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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3255370 No.3255370 [Reply] [Original]

A flawed masterpiece, and I'm still amazed that it fit on 2 floppies. Please share your best memories, strategies and bugs that hindered one of the greatest space exploration games of all time. Its like the daggerfall of space sims!

>> No.3258496
File: 20 KB, 320x200, First_encounters1_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more of an Escape Velocity guy

is this the game you are referring to OP?
is it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier:_Elite_II

did they fix its hinderances in the sequel?
pic related

>> No.3258593
File: 22 KB, 480x300, 1296-FrontierElite2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sometimes I run the game on my Dos computer with MT-32 music.

>never did figure out how to take off and fly into space though.

>> No.3259661

That looks like ffe or some other upgraded version and no first encounters sucks imho

>> No.3259664
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/vr/ you have failed me

>> No.3259758

>I'm still amazed that it fit on 2 floppies
procedural generation. Why are people "amazed" by this constantly? It's what computers are for. Games with manually created assets are the stinkers

>> No.3259772

Yeah I have the amazing memories of occasionally hyping myself up to play this fucking game and explore and shit and not being able to do that because I get fucking totally obliterated the instant I leave the starting system. Every single fucking time. I have seriously never seen anything outside the starting system in any of the Elites. How do I get good?

>> No.3259880

Jim plays gameavhas a great tutorial. It helped me, also Sharoma is a great website. I'm currently using the original UK version on dosbox. It has a wormhole bug that's pretty well mapped out on Sharoma.

>> No.3259882

Jim plays games on youtube

>> No.3259886

Well the guy who made it said its like 22k, so yeah. The physics man