for storing loads of games without the original boxes? I currently have them in a drawer but fuck it's awful.

>> No.3257595

Ghetto method: Buy C-cassettes and print covers for them. They'll fit inside but not snugly.
Hardcore method: Buy aftermarket plastic containers for the carts and print the boxes yourself. I did an unwrap scan of SML3: Wario Land (Japanese version), manual and all. It's not much but maybe it'll help.

>> No.3257738
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>> No.3257758
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There are significantly more good games on the game boy than there are on the shovelware advance.

I recently bought this modded dmg. I just purchased a black shell from RCG with transparent orange buttons. Hopefully it looks nice.

>> No.3257805
File: 13 KB, 234x267, Ocelot_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no 3d cutscenes
>no voice acting
>no neck snappy thing
no famalam. it's not
still 'pretty good tho'

>> No.3257832

>no 3d cutscenes
>no voice acting

Not related to gameplay. Don't be a shitter

>> No.3257847

The game is in 3d tho. and theres voice acting during the gameplay "what was that noise?" "i heard something"

>> No.3257874
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A nice, thick binder + baseball card sheets.

>> No.3257884

Hey guys, best gameboy to play G&G?
I've been thinking about GBA with frontlight

>> No.3257889

If you're gonna use a GBA, at least get a model 101 SP with for its backlight.

>> No.3257896

I've had my GBC for a long time, but I think I've only ever really played GB games on it. I think I've played like 2 or 3 actual GBC games in my life.

>> No.3257908

I have a GB Boy Colour. The backlight is great and I love playing all of my GB games on it. I own one GBC game, Bionic Commando, that's it.

>> No.3257916

I want a gb boy, but the aspect ratio is pretty off. Also it's hard to find a risk free method of obtaining one.

>> No.3257925

There's a few on eBay right now for the same price as aliexpress. If something falls through at least there you have PayPal to help you.
The aspect ratio is definitely off but it's not terrible. For the other qualities of the screen I think it's a good trade off. For me it was either that or pick up a backlit kit for the first model GBA since I can't stand the form of the SP in my hands. And price definitely won out lol

>> No.3257928
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How come I sometimes come across disgusting screenshots of GBC games like pic related but when I emulate it they look good? Color-wise I mean.

Is it because this is how the GBC was displaying those games back then? And then it got better when GBA came out perhaps? Never owned a GB or GBC, was more of a console person.

>> No.3257932

Real Colors vs GBC colors in the emulation options

>> No.3257942

could I buy a ggboy colour and do the frontlight like the sp to the game boy color?

It's just 30euro for god shake

>> No.3257958

or at least just change the case so I have the motherboard of a ggboy colour on the Gameboy color case?

>> No.3257960

I'm using Gambatte and I don't see any option resembling that.

>> No.3257963

The screens are different dimension.

Probably not.

>> No.3257964

Visual Boy Advance has the options.

>> No.3258165
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I love my biverted DMG. I've played mine for several hours this past week. It looks like a whole new screen even though it's not.

>> No.3258171

Biverted is great.

I'm thinking of going inverted red on my gbp when I mod it.

>> No.3258173

I'm tempted to pick up a GB boy just because they only cost $30, but I'm a bit apprehensive just because it's not a real Gameboy, and because the screen ratio is a bit off.

If there was a way to take a screen like the one from the GB boy and put it in a GBC I'd certainly be down for trying it but unless someone like McWill brews up a logic board that can fit inside the GBC, I don't think replacement screens are happening any time soon.

>> No.3258176
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If it's a red GBP then that would look awesome, like a handheld virtual boy.

>> No.3258217
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The GBC display tends to wash out colors. Developers realized and compensated, by using extremely saturated colors. They end up looking "normal" on a GBC, and too dark and over-saturated on the GBA display, which washes out colors less. Emulators occasionally have options to switch between the raw RGB values, and an approximation of what the GBC looked like.

>> No.3258228

>Developers realized and compensated, by using extremely saturated colors.
Oh alright, thanks for the explanation.

>> No.3258237

It actually is a red model. I was thinking of grabbing a transparent red shell and painting the inside black though.

>> No.3258238 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 334x121, shantae_palettes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since it's relevant: at least one GBC game was released after the GBA became available. The developer saw how the displays looked differently, and actually accounted for it, by providing two different sets of palettes, one for the GBC and one that's used when the game detects it's running on a GBA. It likely still looks too dark and over-saturated on a backlit GBA, because its display produces yet again different colors.

>> No.3258546

anyway to put GBA games in GBC? Like an adapter or modding it or whatever. I want to play games of GBA in my GBC or at least in a GBC case

>> No.3258558
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Nope. You can put a GBA SP inside a Ti-83 calculator though.

>> No.3258572

You can't unless you do some serious modding. It's not just a simple screen swap.

>> No.3258585

I know it will be tedious but worth it if I can.
like this in a GBC. Maybe with GBA sp batteries too. wiith the charger, it would be easy to put the batteries anywhere in the color.

>> No.3258619

>Hey guys, what are some good gameboy games?
>Fuck off faggot, not your personal google, do your own research

>No good games came out on this system, prove me wrong

How does it feel to be duped by a routine even kids use.

>> No.3258628

shit! i fell for le epic ruse! whatever shall i do

>> No.3258729

Thanks for that, I appreciate it.

>> No.3258826


Frontlit is better if for some reason you want to play it both outside and inside and can only afford one gameboy or something.

Also the colors are more accurate, but to get this accuracy you have to turn the frontlight off.

AGS-101 are great, but expensive.

>> No.3258908

Otherwise known as Cunningham's law:
>the best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer.

>> No.3259845

To that anon with the modded GBA and thinking of doing the GG mod: thanks, dude.

My modded GBA came in, and I'm slightly underwhelmed. My only other experience with playing back-lit GB/GBC games was on the GB Boy Colour, and the vibrancy and color was better on that. The modded GBA is a bit dimmer with a little more red to it. The white screens/menus/etc appear more red than on the GB Boy Colour. Is that normal?

>> No.3259893

I don't have a GB Boy Colour to compare it to so I'm not 100% sure. The AGS 101 screen on the GBA phat is said to be slightly dimmer than on a stock AGS 101 GBA SP, but most people say that it is not a big enough difference to be a problem. I don't have an AGS 101 SP to compare to.

As I recall my AGS 101 screen was a lot dimmer and somewhat discolored before I adjusted the contrast pot behind the factory sticker. It's possible that yours needs a bit of tweaking. It's not a difficult process although you have to either puncture / remove the factory sticker on the back of your GBA, or open it up. This video explains the process.


>> No.3259898

You need the correct firmware on the SD card on boot. To have the correct firmware you need to know what version you have. If you boot with the incorrect firmware the supercard will brick.

>> No.3259904

>there will never be a clamshell GBA that doesn't make your hands bleed

Feels bad, man.

>> No.3259912

The DS is the closest you'll ever get. Unfortunately the screens on the DS Phat are shit, the D-pad on the DS-lite is shit, and the DSi can't take GBA cartridges at all. Nintendo really went out of there way to make sure no model of that system had everything going for it.

>> No.3259916

Not to mention no GB(C) support on the DSLite.

>> No.3259921

That too. I don't think the DS 1 supports GBC carts either. You could get a Supercard 2 but at that point you're just emulating and there's better handhelds out there for emulation, like the PSP or one of the many Android handheld consoles coming out of China.

>> No.3259925

Believe me when I say that the vaunted DSTwo emulation is not all it's cracked up to be. I was so excited that I'd be able to play Super Mario World on the crapper and ended up having to play the GBA version with audio disabled just to get it running at full speed.

Such is life.

>> No.3259931


DS phat didn't support GB or GBC either.


I found the d-pad on the DSlite okay. It wasn't top-tier like the SP but I found it pretty comparable to the OG gameboys and GBC.

DSlite doesn't have native support, but emulates GB and GBC really well. The greenish, poor motion-quality of the screen really meshes well with Lameboy's "pea soup" palette for DMG stuff. I use Gameyob for GBC because while it lacks a pea-soup palette, it keeps the sound playing during fast-forward which helps keep the ambiance going for grindy stuff like pokemon and dragon warrior monsters.

DSi s are a little more repairable, since the shoulder buttons aren't soldered to the motherboard anymore, you can get replacement parts. You lose the ability to play GBA games but I prefer to play those on my AGS-101 anyways.

>> No.3259964

When I eventually pick up an DS I'm planning on getting a DSi since I prefer playing my cartridges on their native systems. GB games on my backlit DMG, GBC games on my frontlit GBC, and GBA games on my backlit AGB001. From what I understand the DSi has slightly bigger screens than the DS Lite and has a better D-pad. I'll likely end up buying a Supercard Two for it although the emulators will probably be more novelty for me than an actual substitute for my gameboys.

>> No.3259974

Believe me, they will be. The GB(C) emulators aren't all that bad, but anything else is just terrible. Worse than a hacked PSP terrible.

>> No.3259982
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>> No.3259990


Even at full speed, NES, SNES, Genesis etc emulation all suck because the screen resolution is too low. Not worth it.

And I mean I guess you're using "original hardware" but you've already moved away from that by front/backlighting them. You're already getting a very different experience then with the original hardware as it left the factory.

>> No.3259996
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When it comes to having illuminated screens I could care less about having the "authentic experience." I'll probably end up having to have eye surgery 10 years sooner thanks to all the hundreds of hours I spent in my youth with those awful Gameboy screens. Fuck you Nintendo.

>> No.3260043

best place for gameboy color lens??

>> No.3260073

That's neat, isn't the opposite true for GBA.
They made the colors pale to see better

>> No.3260076

shit man, you literally just had to crop out the bottom half of the picture
why do you keep doing this shit?

>> No.3260079

Handheld legend or eBay, as long as it's made of glass. If it's glass they're probably all the same manufacturer anyway. If it's plastic then some are better than others, but you should just buy glass. It's classier, has less glare, resists scratches like a boss and only costs you like $2 more than plastic.

>> No.3260265

Had one of those. Didn't really help much.

>> No.3260310

>The white screens/menus/etc appear more red than on the GB Boy Colour. Is that normal?
Yes. The gbc doesn't display color saturation correctly, so the colors in game are over saturated to compensate. You're just seeing the colors as they are programmed on the gba.

>> No.3260441

just skip the DS and get a 3DS.

Emulators are great and it plays DS games too.

>> No.3260478

>The AGS 101 screen on the GBA phat is said to be slightly dimmer than on a stock AGS 101 GBA SP

That's really interesting. When I had the SP I always had it on the lower screen setting because the higher hurt my eyes, but I feel like it still was a bit brighter than on the AGB now. It's *slightly* dimmer than the GB Boy Colour, but enough for me to notice a difference.

>As I recall my AGS 101 screen was a lot dimmer and somewhat discolored before I adjusted the contrast pot behind the factory sticker. It's possible that yours needs a bit of tweaking. It's not a difficult process although you have to either puncture / remove the factory sticker on the back of your GBA, or open it up.

Awesome! Thanks! I'll try that. The modder said I can adjust the brightness; is it really as easy and turning something? Also, I'll try adjusting the color; the screen is a bit warmer than the same game on other devices.

>> No.3260489

>I found the d-pad on the DSlite okay. It wasn't top-tier like the SP but I found it pretty comparable to the OG gameboys and GBC.

It's not the best, but it gets the job done. Agree that it's better than the SP. The 3DS d-pads are so great, though.

>> No.3260508

I'm talking about the GB Boy Colour, which is a Chinese knockoff. Do they display the colors the same as original GBCs?
Despite the stretched screen, the GB Boy Colour shows GB/C games better than my backlit-modded AGB.

>> No.3260556

Same with the gb boy colour I presume

>> No.3260621

somewhat. The GBA just has a better screen than the GBC. Developers that used the old adjustments found their games to end up too dark and over-saturated. So they simply dialed back the correction. That's why quite a few launch games are too dark, and later games end up looking better

>> No.3260698
File: 2.13 MB, 1936x2592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the 3D effect when playing game boy games in perfect pixel mode.

>> No.3260707

Me too, anon. You should take an actual screenshot though.

>> No.3260720

>perfect pixel mode
You have no idea what you're saying, do you?

>> No.3260905


Okay, watched the video. Thanks, anon. Will turn it tonight. How far should I turn it before testing it with a game? 1/4 clockwise?

Also, that same pot adjusts the brightness AND the temperature/coloration in one turn? Seems weird that it'll adjust both at the same time.

>> No.3261059

I prefer to adjust it while the system is turned on with a game insterted. I was using a new housing and simply opted to leave the sticker off until I got the results I wanted, although I would say it's worth poking a hole in the sticker to get the results just right, and replacement stickers are easy to find anyway.

You only want to turn it a tiny bit at a time, like moving from 1 o' clock to 2 o'clock. If I recall, clockwise increases voltage and counterclockwise decreases. You should use a bright, colorful startup screen like the one from Mario Kart as your test image, since you can easily see how all the different colors will look at at any given voltage.

>> No.3262454

Turned the pot a full rotation clockwise, didn't really late much of a difference. Ah, well.

>> No.3262476

Do you?

>> No.3262582

I'm surprised. Did you by chance try turning it counterclockwise too? If it's turned too far clockwise it might have the opposite of the intended effect and make the screen start looking dim. In my case I also needed to let it run for a few moments after adjusting the pot to see what kind of effect each tweak was actually having, because it would sometimes look perfect after just a little tweak but then go dim again after running for a few seconds, and when I turned it too far the screen looked dim again so I had to go backwards. Eventually I got it just right.

And something I didn't consider, is that i have a 32 pin GBA. The way the voltage regulator on the 40 pin GBA works might be slightly different and I don't know which model you have.

>> No.3262585

Also I hope you turned the pot back after turning it a full clockwise rotation, since that's very far from the stock voltage and could harm your GBA's screen if it's left that way.

>> No.3262984

Yeah, I have the 32-pin. Turned it back counterclockwise a fourth of a rotation before closing it back up. There was a pretty minimal difference. I tried turning it with the back on, but the screwdriver wouldn't fit all the way in, so I had no choice but to remove the back and turn it back on after turning it.

>> No.3263106

Where to find a gameboy? eBay and shit all are crazy with the prices here... I just want one to play around a bit and then gut it for a rpi mod...

>> No.3263126

Tough to say. I paid $40 for mine on eBay and it came with a nice case and was in good condition aside from some dead lines. If you can find one with dead lines and are confident enough to fix them, then it will work fine.

If you are looking for one to gut for an RPi mod you have better options than to gut a real one, unless you find a broken one. There are tons of reproduction DMG housings avaialble, as well as circuit boards made specifically for RPi mods. You can also get reproduction buttons and rubber contacts. There's really nothing that the actual Gameboy hardware has that you really need for an Rpi mod, so unless you find a steal on a broken unit that's beyond repair I wouldn't use a real DMG.

>> No.3263145

Gargoyle's Quest and Survival Kids alone would be reason enough to own a GB. Fish Dude was also a hell of a lot of fun. Dr. Mario on the go back then? Are you kidding me? There's some good monochromatic shit out there. just look for it.

>> No.3263148

>then gut it for a rpi mod...

Get the fuck out.
Save the rpi mods for a broken gameboy with no hope of repair.

>> No.3263151

I just throw all of mine into a Fallout 3 lunchbox. That way they all hide in plain sight on one of my knick knack shelves near the living room TV.

>> No.3263428

Tbh I already ordered a case and a bunch of other shit from China to do the rpi mod.
The only things I'm missing are the connectors for audio out, speaker and stuff like the on off switch and audio dial. I guess I'll be looking out for a broken gameboy then.

>> No.3263485

They make logic boards for that retarded project now. Leave the gameboys alone.

>> No.3263595

I have a gameboy that almost always displays a garbled Nintendo text when it starts up. This prevents any game from loading.

This happens even if there is no cartridge inserted.

I am told that this is caused by dirty contacts.
I can take apart the gameboy but the cartridge slot opening is still too small to fit a cotton swab inside so I can't clean it.

What should I do?

>> No.3263630

There shouldn't be a nintendo logo, glitchy or not, displaying if there is no game inserted

>> No.3263637
File: 302 KB, 500x500, drunkwario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which *Boy Wario game do you all like the most?

>> No.3263651

I know about the kitch bent or whatever board for the front buttons. What else is there?

>> No.3263697

VBWL a best
1 gives me a super nostalgia boner
2 is wonderful
i never played 3

>> No.3264563

Where can I find a good template for printing cassette J-cards?

>> No.3264665

3's kinda eh. The game has a very slow start, but tons of shit to collect, if you're into that kinda stuff.

WL4 is Wario: Gotta Go Fast Edition.

>> No.3264672

enough to recognize that the phrase is jumbled, and it's quite difficult to jumble it. Makes me question the anon understands the meaning

>> No.3264678

>This prevents any game from loading.
it's a symptom, not a cause. The Nintendo logo is stored on the cart. If the cart can't be read, the logo is fucked

>This happens even if there is no cartridge inserted.
I suppose "garbled" here means "all black"

>> No.3264718

3 is deeply puzzle oriented and takes place in a quite interesting setting. It kinda sucks in the beginning where you start off really limited, but as you progress you learn new skills and the gameplay gets really complex. I like how you are given a choice as to which treasure you'll be going for next and how each treasure you find interacts with the stages, modifying the scenery and revealing new paths to explore. It really makes you feel like you're going for an adventure.

>> No.3265294

I simply got a pre-existing J-card and took its dimensions with a ruler. After all, it's just a rectangle with crease lines.
I'm sure there are templates online somewhere though

>> No.3265385
File: 128 KB, 400x240, WVW69jQxs2ov7S_J_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that was jargon they came up with for their snes virtual console.
I don't know if the GB version has a fancy name.

>> No.3265407

Nice postage stamp.

>> No.3265581
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Get better eyes turbo nerd.

>> No.3265674
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I keep mine in a wooden box, but I'm making these to keep things organized.
It depends on how you want to store them or what space do you have available.
If you want to display them in a shelf, I'd go for the >>3257595 method.

>> No.3265790


Nice washed out colors.

>> No.3265791


lol you're kind of a gay person

>> No.3265798

Thanks bro

>> No.3265806

Aren't we all?

>> No.3265810

Speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.3266194

>jargon they came up with for their snes virtual console
the what now? That phrase is ancient
>An image where the number of pixels is the same as in the image source and where the pixels are perfectly aligned to the pixels in the source is said to be pixel perfect.

>> No.3266354

It's okay anon, nobody's judging. Besides, being bi is the patrician's choice anyways.

>> No.3266458
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How could i make one of these?

>> No.3266590
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Very carefully.

>> No.3267012

Yes I mean all black when the gameboy is empty and garbled when game is inserted.

Also I want to clean the screen. I used rubbing alcohol but it leaves streaks.
How can I clean it without leaving streaks or corrosion?

>> No.3267117


Oddly enough, I have been craving cock lately...

>> No.3267120

I got a cock for you right here big boy
>Unzips penis

>> No.3267149

That's for those shitty raspberry pi mods. It's only an SD card reader adapter. It won't work on a standard gameboy.

>> No.3267184


>unzips penis

That must hurt.

>> No.3267197
File: 64 KB, 481x640, StickyFingers_ASB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267204


lol got me there

>> No.3267380

Is there any hang-up in using a super gameboy 2 with all NTSC gear?

>> No.3267385


>> No.3267410


>> No.3267412

Anyone have Dark Arena for the GBA? I've been trying to find a scan of the manual for a long time.

>> No.3267423

Why is the Gameboy Micro so expensive?

Did an e-celebrity do a meme video about them or what?

>> No.3267427


And it's not even the best Advance.

>> No.3267439

I'm an SP man myself but I just ask because I checked on Amazon for a friend who wanted one and they're like $100-200 depending on condition. Even a NiB DS is cheaper than that!

>> No.3267490

how do you feel about using cheat devices on your game boys and advances?

>> No.3267514



>> No.3267521

Would be if it could play GB/C games normally.

>> No.3267527


Back-lit AGB is best.

>> No.3267537

I'd agree to that if the 101 screens didn't have the ghosting issue. Personally my favorite way to play GB/C/A games as of now is my 2DS

>> No.3267541


huge faggot

>> No.3267816
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I want to purchase a Gameboy, but I don't know which one to buy. I own the classic/original but don't want to do any hardcore gaming on it for a variety of reasons.

I was thinking about picking up a Gameboy Light from Japan, or a classic Gameboy Color.

I was also looking at the SP, just because... Angled screen, backlighting, etc.

>> No.3267826
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Is there any drawback to using the Super Gameboy to play GB games? Like lag.

>> No.3267835

No it just looks like shit and the GameCube one is way better

>> No.3267859

It's actually a little faster than a regular gameboy, so not hardware accurate. The Super Gameboy 2 is apparently perfect though.

>> No.3267864

I heard the Gamecube one was even worse.

>> No.3267868

With the homebrew software it's way better, it can force 240p and has hardware accurate speed. And it plays GBA games, big bonus for most people.

>> No.3267879


If you're playing at home just bite the bullet and get a Gamecube and Gameboy Player (or a Super Gameboy if you're a cheapo and already have a SNES).

Gameboy games are -way- more playable and enjoyable on a TV, with a classic GBA as a controller. I play the fuck out of Advance Wars 2 and the Mega Man Zero series on my TV.

>> No.3268535

I'd like to, but I don't have component cables for the GameCube, so I can't get good picture on a modern TV.

>> No.3268570

Yeah, I mean you could import a pal gamecube, get some scart cords and a line doubler, but that and the sd card adapter you'd need for the homebrew launcher makes it a bit of a ridiculous amount of effort and money.

>> No.3268859

You probably just want to go with a later model Gameboy SP.

>> No.3268884

Whats the best system to play GB and CGB on?

Is the the SP? Someone said the model numbers are critical to getting the right one

>> No.3268960

>Whats the best system to play GB and CGB on?
GBC, unmodded, outside

>> No.3268965

The SP by far.

>> No.3269053


AGS-101 if you'd like to see what's going on on-screen. Cart sticking out the bottom is a little annoying though. Colors are slightly inaccurate (oversaturated, red shifted) but the nice screen is worth it. This is my choice these days.

AGS-001 you get accurate color with the frontlight off. With the frontlight on everything is blue-shifted and glare-y, but it's kind of "authentic" to the experience of using a worm light back in the day.

AGB-001 The cart no longer pokes you in the hands, but no frontlight/backlight options on unmodded systems. Not clamshell like the SP so the screen gets scratched quicker. This one is the favorite of ogre-hands people.

GB Light is pretty good I hear but can't play cgb-exclusive games (crystal, mario deluxe, etc) and has no color screen.

You can find modded GBC with frontlights added, these are pretty expensive if you want the mod actually done *well*, without that annoying side-glare or stupid bubbles everywhere. You can also do it yourself for cheap, but there's a good chance you'll ruin the screen/shitty bubbles everywhere etc.

I keep the original hardware around for nostalgia/accuracy checks and mostly play everything on my Super Gameboy or AGS-101.

>> No.3269063

>if you'd like to see what's going on on-screen
This meme needs to fucking die

>> No.3269121

Because nobody wanted them.
The time when they were dirt cheap because of low demand passed and now we're into super expensive because hardly anyone has any.

>> No.3269182

That depends on what experience you're looking for. I would say that the best Gameboy all around is an AGS101 screen modded AGB001. However, when it comes to GB games, I'd rather play them on my biverted DMG, and I still enjoy playing GBC games on my frontlit GBC.

If you can only see yourself having one GB, I'd say go with either a backlit AGB 001, or an AGS 101 SP. If you don't mind the idea of having more than one, then either a biverted DMG or a biverted GBP is generally the best choice for playing original GB games. GBC is kind of the easiest one to skip, however I really like mine.

>> No.3269187

Yeah, get a Super Gameboy 2 if you can. It's not very expensive and it works better. The only catches are that you have to cut out the region tabs on your SNES (but that's not very hard) and if you're a PAL user you will have to deal with whatever usual difficulties you must endure going from one region SNES to another.

>> No.3269332
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AGS-001's screen is perfectly fine for gb/c games, and only few not-retro games are hard to see due them being incredibly dark

>> No.3269579

>t and get a Gamecube and Gameboy Player (or a Super Gameboy if you're a cheapo and already have a SNES).

You just ruined the screen forever, moron.

>> No.3269623

Thanks guys. Currently i have a 1st gen GB and 3 CGB (so hell i may even try doing a frontlight mod to one of them) Would a worm light be the cheapest current option? I dont plan on playing any GBA games, as I never owned one growing up so there's no desire to get any now, but Ill keep an eye out for an AGS-101/101 SP via CL or garage sales

>> No.3269628

worm lights aren't mods. They're cheap and useful though

>> No.3269638

A worm light works okay and it's cheap. However, a frontlight mod works better.

>> No.3269659

>a frontlight mod works better
I'd never add a front light to a GBC. The most I'd ever do to one is replacing the lens with an anti-glare glass one

>> No.3269746

I know its not a mod, its just a cheap easy option.
sounds interesting if it could work

>> No.3269868

I've put a frontlight in one of my GBC's before, and if you bother doing it, you should definitely do the loca method where you put that crap between the light panel and the screen, the colors wash out to almost nothing otherwise.

>> No.3269894

Why are all GBC screen mods frontlit and not backlit? I want a backlit GBC, but won't that drain the batteries faster?

>> No.3270016

What's a good source for GBA cartridges? IRL gaymen stores or online?

>> No.3270181

It's impossible to backlight a GBC because the reflective material is sealed inside of the glass along with the liquid crystal panel. The reason it's possible to backlight the GB and GBP is because with those systems, the reflective material is literally just a sticker on the back of the glass and you can peel it off to replace with a backlight panel.

Backlight and front light makes no difference in terms of battery consumption. The one exception is the Gameboy Advance-- any GBA that has the original screen will drain its battery faster than one with a backlit AGS 101 screen, because the technology Nintendo used on the reflective GBA screens was so outdated and inferior. Naturally, if you front light one of those screens, it will drain its batteries faster than a GBA with an AGS 101 screen.

>> No.3270185

Local shops are a good place to start. GBA games are very common in used game stores. My local game shops all have big buckets full of GBA games for only $1 each, although it's all licensed / tie-in crap. Beyond that there's, eBay.

>> No.3270215

So the standard GBA modded with an AGS 101 screen is the best?

>> No.3270269


>> No.3270395


Si, señor.

>> No.3270413

It's also the most expensive, for the same reason.

>> No.3270492

>Backlight and front light makes no difference in terms of battery consumption
except you need to run a backlight in all lighting conditions and turn it up brighter the brighter your environment is. Meanwhile you only need a frontlight to enhance low light conditions, and can lower its brightness, or completely turn it off in normal lighting.
That's why it was utter madness that handhelds moved to backlighting. The whole idea of trying to outshine ambient light, of discarding the outside light source and competing with it, just makes no sense at all

>> No.3270567

I want to be able to play Gameboy, GBC, and GBA games all with one unit. I can't really use an SP because it's too small for my hands.

I don't want to pay 130 dollars for a backlit GBA though.

>> No.3270579

Just use a 3ds you tard

>> No.3271191

cant play gameboy games on a 3DS you knob

>> No.3271206

emulate. You'd have to on the SP anyway

>> No.3271226

>That's why it was utter madness that handhelds moved to backlighting.
Oh boy he's back.

>> No.3271260

Nope, GBA is backwards compatible with the Gameboy, the DS is backwards compatible with the GBA, and the 3DS is backwards compatible with the DS.

As long as it doesn't do Mode-7 effects, a PSP can handle GBA no problem. It might suffer a sound desync after a long while but this is easily remedied by restarting the emulator.

>> No.3271264

>GBA is backwards compatible with the Gameboy
Micro certainly isn't, I was under the impression late SPs aren't either

>> No.3271284

The AGS 101 SPs will play GB and GBC games just fine. The only GB with no backward compatibility is the Micro.

>> No.3271286

that's a shame, oh well

>> No.3271289
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They had to ditch those components to achieve that impossibly tiny size.

>> No.3271290

I was more upset about the SP being GB compatible. I wish you GBAssholes would just leave /gg/ alone

>> No.3271295

I'm pretty sure they kept the GBC sound chip in the Micro because some games exploited it to get additional voices in their music, like Street Fighter Alpha 3. Other than that they had to strip out the rest of the GBC hardware.

>> No.3271518

Speaking of GB/C audio hardware, I was just looking at the tech specs and I noticed that the GB/C, in addition to it's own native channels, can also accept one audio channel from the cart.

Did any game every utilize this? Like how Castlevania III used the VRC6?

>> No.3271530 [DELETED] 

>in addition to it's own native channels, can also accept one audio channel from the cart
where did you read this?

>> No.3271741

The speaker in my GBC started buzzing so I'm going to replace it. Are they any better alternatives for the speaker since I'm going to be taking the thing apart anyway?

>> No.3272194

There are third party speakers that work fine as replacements, although the GBC has an inherently weak audio amp and will always be quiet. I ordered a GBAmp 3 and I'm going to give it a try-- it's supposed to make the speaker much louder.

The Sega Game Gear is still the loudest handheld I've ever played. I'd guesstimate it being 5x louder than a DMG Gameboy but that's not scientific.